def imd_playback (): global mode mode = "play" song = menu.imd_db.record(cursong) oled.clear() oled.flush() n = isnum bc = border_color y = offset for i in range(0, 12): oled.fill(0, y + i, 129, y + i+1, [bc.r - (n(bc.r) * i), bc.g - (n(bc.g) * i), bc.b - (n(bc.b) * i)]) oled.flush() oled.textbox(x = 65, y = 4, text = "Now Playing", color = black, align = 2) oled.flush() tcolor = blue oled.textbox(x = 65, y = 35, text = song.title, color = tcolor, mode = 1, align = 2) oled.flush() oled.textbox(x = 65, y = 50, text = song.artist, color = tcolor, mode = 1, align = 2) oled.flush() oled.textbox(x = 65, y = 65, text = song.album, color = tcolor, mode = 1, align = 2) oled.flush() oled.redraw() oled.flush() timer().start() return song
def menu_draw (): # Clear the frame buffer first oled.clear() oled.flush() # Draw blue bars at top and bottom of screen n = isnum bc = border_color y = offset for i in range(0, 12): oled.fill(0, y + i, 129, y + i+1, [bc.r - (n(bc.r) * i), bc.g - (n(bc.g) * i), bc.b - (n(bc.b) * i)]) oled.flush() y = 116 + offset for i in range(0, 12): oled.fill(0, y + i, 129, y + i+1, [bc.r - (n(bc.r) * i), bc.g - (n(bc.g) * i), bc.b - (n(bc.b) * i)]) oled.flush() # Show title of menu on the top blue bar that was just drawn oled.textbox(x=65, y=4,, color=[0, 0, 0], align=2) oled.flush() # Show current item index and total on bottom blue bar oled.textbox(x=65, y=119, text="%s/%s" % (curmenu.index + 1, curmenu.len), color=[0, 0, 0], align=2) oled.flush() # Redraw the counter (bottom blue bar) oled.redraw(116 + offset) for y in range(menu_start, curmenu.end, row_height): if y == curmenu.cursor: # Fill the row of the center menu item because for the selection cursor, iPod-ish style :) h = highlight_color for i in range(0, 6): oled.fill(0, y + i, 129, y + i+1, [h.r - (n(h.r) * i), h.g - (n(h.g) * i), h.b - (n(h.b) * i)]) oled.flush() i2 = 0 for i in range(6, 11): oled.fill(0, y + i, 129, y + i+1, [h.r - (10 * n(h.r)) + i2, h.g - (10 * n(h.r)) + i2, h.b - (10 * n(h.r)) + i2]) oled.flush() i2 += 1 # Also invert selected item's text color oled.textbox (x = 1, y = y + 2, text = curmenu.items[ + ((y - menu_start) / row_height)][0], color=texth_color, mode=2) else: # Plain menu items (but they might get selected later!) oled.textbox (x = 1, y = y + 2, text = curmenu.items[ + ((y - menu_start) / row_height)][0], color=text_color, mode=2) oled.flush()
def run (self): sleep(.5) while 1: if mode == "play": times = audeng.getpos() #print times sleep(.8) if times: percent_elapsed = times[0] * 1.0 / times[1] oled.fill(15, 80, 114, 90, blue) oled.flush() oled.fill(16, 81, 113, 89, black) oled.flush() y = 82 h = highlight_color n = isnum #print "bar pos: %s" % (17 + int(95 * percent_elapsed)) for i in range(0, 6): oled.fill(17, y + i, 17 + int(95 * percent_elapsed), y + i+1, [h.r - (n(h.r) * i), h.g - (n(h.g) * i), h.b - (n(h.b) * i)]) oled.flush() i2 = 0 secs = (times[0] % 600) / 10 min = (times[0] - secs * 10) / 600 oled.fill(17, 93, 114, 100, black) oled.flush() oled.textbox(x=17, y=93, text="%s:%s%s" % (min, ("0", "")[secs > 9], secs), color = blue) oled.flush() time_rem = times[1] - times[0] secs_rem = (time_rem % 600) / 10 min_rem = (time_rem - secs_rem * 10) / 600 oled.textbox(x=114, y=93, text="-%s:%s%s" % (min_rem, ("0", "")[secs_rem > 9], secs_rem), color = blue, align = 1) oled.flush() oled.redraw() oled.flush() if times[0] >= times[1]: play_next() return else: return
import oled import wifi import network import time import machine ssid = "WUSI-601" password = "******" oled.text("connecting WIFI", 0, 0) if (wifi.do_connect(ssid, password)): wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) status = wlan.ifconfig() oled.fill(0) oled.text("conneted", 0, 0) oled.text(status[0], 0, 8) else: oled.fill(0) oled.text("error", 0, 0) oled.text("not connected", 0, 8) oled.text("check ssid or pa", 0, 16) oled.text("ssword", 0, 24) time.sleep_ms(1000) import dht DHT = dht.DHT11(machine.Pin(12)) while (1): DHT.measure()