def connect_to_omero(user, password, host, port=4064): conn = BlitzGateway(user, password, host=host, port=port) print conn.connect() user = conn.getUser() print "Current user:"******" ID:", user.getId() print " Username:"******" Full Name:", user.getFullName() print "Member of:" for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf(): print " ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId() group = conn.getGroupFromContext() print "Current group: ", group.getName() return conn
def create_containers(self, project_name, dataset_name): """ Creates containers with names provided if they don't exist already. Returns Project ID and Dataset ID. """ conn = BlitzGateway(self.USER, self.PASSWORD, host=self.HOST, port=self.PORT) connected = conn.connect() if not connected: sys.stderr.write("Server connection error") sys.exit(1) for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf(): if g.getName() == self.GROUP: break conn.SERVICE_OPTS.setOmeroGroup(g.getId()) params = omero.sys.Parameters() p = conn.getObject("Project", attributes={'name': project_name}, params=params) d = None if p is None: p = self.create_project(conn, project_name) d = self.create_dataset(conn, dataset_name) self.link_dataset(conn, p, d) else: print "Using existing Project", project_name for c in p.listChildren(): if c.getName() == dataset_name: d = c break if d is None: d = self.create_dataset(conn, dataset_name) self.link_dataset(conn, p, d) else: print "Using existing Dataset", dataset_name conn.seppuku() return p.getId(), d.getId()
def group_exists(self, user, group): if not self.user_exists(user): return False else: if group in self.known_users[user]: print "in Group:", group return True try: try: conn = BlitzGateway(user, "ome", host='localhost') conn.connect() groups = conn.getGroupsMemberOf() except: return False if group in [ for g in groups]: print "in Group:", group self.known_users[user].append(group) return True else: print "is not in Group:", group, "- ignoring." return False finally: conn.seppuku()
# conn.setSecure(True) # <--------- Uncomment this # Current session details # ============================================================= # By default, you will have logged into your 'current' group in OMERO. This # can be changed by switching group in the OMERO.insight or OMERO.web clients. user = conn.getUser() print "Current user:"******" ID:", user.getId() print " Username:"******" Full Name:", user.getFullName() print "Member of:" for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf(): print " ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId() group = conn.getGroupFromContext() print "Current group: ", group.getName() print "Other Members of current group:" for exp in conn.listColleagues(): print " ID:", exp.getId(), exp.getOmeName(), " Name:", exp.getFullName() print "Owner of:" for g in conn.listOwnedGroups(): print " ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId() # New in OMERO 5 print "Admins:" for exp in conn.getAdministrators():
# conn.setSecure(True) # <--------- Uncomment this # Current session details # ============================================================= # By default, you will have logged into your 'current' group in OMERO. This # can be changed by switching group in the OMERO insight or web clients. user = conn.getUser() print "Current user:"******" ID:", user.getId() print " Username:"******" Full Name:", user.getFullName() print "Member of:" for g in conn.getGroupsMemberOf(): print " ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId() group = conn.getGroupFromContext() print "Current group: ", group.getName() print "Other Members of current group:" for exp in conn.listColleagues(): print " ID:", exp.getId(), exp.getOmeName( ), " Name:", exp.getFullName() print "Owner of:" for g in conn.listOwnedGroups(): print " ID:", g.getName(), " Name:", g.getId() # The 'context' of our current session ctx = conn.getEventContext()
class Omg(object): """ OMERO gateway that wraps Blitz gateway and CLI, intended for scripting and interactive work. Attributes ---------- conn : Blitz gateway connection """ def __init__(self, conn=None, user=None, passwd=None, server=SERVER, port=PORT, skey=None): """ Requires active Blitz connection OR username plus password or sesskey """ if conn is None and (user is None or (passwd is None and skey is None)): raise ValueError("Bad parameters," + self.