def test_simple_seg_file_input(self): """Test that we can read in a seg file, do no annotation, and output as SIMPLE_TSV""" inputFilename = "testdata/seg/Patient0.seg.txt" output_filename = "out/test_simple_seg_file_input.tsv" if os.path.exists(output_filename): os.remove(output_filename) ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, 'configs/seg_file_input.config') segs = ic.createMutations() i = 1 for i,seg in enumerate(segs): pass self.assertTrue((i+1) == 27, "Found %d segments when there should have been 27." % (i+1)) ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, 'configs/seg_file_input.config') segs = ic.createMutations() outputRenderer = SimpleOutputRenderer(output_filename, '') outputRenderer.renderMutations(segs) # Now check the output output_reader = GenericTsvReader(output_filename) required_cols = ["Sample", "Num_Probes", "Segment_Mean"] headers = output_reader.getFieldNames() for rcol in required_cols: self.assertTrue(rcol in headers) for line_dict in output_reader: self.assertTrue(line_dict['start'] is not None) self.assertTrue(line_dict['start'].strip() != "") self.assertTrue(line_dict['end'] is not None) self.assertTrue(line_dict['end'].strip() != "")
def test_onp_ignore_indels(self): """make sure indels aren't being combined with onps""" file = 'testdata/maflite/onp.indel.maf.txt' input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file)) expected = list(MafliteInputMutationCreator(file).createMutations()) onp_muts = [mut for mut in input.createMutations()] self.assert_mutations_match_expected(expected=expected, result=onp_muts)
def testFullIndelVcf(self): """ Perform test of a Indel maflite all the way through TCGA VCF creation """ outputFilename = "out/TCGAVCFTest.indel.vcf" callStatsIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/Patient0.indel.maf.txt") vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) datasources = self._createDatasourcesForTesting() annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(callStatsIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) for ds in datasources: annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename)) # Check that the deletions have position decremented by one from what is present in the maflite # Checking that 1 36643701 in the maflite (a deletion) becomes 1 36643700 in the vcf, but that the others are # the same. maflite_ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/Patient0.indel.maf.txt") muts = maflite_ic.createMutations() vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(open(outputFilename, 'r')) vcf_pos = [int(rec.POS) for rec in vcf_reader] for m in muts: # If the variant is a deletion, then the vcf position should be the same as maflite minus one. Otherwise, the same. is_variant_deletion = (m.alt_allele == "") or (m.alt_allele == "-") or (m.alt_allele == ".") if is_variant_deletion: self.assertTrue((int(m.start) - 1) in vcf_pos, "Deletion was not correct for " + m.chr + ":" + m.start) else: self.assertTrue(int(m.start) in vcf_pos, "Insertion was not correct for " + m.chr + ":" + m.start)
def testFullSnpVcf(self): """ Perform test of a SNP call stats (maflite) all the way through TCGA VCF creation. Only checks that a file was created. """ outputFilename = "out/TCGAVCFTest.snp.vcf" callStatsIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/Test.call_stats.trim.txt") vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) datasources = self._createDatasourcesForTesting() annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(callStatsIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) for ds in datasources: annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename)) maflite_ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/Patient0.indel.maf.txt") muts = maflite_ic.createMutations() vcf_reader = vcf.Reader(open(outputFilename, 'r')) for i, m in enumerate(muts): rec = qual = rec.QUAL # All records should have QUAL with a value (i.e. NOT ".") self.assertIsNotNone(qual)
def test_alt1_vs_alt2(self): """Test that we pick up the alternate that is different from the reference when both are specified""" ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/alt1_vs_alt2.maflite") muts = ic.createMutations() ctr = 0 for m in muts: ctr += 1 self.assertTrue(m.alt_allele == "C", "Did not properly populate the alternate allele in line " + str(ctr) + " " + m.alt_allele)
def testChromosomeM(self): """ Make sure that the chromosome created as M, rather than MT.""" tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/chrM.maf.txt") muts = tmp.createMutations() for m in muts: self.assertTrue( m.chr == "M", "mitochondria chromosome should be M, not " + m.chr)
def testSimpleRead(self): """ Read a good maflite file and make sure that each mutation validates """ tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/Patient0.indel.maf.txt", 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() # If no exception is thrown, then this test passes. for m in muts: MutUtils.validateMutation(m)
def testSampleNameSelectorWithMaf(self): input = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt") first_mut = next(input.createMutations()) s = SampleNameSelector(first_mut) for mut in input.createMutations(): self.assertEqual("Patient0-Normal-Patient0-Tumor", s.getSampleName(mut)) self.assertEqual(s.getAnnotationSource(),"OUTPUT") self.assertEqual(s.getOutputAnnotationName(), MutUtils.SAMPLE_NAME_ANNOTATION_NAME)
def testTCGAMAFAsInput(self): """ Test that we can take in a TCGA MAF (using MAFLITE), do no annotations, and still render it properly """ tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maf/Patient0.maf.annotated", 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() outputFilename = "out/testTCGAMAFAsInput.tsv" outputRenderer = TcgaMafOutputRenderer(outputFilename, 'configs/tcgaMAF2.4_output.config') outputRenderer.renderMutations(muts, tmp.getComments())
def testGetMetadata(self): """Make sure that we can retrieve metadata, even before createMutations has been called""" ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt") gtKeys = {'build', 'chr', 'start', 'end', 'ref_allele', 'alt_allele', 'tumor_barcode', 'normal_barcode', 'tumor_f', 'init_t_lod', 't_lod_fstar', 't_alt_count', 't_ref_count', 'judgement'} md = ic.getMetadata() ks = set(md.keys()) diff = gtKeys.symmetric_difference(ks) self.assertTrue(len(diff) == 0, "Missing keys that should have been seen in the metadata: " + str(diff))
def testNumberOfMuts(self): """ Make sure that the proper number of mutations were generated """ inputFilename = "testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt" tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() numMutsInput = len(file(inputFilename,'r').readlines()) - 1 ctr = 0 for m in muts: ctr += 1 self.assertEqual(ctr, numMutsInput, "Did not see the proper number of mutations.")
def testSimpleRead(self): """ Read a good maflite file and make sure that each mutation validates """ tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/Patient0.indel.maf.txt", None, 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() # If no exception is thrown, then this test passes. for m in muts: MutUtils.validateMutation(m)
def testNoUnknownAnnotations(self): """ Make sure that the gaf 3.0 datasource does not annotate anything with source set to Unknown """ inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt') gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(self.config) mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() for m in mutations: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) unknownAnnotations = MutUtils.getUnknownAnnotations(m) self.assertTrue(len(unknownAnnotations) == 0, "Unknown annotations exist in mutation: " + str(unknownAnnotations))
def testSampleNameSelectorWithMaf(self): input = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt") first_mut = next(input.createMutations()) s = SampleNameSelector(first_mut) for mut in input.createMutations(): self.assertEqual("Patient0-Normal-Patient0-Tumor", s.getSampleName(mut)) self.assertEqual(s.getAnnotationSource(), "OUTPUT") self.assertEqual(s.getOutputAnnotationName(), MutUtils.SAMPLE_NAME_ANNOTATION_NAME)
def testTCGAMAFAsInput(self): """ Test that we can take in a TCGA MAF (using MAFLITE), do no annotations, and still render it properly """ tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maf/Patient0.maf.annotated", None, 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() outputFilename = "out/testTCGAMAFAsInput.tsv" outputRenderer = TcgaMafOutputRenderer( outputFilename, 'configs/tcgaMAF2.4_output.config') outputRenderer.renderMutations(muts, tmp.getComments())
def testNumberOfMuts(self): """ Make sure that the proper number of mutations were generated """ inputFilename = "testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt" tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename) muts = tmp.createMutations() numMutsInput = len(file(inputFilename, 'r').readlines()) - 1 ctr = 0 for m in muts: ctr += 1 self.assertEqual(ctr, numMutsInput, "Did not see the proper number of mutations.")
def test_alt1_vs_alt2(self): """Test that we pick up the alternate that is different from the reference when both are specified""" ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/alt1_vs_alt2.maflite") muts = ic.createMutations() ctr = 0 for m in muts: ctr += 1 self.assertTrue( m.alt_allele == "C", "Did not properly populate the alternate allele in line " + str(ctr) + " " + m.alt_allele)
def testChrGLs(self): """ Test that mutations on unaligned transcripts can be annotated properly. I.e. when chromosome = GL.....""" inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/chrGLs.maf.tsv', "configs/maflite_input.config") gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(self.config) mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() for m in mutations: try: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) except Exception as e: # Fail this test because an exception was thrown self.assertTrue(False, "Erroneous exception was thrown: " + str(e) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()) self.assertTrue(m['gene'] != '')
def testNoLostMutations(self): """ Does a simple gaf datasource annotation run and makes sure that no mutations were lost """ inputFilename = 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt' inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, "configs/maflite_input.config") gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(self.config) numMutsInput = len(file(inputFilename, 'r').readlines()) - 1 mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() ctr = 0 for m in mutations: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) ctr += 1 self.assertEqual(ctr, numMutsInput, "Gaf data source altered mutation count.")
def testNoUnknownAnnotations(self): """ Make sure that the gaf 3.0 datasource does not annotate anything with source set to Unknown """ inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt') gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource( self.config) mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() for m in mutations: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) unknownAnnotations = MutUtils.getUnknownAnnotations(m) self.assertTrue( len(unknownAnnotations) == 0, "Unknown annotations exist in mutation: " + str(unknownAnnotations))
def testManualAnnotations(self): """ Test that the manual annotation facility in the Annotator is working properly. """ annotator = Annotator() overrides = {'source': 'Capture', 'status': 'Somatic', 'phase': 'Phase_I', 'sequencer': 'Illumina GAIIx'} annotator.setManualAnnotations(overrides) inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt') outputRenderer = SimpleOutputRenderer("out/testManualAnnotationsFile.tsv") annotator.setInputCreator(inputCreator) annotator.setOutputRenderer(outputRenderer) testOutputFilename = annotator.annotate() keysOfInterest = overrides.keys() statinfo = os.stat(testOutputFilename) self.assertTrue(statinfo.st_size > 0, "Generated TSV file (" + testOutputFilename + ") is empty.") tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(testOutputFilename) ctr = 1 for lineDict in tsvReader: for k in keysOfInterest: self.assertTrue(lineDict[k] != "__UNKNOWN__", "__UNKNOWN__ value seen on line " + str(ctr) + ", when it should be populated: " + k) self.assertTrue(lineDict[k] != "", "Blank value seen on line " + str(ctr) + ", when it should be populated: " + k) self.assertTrue(lineDict[k] == overrides[k], "Value for " + k + " on line " + str(ctr) + " did not match override: " + str( lineDict[k]) + " <> " + str(overrides[k])) ctr += 1
def testBlankAnnotatorInit(self): """ Test an extremely simple scenario, where no additional annotations are needed. I.e. no data sources """"Starting Blank Annotator Init Test...") inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt') outputRenderer = SimpleOutputRenderer( "out/testBlankAnnotatorTestFile.tsv") # Assumed myIC and myOC have been initialized as the proper Input and Output Creators, respectively. # 1) Initialize the Annotator annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(inputCreator) annotator.setOutputRenderer(outputRenderer) testOutputFilename = annotator.annotate() # Test that file exists and that it has correct # of mutations (+1 for header +1 for annotator comment line). numSamples = 1 numExtraLines = 3 # one for header, two for comment lines numDoubleLines = 0 # Number of lines with two alt alleles numVariants = 9 gt = numSamples * numVariants + numDoubleLines * numSamples + numExtraLines fp = file(testOutputFilename, 'r') ctr = 0 for line in fp: ctr += 1 fp.close() self.assertEqual( ctr, gt, "Number of lines read was not correct: " + str(ctr) + " -- should have been: " + str(gt))
