コード例 #1
ファイル: serializers.py プロジェクト: bqbn/addons-server
    def save(self, **kwargs):
        # Take a copy of the body before the save because we pass it to
        # maybe_check_with_akismet to confirm it changed.
        pre_save_body = unicode(self.instance.body) if self.instance else None

        instance = super(RatingSerializer, self).save(**kwargs)

        request = self.context.get('request')
        maybe_check_with_akismet(request, instance, pre_save_body)
        return instance
コード例 #2
    def save(self, **kwargs):
        # Take a copy of the body before the save because we pass it to
        # maybe_check_with_akismet to confirm it changed.
        pre_save_body = unicode(self.instance.body) if self.instance else None

        instance = super(RatingSerializer, self).save(**kwargs)

        request = self.context.get('request')
        maybe_check_with_akismet(request, instance, pre_save_body)
        return instance
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_utils_.py プロジェクト: diox/olympia
def test_maybe_check_with_akismet(body, pre_save_body, user_id,
                                  user_id_resp, waffle_enabled, is_checked):
    user = user_factory(
        id=user_id, username='******' % user_id, email='%s@e' % user_id)
    rating_kw = {
        'addon': addon_factory(),
        'user': user,
        'rating': 4,
        'body': body,
        'ip_address': ''}

    if user_id_resp:
        rating_kw['user_responsible'] = (
            user if user_id_resp == user_id
            else user_factory(
                id=user_id_resp, username='******' % user_id_resp,
                email='%s@e' % user_id_resp))

    rating = Rating.objects.create(**rating_kw)
    request = RequestFactory().get('/')

    to_patch = 'olympia.ratings.utils.check_akismet_reports.delay'
    with mock.patch(to_patch) as check_akismet_reports_mock:
        with override_switch('akismet-spam-check', active=waffle_enabled):
            result = maybe_check_with_akismet(request, rating, pre_save_body)
            assert result == is_checked
            if is_checked:
                assert AkismetReport.objects.count() == 1
                assert AkismetReport.objects.count() == 0
コード例 #4
def test_maybe_check_with_akismet(body, pre_save_body, user_id,
                                  user_id_resp, waffle_enabled, is_checked):
    user = user_factory(
        id=user_id, username='******' % user_id, email='%s@e' % user_id)
    rating_kw = {
        'addon': addon_factory(),
        'user': user,
        'rating': 4,
        'body': body,
        'ip_address': ''}

    if user_id_resp:
        rating_kw['user_responsible'] = (
            user if user_id_resp == user_id
            else user_factory(
                id=user_id_resp, username='******' % user_id_resp,
                email='%s@e' % user_id_resp))

    rating = Rating.objects.create(**rating_kw)
    request = RequestFactory().get('/')

    with mock.patch('olympia.ratings.utils.check_with_akismet.delay') as cmock:
        with override_switch('akismet-spam-check', active=waffle_enabled):
            result = maybe_check_with_akismet(request, rating, pre_save_body)
            assert result == is_checked
            if is_checked: