コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: real-world/addons-server
    def get_queryset(self):
            application_id = AddonAppFilterParam(self.request).get_value()
        except ValueError:
            raise ParseError('Invalid app parameter.')

        types = (amo.ADDON_DICT, amo.ADDON_LPAPP)
        return Addon.objects.public().filter(
            appsupport__app=application_id, type__in=types,
コード例 #2
 def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
     # We can pass the optional lang parameter to either get_creatured_ids()
     # or get_featured_ids() below to get locale-specific results in
     # addition to the generic ones.
     lang = self.request.GET.get('lang')
     if 'category' in self.request.GET:
         # If a category is passed then the app and type parameters are
         # mandatory because we need to find a category in the constants to
         # pass to get_creatured_ids(), and category slugs are not unique.
         # AddonCategoryFilterParam parses the request parameters for us to
         # determine the category.
             category = AddonCategoryFilterParam(self.request).get_value()
         except ValueError:
             raise ParseError(
                 'Invalid app, category and/or type parameter(s).')
         ids = get_creatured_ids(category, lang)
         # If no category is passed, only the app parameter is mandatory,
         # because get_featured_ids() needs it to find the right collection
         # to pick addons from. It can optionally filter by type, so we
         # parse request for that as well.
             app = AddonAppFilterParam(
             type_ = None
             if 'type' in self.request.GET:
                 type_ = AddonTypeFilterParam(self.request).get_value()
         except ValueError:
             raise ParseError(
                 'Invalid app, category and/or type parameter(s).')
         ids = get_featured_ids(app, lang=lang, type=type_)
     # ids is going to be a random list of ids, we just slice it to get
     # the number of add-ons that was requested. We do it before calling
     # manual_order(), since it'll use the ids as part of a id__in filter.
         page_size = int(
             self.request.GET.get('page_size', api_settings.PAGE_SIZE))
     except ValueError:
         raise ParseError('Invalid page_size parameter')
     ids = ids[:page_size]
     return manual_order(queryset, ids, 'addons.id')