def test_pro_SnapPoints(self): """Take two candidates within 50 metres and eliminate one.""" candidates_in = [Candidate(match_addr='340 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA, 19107', x=-75.158433167, y=39.958727992), Candidate(match_addr='1200 Callowhill St, Philadelphia, PA, 19123', x=-75.158303781, y=39.959040684)] # about 40m away candidates_exp = [candidates_in[0]] # should just keep the first one. candidates_out = SnapPoints(distance=50).process(candidates_in) self.assertEqual_(candidates_out, candidates_exp)
class Geocoder(): """ Class for building a custom geocoder using external APIs. """ DEFAULT_SOURCES = [ ['', {}], ['', {}] ] DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS = [] DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS = [ SnapPoints(), DupePicker('match_addr', 'locator', ['rooftop', 'parcel', 'interpolation_offset', 'interpolation']) ] def _get_service_by_name(self, service_name): try: module, separator, class_name = service_name.rpartition('.') m = __import__(module) path = service_name.split('.')[1:] for p in path: m = getattr(m, p) return m except Exception as ex: raise Exception("%s" % (ex)) def add_source(self, source): """ Add a geocoding service to this instance. """ geocode_service = self._get_service_by_name(source[0]) self._sources.append(geocode_service(**source[1])) def remove_source(self, source): """ Remove a geocoding service from this instance. """ geocode_service = self._get_service_by_name(source[0]) self._sources.remove(geocode_service(**source[1])) def set_sources(self, sources): """ Creates GeocodeServiceConfigs from each str source """ if len(sources) == 0: raise Exception('Must declare at least one source for a geocoder') self._sources = [] for source in sources: # iterate through a list of sources self.add_source(source) def __init__(self, sources=None, preprocessors=None, postprocessors=None, waterfall=False): """ :arg list sources: an array of GeocodeServiceConfig() parameters, keyed by module name for the GeocodeService to use, e.g.:: [['esri_wgs', {}], ['bing', {'settings': {'request_headers': {'User-Agent': 'Custom User Agent'} }, 'preprocessors': [], 'postprocessors': []}], ...] :arg list preprocessors: list of universal preprocessors to use :arg list postprocessors: list of universal postprocessors to use :arg bool waterfall: sets default for waterfall on geocode() method (default ``False``) """ self._preprocessors = Geocoder.DEFAULT_PREPROCESSORS \ if preprocessors is None else preprocessors self._postprocessors = Geocoder.DEFAULT_POSTPROCESSORS \ if postprocessors is None else postprocessors sources = Geocoder.DEFAULT_SOURCES if sources is None else sources self.set_sources(sources) self.waterfall = waterfall def geocode(self, pq, waterfall=None, force_stats_logging=False): """ :arg PlaceQuery pq: PlaceQuery object (required). :arg bool waterfall: Boolean set to True if all geocoders listed should be used to find results, instead of stopping after the first geocoding service with valid candidates (defaults to self.waterfall). :arg bool force_stats_logging: Raise exception if stats logging fails (default False). :returns: Returns a dictionary including: * candidates - list of Candidate objects * upstream_response_info - list of UpstreamResponseInfo objects """ waterfall = self.waterfall if waterfall is None else waterfall if type(pq) in (str, unicode): pq = PlaceQuery(pq) processed_pq = copy.copy(pq) for p in self._preprocessors: # apply universal address preprocessing processed_pq = p.process(processed_pq) upstream_response_info_list = [] processed_candidates = [] for gs in self._sources: # iterate through each GeocodeService candidates, upstream_response_info = gs.geocode(processed_pq) if upstream_response_info is not None: upstream_response_info_list.append(upstream_response_info) processed_candidates += candidates # merge lists if waterfall is False and len(processed_candidates) > 0: break # if >= 1 good candidate, don't go to next geocoder for p in self._postprocessors: # apply univ. candidate postprocessing if processed_candidates == []: break # avoid post-processing empty list processed_candidates = p.process(processed_candidates) result = dict(candidates=processed_candidates, upstream_response_info=upstream_response_info_list) stats_dict = self.convert_geocode_result_to_nested_dicts(result) stats_dict = dict(stats_dict, original_pq=pq.__dict__) try: except Exception as exception: logger.error('Encountered exception while logging stats %s:\n%s', stats_dict, exception) if force_stats_logging: raise exception return result def get_candidates(self, pq, waterfall=None): """ Geocode and return just the list of Candidate objects. """ return self.geocode(pq, waterfall)['candidates'] def convert_geocode_result_to_nested_dicts(self, result): def get_uri_dict(uri_item): uri_dict = copy.copy(uri_item).__dict__ uri_dict['processed_pq'] = uri_dict['processed_pq'].__dict__ return uri_dict uri_set = [get_uri_dict(uri_item) for uri_item in result['upstream_response_info']] return dict(candidates=[candidate.__dict__ for candidate in result['candidates']], upstream_response_info=uri_set)