def _euclidean_squared_distance(input1, input2): """Computes euclidean squared distance. Args: input1 : 2-D feature matrix. input2 : 2-D feature matrix. Returns: distance matrix. """ m, n = input1.shape[0], input2.shape[0] temp1 = math.reduce_sum(math.pow( input1, flow.constant_like(input1, 2, dtype=flow.float32)), axis=1) temp2 = math.reduce_sum(math.pow( input2, flow.constant_like(input2, 2, dtype=flow.float32)), axis=1) shape_tensor1 = flow.constant(value=0.0, dtype=flow.float32, shape=(m, n)) shape_tensor2 = flow.constant(value=0.0, dtype=flow.float32, shape=(n, m)) temp1 = flow.broadcast_like(temp1, like=shape_tensor1, broadcast_axes=[1]) temp2 = flow.transpose(flow.broadcast_like(temp2, like=shape_tensor2, broadcast_axes=[1]), perm=(1, 0)) dismat = math.add(temp1, temp2) return math.add( dismat, math.multiply(-2, flow.matmul(input1, flow.transpose(input2, perm=(1, 0)))))
def build(self, inputs, targets): """ Args: inputs (torch.Tensor): feature matrix with shape (batch_size, feat_dim). targets (torch.LongTensor): ground truth labels with shape (num_classes). """ n = inputs.shape[0] dist = math.reduce_sum(math.pow( inputs, flow.constant_like(inputs, 2, dtype=flow.float32)), axis=1) shape_tensor = flow.constant(value=0.0, dtype=flow.float32, shape=(n, n)) dist = flow.broadcast_like(dist, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]) dist = math.add( dist, flow.transpose(dist, perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True)) temp1 = math.multiply( -2, flow.matmul( inputs, flow.transpose(inputs, perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True))) dist = math.add(dist, temp1) dist = math.sqrt(flow.clamp(dist, min_value=1e-12)) mask = math.equal( flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), flow.transpose(flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True)) mask_rev = math.not_equal( flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), flow.transpose(flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True)) dist_ap, dist_an = [], [] for i in range(n): temp_dist = flow.slice_v2(dist, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) temp_mask = flow.slice_v2(mask, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) temp_mask_rev = flow.slice_v2(mask_rev, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) dist_ap.append( math.reduce_max( flow.gather_nd(temp_dist, flow.where(temp_mask)))) dist_an.append( math.reduce_min( flow.gather_nd(temp_dist, flow.where(temp_mask_rev)))) dist_ap = flow.concat(dist_ap, 0) dist_an = flow.concat(dist_an, 0) y = flow.ones_like(dist_an) # return dist_an, dist_ap, y return self._MarginRankingLoss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)
def masked_select_op(input, mask): """ Returns a new 1-D tensor which indexes the input tensor according to the boolean mask mask which is a BoolTensor(In oneFlow BoolTensor is replaced by Int8Tensor). The shapes of the mask tensor and the input tensor don’t need to match, but they must be broadcastable. Args: input (Tensor): the input tensor. mask (Tensor): the tensor containing the binary mask to index with For example: .. code-block:: python >>> import oneflow as flow >>> import numpy as np >>> input = flow.tensor(np.array([[-0.4620, 0.3139], [0.3898, -0.7197], [0.0478, -0.1657]]), dtype=flow.float32) >>> mask = >>> out = flow.masked_select(input, mask) >>> out tensor([0.3139, 0.3898], dtype=oneflow.float32) """ assert len(input.shape) == len( mask.shape ), f"The dim of masked_select module's inputs can not match, please check!" broadcast_like_shape = [] broadcast_x_axes = [] broadcast_mask_axes = [] for i in range(len(input.shape)): max_dim = max(input.shape[i], mask.shape[i]) broadcast_like_shape.append(max_dim) if max_dim != input.shape[i]: broadcast_x_axes.append(i) if max_dim != mask.shape[i]: broadcast_mask_axes.append(i) broadcast_like_tensor = flow.zeros(tuple(broadcast_like_shape), dtype=flow.float32, device=input.device) broadcast_like_tensor.requires_grad = input.requires_grad or mask.requires_grad if len(broadcast_x_axes) != 0: input = flow.broadcast_like(input, broadcast_like_tensor, broadcast_axes=tuple(broadcast_x_axes)) if len(broadcast_mask_axes) != 0: mask = flow.broadcast_like(mask, broadcast_like_tensor, broadcast_axes=tuple(broadcast_mask_axes)) mask = res = flow._C.mul(input, mask) indices = flow.argwhere(res) gather_res = flow._C.gather_nd(res, indices) return gather_res.flatten()
def test_broadcast_like_runtime_error(test_case): with test_case.assertRaises(Exception) as context: x = flow.ones((1, 0), dtype=flow.float32, requires_grad=True) like = flow.ones((2, 2, 2), dtype=flow.float32, requires_grad=True) y = flow.broadcast_like(x, like) test_case.assertTrue( "The expanded size of the tensor" in str(context.exception))
def SeModule(name, x, channel, reduction=4): N, C, H, W = x.shape y = flow.nn.avg_pool2d(x, ksize=[H, W], strides=None, padding="SAME") y = flow.flatten(y, start_dim=1, end_dim=-1) y = flow.layers.dense( y, units=channel // reduction, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=_get_initializer("dense_weight"), bias_initializer=_get_initializer("bias"), kernel_regularizer=_get_regularizer("dense_weight"), bias_regularizer=_get_regularizer("bias"), name=name + "dense1a", ) y = flow.math.relu(y) y = flow.layers.dense( y, units=channel, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=_get_initializer("dense_weight"), bias_initializer=_get_initializer("bias"), kernel_regularizer=_get_regularizer("dense_weight"), bias_regularizer=_get_regularizer("bias"), name=name + "dense2", ) y = hsigmoid(y) y = flow.expand_dims(input=y, axis=2) y = flow.expand_dims(input=y, axis=3) y_expand = flow.broadcast_like(y, x, broadcast_axes=(2, 3)) out = x * y_expand return out
def _test_broadcast_like_4dim(test_case, device): input = flow.tensor( np.ones(shape=(1, 3, 2, 1), dtype=np.float32), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), ) like_tensor = flow.tensor( np.ones(shape=(3, 3, 2, 3), dtype=np.float32), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), ) of_out = flow.broadcast_like(input, like_tensor, broadcast_axes=(0, 3)) np_out = np.ones(shape=(3, 3, 2, 3)) test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(of_out.numpy(), np_out, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def watch_matmul_diff_job( images: tp.Numpy.Placeholder((3, 3), dtype=flow.float), ) -> None: weight_initializer = flow.constant_initializer(2) weight_shape = (3, 1) weight = flow.get_variable("three-weight", shape=weight_shape, initializer=weight_initializer) weight_broadcast = flow.broadcast_like(weight, like=images, broadcast_axes=(1, )) lr_scheduler = flow.optimizer.PiecewiseConstantScheduler([], [0.1]) flow.optimizer.SGD(lr_scheduler, momentum=0.9).minimize(weight_broadcast) flow.watch_diff(weight, watch_diff_handler)
def _test_broadcast_like_backward(test_case, device): input = flow.tensor( np.ones(shape=(3, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True, ) like_tensor = flow.tensor( np.ones(shape=(3, 3, 3), dtype=np.float32), dtype=flow.float32, device=flow.device(device), requires_grad=True, ) of_out = flow.broadcast_like(input, like_tensor, broadcast_axes=(1, 2)) of_out = of_out.sum() of_out.backward() np_grad = [[[9.0]], [[9.0]], [[9.0]]] test_case.assertTrue(np.allclose(input.grad.numpy(), np_grad, 1e-05, 1e-05))
def broadcast_like_forward( x: tp.Numpy.Placeholder(shape=input_shape, dtype=flow.float), y: tp.Numpy.Placeholder(shape=like_shape, dtype=flow.float), ): with flow.scope.placement(device_type, "0:0"): return flow.broadcast_like(x, y, broadcast_axes=broadcast_axes)
def forward(self, inputs, targets): n = inputs.shape[0] # Compute pairwise distance, replace by the official when merged tempname ='%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.