__init__.__doc__) if conn is not None: if conn.isConnected(): self.conn = conn else: raise ValueError("Cannot initialize with closed connection!") else: if passwd is not None: self.conn = BlitzGateway(user, passwd, host=server, port=port) self.conn.connect() else: self.conn = BlitzGateway(user, host=server, port=port) self.conn.connect(skey) if self.conn.isConnected(): self._server = self._port = self.conn.port self._user = self.conn.getUser().getName() self._key = self.conn.getSession().getUuid().getValue() print("Connected to {0} (port {1}) as {2}, session key={3}".format( self._server, self._port, self._user, self._key)) else: print("Failed to open connection :-(") def ls(self): """ Print groups, then projects/datasets/images for current group. """ print("Groups for {0}:-".format(self.conn.getUser().getName())) for gid, gname in self._ls_groups(): print(" {0} ({1})".format(gname, str(gid))) curr_grp = self.conn.getGroupFromContext() gid, gname = curr_grp.getId(), curr_grp.getName() print("\nData for current group, {0} ({1}):-".format(gname, gid)) for pid, pname in self._ls_projects(): print(" Project: {0} ({1})".format(pname, str(pid))) for did, dname in self._ls_datasets(pid): print(" Dataset: {0} ({1})".format(dname, str(did))) for iid, iname in self._ls_images(did): print(" Image: {0} ({1})".format(iname, str(iid))) # TODO, list orphaned Datasets and Images def _ls_groups(self): """list groups (id, name) this session is a member of""" groups = self.conn.getGroupsMemberOf() return [(group.getId(), group.getName()) for group in groups] def _ls_projects(self): """list projects (id, name) in the current session group""" projs = self.conn.listProjects(self.conn.getUserId()) return [(proj.getId(), proj.getName()) for proj in projs] def _ls_datasets(self, proj_id): """list datasets (id, name) within the project id given""" dsets = self.conn.getObject("Project", proj_id).listChildren() return [(dset.getId(), dset.getName()) for dset in dsets] def _ls_images(self, dset_id): """list images (id, name) within the dataset id given""" imgs = self.conn.getObject("Dataset", dset_id).listChildren() return [(img.getId(), img.getName()) for img in imgs] def chgrp(self, group_id): """ Change group for this session to the group_id given. """ self.conn.setGroupForSession(group_id) def get(self, im_id, get_att=True): """ Download the specified image as an OME-TIFF to current directory, with attachments also downloaded to folder: img_path + '_attachments' Return : path to downloaded image """ img = self.conn.getObject("Image", oid=im_id) img_name = self._unique_name(img.getName(), im_id) img_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), img_name) img_file = open(str(img_path + ".ome.tiff"), "wb") fsize, blockgen = img.exportOmeTiff(bufsize=65536) for block in blockgen: img_file.write(block) img_file.close() fa_type = omero.model.FileAnnotationI attachments = [ann for ann in img.listAnnotations() if ann.OMERO_TYPE == fa_type] if get_att and len(attachments) > 0: att_dir = img_path + "_attachments" os.mkdir(att_dir) def download_attachment(att, att_dir): """download OMERO file annotation to att_dir""" att_file = open(os.path.join(att_dir, att.getFileName()), "wb") for att_chunk in att.getFileInChunks(): att_file.write(att_chunk) att_file.close() for att in attachments: download_attachment(att, att_dir) return img_path def _unique_name(self, img_name, im_id): """Make unique name combining a file basename & OMERO Image id""" path_and_base, ext = os.path.splitext(img_name) base = os.path.basename(path_and_base) # name in OMERO can has path return "{0}_{1}".format(base, str(im_id)) def dget(self, dataset_id): """ Download an entire OMERO Dataset to the current directory. """ downloads = [] wdir = os.getcwd() dset_name = self.conn.getObject("Dataset", dataset_id).getName() dset_path = os.path.join(wdir, dset_name + "_D" + str(dataset_id)) os.mkdir(dset_path) os.chdir(dset_path) for