def testGetMetadata(self): """Make sure that we can retrieve metadata, even before createMutations has been called""" ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt") gtKeys = { 'build', 'chr', 'start', 'end', 'ref_allele', 'alt_allele', 'tumor_barcode', 'normal_barcode', 'tumor_f', 'init_t_lod', 't_lod_fstar', 't_alt_count', 't_ref_count', 'judgement' } md = ic.getMetadata() ks = set(md.keys()) diff = gtKeys.symmetric_difference(ks) self.assertTrue( len(diff) == 0, "Missing keys that should have been seen in the metadata: " + str(diff))
def testCreationAndAnnotation(self): """ Test the datasource creation and then do a simple annotation """ outputFilename = 'out/genericGeneProteinPositionTest.out.tsv' gafDS = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource(self.config) gppDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource("testdata/simple_uniprot_natvar/simple_uniprot_natvar.config", "testdata/simple_uniprot_natvar/") annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite_natvar.maf.tsv')) annotator.setOutputRenderer(SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFilename)) annotator.addDatasource(gafDS) annotator.addDatasource(gppDS) testFilename = annotator.annotate() # Make sure that some values were populated self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(testFilename)) tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(testFilename) ctr = 0 for lineDict in tsvReader: colName = "UniProt_NatVar_natural_variations" self.assertTrue(sorted(lineDict[colName].split("|")) == sorted("R -> RR (in EDMD2).|R -> Q (in EDMD2).".split("|")), "Annotation value did not match: " + lineDict[colName]) ctr += 1 self.assertTrue(ctr == 1, "Number of mutations incorrect (1): " + str(ctr) )
def testBasicAnnotation(self): ''' Test annotation from a generic TSV based on a transcript annotation. Only confirms the proper headers of the output. ''' # We need a gaf data source to annotate gene gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource( config=self.config) transcriptDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource( "testdata/small_transcript_tsv_ds/small_transcript_tsv_ds.config", "testdata/small_transcript_tsv_ds/") outputFilename = 'out/genericTranscriptTest.out.tsv' annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator( MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt')) annotator.setOutputRenderer(SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFilename)) annotator.addDatasource(gafDatasource) annotator.addDatasource(transcriptDS) outputFilename = annotator.annotate() tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(outputFilename) headers = tsvReader.getFieldNames() self.assertTrue( "refseq_test_mRNA_Id" in headers, "refseq_test_mRNA_Id not found in headers: " + str(headers)) self.assertTrue( "refseq_test_prot_Id" in headers, "refseq_test_prot_Id not found in headers: " + str(headers))
def testMulticoreAnnotateFromChunkedFile(self): #TODO: Add unit test that Mutation data is pickle-able inputFile = "testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt" outputFile = "out/testGAFMulticorePatient0.snp.maf.txt" chunkSize = 200 numChunks = 4 gafDatasource = TestUtils.createGafDatasourceProxy(self.config) ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFile) oc = SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFile) # createChunks muts = ic.createMutations() allAnnotatedChunksFlat = [] are_mutations_remaining = True p = LoggingPool(processes=numChunks) while are_mutations_remaining: chunks = [] for j in xrange(0, numChunks): chunk = [] for i in xrange(0, chunkSize): try: chunk.append( except StopIteration: are_mutations_remaining = False break chunks.append((chunk, gafDatasource)) annotatedChunks =, chunks) annotatedChunksFlat = self._flattenChunks(annotatedChunks) allAnnotatedChunksFlat.append(annotatedChunksFlat) p.close() p.join() annotatedMuts = chain.from_iterable(allAnnotatedChunksFlat) ctr = 0 oc.renderMutations(annotatedMuts, Metadata()) tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(outputFile) for line in tsvReader: ctr += 1 self.assertTrue(ctr == 730, "Should have read 730 variants, but read " + str(ctr))
def testNoLostMutations(self): """ Does a simple gaf datasource annotation run and makes sure that no mutations were lost """ inputFilename = 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt' inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator( inputFilename, "configs/maflite_input.config") gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource( self.config) numMutsInput = len(file(inputFilename, 'r').readlines()) - 1 mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() ctr = 0 for m in mutations: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) ctr += 1 self.assertEqual(ctr, numMutsInput, "Gaf data source altered mutation count.")
def testChrGLs(self): """ Test that mutations on unaligned transcripts can be annotated properly. I.e. when chromosome = GL.....""" inputCreator = MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/chrGLs.maf.tsv', "configs/maflite_input.config") gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource( self.config) mutations = inputCreator.createMutations() for m in mutations: try: m = gafDatasource.annotate_mutation(m) MutUtils.validateMutation(m) except Exception as e: # Fail this test because an exception was thrown self.assertTrue( False, "Erroneous exception was thrown: " + str(e) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()) self.assertTrue(m['gene'] != '')
def testBasicAnnotation(self): ''' Annotate from a basic tsv gene file. Use the Gaf to annotate before trying the tsv -- required since the gene annotation must be populated. Using trimmed CancerGeneCensus as basis for this test. ''' # cut -f 1 oncotator/test/testdata/small_tsv_ds/CancerGeneCensus_Table_1_full_2012-03-15_trim.txt | egrep -v Symbol | sed -r "s/^/'/g" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/,/g' | sed -r "s/,'/','/g" genesAvailable = [ 'ABL1', 'ABL2', 'ACSL3', 'AF15Q14', 'AF1Q', 'AF3p21', 'AF5q31', 'AKAP9', 'AKT1', 'AKT2', 'ALDH2', 'ALK', 'ALO17', 'APC', 'ARHGEF12', 'ARHH', 'ARID1A', 'ARID2', 'ARNT', 'ASPSCR1', 'ASXL1', 'ATF1', 'ATIC', 'ATM', 'ATRX', 'BAP1', 'BCL10', 'BCL11A', 'BCL11B' ] # We need a gaf data source to annotate gene gafDatasource = TestUtils.createTranscriptProviderDatasource( config=self.config) geneDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource( "testdata/small_tsv_ds/small_tsv_ds.config", "testdata/small_tsv_ds/") outputFilename = 'out/genericGeneTest.out.tsv' annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator( MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/Patient0.snp.maf.txt')) annotator.setOutputRenderer(SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFilename)) annotator.addDatasource(gafDatasource) annotator.addDatasource(geneDS) annotator.annotate() # Check that there were actual annotations performed. tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(outputFilename) fields = tsvReader.getFieldNames() self.assertTrue( 'CGC_Abridged_Other Syndrome/Disease' in fields, "'CGC_Other Syndrome/Disease' was not present in the header") self.assertTrue( 'CGC_Abridged_Mutation Type' in fields, "'CGC_Abridged_Mutation Type' was not present in the header") ctr = 1 linesThatShouldBeAnnotated = 0 for lineDict in tsvReader: self.assertTrue('gene' in lineDict.keys()) if lineDict['gene'] in genesAvailable: self.assertTrue( lineDict['CGC_Abridged_GeneID'] != '', "'CGC_Abridged_GeneID' was missing on a row that should have been populated. Line: " + str(ctr)) linesThatShouldBeAnnotated += 1 ctr += 1 self.assertTrue((linesThatShouldBeAnnotated) > 0, "Bad data -- cannot test missed detects.")
def test_multi_sample_maflite(self): """Tests a multi sample maf with several unaligned onps""" input = OnpCombiner(MafliteInputMutationCreator('testdata/maflite/onp_combination.maf.txt')) onp_muts =list(input.createMutations()) expected = self._tuples_to_MutationData([(1, 1, 1, "G", "A", "hg19"), (1, 1, 4, "GTTT", "CGAA", "hg19"), (1, 2, 3, "TT", "CC", "hg19"), (1, 12, 12, "T", "G", "hg19"), (2, 13, 13, "A", "G", "hg19")]) expected_pair_names = ['P2','P1','P3','P1','P1'] self._assert_mutation_lists_equal(onp_muts, expected) for mut, pair in zip(onp_muts, expected_pair_names): self.assertEqual(mut["Pair_Name"], pair)
def testMafInput(self): """Make sure that we can render a TCGA VCF from a TCGA MAF -- using no datasources""" inputFile = "testdata/maf/Patient1.snp.maf.annotated" outputFilename = "out/maf2tcgavcf.vcf" mafIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFile) vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(mafIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename)) statinfo = os.stat(outputFilename) self.assertTrue(statinfo.st_size > 0, "Generated VCF file (" + outputFilename + ") is empty.")
def testMissingRequiredHeaders(self): try: tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator( "testdata/maflite/brokenMaflite.tsv", None, 'configs/maflite_input.config') self.assertFalse(True, " Exception was not thrown") except MafliteMissingRequiredHeaderException as e: #str(e).find('alt_allele,end,ref_allele')<> -1 missingCols = ['alt_allele', 'end', 'ref_allele'] isMissingInData = [] for c in missingCols: isMissingInData.append(str(e).find(c) <> -1) self.assertTrue( all(isMissingInData), "Incorrect columns identified as missing in maflite check: " + str(e))
def testFullSnpVcf(self): """ Perform test of a SNP call stats (maflite) all the way through TCGA VCF creation. Only checks that a file was created. """ outputFilename = "out/TCGAVCFTest.snp.vcf" callStatsIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/Test.call_stats.trim.txt") vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) datasources = self._createDatasourcesForTesting() annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(callStatsIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) for ds in datasources: annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename))
def testTCGAMAFAsInputAndQuickAnnotate(self): """ Test that we can take in a TCGA MAF (using MAFLITE), do annotating, and still render it properly """ inputFilename = "testdata/maf/Patient0.maf.annotated" tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, 'configs/maflite_input.config') outputFilename = "out/testTCGAMAFAsInputAndQuickAnnotate.tsv" outputRenderer = TcgaMafOutputRenderer( outputFilename, 'configs/tcgaMAF2.4_output.config') annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(tmp) annotator.setOutputRenderer(outputRenderer) ds = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource( "testdata/thaga_janakari_gene_ds/hg19/tj_data.config", "testdata/thaga_janakari_gene_ds/hg19/") annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() statinfo = os.stat(outputFilename) self.assertTrue( statinfo.st_size > 0, "Generated MAF file (" + outputFilename + ") is empty.") tsvReaderIn = GenericTsvReader(inputFilename) tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(outputFilename) self.assertTrue(tsvReader.getComments().find('#version') != -1, "First line did not specify a version number") self.assertTrue("i_TJ_Data_Why" in tsvReader.getFieldNames(), "New field missing (i_TJ_Data_Why) from header") self.assertTrue("i_TJ_Data_Who" in tsvReader.getFieldNames(), "New field missing (i_TJ_Data_Who) from header") ctrOut = 0 for lineDict in tsvReader: ctrOut += 1 ctrIn = 0 for lineDict in tsvReaderIn: ctrIn += 1 ctrIn += len(tsvReaderIn.getCommentsAsList()) ctrOut += len(tsvReader.getCommentsAsList()) self.assertTrue( ctrOut == (ctrIn + 2), "Output file should have same number of lines plus two (for maf version and Oncotator version comments) as input file. (In,Out): " + str(ctrIn) + ", " + str(ctrOut))
def testDoubleAnnotationError(self): ''' Given a maf file that used to cause a duplicate annotation exception, do not throw that (or any) exception. ''' outputFilename = 'out/genericGenomePositionDoubleAnnotationTest.out.tsv' gpDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource( "testdata/small_genome_position_tsv_ds/oreganno_trim.config", "testdata/small_genome_position_tsv_ds/") annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator( MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/testDoubleAnnotate.maf.tsv')) annotator.setOutputRenderer(SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFilename)) annotator.addDatasource(gpDS) testFilename = annotator.annotate() # Make sure that some values were populated self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(testFilename))
def testAnotherFullSNP(self): """Test SNP call stats . Just make sure no exception is thrown.""" inputFile = "testdata/maflite/Another.call_stats.txt" outputFilename = "out/Another.call_stats.out.vcf" callStatsIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFile) vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) datasources = self._createDatasourcesForTesting() annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(callStatsIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) for ds in datasources: annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename)) statinfo = os.stat(outputFilename) self.assertTrue(statinfo.st_size > 0, "Generated VCF file (" + outputFilename + ") is empty.")
def testEmptyInput(self): """Make sure that we can generate an empty vcf from an empty maflite""" inputFile = "testdata/maflite/empty.maflite" outputFilename = "out/empty.vcf" callStatsIn = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFile) vcfOR = TcgaVcfOutputRenderer(outputFilename) datasources = self._createDatasourcesForTesting() annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator(callStatsIn) annotator.setOutputRenderer(vcfOR) annotator.setManualAnnotations(self._createManualAnnotations()) for ds in datasources: annotator.addDatasource(ds) annotator.annotate() self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(outputFilename)) statinfo = os.stat(outputFilename) self.assertTrue(statinfo.st_size > 0, "Generated VCF file (" + outputFilename + ") is empty.")
def test_simple_seg_file_annotations(self): """Test that we can read in a seg file, do GENCODE annotation, and output as SIMPLE_TSV""" inputFilename = "testdata/seg/Patient0.seg.txt" output_filename = "out/test_simple_seg_file_annotations.tsv" if os.path.exists(output_filename): os.remove(output_filename) ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, None, 'configs/seg_file_input.config') segs = ic.createMutations() i = 1 for i, seg in enumerate(segs): pass self.assertTrue( (i + 1) == 27, "Found %d segments when there should have been 27." % (i + 1)) ic = MafliteInputMutationCreator(inputFilename, None, 'configs/seg_file_input.config') segs = ic.createMutations() gencode_ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_v19_ds( "out/seg_file_gencode_ds") annotator = Annotator() segs_annotated = [] for seg in segs: segs_annotated.append(gencode_ds.annotate_segment(seg)) outputRenderer = SimpleOutputRenderer(output_filename, '') outputRenderer.renderMutations(segs_annotated.__iter__()) # Now check the output output_reader = GenericTsvReader(output_filename) required_cols = ["Sample", "Num_Probes", "Segment_Mean"] headers = output_reader.getFieldNames() for rcol in required_cols: self.assertTrue(rcol in headers) for line_dict in output_reader: self.assertTrue(line_dict['start'] is not None) self.assertTrue(line_dict['start'].strip() != "") self.assertTrue(line_dict['end'] is not None) self.assertTrue(line_dict['end'].strip() != "") self.assertTrue("genes" in line_dict.keys())
def testBasicAnnotation(self): ''' Annotate from a basic tsv of Genomic positions. This tests both single- and multiple-nucleotide variants. The tsv is already installed (i.e. proper config file created). ''' outputFilename = 'out/genericGenomePositionTest.out.tsv' gpDS = DatasourceFactory.createDatasource( "testdata/small_genome_position_tsv_ds/oreganno_trim.config", "testdata/small_genome_position_tsv_ds/") annotator = Annotator() annotator.setInputCreator( MafliteInputMutationCreator( 'testdata/maflite/tiny_maflite.maf.txt')) annotator.setOutputRenderer(SimpleOutputRenderer(outputFilename)) annotator.addDatasource(gpDS) testFilename = annotator.annotate() # Make sure that some values were populated self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(testFilename)) tsvReader = GenericTsvReader(testFilename) ctr = 1 # Two overlap, one does not. Repeat... for lineDict in tsvReader: if (ctr % 3 == 0): self.assertTrue( lineDict[""] == '', "Line " + str(ctr) + " should have had blank value, but did not: " + lineDict[""]) else: self.assertFalse( lineDict[""] == '', "Line " + str(ctr) + " should not have had blank value, but did.") self.assertTrue( lineDict[""] == 'OREG0013034', "Line " + str(ctr) + " did not have correct value: " + lineDict[""]) ctr = ctr + 1
def testChromosomeM(self): """ Make sure that the chromosome created as M, rather than MT.""" tmp = MafliteInputMutationCreator("testdata/maflite/chrM.maf.txt", 'configs/maflite_input.config') muts = tmp.createMutations() for m in muts: self.assertTrue(m.chr=="M", "mitochondria chromosome should be M, not " + m.chr)