%f') shape_tensor = flow.constant(value=0.0, dtype=flow.float32, shape=(n, n)) if self.distance == 'euclidean': blob_2 = flow.get_variable( "blob_2_" + tempname, shape=inputs.shape, initializer=flow.constant_initializer(2), dtype=inputs.dtype) dist = flow.math.pow(inputs, blob_2) dist = flow.math.reduce_sum(dist, axis=1, keepdims=True) dist = flow.broadcast_like(dist, shape_tensor) tempdist = flow.transpose(dist) dist = dist + tempdist inputs_t = flow.transpose(inputs) dist = addmm(dist, inputs, inputs_t, beta=1, alpha=-2) dist = flow.clamp(dist, min_value=1e-12) dist = flow.math.sqrt(dist) elif self.distance == 'cosine': #fnorm=flow.math.l2_normalize(inputs, axis=1) fnorm = flow.math.reduce_mean(flow.math.divide( inputs, flow.math.l2_normalize(inputs, axis=1)), axis=1, keepdims=True) expand_fnorm = flow.broadcast_like(fnorm, like=inputs, broadcast_axes=[1]) l2norm = flow.math.divide(inputs, expand_fnorm) l2norm_t = flow.transpose(l2norm, perm=(1, 0)) dist = flow.math.negative(flow.matmul(l2norm, l2norm_t)) # For each anchor, find the hardest positive and negative mask = math.equal( flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), flow.transpose(flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True)) mask_rev = math.not_equal( flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), flow.transpose(flow.broadcast_like(targets, like=shape_tensor, broadcast_axes=[1]), perm=(1, 0), batch_axis_non_change=True)) dist_ap, dist_an = [], [] for i in range(n): temp_dist = flow.slice_v2(dist, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) temp_mask = flow.slice_v2(mask, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) temp_mask_rev = flow.slice_v2(mask_rev, [(i, i + 1, 1)]) temp_dist_ap = flow.expand_dims( math.reduce_max( flow.gather_nd(temp_dist, flow.where(temp_mask))), 0) temp_dist_an = flow.expand_dims( math.reduce_min( flow.gather_nd(temp_dist, flow.where(temp_mask_rev))), 0) dist_ap.append(temp_dist_ap) dist_an.append(temp_dist_an) dist_ap = flow.concat(dist_ap, 0) dist_an = flow.concat(dist_an, 0) y = flow.ones_like(dist_an) return self._MarginRankingLoss(dist_an, dist_ap, y)
def decode(self, feature_map, anchors, stride, prefix='yolo'): ''' return tensor of shape [batch_size, output_size, output_size, anchor_per_scale, 5 + num_classes] contains (x, y, w, h, score, probability) :param feature_map: [N, H, W, 3 * (5 + num_class)] :param anchors: [3, 2] :param stride: :return: (x, y, w, h, score, probability) [pred_xywh, pred_conf, pred_prob]: [N, H, W, 3, 4+1+class_num] ''' # [N, H, W, 3, 5 + num_class] feature_map = flow.reshape( feature_map, shape=(feature_map.shape[0], feature_map.shape[1], feature_map.shape[2], self.anchor_per_scale, -1)) # shape: [N, H, W, 3, 2] box_centers = flow.slice(feature_map, begin=[None, None, None, None, 0], size=[None, None, None, None, 2]) # shape: [N, H, W, 3, 2] box_sizes = flow.slice(feature_map, begin=[None, None, None, None, 2], size=[None, None, None, None, 2]) # shape: [N, H, W, 3, 1] conf_logits = flow.slice(feature_map, begin=[None, None, None, None, 4], size=[None, None, None, None, 1]) # shape: [N, H, W, 3, class_num] prob_logits = flow.slice( feature_map, begin=[None, None, None, None, 5], size=[None, None, None, None, feature_map.shape[-1] - 5]) # obtain the x_y_offset grid_size = feature_map.shape[1:3] grid_x = flow.range(grid_size[1], dtype=flow.float32, name=prefix + '_decode_range1') grid_x = flow.expand_dims(grid_x, axis=0) like_tensor = flow.constant(value=1.0, dtype=flow.float32, shape=(grid_size[0], grid_size[1])) grid_x = flow.broadcast_like(grid_x, like_tensor, broadcast_axes=(0, ), name=prefix + 'yolo_grid_x') grid_y = flow.range(grid_size[0], dtype=flow.float32, name=prefix + '_yolo_decode_range2') grid_y = flow.expand_dims(grid_y, axis=1) grid_y = flow.broadcast_like(grid_y, like_tensor, broadcast_axes=(1, ), name=prefix + 'yolo_grid_y') x_offset = flow.expand_dims(grid_x, axis=-1) y_offset = flow.expand_dims(grid_y, axis=-1) #shape: [1, H, W, 1 ,2] x_y_offset = flow.concat([x_offset, y_offset], axis=-1) x_y_offset = flow.expand_dims(x_y_offset, axis=0) x_y_offset = flow.expand_dims(x_y_offset, axis=-2) pred_xy = (flow.math.sigmoid(box_centers) + x_y_offset) * stride pred_wh = (flow.math.exp(box_sizes) * anchors) * stride # anchor relative to the feature map # shape: [N, H, W, 3, 4] pred_xywh = flow.concat([pred_xy, pred_wh], axis=-1) pred_conf = flow.math.sigmoid(conf_logits) pred_prob = flow.math.sigmoid(prob_logits) pred = flow.concat([pred_xywh, pred_conf, pred_prob], axis=-1) # shape: # pred: [N, H, W, 3, 4+1+class_num] # x_y_offset: [1, H, W, 1, 2] return pred, x_y_offset