img_id, img_name in self._ls_images(dataset_id): downloads.append(self.get(img_id)) os.chdir(wdir) return downloads def pget(self, project_id): """ Download an entire OMERO Project to the current directory. """ downloads = [] wdir = os.getcwd() proj_name = self.conn.getObject("Project", project_id).getName() proj_path = os.path.join(wdir, proj_name + "_P" + str(project_id)) os.mkdir(proj_path) os.chdir(proj_path) for dset_id, dset_name in self._ls_datasets(project_id): downloads.extend(self.dget(dset_id)) os.chdir(wdir) return downloads def put(self, filename, name=None, dataset=None): """ Import filename using OMERO CLI, optionally with a specified name to a specified dataset (dataset_id). Return : OMERO image Id """ cli = omero.cli.CLI() cli.loadplugins() import_args = ["import"] import_args.extend(["-s", str(self._server)]) import_args.extend(["-k", str(self._key)]) if dataset is not None: import_args.extend(["-d", str(dataset)]) if name is not None: import_args.extend(["-n", str(name)]) clio = "cli.out" clie = "cli.err" import_args.extend(["---errs=" + clie, "---file=" + clio, "--"]) import_args.append(filename) cli.invoke(import_args, strict=True) pix_id = int(open(clio, 'r').read().rstrip()) im_id = self.conn.getQueryService().get("Pixels", pix_id) os.remove(clio) os.remove(clie) return im_id def describe(self, im_id, description): """ Append to image description. """ img = self.conn.getObject("Image", oid=im_id) old_description = img.getDescription() or "" img.setDescription(old_description + "\n" + description) def attach(self, im_id, attachments): """ Attach a list of files to an image. """ img = self.conn.getObject("Image", oid=im_id) for attachment in attachments.split(): fann = self.conn.createFileAnnfromLocalFile(attachment) img.linkAnnotation(fann) # TODO: ls_tags() and tag() methods? def mkp(self, project_name, description=None): """ Make new OMERO project in current group, returning the new project Id. """ # see: omero/lib/python/omeroweb/webclient/controller/ proj = omero.model.ProjectI() = omero.rtypes.rstring(str(project_name)) if description is not None and description != "": proj.description = omero.rtypes.rstring(str(description)) return self._save_and_return_id(proj) def mkd(self, dataset_name, project_id=None, description=None): """ Make new OMERO dataset, returning the new dataset Id. """ dset = omero.model.DatasetI() = omero.rtypes.rstring(str(dataset_name)) if description is not None and description != "": dset.description = omero.rtypes.rstring(str(description)) if project_id is not None: l_proj_dset = omero.model.ProjectDatasetLinkI() proj = self.conn.getObject("Project", project_id) l_proj_dset.setParent(proj._obj) l_proj_dset.setChild(dset) dset.addProjectDatasetLink(l_proj_dset) return self._save_and_return_id(dset) def _save_and_return_id(self, obj): """Save new omero object and return id assgined to it""" # see: OmeroWebGateway.saveAndReturnId # in: lib/python/omeroweb/webclient/ u_s = self.conn.getUpdateService() res = u_s.saveAndReturnObject(obj, self.conn.SERVICE_OPTS) res.unload() return def im(self, im_id): """ Return an Im object for the image id specified. """ img = self.conn.getObject("Image", im_id) # build pixel np.ndarray nx, ny = img.getSizeX(), img.getSizeY() nz, nt, nc = img.getSizeZ(), img.getSizeT(), img.getSizeC() planes = [(z, c, t) for c in range(nc) for t in range(nt) for z in range(nz)] pix_gen = img.getPrimaryPixels().getPlanes(planes) pix = np.array([i for i in pix_gen]).reshape((nc, nt, nz, ny, nx)) # initialize Im using pix and extracted metadata meta = self._extract_meta(img, im_id) return Im(pix=pix, meta=meta) def _extract_meta(self, img, im_id): """Extract metadata attributes from OMERO Blitz gateway Image""" meta = {} meta['name'] = self._unique_name(img.getName(), im_id) meta['description'] = img.getDescription() def _extract_ch_info(ch): """extract core metadata for for channel, return as dict""" ch_info = {'label': ch.getLabel()} ch_info['ex_wave'] = ch.getExcitationWave() ch_info['em_wave'] = ch.getEmissionWave() ch_info['color'] = ch.getColor().getRGB() return ch_info meta['channels'] = [_extract_ch_info(ch) for