コード例 #1
ファイル: calibrate.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
	def runPowerflowIter(tree,scadaSubPower):
		'''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
		# Run initial powerflow to get power.
		print "Starting calibration."
		print "Goal of calibration: Error: %s, Iterations: <%s, trim: %s"%(calibrateError[0], calibrateError[1], trim)		
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
		outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"][trim:simLength]
		outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][trim:simLength]
		outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
		lastFile = "subScada.player"
		nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
		nextPower = outAppPowerKw
		error = (sum(outRealPow)/1000-sum(scadaSubPower))/sum(scadaSubPower)
		iteration = 1
		print "First error:", error
		while abs(error)>calibrateError[0] and iteration<calibrateError[1]:
			# Run calibration and iterate up to 5 times.
			SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower)/sum(nextPower)
			print "Calibrating & running again... Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s"%(str(round(abs(error*100),6)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST,6))
			newPlayData = []
			with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"), lastFile), "r") as playerFile:
				for line in playerFile:
					(key,val) = line.split(',')
					newPlayData.append(str(key) + ',' + str(float(val)*SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
			with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"), nextFile), "w") as playerFile:
				for row in newPlayData:
			tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
			tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
			nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
			outRealPowIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_real_power"][trim:simLength]
			outImagPowerIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][trim:simLength]
			nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5/1000
				for x in zip(outRealPowIter, outImagPowerIter)]
			lastFile = nextFile
			nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated"+str(iteration)+".player"
			nextPower = nextAppKw
			# Compute error and iterate.
			error = (sum(outRealPowIter)/1000-sum(scadaSubPower))/sum(scadaSubPower)
			if iteration==1: outRealPowIter = outRealPow
			SCAL_CONST = 1.0
		print "Calibration done: Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s"%(str(round(abs(error*100),2)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST,2))		
		return outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration
コード例 #2
def milsoftToGridlabTests(keepFiles=False):
	openPrefix = '../uploads/'
	outPrefix = './milToGridlabTests/'
	import os, json, traceback, shutil
	from omf.solvers import gridlabd
	from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
	from milToGridlab import convert
	import omf.feeder as feeder
		pass # Directory already there.
	exceptionCount = 0
	# testFiles = [('INEC-RENOIR.std','INEC.seq'), ('INEC-GRAHAM.std','INEC.seq'),
	#   ('Olin-Barre.std','Olin.seq'), ('Olin-Brown.std','Olin.seq'),
	#   ('ABEC-FRANK.std','ABEC.seq'), ('ABEC-COLUMBIA.std','ABEC.seq'),('OMF_Norfork1.std', 'OMF_Norfork1.seq')]
	testFiles = [('Olin-Brown.std', 'Olin.seq')]
	testAttachments = {'schedules.glm':''}
	# testAttachments = {'schedules.glm':'', 'climate.tmy2':open('./data/Climate/KY-LEXINGTON.tmy2','r').read()}
	for stdString, seqString in testFiles:
			# Convert the std+seq.
			with open(openPrefix + stdString,'r') as stdFile, open(openPrefix + seqString,'r') as seqFile:
				outGlm,x,y = convert(stdFile.read(),seqFile.read())
			with open(outPrefix + stdString.replace('.std','.glm'),'w') as outFile:
			print 'WROTE GLM FOR', stdString
				# Draw the GLM.
				myGraph = feeder.treeToNxGraph(outGlm)
				feeder.latLonNxGraph(myGraph, neatoLayout=False)
				plt.savefig(outPrefix + stdString.replace('.std','.png'))
				print 'DREW GLM OF', stdString
				exceptionCount += 1
				print 'FAILED DRAWING', stdString
				# Run powerflow on the GLM. HACK:blank attachments for now.
				output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(outGlm, attachments=testAttachments, keepFiles=False)
				with open(outPrefix + stdString.replace('.std','.json'),'w') as outFile:
					json.dump(output, outFile, indent=4)
				print 'RAN GRIDLAB ON', stdString
				exceptionCount += 1
				print 'POWERFLOW FAILED', stdString
			print 'FAILED CONVERTING', stdString
			exceptionCount += 1
	if not keepFiles:
	return exceptionCount
コード例 #3
ファイル: grip.py プロジェクト: sammatuba/omf
def gridlabRun(temp_dir):
	Run a .glm through GridLAB-D and return the results as JSON.

	Form parameters:
	:param glm: a GLM file.

	:OMF fuction: omf.solvers.gridlabd.runInFileSystem().
	:run-time: up to a few hours.
	TODO: think about attachment support.
    fName = 'in.glm'
    f = request.files['glm']
    glmOnDisk = os.path.join(temp_dir, fName)
    feed = feeder.parse(glmOnDisk)
    outDict = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(feed,
    with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, filenames["glrun"]), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(outDict, f)
コード例 #4
def attachVolts(workDir, feederPath, voltVectorA, voltVectorB, voltVectorC,
                simStartDate, simLength, simLengthUnits):
    '''read voltage vectors of 3 different phases, run gridlabd, and attach output to the feeder.'''
        timeStamp = [simStartDate['Date']]
        for x in range(1, 8760):
            timeStamp.append(timeStamp[x - 1] + dt.timedelta(hours=1))
        firstDateTime = timeStamp[1]
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseAVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorA[x])) + "+0j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseBVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorB[x])) + "-" + str(
                    "%0.4f" % float(random.uniform(6449, 6460))) + "j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), "phaseCVoltage.player"),
                  "w") as voltFile:
            for x in range(0, 8760):
                timestamp = timeStamp[x]
                voltage = str("%0.2f" % float(voltVectorC[x])) + "+" + str(
                    "%0.4f" % float(random.uniform(6449, 6460))) + "j"
                line = timestamp.strftime(
                    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
                ) + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
        with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
            feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
            tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
        # Find swingNode name.
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
                swingName = tree[key].get('name')
        # Attach player.
        classOb = {'omftype': 'class player', 'argument': '{double value;}'}
        voltageObA = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_A",
            "file": "phaseAVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        voltageObB = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_B",
            "file": "phaseBVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        voltageObC = {
            "object": "player",
            "property": "voltage_C",
            "file": "phaseCVoltage.player",
            "loop": "0",
            "parent": swingName
        maxKey = omf.feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
        voltplayerKeyA = maxKey + 2
        voltplayerKeyB = maxKey + 3
        voltplayerKeyC = maxKey + 4
        tree[maxKey + 1] = classOb
        tree[voltplayerKeyA] = voltageObA
        tree[voltplayerKeyB] = voltageObB
        tree[voltplayerKeyC] = voltageObC
        # Adjust time and run output.
        omf.feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits,
                              firstDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
        output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                              'attachments', {}),
                                          workDir=pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"))
        # Write the output.
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
                        "phaseAVoltage.player")) as f:
            playerStringA = f.read()
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
                        "phaseBVoltage.player")) as f:
            playerStringB = f.read()
        with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"),
                        "phaseCVoltage.player")) as f:
            playerStringC = f.read()
        with open(pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.omd"), "w") as outJson:
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseAVoltage.player"] = playerStringA
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseBVoltage.player"] = playerStringB
            feederJson["attachments"]["phaseCVoltage.player"] = playerStringC
            feederJson["tree"] = tree
            json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
        return pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.omd"), True
        print("Failed to run gridlabD with voltage players.")
        return "", False
コード例 #5
def runForeground(modelDir):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	inputDict = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, 'allInputData.json')))
	print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
	beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	# Get prepare of data and clean workspace if re-run, If re-run remove all the data in the subfolders
	for dirs in os.listdir(modelDir):
		if os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, dirs)):
			shutil.rmtree(pJoin(modelDir, dirs))
	# Get the names of the feeders from the .omd files:
	feederNames = [x[0:-4] for x in os.listdir(modelDir) if x.endswith(".omd")]
	for i, key in enumerate(feederNames):
		inputDict['feederName' + str(i + 1)] = feederNames[i]
	# Run GridLAB-D once for each feeder:
	for feederName in feederNames:
			os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"))
		except Exception, e:
		if not os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)):
			os.makedirs(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)) # create subfolders for feeders
		shutil.copy(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + ".omd"),
			pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd"))
		inputDict["climateName"] = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
		shutil.copy(pJoin(_omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
			pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "climate.tmy2"))
			startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
			feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")))
			tree = feederJson["tree"]
			# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
			feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
			feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
				simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
			rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"],
				keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir, feederName))
			cleanOut = {}
			# Std Err and Std Out
			cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
			cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
			# Time Stamps
			for key in rawOut:
				if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
					cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
				elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
					cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
					cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
			# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
			stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps',[])
			level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
			# Climate
			for key in rawOut:
				if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
					cleanOut['climate'] = {}
					cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
					cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
					cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
					cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
					cleanOut['climate']['Direct Insolation (W/m^2)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
			# Voltage Band
			if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
				cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
				cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
				cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
				cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
				cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevPos'] = [(x+y/2) for x,y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'], cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'])]
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevNeg'] = [(x-y/2) for x,y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'], cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'])]
			# Total # of meters
			count = 0
			with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) as f:
				for line in f:
					if "\"objectType\": \"triplex_meter\"" in line:
			# print "count=", count
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['triplexMeterCount'] = float(count)
			# Power Consumption
			cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
			# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
			cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			for key in rawOut:
				if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
					oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
					if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
						cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
						cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
				elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
					realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
					realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
					realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
					imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
					imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
					imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
					oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
					if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
						cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
						cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
				elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
					vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
					vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
					vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
					viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
					viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
					viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
					crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
					crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
					crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
					ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
					ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
					ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
					powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
					powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
					powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
					# HACK: multiply by negative one because turbine power sign is opposite all other DG:
					oneDgPower = [-1.0 * x for x in hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)]
					if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
						cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
						cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
				elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
					realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
					imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
					realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
					imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
					realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
					imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
					oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
					if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
						cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
						cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
			# Aggregate up the timestamps:
			if level=='days':
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
			elif level=='months':
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
			# Write the output.
			with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
				json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
			# Update the runTime in the input file.
			endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
			inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
			with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
				json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
			# Clean up the PID file.
			os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName,"PID.txt"))
			print "DONE RUNNING GRIDLABMULTI", modelDir, feederName
		except Exception as e:
			print "MODEL CRASHED GRIDLABMULTI", e, modelDir, feederName
			cancel(pJoin(modelDir, feederName))
			with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "stderr.txt"), "a+") as stderrFile:
				traceback.print_exc(file = stderrFile)
コード例 #6
ファイル: calibrate.py プロジェクト: geomf/omf-fork
def omfCalibrate(workDir, feederPath, scadaPath):
    '''calibrates a feeder and saves the calibrated tree at a location'''
    logger.info('Calibrating feeder... work dir: %s; feeder path: %s; scada path: %s', workDir, feederPath, scadaPath)
    with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
        feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
        tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
    scadaSubPower, firstDateTime = _processScadaData(workDir, scadaPath)
    # Force FBS powerflow, because NR fails a lot.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get("module", "").lower() == "powerflow":
            tree[key] = {"module": "powerflow", "solver_method": "FBS"}
    # Attach player.
    classOb = {"class": "player", "variable_names": [
        "value"], "variable_types": ["double"]}
    playerOb = {"object": "player", "property": "value",
                "name": "scadaLoads", "file": "subScada.player", "loop": "0"}
    maxKey = omf.feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
    tree[maxKey + 1] = classOb
    tree[maxKey + 2] = playerOb
    # Make loads reference player.
    loadTemplate = {"object": "triplex_load",
                    "power_pf_12": "0.95",
                    "impedance_pf_12": "0.98",
                    "power_pf_12": "0.90",
                    "impedance_fraction_12": "0.7",
                    "power_fraction_12": "0.3"}
    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if ob.get("object", "") == "triplex_node" and ob.get("power_12", "") != "":
            newOb = dict(loadTemplate)
            newOb["name"] = ob.get("name", "")
            newOb["parent"] = ob.get("parent", "")
            newOb["phases"] = ob.get("phases", "")
            newOb["nominal_voltage"] = ob.get("nominal_voltage", "")
            newOb["latitude"] = ob.get("latitude", "0")
            newOb["longitude"] = ob.get("longitude", "0")
            oldPow = ob.get("power_12", "").replace("j", "d")
            pythagPower = gridlabd._strClean(oldPow)
            newOb["base_power_12"] = "scadaLoads.value*" + str(pythagPower)
            tree[key] = newOb
    # Search for the substation regulator and attach a recorder there.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
            swingName = tree[key].get('name')
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('object', '') in ['regulator', 'overhead_line', 'underground_line', 'transformer', 'fuse'] and tree[key].get('from', '') == swingName:
            SUB_REG_NAME = tree[key]['name']
    recOb = {"object": "recorder",
             "parent": SUB_REG_NAME,
             "property": "power_in.real,power_in.imag",
             "file": "caliSub.csv",
             "interval": "900"}
    tree[maxKey + 3] = recOb
    HOURS = 100
    omf.feeder.adjustTime(tree, HOURS, "hours", firstDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
    # Run Gridlabd.
    output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=workDir)
    # Calculate scaling constant.
    outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.real"]
    outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["power_in.imag"]
    outAppPowerKw = [
        (x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000 for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
    # HACK: ignore first time step in output and input because GLD sometimes
    # breaks the first step.
    SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS]) / sum(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS])
    # Rewrite the subScada.player file so all the power values are multiplied
    # by the SCAL_CONSTANT.
    newPlayData = []
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScada.player"), "r") as playerFile:
        for line in playerFile:
            (key, val) = line.split(',')
                str(key) + ',' + str(float(val) * SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "subScadaCalibrated.player"), "w") as playerFile:
        for row in newPlayData:
    # Test by running a glm with subScadaCalibrated.player and caliSub.csv2.
    tree[maxKey + 2]["file"] = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
    tree[maxKey + 3]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
    secondOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
        tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=workDir)
    plt.plot(outAppPowerKw[1:HOURS], label="initialGuess")
    plt.plot(scadaSubPower[1:HOURS], label="scadaSubPower")
    secondAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                   for x in zip(secondOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["power_in.real"], secondOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"]["power_in.imag"])]
    plt.plot(secondAppKw[1:HOURS], label="finalGuess")
    Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(workDir, "caliCheckPlot.png"))
    # Write the final output.
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "calibratedFeeder.json"), "w") as outJson:
        playerString = open(pJoin(workDir, "subScadaCalibrated.player")).read()
        feederJson["attachments"]["subScadaCalibrated.player"] = playerString
        feederJson["tree"] = tree
        json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
コード例 #7
def generateData(pathToOmd, workDir, inputData, outputData):
    omd = json.load(open(pathToOmd))
    tree = omd.get('tree', {})
    attachments = omd.get('attachments', [])

    # check to see if work directory is specified
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print '@@@@@@', workDir

    def safeInt(x):
            return int(x)
            return 0

    biggestKey = max([safeInt(x) for x in tree.keys()])

    CLOCK_START = '2000-01-01 0:00:00'
    dt_start = parser.parse(CLOCK_START)
    dt_end = dt_start + relativedelta(day=0, hour=0, minute=5, second=0)
    CLOCK_END = str(dt_end)

    index = 1
    for key in tree:
        if 'clock' in tree[key]:
            tree[key]['starttime'] = "'" + CLOCK_START + "'"
            tree[key]['stoptime'] = "'" + CLOCK_END + "'"

    # create volt and current line dumps
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + index)] = {
        "object": "voltdump",
        "filename": "voltDump.csv",
        'runtime': 'INIT'

    attachments = []
    # Run Gridlab.
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print '@@@@@@', workDir
    gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,

    outageMap = geo.omdGeoJson(pathToOmd, conversion=False)
    with open(workDir + '/nodes.csv', mode='wb') as nodes:

        fieldnames = ['node_name', 'coord1', 'coord2']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(nodes, fieldnames)

        for key in tree.keys():
            obtype = tree[key].get("object", "")
            if obtype == 'node' or obtype == 'load' or obtype == 'capacitor' or obtype == 'meter':
                coord1, coord2 = nodeToCoords(outageMap, tree[key]['name'])
                    'node_name': tree[key]['name'],
                    'coord1': coord1,
                    'coord2': coord2

    with open(workDir + '/connectivity.csv', mode='wb') as connectivity:

        fieldnames = ['first_node', 'second_node']
        writer = csv.DictWriter(connectivity, fieldnames)

        for key in tree.keys():
            obtype = tree[key].get("object", "")
            if obtype == 'underground_line' or obtype == 'overhead_line' or obtype == 'triplex_line':
                    'first_node': tree[key]['from'],
                    'second_node': tree[key]['to']

    connectivity = pd.read_csv(workDir + '/connectivity.csv')

    nodes = pd.read_csv(workDir + '/nodes.csv')

    row = 0
    number_of_nodes = nodes.shape[0]
    bad_nodes = []
    while row < number_of_nodes:
        if (not connectivity['first_node'].str.contains(
                nodes.loc[row, 'node_name']).any()) and (
                    not connectivity['second_node'].str.contains(
                        nodes.loc[row, 'node_name']).any()):
            bad_nodes.append(nodes.loc[row, 'node_name'])
        row += 1

    row = 0
    number_of_bad = len(bad_nodes)
    while row < number_of_bad:
        delete_row = nodes[nodes['node_name'] == bad_nodes[row]].index
        nodes = nodes.drop(delete_row)
        row += 1

    nodes = nodes.sort_values('node_name')
    nodes.to_csv(workDir + '/nodes1.csv')
    nodes = pd.read_csv(workDir + '/nodes1.csv')

    volt = pd.read_csv(workDir + '/voltDump.csv', skiprows=1)

    row = 0
    number_of_volt = volt.shape[0]
    bad_nodes = []
    while row < number_of_volt:
        if (not connectivity['first_node'].str.contains(
                volt.loc[row, 'node_name']).any()) and (
                    not connectivity['second_node'].str.contains(
                        volt.loc[row, 'node_name']).any()):
            bad_nodes.append(volt.loc[row, 'node_name'])
        row += 1
    number_of_bad = len(bad_nodes)
    row = 0
    while row < number_of_bad:
        delete_row = volt[volt['node_name'] == bad_nodes[row]].index
        volt = volt.drop(delete_row)
        row += 1
    volt = volt.sort_values('node_name')
    volt.to_csv(workDir + '/volt1.csv')
    volt = pd.read_csv(workDir + '/volt1.csv')
    row_count = nodes.shape[0]
    inputDataDist = [[0 for x in range(row_count)] for y in range(row_count)]
    inputGraphDist = nx.Graph()
    row = 0
    while row < row_count:
        column = 0
        while column < row_count:
            data = []
            if ((nodes.loc[row, 'coord1'] - nodes.loc[column, 'coord1'])**2 +
                (nodes.loc[row, 'coord2'] - nodes.loc[column, 'coord2'])**
                    2) > 10e-10:
                distance = math.sqrt((nodes.loc[row, 'coord1'] -
                                      nodes.loc[column, 'coord1'])**2 +
                                     (nodes.loc[row, 'coord2'] -
                                      nodes.loc[column, 'coord2'])**2)
                distance = 0.0

            if distance > 10e-15:

            inputDataDist[row][column] = sum(data)
            if not inputGraphDist.has_edge(row, column):
            column += 1
        row += 1

    row_count = volt.shape[0]
    inputDataVolt = [[0 for x in range(row_count)] for y in range(row_count)]
    inputGraphVolt = nx.Graph()
    row = 0
    while row < row_count:
        column = 0
        while column < row_count:
            data = []
            if (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_real']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_imag']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_real']) < -10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_imag']) < -10e-10):
                if (math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_real']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltA_real']))**2 +
                              (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_imag']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltA_imag']))**2)) > 0:
                        math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_real']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltA_real']))**2 +
                                  (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltA_imag']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltA_imag']))**2))
            if (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_real']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_imag']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_real']) < -10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_imag']) < -10e-10):
                if (math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_real']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltB_real']))**2 +
                              (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_imag']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltB_imag']))**2)) > 0:
                        math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_real']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltB_real']))**2 +
                                  (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltB_imag']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltB_imag']))**2))
            if (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_real']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_imag']) > 10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_real']) < -10e-10
                    or float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_imag']) < -10e-10):
                if (math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_real']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltC_real']))**2 +
                              (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_imag']) -
                               float(volt.loc[column, 'voltC_imag']))**2)) > 0:
                        math.sqrt((float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_real']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltC_real']))**2 +
                                  (float(volt.loc[row, 'voltC_imag']) -
                                   float(volt.loc[column, 'voltC_imag']))**2))
            inputDataVolt[row][column] = sum(data)
            if not inputGraphVolt.has_edge(row, column):
            column += 1
        row += 1

    nodes_count = nodes.shape[0]
    connectivity_count = connectivity.shape[0]
    row = 0
    outputData = [[0 for x in range(nodes_count)] for y in range(nodes_count)]
    outputGraph = nx.Graph()
    while row < nodes_count:
        column = 0
        while column < nodes_count:
            rowName = nodes.loc[row, 'node_name']
            colName = nodes.loc[column, 'node_name']
            conEntry = 0
            found = False
            while conEntry < connectivity_count:
                if ((rowName == connectivity.loc[conEntry, 'first_node']
                     and colName == connectivity.loc[conEntry, 'second_node'])
                    (rowName == connectivity.loc[conEntry, 'second_node']
                     and colName == connectivity.loc[conEntry, 'first_node'])):
                    outputData[row][column] = -1
                    if not outputGraph.has_edge(row, column):
                        outputGraph.add_edge(row, column, weight=-1)
                    found = True
                conEntry += 1
            if found == False:
                if not outputGraph.has_edge(row, column):
                    outputData[row][column] = 0
                    outputGraph.add_edge(row, column, weight=0)
            column += 1
        row += 1
    return inputDataDist, inputGraphDist, inputDataVolt, inputGraphVolt, outputData, outputGraph
コード例 #8
    'power_factor': '1.0',
    'generator_status': 'ONLINE',
    'generator_mode': 'CONSTANT_PF'
feed[maxKey + 5] = {
    'object': 'solar',
    'name': 'test_solar',
    'parent': 'test_solar_inverter',
    'area': '1000000 sf',
    'generator_status': 'ONLINE',
    'efficiency': '0.2',
    'generator_mode': 'SUPPLY_DRIVEN',
    'panel_type': 'SINGLE_CRYSTAL_SILICON'

feed[maxKey + 6] = {
    'object': 'recorder',
    'parent': 'test_solar_meter',
    'file': 'GC-addSolar-voltages.csv',
    'interval': '60',
    'limit': '1440'

runInFilesystem(feed, keepFiles=True, workDir='.', glmName='GC-solarAdd.glm')
output = open('GC-solarAdd.glm', 'w')
コード例 #9
def heavyProcessing(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
	beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	# Get feeder name and data in.
	try: os.mkdir(pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
	except: pass
		feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
		weather = inputDict["weather"]
		if weather == "typical":
			inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
			shutil.copy(pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
				pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "climate.tmy2"))
			startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
			#hack for testing
			makeClimateCsv('2010-07-01', '2010-08-01', 'DFW', 'Output/Automated dsoSimSuite Test/gldContainer/weather.csv')
			startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName+'.omd')))
		tree = feederJson["tree"]
		#add a check to see if there is already a climate object in the omd file
		#if there is delete the climate from attachments and the climate object
		attachKeys = feederJson["attachments"].keys()
		for key in attachKeys:
			if key.endswith('.tmy2'):
				del feederJson['attachments'][key]	
		treeKeys = feederJson["tree"].keys()
		for key in treeKeys:
			if 'object' in feederJson['tree'][key]:
			 	if feederJson['tree'][key]['object'] == 'climate':
			 		del feederJson['tree'][key]	
		#add weather objects and modules to .glm if there is no climate file in the omd file
		if weather == "historical":
			oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
			tree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'tape'}
			tree[oldMax + 2] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'climate'}
			tree[oldMax + 3] = {'object':'csv_reader', 'name':'weatherReader', 'filename':'weather.csv'}
			tree[oldMax + 4] = {'object':'climate', 'name':'exampleClimate', 'tmyfile':'weather.csv', 'reader':'weatherReader'}
			oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
			tree[oldMax + 1] ={'object':'climate','name':'Climate','interpolate':'QUADRATIC', 'tmyfile':'climate.tmy2'}
		# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
		# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'property':'voltage_A', 'interval':3600, 'file':'aVoltDump.csv'}
		for phase in ['A','B','C']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
			simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
		rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
			keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
		cleanOut = {}
		# Std Err and Std Out
		cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
		cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
		# Time Stamps
		for key in rawOut:
			if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
			elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
		# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
		stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps',[])
		level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
		# Climate
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				cleanOut['climate'] = {}
				cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
				#cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
				climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
				#converting W/sf to W/sm
				climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
				cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
		# Voltage Band
		if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
		# Power Consumption
		cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
		# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
				if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
			elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
				realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
				realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
				realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
				vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
				vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
				viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
				viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
				viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
				crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
				crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
				crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
				ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
				ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
				ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
				powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
				powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
				powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
				realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
				realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
				realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
				oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
			elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
				regName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
			elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				capName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
				cleanOut[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
		# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
		latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
		latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
		if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
		else: doNeato = False
		# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
		genTime = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
		cleanOut['genTime'] = genTime
		# Aggregate up the timestamps:
		if level=='days':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
		elif level=='months':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
			json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
		# Update the runTime in the input file.
		endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
		# Clean up the PID file.
		os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "PID.txt"))
		print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
	except Exception as e:
		# If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
		thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
		print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr
		inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
		with open(os.path.join(modelDir,'stderr.txt'),'w') as errorFile:
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
	finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int((finishTime - beginTime).total_seconds())))
	with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent = 4)
コード例 #10
ファイル: _resilientDist.py プロジェクト: afisher1/omf
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. '''
    outData = {}
    feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, inputDict['weatherImpactsFileName']),
              'w') as hazardFile:
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + '.omd'), "r") as jsonIn:
        feederModel = json.load(jsonIn)
    # Create GFM input file.
    print "Running GFM ************************************"
    gfmInputTemplate = {
        'phase_variation': float(inputDict['phaseVariation']),
        'chance_constraint': float(inputDict['chanceConstraint']),
        'critical_load_met': float(inputDict['criticalLoadMet']),
        1.0,  #(float(inputDict['criticalLoadMet']) + float(inputDict['nonCriticalLoadMet'])),
        'xrMatrices': inputDict["xrMatrices"],
        'maxDGPerGenerator': float(inputDict["maxDGPerGenerator"]),
        'newLineCandidates': inputDict['newLineCandidates'],
        'hardeningCandidates': inputDict['hardeningCandidates'],
        'switchCandidates': inputDict['switchCandidates'],
        'hardeningUnitCost': inputDict['hardeningUnitCost'],
        'switchCost': inputDict['switchCost'],
        'generatorCandidates': inputDict['generatorCandidates'],
        'lineUnitCost': inputDict['lineUnitCost']
    gfmJson = convertToGFM(gfmInputTemplate, feederModel)
    gfmInputFilename = 'gfmInput.json'
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, gfmInputFilename), "w") as outFile:
        json.dump(gfmJson, outFile, indent=4)
    # Run GFM
    gfmBinaryPath = pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'solvers', 'gfm',
    proc = subprocess.Popen([
        'java', '-jar', gfmBinaryPath, '-r', gfmInputFilename, '-wf',
        inputDict['weatherImpactsFileName'], '-num', '3'
    # HACK: rename the hardcoded gfm output
    rdtInputFilePath = pJoin(modelDir, 'rdtInput.json')
    print 'Before weird RENAMING STUFF!!!!'
    os.rename(pJoin(modelDir, 'rdt_OUTPUT.json'), rdtInputFilePath)
    # print 'RENAME FROM', pJoin(modelDir,'rdt_OUTPUT.json')
    # print 'RENAME TO', rdtInputFilePath
    # print 'After weird RENAMING STUFF!!!!'
    #raise Exception('Go no further')
    # Pull GFM input data on lines and generators for HTML presentation.
    with open(rdtInputFilePath, 'r') as rdtInputFile:
        # HACK: we use rdtInput as a string in the frontend.
        rdtJsonAsString = rdtInputFile.read()
        rdtJson = json.loads(rdtJsonAsString)
    # Calculate line costs.
    lineData = []
    for line in rdtJson["lines"]:
        lineData.append((line["id"], '{:,.2f}'.format(
            float(line["length"]) * float(inputDict["lineUnitCost"]))))
    outData["lineData"] = lineData
    outData["generatorData"] = '{:,.2f}'.format(
        float(inputDict["dgUnitCost"]) * float(inputDict["maxDGPerGenerator"]))
    outData['gfmRawOut'] = rdtJsonAsString
    if inputDict['scenarios'] != "":
        rdtJson['scenarios'] = json.loads(inputDict['scenarios'])
        with open(pJoin(rdtInputFilePath), "w") as rdtInputFile:
            json.dump(rdtJson, rdtInputFile, indent=4)
    # Run GridLAB-D first time to generate xrMatrices.
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        omdPath = pJoin(modelDir, feederName + ".omd")
        with open(omdPath, "r") as omd:
            omd = json.load(omd)
        deleteList = []
        newLines = inputDict["newLineCandidates"].strip().replace(
            ' ', '').split(',')
        for newLine in newLines:
            for omdObj in omd["tree"]:
                if ("name" in omd["tree"][omdObj]):
                    if (newLine == omd["tree"][omdObj]["name"]):
        for delItem in deleteList:
            del omd["tree"][delItem]
        #Load a blank glm file and use it to write to it
        feederPath = pJoin(modelDir, 'feeder.glm')
        with open(feederPath, 'w') as glmFile:
            #toWrite =  omf.feeder.sortedWrite(omd['tree']) + "object jsondump {\n\tfilename_dump_reliability test_JSON_dump1.json;\n\twrite_reliability true;\n\tfilename_dump_line test_JSON_dump2.json;\n\twrite_line true;\n};\n"# + "object jsonreader {\n\tfilename " + insertRealRdtOutputNameHere + ";\n};"
            toWrite = omf.feeder.sortedWrite(
            ) + "object jsondump {\n\tfilename_dump_reliability test_JSON_dump.json;\n\twrite_system_info true;\n\twrite_per_unit true;\n\tsystem_base 100.0 MVA;\n};\n"  # + "object jsonreader {\n\tfilename " + insertRealRdtOutputNameHere + ";\n};"
        #Write attachments from omd, if no file, one will be created
        for fileName in omd['attachments']:
            with open(os.path.join(modelDir, fileName), 'w') as file:
        #Wire in the file the user specifies via zipcode.
        climateFileName, latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(
            pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
                  climateFileName + ".tmy2"), pJoin(modelDir, 'climate.tmy2'))
        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gridlabd', 'feeder.glm'],
        (out, err) = proc.communicate()
        accumulator = ""
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "JSON_dump_line.json"), "r") as gldOut:
            accumulator = json.load(gldOut)
        outData['gridlabdRawOut'] = accumulator
        '''rdtJson["line_codes"] = accumulator["properties"]["line_codes"]
		rdtJson["lines"] = accumulator["properties"]["lines"]
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, rdtInputFilePath), "w") as outFile:
			json.dump(rdtJson, outFile, indent=4)'''
        tree = feederModel.get("tree", {})
        attachments = feederModel.get("attachments", {})
        climateFileName, latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(
            pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
                  climateFileName + ".tmy2"), pJoin(modelDir, 'climate.tmy2'))
        gridlabdRawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
        outData['gridlabdRawOut'] = gridlabdRawOut
    # Run RDT.
    print "Running RDT ************************************"
    rdtOutFile = modelDir + '/rdtOutput.json'
    rdtSolverFolder = pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'solvers', 'rdt')
    rdtJarPath = pJoin(rdtSolverFolder, 'micot-rdt.jar')
    proc = subprocess.Popen([
        'java', "-Djna.library.path=" + rdtSolverFolder, '-jar', rdtJarPath,
        '-c', rdtInputFilePath, '-e', rdtOutFile
    rdtRawOut = open(rdtOutFile).read()
    outData['rdtRawOut'] = rdtRawOut
    # Indent the RDT output nicely.
    with open(pJoin(rdtOutFile), "w") as outFile:
        rdtOut = json.loads(rdtRawOut)
        json.dump(rdtOut, outFile, indent=4)
    # TODO: run GridLAB-D second time to validate RDT results with new control schemes.
    # Draw the feeder.
    genDiagram(modelDir, feederModel)
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"), "rb") as inFile:
        outData["oneLineDiagram"] = inFile.read().encode("base64")
    return outData
コード例 #11
ファイル: voltageDrop.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
def voltPlot(tree, workDir=None, neatoLayout=False):
    """ Draw a color-coded map of the voltage drop on a feeder.
	Returns a matplotlib object. """
    # Get rid of schedules and climate:
    for key in tree.keys():
        if tree[key].get("argument", "") == '"schedules.glm"' or tree[key].get("tmyfile", "") != "":
            del tree[key]
            # Make sure we have a voltDump:

    def safeInt(x):
            return int(x)
            return 0

    biggestKey = max([safeInt(x) for x in tree.keys()])
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10)] = {"object": "voltdump", "filename": "voltDump.csv"}
    # Run Gridlab.
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print "gridlabD runInFilesystem with no specified workDir. Working in", workDir
    gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=[], workDir=workDir)
    with open(pJoin(workDir, "voltDump.csv"), "r") as dumpFile:
        reader = csv.reader(dumpFile)
        reader.next()  # Burn the header.
        keys = reader.next()
        voltTable = []
        for row in reader:
            rowDict = {}
            for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                rowDict[key] = row[pos]
            # Calculate average node voltage deviation. First, helper functions.

    def pythag(x, y):
        """ For right triangle with sides a and b, return the hypotenuse. """
        return math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)

    def digits(x):
        """ Returns number of digits before the decimal in the float x. """
        return math.ceil(math.log10(x + 1))

    def avg(l):
        """ Average of a list of ints or floats. """
        return sum(l) / len(l)
        # Detect the feeder nominal voltage:

    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if type(ob) == dict and ob.get("bustype", "") == "SWING":
            feedVoltage = float(ob.get("nominal_voltage", 1))
            # Tot it all up.
    nodeVolts = {}
    for row in voltTable:
        allVolts = []
        for phase in ["A", "B", "C"]:
            phaseVolt = pythag(float(row["volt" + phase + "_real"]), float(row["volt" + phase + "_imag"]))
            if phaseVolt != 0.0:
                if digits(phaseVolt) > 3:
                    # Normalize to 120 V standard
                    phaseVolt = phaseVolt * (120 / feedVoltage)
        nodeVolts[row.get("node_name", "")] = avg(allVolts)
        # Color nodes by VOLTAGE.
    fGraph = feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
    voltChart = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
    # set axes step equal
    if neatoLayout:
        # HACK: work on a new graph without attributes because graphViz tries to read attrs.
        cleanG = nx.Graph(fGraph.edges())
        positions = nx.graphviz_layout(cleanG, prog="neato")
        positions = {n: fGraph.node[n].get("pos", (0, 0)) for n in fGraph}
    edgeIm = nx.draw_networkx_edges(fGraph, positions)
    nodeIm = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(
        node_color=[nodeVolts.get(n, 0) for n in fGraph.nodes()],
    plt.clim(110, 130)
    return voltChart
コード例 #12
ファイル: calibrate.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
def attachVolts(workDir, feederPath, voltVectorA, voltVectorB, voltVectorC, simStartDate, simLength, simLengthUnits):
	'''read voltage vectors of 3 different phases, run gridlabd, and attach output to the feeder.'''
		timeStamp = [simStartDate['Date']]
		for x in range (1, 8760):
			timeStamp.append(timeStamp[x-1] + dt.timedelta(hours=1))
		firstDateTime = timeStamp[1]
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseAVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorA[x]))+"+0j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseBVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorB[x]))+"-"+str("%0.4f"%float(random.uniform(6449,6460)))+"j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseCVoltage.player"),"w") as voltFile:
			for x in range(0, 8760):
				timestamp = timeStamp[x]
				voltage = str("%0.2f"%float(voltVectorC[x]))+"+"+str("%0.4f"%float(random.uniform(6449,6460)))+"j"
				line = timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " " + simStartDate['timeZone'] + "," + str(voltage) + "\n"
		with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
			feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
			tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
		# Find swingNode name.
		for key in tree:
			if tree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
				swingName = tree[key].get('name')
		# Attach player.
		classOb = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{double value;}'}
		voltageObA = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_A", "file":"phaseAVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		voltageObB = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_B", "file":"phaseBVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		voltageObC = {"object":"player", "property":"voltage_C", "file":"phaseCVoltage.player", "loop":"0", "parent":swingName}
		maxKey = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
		voltplayerKeyA = maxKey + 2
		voltplayerKeyB = maxKey + 3
		voltplayerKeyC = maxKey + 4
		tree[maxKey+1] = classOb
		tree[voltplayerKeyA] = voltageObA
		tree[voltplayerKeyB] = voltageObB
		tree[voltplayerKeyC] = voltageObC
		# Adjust time and run output.
		feeder.adjustTime(tree, simLength, simLengthUnits, firstDateTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
		output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"))
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.omd"),"w") as outJson:
			playerStringA = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseAVoltage.player")).read()
			playerStringB = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseBVoltage.player")).read()
			playerStringC = open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir,"gridlabD"),"phaseCVoltage.player")).read()
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseAVoltage.player"] = playerStringA
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseBVoltage.player"] = playerStringB
			feederJson["attachments"]["phaseCVoltage.player"] = playerStringC
			feederJson["tree"] = tree
			json.dump(feederJson, outJson, indent=4)
		return pJoin(workDir,"calibratedFeeder.omd"), True
		print "Failed to run gridlabD with voltage players."
		return "", False
コード例 #13
def drawPlot(path,
             simTime='2000-01-01 0:00:00',
    ''' Draw a color-coded map of the voltage drop on a feeder.
	path is the full path to the GridLAB-D .glm file or OMF .omd file.
	workDir is where GridLAB-D will run, if it's None then a temp dir is used.
	neatoLayout=True means the circuit is displayed using a force-layout approach.
	edgeCol property must be either 'Current', 'Power', 'Rating', 'PercentOfRating', or None
	nodeCol property must be either 'Voltage', 'VoltageImbalance', 'perUnitVoltage', 'perUnit120Voltage', or None
	edgeLabs and nodeLabs properties must be either 'Name', 'Value', or None
	edgeCol and nodeCol can be set to false to avoid coloring edges or nodes
	customColormap=True means use a one that is nicely scaled to perunit values highlighting extremes.
	faultType and faultLoc are the type of fault and the name of the line that it occurs on.
	Returns a matplotlib object.'''
    # Be quiet matplotlib:
    # warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")
    if path.endswith('.glm'):
        tree = feeder.parse(path)
        attachments = []
    elif path.endswith('.omd'):
        with open(path) as f:
            omd = json.load(f)
        tree = omd.get('tree', {})
        attachments = omd.get('attachments', [])
        raise Exception('Invalid input file type. We require a .glm or .omd.')
    #print path
    # add fault object to tree
    def safeInt(x):
            return int(x)
            return 0

    biggestKey = max([safeInt(x) for x in tree.keys()])
    # Add Reliability module
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10)] = {
        "module": "reliability",
        "maximum_event_length": "18000",
        "report_event_log": "true"
    CLOCK_START = simTime
    dt_start = parser.parse(CLOCK_START)
    dt_end = dt_start + relativedelta(seconds=+20)
    CLOCK_END = str(dt_end)
    if faultType != None:
        # Add eventgen object (the fault)
        tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 1)] = {
            "object": "eventgen",
            "name": "ManualEventGen",
            "parent": "RelMetrics",
            "fault_type": faultType,
            "manual_outages": faultLoc + ',' + CLOCK_RANGE
        }  # TODO: change CLOCK_RANGE to read the actual start and stop time, not just hard-coded
        # Add fault_check object
        tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 2)] = {
            "object": "fault_check",
            "name": "test_fault",
            "check_mode": "ONCHANGE",
            "eventgen_object": "ManualEventGen",
            "output_filename": "Fault_check_out.txt"
        # Add reliabilty metrics object
        tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 3)] = {
            "object": "metrics",
            "name": "RelMetrics",
            "report_file": "Metrics_Output.csv",
            "module_metrics_object": "PwrMetrics",
            "metrics_of_interest": '"SAIFI,SAIDI,CAIDI,ASAI,MAIFI"',
            "customer_group": '"groupid=METERTEST"',
            "metric_interval": "5 h",
            "report_interval": "5 h"
        # Add power_metrics object
        tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 4)] = {
            "object": "power_metrics",
            "name": "PwrMetrics",
            "base_time_value": "1 h"

        # HACK: set groupid for all meters so outage stats are collected.
        noMeters = True
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('object', '') in ['meter', 'triplex_meter']:
                tree[key]['groupid'] = "METERTEST"
                noMeters = False
        if noMeters:
            raise Exception(
                "No meters detected on the circuit. Please add at least one meter to allow for collection of outage statistics."
    for key in tree:
        if 'clock' in tree[key]:
            tree[key]['starttime'] = "'" + CLOCK_START + "'"
            tree[key]['stoptime'] = "'" + CLOCK_END + "'"

    # dictionary to hold info on lines present in glm
    edge_bools = dict.fromkeys([
        'underground_line', 'overhead_line', 'triplex_line', 'transformer',
        'regulator', 'fuse', 'switch'
    ], False)
    # Map to speed up name lookups.
    nameToIndex = {tree[key].get('name', ''): key for key in tree.keys()}
    # Get rid of schedules and climate and check for all edge types:
    for key in list(tree.keys()):
        obtype = tree[key].get("object", "")
        if obtype == 'underground_line':
            edge_bools['underground_line'] = True
        elif obtype == 'overhead_line':
            edge_bools['overhead_line'] = True
        elif obtype == 'triplex_line':
            edge_bools['triplex_line'] = True
        elif obtype == 'transformer':
            edge_bools['transformer'] = True
        elif obtype == 'regulator':
            edge_bools['regulator'] = True
        elif obtype == 'fuse':
            edge_bools['fuse'] = True
        elif obtype == 'switch':
            edge_bools['switch'] = True
        if tree[key].get("argument",
                         "") == "\"schedules.glm\"" or tree[key].get(
                             "tmyfile", "") != "":
            del tree[key]
    # Make sure we have a voltage dump and current dump:
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 5)] = {
        "object": "voltdump",
        "filename": "voltDump.csv"
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10 + 6)] = {
        "object": "currdump",
        "filename": "currDump.csv"
    # Line rating dumps
    tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = {'module': 'tape'}
    for key in edge_bools.keys():
        if edge_bools[key]:
            tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = {
                'object': 'group_recorder',
                'group': '"class=' + key + '"',
                'property': 'continuous_rating',
                'file': key + '_cont_rating.csv'
    #Record initial status readout of each fuse/recloser/switch/sectionalizer before running
    # Reminder: fuse objects have 'phase_X_status' instead of 'phase_X_state'
    protDevices = dict.fromkeys(
        ['fuse', 'recloser', 'switch', 'sectionalizer'], False)
    #dictionary of protective device initial states for each phase
    protDevInitStatus = {}
    #dictionary of protective devices final states for each phase after running Gridlab-D
    protDevFinalStatus = {}
    #dictionary of protective device types to help the testing and debugging process
    protDevTypes = {}
    protDevOpModes = {}
    for key in tree:
        obj = tree[key]
        obType = obj.get('object')
        if obType in protDevices.keys():
            obName = obj.get('name', '')
            protDevTypes[obName] = obType
            if obType != 'fuse':
                protDevOpModes[obName] = obj.get('operating_mode',
            protDevices[obType] = True
            protDevInitStatus[obName] = {}
            protDevFinalStatus[obName] = {}
            for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                if obType != 'fuse':
                    phaseState = obj.get('phase_' + phase + '_state', 'CLOSED')
                    phaseState = obj.get('phase_' + phase + '_status', 'GOOD')
                if phase in obj.get('phases', ''):
                    protDevInitStatus[obName][phase] = phaseState
    #print protDevInitStatus

    #Create a recorder for protective device states
    for key in protDevices.keys():
        if protDevices[key]:
            for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                if key != 'fuse':
                    tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = {
                        'object': 'group_recorder',
                        'group': '"class=' + key + '"',
                        'property': 'phase_' + phase + '_state',
                        'file': key + '_phase_' + phase + '_state.csv'
                    tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = {
                        'object': 'group_recorder',
                        'group': '"class=' + key + '"',
                        'property': 'phase_' + phase + '_status',
                        'file': key + '_phase_' + phase + '_state.csv'

    # Run Gridlab.
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print('@@@@@@', workDir)
    # for i in range(6):
    # 	gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=attachments, workDir=workDir)
    # 	#HACK: workaround for shoddy macOS gridlabd build.
    # 	if 'error when setting parent' not in gridlabOut.get('stderr','OOPS'):
    # 		break
    gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,

    #Record final status readout of each fuse/recloser/switch/sectionalizer after running
        for key in protDevices.keys():
            if protDevices[key]:
                for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                    with open(pJoin(workDir,
                                    key + '_phase_' + phase + '_state.csv'),
                              newline='') as statusFile:
                        reader = csv.reader(statusFile)
                        # loop past the header,
                        keys = []
                        vals = []
                        for row in reader:
                            if '# timestamp' in row:
                                keys = row
                                i = keys.index('# timestamp')
                                vals = next(reader)
                        for pos, key2 in enumerate(keys):
                            protDevFinalStatus[key2][phase] = vals[pos]
    #print protDevFinalStatus
    #compare initial and final states of protective devices
    #quick compare to see if they are equal
    #print cmp(protDevInitStatus, protDevFinalStatus)
    #find which values changed
    changedStates = {}
    #read voltDump values into a dictionary.
        with open(pJoin(workDir, 'voltDump.csv'), newline='') as dumpFile:
            reader = csv.reader(dumpFile)
            next(reader)  # Burn the header.
            keys = next(reader)
            voltTable = []
            for row in reader:
                rowDict = {}
                for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                    rowDict[key] = row[pos]
        raise Exception(
            'GridLAB-D failed to run with the following errors:\n' +
    # read currDump values into a dictionary
    with open(pJoin(workDir, 'currDump.csv'), newline='') as currDumpFile:
        reader = csv.reader(currDumpFile)
        next(reader)  # Burn the header.
        keys = next(reader)
        currTable = []
        for row in reader:
            rowDict = {}
            for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                rowDict[key] = row[pos]
    # read line rating values into a single dictionary
    lineRatings = {}
    rating_in_VA = []
    for key1 in edge_bools.keys():
        if edge_bools[key1]:
            with open(pJoin(workDir, key1 + '_cont_rating.csv'),
                      newline='') as ratingFile:
                reader = csv.reader(ratingFile)
                # loop past the header,
                keys = []
                vals = []
                for row in reader:
                    if '# timestamp' in row:
                        keys = row
                        i = keys.index('# timestamp')
                        vals = next(reader)
                for pos, key2 in enumerate(keys):
                    lineRatings[key2] = abs(float(vals[pos]))
    #edgeTupleRatings = lineRatings copy with to-from tuple as keys for labeling
    edgeTupleRatings = {}
    for edge in lineRatings:
        for obj in tree.values():
            if obj.get('name', '').replace('"', '') == edge:
                nodeFrom = obj.get('from')
                nodeTo = obj.get('to')
                coord = (nodeFrom, nodeTo)
                ratingVal = lineRatings.get(edge)
                edgeTupleRatings[coord] = ratingVal
    # Calculate average node voltage deviation. First, helper functions.
    def digits(x):
        ''' Returns number of digits before the decimal in the float x. '''
        return math.ceil(math.log10(x + 1))

    def avg(l):
        ''' Average of a list of ints or floats. '''
        # HACK: add a small value to the denominator to avoid divide by zero for out of service locations (i.e. zero voltage).
        return sum(l) / (len(l) + 0.00000000000000001)

    # Detect the feeder nominal voltage:
    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if type(ob) == dict and ob.get('bustype', '') == 'SWING':
            feedVoltage = float(ob.get('nominal_voltage', 1))
    # Tot it all up.
    nodeVolts = {}
    nodeVoltsPU = {}
    nodeVoltsPU120 = {}
    voltImbalances = {}
    for row in voltTable:
        allVolts = []
        allVoltsPU = []
        allDiffs = []
        nodeName = row.get('node_name', '')
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            realVolt = abs(float(row['volt' + phase + '_real']))
            imagVolt = abs(float(row['volt' + phase + '_imag']))
            phaseVolt = math.sqrt((realVolt**2) + (imagVolt**2))
            if phaseVolt != 0.0:
                treeKey = nameToIndex.get(nodeName, 0)
                nodeObj = tree.get(treeKey, {})
                    nominal_voltage = float(nodeObj['nominal_voltage'])
                    nominal_voltage = feedVoltage
                normVolt = (phaseVolt / nominal_voltage)
        avgVolts = avg(allVolts)
        avgVoltsPU = avg(allVoltsPU)
        avgVoltsPU120 = 120 * avgVoltsPU
        nodeVolts[nodeName] = float("{0:.2f}".format(avgVolts))
        nodeVoltsPU[nodeName] = float("{0:.2f}".format(avgVoltsPU))
        nodeVoltsPU120[nodeName] = float("{0:.2f}".format(avgVoltsPU120))
        if len(allVolts) == 3:
            voltA = allVolts.pop()
            voltB = allVolts.pop()
            voltC = allVolts.pop()
            allDiffs.append(abs(float(voltA - voltB)))
            allDiffs.append(abs(float(voltA - voltC)))
            allDiffs.append(abs(float(voltB - voltC)))
            maxDiff = max(allDiffs)
            voltImbal = maxDiff / avgVolts
            voltImbalances[nodeName] = float("{0:.2f}".format(voltImbal))
        # Use float("{0:.2f}".format(avg(allVolts))) if displaying the node labels
    nodeLoadNames = {}
    nodeNames = {}
    for key in nodeVolts.keys():
        nodeNames[key] = key
        if key == loadLoc:
            nodeLoadNames[key] = "LOAD: " + key
    # find edge currents by parsing currdump
    edgeCurrentSum = {}
    edgeCurrentMax = {}
    for row in currTable:
        allCurr = []
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            realCurr = abs(float(row['curr' + phase + '_real']))
            imagCurr = abs(float(row['curr' + phase + '_imag']))
            phaseCurr = math.sqrt((realCurr**2) + (imagCurr**2))
        edgeCurrentSum[row.get('link_name', '')] = sum(allCurr)
        edgeCurrentMax[row.get('link_name', '')] = max(allCurr)
    # When just showing current as labels, use sum of the three lines' current values, when showing the per unit values (current/rating), use the max of the three
    #edgeTupleCurrents = edgeCurrents copy with to-from tuple as keys for labeling
    edgeTupleCurrents = {}
    #edgeValsPU = values normalized per unit by line ratings
    edgeValsPU = {}
    #edgeTupleValsPU = edgeValsPU copy with to-from tuple as keys for labeling
    edgeTupleValsPU = {}
    #edgeTuplePower = dict with to-from tuples as keys and sim power as values for debugging
    edgeTuplePower = {}
    #edgeTupleNames = dict with to-from tuples as keys and names as values for debugging
    edgeTupleNames = {}
    #edgeTupleFaultNames = dict with to-from tuples as keys and the name of the Fault as the only value
    edgeTupleFaultNames = {}
    #edgeTupleProtDevs = dict with to-from tuples as keys and the initial of the type of protective device as the value
    edgeTupleProtDevs = {}
    #linePhases = dictionary containing the number of phases on each line for line-width purposes
    linePhases = {}
    edgePower = {}
    for edge in edgeCurrentSum:
        for obj in tree.values():
            obname = obj.get('name', '').replace('"', '')
            if obname == edge:
                objType = obj.get('object')
                nodeFrom = obj.get('from')
                nodeTo = obj.get('to')
                coord = (nodeFrom, nodeTo)
                currVal = edgeCurrentSum.get(edge)
                voltVal = avg([nodeVolts.get(nodeFrom), nodeVolts.get(nodeTo)])
                power = (currVal * voltVal) / 1000
                lineRating = lineRatings.get(edge, 10.0**9)
                edgePerUnitVal = (edgeCurrentMax.get(edge)) / lineRating
                edgeTupleCurrents[coord] = "{0:.2f}".format(currVal)
                edgeTuplePower[coord] = "{0:.2f}".format(power)
                edgePower[edge] = power
                edgeValsPU[edge] = edgePerUnitVal
                edgeTupleValsPU[coord] = "{0:.2f}".format(edgePerUnitVal)
                edgeTupleNames[coord] = edge
                if faultLoc == edge:
                    edgeTupleFaultNames[coord] = "FAULT: " + edge
                phaseStr = obj.get('phases', '').replace('"', '').replace(
                    'N', '').replace('S', '')
                numPhases = len(phaseStr)
                if (numPhases < 1) or (numPhases > 3):
                    numPhases = 1
                linePhases[edge] = numPhases
                protDevLabel = ""
                protDevBlownStr = ""
                if objType in protDevices.keys():
                    for phase in protDevFinalStatus[obname].keys():
                        if objType == 'fuse':
                            if protDevFinalStatus[obname][phase] == "BLOWN":
                                protDevBlownStr = "!"
                            if protDevFinalStatus[obname][phase] == "OPEN":
                                protDevBlownStr = "!"
                if objType == 'fuse':
                    protDevLabel = 'F'
                elif objType == 'switch':
                    protDevLabel = 'S'
                elif objType == 'recloser':
                    protDevLabel = 'R'
                elif objType == 'sectionalizer':
                    protDevLabel = 'X'
                edgeTupleProtDevs[coord] = protDevLabel + protDevBlownStr
    #define which dict will be used for edge line color
    edgeColors = edgeValsPU
    #define which dict will be used for edge label
    edgeLabels = edgeTupleValsPU
    # Build the graph.
    fGraph = feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
    # TODO: consider whether we can set figsize dynamically.
    wlVal = int(math.sqrt(float(rezSqIn)))
    voltChart = plt.figure(figsize=(wlVal, wlVal))
    #set axes step equal
    if neatoLayout:
        # HACK: work on a new graph without attributes because graphViz tries to read attrs.
        cleanG = nx.Graph(fGraph.edges())
        positions = graphviz_layout(cleanG, prog='neato')
        remove_nodes = [
            n for n in fGraph if fGraph.nodes[n].get('pos', (0, 0)) == (0, 0)
        positions = {n: fGraph.nodes[n].get('pos', (0, 0)) for n in fGraph}
    # Need to get edge names from pairs of connected node names.
    edgeNames = []
    for e in fGraph.edges():
                                              'BLANK')).replace('"', ''))
    #create custom colormap
    if customColormap:
        if scaleMin != None and scaleMax != None:
            scaleDif = scaleMax - scaleMin
            custom_cm = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
                'custColMap', [(scaleMin, 'blue'),
                               (scaleMin + (0.12 * scaleDif), 'darkgray'),
                               (scaleMin + (0.56 * scaleDif), 'darkgray'),
                               (scaleMin + (0.8 * scaleDif), 'red')])
            vmin = scaleMin
            vmax = scaleMax
            custom_cm = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
                'custColMap', [(0.0, 'blue'), (0.15, 'darkgray'),
                               (0.7, 'darkgray'), (1.0, 'red')])
            vmin = 0
            vmax = 1.25
        custom_cm = plt.cm.get_cmap('viridis')
        if scaleMin != None and scaleMax != None:
            vmin = scaleMin
            vmax = scaleMax
            vmin = None
            vmax = None
    drawColorbar = False
    emptyColors = {}
    #draw edges with or without colors
    if edgeCol != None:
        drawColorbar = True
        if edgeCol == "Current":
            edgeList = [edgeCurrentSum.get(n, 1) for n in edgeNames]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif edgeCol == "Power":
            edgeList = [edgePower.get(n, 1) for n in edgeNames]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif edgeCol == "Rating":
            edgeList = [lineRatings.get(n, 10.0**9) for n in edgeNames]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif edgeCol == "PercentOfRating":
            edgeList = [edgeValsPU.get(n, .5) for n in edgeNames]
            drawColorbar = True
            edgeList = [emptyColors.get(n, .6) for n in edgeNames]
                "WARNING: edgeCol property must be 'Current', 'Power', 'Rating', 'PercentOfRating', or None"
        edgeList = [emptyColors.get(n, .6) for n in edgeNames]
    edgeIm = nx.draw_networkx_edges(
        width=[linePhases.get(n, 1) for n in edgeNames],
    #draw edge labels
    if edgeLabs != None:
        if edgeLabs == "Name":
            edgeLabels = edgeTupleNames
        elif edgeLabs == "Fault":
            edgeLabels = edgeTupleFaultNames
        elif edgeLabs == "Value":
            if edgeCol == "Current":
                edgeLabels = edgeTupleCurrents
            elif edgeCol == "Power":
                edgeLabels = edgeTuplePower
            elif edgeCol == "Rating":
                edgeLabels = edgeTupleRatings
            elif edgeCol == "PercentOfRating":
                edgeLabels = edgeTupleValsPU
                edgeLabels = None
                    "WARNING: edgeCol property cannot be set to None when edgeLabs property is set to 'Value'"
        elif edgeLabs == "ProtDevs":
            edgeLabels = edgeTupleProtDevs
            edgeLabs = None
                "WARNING: edgeLabs property must be either 'Name', 'Value', or None"
    if edgeLabs != None:
        edgeLabelsIm = nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(fGraph,
    # draw nodes with or without color
    if nodeCol != None:
        if nodeCol == "Voltage":
            nodeList = [nodeVolts.get(n, 1) for n in fGraph.nodes()]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif nodeCol == "VoltageImbalance":
            nodeList = [voltImbalances.get(n, 1) for n in fGraph.nodes()]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif nodeCol == "perUnitVoltage":
            nodeList = [nodeVoltsPU.get(n, .5) for n in fGraph.nodes()]
            drawColorbar = True
        elif nodeCol == "perUnit120Voltage":
            nodeList = [nodeVoltsPU120.get(n, 120) for n in fGraph.nodes()]
            drawColorbar = True
            nodeList = [emptyColors.get(n, 1) for n in fGraph.nodes()]
                "WARNING: nodeCol property must be 'Voltage', 'VoltageImbalance', 'perUnitVoltage', 'perUnit120Voltage', or None"
        nodeList = [emptyColors.get(n, .6) for n in fGraph.nodes()]

    nodeIm = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(fGraph,
    #draw node labels
    nodeLabels = {}
    if nodeLabs != None:
        if nodeLabs == "Name":
            nodeLabels = nodeNames
        elif nodeLabs == "Value":
            if nodeCol == "Voltage":
                nodeLabels = nodeVolts
            elif nodeCol == "VoltageImbalance":
                nodeLabels = voltImbalances
            elif nodeCol == "perUnitVoltage":
                nodeLabels = nodeVoltsPU
            elif nodeCol == "perUnit120Voltage":
                nodeLabels = nodeVoltsPU120
                nodeLabels = None
                    "WARNING: nodeCol property cannot be set to None when nodeLabs property is set to 'Value'"
        #HACK: add hidden node label option for displaying specified load name
        elif nodeLabs == "Load":
            nodeLabels = nodeLoadNames
            nodeLabs = None
                "WARNING: nodeLabs property must be either 'Name', 'Value', or None"
    if nodeLabs != None:
        nodeLabelsIm = nx.draw_networkx_labels(fGraph,
    # plt.clim(110,130)
    if drawColorbar:
    return voltChart
コード例 #14
ファイル: aGosedWeather.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
# Delete all climate then reinsert.
reader_name = 'weatherReader'
climate_name = 'MyClimate'
for key in myTree.keys():
	obName = myTree[key].get('name','')
	obType = myTree[key].get('object','')
	if obName in [reader_name, climate_name] or obType is 'climate':
		del myTree[key]
oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(myTree)
myTree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'tape'}
myTree[oldMax + 2] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'climate'}
myTree[oldMax + 3] = {'object':'csv_reader', 'name':reader_name, 'filename':CSV_NAME}
myTree[oldMax + 4] = {'object':'climate', 'name':climate_name, 'reader': reader_name, 'tmyfile':CSV_NAME}

# Set the time correctly.
feeder.adjustTime(myTree, 240, 'hours', '{}-{}-{}'.format(INIT_TIME.year, INIT_TIME.month, INIT_TIME.day))

# Run here to test.
rawOut = runInFilesystem(myTree, attachments=[], keepFiles=True, workDir='.', glmName='./outFile.glm')

# Write back the full feeder.
# outJson = dict(myFeed)
# with open(CSV_NAME,'r') as weatherFile:
# 	weatherString = weatherFile.read()
# outJson['attachments']['weatheryearDCA.csv'] = weatherString
# outJson['tree'] = myTree
# try: os.remove('./Orville Tree Pond Calibrated With Weather.json')
# except: pass
# with open('./Orville Tree Pond Calibrated With Weather.json', 'w') as outFile:
# 	json.dump(outJson, outFile, indent=4)
コード例 #15
ファイル: _gridBallastDevice.py プロジェクト: xzflin/omf
def run(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. '''
        # Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
        omd = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, 'feeder.omd')))
        tree = omd.get('tree', {})
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
        feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
        feeder.adjustTime(tree, 120, 'hours', '2011-01-01')
        # Run GridLAB-D
        startTime = dt.datetime.now()
        rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                              'attachments', {}),
        # Clean the output.
        cleanOut = {}
        # Std Err and Std Out
        cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
        cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
        # Time Stamps
        for key in rawOut:
            if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
            elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
        # Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
        stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps', [])
        level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits', 'hours')
        # Climate
        for key in rawOut:
            if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                cleanOut['climate'] = {}
                cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = rawOut[key].get(
                cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = rawOut[key].get(
                cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = rawOut[key].get(
                cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = rawOut[key].get(
                cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = rawOut[key].get(
                climateWbySFList = rawOut[key].get('solar_global')
                #converting W/sf to W/sm
                climateWbySMList = [x * 10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
                    'Global Horizontal (W/sm)'] = climateWbySMList
        # Voltage Band
        if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = [
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = [
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = [
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = [
                float(i / 2)
                for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']
        # Dump the results.
        endTime = dt.datetime.now()
        inputDict["runTime"] = str(
            dt.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile:
            json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
        # If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
        thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
        print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr
        inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
        with open(os.path.join(modelDir, 'stderr.txt'), 'w') as errorFile:
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
コード例 #16
from flask import url_for, request
import omf
from omf import feeder
from omf.solvers import gridlabd
from omf.scratch.GRIP import grip

# Place to hack on stuff. Not intended to be run with real tests via pytest
if __name__ == '__main__':
    temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    path = Path(omf.omfDir) / 'scratch/CIGAR/test_ieee123nodeBetter.glm'
    #path = Path(__file__).parent / 'test-files/ieee123_pole_vulnerability.glm'
    feed = feeder.parse(path)
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    outDict = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(feed,

@pytest.fixture(scope="module")  # The client should only be created once
def client():
    # testing must be set to true on the Flask application
    grip.app.config['TESTING'] = True
    # create a test client with built-in Flask code
    client = grip.app.test_client()
    # 'yield' instead of 'return' due to how fixtures work in pytest
    yield client
    # Could put teardown code here if needed
コード例 #17
ファイル: solarAdd.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
	'object': 'underground_line', 'name': 'test_solar_line', 'phases': 'ABCN',
	'from': 'test_solar_node', 'to': 'GC-12-47-1_node_26', 'length': '100',
	'configuration': 'line_configuration:6'

feed[maxKey + 3] = {
	'object': 'meter', 'name': 'test_solar_meter', 'parent': 'test_solar_node',
	'phases': 'ABCN', 'nominal_voltage': '480'
feed[maxKey + 4] = {
	'object': 'inverter', 'name': 'test_solar_inverter', 'parent': 'test_solar_meter',
	'phases': 'AS', 'inverter_type': 'PWM', 'power_factor': '1.0', 
	'generator_status': 'ONLINE', 'generator_mode': 'CONSTANT_PF'
feed[maxKey + 5] = {
	'object': 'solar', 'name': 'test_solar', 'parent': 'test_solar_inverter', 'area': '1000000 sf',
	'generator_status': 'ONLINE', 'efficiency': '0.2', 'generator_mode': 'SUPPLY_DRIVEN',

feed[maxKey + 6] = {
	'object': 'recorder', 'parent': 'test_solar_meter', 'property': 'voltage_A.real,voltage_A.imag,voltage_B.real,voltage_B.imag,voltage_C.real,voltage_C.imag', 
	'file': 'GC-addSolar-voltages.csv', 'interval': '60', 'limit': '1440' 

runInFilesystem(feed, keepFiles = True, workDir = '.', glmName = 'GC-solarAdd.glm')
output = open('GC-solarAdd.glm', 'w')
コード例 #18
ファイル: generateDissagData.py プロジェクト: sammatuba/omf
                            if simNum == 0:

                    # copy model and its schedule into the working directory
                    copy2(TEMPLATE_DIR + MODEL_FILE, WORKING_DIR)
                    copy2(TEMPLATE_DIR + SCHEDULE_FILE, WORKING_DIR)

                    # get gridlab model from template
                    gridlabModel = getRandomGridlabModelFromTemplate( \
                     WORKING_DIR+MODEL_FILE, deleteEVCharger, \
                     waterHeaterType, coolingType, heatingType)

                    # run gridlabd
                    start = time.time()
                    end = time.time()

                    # move all csv files into a new folder,
                    # delete all files, retain directories
                    newFolder = WORKING_DIR + SIMULATION_DIR_PREFIX + str(
                    files = glob(WORKING_DIR + '*')
                    for file in files:
                        if file[-3:] == 'csv':
                            copy2(file, newFolder)
                        except IsADirectoryError:
コード例 #19
ファイル: cvrStatic.py プロジェクト: geomf/omf-fork
def runForeground(modelDir, inputDict, fs):
    ''' Run the model in the foreground. WARNING: can take about a minute. '''
    # Global vars, and load data from the model directory.
    print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
        startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, "feeder.json")))
        tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
        attachments = feederJson.get("attachments", {})
        allOutput = {}
        ''' Run CVR analysis. '''
        # Reformate monthData and rates.
        rates = {k: float(inputDict[k]) for k in ["capitalCost", "omCost", "wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh",
                                                  "retailEnergyCostPerKwh", "peakDemandCostSpringPerKw", "peakDemandCostSummerPerKw",
                                                  "peakDemandCostFallPerKw", "peakDemandCostWinterPerKw"]}
        # print "RATES", rates
        monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August",
                      "September", "October", "November", "December"]
        monthToSeason = {'January': 'Winter', 'February': 'Winter', 'March': 'Spring', 'April': 'Spring',
                         'May': 'Spring', 'June': 'Summer', 'July': 'Summer', 'August': 'Summer',
                         'September': 'Fall', 'October': 'Fall', 'November': 'Fall', 'December': 'Winter'}
        monthData = []
        for i, x in enumerate(monthNames):
            monShort = x[0:3].lower()
            season = monthToSeason[x]
            histAvg = float(inputDict.get(monShort + "Avg", 0))
            histPeak = float(inputDict.get(monShort + "Peak", 0))
            monthData.append({"monthId": i, "monthName": x, "histAverage": histAvg,
                              "histPeak": histPeak, "season": season})
        # for row in monthData:
        # 	print row
        # Graph the SCADA data.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        indices = [r['monthName'] for r in monthData]
        d1 = [r['histPeak'] / (10**3) for r in monthData]
        d2 = [r['histAverage'] / (10**3) for r in monthData]
        ticks = range(len(d1))
        bar_peak = plt.bar(ticks, d1, color='gray')
        bar_avg = plt.bar(ticks, d2, color='dimgray')
        plt.legend([bar_peak[0], bar_avg[0]], ['histPeak', 'histAverage'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        plt.xticks([t + 0.5 for t in ticks], indices)
        plt.ylabel('Mean and peak historical power consumptions (kW)')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "scadaChart.png"))
        allOutput["histPeak"] = d1
        allOutput["histAverage"] = d2
        allOutput["monthName"] = [name[0:3] for name in monthNames]
        # Graph feeder.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        myGraph = omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
        omf.feeder.latLonNxGraph(myGraph, neatoLayout=False)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"))
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"), "rb") as inFile:
            allOutput["feederChart"] = inFile.read().encode("base64")
        # Get the load levels we need to test.
        allLoadLevels = [x.get(
            'histPeak', 0) for x in monthData] + [y.get('histAverage', 0) for y in monthData]
        maxLev = _roundOne(max(allLoadLevels), 'up')
        minLev = _roundOne(min(allLoadLevels), 'down')
        tenLoadLevels = range(
            int(minLev), int(maxLev), int((maxLev - minLev) / 10))
        # Gather variables from the feeder.
        for key in tree.keys():
            # Set clock to single timestep.
            if tree[key].get('clock', '') == 'clock':
                tree[key] = {"timezone": "PST+8PDT",
                             "stoptime": "'2013-01-01 00:00:00'",
                             "starttime": "'2013-01-01 00:00:00'",
                             "clock": "clock"}
            # Save swing node index.
            if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
                swingIndex = key
                swingName = tree[key].get('name')
            # Remove all includes.
            if tree[key].get('omftype', '') == '#include':
                del key
        # Find the substation regulator and config.
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'regulator' and tree[key].get('from', '') == swingName:
                regIndex = key
                regConfName = tree[key]['configuration']
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('name', '') == regConfName:
                regConfIndex = key
        # Set substation regulator to manual operation.
        baselineTap = int(inputDict.get("baselineTap"))
        tree[regConfIndex] = {
            'name': tree[regConfIndex]['name'],
            'object': 'regulator_configuration',
            'connect_type': '1',
            'raise_taps': '10',
            'lower_taps': '10',
            'CT_phase': 'ABC',
            'PT_phase': 'ABC',
            # Yo, 0.10 means at tap_pos 10 we're 10% above 120V.
            'regulation': '0.10',
            'Control': 'MANUAL',
            'control_level': 'INDIVIDUAL',
            'Type': 'A',
            'tap_pos_A': str(baselineTap),
            'tap_pos_B': str(baselineTap),
            'tap_pos_C': str(baselineTap)}
        # Attach recorders relevant to CVR.
        recorders = [
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesTransformer.csv',
             'group': 'class=transformer',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesUnderground.csv',
             'group': 'class=underground_line',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesOverhead.csv',
             'group': 'class=overhead_line',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'Zregulator.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': tree[regIndex]['name'],
             'property': 'tap_A,tap_B,tap_C,power_in.real,power_in.imag'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZvoltageJiggle.csv',
             'group': 'class=triplex_meter',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'min(voltage_12.mag),mean(voltage_12.mag),max(voltage_12.mag),std(voltage_12.mag)'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'ZsubstationTop.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': tree[swingIndex]['name'],
             'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'ZsubstationBottom.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': tree[regIndex]['to'],
             'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'}]
        biggest = 1 + max([int(k) for k in tree.keys()])
        for index, rec in enumerate(recorders):
            tree[biggest + index] = rec
        # Change constant PF loads to ZIP loads. (See evernote for rationale
        # about 50/50 power/impedance mix.)
        blankZipModel = {'object': 'triplex_load',
                         'name': 'NAMEVARIABLE',
                         'base_power_12': 'POWERVARIABLE',
                         'power_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("p_percent")),
                         'impedance_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("z_percent")),
                         'current_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("i_percent")),
                         # MAYBEFIX: we can probably get this PF data from the
                         # Milsoft loads.
                         'power_pf_12': str(inputDict.get("power_factor")),
                         'impedance_pf_12': str(inputDict.get("power_factor")),
                         'current_pf_12': str(inputDict.get("power_factor")),
                         'nominal_voltage': '120',
                         'phases': 'PHASESVARIABLE',
                         'parent': 'PARENTVARIABLE'}

        def powerClean(powerStr):
            ''' take 3339.39+1052.29j to 3339.39 '''
            return powerStr[0:powerStr.find('+')]
        for key in tree:
            if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_node':
                # Get existing variables.
                name = tree[key].get('name', '')
                power = tree[key].get('power_12', '')
                parent = tree[key].get('parent', '')
                phases = tree[key].get('phases', '')
                # Replace object and reintroduce variables.
                tree[key] = copy(blankZipModel)
                tree[key]['name'] = name
                tree[key]['base_power_12'] = powerClean(power)
                tree[key]['parent'] = parent
                tree[key]['phases'] = phases
        # Function to determine how low we can tap down in the CVR case:

        def loweringPotential(baseLine):
            ''' Given a baseline end of line voltage, how many more percent can we shave off the substation voltage? '''
            ''' testsWePass = [122.0,118.0,200.0,110.0] '''
            lower = int(math.floor((baseLine / 114.0 - 1) * 100)) - 1
            # If lower is negative, we can't return it because we'd be
            # undervolting beyond what baseline already was!
            if lower < 0:
                return baselineTap
                return baselineTap - lower
        # Run all the powerflows.
        powerflows = []
        for doingCvr in [False, True]:
            # For each load level in the tenLoadLevels, run a powerflow with
            # the load objects scaled to the level.
            for desiredLoad in tenLoadLevels:
                # Find the total load that was defined in Milsoft:
                loadList = []
                for key in tree:
                    if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_load':
                        loadList.append(tree[key].get('base_power_12', ''))
                totalLoad = sum([float(x) for x in loadList])
                # Rescale each triplex load:
                for key in tree:
                    if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_load':
                        currentPow = float(tree[key]['base_power_12'])
                        ratio = desiredLoad / totalLoad
                        tree[key]['base_power_12'] = str(currentPow * ratio)
                # If we're doing CVR then lower the voltage.
                if doingCvr:
                    # Find the minimum voltage we can tap down to:
                    newTapPos = baselineTap
                    for row in powerflows:
                        if row.get('loadLevel', '') == desiredLoad:
                            newTapPos = loweringPotential(
                                row.get('lowVoltage', 114))
                    # Tap it down to there.
                    # MAYBEFIX: do each phase separately because that's how
                    # it's done in the field... Oof.
                    tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_A'] = str(newTapPos)
                    tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_B'] = str(newTapPos)
                    tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_C'] = str(newTapPos)
                # Run the model through gridlab and put outputs in the table.
                output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=attachments,
                                                  keepFiles=True, workDir=modelDir)
                os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
                p = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.real'][0]
                q = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.imag'][0]
                s = math.sqrt(p**2 + q**2)
                lossTotal = 0.0
                for device in ['ZlossesOverhead.csv', 'ZlossesTransformer.csv', 'ZlossesUnderground.csv']:
                    for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                        r = output[device][
                            'sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'][0]
                        i = output[device][
                            'sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'][0]
                        lossTotal += math.sqrt(r**2 + i**2)
                # Entire output:
                    'doingCvr': doingCvr,
                    'loadLevel': desiredLoad,
                    'realPower': p,
                    'powerFactor': p / s,
                    'losses': lossTotal,
                    'subVoltage': (
                        output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_A'][0] +
                        output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_B'][0] +
                        output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_C'][0]) / 3 / 60,
                    'lowVoltage': output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'][0] / 2,
                    'highVoltage': output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'][0] / 2})
        # For a given load level, find two points to interpolate on.

        def getInterpPoints(t):
            ''' Find the two points we can interpolate from. '''
            ''' tests pass on [tenLoadLevels[0],tenLoadLevels[5]+499,tenLoadLevels[-1]-988] '''
            loc = sorted(tenLoadLevels + [t]).index(t)
            if loc == 0:
                return (tenLoadLevels[0], tenLoadLevels[1])
            elif loc > len(tenLoadLevels) - 2:
                return (tenLoadLevels[-2], tenLoadLevels[-1])
                return (tenLoadLevels[loc - 1], tenLoadLevels[loc + 1])
        # Calculate peak reduction.
        for row in monthData:
            peak = row['histPeak']
            peakPoints = getInterpPoints(peak)
            peakTopBase = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[-1] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False][0]
            peakTopCvr = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[-1] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True][0]
            peakBottomBase = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[0] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False][0]
            peakBottomCvr = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[0] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True][0]
            # Linear interpolation so we aren't running umpteen million
            # loadflows.
            x = (peakPoints[0], peakPoints[1])
            y = (peakTopBase['realPower'] - peakTopCvr['realPower'],
                 peakBottomBase['realPower'] - peakBottomCvr['realPower'])
            peakRed = y[0] + (y[1] - y[0]) * (peak - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
            row['peakReduction'] = peakRed
        # Calculate energy reduction and loss reduction based on average load.
        for row in monthData:
            avgEnergy = row['histAverage']
            energyPoints = getInterpPoints(avgEnergy)
            avgTopBase = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[-1] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False][0]
            avgTopCvr = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[-1] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True][0]
            avgBottomBase = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[0] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False][0]
            avgBottomCvr = [x for x in powerflows if x.get(
                'loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[0] and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True][0]
            # Linear interpolation so we aren't running umpteen million
            # loadflows.
            x = (energyPoints[0], energyPoints[1])
            y = (avgTopBase['realPower'] - avgTopCvr['realPower'],
                 avgBottomBase['realPower'] - avgBottomCvr['realPower'])
            energyRed = y[0] + \
                (y[1] - y[0]) * (avgEnergy - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
            row['energyReduction'] = energyRed
            lossY = (avgTopBase['losses'] - avgTopCvr['losses'],
                     avgBottomBase['losses'] - avgBottomCvr['losses'])
            lossRed = lossY[0] + (lossY[1] - lossY[0]) * \
                (avgEnergy - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
            row['lossReduction'] = lossRed
        # Multiply by dollars.
        for row in monthData:
            row['energyReductionDollars'] = row['energyReduction'] / 1000 * \
                (rates['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh'] -
            row['peakReductionDollars'] = row['peakReduction'] / \
                1000 * rates['peakDemandCost' + row['season'] + 'PerKw']
            row['lossReductionDollars'] = row['lossReduction'] / \
                1000 * rates['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']
        # Pretty output

        def plotTable(inData):
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
            plt.table(cellText=[row for row in inData[1:]],
                      rowLabels=range(len(inData) - 1),

        def dictalToMatrix(dictList):
            ''' Take our dictal format to a matrix. '''
            matrix = [dictList[0].keys()]
            for row in dictList:
            return matrix
        # Powerflow results.
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "powerflowTable.png"))
        # Monetary results.
        # To print partial money table
        monthDataMat = dictalToMatrix(monthData)
        dimX = len(monthDataMat)
        dimY = len(monthDataMat[0])
        monthDataPart = []
        for k in range(0, dimX):
            monthDatatemp = []
            for m in range(4, dimY):

        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "moneyTable.png"))
        allOutput["monthDataMat"] = dictalToMatrix(monthData)
        allOutput["monthDataPart"] = monthDataPart
        # Graph the money data.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
        indices = [r['monthName'] for r in monthData]
        d1 = [r['energyReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
        d2 = [r['lossReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
        d3 = [r['peakReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
        ticks = range(len(d1))
        bar_erd = plt.bar(ticks, d1, color='red')
        bar_lrd = plt.bar(ticks, d2, color='green')
        bar_prd = plt.bar(ticks, d3, color='blue', yerr=d2)
        plt.legend([bar_prd[0], bar_lrd[0], bar_erd[0]], ['peakReductionDollars', 'lossReductionDollars', 'energyReductionDollars'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        plt.xticks([t + 0.5 for t in ticks], indices)
        plt.ylabel('Utility Savings ($)')
        plt.tight_layout(5.5, 1.3, 1.2)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "spendChart.png"))
        allOutput["energyReductionDollars"] = d1
        allOutput["lossReductionDollars"] = d2
        allOutput["peakReductionDollars"] = d3
        # Graph the cumulative savings.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
        annualSavings = sum(d1) + sum(d2) + sum(d3)
        annualSave = lambda x: (
            annualSavings - rates['omCost']) * x - rates['capitalCost']
        simplePayback = rates['capitalCost'] / \
            (annualSavings - rates['omCost'])
        plt.xlabel('Year After Installation')
        plt.xlim(0, 30)
        plt.ylabel('Cumulative Savings ($)')
        plt.plot([0 for x in range(31)], c='gray')
        plt.axvline(x=simplePayback, ymin=0, ymax=1, c='gray', linestyle='--')
        plt.plot([annualSave(x) for x in range(31)], c='green')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "savingsChart.png"))
        allOutput["annualSave"] = [annualSave(x) for x in range(31)]
        # Update the runTime in the input file.
        endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
        inputDict["runTime"] = str(
            datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
        fs.save(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), json.dumps(inputDict, indent=4))
        # Write output file.
        fs.save(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), json.dumps(allOutput, indent=4))
        # For autotest, there won't be such file.
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
        print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
    except Exception as e:
        print "Oops, Model Crashed!!!"
        print e
コード例 #20
ファイル: _resilientDist.py プロジェクト: baifengbai/omf
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. '''
    outData = {}
    feederName = [x for x in os.listdir(modelDir)
                  if x.endswith('.omd')][0][:-4]
    inputDict["feederName1"] = feederName
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, inputDict['weatherImpactsFileName']),
              'w') as hazardFile:
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + '.omd'), "r") as jsonIn:
        feederModel = json.load(jsonIn)
    # Create GFM input file.
    print "RUNNING GFM FOR", modelDir
    gfmInputTemplate = {
        'phase_variation': float(inputDict['phaseVariation']),
        'chance_constraint': float(inputDict['chanceConstraint']),
        'critical_load_met': float(inputDict['criticalLoadMet']),
        1.0,  #(float(inputDict['criticalLoadMet']) + float(inputDict['nonCriticalLoadMet'])),
        'xrMatrices': inputDict["xrMatrices"],
        'maxDGPerGenerator': float(inputDict["maxDGPerGenerator"]),
        'dgUnitCost': float(inputDict["dgUnitCost"]),
        'newLineCandidates': inputDict['newLineCandidates'],
        'hardeningCandidates': inputDict['hardeningCandidates'],
        'switchCandidates': inputDict['switchCandidates'],
        'hardeningUnitCost': inputDict['hardeningUnitCost'],
        'switchCost': inputDict['switchCost'],
        'generatorCandidates': inputDict['generatorCandidates'],
        'lineUnitCost': inputDict['lineUnitCost']
    gfmJson = convertToGFM(gfmInputTemplate, feederModel)
    gfmInputFilename = 'gfmInput.json'
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, gfmInputFilename), "w") as outFile:
        json.dump(gfmJson, outFile, indent=4)
    # Run GFM
    gfmBinaryPath = pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'solvers', 'gfm',
    proc = subprocess.Popen([
        'java', '-jar', gfmBinaryPath, '-r', gfmInputFilename, '-wf',
        inputDict['weatherImpactsFileName'], '-num', '3'
    (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "gfmConsoleOut.txt"), "w") as gfmConsoleOut:
    # HACK: rename the hardcoded gfm output
    rdtInputFilePath = pJoin(modelDir, 'rdtInput.json')
    #fix for windows web server hangup
    rdtInputFilePath = pJoin(modelDir, 'rdt_OUTPUT.json')
    # Pull GFM input data on lines and generators for HTML presentation.
    with open(rdtInputFilePath, 'r') as rdtInputFile:
        # HACK: we use rdtInput as a string in the frontend.
        rdtJsonAsString = rdtInputFile.read()
        rdtJson = json.loads(rdtJsonAsString)
    # Calculate line costs.
    lineData = {}
    for line in rdtJson["lines"]:
        lineData[line["id"]] = '{:,.2f}'.format(
            float(line["length"]) * float(inputDict["lineUnitCost"]))
    outData["lineData"] = lineData
    outData["generatorData"] = '{:,.2f}'.format(
        float(inputDict["dgUnitCost"]) * float(inputDict["maxDGPerGenerator"]))
    outData['gfmRawOut'] = rdtJsonAsString
    if inputDict['scenarios'] != "":
        rdtJson['scenarios'] = json.loads(inputDict['scenarios'])
        with open(pJoin(rdtInputFilePath), "w") as rdtInputFile:
            json.dump(rdtJson, rdtInputFile, indent=4)
    # Run GridLAB-D first time to generate xrMatrices.
    print "RUNNING GLD FOR", modelDir
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        omdPath = pJoin(modelDir, feederName + ".omd")
        with open(omdPath, "r") as omd:
            omd = json.load(omd)
        deleteList = []
        newLines = inputDict["newLineCandidates"].strip().replace(
            ' ', '').split(',')
        for newLine in newLines:
            for omdObj in omd["tree"]:
                if ("name" in omd["tree"][omdObj]):
                    if (newLine == omd["tree"][omdObj]["name"]):
        for delItem in deleteList:
            del omd["tree"][delItem]
        #Load a blank glm file and use it to write to it
        feederPath = pJoin(modelDir, 'feeder.glm')
        with open(feederPath, 'w') as glmFile:
            toWrite = omf.feeder.sortedWrite(
            ) + "object jsondump {\n\tfilename_dump_reliability test_JSON_dump.json;\n\twrite_system_info true;\n\twrite_per_unit true;\n\tsystem_base 100.0 MVA;\n};\n"  # + "object jsonreader {\n\tfilename " + insertRealRdtOutputNameHere + ";\n};"
        #Write attachments from omd, if no file, one will be created
        for fileName in omd['attachments']:
            with open(os.path.join(modelDir, fileName), 'w') as file:
        #Wire in the file the user specifies via zipcode.
        climateFileName, latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(
            pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
                  climateFileName + ".tmy2"), pJoin(modelDir, 'climate.tmy2'))
        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gridlabd', 'feeder.glm'],
        (out, err) = proc.communicate()
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "gldConsoleOut.txt"), "w") as gldConsoleOut:
        accumulator = ""
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "JSON_dump_line.json"), "r") as gldOut:
            accumulator = json.load(gldOut)
        outData['gridlabdRawOut'] = accumulator
        #Data trabsformation for GLD
        rdtJson["line_codes"] = accumulator["properties"]["line_codes"]
        rdtJson["lines"] = accumulator["properties"]["lines"]
        for item in rdtJson["lines"]:
            item['node1_id'] = item['node1_id'] + "_bus"
            item['node2_id'] = item['node2_id'] + "_bus"
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, rdtInputFilePath), "w") as outFile:
            json.dump(rdtJson, outFile, indent=4)
        '''rdtJson["line_codes"] = accumulator["properties"]["line_codes"]
		counter = 1
		lineCodeTracker = {}
		for item in rdtJson["line_codes"]:
			lineCodeTracker[item['line_code']] = counter
			item['line_code'] = counter
			counter = counter + 1
		rdtJson["lines"] = accumulator["properties"]["lines"]
		print lineCodeTracker
		for line in rdtJson["lines"]:
			line["line_code"] = lineCodeTracker[line["line_code"]]
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, rdtInputFilePath), "w") as outFile:
			json.dump(rdtJson, outFile, indent=4)'''
        tree = feederModel.get("tree", {})
        attachments = feederModel.get("attachments", {})
        climateFileName, latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(
            pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
                  climateFileName + ".tmy2"), pJoin(modelDir, 'climate.tmy2'))
        gridlabdRawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
        outData['gridlabdRawOut'] = gridlabdRawOut
    # Run RDT.
    print "RUNNING RDT FOR", modelDir
    rdtOutFile = modelDir + '/rdtOutput.json'
    rdtSolverFolder = pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, 'solvers', 'rdt')
    rdtJarPath = pJoin(rdtSolverFolder, 'micot-rdt.jar')
    #shutil.copy(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "scratch", "rdt_OUTPUTTEST.json"), pJoin(modelDir, 'rdt_OUTPUT.json'))
    proc = subprocess.Popen([
        'java', "-Djna.library.path=" + rdtSolverFolder, '-jar', rdtJarPath,
        '-c', rdtInputFilePath, '-e', rdtOutFile
    (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "rdtConsoleOut.txt"), "w") as rdtConsoleOut:
    rdtRawOut = open(rdtOutFile).read()
    outData['rdtRawOut'] = rdtRawOut
    # Indent the RDT output nicely.
    with open(pJoin(rdtOutFile), "w") as outFile:
        rdtOut = json.loads(rdtRawOut)
        json.dump(rdtOut, outFile, indent=4)
    # Generate and run 2nd copy of GridLAB-D model with changes specified by RDT.
    print "RUNNING GLD FOR", modelDir
    feederCopy = copy.deepcopy(feederModel)
    lineSwitchList = []
    for line in rdtOut['design_solution']['lines']:
        if ('switch_built' in line):
    # Remove nonessential lines in second model as indicated by RDT output.
    for key in feederCopy['tree'].keys():
        value = feederCopy['tree'][key]
        if ('object' in value):
            if (value['object'] == 'underground_line') or (value['object']
                                                           == 'overhead_line'):
                if value['name'] not in lineSwitchList:
                    del feederCopy['tree'][key]
    #Add generators to second model.
    maxTreeKey = int(max(feederCopy['tree'], key=int)) + 1
    '''for gen in rdtOut['design_solution']['generators']:
		newGen = {}
		newGen["object"] = "diesel_dg"
		newGen["name"] = gen['id']
		newGen["parent"] = gen['id'][:-4]
		newGen["phases"] = "ABC"
		newGen["Gen_type"] = "CONSTANT_PQ"
		newGen["Rated_VA"] = "5.0 kVA"
		newGen["power_out_A"] = "250.0+120.0j"
		newGen["power_out_B"] = "230.0+130.0j"
		newGen["power_out_C"] = "220.0+150.0j"
		feederCopy['tree'][str(maxTreeKey)] = newGen
		maxTreeKey = maxTreeKey + 1
    maxTreeKey = max(feederCopy['tree'], key=int)
    # Load a blank glm file and use it to write to it
    feederPath = pJoin(modelDir, 'feederSecond.glm')
    with open(feederPath, 'w') as glmFile:
        toWrite = "module generators;\n\n" + omf.feeder.sortedWrite(
        ) + "object voltdump {\n\tfilename voltDump2ndRun.csv;\n};\nobject jsondump {\n\tfilename_dump_reliability test_JSON_dump.json;\n\twrite_system_info true;\n\twrite_per_unit true;\n\tsystem_base 100.0 MVA;\n};\n"  # + "object jsonreader {\n\tfilename " + insertRealRdtOutputNameHere + ";\n};"
    # Run GridLAB-D second time.
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        proc = subprocess.Popen(['gridlabd', 'feederSecond.glm'],
        (out, err) = proc.communicate()
        outData["secondGLD"] = str(
            os.path.isfile(pJoin(modelDir, "voltDump2ndRun.csv")))
        # TODO: make 2nd run of GridLAB-D work on Unixes.
        outData["secondGLD"] = str(False)
    # Draw the feeder.
    genDiagram(modelDir, feederModel)
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"), "rb") as inFile:
        outData["oneLineDiagram"] = inFile.read().encode("base64")
    # And we're done.
    return outData
コード例 #21
ファイル: gridlabMulti.py プロジェクト: geomf/omf-fork
def runForeground(modelDir, inputDict, fs):
    """ Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. """
    print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
    beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    feederList = []
    # Get prepare of data and clean workspace if re-run, If re-run remove all
    # the data in the subfolders
    for dirs in os.listdir(modelDir):
        if os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, dirs)):
            shutil.rmtree(pJoin(modelDir, dirs))
    # Get each feeder, prepare data in separate folders, and run there.
    for key in sorted(inputDict, key=inputDict.get):
        if key.startswith("feederName"):
            feederDir, feederName = inputDict[key].split("___")
                os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"))
                fs.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"))
            except Exception, e:
            if not os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)):
                # create subfolders for feeders
                os.makedirs(pJoin(modelDir, feederName))

                pJoin("data", "Feeder", feederDir, feederName + ".json"), pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.json")
            inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"], fs)
                pJoin("data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
                pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "climate.tmy2"),
                startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
                feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.json")))
                tree = feederJson["tree"]
                # Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
                feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
                if "attachments" in feederJson:
                    attachments = feederJson["attachments"]
                    attachments = []
                rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
                    tree, attachments=attachments, keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir, feederName)
                cleanOut = {}
                # Std Err and Std Out
                cleanOut["stderr"] = rawOut["stderr"]
                cleanOut["stdout"] = rawOut["stdout"]
                # Time Stamps
                for key in rawOut:
                    if "# timestamp" in rawOut[key]:
                        cleanOut["timeStamps"] = rawOut[key]["# timestamp"]
                    elif "# property.. timestamp" in rawOut[key]:
                        cleanOut["timeStamps"] = rawOut[key]["# property.. timestamp"]
                        cleanOut["timeStamps"] = []
                # Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
                stamps = cleanOut.get("timeStamps", [])
                level = inputDict.get("simLengthUnits", "hours")
                # Climate
                for key in rawOut:
                    if key.startswith("Climate_") and key.endswith(".csv"):
                        cleanOut["climate"] = {}
                        cleanOut["climate"]["Rain Fall (in/h)"] = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key].get("rainfall"), sum, level, stamps
                        cleanOut["climate"]["Wind Speed (m/s)"] = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key].get("wind_speed"), avg, level, stamps
                        cleanOut["climate"]["Temperature (F)"] = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key].get("temperature"), max, level, stamps
                        cleanOut["climate"]["Snow Depth (in)"] = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key].get("snowdepth"), max, level, stamps
                        cleanOut["climate"]["Direct Insolation (W/m^2)"] = hdmAgg(
                            rawOut[key].get("solar_direct"), sum, level, stamps
                # Voltage Band
                if "VoltageJiggle.csv" in rawOut:
                    cleanOut["allMeterVoltages"] = {}
                    cleanOut["allMeterVoltages"]["Min"] = hdmAgg(
                        [float(i / 2) for i in rawOut["VoltageJiggle.csv"]["min(voltage_12.mag)"]], min, level, stamps
                    cleanOut["allMeterVoltages"]["Mean"] = hdmAgg(
                        [float(i / 2) for i in rawOut["VoltageJiggle.csv"]["mean(voltage_12.mag)"]], avg, level, stamps
                    cleanOut["allMeterVoltages"]["StdDev"] = hdmAgg(
                        [float(i / 2) for i in rawOut["VoltageJiggle.csv"]["std(voltage_12.mag)"]], avg, level, stamps
                    cleanOut["allMeterVoltages"]["Max"] = hdmAgg(
                        [float(i / 2) for i in rawOut["VoltageJiggle.csv"]["max(voltage_12.mag)"]], max, level, stamps
                # Power Consumption
                cleanOut["Consumption"] = {}
                # Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when
                # computing Loads
                cleanOut["Consumption"]["Power"] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut["Consumption"]["Losses"] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
                for key in rawOut:
                    if key.startswith("SwingKids_") and key.endswith(".csv"):
                        oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(
                            vecPyth(rawOut[key]["sum(power_in.real)"], rawOut[key]["sum(power_in.imag)"]),
                        if "Power" not in cleanOut["Consumption"]:
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["Power"] = oneSwingPower
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["Power"] = vecSum(oneSwingPower, cleanOut["Consumption"]["Power"])
                    elif key.startswith("Inverter_") and key.endswith(".csv"):
                        realA = rawOut[key]["power_A.real"]
                        realB = rawOut[key]["power_B.real"]
                        realC = rawOut[key]["power_C.real"]
                        imagA = rawOut[key]["power_A.imag"]
                        imagB = rawOut[key]["power_B.imag"]
                        imagC = rawOut[key]["power_C.imag"]
                        oneDgPower = hdmAgg(
                            vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB), vecPyth(realC, imagC)),
                        if "DG" not in cleanOut["Consumption"]:
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"] = oneDgPower
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"] = vecSum(oneDgPower, cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"])
                    elif key.startswith("Windmill_") and key.endswith(".csv"):
                        vrA = rawOut[key]["voltage_A.real"]
                        vrB = rawOut[key]["voltage_B.real"]
                        vrC = rawOut[key]["voltage_C.real"]
                        viA = rawOut[key]["voltage_A.imag"]
                        viB = rawOut[key]["voltage_B.imag"]
                        viC = rawOut[key]["voltage_C.imag"]
                        crB = rawOut[key]["current_B.real"]
                        crA = rawOut[key]["current_A.real"]
                        crC = rawOut[key]["current_C.real"]
                        ciA = rawOut[key]["current_A.imag"]
                        ciB = rawOut[key]["current_B.imag"]
                        ciC = rawOut[key]["current_C.imag"]
                        powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA, viA), vecPyth(crA, ciA))
                        powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB, viB), vecPyth(crB, ciB))
                        powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC, viC), vecPyth(crC, ciC))
                        # HACK: multiply by negative one because turbine power
                        # sign is opposite all other DG:
                        oneDgPower = [-1.0 * x for x in hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA, powerB, powerC), avg, level, stamps)]
                        if "DG" not in cleanOut["Consumption"]:
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"] = oneDgPower
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"] = vecSum(oneDgPower, cleanOut["Consumption"]["DG"])
                    elif key in [
                        realA = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_A.real)"]
                        imagA = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_A.imag)"]
                        realB = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_B.real)"]
                        imagB = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_B.imag)"]
                        realC = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_C.real)"]
                        imagC = rawOut[key]["sum(power_losses_C.imag)"]
                        oneLoss = hdmAgg(
                            vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB), vecPyth(realC, imagC)),
                        if "Losses" not in cleanOut["Consumption"]:
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["Losses"] = oneLoss
                            cleanOut["Consumption"]["Losses"] = vecSum(oneLoss, cleanOut["Consumption"]["Losses"])
                # Aggregate up the timestamps:
                if level == "days":
                    cleanOut["timeStamps"] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x: x[0][0:10], "days")
                elif level == "months":
                    cleanOut["timeStamps"] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x: x[0][0:7], "months")
                # Write the output.
                with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile:
                    json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
                # Update the runTime in the input file.
                endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
                inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
                with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
                    json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
                # Clean up the PID file.
                os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "PID.txt"))
                print "DONE RUNNING GRIDLABMULTI", modelDir, feederName
            except Exception as e:
                print "MODEL CRASHED GRIDLABMULTI", e, modelDir, feederName
                cancel(pJoin(modelDir, feederName))
                with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "stderr.txt"), "a+") as stderrFile:
コード例 #22
ファイル: gridlabMulti.py プロジェクト: sammatuba/omf
def runForeground(modelDir, test_mode=False):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, 'allInputData.json')) as f:
        inputDict = json.load(f)
    print("STARTING TO RUN", modelDir)
    beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Get prepare of data and clean workspace if re-run, If re-run remove all the data in the subfolders
    for dirs in os.listdir(modelDir):
        if os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, dirs)):
            shutil.rmtree(pJoin(modelDir, dirs))
    # Get the names of the feeders from the .omd files:
    feederNames = [x[0:-4] for x in os.listdir(modelDir) if x.endswith(".omd")]
    for i, key in enumerate(feederNames):
        inputDict['feederName' + str(i + 1)] = feederNames[i]
    # Run GridLAB-D once for each feeder:
    for feederName in feederNames:
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"))
        except Exception as e:
        if not os.path.isdir(pJoin(modelDir, feederName)):
                              feederName))  # create subfolders for feeders
        shutil.copy(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + ".omd"),
                    pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd"))
        inputDict["climateName"] = weather.zipCodeToClimateName(
            pJoin(_omfDir, "data", "Climate",
                  inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
            pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "climate.tmy2"))
            startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) as f:
                feederJson = json.load(f)
            tree = feederJson["tree"]
            # Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
            feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
            rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
                workDir=pJoin(modelDir, feederName))
            cleanOut = {}
            # Std Err and Std Out
            cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
            cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
            # Time Stamps
            for key in rawOut:
                if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                    cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
                elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
                    cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key][
                        '# property.. timestamp']
                    cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
            # Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
            stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps', [])
            level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits', 'hours')
            # Climate
            for key in rawOut:
                if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                    cleanOut['climate'] = {}
                    cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(
                        rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
                    cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(
                        rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
                    cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(
                        rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
                    cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(
                        rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
                    cleanOut['climate']['Direct Insolation (W/m^2)'] = hdmAgg(
                        rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
            # Voltage Band
            if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
                cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
                cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([
                    (i / 2)
                    for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']
                ], min, level)
                cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg(
                    [(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']
                     ['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
                cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([
                    (i / 2)
                    for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']
                ], avg, level)
                cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([
                    (i / 2)
                    for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']
                ], max, level)
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevPos'] = [
                (x + y / 2)
                for x, y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'],
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['stdDevNeg'] = [
                (x - y / 2)
                for x, y in zip(cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'],
            # Total # of meters
            count = 0
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "feeder.omd")) as f:
                for line in f:
                    if "\"objectType\": \"triplex_meter\"" in line:
                        count += 1
            # print "count=", count
            cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['triplexMeterCount'] = float(count)
            # Power Consumption
            cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
            # Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
            cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(
            cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(
            cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
            for key in rawOut:
                if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                    oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(
                                rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
                    if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(
                            oneSwingPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
                elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                    realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
                    realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
                    realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
                    imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
                    imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
                    imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
                    oneDgPower = hdmAgg(
                        vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB),
                               vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level)
                    if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(
                            oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
                elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
                    vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
                    vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
                    vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
                    viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
                    viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
                    viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
                    crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
                    crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
                    crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
                    ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
                    ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
                    ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
                    powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA, viA), vecPyth(crA, ciA))
                    powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB, viB), vecPyth(crB, ciB))
                    powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC, viC), vecPyth(crC, ciC))
                    # HACK: multiply by negative one because turbine power sign is opposite all other DG:
                    oneDgPower = [
                        -1.0 * x for x in hdmAgg(
                            vecSum(powerA, powerB, powerC), avg, level)
                    if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(
                            oneDgPower, cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
                elif key in [
                        'OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv',
                        'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv'
                    realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
                    imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
                    realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
                    imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
                    realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
                    imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
                    oneLoss = hdmAgg(
                        vecSum(vecPyth(realA, imagA), vecPyth(realB, imagB),
                               vecPyth(realC, imagC)), avg, level)
                    if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
                        cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(
                            oneLoss, cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
            # Aggregate up the timestamps:
            if level == 'days':
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps,
                                                   lambda x: x[0][0:10],
            elif level == 'months':
                cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps,
                                                   lambda x: x[0][0:7],
            # Write the output.
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allOutputData.json"),
                      "w") as outFile:
                json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
            # Update the runTime in the input file.
            endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
            inputDict["runTime"] = str(
                datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime -
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "allInputData.json"),
                      "w") as inFile:
                json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
            # Clean up the PID file.
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "PID.txt"))
            print("DONE RUNNING GRIDLABMULTI", modelDir, feederName)
        except Exception as e:
            if test_mode == True:
                raise e
            print("MODEL CRASHED GRIDLABMULTI", e, modelDir, feederName)
            cancel(pJoin(modelDir, feederName))
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName, "stderr.txt"),
                      "a+") as stderrFile:
    finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
    inputDict["runTime"] = str(
        datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((finishTime -
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
        json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
    # Integrate data into allOutputData.json, if error happens, cancel it
        output = {}
        output["failures"] = {}
        numOfFeeders = 0
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(modelDir):
            # dump error info into dict
            if "stderr.txt" in files:
                with open(pJoin(root, "stderr.txt"), "r") as stderrFile:
                    tempString = stderrFile.read()
                    if "ERROR" in tempString or "FATAL" in tempString or "Traceback" in tempString:
                        output["failures"]["feeder_" +
                                           str(os.path.split(root)[-1])] = {
                                               "stderr": tempString
            # dump simulated data into dict
            if "allOutputData.json" in files:
                with open(pJoin(root, "allOutputData.json"),
                          "r") as feederOutputData:
                    numOfFeeders += 1
                    feederOutput = json.load(feederOutputData)
                    # TODO: a better feeder name
                    output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1])] = {}
                    output["feeder_" +
                               )]["Consumption"] = feederOutput["Consumption"]
                    output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(root)[-1])][
                        "allMeterVoltages"] = feederOutput["allMeterVoltages"]
                    output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(
                        root)[-1])]["stderr"] = feederOutput["stderr"]
                    output["feeder_" + str(os.path.split(
                        root)[-1])]["stdout"] = feederOutput["stdout"]
                    # output[root] = {feederOutput["Consumption"], feederOutput["allMeterVoltages"], feederOutput["stdout"], feederOutput["stderr"]}
        output["numOfFeeders"] = numOfFeeders
        output["timeStamps"] = feederOutput.get("timeStamps", [])
        output["climate"] = feederOutput.get("climate", [])
        # Add feederNames to output so allInputData feederName changes don't cause output rendering to disappear.
        for key, feederName in inputDict.items():
            if 'feederName' in key:
                output[key] = feederName
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile:
            json.dump(output, outFile, indent=4)
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
        # Send email to user on model success.
        emailStatus = inputDict.get('emailStatus', 0)
        if (emailStatus == "on"):
            print("\n    EMAIL ALERT ON")
            email = session['user_id']
                with open("data/User/" + email + ".json") as f:
                    user = json.load(f)
                modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir)
                message = "The model " + "<i>" + str(
                ) + "</i>" + " has successfully completed running. It ran for a total of " + str(
                    inputDict["runTime"]) + " seconds from " + str(
                        beginTime) + ", to " + str(finishTime) + "."
                return web.send_link(email, message, user)
            except Exception as e:
                print("ERROR: Failed sending model status email to user: "******", with exception: \n", e)
    except Exception as e:
        # If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
        thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
        print('ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr)
        inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
        with open(os.path.join(modelDir, 'stderr.txt'), 'w') as errorFile:
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
        # Send email to user on model failure.
        email = 'NoEmail'
            email = session['user_id']
            with open("data/User/" + email + ".json") as f:
                user = json.load(f)
            modelPath, modelName = pSplit(modelDir)
            message = "The model " + "<i>" + str(
            ) + "</i>" + " has failed to complete running. It ran for a total of " + str(
                inputDict["runTime"]) + " seconds from " + str(
                    beginTime) + ", to " + str(finishTime) + "."
            return web.send_link(email, message, user)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Failed sending model status email to user: "******", with exception: \n", e)
コード例 #23
ファイル: cvrDynamic.py プロジェクト: dpinney/omf
def work(modelDir,inputDict):
	'''This reads a glm file, changes the method of powerflow and reruns'''
	feederName = [x for x in os.listdir(modelDir) if x.endswith('.omd')][0][:-4]
	inputDict['feederName1'] = feederName
	feederPath = pJoin(modelDir,feederName+'.omd')
	# Reads a pre-calibrated feeder.
	outData = {}
	with open(feederPath, 'r') as jsonIn:
		feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
		localTree = feederJson.get('tree', {})
		attachments = feederJson.get('attachments', {})
	for key in localTree:
		if 'solver_method' in localTree[key].keys():
			localTree[key]['solver_method'] = 'FBS'
	#find the swing bus and recorder attached to substation
		for key in localTree:
			if localTree[key].get('bustype','').lower() == 'swing':
				swingIndex = key
				swingName = localTree[key].get('name')
			if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'regulator' and localTree[key].get('from','') == swingName:
				regIndex = key
				regConfName = localTree[key]['configuration']
	except: raise ValueError('Invalid feeder selected:', str(inputDict['feederName1']))
	#find the regulator and capacitor names and combine to form a string for volt-var control object
	regKeys = []
	accum_reg = ''
	for key in localTree:
		if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'regulator':
			accum_reg += localTree[key].get('name','ERROR') + ','
	regstr = accum_reg[:-1]
	capKeys = []
	accum_cap = ''
	for key in localTree:
		if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'capacitor':
			accum_cap += localTree[key].get('name','ERROR') + ','
			if localTree[key].get('control','').lower() == 'manual':
				localTree[key]['control'] = 'VOLT'
	capstr = accum_cap[:-1]
	# Attach recorders relevant to CVR.
	recorders = [
			{'object': 'collector',
			'file': 'ZlossesTransformer.csv',
			'group': 'class=transformer',
			'limit': '0',
			'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
			{'object': 'collector',
			'file': 'ZlossesUnderground.csv',
			'group': 'class=underground_line',
			'limit': '0',
			'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
			{'object': 'collector',
			'file': 'ZlossesOverhead.csv',
			'group': 'class=overhead_line',
			'limit': '0',
			'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
			{'object': 'recorder',
			'file': 'Zregulator.csv',
			'limit': '0',
			'parent': localTree[regIndex]['name'],
			'property': 'tap_A,tap_B,tap_C,power_in.real,power_in.imag'},
			{'object': 'collector',
			'file': 'ZvoltageJiggle.csv',
			'group': 'class=triplex_meter',
			'limit': '0',
			'property': 'min(voltage_12.mag),mean(voltage_12.mag),max(voltage_12.mag),std(voltage_12.mag)'},
			{'object': 'recorder',
			'file': 'ZsubstationTop.csv',
			'limit': '0',
			'parent': localTree[swingIndex]['name'],
			'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'},
			{'object': 'recorder',
			'file': 'ZsubstationBottom.csv',
			'limit': '0',
			'parent': localTree[regIndex]['to'],
			'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'}]
	#recorder object for capacitor switching - if capacitors exist
	if capKeys != []:
		for key in capKeys:
			recorders.append({'object': 'recorder',
			'file': 'ZcapSwitch' + str(key) + '.csv',
			'limit': '0',
			'parent': localTree[key]['name'],
			'property': 'switchA,switchB,switchC'})
	#attach recorder process
	biggest = 1 + max([int(k) for k in localTree.keys()])
	for index, rec in enumerate(recorders):
		localTree[biggest + index] = rec
	#run a reference load flow
	HOURS = float(inputDict['simLengthHours'])
	simStartDate = inputDict['simStart']
	output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(localTree, attachments, keepFiles=False,workDir=modelDir)
	try: os.remove(pJoin(modelDir,'PID.txt'))
	except: pass
	p = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
	q = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']
	#calculating length of simulation because it migth be different from the simulation input HOURS
	simRealLength = int(len(p))
	#time delays from configuration files
	time_delay_reg = '30.0'
	time_delay_cap = '300.0'
	for key in localTree:
		if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'regulator_configuration':
			time_delay_reg = localTree[key]['time_delay']
		# if localTree[key].get('object','') == "capacitor":
		# 	time_delay_cap = localTree[key]['time_delay']
	#change the recorder names
	for key in localTree:
		if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'collector' or localTree[key].get('object','') == 'recorder':
			if localTree[key].get('file','').startswith('Z'):
				localTree[key]['file'] = localTree[key].get('file','').replace('Z','NewZ')
	#create volt-var control object
	max_key = max([int(key) for key in localTree.keys()])
	localTree[max_key+1] = {'object' : 'volt_var_control',
		'name' : 'IVVC1',
		'control_method' : 'ACTIVE',
		'capacitor_delay' : str(time_delay_cap),
		'regulator_delay' : str(time_delay_reg),
		'desired_pf' : '0.99',
		'd_max' : '0.6',
		'd_min' : '0.1',
		'substation_link' : str(localTree[regIndex]['name']),
		'regulator_list' : regstr,
		'capacitor_list': capstr,
		'voltage_measurements': str(inputDict.get('voltageNodes', 'IVVC1')),
	#running powerflow analysis via gridalab after attaching a regulator
	output1 = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(localTree,attachments,keepFiles=True,workDir=modelDir)
	pnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
	qnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']
	#total real and imaginary losses as a function of time
	def vecSum(u,v):
		''' Add vectors u and v element-wise. Return has len <= len(u) and <=len(v). '''
		return map(sum, zip(u,v))
	def zeroVec(length):
		''' Give a zero vector of input length. '''
		return [0 for x in xrange(length)]
	(realLoss, imagLoss, realLossnew, imagLossnew) = (zeroVec(int(HOURS)) for x in range(4))
	for device in ['ZlossesOverhead.csv','ZlossesTransformer.csv','ZlossesUnderground.csv']:
		for letter in ['A','B','C']:
			realLoss = vecSum(realLoss, output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'])
			imagLoss = vecSum(imagLoss, output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'])
			realLossnew = vecSum(realLossnew, output1['New'+device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'])
			imagLossnew = vecSum(imagLossnew, output1['New'+device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'])
	#voltage calculations and tap calculations
	def divby2(u):
		'''divides by 2'''
		return u/2
	lowVoltage = []
	meanVoltage = []
	highVoltage = []
	lowVoltagenew = []
	meanVoltagenew = []
	highVoltagenew = []
	tap = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	tapnew = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	volt = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	voltnew = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	switch = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	switchnew = {'A':[],'B':[],'C':[]}
	for letter in ['A','B','C']:
		tap[letter] = output['Zregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
		tapnew[letter] = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
		if capKeys != []:
			switch[letter] = output['ZcapSwitch' + str(int(capKeys[0])) + '.csv']['switch'+ letter]
			switchnew[letter] = output1['NewZcapSwitch' + str(int(capKeys[0])) + '.csv']['switch'+ letter]
		volt[letter] = map(returnMag,output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_'+letter])
		voltnew[letter] = map(returnMag,output1['NewZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_'+letter])
	lowVoltage = map(divby2,output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'])
	lowVoltagenew = map(divby2,output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'])
	meanVoltage = map(divby2,output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)'])
	meanVoltagenew = map(divby2,output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)'])
	highVoltage = map(divby2,output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'])
	highVoltagenew = map(divby2,output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'])
	#energy calculations
	whEnergy = []
	whLosses = []
	whLoads = []
	indices = ['No IVVC', 'With IVVC']
	# energySalesRed = (whLoads[1]-whLoads[0])*(inputDict['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh'])*1000
	# lossSav = (whLosses[0]-whLosses[1])*inputDict['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']*1000
	ticks = []
	plt.title('total energy')
	plt.ylabel('total load and losses (MWh)')
	for element in range(2):
		bar_loss = plt.bar(element, whLosses[element], 0.15, color= 'red')
		bar_load = plt.bar(element+0.15, whLoads[element], 0.15, color= 'orange')
	plt.legend([bar_load[0],bar_loss[0]],['total load', 'total losses'],bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
			   ncol=2, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0.1)
	plt.xticks([t+0.15 for t in ticks],indices)
	#real and imaginary power
	plt.figure('real power')
	plt.title('Real Power at substation')
	plt.ylabel('substation real power (MW)')
	pMW = [element/10**6 for element in p]
	pMWn = [element/10**6 for element in pnew]
	pw = plt.plot(pMW)
	npw = plt.plot(pMWn)
	plt.legend([pw[0], npw[0]], ['NO IVVC','WITH IVVC'],bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
		ncol=2, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0.1)
	plt.figure('Reactive power')
	plt.title('Reactive Power at substation')
	plt.ylabel('substation reactive power (MVAR)')
	qMVAR = [element/10**6 for element in q]
	qMVARn = [element/10**6 for element in qnew]
	iw = plt.plot(qMVAR)
	niw = plt.plot(qMVARn)
	plt.legend([iw[0], niw[0]], ['NO IVVC','WITH IVVC'],bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
		ncol=2, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0.1)
	#voltage plots
	plt.figure('voltages as a function of time')
	f,ax = plt.subplots(2,sharex=True)
	f.suptitle('Min and Max voltages on the feeder')
	lv = ax[0].plot(lowVoltage,color = 'cadetblue')
	mv = ax[0].plot(meanVoltage,color = 'blue')
	hv = ax[0].plot(highVoltage, color = 'cadetblue')
	ax[0].legend([lv[0], mv[0], hv[0]], ['low voltage','mean voltage','high voltage'],bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .1), loc=3,
		ncol=3, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0.1)
	ax[0].set_ylabel('NO IVVC')
	nlv = ax[1].plot(lowVoltagenew,color = 'cadetblue')
	nmv = ax[1].plot(meanVoltagenew,color = 'blue')
	nhv = ax[1].plot(highVoltagenew, color = 'cadetblue')
	ax[1].set_ylabel('WITH IVVC')
	#tap positions
	plt.figure('TAP positions NO IVVC')
	f,ax = plt.subplots(6,sharex=True)
	#f.suptitle("Regulator Tap positions")
	ax[0].set_title('Regulator Tap positions NO IVVC')
	ax[0].set_ylabel('TAP A')
	ax[1].set_ylabel('TAP B')
	ax[2].set_ylabel('TAP C')
	ax[3].set_title('WITH IVVC')
	ax[3].set_ylabel('TAP A')
	ax[4].set_ylabel('TAP B')
	ax[5].set_ylabel('TAP C')
	for subplot in range(6):
	#substation voltages
	plt.figure('substation voltage as a function of time')
	f,ax = plt.subplots(6,sharex=True)
	#f.suptitle("voltages at substation NO IVVC")
	ax[0].set_title('Substation voltages NO IVVC')
	ax[0].set_ylabel('voltage A')
	ax[1].set_ylabel('voltage B')
	ax[2].set_ylabel('voltage C')
	ax[3].set_title('WITH IVVC')
	ax[3].set_ylabel('voltage A')
	ax[4].set_ylabel('voltage B')
	ax[5].set_ylabel('voltage C')
	#cap switches
	plt.figure('capacitor switch state as a function of time')
	f,ax = plt.subplots(6,sharex=True)
	#f.suptitle("Capacitor switch state NO IVVC")
	ax[0].set_title('Capacitor switch state NO IVVC')
	ax[0].set_ylabel('switch A')
	ax[1].set_ylabel('switch B')
	ax[2].set_ylabel('switch C')
	ax[3].set_title('WITH IVVC')
	ax[3].set_ylabel('switch A')
	ax[4].set_ylabel('switch B')
	ax[5].set_ylabel('switch C')
	for subplot in range(6):
	monthNames = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
		'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
	monthToSeason = {'January':'Winter','February':'Winter','March':'Spring','April':'Spring',
	#calculate the month and hour of simulation start and month and hour of simulation end
	simStartTimestamp = simStartDate + ' 00:00:00'
	simFormattedDate = dt.strptime(simStartTimestamp,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
	simStartMonthNum = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%m'))
	simstartMonth = monthNames[simStartMonthNum-1]
	simStartDay = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%d'))
	if calendar.isleap(int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%Y'))):
		febDays = 29
		febDays = 28
	monthHours = [int(31*24),int(febDays*24),int(31*24),int(30*24),int(31*24),int(30*24),int(31*24),int(31*24),int(30*24),int(31*24),int(30*24),int(31*24)]
	simStartIndex = int(sum(monthHours[:(simStartMonthNum-1)])+(simStartDay-1)*24)
	temp = 0
	cumulHours = [0]
	for x in range(12):
		temp += monthHours[x]
	for i in range((simStartMonthNum),13):
		if int(simStartIndex+simRealLength)<=cumulHours[i] and int(simStartIndex+simRealLength)>cumulHours[i-1]:
			simEndMonthNum = i-1
			simEndMonth = monthNames[simEndMonthNum]
	#calculate peaks for the number of months in simulation
	previndex = 0
	monthPeak = {}
	monthPeakNew = {}
	peakSaveDollars = {}
	energyLostDollars = {}
	lossRedDollars = {}
	simMonthList = monthNames[monthNames.index(simstartMonth):(monthNames.index(simEndMonth)+1)]
	for monthElement in simMonthList:
		month = monthNames.index(monthElement)
		index1 = int(previndex)
		index2 = int(min((index1 + int(monthHours[month])), simRealLength))
		monthPeak[monthElement] = max(p[index1:index2])/1000.0
		monthPeakNew[monthElement] = max(pnew[index1:index2])/1000.0
		peakSaveDollars[monthElement] = (monthPeak[monthElement]-monthPeakNew[monthElement])*float(inputDict['peakDemandCost'+str(monthToSeason[monthElement])+'PerKw'])
		lossRedDollars[monthElement] = (sum(realLoss[index1:index2])/1000.0 - sum(realLossnew[index1:index2])/1000.0)*(float(inputDict['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']))
		energyLostDollars[monthElement] = (sum(p[index1:index2])/1000.0  - sum(pnew[index1:index2])/1000.0  - sum(realLoss[index1:index2])/1000.0
			+ sum(realLossnew[index1:index2])/1000.0 )*(float(inputDict['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']) - float(inputDict['retailEnergyCostPerKwh']))
		previndex = index2
	#money charts
	fig = plt.figure('cost benefit barchart',figsize=(10,8))
	ticks = range(len(simMonthList))
	ticks1 = [element+0.15 for element in ticks]
	ticks2 = [element+0.30 for element in ticks]
	eld = [energyLostDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
	lrd = [lossRedDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
	psd = [peakSaveDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
	bar_eld = plt.bar(ticks,eld,0.15,color='red')
	bar_psd = plt.bar(ticks1,psd,0.15,color='blue')
	bar_lrd = plt.bar(ticks2,lrd,0.15,color='green')
	plt.legend([bar_eld[0], bar_psd[0], bar_lrd[0]], ['energyLostDollars','peakReductionDollars','lossReductionDollars'],bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102), loc=3,
		ncol=2, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0.1)
	monShort = [element[0:3] for element in simMonthList]
	plt.xticks([t+0.15 for t in ticks],monShort)
	plt.ylabel('Utility Savings ($)')
	#cumulative savings graphs
	fig = plt.figure('cost benefit barchart',figsize=(10,5))
	annualSavings = sum(eld) + sum(lrd) + sum(psd)
	annualSave = lambda x:(annualSavings - float(inputDict['omCost'])) * x - float(inputDict['capitalCost'])
	simplePayback = float(inputDict['capitalCost'])/(annualSavings - float(inputDict['omCost']))
	plt.xlabel('Year After Installation')
	plt.ylabel('Cumulative Savings ($)')
	plt.plot([0 for x in range(31)],c='gray')
	plt.axvline(x=simplePayback, ymin=0, ymax=1, c='gray', linestyle='--')
	plt.plot([annualSave(x) for x in range(31)], c='green')
	#get exact time stamps from the CSV files generated by Gridlab-D
	timeWithZone =  output['Zregulator.csv']['# timestamp']
	timestamps = [element[:19] for element in timeWithZone]
	#data for highcharts
	outData['timeStamps'] = timestamps
	outData['noCVRPower'] = p
	outData['withCVRPower'] = pnew
	outData['noCVRLoad'] = whLoads[0]
	outData['withCVRLoad'] = whLoads[1]
	outData['noCVRLosses'] = whLosses[0]
	outData['withCVRLosses'] = whLosses[1]
	outData['noCVRTaps'] = tap
	outData['withCVRTaps'] = tapnew
	outData['noCVRSubVolts'] = volt
	outData['withCVRSubVolts'] = voltnew
	outData['noCVRCapSwitch'] = switch
	outData['withCVRCapSwitch'] = switchnew
	outData['noCVRHighVolt'] = highVoltage
	outData['withCVRHighVolt'] = highVoltagenew
	outData['noCVRLowVolt'] = lowVoltage
	outData['withCVRLowVolt'] = lowVoltagenew
	outData['noCVRMeanVolt'] = meanVoltage
	outData['withCVRMeanVolt'] = meanVoltagenew
	outData['simMonthList'] = monShort
	outData['energyLostDollars'] = energyLostDollars
	outData['lossRedDollars'] = lossRedDollars
	outData['peakSaveDollars'] = peakSaveDollars
	outData['annualSave'] = [annualSave(x) for x in range(31)]
	# Generate warnings
	#TODO: Timezone adjustment
		# Check if times for simulation and scada match.
		scadaDates = []
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,'subScadaCalibrated1.player'),'r') as scadaFile:
			for line in scadaFile:
				(date,val) = line.split(',')
		simFormattedEndDate = simFormattedDate + timedelta(hours=HOURS)
		scadaStartDate = dt.strptime(scadaDates[0].split(' PST')[0],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
		scadaEndDate = dt.strptime(scadaDates[len(scadaDates)-1].split(' PST')[0],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
		beginRange = (scadaStartDate - simFormattedDate).total_seconds()
		endRange = (scadaEndDate - simFormattedEndDate).total_seconds()
		# Check if houses exist.
		housesExist, voltageNodeExists = False, False
		for key in localTree:
			if localTree[key].get('object','') == 'house': housesExist = True
			if localTree[key].get('name','') == str(inputDict.get('voltageNodes', 0)): voltageNodeExists = True
		if (beginRange > 0.0 or endRange < 0.0) and not housesExist:
			outData['warnings'] = '<strong>WARNING:</strong> The simulation dates entered are not compatible with the scada curve in the feeder.'
		# Check if voltage node exists.
		if not voltageNodeExists:
			if outData.get('warnings','') != '':
				previousWarning = outData['warnings']
				outData['warnings'] = previousWarning + ' The voltage node: ' + str(inputDict.get('voltageNodes', 0)) + ' does not exist in the feeder.'
			else: outData['warnings'] = '<strong>WARNING:</strong> The voltage node <i>' + str(inputDict.get('voltageNodes', 0)) + '</i> does not exist in the feeder.'
	# # Update the runTime in the input file.
	# endTime = dt.now()
	# with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
	# 	json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
	# with open(pJoin(modelDir,"outDataData.json"),"w") as outFile:
	# 	json.dump(outData, outFile, indent=4)
	# # For autotest, there won't be such file.
	# try:
	# 	os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
	# except Exception, e:
	# 	pass
	return outData
コード例 #24
def runForeground(modelDir, inData):
    '''This reads a glm file, changes the method of powerflow and reruns'''
    print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
        startTime = dt.now()
        if not os.path.isdir(modelDir):
            inData["created"] = str(startTime)
        #read pre-calibrated feeder and run cvrdynamic
        feederName = inData.get('feederName1', 'feeder1')
        feederPath = pJoin(modelDir, feederName + '.omd')
        # Reads a pre-calibrated feeder.
        allOutput = {}
        with open(feederPath, "r") as jsonIn:
            feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
            localTree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
            attachments = feederJson.get("attachments", {})
        for key in localTree:
            if "solver_method" in localTree[key].keys():
                # print "current solver method", localTree[key]["solver_method"]
                localTree[key]["solver_method"] = 'FBS'
        #find the swing bus and recorder attached to substation
            for key in localTree:
                if localTree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
                    swingIndex = key
                    swingName = localTree[key].get('name')
                if localTree[key].get(
                        'object', '') == 'regulator' and localTree[key].get(
                            'from', '') == swingName:
                    regIndex = key
                    regConfName = localTree[key]['configuration']
            raise ValueError('Invalid feeder selected:',
        #find the regulator and capacitor names and combine to form a string for volt-var control object
        regKeys = []
        accum_reg = ""
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get("object", "") == "regulator":
                accum_reg += localTree[key].get("name", "ERROR") + ","
        regstr = accum_reg[:-1]
        # print regKeys
        capKeys = []
        accum_cap = ""
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get("object", "") == "capacitor":
                accum_cap += localTree[key].get("name", "ERROR") + ","
                if localTree[key].get("control", "").lower() == "manual":
                    localTree[key]['control'] = "VOLT"
                    # print "changing capacitor control from manual to volt"
        capstr = accum_cap[:-1]
        # print capKeys
        # Attach recorders relevant to CVR.
        recorders = [{
        }, {
        }, {
        }, {
        }, {
        }, {
            'object': 'recorder',
            'file': 'ZsubstationTop.csv',
            'limit': '0',
            'parent': localTree[swingIndex]['name'],
            'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'
        }, {
            'object': 'recorder',
            'file': 'ZsubstationBottom.csv',
            'limit': '0',
            'parent': localTree[regIndex]['to'],
            'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'
        #recorder object for capacitor switching - if capacitors exist
        if capKeys != []:
            for key in capKeys:
                    'object': 'recorder',
                    'file': 'ZcapSwitch' + str(key) + '.csv',
                    'limit': '0',
                    'parent': localTree[key]['name'],
                    'property': 'switchA,switchB,switchC'
        #attach recorder process
        biggest = 1 + max([int(k) for k in localTree.keys()])
        for index, rec in enumerate(recorders):
            localTree[biggest + index] = rec
        #run a reference load flow
        HOURS = float(inData['simLengthHours'])
        simStartDate = inData['simStart']
        feeder.adjustTime(localTree, HOURS, "hours", simStartDate)
        output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(localTree,
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
        p = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
        q = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']
        #calculating length of simulation because it migth be different from the simulation input HOURS
        simRealLength = int(len(p))
        #time delays from configuration files
        time_delay_reg = '30.0'
        time_delay_cap = '300.0'
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get('object', '') == "regulator_configuration":
                time_delay_reg = localTree[key]['time_delay']
                # print "time_delay_reg",time_delay_reg
            # if localTree[key].get('object','') == "capacitor":
            # 	time_delay_cap = localTree[key]['time_delay']
            # 	print "time_delay_cap",time_delay_cap
        #change the recorder names
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get('object',
                                  '') == "collector" or localTree[key].get(
                                      'object', '') == "recorder":
                if localTree[key].get('file', '').startswith('Z'):
                    localTree[key]['file'] = localTree[key].get(
                        'file', '').replace('Z', 'NewZ')
        #create volt-var control object
        max_key = max([int(key) for key in localTree.keys()])
        # print max_key
        localTree[max_key + 1] = {
            'object': 'volt_var_control',
            'name': 'IVVC1',
            'control_method': 'ACTIVE',
            'capacitor_delay': str(time_delay_cap),
            'regulator_delay': str(time_delay_reg),
            'desired_pf': '0.99',
            'd_max': '0.6',
            'd_min': '0.1',
            'substation_link': str(localTree[regIndex]['name']),
            'regulator_list': regstr,
            'capacitor_list': capstr,
            'voltage_measurements': str(inData.get("voltageNodes", "IVVC1")),
        #running powerflow analysis via gridalab after attaching a regulator
        feeder.adjustTime(localTree, HOURS, "hours", simStartDate)
        output1 = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(localTree,
        os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
        pnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
        qnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']

