def load(conn, filepath): """ Import new tag(s) from json. """ if filepath: fobj = open(filepath, "r") else: sys.stderr.write("Error: No file is given.\n") sys.exit(1) p = json.load(fobj) if fobj is not sys.stdin: fobj.close() update = conn.getUpdateService() tagList2 = [] for tset in p: if "tag" in tset: tag = TagAnnotationI() tag.setTextValue(rstring(tset["tag"])) if tset["desc"]: tag.setDescription(rstring(tset["desc"])) tagList2.append(tag) #end if if "tagset" in tset: tagList = [] for t in tset['tags']: tag = TagAnnotationI() tag.setTextValue(rstring(t["name"])) if t["desc"]: tag.setDescription(rstring(t["desc"])) tagList.append(tag) #end for tagList = update.saveAndReturnArray(tagList) tag = TagAnnotationI() tag.setTextValue(rstring(tset["tagset"])) if tset["desc"]: tag.setDescription(rstring(tset["desc"])) tag.setNs(rstring(omero.constants.metadata.NSINSIGHTTAGSET)) tag = update.saveAndReturnObject(tag) links = [] for child in tagList: l = AnnotationAnnotationLinkI() l.setChild(child) l.setParent(tag) links.append(l) #end for update.saveAndReturnArray(links) #end if #end for update.saveAndReturnArray(tagList2)
def addTagAs(self, user, project): """ Adds and links a Tag. """ tag = TagAnnotationI() tag.setTextValue(rstring(self.tag_text)) tag.setNs(rstring(self.tag_ns)) tag = self.updateServices[user].saveAndReturnObject(tag) self.linkTagAs(user, project, tag) return tag
def testBasicUsage(self): img = self.new_image(name="name") img.linkAnnotation(TagAnnotationI()) img = self.update.saveAndReturnObject(img) img = self.query.findByQuery( "select img from Image img " "join fetch img.annotationLinksCountPerOwner " "where = %s" % (, None) assert img assert img.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()[self.ctx.userId] > 0
def testBasicUsage(self): usr = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext().userId img = ImageI() = rstring("name") img.acquisitionDate = rtime(0) tag = TagAnnotationI() img.linkAnnotation(tag) img = self.client.sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(img) img = self.client.sf.getQueryService().findByQuery( """ select img from Image img join fetch img.annotationLinksCountPerOwner where = %s """ % (, None) self.assert_(img) self.assert_(img.getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()[usr] > 0)
def testLoginToPublicGroupTicket1940(self): # As root create a new group uuid = self.uuid() g = ExperimenterGroupI() = rstring(uuid) g.details.permissions = PermissionsI("rwrwrw") gid = self.root.sf.getAdminService().createGroup(g) # As a regular user, login to that group rv = self.root.getPropertyMap() ec = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext() public_client = omero.client(rv) public_client.getImplicitContext().put("", uuid) sf = public_client.createSession(ec.userName, "foo") ec = sf.getAdminService().getEventContext() self.assertEquals(uuid, ec.groupName) # But can the user write anything? tag = TagAnnotationI() sf.getUpdateService().saveObject(tag)
def testLoginToPublicGroupTicket1940(self): # As root create a new group uuid = self.uuid() g = ExperimenterGroupI() = rstring(uuid) g.ldap = rbool(False) g.details.permissions = PermissionsI("rwrwrw") self.root.sf.getAdminService().createGroup(g) # As a regular user, login to that group rv = self.root.getPropertyMap() ec = self.client.sf.getAdminService().getEventContext() public_client = omero.client(rv) public_client.getImplicitContext().put("", uuid) sf = public_client.createSession(ec.userName, ec.userName) ec = sf.getAdminService().getEventContext() assert uuid == ec.groupName # But can the user write anything? tag = TagAnnotationI() tag = sf.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(tag) # And link? # And edit? cF. READ-ONLY & READ-LINK sf.getUpdateService().deleteObject(tag)
def makeTag(self): tag = TagAnnotationI() tag.setTextValue(rstring(self.tag_text)) tag.setNs(rstring(self.tag_ns)) return tag