ch in img.getChannels()] meta['pixel_size'] = {'x': img.getPixelSizeX(), 'y': img.getPixelSizeY(), 'z': img.getPixelSizeZ(), 'units': "um"} tag_type = omero.model.TagAnnotationI tags = [ann for ann in img.listAnnotations() if ann.OMERO_TYPE == tag_type] meta['tags'] = {tag.getValue() + " (" + str(tag.getId()) + ")": tag.getDescription() for tag in tags} fa_type = omero.model.FileAnnotationI attachments = [ann for ann in img.listAnnotations() if ann.OMERO_TYPE == fa_type] meta['attachments'] = [att.getFileName() + " (" + str(att.getId()) + ")" for att in attachments] user_id = self.conn.getUser().getName() + " (" + \ str(self.conn.getUser().getId()) + ") @" + meta_ext = {} meta_ext['user_id'] = user_id meta['meta_ext'] = meta_ext # TODO: ROIs, display settings? # objective: Image.loadOriginalMetadata()[1][find 'Lens ID Number'][1], return meta def imput(self, im, dataset_id=None): """ Create a new OMERO Image using an Im object, returning new image id. """ # see: omero/lib/python/omero/util/ # see: omero/lib/python/omeroweb/webclient/ # see: if not isinstance(im, Im): raise TypeError("first imput argument must be of type Im") nc, nt, nz, ny, nx = im.shape ch_nums = range(nc) q_s = self.conn.getQueryService() p_s = self.conn.getPixelsService() c_s = self.conn.getContainerService() u_s = self.conn.getUpdateService() pu_s = self.conn.c.sf.createRawPixelsStore() q_ptype = "from PixelsType as p where p.value='{0}'".format( str(im.dtype)) pixelsType = q_s.findByQuery(q_ptype, None) im_id = p_s.createImage(nx, ny, nz, nt, ch_nums, pixelsType,, im.description) img_i = c_s.getImages("Image", [im_id.getValue()], None)[0] img = self.conn.getObject("Image", im_id.getValue()) pix_id = img_i.getPrimaryPixels().getId().getValue() pu_s.setPixelsId(pix_id, True) for c in range(nc): for t in range(nt): for z in range(nz): plane = im.pix[c, t, z, :, :] script_utils.uploadPlaneByRow(pu_s, plane, z, c, t) l_dset_im = omero.model.DatasetImageLinkI() dset = self.conn.getObject("Dataset", dataset_id) l_dset_im.setParent(dset._obj) l_dset_im.setChild(img._obj) self._update_meta(im, im_id) u_s.saveObject(l_dset_im, self.conn.SERVICE_OPTS) return im_id.getValue() def _update_meta(self, im, im_id): """Set OMERO Image metadata using Im metadata"""
if theT is not None: rect.theT = rint(theT) if label is not None: rect.textValue = wrap(label) rect.setRoi(roi) roi.addShape(rect) # First, we want to make sure that every user has a tag(s) in every group print "\n---- CREATING TAGS ----\n" for exp in allUsers: username = exp.getOmeName() print username userConn = BlitzGateway(username, "ome") userConn.connect() for g in userConn.getGroupsMemberOf(): if g.getName() == "user": continue print " ", g.getName() userConn.SERVICE_OPTS.setOmeroGroup(g.getId()) params = omero.sys.Parameters() params.theFilter = omero.sys.Filter() params.theFilter.ownerId = rlong(exp.getId()) tags = list( userConn.getObjects("TagAnnotation", params=params) ) for i in range( TAG_COUNT-len(tags) ): t = TagAnnotationI() newTagVal = "%s_%s_TEST" % (username, g.getName()) print "creating TAG:", newTagVal t.textValue = wrap(str(newTagVal)) userConn.getUpdateService().saveObject(t, userConn.SERVICE_OPTS) # for t in tags:
if theT is not None: rect.theT = rint(theT) if label is not None: rect.textValue = wrap(label) rect.setRoi(roi) roi.addShape(rect) # First, we want to make sure that every user has a tag(s) in every group print "\n---- CREATING TAGS ----\n" for exp in allUsers: username = exp.getOmeName() print username userConn = BlitzGateway(username, "ome") userConn.connect() for g in userConn.getGroupsMemberOf(): if g.getName() == "user": continue print " ", g.getName() userConn.SERVICE_OPTS.setOmeroGroup(g.getId()) params = omero.sys.Parameters() params.theFilter = omero.sys.Filter() params.theFilter.ownerId = rlong(exp.getId()) tags = list(userConn.getObjects("TagAnnotation", params=params)) for i in range(TAG_COUNT - len(tags)): t = TagAnnotationI() newTagVal = "%s_%s_TEST" % (username, g.getName()) print "creating TAG:", newTagVal t.textValue = wrap(str(newTagVal)) userConn.getUpdateService().saveObject(t, userConn.SERVICE_OPTS) # for t in tags: