def drawFaces(x,e,faces,mode,color=None,alpha=1.0): """Draw the faces of a geometry. This function draws the faces of a geometry collection, usually of a higher dimensionality (i.c. a volume). The faces are identified by a constant indices into all element vertices. The geometry is specified by x or (x,e) The faces are specified by a list of lists. Each list defines a single face of the solid, in local vertex numbers (0..nplex-1). The faces are sorted and collected according to their plexitude before drawing them. """ GD.debug("drawFaces") # We may have faces with different plexitudes! for fac in olist.collectOnLength(faces).itervalues(): fa = asarray(fac) nplex = fa.shape[1] if e is None: coords = x[:,fa,:] elems = None else: coords = x elems = e[:,fa] GD.debug("COORDS SHAPE: %s" % str(coords.shape)) if elems is not None: GD.debug("ELEMS SHAPE: %s" % str(elems.shape)) if color is not None and color.ndim==3: GD.debug("COLOR SHAPE BEFORE EXTRACTING: %s" % str(color.shape)) # select the colors of the matching points color = color[:,fa,:] color = color.reshape((-1,)+color.shape[-2:]) GD.debug("COLOR SHAPE AFTER EXTRACTING: %s" % str(color.shape)) draw_parts(coords,elems,mode,color,alpha)
def drawFaceElems(x,faces,mode,color=None,alpha=1.0): """Draw a collection of faces. This function is like drawFaces, but the coordinates of the faces are specified by: x (nel,nplex) : the coordinates of solid elements faces (nfaces,fplex): the definition of nfaces faces of the solid, each with plexitude fplex. Each line of faces defines a single face of the solid, in local vertex numbers (0..nplex-1) """ # We may have faces with different plexitudes! for fac in olist.collectOnLength(faces).itervalues(): fa = asarray(fac) drawFaces(x[:,fa.ravel(),:],fa.shape[1],mode,color,alpha)
def drawEdges(x,e,edges,eltype,color=None): """Draw the edges of a geometry. This function draws the edges of a geometry collection, usually of a higher dimensionality (i.c. a surface or a volume). The edges are identified by constant indices into all element vertices. The geometry is specified by x or (x,e) The edges are specified by a list of lists. Each list defines a single edge of the solid, in local vertex numbers (0..nplex-1). If eltype is None, the edges are drawn as polygons. Other allowed values are: 'line3' """ pf.debug("drawEdges",pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if not type(eltype) == str: eltype = # We may have edges with different plexitudes! # We collect them according to plexitude. # But first convert to a list, so that we can call this function # with an array too (in case of a single plexitude) edges = list(edges) for edg in olist.collectOnLength(edges).itervalues(): fa = asarray(edg) nplex = fa.shape[1] if e is None: coords = x[:,fa,:] elems = None else: coords = x elems = e[:,fa] pf.debug("COORDS SHAPE: %s" % str(coords.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if elems is not None: pf.debug("ELEMS SHAPE: %s" % str(elems.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if color is not None and color.ndim==3: pf.debug("COLOR SHAPE BEFORE EXTRACTING: %s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) # select the colors of the matching points color = color[:,fa,:] pf.debug("COLOR SHAPE AFTER EXTRACTING: %s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if eltype == 'line3': if 'line3' in pf.cfg['draw/quadline']: drawQuadraticCurves(coords,elems,color) else: draw_faces(coords,elems,color,1.0,objtype=GL.GL_LINE_STRIP) else: draw_faces(coords,elems,color,1.0)
def drawFaces(x,e,faces,eltype,color=None,alpha=1.0,texture=None,texc=None,normals=None,lighting=False,avgnormals=False): """Draw the faces of a geometry. This function draws the faces of a geometry collection, usually of a higher dimensionality (i.c. a volume). The faces are identified by a constant indices into all element vertices. The geometry is specified by x or (x,e) The faces are specified by a list of lists. Each list defines a single face of the solid, in local vertex numbers (0..nplex-1). The faces are sorted and collected according to their plexitude before drawing them. """ pf.debug("drawFaces",pf.DEBUG.DRAW) # We may have faces with different plexitudes! # We collect them according to plexitude. # But first convert to a list, so that we can call this function # with an array too (in case of a single plexitude) faces = list(faces) for fac in olist.collectOnLength(faces).itervalues(): fa = asarray(fac) nplex = fa.shape[1] if e is None: coords = x[:,fa,:] elems = None else: coords = x elems = e[:,fa] pf.debug("COORDS SHAPE: %s" % str(coords.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if elems is not None: pf.debug("ELEMS SHAPE: %s" % str(elems.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if color is not None: pf.debug("COLOR SHAPE: %s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) # select the colors of the matching points if color.ndim==3: color = color[:,fa,:] pf.debug("COLOR SHAPE AFTER EXTRACTING: %s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW) if eltype in pf.cfg['draw/quadsurf'] and eltype in _nurbs_elements: #print "USING QUADSURF" drawQuadraticSurfaces(coords,elems,color) else: #print "USING POLYGON" draw_faces(coords,elems,color,alpha,texture,texc,normals,lighting,avgnormals)
def getFaces(): return olist.collectOnLength(self.faces)
def getFaces(self): return collectOnLength(self.faces)