コード例 #1
def findHotSpotsTask():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()

    hot_spots_frequencies = {}
    for profile in profiles:

            optin_object = Optin.objects.get(datastore_owner = profile, app_id = "Living Lab", lab_id = "MIT-FIT")
        except Optin.DoesNotExist:
            optin_object = None

        if optin_object:
            if optin_object.data_aggregation == 0:

        internal_data_store = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")
        hot_spots_of_user = hotSpotsComputation(internal_data_store)

	for hot_spot_of_user in hot_spots_of_user:
	    if hot_spot_of_user in hot_spots_frequencies:
		hot_spots_frequencies[hot_spot_of_user] = hot_spots_frequencies[hot_spot_of_user] + 1
		hot_spots_frequencies[hot_spot_of_user] = 1

    hot_spots_frequencies_list = []
    for hot_spot in hot_spots_frequencies:
        hot_spot_frequency = { "lat": hot_spot[0], "lng": hot_spot[1], "frequency": hot_spots_frequencies[hot_spot]}

    for profile in profiles:
        internal_data_store = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Frequent Locations", "")
        internal_data_store.saveAnswer("hotspots", hot_spots_frequencies_list)
コード例 #2
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findActiveTimesTask():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()

    time_averages = [0] * 24
    num_users = 0
    for profile in profiles:
	num_users += 1
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

        user_time_averages = activeTimesComputation(internalDataStore)

        for i in range(len(time_averages)):
	    time_averages[i] += user_time_averages[i]

    #print num_users
    #print time_averages 
    for i in range(len(time_averages)):
	time_averages[i] = time_averages[i] // num_users

    for profile in profiles:
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

        internalDataStore.saveAnswer("activeTimes", time_averages)
コード例 #3
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def leaderboardComputationTask():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
#    profiles = []
#    profiles.append(Profile.objects.get(uuid="341cc5cd-0f42-45f1-9f66-273ac3ed8b2e"))

    unsorted_dict = {}
    for profile in profiles:
#	token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#	internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")
	values = aggregateLeaderboardComputation(internalDataStore, "activityStats", leaderboardComputation, False)
        unsorted_dict[profile.uuid] = LeaderboardRanking({ "average_activity_rate": values[0]["average_activity_rate"], "max_high_activity_rate": values[0]["max_high_activity_rate"], "min_low_activity_rate": values[0]["min_low_activity_rate"]})
    #sorted_dict = sorted(unsorted_dict.values(), key=attrgetter('average_activity_rate'))
    sorted_dict = sorted(unsorted_dict, key = lambda uuid: unsorted_dict[uuid].average_activity_rate, reverse=False)
    average_activity_rates_list = []
    for uuid in sorted_dict:
    for uuid in sorted_dict:
        profile = Profile.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

	percentileValue = calculatePercentile(average_activity_rates_list, unsorted_dict[uuid].get_average_activity_rate())	

        user_activity_list = []
        user_activity_dict = { "average_activity_rate": unsorted_dict[uuid].get_average_activity_rate(), "max_high_activity_rate": unsorted_dict[uuid].get_max_high_activity_rate(), "min_low_activity_rate": unsorted_dict[uuid].get_min_low_activity_rate(), "rank": {"own": len(sorted_dict) - sorted_dict.index(uuid), "total": len(sorted_dict), "percentile": percentileValue} }
        internalDataStore.saveAnswer("activityStats", user_activity_list)
コード例 #4
def recentSocialHealthScores2():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    startTime = getStartTime(6, True)
    currentTime = time.time()
    timeRanges = [(start, start + 3600*4) for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600*4)]

    sums = {"activity": 0, "social": 0, "focus": 0}
    activeUsers = []
    data = {}

    for profile in profiles:
        token = getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

        activityLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore, "RecentActivityByHour", timeRanges, activityForTimeRange, False)
        if len(activityLevels) > 0:
            socialLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore, "RecentSocialByHour", timeRanges, socialForTimeRange, True)
            focusLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore, "RecentFocusByHour", timeRanges, focusForTimeRange, True)

            activityScore = computeActivityScore(activityLevels)
            socialScore = computeSocialScore(socialLevels)
            focusScore = computeFocusScore(focusLevels)
            sums["activity"] += activityScore
            sums["social"] += socialScore
            sums["focus"] += focusScore
            data[profile.uuid] = {}
            data[profile.uuid]["user"] = {
                "activity": activityScore,
                "social": socialScore,
                "focus": focusScore

    numUsers = len(activeUsers)
    if numUsers > 0:
        averages = { k: sums[k] / numUsers for k in sums }
        variances = { k: [(data[p.uuid]["user"][k] - averages[k])**2 for p in activeUsers] for k in averages }
        stdDevs = { k: math.sqrt(sum(variances[k]) / len(variances[k])) for k in variances }
        for profile in activeUsers:
            token = getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
            internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)
            data[profile.uuid]["averageLow"] = { k: max(0, averages[k] - stdDevs[k]) for k in stdDevs }
            data[profile.uuid]["averageHigh"] = { k: min(averages[k] + stdDevs[k], 10) for k in stdDevs }
            internalDataStore.saveAnswer("socialhealth", data[profile.uuid])
    return data
コード例 #5
def recentProbeDataScores():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    for profile in profiles:
        startTime = socialhealth_tasks.getStartTime(6, True)
        currentTime = time.time()
        timeRanges = [
            (start, start + 3600)
            for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600)

        probeAnswerKeys = {
            'recentActivityProbeByHour': 'ActivityProbe',
            'recentSmsProbeByHour': 'SmsProbe',
            'recentCallLogProbeByHour': 'CallLogProbe',
            'recentBluetoothProbeByHour': 'BluetoothProbe',
            'recentWifiProbeByHour': 'WifiProbe',
            'recentSimpleLocationProbeByHour': 'LocationProbe',
            'recentRunningApplicationsProbeByHour': 'RunningApplicationsProbe',
            'recentHardwareInfoProbeByHour': 'HardwareInfoProbe',
            'recentAppUsageProbeByHour': 'AppUsageProbe'

        #        print profile
        #        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
        #        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                 "MIT-FIT", "")

        #for testing, currently use the following user
        #if profile.uuid == "341cc5cd-0f42-45f1-9f66-273ac3ed8b2e":

        for probeAnswerKey, probe in probeAnswerKeys.iteritems():
            probeLevels = aggregateForUser(probe, internalDataStore,
                                           probeAnswerKey, timeRanges,
                                           probeForTimeRange, False)
コード例 #6
ファイル: places_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findRecentPlaces():
    currentTime = time.time()
    today = date.fromtimestamp(currentTime)
    startTime = time.mktime((today - timedelta(days=14)).timetuple())

    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    for profile in profiles:
        ids = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "My Places", "")
        ids.saveAnswer("RecentPlaces", [])

    # Note: we're not taking the full 9-5 sampling. Clustering is expensive, so anything we can leave out helps...
    # Combined with the fact that "lunch" time might not be indicative of work locations, this might be more accurate anyway
    nineToFives = [
        (nine, nine + 3600 * 8)
        for nine in range(int(startTime + 3600 * 9), int(currentTime), 3600 *
    #nineToFives.extend([(two, two + 3600*2) for two in range(int(startTime + 3600*14), int(currentTime), 3600*24)])
    #print "Finding work locations..."
    data = findRecentPlaceBounds("work", nineToFives)

    midnightToSixes = [
        (midnight, midnight + 3600 * 6)
        for midnight in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600 * 24)
    #print "Finding home locations..."
    data = findRecentPlaceBounds("home", midnightToSixes)

    print "... done with RecentPlaces"
    return data
コード例 #7
ファイル: socialhealth_tasks.py プロジェクト: sfitts/openPDS
def recentFocusLevels(includeBlanks = False, means = None, devs = None):
    currentTime = time.time()
    answerKey = "RecentFocusByHour"
    today = date.fromtimestamp(currentTime)
    startTime = time.mktime((today - timedelta(days=6)).timetuple())
    timeRanges = [(start, start + 3600*4) for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600*4)]
    data = aggregateForAllUsers(None, timeRanges, focusForTimeRange, includeBlanks)
    for uuid, focusList in data.iteritems():
        if len(focusList) > 0:
            data[uuid] = []
            if means is not None and devs is not None and uuid in means and uuid in devs:
                mean = means[uuid] if means[uuid] > 0 else 1
                dev = devs[uuid] if devs[uuid] > 0 else 1
                for f in focusList:
                    f["focus"] = 10.0*(1.0 - CDF(f["focus"], mean, dev))
                for f in focusList:
                    f["focus"] = int(f["focus"])
            profile = Profile.objects.get(uuid = uuid)
            # TODO: get a token here to run internal queries against...
            ids = getInternalDataStore(profile, "")
            ids.saveAnswer(answerKey, data[uuid]) 
    return data
コード例 #8
def recentFocusLevels(includeBlanks=False, means=None, devs=None):
    currentTime = time.time()
    answerKey = "RecentFocusByHour"
    today = date.fromtimestamp(currentTime)
    startTime = time.mktime((today - timedelta(days=6)).timetuple())
    timeRanges = [
        (start, start + 3600 * 4)
        for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600 * 4)
    data = aggregateForAllUsers(None, timeRanges, focusForTimeRange, "Focus",

    for uuid, focusList in data.iteritems():
        if len(focusList) > 0:
            data[uuid] = []
            if means is not None and devs is not None and uuid in means and uuid in devs:
                mean = means[uuid] if means[uuid] > 0 else 1
                dev = devs[uuid] if devs[uuid] > 0 else 1
                for f in focusList:
                    f["focus"] = 10.0 * (1.0 - CDF(f["focus"], mean, dev))
                for f in focusList:
                    f["focus"] = int(f["focus"])
            profile = Profile.objects.get(uuid=uuid)
            # TODO: get a token here to run internal queries against...
            ids = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                       "Social Health Tracker", "")
            ids.saveAnswer(answerKey, data[uuid])
    return data
コード例 #9
def data(request):
    '''decrypt funf database files, and upload them to your PDS'''
    result = {}
    if request.method == 'GET':
        template = {'token': request.GET['bearer_token']}
        return HttpResponse("File not found", status=404)
    pds = None
    #scope = AccessRange.objects.get(key="funf_write")
    authorization = PDSAuthorization("funf_write", audit_enabled=True)
    if (not authorization.is_authorized(request)):
        return HttpResponse("Unauthorized", status=401)

    scope = 'funf_write'
    token = request.GET['bearer_token']
    datastore_owner_uuid = request.GET["datastore_owner__uuid"]
    datastore_owner, ds_owner_created = Profile.objects.get_or_create(
    print "Creating IDS for %s" % datastore_owner_uuid
    #internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(datastore_owner, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", "Activity", token)
    internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(datastore_owner, "Living Lab",
                                             "Social Health Tracker", token)
    #collection = connection[datastore_owner.getDBName()]["funf"]
    funf_password = "******"
    key = decrypt.key_from_password(str(funf_password))
    print "PDS: set_funf_data on uuid: %s" % datastore_owner_uuid

    for filename, file in request.FILES.items():
                file_path = upload_dir + file.name
                write_file(str(file_path), file)
            except Exception as ex:
                print "failed to write file to " + file_path + ".  Please make sure you have write permission to the directory set in settings.SERVER_UPLOAD_DIR"
            dbdecrypt.decrypt_if_not_db_file(file_path, key)
            con = sqlite3.connect(file_path)
            cur = con.cursor()
            cur.execute("select name, value from data")
            inserted = []
            for row in cur:
                name = convert_string(row[0])
                json_insert = clean_keys(json.JSONDecoder().decode(
                #print json_insert$
                # Insert into PDS$
                pds_data = {}
                pds_data['time'] = json_insert.get('timestamp')
                pds_data['value'] = json_insert
                pds_data['key'] = name
                insert_pds(internalDataStore, token, pds_data)
                inserted.append(convert_string(json_insert) + '\n')
            result = {'success': True, 'rows_inserted': len(inserted)}
            print "Inserted %s rows" % len(inserted)
        except Exception as e:
            print "Exception from funf_connector on pds:"
            print "%s" % e
            result = {'success': False, 'error_message': e.message}
            response_dict = {"status": "success"}
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type='application/json')
コード例 #10
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: NoriVicJr/openPDS
def data(request):
    """decrypt funf database files, and upload them to your PDS"""
    result = {}
    if request.method == "GET":
        template = {"token": request.GET["bearer_token"]}
        return HttpResponse("File not found", status=404)
    pds = None
    # scope = AccessRange.objects.get(key="funf_write")
    authorization = PDSAuthorization("funf_write", audit_enabled=True)
    if not authorization.is_authorized(request):
        return HttpResponse("Unauthorized", status=401)

    scope = "funf_write"
    token = request.GET["bearer_token"]
    datastore_owner_uuid = request.GET["datastore_owner__uuid"]
    datastore_owner, ds_owner_created = Profile.objects.get_or_create(uuid=datastore_owner_uuid)
    print "Creating IDS for %s" % datastore_owner_uuid
    # internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(datastore_owner, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", "Activity", token)
    internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(datastore_owner, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)
    # collection = connection[datastore_owner.getDBName()]["funf"]
    funf_password = "******"
    key = decrypt.key_from_password(str(funf_password))
    print "PDS: set_funf_data on uuid: %s" % datastore_owner_uuid

    for filename, file in request.FILES.items():
                file_path = upload_dir + file.name
                write_file(str(file_path), file)
            except Exception as ex:
                print "failed to write file to " + file_path + ".  Please make sure you have write permission to the directory set in settings.SERVER_UPLOAD_DIR"
            dbdecrypt.decrypt_if_not_db_file(file_path, key)
            con = sqlite3.connect(file_path)
            cur = con.cursor()
            cur.execute("select name, value from data")
            inserted = []
            for row in cur:
                name = convert_string(row[0])
                json_insert = clean_keys(json.JSONDecoder().decode(convert_string(row[1])))
                # print json_insert$
                # Insert into PDS$
                pds_data = {}
                pds_data["time"] = json_insert.get("timestamp")
                pds_data["value"] = json_insert
                pds_data["key"] = name
                insert_pds(internalDataStore, token, pds_data)
                inserted.append(convert_string(json_insert) + "\n")
            result = {"success": True, "rows_inserted": len(inserted)}
            print "Inserted %s rows" % len(inserted)
        except Exception as e:
            print "Exception from funf_connector on pds:"
            print "%s" % e
            result = {"success": False, "error_message": e.message}
            response_dict = {"status": "success"}
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), content_type="application/json")
コード例 #11
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def testGetData():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    #print profiles[17].uuid
#    token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profiles[17], "app-uuid")
#    internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profiles[17], "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

    internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

    probes = ["LocationProbe", "ActivityProbe", "SmsProbe", "CallLogProbe", "BluetoothProbe", "WifiProbe", "ScreenProbe"]
    startTime = 1403136000
    endTime = 1403222400
    internalDataStore.getData(probes[1], startTime, endTime)
コード例 #12
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def recommendEvents():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    eventRegistrations = {}
    userRegistrations = {}
    for profile in profiles:
	#print profile.uuid
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

        eventRegistrations, userEventRegistrations = eventRecommendationComputation(internalDataStore, eventRegistrations, profile.uuid)
	userRegistrations[profile.uuid] = userEventRegistrations
    #print eventRegistrations
    eventSet = set()
    jaccardCoefficientDict = {}
    for event1 in eventRegistrations.keys():
	for event2 in eventRegistrations.keys():
	    if event1 != event2:
		usersEvent1 = eventRegistrations[event1]
		usersEvent2 = eventRegistrations[event2]
		intersectUsers = list(set(usersEvent1) & set(usersEvent2))
		unionUsers = list(set(usersEvent1) | set(usersEvent2))
		jaccardCoefficientKey = (event1, event2)
		if len(unionUsers) > 0:
		    jaccardCoefficientDict[jaccardCoefficientKey] = len(intersectUsers)/len(unionUsers)
		    jaccardCoefficientDict[jaccardCoefficientKey] = 0
    #print jaccardCoefficientDict

    for profile in profiles:
        print profile.uuid
	recommendedEvents = {}
	for userRegisteredEvent in userRegistrations[profile.uuid]:
	    for event in eventSet:
		if userRegisteredEvent != event:
			if event in recommendedEvents:
			    if jaccardCoefficientDict[(userRegisteredEvent, event)] > recommendedEvents[event]:
			        recommendedEvents[event] = jaccardCoefficientDict[(userRegisteredEvent, event)]
			    recommendedEvents[event] = jaccardCoefficientDict[(userRegisteredEvent, event)]
        #print recommendedEvents
	sortedRecommendedEvents = sorted(recommendedEvents.items(), key = lambda recommendedEvent: recommendedEvent[1], reverse=True)
	#print sortedRecommendedEvents
	for event in sortedRecommendedEvents[:3]:
	    for eventDetails in event[0]:
		if u'name' in eventDetails[0]:
	            print eventDetails[1] + ", " ,
コード例 #13
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findActiveLocationsTask():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()

    location_frequencies = {}
    for profile in profiles:
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

        values = activeLocationsComputation(internalDataStore)
	#print profile.uuid
	#print values
	for value in values:
		location_value = tuple((round(value[0],4), round(value[1],4)))
		if location_value in location_frequencies:
			location_frequencies[location_value] = location_frequencies[location_value] + 1
			location_frequencies[location_value] = 1

    #print location_frequencies

    location_frequencies_list = []
    for key  in location_frequencies:
	#print key 
	location_value = { "lat": key[0], "lng": key[1], "count": location_frequencies[key]}	

    #print location_frequencies_list

    for profile in profiles:
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")
	internalDataStore.saveAnswer("activeLocations", location_frequencies_list)	
コード例 #14
ファイル: mitfit_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def populateEventsForUsers():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    for profile in profiles:
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)

	internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

	events = []
        random_numbers = random.sample(range(25), 7)
        for random_number in random_numbers:
        #print events
        internalDataStore.saveAnswer("mitfitEventRegistrations", events)
コード例 #15
ファイル: socialhealth_tasks.py プロジェクト: sfitts/openPDS
def recentSocialHealthScores():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    data = {}
    activityScores = recentActivityScore()
    socialScores = recentSocialScore()
    focusScores = recentFocusScore()

    scoresList = [activityScores.values(), socialScores.values(), focusScores.values()]
    print scoresList
#    scoresList = [[d for d in scoreList if d > 0.0] for scoreList in scoresList]
    averages = [sum(scores) / len(scores) if len(scores) > 0 else 0 for scores in scoresList]
    variances = [map(lambda x: (x - averages[i]) * (x - averages[i]), scoresList[i]) for i in range(len(scoresList))]
    stdDevs = [math.sqrt(sum(variances[i]) / len(scoresList[i])) for i in range(len(scoresList))]

    activityStdDev = stdDevs[0]
    socialStdDev = stdDevs[1]
    focusStdDev = stdDevs[2]
    print "Averages (activity, social, focus):" 
    print averages
    print "Standard Deviations (activity, social, focus):"
    print stdDevs 

    for profile in [p for p in profiles if p.uuid in activityScores.keys()]:
        print "storing %s" % profile.uuid
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "")
        data[profile.uuid] = []
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "activity", "layer": "User", "value": activityScores.get(profile.uuid, 0) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "social", "layer": "User", "value": socialScores.get(profile.uuid, 0) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "focus", "layer": "User", "value": focusScores.get(profile.uuid, 0)  })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "activity", "layer": "averageLow", "value": max(0, averages[0] - stdDevs[0])})
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "social", "layer": "averageLow", "value": max(0, averages[1] - stdDevs[1]) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "focus", "layer": "averageLow", "value": max(0, averages[2] - stdDevs[2]) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "activity", "layer": "averageHigh", "value": min(averages[0] + stdDevs[0], 10) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "social", "layer": "averageHigh", "value": min(averages[1] + stdDevs[1], 10) })
        data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": "focus", "layer": "averageHigh", "value": min(averages[2] + stdDevs[2], 10) })

        internalDataStore.saveAnswer("socialhealth", data[profile.uuid])

    # After we're done, re-compute the time graph data to include zeros for blanks
    # not ideal to compute this twice, but it gets the job done
    # Purposely excluding social and focus scores - blanks are includede in their calculations as blank could imply actual zeroes, rather than missing data
    return data
コード例 #16
ファイル: socialhealth_tasks.py プロジェクト: sfitts/openPDS
def aggregateForAllUsers(answerKey, timeRanges, aggregator, includeBlanks = False, mean = None, dev = None):
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    aggregates = {}

    for profile in profiles:
        # NOTE: need a means of getting at a token for authorizing this task to run. For now, we're not checking anyway, so it's blank
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "")
#        if mean is None or dev is None:
        data = aggregateForUser(profile, internalDataStore, answerKey, timeRanges, aggregator, includeBlanks)
#        else:
#            data = aggregateForUser(profile, answerKey, timeRanges, aggregator, includeBlanks, mean.get(profile.uuid), dev.get(profile.uuid))
        if data is not None and len(data) > 0:
            aggregates[profile.uuid] = data

    return aggregates
コード例 #17
ファイル: places_tasks.py プロジェクト: sfitts/openPDS
def findMeetups(owner_uuid="280e418a-8032-4de3-b62a-ad173fea4811", participant_uuids=["5241576e-43da-4b08-8a71-b477f931e021", "72d9d8e3-3a57-4508-9515-2b881afc0d8e"], description="", token="b3dbac8916"):
    participant_places = {}
    owner = Profile.objects.get(uuid = owner_uuid)
    internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(owner, token)
    owner_places = internalDataStore.getAnswerList("RecentPlaces")[0]["value"]

    for uuid in participant_uuids:
        url = "http://working-title.media.mit.edu:8004/api/personal_data/answerlist/?key=RecentPlaces&datastore_owner__uuid=%s&bearer_token=%s"%(uuid, token)
        headers = { "content-type": "application/json" }
        requester_places = requests.get(url, headers = headers)
        print "Meetup between %s and %s"%(owner_uuid, uuid)
        if requester_places.status_code == requests.codes.ok:
            print requester_places.json()
            participant_places[uuid] = requester_places.json()["objects"][0]["value"]

    min_score = 9999999999 #proxy for int_max or whatever Python calls it
    min_score_key = None
    meeting_point = None
    participant_locations = []
    for place in [p for p in owner_places if p["key"] not in ["work", "home"]]:
        #print participant_places
        places_for_key = [p for uid in participant_uuids for p in participant_places[uid] if p["key"] == place["key"]]
        score_for_key, point_for_key = scoreMeetup(places_for_key)  
        if score_for_key < min_score:
            print "%s < %s" % (score_for_key, min_score)
            min_score = score_for_key
            min_score_key = place["key"]
            meeting_point = point_for_key
            participant_locations = [(p["bounds"][0], p["bounds"][1]) for p in places_for_key]

    print "Best Time: %s" % min_score_key
    print "Meeting point: %s,%s" % meeting_point
    print participant_locations
    answer = internalDataStore.getAnswerList("Meetups")
    answer = answer[0]["value"] if answer is not None and answer.count() > 0 else []
    answer = [v for v in answer if "description" in v and v["description"] != description]
    answer.append({"description": description, "participants": participant_uuids, "hour": min_score_key, "place": meeting_point})
    internalDataStore.saveAnswer("Meetups", answer)
コード例 #18
def recentProbeDataScores():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    for profile in profiles:
        startTime = socialhealth_tasks.getStartTime(6, True)
        currentTime = time.time()
        timeRanges = [(start, start + 3600) for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600)]

        probeAnswerKeys = {'recentActivityProbeByHour': 'ActivityProbe', 'recentSmsProbeByHour': 'SmsProbe', 'recentCallLogProbeByHour': 'CallLogProbe', 
                       'recentBluetoothProbeByHour': 'BluetoothProbe', 'recentWifiProbeByHour': 'WifiProbe', 'recentSimpleLocationProbeByHour': 'LocationProbe', 
                       'recentRunningApplicationsProbeByHour': 'RunningApplicationsProbe', 'recentHardwareInfoProbeByHour': 'HardwareInfoProbe', 
                       'recentAppUsageProbeByHour': 'AppUsageProbe'}

#        print profile
#        token = socialhealth_tasks.getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
#        internalDataStore = socialhealth_tasks.getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "Social Health Tracker", token)
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "MIT-FIT", "")

	#for testing, currently use the following user
	#if profile.uuid == "341cc5cd-0f42-45f1-9f66-273ac3ed8b2e":

        for probeAnswerKey, probe in probeAnswerKeys.iteritems():
	    probeLevels = aggregateForUser(probe, internalDataStore, probeAnswerKey, timeRanges, probeForTimeRange, False)
コード例 #19
def aggregateForAllUsers(answerKey,
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    aggregates = {}

    for profile in profiles:
        # NOTE: need a means of getting at a token for authorizing this task to run. For now, we're not checking anyway, so it's blank
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                 "Social Health Tracker", "")
        #        if mean is None or dev is None:
        data = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore, answerKey, timeRanges,
                                aggregator, includeBlanks)
        #        else:
        #            data = aggregateForUser(profile, answerKey, timeRanges, aggregator, includeBlanks, mean.get(profile.uuid), dev.get(profile.uuid))
        if data is not None and len(data) > 0:
            aggregates[profile.uuid] = data

    return aggregates
コード例 #20
ファイル: places_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findRecentPlaces():
    currentTime = time.time()
    today = date.fromtimestamp(currentTime)
    startTime = time.mktime((today - timedelta(days=14)).timetuple())

    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    for profile in profiles:
        ids = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "My Places", "")
        ids.saveAnswer("RecentPlaces", [])

    # Note: we're not taking the full 9-5 sampling. Clustering is expensive, so anything we can leave out helps...
    # Combined with the fact that "lunch" time might not be indicative of work locations, this might be more accurate anyway       
    nineToFives = [(nine, nine + 3600*8) for nine in range(int(startTime + 3600*9), int(currentTime), 3600*24)]
    #nineToFives.extend([(two, two + 3600*2) for two in range(int(startTime + 3600*14), int(currentTime), 3600*24)])    
    #print "Finding work locations..."       
    data = findRecentPlaceBounds("work", nineToFives)

    midnightToSixes = [(midnight, midnight + 3600*6) for midnight in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600* 24)]
    #print "Finding home locations..."
    data = findRecentPlaceBounds("home", midnightToSixes)

    print "... done with RecentPlaces"
    return data
コード例 #21
ファイル: places_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findRecentPlaceBounds(recentPlaceKey,
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    data = {}

    for profile in profiles:
        # TODO: figure out how to get at a token here...
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                 "My Places", "")
        #dbName = profile.getDBName()
        #collection = connection[dbName]["funf"]
        locations = []

        # An explanation for why we're doing things the way we are below
        # (there are a few obvious strategies for finding places in location data):
        # 1)  Naive approach - take all location samples in all time ranges, find clusters within them,
        #     take the one with the most points in it.
        # 2)  Faster, but more complicated - do 1) for each time range individually to get candidate regions.
        #     Loop over candidate regions, collapsing and "voting" for those that overlap. Take the one with the most votes.
        #     Notes: This is essentially 2-levels of clustering with the simplification that overlapping regions would
        #     have been clustered together anyway (ie; bounding boxes should be similar, but not the same, as strategy 1)
        #     Pros: Faster - each clustering is limited to 100 entries. In practice, this is more than enough.
        #         If this poses an issue, time ranges can be chosen more carefully (more / shorter time ranges)
        #     Cons: Bounding boxes aren't the same as 1). In particular, two candidate boxes may not overlap, but should
        #         have been clustered together anyway.
        # 3)  Binning pre-process - Same as 1), but perform a binning pre-process on the location data, collapsing multiple
        #     samples into single entries, with associaated weights.
        #     Notes: This is essentially a lower-resolution version of strategy 1. Bounding boxes should be lower-resolution
        #     versions of those from strategy 1.
        #     Pros: Bounding boxes should be the same as #1. Takes into account all entries when clustering.
        #     Cons: Less fine-grained control over the number of entries per cluster than #2. In particular, for sparse
        #         location data, this may not reduce the number of entries we must cluster.
        # The following is an implementation of method #2:
        potentialRegions = []
        for timeRange in timeRanges:
            # NOTE: is a limit on the number of entries still necessary, if we're choosing the timeRanges carefully?
            values = [
                entry["value"] for entry in internalDataStore.getData(
                    "LocationProbe", timeRange[0], timeRange[1]) or []
            # Use all locations except the most gratuitously inaccurate ones
            values = [
                value for value in values if float(value["maccuracy"]) < 100
            clusters = clusterFunfLocations(values, 100)
            if (len(clusters) > 0):
                #clusters.sort(key = lambda cluster: -len(cluster))
                #topClusters = clusters[:min(len(clusters), numPlaces)]
                clusterLocations = max(clusters,
                                       key=lambda cluster: len(cluster))
                if isinstance(clusterLocations, list):
                    lats = [loc[0] for loc in clusterLocations]
                    longs = [loc[1] for loc in clusterLocations]
                    if min(lats) != max(lats) and min(longs) != max(longs):
                        #Only add regions that aren't degenerate (single points)

        if len(potentialRegions) > 0:
            overlaps = [{
                "overlapList": [
                    r2 for r2 in potentialRegions
                    if r2 is not r1 and boundsOverlap(r1, r2)
            } for r1 in potentialRegions]
            reduced = [{
                reduce(lambda r1, r2: mergeBoxes(r1, r2), r["overlapList"],
            } for r in overlaps]
            reduced.sort(key=lambda r: -r["votes"])
            final = []
            for r in reduced:
                if not listContainsOverlap([f["region"]
                                            for f in final], r["region"]):
            mostOverlap = final[:min(len(final), numPlaces)]
            mostVoted = [r["region"] for r in mostOverlap]
            if numPlaces == 1:
                mostVoted = mostVoted[0]
            answer = internalDataStore.getAnswerList(answerKey)
            answer = answer[0]["value"] if answer.count() > 0 else []
            data[profile.uuid] = [
                datum for datum in answer if datum["key"] != recentPlaceKey
                "key": recentPlaceKey,
                "bounds": mostVoted
            answer = data[profile.uuid]
            internalDataStore.saveAnswer(answerKey, answer)
    return data
コード例 #22
def recentSocialHealthScores():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    data = {}

    activityScores = recentActivityScore()
    socialScores = recentSocialScore()
    focusScores = recentFocusScore()

    scoresList = [
    print scoresList
    #    scoresList = [[d for d in scoreList if d > 0.0] for scoreList in scoresList]
    averages = [
        sum(scores) / len(scores) if len(scores) > 0 else 0
        for scores in scoresList
    variances = [
        map(lambda x: (x - averages[i]) * (x - averages[i]), scoresList[i])
        for i in range(len(scoresList))
    stdDevs = [
        math.sqrt(sum(variances[i]) / len(scoresList[i]))
        for i in range(len(scoresList))

    activityStdDev = stdDevs[0]
    socialStdDev = stdDevs[1]
    focusStdDev = stdDevs[2]

    print "Averages (activity, social, focus):"
    print averages
    print "Standard Deviations (activity, social, focus):"
    print stdDevs

    for profile in [p for p in profiles if p.uuid in activityScores.keys()]:
        print "storing %s" % profile.uuid

        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                 "Social Health Tracker", "")

        data[profile.uuid] = []
            "key": "activity",
            "layer": "User",
            "value": activityScores.get(profile.uuid, 0)
            "key": "social",
            "layer": "User",
            "value": socialScores.get(profile.uuid, 0)
            "key": "focus",
            "layer": "User",
            "value": focusScores.get(profile.uuid, 0)
            "key": "activity",
            "layer": "averageLow",
            "value": max(0, averages[0] - stdDevs[0])
            "key": "social",
            "layer": "averageLow",
            "value": max(0, averages[1] - stdDevs[1])
            "key": "focus",
            "layer": "averageLow",
            "value": max(0, averages[2] - stdDevs[2])
            "key": "activity",
            "layer": "averageHigh",
            "value": min(averages[0] + stdDevs[0], 10)
            "key": "social",
            "layer": "averageHigh",
            "value": min(averages[1] + stdDevs[1], 10)
            "key": "focus",
            "layer": "averageHigh",
            "value": min(averages[2] + stdDevs[2], 10)

        internalDataStore.saveAnswer("socialhealth", data[profile.uuid])

    # After we're done, re-compute the time graph data to include zeros for blanks
    # not ideal to compute this twice, but it gets the job done
    # Purposely excluding social and focus scores - blanks are includede in their calculations as blank could imply actual zeroes, rather than missing data
    return data
コード例 #23
def recentSocialHealthScores2():
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    startTime = getStartTime(6, True)
    currentTime = time.time()
    timeRanges = [
        (start, start + 3600 * 4)
        for start in range(int(startTime), int(currentTime), 3600 * 4)

    sums = {"activity": 0, "social": 0, "focus": 0}
    activeUsers = []
    data = {}

    for profile in profiles:
        token = getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                 "Social Health Tracker",

        activityLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore,
                                          "RecentActivityByHour", timeRanges,
                                          activityForTimeRange, False)

        if len(activityLevels) > 0:
            socialLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore,
                                            "RecentSocialByHour", timeRanges,
                                            socialForTimeRange, True)
            focusLevels = aggregateForUser(internalDataStore,
                                           "RecentFocusByHour", timeRanges,
                                           focusForTimeRange, True)

            activityScore = computeActivityScore(activityLevels)
            socialScore = computeSocialScore(socialLevels)
            focusScore = computeFocusScore(focusLevels)

            sums["activity"] += activityScore
            sums["social"] += socialScore
            sums["focus"] += focusScore

            data[profile.uuid] = {}
            data[profile.uuid]["user"] = {
                "activity": activityScore,
                "social": socialScore,
                "focus": focusScore

    numUsers = len(activeUsers)
    if numUsers > 0:
        averages = {k: sums[k] / numUsers for k in sums}
        variances = {
            [(data[p.uuid]["user"][k] - averages[k])**2 for p in activeUsers]
            for k in averages
        stdDevs = {
            k: math.sqrt(sum(variances[k]) / len(variances[k]))
            for k in variances
        for profile in activeUsers:
            token = getToken(profile, "app-uuid")
            internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab",
                                                     "Social Health Tracker",
            data[profile.uuid]["averageLow"] = {
                k: max(0, averages[k] - stdDevs[k])
                for k in stdDevs
            data[profile.uuid]["averageHigh"] = {
                k: min(averages[k] + stdDevs[k], 10)
                for k in stdDevs
            internalDataStore.saveAnswer("socialhealth", data[profile.uuid])
    return data
コード例 #24
ファイル: places_tasks.py プロジェクト: m1cloud/openPDS
def findRecentPlaceBounds(recentPlaceKey, timeRanges, numPlaces=1, answerKey="RecentPlaces"):
    profiles = Profile.objects.all()
    data = {}
    for profile in profiles:
        # TODO: figure out how to get at a token here...
        internalDataStore = getInternalDataStore(profile, "Living Lab", "My Places", "")
        #dbName = profile.getDBName()
        #collection = connection[dbName]["funf"]
        locations = []

        # An explanation for why we're doing things the way we are below 
        # (there are a few obvious strategies for finding places in location data):
        # 1)  Naive approach - take all location samples in all time ranges, find clusters within them, 
        #     take the one with the most points in it.
        # 2)  Faster, but more complicated - do 1) for each time range individually to get candidate regions. 
        #     Loop over candidate regions, collapsing and "voting" for those that overlap. Take the one with the most votes.
        #     Notes: This is essentially 2-levels of clustering with the simplification that overlapping regions would 
        #     have been clustered together anyway (ie; bounding boxes should be similar, but not the same, as strategy 1)
        #     Pros: Faster - each clustering is limited to 100 entries. In practice, this is more than enough. 
        #         If this poses an issue, time ranges can be chosen more carefully (more / shorter time ranges)
        #     Cons: Bounding boxes aren't the same as 1). In particular, two candidate boxes may not overlap, but should 
        #         have been clustered together anyway.
        # 3)  Binning pre-process - Same as 1), but perform a binning pre-process on the location data, collapsing multiple 
        #     samples into single entries, with associaated weights.
        #     Notes: This is essentially a lower-resolution version of strategy 1. Bounding boxes should be lower-resolution
        #     versions of those from strategy 1. 
        #     Pros: Bounding boxes should be the same as #1. Takes into account all entries when clustering. 
        #     Cons: Less fine-grained control over the number of entries per cluster than #2. In particular, for sparse 
        #         location data, this may not reduce the number of entries we must cluster.
        # The following is an implementation of method #2:
        potentialRegions = []
        for timeRange in timeRanges:
            # NOTE: is a limit on the number of entries still necessary, if we're choosing the timeRanges carefully?
            values = [entry["value"] for entry in internalDataStore.getData("LocationProbe", timeRange[0], timeRange[1]) or []]
            # Use all locations except the most gratuitously inaccurate ones
            values = [value for value in values if float(value["maccuracy"]) < 100]
            clusters = clusterFunfLocations(values, 100)
            if (len(clusters) > 0):
                #clusters.sort(key = lambda cluster: -len(cluster))
                #topClusters = clusters[:min(len(clusters), numPlaces)]
                clusterLocations = max(clusters, key= lambda cluster: len(cluster))
                if isinstance(clusterLocations, list):
                    lats = [loc[0] for loc in clusterLocations]
                    longs = [loc[1] for loc in clusterLocations]
                    if min(lats) != max(lats) and min(longs) != max(longs):
                        #Only add regions that aren't degenerate (single points)
                        potentialRegions.append([min(lats), min(longs), max(lats), max(longs)])

        if len(potentialRegions) > 0: 
            overlaps = [{ "region": r1, "overlapList": [r2 for r2 in potentialRegions if r2 is not r1 and boundsOverlap(r1, r2)]} for r1 in potentialRegions]
            reduced = [{ "region": reduce(lambda r1, r2: mergeBoxes(r1,r2), r["overlapList"], r["region"]), "votes": len(r["overlapList"])} for r in overlaps]
            reduced.sort(key = lambda r: -r["votes"])
            final = []
            for r in reduced:
                if not listContainsOverlap([f["region"] for f in final], r["region"]):
            mostOverlap = final[:min(len(final), numPlaces)]
            mostVoted = [r["region"] for r in mostOverlap]
            if numPlaces == 1: 
                mostVoted = mostVoted[0]
            answer = internalDataStore.getAnswerList(answerKey)
            answer = answer[0]["value"] if answer.count() > 0 else []
            data[profile.uuid] = [datum for datum in answer if datum["key"] != recentPlaceKey]
            data[profile.uuid].append({ "key": recentPlaceKey, "bounds": mostVoted})
            answer = data[profile.uuid]
            internalDataStore.saveAnswer(answerKey, answer)
    return data
コード例 #25
 def get_internal_datastore(self, request):
     if request and "datastore_owner__uuid" in request.GET and "bearer_token" in request.GET:
         profile, created = Profile.objects.get(uuid = request.GET["datastore_owner__uuid"])
         token = request.GET["bearer_token"]
         return getInternalDataStore(profile, token)
     return None