        #total real and imaginary losses as a function of time
        def vecSum(u, v):
            ''' Add vectors u and v element-wise. Return has len <= len(u) and <=len(v). '''
            return map(sum, zip(u, v))

        def zeroVec(length):
            ''' Give a zero vector of input length. '''
            return [0 for x in xrange(length)]

        (realLoss, imagLoss, realLossnew, imagLossnew) = (zeroVec(int(HOURS))
                                                          for x in range(4))
        for device in [
                'ZlossesOverhead.csv', 'ZlossesTransformer.csv',
            for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                realLoss = vecSum(
                    output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'])
                imagLoss = vecSum(
                    output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'])
                realLossnew = vecSum(
                    realLossnew, output1['New' + device]['sum(power_losses_' +
                                                         letter + '.real)'])
                imagLossnew = vecSum(
                    imagLossnew, output1['New' + device]['sum(power_losses_' +
                                                         letter + '.imag)'])
        #voltage calculations and tap calculations
        def divby2(u):
            '''divides by 2'''
            return u / 2

        lowVoltage = []
        meanVoltage = []
        highVoltage = []
        lowVoltagenew = []
        meanVoltagenew = []
        highVoltagenew = []
        tap = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        tapnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        volt = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        voltnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        switch = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        switchnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            tap[letter] = output['Zregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
            tapnew[letter] = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
            if capKeys != []:
                switch[letter] = output['ZcapSwitch' + str(int(capKeys[0])) +
                                        '.csv']['switch' + letter]
                switchnew[letter] = output1['NewZcapSwitch' +
                                            str(int(capKeys[0])) +
                                            '.csv']['switch' + letter]
            volt[letter] = map(
                output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_' + letter])
            voltnew[letter] = map(
                output1['NewZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_' + letter])
        lowVoltage = map(divby2,
        lowVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'])
        meanVoltage = map(divby2,
        meanVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)'])
        highVoltage = map(divby2,
        highVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'])
        #energy calculations
        whEnergy = []
        whLosses = []
        whLoads = []
        whEnergy.append(sum(p) / 10**6)
        whLosses.append(sum(realLoss) / 10**6)
        whLoads.append((sum(p) - sum(realLoss)) / 10**6)
        whEnergy.append(sum(pnew) / 10**6)
        whLosses.append(sum(realLossnew) / 10**6)
        whLoads.append((sum(pnew) - sum(realLossnew)) / 10**6)
        indices = ['No IVVC', 'With IVVC']
        # energySalesRed = (whLoads[1]-whLoads[0])*(inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh'])*1000
        # lossSav = (whLosses[0]-whLosses[1])*inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']*1000
        # print energySalesRed, lossSav
        ticks = []
        plt.title("total energy")
        plt.ylabel("total load and losses (MWh)")
        for element in range(2):
            bar_loss = plt.bar(element, whLosses[element], 0.15, color='red')
            bar_load = plt.bar(element + 0.15,
        plt.legend([bar_load[0], bar_loss[0]], ['total load', 'total losses'],
                   bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102),
        plt.xticks([t + 0.15 for t in ticks], indices)
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "totalEnergy.png"))
        #real and imaginary power
        plt.figure("real power")
        plt.title("Real Power at substation")
        plt.ylabel("substation real power (MW)")
        pMW = [element / 10**6 for element in p]
        pMWn = [element / 10**6 for element in pnew]
        pw = plt.plot(pMW)
        npw = plt.plot(pMWn)
        plt.legend([pw[0], npw[0]], ['NO IVVC', 'WITH IVVC'],
                   bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102),
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "realPower.png"))
        plt.figure("Reactive power")
        plt.title("Reactive Power at substation")
        plt.ylabel("substation reactive power (MVAR)")
        qMVAR = [element / 10**6 for element in q]
        qMVARn = [element / 10**6 for element in qnew]
        iw = plt.plot(qMVAR)
        niw = plt.plot(qMVARn)
        plt.legend([iw[0], niw[0]], ['NO IVVC', 'WITH IVVC'],
                   bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102),
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "imaginaryPower.png"))
        #voltage plots
        plt.figure("voltages as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
        f.suptitle("Min and Max voltages on the feeder")
        lv = ax[0].plot(lowVoltage, color='cadetblue')
        mv = ax[0].plot(meanVoltage, color='blue')
        hv = ax[0].plot(highVoltage, color='cadetblue')
        ax[0].legend([lv[0], mv[0], hv[0]],
                     ['low voltage', 'mean voltage', 'high voltage'],
                     bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .1),
        ax[0].set_ylabel('NO IVVC')
        nlv = ax[1].plot(lowVoltagenew, color='cadetblue')
        nmv = ax[1].plot(meanVoltagenew, color='blue')
        nhv = ax[1].plot(highVoltagenew, color='cadetblue')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('WITH IVVC')
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "Voltages.png"))
        #tap positions
        plt.figure("TAP positions NO IVVC")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("Regulator Tap positions")
        ax[0].set_title("Regulator Tap positions NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("TAP A")
        ax[1].set_ylabel("TAP B")
        ax[2].set_ylabel("TAP C")
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel("TAP A")
        ax[4].set_ylabel("TAP B")
        ax[5].set_ylabel("TAP C")
        for subplot in range(6):
            ax[subplot].set_ylim(-20, 20)
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "RegulatorTAPpositions.png"))
        #substation voltages
        plt.figure("substation voltage as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("voltages at substation NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_title('Substation voltages NO IVVC')
        ax[0].set_ylabel('voltage A')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('voltage B')
        ax[2].set_ylabel('voltage C')
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel('voltage A')
        ax[4].set_ylabel('voltage B')
        ax[5].set_ylabel('voltage C')
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "substationVoltages.png"))
        #cap switches
        plt.figure("capacitor switch state as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("Capacitor switch state NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_title("Capacitor switch state NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("switch A")
        ax[1].set_ylabel("switch B")
        ax[2].set_ylabel("switch C")
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel("switch A")
        ax[4].set_ylabel("switch B")
        ax[5].set_ylabel("switch C")
        for subplot in range(6):
            ax[subplot].set_ylim(-2, 2)
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "capacitorSwitch.png"))
        monthNames = [
            "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
            "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
        monthToSeason = {
            'January': 'Winter',
            'February': 'Winter',
            'March': 'Spring',
            'April': 'Spring',
            'May': 'Spring',
            'June': 'Summer',
            'July': 'Summer',
            'August': 'Summer',
            'September': 'Fall',
            'October': 'Fall',
            'November': 'Fall',
            'December': 'Winter'
        #calculate the month and hour of simulation start and month and hour of simulation end
        simStartTimestamp = simStartDate + " 00:00:00"
        simFormattedDate = dt.strptime(simStartTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        simStartMonthNum = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%m'))
        simstartMonth = monthNames[simStartMonthNum - 1]
        simStartDay = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%d'))
        if calendar.isleap(int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%Y'))):
            febDays = 29
            febDays = 28
        monthHours = [
            int(31 * 24),
            int(febDays * 24),
            int(31 * 24),
            int(30 * 24),
            int(31 * 24),
            int(30 * 24),
            int(31 * 24),
            int(31 * 24),
            int(30 * 24),
            int(31 * 24),
            int(30 * 24),
            int(31 * 24)
        simStartIndex = int(
            sum(monthHours[:(simStartMonthNum - 1)]) + (simStartDay - 1) * 24)
        temp = 0
        cumulHours = [0]
        for x in range(12):
            temp += monthHours[x]
        for i in range((simStartMonthNum), 13):
            if int(simStartIndex + simRealLength) <= cumulHours[i] and int(
                    simStartIndex + simRealLength) > cumulHours[i - 1]:
                simEndMonthNum = i - 1
                simEndMonth = monthNames[simEndMonthNum]
        # print simstartMonth,simEndMonth
        #calculate peaks for the number of months in simulation
        previndex = 0
        monthPeak = {}
        monthPeakNew = {}
        peakSaveDollars = {}
        energyLostDollars = {}
        lossRedDollars = {}
        simMonthList = monthNames[monthNames.index(simstartMonth):(
            monthNames.index(simEndMonth) + 1)]
        # print simMonthList
        for monthElement in simMonthList:
            # print monthElement
            month = monthNames.index(monthElement)
            index1 = int(previndex)
            index2 = int(min((index1 + int(monthHours[month])), simRealLength))
            monthPeak[monthElement] = max(p[index1:index2]) / 1000.0
            monthPeakNew[monthElement] = max(pnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0
            peakSaveDollars[monthElement] = (
                monthPeak[monthElement] - monthPeakNew[monthElement]) * float(
                    inData['peakDemandCost' +
                           str(monthToSeason[monthElement]) + 'PerKw'])
            lossRedDollars[monthElement] = (
                sum(realLoss[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 -
                sum(realLossnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0) * (float(
            energyLostDollars[monthElement] = (
                sum(p[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 - sum(pnew[index1:index2]) /
                1000.0 - sum(realLoss[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 +
                sum(realLossnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0) * (
                    float(inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']) -
            previndex = index2
        #money charts
        fig = plt.figure("cost benefit barchart", figsize=(10, 8))
        ticks = range(len(simMonthList))
        ticks1 = [element + 0.15 for element in ticks]
        ticks2 = [element + 0.30 for element in ticks]
        # print ticks
        eld = [energyLostDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        lrd = [lossRedDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        psd = [peakSaveDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        bar_eld = plt.bar(ticks, eld, 0.15, color='red')
        bar_psd = plt.bar(ticks1, psd, 0.15, color='blue')
        bar_lrd = plt.bar(ticks2, lrd, 0.15, color='green')
        plt.legend([bar_eld[0], bar_psd[0], bar_lrd[0]], [
            'energyLostDollars', 'peakReductionDollars', 'lossReductionDollars'
                   bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102),
        monShort = [element[0:3] for element in simMonthList]
        plt.xticks([t + 0.15 for t in ticks], monShort)
        plt.ylabel('Utility Savings ($)')
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "spendChart.png"))
        #cumulative savings graphs
        fig = plt.figure("cost benefit barchart", figsize=(10, 5))
        annualSavings = sum(eld) + sum(lrd) + sum(psd)
        annualSave = lambda x: (annualSavings - float(inData['omCost'])
                                ) * x - float(inData['capitalCost'])
        simplePayback = float(
            inData['capitalCost']) / (annualSavings - float(inData['omCost']))
        plt.xlabel('Year After Installation')
        plt.xlim(0, 30)
        plt.ylabel('Cumulative Savings ($)')
        plt.plot([0 for x in range(31)], c='gray')
        plt.axvline(x=simplePayback, ymin=0, ymax=1, c='gray', linestyle='--')
        plt.plot([annualSave(x) for x in range(31)], c='green')
        plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "savingsChart.png"))
        #get exact time stamps from the CSV files generated by Gridlab-D
        timeWithZone = output['Zregulator.csv']['# timestamp']
        timestamps = [element[:19] for element in timeWithZone]
        #data for highcharts
        allOutput["timeStamps"] = timestamps
        allOutput["noCVRPower"] = p
        allOutput["withCVRPower"] = pnew
        allOutput["noCVRLoad"] = whLoads[0]
        allOutput["withCVRLoad"] = whLoads[1]
        allOutput["noCVRLosses"] = whLosses[0]
        allOutput["withCVRLosses"] = whLosses[1]
        allOutput["noCVRTaps"] = tap
        allOutput["withCVRTaps"] = tapnew
        allOutput["noCVRSubVolts"] = volt
        allOutput["withCVRSubVolts"] = voltnew
        allOutput["noCVRCapSwitch"] = switch
        allOutput["withCVRCapSwitch"] = switchnew
        allOutput["noCVRHighVolt"] = highVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRHighVolt"] = highVoltagenew
        allOutput["noCVRLowVolt"] = lowVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRLowVolt"] = lowVoltagenew
        allOutput["noCVRMeanVolt"] = meanVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRMeanVolt"] = meanVoltagenew
        allOutput["simMonthList"] = monShort
        allOutput["energyLostDollars"] = energyLostDollars
        allOutput["lossRedDollars"] = lossRedDollars
        allOutput["peakSaveDollars"] = peakSaveDollars
        allOutput["annualSave"] = [annualSave(x) for x in range(31)]
        # Generate warnings
        #TODO: Timezone adjustment
            # Check if times for simulation and scada match.
            scadaDates = []
            with open(pJoin(modelDir, "subScadaCalibrated1.player"),
                      "r") as scadaFile:
                for line in scadaFile:
                    (date, val) = line.split(',')
            simFormattedEndDate = simFormattedDate + timedelta(hours=HOURS)
            scadaStartDate = dt.strptime(scadaDates[0].split(' PST')[0],
                                         "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            scadaEndDate = dt.strptime(
                scadaDates[len(scadaDates) - 1].split(' PST')[0],
                "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            beginRange = (scadaStartDate - simFormattedDate).total_seconds()
            endRange = (scadaEndDate - simFormattedEndDate).total_seconds()
            # Check if houses exist.
            housesExist, voltageNodeExists = False, False
            for key in localTree:
                if localTree[key].get('object', '') == 'house':
                    housesExist = True
                if localTree[key].get('name',
                                      '') == str(inData.get("voltageNodes",
                    voltageNodeExists = True
            if (beginRange > 0.0 or endRange < 0.0) and not housesExist:
                    "warnings"] = "<strong>WARNING:</strong> The simulation dates entered are not compatible with the scada curve in the feeder."
            # Check if voltage node exists.
            if not voltageNodeExists:
                if allOutput.get('warnings', '') != "":
                    previousWarning = allOutput["warnings"]
                        "warnings"] = previousWarning + " The voltage node: " + str(
                                       0)) + " does not exist in the feeder."
                        "warnings"] = "<strong>WARNING:</strong> The voltage node <i>" + str(
                                0)) + "</i> does not exist in the feeder."
        # Update the runTime in the input file.
        endTime = dt.now()
        inData["runTime"] = str(
            timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), "w") as inFile:
            json.dump(inData, inFile, indent=4)
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), "w") as outFile:
            json.dump(allOutput, outFile, indent=4)
        # For autotest, there won't be such file.
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
        except Exception, e:
        print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
コード例 #25
ファイル: derInterconnection.py プロジェクト: sammatuba/omf
def runGridlabAndProcessData(tree, attachments, edge_bools, workDir=False):

    # Run Gridlab.
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # print '@@@@@@', workDir
    gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,

    # read voltDump values into a dictionary.
        with open(pJoin(workDir, 'voltDump.csv'), newline='') as dumpFile:
            reader = csv.reader(dumpFile)
            next(reader)  # Burn the header.
            keys = next(reader)
            voltTable = []
            for row in reader:
                rowDict = {}
                for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                    rowDict[key] = row[pos]
        raise Exception(
            'GridLAB-D failed to run with the following errors:\n' +

    # read currDump values into a dictionary
    with open(pJoin(workDir, 'currDump.csv'), newline='') as currDumpFile:
        reader = csv.reader(currDumpFile)
        next(reader)  # Burn the header.
        keys = next(reader)
        currTable = []
        for row in reader:
            rowDict = {}
            for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                rowDict[key] = row[pos]

    # read line rating values into a single dictionary
    lineRatings = {}
    for key1 in edge_bools.keys():
        if edge_bools[key1]:
            with open(pJoin(workDir, key1 + '_cont_rating.csv'),
                      newline='') as ratingFile:
                reader = csv.reader(ratingFile)
                keys = []
                vals = []
                for row in reader:
                    if '# timestamp' in row:
                        keys = row
                        i = keys.index('# timestamp')
                        vals = next(reader)
                for pos, key2 in enumerate(keys):
                    lineRatings[key2] = abs(float(vals[pos]))

    # Calculate average node voltage deviation. First, helper functions.
    def digits(x):
        ''' Returns number of digits before the decimal in the float x. '''
        return math.ceil(math.log10(x + 1))

    def avg(l):
        ''' Average of a list of ints or floats. '''
        return sum(l) / len(l)

    # Tot it all up.
    nodeVolts = {}
    for row in voltTable:
        allVolts = []
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            realVolt = abs(float(row['volt' + phase + '_real']))
            imagVolt = abs(float(row['volt' + phase + '_imag']))
            phaseVolt = math.sqrt((realVolt**2) + (imagVolt**2))
            if phaseVolt != 0.0:
        avgVolts = avg(allVolts)
        nodeVolts[row.get('node_name', '')] = float("{0:.2f}".format(avgVolts))

    nominalVolts = {}
    percentChangeVolts = {}
    for key in nodeVolts.keys():
        for treeKey in tree:
            ob = tree[treeKey]
            obName = ob.get('name', '')
            if obName == key:
                nominalVolts[key] = float(ob.get('nominal_voltage', 1))
                percentChangeVolts[key] = (nodeVolts[key] /
                                           nominalVolts[key]) * 120

    # find edge currents by parsing currdump
    edgeCurrentSum = {}
    edgeCurrentMax = {}
    for row in currTable:
        allCurr = []
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            realCurr = abs(float(row['curr' + phase + '_real']))
            imagCurr = abs(float(row['curr' + phase + '_imag']))
            phaseCurr = math.sqrt((realCurr**2) + (imagCurr**2))
        edgeCurrentSum[row.get('link_name', '')] = sum(allCurr)
        edgeCurrentMax[row.get('link_name', '')] = max(allCurr)
    # When just showing current as labels, use sum of the three lines' current values, when showing the per unit values (current/rating), use the max of the three

    #edgeValsPU = current values normalized per unit by line ratings
    edgeValsPU = {}
    edgePower = {}

    for edge in edgeCurrentSum:
        for obj in tree.values():
            obname = obj.get('name', '').replace('"', '')
            if obname == edge:
                nodeFrom = obj.get('from')
                nodeTo = obj.get('to')
                currVal = edgeCurrentSum.get(edge)
                voltVal = avg([nodeVolts.get(nodeFrom), nodeVolts.get(nodeTo)])
                lineRatings[edge] = lineRatings.get(edge, 10.0**9)
                edgePerUnitVal = (edgeCurrentMax.get(edge)) / lineRatings[edge]
                edgeValsPU[edge] = edgePerUnitVal
                edgePower[edge] = ((currVal * voltVal) / 1000)

    # read regulator tap position values values into a single dictionary
    tapPositions = {}
    if edge_bools['regulator']:
        tapPositions['tapA'] = readGroupRecorderCSV(pJoin(
            workDir, 'tap_A.csv'))
        tapPositions['tapB'] = readGroupRecorderCSV(pJoin(
            workDir, 'tap_B.csv'))
        tapPositions['tapC'] = readGroupRecorderCSV(pJoin(
            workDir, 'tap_C.csv'))

    return {
        'nominalVolts': nominalVolts,
        'nodeVolts': nodeVolts,
        'percentChangeVolts': percentChangeVolts,
        'edgeCurrentSum': edgeCurrentSum,
        'edgePower': edgePower,
        'edgeValsPU': edgeValsPU,
        'tapPositions': tapPositions
コード例 #26
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	# feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
	feederName = [x for x in os.listdir(modelDir) if x.endswith('.omd')][0][:-4]
	inputDict["feederName1"] = feederName
	inputDict["climateName"] = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
	shutil.copy(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
		pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
	feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName + '.omd')))
	tree = feederJson["tree"]
	# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
	# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'interval':3600}
	for phase in ['A','B','C']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	# Attach recorders for system voltage map, triplex:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_node"', 'interval':3600}
	for phase in ['1','2']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'nVoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	# Attach current recorder for overhead_lines
	currentStub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=overhead_line"', 'interval':3600}
	for phase in ['A','B','C']:
		copyCurrentStub = dict(currentStub)
		copyCurrentStub['property'] = 'current_out_' + phase
		copyCurrentStub['file'] = 'OH_line_current_phase' + phase + '.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyCurrentStub
	rating_stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=overhead_line"', 'interval':3600}
	copyRatingStub = dict(rating_stub)
	copyRatingStub['property'] = 'continuous_rating'
	copyRatingStub['file'] = 'OH_line_cont_rating.csv'
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyRatingStub
	flow_stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=overhead_line"', 'interval':3600}
	copyFlowStub = dict(flow_stub)
	copyFlowStub['property'] = 'flow_direction'
	copyFlowStub['file'] = 'OH_line_flow_direc.csv'
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyFlowStub
	# Attach current recorder for underground_lines
	currentStubOH = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=underground_line"', 'interval':3600}
	for phase in ['A','B','C']:
		copyCurrentStubOH = dict(currentStubOH)
		copyCurrentStubOH['property'] = 'current_out_' + phase
		copyCurrentStubOH['file'] = 'UG_line_current_phase' + phase + '.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyCurrentStubOH
	ug_rating_stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=underground_line"', 'interval':3600}
	copyUGRatingStub = dict(ug_rating_stub)
	copyUGRatingStub['property'] = 'continuous_rating'
	copyUGRatingStub['file'] = 'UG_line_cont_rating.csv'
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyUGRatingStub
	ug_flow_stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=underground_line"', 'interval':3600}
	ugCopyFlowStub = dict(ug_flow_stub)
	ugCopyFlowStub['property'] = 'flow_direction'
	ugCopyFlowStub['file'] = 'UG_line_flow_direc.csv'
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = ugCopyFlowStub
	# And get meters for system voltage map:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_meter"', 'interval':3600}
	for phase in ['1','2']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'mVoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	for key in tree:
		if 'bustype' in tree[key].keys():
			if tree[key]['bustype'] == 'SWING':
				tree[key]['object'] = 'meter'
				swingN = tree[key]['name']
	swingRecord = {'object':'recorder', 'property':'voltage_A,measured_real_power,measured_power','file':'subVoltsA.csv','parent':swingN, 'interval':60}
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = swingRecord
	for key in tree:
		if 'omftype' in tree[key].keys() and tree[key]['argument']=='minimum_timestep=3600':
			tree[key]['argument'] = 'minimum_timestep=60'
	# If there is a varvolt object in the tree, add recorder to swingbus and node from voltage_measurements property
	# Find var_volt object
	downLineNode = 'None'
	for key in tree:
		if 'object' in tree[key].keys() and tree[key]['object']=='volt_var_control':
			downLineNode = tree[key]['voltage_measurements']
	if downLineNode != 'None':
		downNodeRecord = {'object':'recorder', 'property':'voltage_A','file':'firstDownlineVoltsA.csv','parent':downLineNode, 'interval':60}
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = downNodeRecord
	# Violation recorder to display to users 
	# violationRecorder = {'object':'violation_recorder','node_continuous_voltage_limit_lower':0.95,'file':'Violation_Log.csv',
	# 					'secondary_dist_voltage_rise_lower_limit':-0.042,'substation_pf_lower_limit':0.85,'substation_breaker_C_limit':300,
	# 					'secondary_dist_voltage_rise_upper_limit':0.025,'substation_breaker_B_limit':300,'violation_flag':'ALLVIOLATIONS',
	# 					'node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_upper':1.1, 'inverter_v_chng_per_interval_lower_bound':-0.05, 'virtual_substation':swingN,
	# 					'substation_breaker_A_limit':300, 'xfrmr_thermal_limit_lower':0,'node_continuous_voltage_interval':300,'strict':'false',
	# 					'node_instantaneous_voltage_limit_lower':0,'line_thermal_limit_upper':1,'echo':'false','node_continuous_voltage_limit_upper':1.05,
	# 					'interval':30,'line_thermal_limit_lower':0,'summary':'Violation_Summary.csv','inverter_v_chng_interval':60,
	# 					'xfrmr_thermal_limit_upper':2,'inverter_v_chng_per_interval_upper_bound':0.050}
	# tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = violationRecorder
	feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
		simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
	rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
		keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir))
		# voltDumps have no values when gridlabD fails or the files dont exist
	if not os.path.isfile(pJoin(modelDir,'aVoltDump.csv')):
		with open (pJoin(modelDir,'stderr.txt')) as inFile:
			stdErrText = inFile.read()
		message = 'GridLAB-D crashed. Error log:\n' + stdErrText
		raise Exception(message)
	elif len(rawOut['aVoltDump.csv']['# timestamp']) == 0:
		with open (pJoin(modelDir,'stderr.txt')) as inFile:
			stdErrText = inFile.read()
		message = 'GridLAB-D crashed. Error log:\n' + stdErrText
		raise Exception(message)
	outData = {}
	# Std Err and Std Out
	outData['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
	outData['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
	# Time Stamps
	for key in rawOut:
		if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
			outData['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
		elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
			outData['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
			outData['timeStamps'] = []
	# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
	stamps = outData.get('timeStamps',[])
	level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
	# Climate
	for key in rawOut:
		if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			outData['climate'] = {}
			outData['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
			outData['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
			outData['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
			outData['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
			outData['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
			#outData['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
			climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
			#converting W/sf to W/sm
			climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
			outData['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
	# Voltage Band
	if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
	# Power Consumption
	outData['Consumption'] = {}
	# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
	outData['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	outData['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	for key in rawOut:
		if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
			if 'Power' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
				outData['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,outData['Consumption']['Power'])
		elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
			realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
			realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
			realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
			imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
			imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
			imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
			oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
			if 'DG' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,outData['Consumption']['DG'])
		elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
			vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
			vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
			viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
			viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
			viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
			crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
			crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
			crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
			ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
			ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
			ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
			powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
			powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
			powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
			oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
			if 'DG' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,outData['Consumption']['DG'])
		elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
			realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
			imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
			realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
			imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
			realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
			imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
			oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
			if 'Losses' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
				outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,outData['Consumption']['Losses'])
		elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
			regName = key
			outData[newkey] ={}
			outData[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
			outData[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
			outData[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
			outData[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
		elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			capName = key
			outData[newkey] ={}
			outData[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
			outData[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
			outData[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
			outData[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
	# Capture voltages at the swingbus
	# Loop through voltDump for swingbus voltages
	subData = []
	downData = []
	with open(pJoin(modelDir,"subVoltsA.csv")) as subFile:
		reader = csv.reader(subFile)
		subData = [x for x in reader]
	if downLineNode != 'None':
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,"firstDownlineVoltsA.csv")) as downFile:
			reader = csv.reader(downFile)
			downData = [x for x in reader]
	cleanDown = [stringToMag(x[1]) for x in downData[FIRST_DATA_ROW:-1]]
	swingTimestamps = [x[0] for x in subData[FIRST_DATA_ROW:-1]]
	cleanSub = [stringToMag(x[1]) for x in subData[FIRST_DATA_ROW:-1]]
	# real_power / power
	powerFactors = []
	for row in subData[FIRST_DATA_ROW:-1]:
	outData['powerFactors'] = powerFactors
	outData['swingVoltage'] = cleanSub
	outData['downlineNodeVolts'] = cleanDown
	outData['swingTimestamps'] = swingTimestamps
	# If there is a var volt system, find the min and max voltage for a band
	minVoltBand = []
	maxVoltBand = []
	if downLineNode != 'None':
		for key in tree:
			objKeys = tree[key].keys()
			if 'object' in objKeys:
				if tree[key]['object']=='volt_var_control':
		outData['minVoltBand'] = minVoltBand
		outData['maxVoltBand'] = maxVoltBand
	# Violation Summary and Log
	# violationData = ''
	# violationArray = []
	# with open(pJoin(modelDir,"Violation_Summary.csv")) as vioSum:
	# 	reader = csv.reader(vioSum)
	# 	for row in reader:
	# 		violationArray.append(row)	
	# for row in violationArray[4:]:
	# 	violationData += str(' '.join(row)) + "\n"
	# outData["violationSummary"] = violationData
	# violationLogArray = []
	# violationLog = ''
	# with open(pJoin(modelDir,"Violation_Log.csv")) as vioLog:
	# 	logger = csv.reader(vioLog)
	# 	for row in logger:
	# 		violationLogArray.append(row)
	# for row in violationLogArray[6:]:
	# 	violationLog += str(' '.join(row)) + "\n"
	# outData['violationLog'] = violationLog
	# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
	latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
	latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
	if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
	else: doNeato = False
	# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
	genTime, mapTimestamp = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
	outData['genTime'] = genTime
	outData['mapTimestamp'] = mapTimestamp
	# Aggregate up the timestamps:
	if level=='days':
		outData['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
	elif level=='months':
		outData['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
	return outData
コード例 #27
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
	feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
	inputDict["climateName"] = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
	shutil.copy(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
		pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
	feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName+'.omd')))
	tree = feederJson["tree"]
	# tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'capacitor','control':'VOLT','phases':'ABCN','name':'CAPTEST','parent':'tm_1','capacitor_A':'0.10 MVAr','capacitor_B':'0.10 MVAr','capacitor_C':'0.10 MVAr','time_delay':'300.0','nominal_voltage':'2401.7771','voltage_set_high':'2350.0','voltage_set_low':'2340.0','switchA':'CLOSED','switchB':'CLOSED','switchC':'CLOSED','control_level':'INDIVIDUAL','phases_connected':'ABCN','dwell_time':'0.0','pt_phases':'ABCN'}
	# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
	feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)

	# System check - linux doesn't support newer GridLAB-D versions
	if sys.platform == 'linux2':
		# print feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
		# tree[14,20,27,28,47] empty for UCS Egan, add climate object to tree[14]
		# HACK: tree[10:19] is empty
		tree[11] = {'omftype':'#include', 'argument':'\"hot_water_demand.glm\"'}
		tree[12] = {'omftype':'#include', 'argument':'\"lock_mode_schedule.glm\"'}
		tree[13] = {'omftype':'#include', 'argument':'\"control_priority_schedule.glm\"'}
		# Attach frequency player
		tree[14] = {'omftype':'class player', 'argument':'{double value;}'}
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'player', 'file':'frequency.PLAYER', 'property':'value', 'name':'frequency', 'loop':0}
		# Set up GridBallast Controls
		totalWH = 0
		totalZIP = 0
		gbWH = 0
		gbZIP = 0
		for key in tree.keys():
			# Waterheater Controller properties
			if ('name' in tree[key]) and (tree[key].get('object') == 'waterheater'):
		 		totalWH += 1
	 			gbWH += 1
	 			# Frequency control parameters
	 			tree[key]['enable_freq_control'] = 'true'
	 			tree[key]['measured_frequency'] = 'frequency.value'
	 			tree[key]['freq_lowlimit'] = 59
	 			tree[key]['freq_uplimit'] = 61
	 			tree[key]['heat_mode'] = 'ELECTRIC'
	 			# tree[key]['average_delay_time'] = 60
	 			# Voltage control parameters
	 			# tree[key]['enable_volt_control'] = 'true'
	 			# tree[key]['volt_lowlimit'] = 240.4
	 			# tree[key]['volt_uplimit'] = 241.4
	 			# Lock Mode parameters
	 			# tree[key]['enable_lock'] = 'temp_lock_enable'
	 			# tree[key]['lock_STATUS'] = 'temp_lock_status'
	 			# Controller Priority: a.lock, b.freq, c.volt, d.therm
	 			tree[key]['controller_priority'] = 3214 #default:therm>lock>freq>volt
	 			# tree[key]['controller_priority'] = 1423 #freq>therm>volt>lock
	 			# tree[key]['controller_priority'] = 'control_priority'
		 		# fix waterheater property demand to water_demand for newer GridLAB-D versions
		 		if 'demand' in tree[key]:
		 			# tree[key]['water_demand'] = tree[key]['demand']
		 			tree[key]['water_demand'] = 'weekday_hotwater*1'
		 			del tree[key]['demand']
			# ZIPload Controller properties
			if ('name' in tree[key]) and (tree[key].get('object') == 'ZIPload'):
		 		totalZIP += 1
				if tree[key]['name'].startswith('responsive'):
		 			gbZIP += 1
			 		# Frequency control parameters
		 			tree[key]['enable_freq_control'] = 'true'
		 			tree[key]['measured_frequency'] = 'frequency.value'
		 			tree[key]['freq_lowlimit'] = 59
		 			tree[key]['freq_uplimit'] = 61
		 			# tree[key]['average_delay_time'] = 60
		 			# Voltage control parameters
		 			# tree[key]['enable_volt_control'] = 'true'
		 			# tree[key]['volt_lowlimit'] = 240.4
		 			# tree[key]['volt_uplimit'] = 241.4
		 			# Lock Mode parameters
		 			# tree[key]['enable_lock'] = 'temp_lock_enable'
		 			# tree[key]['lock_STATUS'] = 'temp_lock_status'
		 			tree[key]['controller_priority'] = 4321 #default:lock>freq>volt>therm
		 			# tree[key]['controller_priority'] = 2431 #freq>volt>lock>therm
		 			# tree[key]['groupid'] = 'fan'

	# Attach collector for total network load
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=triplex_meter"', 'property':'sum(measured_real_power)', 'interval':60, 'file':'allMeterPower.csv'}
	# Attach collector for total waterheater load
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'sum(actual_load)', 'interval':60, 'file':'allWaterheaterLoad.csv'}
	# Attach collector for total ZIPload power/load
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'sum(base_power)', 'interval':60, 'file':'allZIPloadPower.csv'}
	# Attach recorder for each ZIPload power/load
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'base_power', 'interval':60, 'file':'eachZIPloadPower.csv'}
	# Attach recorder for all ZIPloads demand_rate
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'demand_rate', 'interval':60, 'file':'allZIPloadDemand.csv'}
	# Attach recorder for waterheaters on/off
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'is_waterheater_on', 'interval':60, 'file':'allWaterheaterOn.csv'}
	# Attach recorder for waterheater tank temperatures
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'temperature', 'interval':60, 'file':'allWaterheaterTemp.csv'}
	# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'interval':60}
	for phase in ['A','B','C']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	# Attach recorders for system voltage map, triplex:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_node"', 'interval':60}
	for phase in ['1','2']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'nVoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	# And get meters for system voltage map:
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_meter"', 'interval':60}
	for phase in ['1','2']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'mVoltDump.csv'
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
		simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
	rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
		keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir))
	outData = {}
	# Std Err and Std Out
	outData['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
	outData['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
	# Time Stamps
	for key in rawOut:
		if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
			outData['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
		elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
			outData['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
			outData['timeStamps'] = []
	# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
	stamps = outData.get('timeStamps',[])
	level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
	# Climate
	for key in rawOut:
		if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			outData['climate'] = {}
			outData['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
			outData['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
			outData['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
			outData['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
			outData['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
			#outData['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
			climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
			#converting W/sf to W/sm
			climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
			outData['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
	# Voltage Band
	if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
		outData['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
	# Power Consumption
	outData['Consumption'] = {}
	# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
	outData['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	outData['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
	for key in rawOut:
		if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
			if 'Power' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
				outData['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,outData['Consumption']['Power'])
		elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
			realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
			realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
			realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
			imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
			imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
			imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
			oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
			if 'DG' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,outData['Consumption']['DG'])
		elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
			vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
			vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
			viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
			viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
			viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
			crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
			crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
			crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
			ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
			ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
			ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
			powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
			powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
			powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
			oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
			if 'DG' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
				outData['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,outData['Consumption']['DG'])
		elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
			realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
			imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
			realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
			imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
			realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
			imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
			oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
			if 'Losses' not in outData['Consumption']:
				outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
				outData['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,outData['Consumption']['Losses'])
		elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
			regName = key
			outData[newkey] ={}
			outData[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
			outData[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
			outData[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
			outData[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
		elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
			capName = key
			outData[newkey] ={}
			outData[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
			outData[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
			outData[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
			outData[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
			outData[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]

	# Print gridBallast Outputs to allOutputData.json
	outData['gridBallast'] = {}
	if 'allMeterPower.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['gridBallast']['totalNetworkLoad'] = [x / 1000 for x in rawOut.get('allMeterPower.csv')['sum(measured_real_power)']] #Convert W to kW
	if ('allZIPloadPower.csv' in rawOut) and ('allWaterheaterLoad.csv' in rawOut):
		outData['gridBallast']['availabilityMagnitude'] = [x[0] + x[1] for x in zip(rawOut.get('allWaterheaterLoad.csv')['sum(actual_load)'], rawOut.get('allZIPloadPower.csv')['sum(base_power)'])]
	if 'allZIPloadDemand.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand'] = {}
		for key in rawOut['allZIPloadDemand.csv']:
			if (key.startswith('ZIPload')) or (key.startswith('responsive')) or (key.startswith('unresponsive')):
				outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand'][key] = rawOut.get('allZIPloadDemand.csv')[key]
	if 'eachZIPloadPower.csv' in rawOut:
				outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower'] = {}
				for key in rawOut['eachZIPloadPower.csv']:
					if (key.startswith('ZIPload')) or (key.startswith('responsive')) or (key.startswith('unresponsive')):
						outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower'][key] = rawOut.get('eachZIPloadPower.csv')[key]
	if 'allWaterheaterOn.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn'] = {}
		for key in rawOut['allWaterheaterOn.csv']:
			if (key.startswith('waterheater')) or (key.startswith('waterHeater')):
				outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn'][key] = rawOut.get('allWaterheaterOn.csv')[key]
	if 'allWaterheaterTemp.csv' in rawOut:
		outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp'] = {}
		for key in rawOut['allWaterheaterTemp.csv']:
			if (key.startswith('waterheater')) or (key.startswith('waterHeater')):
				outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp'][key] = rawOut.get('allWaterheaterTemp.csv')[key]
	# System check - linux doesn't support newer GridLAB-D versions
	if sys.platform == 'linux2':
		outData['gridBallast']['penetrationLevel'] = 100*(gbWH+gbZIP)/(totalWH+totalZIP)
		# Frequency Player
		inArray = feederJson['attachments']['frequency.PLAYER'].split('\n')
		tempArray = []
		for each in inArray:
			x = each.split(',')
			y = float(x[1])
		outData['frequencyPlayer'] = tempArray
	# EventTime calculations
	eventTime = inputDict['eventTime']
	eventLength = inputDict['eventLength'].split(':')
	eventDuration = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(eventLength[0]), minutes=int(eventLength[1]))
	eventStart = datetime.datetime.strptime(eventTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
	eventEnd = eventStart + eventDuration
	outData['gridBallast']['eventStart'] = str(eventStart)
	outData['gridBallast']['eventEnd'] = str(eventEnd)
	outData['gridBallast']['xMin'] = str(eventStart - datetime.timedelta(minutes=30))
	outData['gridBallast']['xMax'] = str(eventEnd + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30))
	# Convert string to date
	# HACK: remove timezones, inconsistency in matching format
	timeStampsDebug = [x[:19] for x in outData['timeStamps']]
	dateTimeStamps = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for x in timeStampsDebug]	
	eventEndIdx =  dateTimeStamps.index(eventEnd)
	# Recovery Time
	whOn = outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn']
	whOnList = whOn.values()
	whOnZip = zip(*whOnList)
	whOnSum = [sum(x) for x in whOnZip]
	anyOn = [x > 0 for x in whOnSum]
	tRecIdx = anyOn.index(True, eventEndIdx)
	tRec = dateTimeStamps[tRecIdx]
	recoveryTime = tRec - eventEnd
	outData['gridBallast']['recoveryTime'] = str(recoveryTime)
	# Waterheaters Off-Duration
	offDuration = tRec - eventStart
	outData['gridBallast']['offDuration'] = str(offDuration)
	# Reserve Magnitude (RM)
	availMag = outData['gridBallast']['availabilityMagnitude']
	totalNetLoad = outData['gridBallast']['totalNetworkLoad']
	availPerc = [100 * x[0]/x[1] for x in zip(availMag,totalNetLoad)]
	outData['gridBallast']['availabilityPercent'] = availPerc
	outData['gridBallast']['rm'] = [100 - x for x in availPerc]
	# Average RM during event
	eventRM = [100 - x[1] for x in zip(dateTimeStamps, availPerc) if (x[0] == eventStart) or (x[0] == eventEnd)]
	outData['gridBallast']['rmAvg'] = np.mean(eventRM)
	# Reserve Magnitude Variability Tolerance (RMVT)
	outData['gridBallast']['rmvt'] = np.std(eventRM)
	# Availability
	rmt = 7
	available = [x[1] > rmt for x in zip(dateTimeStamps, availPerc) if (x[0] < eventStart) or (x[0] > eventEnd)]
	outData['gridBallast']['availability'] = 100.0 * sum(available) / (int(inputDict['simLength']) - int(eventLength[1]) - 1)
	# Waterheater Temperature Drop calculations
	whTemp = outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp']
	whTempList = whTemp.values()
	whTempZip = zip(*whTempList)
	whTempDrops = []
	LOWER_LIMIT_TEMP = 110 # Used for calculating quality of service. Typical hot shower temp = 105 F.
	for time in whTempZip:
		tempDrop = sum([t < LOWER_LIMIT_TEMP for t in time])
	outData['gridBallast']['waterheaterTempDrops'] = whTempDrops
	# ZIPload calculations for Availability and QoS
	zPower = outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower']
	zPowerList = zPower.values()
	zPowerZip = zip(*zPowerList)
	zDemand = outData['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand']
	zDemandList  = zDemand.values()
	zDemandZip = zip(*zDemandList)
	zDrops = []
	for x, y in zip(zPowerZip,zDemandZip):
		zDrop = 0
		for i in range(len(x)):
			if (x[i] == 0) and (y[i] > 0):
				zDrop += 1
	outData['gridBallast']['qualityDrops'] = [x + y for x, y in zip(zDrops, whTempDrops)]

	# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
	latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
	latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
	if latPerc < 0.25:
		doNeato = True
		doNeato = False
	# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
	genTime = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
	outData['genTime'] = genTime
	# Aggregate up the timestamps:
	if level=='days':
		outData['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
	elif level=='months':
		outData['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
	return outData
コード例 #28
def voltPlot(omd, workDir=None, neatoLayout=False):
    ''' Draw a color-coded map of the voltage drop on a feeder.
	Returns a matplotlib object. '''
    tree = omd.get('tree', {})
    # # Get rid of schedules and climate:
    for key in tree.keys():
        if tree[key].get("argument",
                         "") == "\"schedules.glm\"" or tree[key].get(
                             "tmyfile", "") != "":
            del tree[key]
    # Make sure we have a voltDump:
    def safeInt(x):
            return int(x)
            return 0

    biggestKey = max([safeInt(x) for x in tree.keys()])
    tree[str(biggestKey * 10)] = {
        "object": "voltdump",
        "filename": "voltDump.csv"
    # Run Gridlab.
    if not workDir:
        workDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print "gridlabD runInFilesystem with no specified workDir. Working in", workDir
    gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                              'attachments', {}),
    with open(pJoin(workDir, 'voltDump.csv'), 'r') as dumpFile:
        reader = csv.reader(dumpFile)
        reader.next()  # Burn the header.
        keys = reader.next()
        voltTable = []
        for row in reader:
            rowDict = {}
            for pos, key in enumerate(keys):
                rowDict[key] = row[pos]
    # Calculate average node voltage deviation. First, helper functions.
    def pythag(x, y):
        ''' For right triangle with sides a and b, return the hypotenuse. '''
        return math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

    def digits(x):
        ''' Returns number of digits before the decimal in the float x. '''
        return math.ceil(math.log10(x + 1))

    def avg(l):
        ''' Average of a list of ints or floats. '''
        return sum(l) / len(l)

    # Detect the feeder nominal voltage:
    for key in tree:
        ob = tree[key]
        if type(ob) == dict and ob.get('bustype', '') == 'SWING':
            feedVoltage = float(ob.get('nominal_voltage', 1))
    # Tot it all up.
    nodeVolts = {}
    for row in voltTable:
        allVolts = []
        for phase in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            phaseVolt = pythag(float(row['volt' + phase + '_real']),
                               float(row['volt' + phase + '_imag']))
            if phaseVolt != 0.0:
                if digits(phaseVolt) > 3:
                    # Normalize to 120 V standard
                    phaseVolt = phaseVolt * (120 / feedVoltage)
        nodeVolts[row.get('node_name', '')] = avg(allVolts)
    # Color nodes by VOLTAGE.
    fGraph = feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
    voltChart = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
    #set axes step equal
    if neatoLayout:
        # HACK: work on a new graph without attributes because graphViz tries to read attrs.
        cleanG = nx.Graph(fGraph.edges())
        positions = graphviz_layout(cleanG, prog='neato')
        positions = {n: fGraph.node[n].get('pos', (0, 0)) for n in fGraph}
    edgeIm = nx.draw_networkx_edges(fGraph, positions)
    nodeIm = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(
        node_color=[nodeVolts.get(n, 0) for n in fGraph.nodes()],
    plt.clim(110, 130)
    return voltChart
コード例 #29
def heavyProcessing(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
	beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	# Get feeder name and data in.
	try: os.mkdir(pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
	except: pass
		feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
		inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
		shutil.copy(pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
			pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "climate.tmy2"))
		startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName+'.omd')))
		tree = feederJson["tree"]
		#add a check to see if there is already a climate object in the omd file
		#if there is delete the climate from attachments and the climate object
		attachKeys = feederJson["attachments"].keys()
		for key in attachKeys:
			if key.endswith('.tmy2'):
				del feederJson['attachments'][key]	
		treeKeys = feederJson["tree"].keys()
		for key in treeKeys:
			if 'object' in feederJson['tree'][key]:
			 	if feederJson['tree'][key]['object'] == 'climate':
			 		del feederJson['tree'][key]
		oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
		tree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype':'module','argument':'climate'}
		tree[oldMax + 2] = {'object':'climate','name':'Climate','interpolate':'QUADRATIC','tmyfile':'climate.tmy2'}
		# tree[oldMax + 3] = {'object':'capacitor','control':'VOLT','phases':'ABCN','name':'CAPTEST','parent':'tm_1','capacitor_A':'0.10 MVAr','capacitor_B':'0.10 MVAr','capacitor_C':'0.10 MVAr','time_delay':'300.0','nominal_voltage':'2401.7771','voltage_set_high':'2350.0','voltage_set_low':'2340.0','switchA':'CLOSED','switchB':'CLOSED','switchC':'CLOSED','control_level':'INDIVIDUAL','phases_connected':'ABCN','dwell_time':'0.0','pt_phases':'ABCN'}
		# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)

		# Attach recorder for waterheaters on/off
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'is_waterheater_on', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allWaterheaterOn.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach recorder for waterheater tank temperatures
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'temperature', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allWaterheaterTemp.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach collector for total waterheater load
		stub = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=waterheater"', 'property':'sum(actual_load)', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allWaterheaterLoad.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach collector for total network load
		stub = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=triplex_meter"', 'property':'sum(measured_real_power)', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allMeterPower.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		# Attach collector for total overall ZIPload power/load
		stub = {'object':'collector', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'sum(base_power)', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allZIPloadPower.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach recorder for each ZIPload power/load
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'base_power', 'interval':3600, 'file':'eachZIPloadPower.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach recorder for all ZIPloads demand_rate
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'demand_rate', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allZIPloadDemand.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub
		# Attach recorder for all ZIPloads on
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=ZIPload"', 'property':'number_of_devices_on', 'interval':3600, 'file':'allZIPloadOn.csv'}
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		# Attach passive_controller	
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'omftype':'module','argument':'market'}
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'omftype':'class auction','argument':'{\n\tdouble my_avg; double my_std;\n}'}
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = {'omftype':'class player','argument':'{\n\tdouble value;\n}'}

		stub = {
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		stub = {
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		stub = {
			'unit': 'kW'
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		stub = {
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		# stub = {
		# 	'object':'passive_controller',
		# 	'name':'ZIPload_controller_ZIPload171922',
		# 	'parent':'ZIPload171922',
		# 	'control_mode':'RAMP',
		# 	'range_high':5,
		# 	'range_low':-5,
		# 	'ramp_high':1,
		# 	'ramp_low':-1,
		# 	'period':900,
		# 	'setpoint':'base_power'
		# 	'base_setpoint':1,
		# 	'expectation_object':'MARKET_1',
		# 	'expectation_property':'my_avg',
		# 	'observation_object':'MARKET_1',
		# 	'observation_property':'past_market.clearing_price',
		# 	'stdev_observation_property':'my_std'
		# 	'state_property':'override'
		# }
		# copyStub = dict(stub)
		# tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree)+1] = copyStub

		# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'interval':3600}
		for phase in ['A','B','C']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		# Attach recorders for system voltage map, triplex:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_node"', 'interval':3600}
		for phase in ['1','2']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'nVoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		# And get meters for system voltage map:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=triplex_meter"', 'interval':3600}
		for phase in ['1','2']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'mVoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
			simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
		rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
			keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
		cleanOut = {}
		# Std Err and Std Out
		cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
		cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
		# Time Stamps
		for key in rawOut:
			print key
			if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
			elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
		# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
		stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps',[])
		level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
		# Climate
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				cleanOut['climate'] = {}
				cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
				#cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
				climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
				#converting W/sf to W/sm
				climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
				cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
		# Voltage Band
		if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
		# Power Consumption
		cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
		# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
				if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
			elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
				realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
				realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
				realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
				vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
				vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
				viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
				viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
				viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
				crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
				crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
				crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
				ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
				ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
				ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
				powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
				powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
				powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
				realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
				realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
				realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
				oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
			elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
				regName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
			elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				capName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
				cleanOut[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]

		# Print gridBallast Outputs to allOutputData.json
		cleanOut['gridBallast'] = {}
		if 'allWaterheaterOn.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn'] = {}
			for key in rawOut['allWaterheaterOn.csv']:
				if key.startswith('waterheater'):
					cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn'][key] = rawOut.get('allWaterheaterOn.csv')[key]
		if 'allWaterheaterTemp.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp'] = {}
			for key in rawOut['allWaterheaterTemp.csv']:
				if key.startswith('waterheater'):
					cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp'][key] = rawOut.get('allWaterheaterTemp.csv')[key]
		if 'allMeterPower.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['totalNetworkLoad'] = rawOut.get('allMeterPower.csv')['sum(measured_real_power)']

		if ('allWaterheaterLoad.csv' in rawOut) and ('allZIPloadPower.csv' in rawOut):
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['availabilityMagnitude'] = [x + y for x, y in zip(rawOut.get('allWaterheaterLoad.csv')['sum(actual_load)'], rawOut.get('allZIPloadPower.csv')['sum(base_power)'])]
		if 'eachZIPloadPower.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower'] = {}
			for key in rawOut['eachZIPloadPower.csv']:
				if key.startswith('ZIPload'):
					cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower'][key] = rawOut.get('eachZIPloadPower.csv')[key]
		if 'allZIPloadDemand.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand'] = {}
			for key in rawOut['allZIPloadDemand.csv']:
				if key.startswith('ZIPload'):
					cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand'][key] = rawOut.get('allZIPloadDemand.csv')[key]
		if 'allZIPloadOn.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadOn'] = {}
			for key in rawOut['allZIPloadOn.csv']:
				if key.startswith('ZIPload'):
					cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadOn'][key] = rawOut.get('allZIPloadOn.csv')[key]

		# EventTime calculations
		eventTime = inputDict['eventTime']
		eventLength = inputDict['eventLength']
		eventLength = eventLength.split(':')
		eventDuration = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(eventLength[0]), minutes=int(eventLength[1]))
		eventStart = datetime.datetime.strptime(eventTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')
		eventEnd = eventStart + eventDuration
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['eventStart'] = str(eventStart)
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['eventEnd'] = str(eventEnd)
		# Drop timezone from timeStamp, Convert string to date
		timeStamps = [x[:19] for x in cleanOut['timeStamps']]
		dateTimeStamps = [datetime.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for x in timeStamps]	
		eventEndIdx =  dateTimeStamps.index(eventEnd)
		# Recovery Time
		whOn = cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterOn']
		whOnList = whOn.values()
		whOnZip = zip(*whOnList)
		whOnSum = [sum(x) for x in whOnZip]
		anyOn = [x > 0 for x in whOnSum] 
		tRecIdx = anyOn.index(True, eventEndIdx)
		tRec = dateTimeStamps[tRecIdx]
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['recoveryTime'] = str(tRec)
		# Waterheaters Off-Duration
		offDuration = tRec - eventStart
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['offDuration'] = str(offDuration)
		# Reserve Magnitude Target (RMT)
		availMag = cleanOut['gridBallast']['availabilityMagnitude']
		totNetLoad = cleanOut['gridBallast']['totalNetworkLoad']
		# loadZip = zip(availMag,totNetLoad)
		# rmt = [x[0]/x[1] for x in loadZip]
		rmt = (1000*sum(availMag))/sum(totNetLoad)
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['rmt'] = rmt
		# Reserve Magnitude Variability Tolerance (RMVT)
		avgAvailMag = sum(availMag)/len(availMag)
		rmvtMax = max(availMag)/avgAvailMag
		rmvtMin = min(availMag)/avgAvailMag
		rmvt = rmvtMax - rmvtMin
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['rmvt'] = rmvt
		# Availability
		notAvail = availMag.count(0)/len(timeStamps)
		avail = (1-notAvail)*100
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['availability'] = avail
		# Waterheater Temperature Drop calculations
		whTemp = cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterTemp']
		whTempList = whTemp.values()
		whTempZip = zip(*whTempList)
		whTempDrops = []
		LOWER_LIMIT_TEMP = 125 # Used for calculating quality of service.
		for time in whTempZip:
			tempDrop = sum([t < LOWER_LIMIT_TEMP for t in time])
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['waterheaterTempDrops'] = whTempDrops

		# ZIPload calculations for Availability and QoS
		zPower = cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadPower']
		zPowerList = zPower.values()
		zPowerZip = zip(*zPowerList)
		zPowerSum = [sum(x) for x in zPowerZip]
		zDemand = cleanOut['gridBallast']['ZIPloadDemand']
		zDemandList  = zDemand.values()
		zDemandZip = zip(*zDemandList)
		zDrops = []
		for time in zDemandZip:
			for each in zPowerZip:
				zIdx = 0
				if each[zIdx] == 0:
					zPowerIdx += 1
					zDrop = sum([t > 0 for t in time])
		cleanOut['gridBallast']['qualityDrops'] = [x + y for x, y in zip(whTempDrops, zDrops)]

		# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
		latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
		latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
		if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
		else: doNeato = False
		# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
		genTime = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
		cleanOut['genTime'] = genTime
		# Aggregate up the timestamps:
		if level=='days':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
		elif level=='months':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
			json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
		# Update the runTime in the input file.
		endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
		# Clean up the PID file.
		os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "PID.txt"))
		print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
	except Exception as e:
		# If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
		thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
		print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr
		inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
		with open(os.path.join(modelDir,'stderr.txt'),'w') as errorFile:
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
	finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int((finishTime - beginTime).total_seconds())))
	with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent = 4)
コード例 #30
	tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = {
		'object': 'eventgen',
		'name': 'ManualEventGen',
		'parent': 'RelMetrics',
		'fault_type': '\"' + FAULT_TYPE + '\"',
		'manual_outages': '\"' + 
			FAULT_LOCATION + ',' + \
			FAULT_START_TIME + ',' + \

# Run Gridlab ----------------------------------------------------------------------

start = time.time()
gridlabOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem( tree, 
	attachments=attachments, workDir=WORKING_DIR )
end = time.time()
print((end - start)/60.0)

# Generate clean csv ---------------------------------------------------------------

with open( METER_FILENAME,'r' ) as meterFile:
	reader = csv.reader(meterFile, delimiter=',')
	with open( OUTPUT_FILENAME, 'w' ) as outputFile:
		writer = csv.writer(outputFile, delimiter=',')

		#loop past header
		for row in reader:
			if '# timestamp' in row:
コード例 #31
ファイル: _cvrDynamic.py プロジェクト: geomf/omf-fork
def runForeground(modelDir, inData, fs):
    '''This reads a glm file, changes the method of powerflow and reruns'''
        startTime = datetime.now()
        # calibrate and run cvrdynamic

        feederPath = pJoin("data", "Feeder", inData[
                           "feederName"].split("___")[0], inData["feederName"].split("___")[1] + '.json')
        fs.export_from_fs_to_local(feederPath, feederPath)
        scadaPath = pJoin("uploads", (inData["scadaFile"] + '.tsv'))
        fs.export_from_fs_to_local(scadaPath, scadaPath)
        omf.calibrate.omfCalibrate(modelDir, feederPath, scadaPath)
        allOutput = {}
        print "here"
        with open(pJoin(modelDir, "calibratedFeeder.json"), "r") as jsonIn:
            feederJson = json.load(jsonIn)
            localTree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
        for key in localTree:
            if "solver_method" in localTree[key].keys():
                print "current solver method", localTree[key]["solver_method"]
                localTree[key]["solver_method"] = 'FBS'
        # find the swing bus and recorder attached to substation
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
                swingIndex = key
                swingName = localTree[key].get('name')
            if localTree[key].get('object', '') == 'regulator' and localTree[key].get('from', '') == swingName:
                regIndex = key
                regConfName = localTree[key]['configuration']
        # find the regulator and capacitor names and combine to form a string
        # for volt-var control object
        regKeys = []
        accum_reg = ""
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get("object", "") == "regulator":
                accum_reg += localTree[key].get("name", "ERROR") + ","
        regstr = accum_reg[:-1]
        print regKeys
        capKeys = []
        accum_cap = ""
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get("object", "") == "capacitor":
                accum_cap += localTree[key].get("name", "ERROR") + ","
                if localTree[key].get("control", "").lower() == "manual":
                    localTree[key]['control'] = "VOLT"
                    print "changing capacitor control from manual to volt"
        capstr = accum_cap[:-1]
        print capKeys
        # Attach recorders relevant to CVR.
        recorders = [
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesTransformer.csv',
             'group': 'class=transformer',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesUnderground.csv',
             'group': 'class=underground_line',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZlossesOverhead.csv',
             'group': 'class=overhead_line',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'sum(power_losses_A.real),sum(power_losses_A.imag),sum(power_losses_B.real),sum(power_losses_B.imag),sum(power_losses_C.real),sum(power_losses_C.imag)'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'Zregulator.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': localTree[regIndex]['name'],
             'property': 'tap_A,tap_B,tap_C,power_in.real,power_in.imag'},
            {'object': 'collector',
             'file': 'ZvoltageJiggle.csv',
             'group': 'class=triplex_meter',
             'limit': '0',
             'property': 'min(voltage_12.mag),mean(voltage_12.mag),max(voltage_12.mag),std(voltage_12.mag)'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'ZsubstationTop.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': localTree[swingIndex]['name'],
             'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'},
            {'object': 'recorder',
             'file': 'ZsubstationBottom.csv',
             'limit': '0',
             'parent': localTree[regIndex]['to'],
             'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'}]
        # recorder object for capacitor switching - if capacitors exist
        if capKeys != []:
            for key in capKeys:
                recorders.append({'object': 'recorder',
                                  'file': 'ZcapSwitch' + str(key) + '.csv',
                                  'limit': '0',
                                  'parent': localTree[key]['name'],
                                  'property': 'switchA,switchB,switchC'})
        # attach recorder process
        biggest = 1 + max([int(k) for k in localTree.keys()])
        for index, rec in enumerate(recorders):
            localTree[biggest + index] = rec
        # run a reference load flow
        HOURS = float(inData['simLengthHours'])
        simStartDate = inData['simStart']
        feeder.adjustTime(localTree, HOURS, "hours", simStartDate)
        output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
            localTree, keepFiles=False, workDir=modelDir)
        os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
        p = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
        q = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']
        # calculating length of simulation because it migth be different from
        # the simulation input HOURS
        simRealLength = int(len(p))
        # time delays from configuration files
        time_delay_reg = '30.0'
        time_delay_cap = '300.0'
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get('object', '') == "regulator_configuration":
                time_delay_reg = localTree[key]['time_delay']
                print "time_delay_reg", time_delay_reg
            # if localTree[key].get('object','') == "capacitor":
            # 	time_delay_cap = localTree[key]['time_delay']
            # 	print "time_delay_cap",time_delay_cap
        # change the recorder names
        for key in localTree:
            if localTree[key].get('object', '') == "collector" or localTree[key].get('object', '') == "recorder":
                if localTree[key].get('file', '').startswith('Z'):
                    localTree[key]['file'] = localTree[key].get(
                        'file', '').replace('Z', 'NewZ')
        # create volt-var control object
        max_key = max([int(key) for key in localTree.keys()])
        print max_key
        localTree[max_key + 1] = {'object': 'volt_var_control',
                                  'name': 'IVVC1',
                                  'control_method': 'ACTIVE',
                                  'capacitor_delay': str(time_delay_cap),
                                  'regulator_delay': str(time_delay_reg),
                                  'desired_pf': '0.99',
                                  'd_max': '0.6',
                                  'd_min': '0.1',
                                  'substation_link': str(localTree[regIndex]['name']),
                                  'regulator_list': regstr,
                                  'capacitor_list': capstr}
        # running powerflow analysis via gridalab after attaching a regulator
        feeder.adjustTime(localTree, HOURS, "hours", simStartDate)
        output1 = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(
            localTree, keepFiles=True, workDir=modelDir)
        os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
        pnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.real']
        qnew = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['power_in.imag']
        # total real and imaginary losses as a function of time

        def vecSum(u, v):
            ''' Add vectors u and v element-wise. Return has len <= len(u) and <=len(v). '''
            return map(sum, zip(u, v))

        def zeroVec(length):
            ''' Give a zero vector of input length. '''
            return [0 for x in xrange(length)]
        (realLoss, imagLoss, realLossnew, imagLossnew) = (zeroVec(int(HOURS))
                                                          for x in range(4))
        for device in ['ZlossesOverhead.csv', 'ZlossesTransformer.csv', 'ZlossesUnderground.csv']:
            for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                realLoss = vecSum(
                    realLoss, output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'])
                imagLoss = vecSum(
                    imagLoss, output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'])
                realLossnew = vecSum(
                    realLossnew, output1['New' + device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.real)'])
                imagLossnew = vecSum(
                    imagLossnew, output1['New' + device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter + '.imag)'])
        # voltage calculations and tap calculations

        def divby2(u):
            '''divides by 2'''
            return u / 2
        lowVoltage = []
        meanVoltage = []
        highVoltage = []
        lowVoltagenew = []
        meanVoltagenew = []
        highVoltagenew = []
        tap = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        tapnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        volt = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        voltnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        switch = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        switchnew = {'A': [], 'B': [], 'C': []}
        for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
            tap[letter] = output['Zregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
            tapnew[letter] = output1['NewZregulator.csv']['tap_' + letter]
            if capKeys != []:
                switch[letter] = output[
                    'ZcapSwitch' + str(int(capKeys[0])) + '.csv']['switch' + letter]
                switchnew[letter] = output1[
                    'NewZcapSwitch' + str(int(capKeys[0])) + '.csv']['switch' + letter]
            volt[letter] = map(
                returnMag, output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_' + letter])
            voltnew[letter] = map(
                returnMag, output1['NewZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_' + letter])
        lowVoltage = map(
            divby2, output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'])
        lowVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'])
        meanVoltage = map(
            divby2, output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)'])
        meanVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)'])
        highVoltage = map(
            divby2, output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'])
        highVoltagenew = map(
            divby2, output1['NewZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'])
        # energy calculations
        whEnergy = []
        whLosses = []
        whLoads = []
        whEnergy.append(sum(p) / 10**6)
        whLosses.append(sum(realLoss) / 10**6)
        whLoads.append((sum(p) - sum(realLoss)) / 10**6)
        whEnergy.append(sum(pnew) / 10**6)
        whLosses.append(sum(realLossnew) / 10**6)
        whLoads.append((sum(pnew) - sum(realLossnew)) / 10**6)
        indices = ['No IVVC', 'With IVVC']
        # energySalesRed = (whLoads[1]-whLoads[0])*(inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh'])*1000
        # lossSav = (whLosses[0]-whLosses[1])*inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']*1000
        # print energySalesRed, lossSav
        # plots
        ticks = []
        plt.title("total energy")
        plt.ylabel("total load and losses (MWh)")
        for element in range(2):
            bar_loss = plt.bar(element, whLosses[element], 0.15, color='red')
            bar_load = plt.bar(
                element + 0.15, whLoads[element], 0.15, color='orange')
        plt.legend([bar_load[0], bar_loss[0]], ['total load', 'total losses'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        plt.xticks([t + 0.15 for t in ticks], indices)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "totalEnergy.png"))
        # real and imaginary power
        plt.figure("real power")
        plt.title("Real Power at substation")
        plt.ylabel("substation real power (MW)")
        pMW = [element / 10**6 for element in p]
        pMWn = [element / 10**6 for element in pnew]
        pw = plt.plot(pMW)
        npw = plt.plot(pMWn)
        plt.legend([pw[0], npw[0]], ['NO IVVC', 'WITH IVVC'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "realPower.png"))
        plt.figure("Reactive power")
        plt.title("Reactive Power at substation")
        plt.ylabel("substation reactive power (MVAR)")
        qMVAR = [element / 10**6 for element in q]
        qMVARn = [element / 10**6 for element in qnew]
        iw = plt.plot(qMVAR)
        niw = plt.plot(qMVARn)
        plt.legend([iw[0], niw[0]], ['NO IVVC', 'WITH IVVC'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "imaginaryPower.png"))
        # voltage plots
        plt.figure("voltages as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)
        f.suptitle("Min and Max voltages on the feeder")
        lv = ax[0].plot(lowVoltage, color='cadetblue')
        mv = ax[0].plot(meanVoltage, color='blue')
        hv = ax[0].plot(highVoltage, color='cadetblue')
        ax[0].legend([lv[0], mv[0], hv[0]], ['low voltage', 'mean voltage', 'high voltage'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 0.915, 1., .1), loc=3,
                     ncol=3, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        ax[0].set_ylabel('NO IVVC')
        nlv = ax[1].plot(lowVoltagenew, color='cadetblue')
        nmv = ax[1].plot(meanVoltagenew, color='blue')
        nhv = ax[1].plot(highVoltagenew, color='cadetblue')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('WITH IVVC')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "Voltages.png"))
        # tap positions
        plt.figure("TAP positions NO IVVC")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("Regulator Tap positions")
        ax[0].set_title("Regulator Tap positions NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("TAP A")
        ax[1].set_ylabel("TAP B")
        ax[2].set_ylabel("TAP C")
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel("TAP A")
        ax[4].set_ylabel("TAP B")
        ax[5].set_ylabel("TAP C")
        for subplot in range(6):
            ax[subplot].set_ylim(-20, 20)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "RegulatorTAPpositions.png"))
        # substation voltages
        plt.figure("substation voltage as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("voltages at substation NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_title('Substation voltages NO IVVC')
        ax[0].set_ylabel('voltage A')
        ax[1].set_ylabel('voltage B')
        ax[2].set_ylabel('voltage C')
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel('voltage A')
        ax[4].set_ylabel('voltage B')
        ax[5].set_ylabel('voltage C')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "substationVoltages.png"))
        # cap switches
        plt.figure("capacitor switch state as a function of time")
        f, ax = plt.subplots(6, sharex=True)
        f.set_size_inches(10, 12.0)
        #f.suptitle("Capacitor switch state NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_title("Capacitor switch state NO IVVC")
        ax[0].set_ylabel("switch A")
        ax[1].set_ylabel("switch B")
        ax[2].set_ylabel("switch C")
        ax[3].set_title("WITH IVVC")
        ax[3].set_ylabel("switch A")
        ax[4].set_ylabel("switch B")
        ax[5].set_ylabel("switch C")
        for subplot in range(6):
            ax[subplot].set_ylim(-2, 2)
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "capacitorSwitch.png"))
        # plt.show()
        # monetization
        monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August",
                      "September", "October", "November", "December"]
        monthToSeason = {'January': 'Winter', 'February': 'Winter', 'March': 'Spring', 'April': 'Spring',
                         'May': 'Spring', 'June': 'Summer', 'July': 'Summer', 'August': 'Summer',
                         'September': 'Fall', 'October': 'Fall', 'November': 'Fall', 'December': 'Winter'}
        # calculate the month and hour of simulation start and month and hour
        # of simulation end
        simStartTimestamp = simStartDate + " 00:00:00"
        simFormattedDate = datetime.strptime(
            simStartTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        simStartMonthNum = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%m'))
        simstartMonth = monthNames[simStartMonthNum - 1]
        simStartDay = int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%d'))
        if calendar.isleap(int(simFormattedDate.strftime('%Y'))):
            febDays = 29
            febDays = 28
        monthHours = [int(31 * 24), int(febDays * 24), int(31 * 24), int(30 * 24), int(31 * 24), int(
            30 * 24), int(31 * 24), int(31 * 24), int(30 * 24), int(31 * 24), int(30 * 24), int(31 * 24)]
        simStartIndex = int(
            sum(monthHours[:(simStartMonthNum - 1)]) + (simStartDay - 1) * 24)
        temp = 0
        cumulHours = [0]
        for x in range(12):
            temp += monthHours[x]
        for i in range((simStartMonthNum), 13):
            if int(simStartIndex + simRealLength) <= cumulHours[i] and int(simStartIndex + simRealLength) > cumulHours[i - 1]:
                simEndMonthNum = i - 1
                simEndMonth = monthNames[simEndMonthNum]
        print simstartMonth, simEndMonth
        # calculate peaks for the number of months in simulation
        previndex = 0
        monthPeak = {}
        monthPeakNew = {}
        peakSaveDollars = {}
        energyLostDollars = {}
        lossRedDollars = {}
        simMonthList = monthNames[
            monthNames.index(simstartMonth):(monthNames.index(simEndMonth) + 1)]
        print simMonthList
        for monthElement in simMonthList:
            print monthElement
            month = monthNames.index(monthElement)
            index1 = int(previndex)
            index2 = int(min((index1 + int(monthHours[month])), simRealLength))
            monthPeak[monthElement] = max(p[index1:index2]) / 1000.0
            monthPeakNew[monthElement] = max(pnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0
            peakSaveDollars[monthElement] = (monthPeak[monthElement] - monthPeakNew[monthElement]) * float(
                inData['peakDemandCost' + str(monthToSeason[monthElement]) + 'PerKw'])
            lossRedDollars[monthElement] = (sum(realLoss[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 - sum(
                realLossnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0) * (float(inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']))
            energyLostDollars[monthElement] = (sum(p[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 - sum(pnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0 - sum(realLoss[index1:index2]) / 1000.0
                                               + sum(realLossnew[index1:index2]) / 1000.0) * (float(inData['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh']) - float(inData['retailEnergyCostPerKwh']))
            previndex = index2
        # money charts
        fig = plt.figure("cost benefit barchart", figsize=(10, 8))
        ticks = range(len(simMonthList))
        ticks1 = [element + 0.15 for element in ticks]
        ticks2 = [element + 0.30 for element in ticks]
        print ticks
        eld = [energyLostDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        lrd = [lossRedDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        psd = [peakSaveDollars[month] for month in simMonthList]
        bar_eld = plt.bar(ticks, eld, 0.15, color='red')
        bar_psd = plt.bar(ticks1, psd, 0.15, color='blue')
        bar_lrd = plt.bar(ticks2, lrd, 0.15, color='green')
        plt.legend([bar_eld[0], bar_psd[0], bar_lrd[0]], ['energyLostDollars', 'peakReductionDollars', 'lossReductionDollars'], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102), loc=3,
                   ncol=2, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.1)
        monShort = [element[0:3] for element in simMonthList]
        plt.xticks([t + 0.15 for t in ticks], monShort)
        plt.ylabel('Utility Savings ($)')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "spendChart.png"))
        # cumulative savings graphs
        fig = plt.figure("cost benefit barchart", figsize=(10, 5))
        annualSavings = sum(eld) + sum(lrd) + sum(psd)
        annualSave = lambda x: (
            annualSavings - float(inData['omCost'])) * x - float(inData['capitalCost'])
        simplePayback = float(
            inData['capitalCost']) / (annualSavings - float(inData['omCost']))
        plt.xlabel('Year After Installation')
        plt.xlim(0, 30)
        plt.ylabel('Cumulative Savings ($)')
        plt.plot([0 for x in range(31)], c='gray')
        plt.axvline(x=simplePayback, ymin=0, ymax=1, c='gray', linestyle='--')
        plt.plot([annualSave(x) for x in range(31)], c='green')
        Plot.save_fig(plt, pJoin(modelDir, "savingsChart.png"))
        # get exact time stamps from the CSV files generated by Gridlab-D
        timeWithZone = output['Zregulator.csv']['# timestamp']
        timestamps = [element[:19] for element in timeWithZone]
        # data for highcharts
        allOutput["timeStamps"] = timestamps
        allOutput["noCVRPower"] = p
        allOutput["withCVRPower"] = pnew
        allOutput["noCVRLoad"] = whLoads[0]
        allOutput["withCVRLoad"] = whLoads[1]
        allOutput["noCVRLosses"] = whLosses[0]
        allOutput["withCVRLosses"] = whLosses[1]
        allOutput["noCVRTaps"] = tap
        allOutput["withCVRTaps"] = tapnew
        allOutput["noCVRSubVolts"] = volt
        allOutput["withCVRSubVolts"] = voltnew
        allOutput["noCVRCapSwitch"] = switch
        allOutput["withCVRCapSwitch"] = switchnew
        allOutput["noCVRHighVolt"] = highVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRHighVolt"] = highVoltagenew
        allOutput["noCVRLowVolt"] = lowVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRLowVolt"] = lowVoltagenew
        allOutput["noCVRMeanVolt"] = meanVoltage
        allOutput["withCVRMeanVolt"] = meanVoltagenew
        # monetization
        allOutput["simMonthList"] = monShort
        allOutput["energyLostDollars"] = energyLostDollars
        allOutput["lossRedDollars"] = lossRedDollars
        allOutput["peakSaveDollars"] = peakSaveDollars
        allOutput["annualSave"] = [annualSave(x) for x in range(31)]
        # Update the runTime in the input file.
        endTime = datetime.now()
        inData["runTime"] = str(
            timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
        fs.save(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"), json.dumps(inData, indent=4))
        fs.save(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"), json.dumps(allOutput, indent=4))
        # For autotest, there won't be such file.
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PPID.txt"))
        print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
    except Exception as e:
        print "Oops, Model Crashed!!!"
        print e
コード例 #32
def heavyProcessing(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. WARNING: GRIDLAB CAN TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. '''
	print "STARTING TO RUN", modelDir
	beginTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	# Get feeder name and data in.
	try: os.mkdir(pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
	except: pass
		feederName = inputDict["feederName1"]
		inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
		shutil.copy(pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
			pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "climate.tmy2"))
		startTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		feederJson = json.load(open(pJoin(modelDir, feederName+'.omd')))
		tree = feederJson["tree"]
		#add a check to see if there is already a climate object in the omd file
		#if there is delete the climate from attachments and the climate object
		attachKeys = feederJson["attachments"].keys()
		for key in attachKeys:
			if key.endswith('.tmy2'):
				del feederJson['attachments'][key]	
		treeKeys = feederJson["tree"].keys()
		for key in treeKeys:
			if 'object' in feederJson['tree'][key]:
			 	if feederJson['tree'][key]['object'] == 'climate':
			 		del feederJson['tree'][key]
		oldMax = feeder.getMaxKey(tree)
		tree[oldMax + 1] = {'omftype':'module', 'argument':'climate'}
		tree[oldMax + 2] ={'object':'climate','name':'Climate','interpolate':'QUADRATIC', 'tmyfile':'climate.tmy2'}
		# Set up GLM with correct time and recorders:
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Regulator", "object", "regulator")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Capacitor", "object", "capacitor")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Inverter", "object", "inverter")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Windmill", "object", "windturb_dg")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "CollectorVoltage", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "Climate", "object", "climate")
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "OverheadLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "UndergroundLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TriplexLosses", None, None)
		feeder.attachRecorders(tree, "TransformerLosses", None, None)
		# Attach recorders for system voltage map:
		stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'property':'voltage_A', 'interval':3600, 'file':'aVoltDump.csv'}
		for phase in ['A','B','C']:
			copyStub = dict(stub)
			copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
			copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
			tree[feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
		feeder.adjustTime(tree=tree, simLength=float(inputDict["simLength"]),
			simLengthUnits=inputDict["simLengthUnits"], simStartDate=inputDict["simStartDate"])
		rawOut = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feederJson["attachments"], 
			keepFiles=True, workDir=pJoin(modelDir,'gldContainer'))
		cleanOut = {}
		# Std Err and Std Out
		cleanOut['stderr'] = rawOut['stderr']
		cleanOut['stdout'] = rawOut['stdout']
		# Time Stamps
		for key in rawOut:
			if '# timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# timestamp']
			elif '# property.. timestamp' in rawOut[key]:
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = rawOut[key]['# property.. timestamp']
				cleanOut['timeStamps'] = []
		# Day/Month Aggregation Setup:
		stamps = cleanOut.get('timeStamps',[])
		level = inputDict.get('simLengthUnits','hours')
		# Climate
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('Climate_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				cleanOut['climate'] = {}
				cleanOut['climate']['Rain Fall (in/h)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('rainfall'), sum, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Wind Speed (m/s)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('wind_speed'), avg, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Temperature (F)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('temperature'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Snow Depth (in)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('snowdepth'), max, level)
				cleanOut['climate']['Direct Normal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_direct'), sum, level)
				#cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sf)'] = hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)	
				climateWbySFList= hdmAgg(rawOut[key].get('solar_global'), sum, level)
				#converting W/sf to W/sm
				climateWbySMList= [x*10.76392 for x in climateWbySFList]
				cleanOut['climate']['Global Horizontal (W/sm)']=climateWbySMList			
		# Voltage Band
		if 'VoltageJiggle.csv' in rawOut:
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages'] = {}
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Min'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)']], min, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Mean'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['mean(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['StdDev'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['std(voltage_12.mag)']], avg, level)
			cleanOut['allMeterVoltages']['Max'] = hdmAgg([float(i / 2) for i in rawOut['VoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)']], max, level)
		# Power Consumption
		cleanOut['Consumption'] = {}
		# Set default value to be 0, avoiding missing value when computing Loads
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
		for key in rawOut:
			if key.startswith('SwingKids_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				oneSwingPower = hdmAgg(vecPyth(rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.real)'],rawOut[key]['sum(power_in.imag)']), avg, level)
				if 'Power' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = oneSwingPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'] = vecSum(oneSwingPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['Power'])
			elif key.startswith('Inverter_') and key.endswith('.csv'): 	
				realA = rawOut[key]['power_A.real']
				realB = rawOut[key]['power_B.real']
				realC = rawOut[key]['power_C.real']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['power_A.imag']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['power_B.imag']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['power_C.imag']
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key.startswith('Windmill_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				vrA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.real']
				vrB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.real']
				vrC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.real']
				viA = rawOut[key]['voltage_A.imag']
				viB = rawOut[key]['voltage_B.imag']
				viC = rawOut[key]['voltage_C.imag']
				crB = rawOut[key]['current_B.real']
				crA = rawOut[key]['current_A.real']
				crC = rawOut[key]['current_C.real']
				ciA = rawOut[key]['current_A.imag']
				ciB = rawOut[key]['current_B.imag']
				ciC = rawOut[key]['current_C.imag']
				powerA = vecProd(vecPyth(vrA,viA),vecPyth(crA,ciA))
				powerB = vecProd(vecPyth(vrB,viB),vecPyth(crB,ciB))
				powerC = vecProd(vecPyth(vrC,viC),vecPyth(crC,ciC))
				oneDgPower = hdmAgg(vecSum(powerA,powerB,powerC), avg, level)
				if 'DG' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = oneDgPower
					cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'] = vecSum(oneDgPower,cleanOut['Consumption']['DG'])
			elif key in ['OverheadLosses.csv', 'UndergroundLosses.csv', 'TriplexLosses.csv', 'TransformerLosses.csv']:
				realA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.real)']
				imagA = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_A.imag)']
				realB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.real)']
				imagB = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_B.imag)']
				realC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.real)']
				imagC = rawOut[key]['sum(power_losses_C.imag)']
				oneLoss = hdmAgg(vecSum(vecPyth(realA,imagA),vecPyth(realB,imagB),vecPyth(realC,imagC)), avg, level)
				if 'Losses' not in cleanOut['Consumption']:
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = oneLoss
					cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'] = vecSum(oneLoss,cleanOut['Consumption']['Losses'])
			elif key.startswith('Regulator_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				#split function to strip off .csv from filename and user rest of the file name as key. for example- Regulator_VR10.csv -> key would be Regulator_VR10
				regName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapA'] = rawOut[key]['tap_A']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapB'] = rawOut[key]['tap_B']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegTapC'] = rawOut[key]['tap_C']
				cleanOut[newkey]['RegPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
			elif key.startswith('Capacitor_') and key.endswith('.csv'):
				capName = key
				cleanOut[newkey] ={}
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = [0] * int(inputDict["simLength"])
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1A'] = rawOut[key]['switchA']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1B'] = rawOut[key]['switchB']
				cleanOut[newkey]['Cap1C'] = rawOut[key]['switchC']
				cleanOut[newkey]['CapPhases'] = rawOut[key]['phases'][0]
		# What percentage of our keys have lat lon data?
		latKeys = [tree[key]['latitude'] for key in tree if 'latitude' in tree[key]]
		latPerc = 1.0*len(latKeys)/len(tree)
		if latPerc < 0.25: doNeato = True
		else: doNeato = False
		# Generate the frames for the system voltage map time traveling chart.
		genTime = generateVoltChart(tree, rawOut, modelDir, neatoLayout=doNeato)
		cleanOut['genTime'] = genTime
		# Aggregate up the timestamps:
		if level=='days':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:10], 'days')
		elif level=='months':
			cleanOut['timeStamps'] = aggSeries(stamps, stamps, lambda x:x[0][0:7], 'months')
		# Write the output.
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
			json.dump(cleanOut, outFile, indent=4)
		# Update the runTime in the input file.
		endTime = datetime.datetime.now()
		inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
		with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
		# Clean up the PID file.
		os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "gldContainer", "PID.txt"))
		print "DONE RUNNING", modelDir
	except Exception as e:
		# If input range wasn't valid delete output, write error to disk.
		thisErr = traceback.format_exc()
		print 'ERROR IN MODEL', modelDir, thisErr
		inputDict['stderr'] = thisErr
		with open(os.path.join(modelDir,'stderr.txt'),'w') as errorFile:
		with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
			json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
	finishTime = datetime.datetime.now()
	inputDict["runTime"] = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds = int((finishTime - beginTime).total_seconds())))
	with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent = 4)
コード例 #33
 def runPowerflowIter(tree, scadaSubPower):
     '''Runs powerflow once, then iterates.'''
     # Run initial powerflow to get power.
     print("Starting calibration.")
     print("Goal of calibration: Error: %s, Iterations: <%s, trim: %s" %
           (calibrateError[0], calibrateError[1], trim))
     output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                       workDir=pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"))
     outRealPow = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_real_power"][
     outImagPower = output["caliSub.csv"]["measured_reactive_power"][
     outAppPowerKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                      for x in zip(outRealPow, outImagPower)]
     lastFile = "subScada.player"
     nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated.player"
     nextPower = outAppPowerKw
     error = (sum(outRealPow) / 1000 -
              sum(scadaSubPower)) / sum(scadaSubPower)
     iteration = 1
     print("First error:", error)
     while abs(error) > calibrateError[0] and iteration < calibrateError[1]:
         # Run calibration and iterate up to 5 times.
         SCAL_CONST = sum(scadaSubPower) / sum(nextPower)
             "Calibrating & running again... Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s"
             % (str(round(abs(error * 100),
                          6)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST, 6)))
         newPlayData = []
         with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), lastFile),
                   "r") as playerFile:
             for line in playerFile:
                 (key, val) = line.split(',')
                     str(key) + ',' + str(float(val) * SCAL_CONST) + "\n")
         with open(pJoin(pJoin(workDir, "gridlabD"), nextFile),
                   "w") as playerFile:
             for row in newPlayData:
         tree[playerKey]["file"] = nextFile
         tree[outputRecorderKey]["file"] = "caliSubCheck.csv"
         nextOutput = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
                                                   workDir, "gridlabD"))
         outRealPowIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"][
         outImagPowerIter = nextOutput["caliSubCheck.csv"][
         nextAppKw = [(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2)**0.5 / 1000
                      for x in zip(outRealPowIter, outImagPowerIter)]
         lastFile = nextFile
         nextFile = "subScadaCalibrated" + str(iteration) + ".player"
         nextPower = nextAppKw
         # Compute error and iterate.
         error = (sum(outRealPowIter) / 1000 -
                  sum(scadaSubPower)) / sum(scadaSubPower)
         iteration += 1
         if iteration == 1: outRealPowIter = outRealPow
         SCAL_CONST = 1.0
     print("Calibration done: Error: %s, Iteration: %s, SCAL_CONST: %s" %
           (str(round(abs(error * 100),
                      2)), str(iteration), round(SCAL_CONST, 2)))
     return outRealPow, outRealPowIter, lastFile, iteration
コード例 #34
ファイル: cvrStatic.py プロジェクト: baifengbai/omf
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in the foreground. WARNING: can take about a minute. '''
    # Global vars, and load data from the model directory.
    feederName = [x for x in os.listdir(modelDir)
                  if x.endswith('.omd')][0][:-4]
    inputDict["feederName1"] = feederName
    feederPath = pJoin(modelDir, feederName + '.omd')
    feederJson = json.load(open(feederPath))
    tree = feederJson.get("tree", {})
    attachments = feederJson.get("attachments", {})
    outData = {}
    ''' Run CVR analysis. '''
    # Reformate monthData and rates.
    rates = {
        k: float(inputDict[k])
        for k in [
            "capitalCost", "omCost", "wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh",
            "retailEnergyCostPerKwh", "peakDemandCostSpringPerKw",
            "peakDemandCostSummerPerKw", "peakDemandCostFallPerKw",
    monthNames = [
        "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
        "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
    monthToSeason = {
        'January': 'Winter',
        'February': 'Winter',
        'March': 'Spring',
        'April': 'Spring',
        'May': 'Spring',
        'June': 'Summer',
        'July': 'Summer',
        'August': 'Summer',
        'September': 'Fall',
        'October': 'Fall',
        'November': 'Fall',
        'December': 'Winter'
    monthData = []
    for i, x in enumerate(monthNames):
        monShort = x[0:3].lower()
        season = monthToSeason[x]
        histAvg = float(inputDict.get(monShort + "Avg", 0))
        histPeak = float(inputDict.get(monShort + "Peak", 0))
            "monthId": i,
            "monthName": x,
            "histAverage": histAvg,
            "histPeak": histPeak,
            "season": season
    # Graph the SCADA data.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
    indices = [r['monthName'] for r in monthData]
    d1 = [r['histPeak'] / (10**3) for r in monthData]
    d2 = [r['histAverage'] / (10**3) for r in monthData]
    ticks = range(len(d1))
    bar_peak = plt.bar(ticks, d1, color='gray')
    bar_avg = plt.bar(ticks, d2, color='dimgray')
    plt.legend([bar_peak[0], bar_avg[0]], ['histPeak', 'histAverage'],
               bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102),
    plt.xticks([t + 0.5 for t in ticks], indices)
    plt.ylabel('Mean and peak historical power consumptions (kW)')
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "scadaChart.png"))
    outData["histPeak"] = d1
    outData["histAverage"] = d2
    outData["monthName"] = [name[0:3] for name in monthNames]
    # Graph feeder.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
    myGraph = feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
    feeder.latLonNxGraph(myGraph, neatoLayout=False)
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"))
    with open(pJoin(modelDir, "feederChart.png"), "rb") as inFile:
        outData["feederChart"] = inFile.read().encode("base64")
    # Get the load levels we need to test.
    allLoadLevels = [x.get('histPeak', 0) for x in monthData
                     ] + [y.get('histAverage', 0) for y in monthData]
    maxLev = _roundOne(max(allLoadLevels), 'up')
    minLev = _roundOne(min(allLoadLevels), 'down')
    tenLoadLevels = range(int(minLev), int(maxLev), int(
        (maxLev - minLev) / 10))
    # Gather variables from the feeder.
    for key in tree.keys():
        # Set clock to single timestep.
        if tree[key].get('clock', '') == 'clock':
            tree[key] = {
                "timezone": "PST+8PDT",
                "stoptime": "'2013-01-01 00:00:00'",
                "starttime": "'2013-01-01 00:00:00'",
                "clock": "clock"
        # Save swing node index.
        if tree[key].get('bustype', '').lower() == 'swing':
            swingIndex = key
            swingName = tree[key].get('name')
        # Remove all includes.
        if tree[key].get('omftype', '') == '#include':
            del key
    # Find the substation regulator and config.
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'regulator' and tree[key].get(
                'from', '') == swingName:
            regIndex = key
            regConfName = tree[key]['configuration']
    if not regConfName: regConfName = False
    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('name', '') == regConfName:
            regConfIndex = key
    # Set substation regulator to manual operation.
    baselineTap = int(inputDict.get(
    tree[regConfIndex] = {
        'name': tree[regConfIndex]['name'],
        'object': 'regulator_configuration',
        'connect_type': '1',
        'raise_taps': '10',
        'lower_taps': '10',
        'CT_phase': 'ABC',
        'PT_phase': 'ABC',
        '0.10',  #Yo, 0.10 means at tap_pos 10 we're 10% above 120V.
        'Control': 'MANUAL',
        'control_level': 'INDIVIDUAL',
        'Type': 'A',
        'tap_pos_A': str(baselineTap),
        'tap_pos_B': str(baselineTap),
        'tap_pos_C': str(baselineTap)
    # Attach recorders relevant to CVR.
    recorders = [{
    }, {
    }, {
    }, {
        'object': 'recorder',
        'file': 'Zregulator.csv',
        'limit': '0',
        'parent': tree[regIndex]['name'],
        'property': 'tap_A,tap_B,tap_C,power_in.real,power_in.imag'
    }, {
    }, {
        'object': 'recorder',
        'file': 'ZsubstationTop.csv',
        'limit': '0',
        'parent': tree[swingIndex]['name'],
        'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'
    }, {
        'object': 'recorder',
        'file': 'ZsubstationBottom.csv',
        'limit': '0',
        'parent': tree[regIndex]['to'],
        'property': 'voltage_A,voltage_B,voltage_C'
    biggest = 1 + max([int(k) for k in tree.keys()])
    for index, rec in enumerate(recorders):
        tree[biggest + index] = rec
    # Change constant PF loads to ZIP loads. (See evernote for rationale about 50/50 power/impedance mix.)
    blankZipModel = {
        'object': 'triplex_load',
        'name': 'NAMEVARIABLE',
        'base_power_12': 'POWERVARIABLE',
        'power_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("p_percent")),
        'impedance_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("z_percent")),
        'current_fraction_12': str(inputDict.get("i_percent")),
        'power_pf_12': str(
        ),  #MAYBEFIX: we can probably get this PF data from the Milsoft loads.
        'impedance_pf_12': str(inputDict.get("power_factor")),
        'current_pf_12': str(inputDict.get("power_factor")),
        'nominal_voltage': '120',
        'phases': 'PHASESVARIABLE',
        'parent': 'PARENTVARIABLE'

    def powerClean(powerStr):
        ''' take 3339.39+1052.29j to 3339.39 '''
        return powerStr[0:powerStr.find('+')]

    for key in tree:
        if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_node':
            # Get existing variables.
            name = tree[key].get('name', '')
            power = tree[key].get('power_12', '')
            parent = tree[key].get('parent', '')
            phases = tree[key].get('phases', '')
            # Replace object and reintroduce variables.
            tree[key] = copy(blankZipModel)
            tree[key]['name'] = name
            tree[key]['base_power_12'] = powerClean(power)
            tree[key]['parent'] = parent
            tree[key]['phases'] = phases
    # Function to determine how low we can tap down in the CVR case:
    def loweringPotential(baseLine):
        ''' Given a baseline end of line voltage, how many more percent can we shave off the substation voltage? '''
        ''' testsWePass = [122.0,118.0,200.0,110.0] '''
        lower = int(math.floor((baseLine / 114.0 - 1) * 100)) - 1
        # If lower is negative, we can't return it because we'd be undervolting beyond what baseline already was!
        if lower < 0:
            return baselineTap
            return baselineTap - lower

    # Run all the powerflows.
    powerflows = []
    for doingCvr in [False, True]:
        # For each load level in the tenLoadLevels, run a powerflow with the load objects scaled to the level.
        for desiredLoad in tenLoadLevels:
            # Find the total load that was defined in Milsoft:
            loadList = []
            for key in tree:
                if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_load':
                    loadList.append(tree[key].get('base_power_12', ''))
            totalLoad = sum([float(x) for x in loadList])
            # Rescale each triplex load:
            for key in tree:
                if tree[key].get('object', '') == 'triplex_load':
                    currentPow = float(tree[key]['base_power_12'])
                    ratio = desiredLoad / totalLoad
                    tree[key]['base_power_12'] = str(currentPow * ratio)
            # If we're doing CVR then lower the voltage.
            if doingCvr:
                # Find the minimum voltage we can tap down to:
                newTapPos = baselineTap
                for row in powerflows:
                    if row.get('loadLevel', '') == desiredLoad:
                        newTapPos = loweringPotential(
                            row.get('lowVoltage', 114))
                # Tap it down to there.
                # MAYBEFIX: do each phase separately because that's how it's done in the field... Oof.
                tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_A'] = str(newTapPos)
                tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_B'] = str(newTapPos)
                tree[regConfIndex]['tap_pos_C'] = str(newTapPos)
            # Run the model through gridlab and put outputs in the table.
            output = gridlabd.runInFilesystem(tree,
            os.remove(pJoin(modelDir, "PID.txt"))
            p = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.real'][0]
            q = output['Zregulator.csv']['power_in.imag'][0]
            s = math.sqrt(p**2 + q**2)
            lossTotal = 0.0
            for device in [
                    'ZlossesOverhead.csv', 'ZlossesTransformer.csv',
                for letter in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
                    r = output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter +
                    i = output[device]['sum(power_losses_' + letter +
                    lossTotal += math.sqrt(r**2 + i**2)
            ## Entire output:
                p / s,
                (output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_A'][0] +
                 output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_B'][0] +
                 output['ZsubstationBottom.csv']['voltage_C'][0]) / 3 / 60,
                output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['min(voltage_12.mag)'][0] / 2,
                output['ZvoltageJiggle.csv']['max(voltage_12.mag)'][0] / 2
    # For a given load level, find two points to interpolate on.
    def getInterpPoints(t):
        ''' Find the two points we can interpolate from. '''
        ''' tests pass on [tenLoadLevels[0],tenLoadLevels[5]+499,tenLoadLevels[-1]-988] '''
        loc = sorted(tenLoadLevels + [t]).index(t)
        if loc == 0:
            return (tenLoadLevels[0], tenLoadLevels[1])
        elif loc > len(tenLoadLevels) - 2:
            return (tenLoadLevels[-2], tenLoadLevels[-1])
            return (tenLoadLevels[loc - 1], tenLoadLevels[loc + 1])

    # Calculate peak reduction.
    for row in monthData:
        peak = row['histPeak']
        peakPoints = getInterpPoints(peak)
        peakTopBase = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[-1]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False
        peakTopCvr = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[-1]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True
        peakBottomBase = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[0]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False
        peakBottomCvr = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == peakPoints[0]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True
        # Linear interpolation so we aren't running umpteen million loadflows.
        x = (peakPoints[0], peakPoints[1])
        y = (peakTopBase['realPower'] - peakTopCvr['realPower'],
             peakBottomBase['realPower'] - peakBottomCvr['realPower'])
        peakRed = y[0] + (y[1] - y[0]) * (peak - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
        row['peakReduction'] = peakRed
    # Calculate energy reduction and loss reduction based on average load.
    for row in monthData:
        avgEnergy = row['histAverage']
        energyPoints = getInterpPoints(avgEnergy)
        avgTopBase = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[-1]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False
        avgTopCvr = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[-1]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True
        avgBottomBase = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[0]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == False
        avgBottomCvr = [
            x for x in powerflows if x.get('loadLevel', '') == energyPoints[0]
            and x.get('doingCvr', '') == True
        # Linear interpolation so we aren't running umpteen million loadflows.
        x = (energyPoints[0], energyPoints[1])
        y = (avgTopBase['realPower'] - avgTopCvr['realPower'],
             avgBottomBase['realPower'] - avgBottomCvr['realPower'])
        energyRed = y[0] + (y[1] - y[0]) * (avgEnergy - x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
        row['energyReduction'] = energyRed
        lossY = (avgTopBase['losses'] - avgTopCvr['losses'],
                 avgBottomBase['losses'] - avgBottomCvr['losses'])
        lossRed = lossY[0] + (lossY[1] - lossY[0]) * (avgEnergy -
                                                      x[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])
        row['lossReduction'] = lossRed
    # Multiply by dollars.
    for row in monthData:
        row['energyReductionDollars'] = row['energyReduction'] / 1000 * (
            rates['wholesaleEnergyCostPerKwh'] -
        row['peakReductionDollars'] = row['peakReduction'] / 1000 * rates[
            'peakDemandCost' + row['season'] + 'PerKw']
        row['lossReductionDollars'] = row['lossReduction'] / 1000 * rates[
    # Pretty output
    def plotTable(inData):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
        plt.table(cellText=[row for row in inData[1:]],
                  rowLabels=range(len(inData) - 1),

    def dictalToMatrix(dictList):
        ''' Take our dictal format to a matrix. '''
        matrix = [dictList[0].keys()]
        for row in dictList:
        return matrix

    # Powerflow results.
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "powerflowTable.png"))
    # Monetary results.
    ## To print partial money table
    monthDataMat = dictalToMatrix(monthData)
    dimX = len(monthDataMat)
    dimY = len(monthDataMat[0])
    monthDataPart = []
    for k in range(0, dimX):
        monthDatatemp = []
        for m in range(4, dimY):
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "moneyTable.png"))
    outData["monthDataMat"] = dictalToMatrix(monthData)
    outData["monthDataPart"] = monthDataPart
    # Graph the money data.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
    indices = [r['monthName'] for r in monthData]
    d1 = [r['energyReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
    d2 = [r['lossReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
    d3 = [r['peakReductionDollars'] for r in monthData]
    ticks = range(len(d1))
    bar_erd = plt.bar(ticks, d1, color='red')
    bar_lrd = plt.bar(ticks, d2, color='green')
    bar_prd = plt.bar(ticks, d3, color='blue', yerr=d2)
    plt.legend([bar_prd[0], bar_lrd[0], bar_erd[0]], [
        'peakReductionDollars', 'lossReductionDollars',
               bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.015, 1., .102),
    plt.xticks([t + 0.5 for t in ticks], indices)
    plt.ylabel('Utility Savings ($)')
    plt.tight_layout(5.5, 1.3, 1.2)
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "spendChart.png"))
    outData["energyReductionDollars"] = d1
    outData["lossReductionDollars"] = d2
    outData["peakReductionDollars"] = d3
    # Graph the cumulative savings.
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
    annualSavings = sum(d1) + sum(d2) + sum(d3)
    annualSave = lambda x: (annualSavings - rates['omCost']) * x - rates[
    simplePayback = rates['capitalCost'] / (annualSavings - rates['omCost'])
    plt.xlabel('Year After Installation')
    plt.xlim(0, 30)
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative Savings ($)')
    plt.plot([0 for x in range(31)], c='gray')
    plt.axvline(x=simplePayback, ymin=0, ymax=1, c='gray', linestyle='--')
    plt.plot([annualSave(x) for x in range(31)], c='green')
    plt.savefig(pJoin(modelDir, "savingsChart.png"))
    outData["annualSave"] = [annualSave(x) for x in range(31)]
    # For autotest, there won't be such file.
    return outData
コード例 #35
ファイル: timeTravelGen.py プロジェクト: cdkkim/omf
def main():
	''' JSON manipulation, Gridlab running, etc. goes here. '''
	# Import data.
	feedJson = json.load(open('./ABEC Frank Calibrated.json'))
	tree = feedJson['tree']
	# Input data, model-style.
	inputDict = {'simLength':24,'simStartDate':'2011-01-01', 'simLengthUnits':'hours'}
	# Add recorders.
	stub = {'object':'group_recorder', 'group':'"class=node"', 'property':'voltage_A', 'interval':3600, 'file':'aVoltDump.csv'}
	for phase in ['A','B','C']:
		copyStub = dict(stub)
		copyStub['property'] = 'voltage_' + phase
		copyStub['file'] = phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'
		tree[omf.feeder.getMaxKey(tree) + 1] = copyStub
	feeder.adjustTime(tree, inputDict['simLength'], inputDict['simLengthUnits'], inputDict['simStartDate'])
	# Run gridlab.
	allOutputData = runInFilesystem(tree, attachments=feedJson['attachments'], keepFiles=True, workDir='.', glmName='ABEC Frank SolverGen.glm')
	try: os.remove('PID.txt')
	except: pass
	print 'Gridlab ran correctly', allOutputData.keys()
	# Make plots.
	#TODO: figure out what to do about neato taking like 2 minutes to run.
	neatoLayout = True
	# Detect the feeder nominal voltage:
	for key in tree:
		ob = tree[key]
		if type(ob)==dict and ob.get('bustype','')=='SWING':
			feedVoltage = float(ob.get('nominal_voltage',1))
	# Make a graph object.
	fGraph = omf.feeder.treeToNxGraph(tree)
	if neatoLayout:
		# HACK: work on a new graph without attributes because graphViz tries to read attrs.
		cleanG = nx.Graph(fGraph.edges())
		positions = nx.graphviz_layout(cleanG, prog='neato')
		positions = {n:fGraph.node[n].get('pos',(0,0)) for n in fGraph}
	# Plot all time steps.
	for step, stamp in enumerate(allOutputData['aVoltDump.csv']['# timestamp']):
		# Build voltage map.
		nodeVolts = {}
		for nodeName in [x for x in allOutputData['aVoltDump.csv'].keys() if x != '# timestamp']:
			allVolts = []
			for phase in ['A','B','C']:
				v = complex(allOutputData[phase.lower() + 'VoltDump.csv'][nodeName][step])
				phaseVolt = _pythag(v.real, v.imag)
				if phaseVolt != 0.0:
					if _digits(phaseVolt)>3:
						# Normalize to 120 V standard
						phaseVolt = phaseVolt*(120/feedVoltage)
			# HACK: Take average of all phases to collapse dimensionality.
			nodeVolts[nodeName] = _avg(allVolts)
		# Apply voltage map and chart it.
		voltChart = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
		plt.axes(frameon = 0)
		edgeIm = nx.draw_networkx_edges(fGraph, positions)
		nodeIm = nx.draw_networkx_nodes(fGraph,
			pos = positions,
			node_color = [nodeVolts.get(n,0) for n in fGraph.nodes()],
			linewidths = 0,
			node_size = 30,
			cmap = plt.cm.jet)
		voltChart.savefig('./pngs/volts' + str(step).zfill(3) + '.png')
		# Reclaim memory by closing, deleting and garbage collecting the last chart.
		del voltChart