コード例 #1
ファイル: ALV_Contract.py プロジェクト: zebei/ALLIVE
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    if len(to_acct) != 20 or len(from_acct) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(from_acct) == False or amount < 0:
        return False

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
コード例 #2
def transfer(from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    Transfer amount of tokens from from_acct to to_acct
    :param from_acct: the account from which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param to_acct: the account to which the amount of tokens will be transferred
    :param amount: the amount of the tokens to be transferred, >= 0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    assert (len(to_acct) == 20)
    assert (len(from_acct) == 20)
    assert (CheckWitness(from_acct))
    assert (amount > 0)

    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)

    assert (fromBalance >= amount)

    if amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
コード例 #3
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    if not CheckWitness(spender):
        return False
    Require(amount > 0)
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if amount > fromBalance:
        return False

    approveKey = concat(concat(from_acct,APPROVE_PREFIX), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)
    if amount > approvedAmount:
        return False
    toKey = concat(to_acct,BALANCE_PREFIX)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    if amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(ctx, approveKey, approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
コード例 #4
def WriteBool(v, buff):
    if v == True:
        buff = concat(buff, b'\x01')
    elif v == False:
        buff = concat(buff, b'\x00')
        assert (False)
    return buff
コード例 #5
def approve(owner, spender, amount):
    if not CheckWitness(owner):
        return False
    key = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, owner), spender)
    Put(ctx, key, amount)

    ApprovalEvent(owner, spender, amount)
    return True
コード例 #6
def concatKey(str1, str2):
    connect str1 and str2 together as a key
    :param str1: string1
    :param str2:  string2
    :return: string1_string2
    return concat(concat(str1, '_'), str2)
コード例 #7
ファイル: lock_proxy.py プロジェクト: zouxyan/ont-contracts
def bindAssetHash(fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash):
    assert (CheckWitness(Get(GetContext(), OPERATOR_PREFIX)))
    assert (_addFromAssetHash(fromAssetHash))
    Put(GetContext(), concat(ASSET_HASH, concat(fromAssetHash, toChainId)),
    curBalance = getBalanceFor(fromAssetHash)
        ["bindAssetHash", fromAssetHash, toChainId, toAssetHash, curBalance])
    return True
コード例 #8
ファイル: oep4_example.py プロジェクト: zhiqiangxu/ontology
def allowance(owner, spender):
    check how many token the spender is allowed to spend from owner account
    :param owner: token owner
    :param spender:  token spender
    :return: the allowed amount of tokens
    key = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, owner), spender)
    return Get(ctx, key) + 0
コード例 #9
ファイル: BLCT.py プロジェクト: blocery/BLCT_tokenContrract
def unlock(account, idx):
    KEY_lockCount = concat(USER_LOCK_CNT_PREFIX, account)
    lockCount = Get(ctx, KEY_lockCount)

    # idx is smaller than count of lock
    # require(idx<lockCount,"idx out of range")
    if idx >= lockCount:
        return False

    # Get lock info and releaseAmount
    KEY_lockInfo = concat(concat(USER_LOCK_PREFIX, account), idx)
    serializedLockinfo = Get(ctx, KEY_lockInfo)
    lockInfo = Deserialize(serializedLockinfo)

    releaseAmount = lockInfo['releaseAmount']
    releaseTime = lockInfo['releaseTime']

    # releaseAmount is Added to balance
    balance = Get(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, account))
    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, account), balance + releaseAmount)

    # last lockinfo copy to this idx
    lastLockInfo = Get(
        ctx, concat(concat(USER_LOCK_PREFIX, account), lockCount - 1))
    Put(ctx, KEY_lockInfo, lastLockInfo)

    # delete last lockinfo (duplicated)
    Delete(ctx, concat(concat(USER_LOCK_PREFIX, account), lockCount - 1))

    # decrease lockup count
    Put(ctx, KEY_lockCount, lockCount - 1)

    Notify([releaseTime, releaseAmount])
    return True
コード例 #10
def _transfer(_from, _to, _amount):
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _from)
    fromBalance = Get(GetContext(), fromKey)
    assert (_amount <= fromBalance)
    if _amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(GetContext(), concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _from))
        Put(GetContext(), fromKey, fromBalance - _amount)
    Put(GetContext(), concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _to), balanceOf(_to) + _amount)
    TransferEvent(_from, _to, _amount)
    return True
コード例 #11
def WriteVarUint(v, buff):
    if v < 0xFD:
        return WriteUint8(v, buff)
    elif v <= 0xFFFF:
        buff = concat(buff, 0xFD)
        return WriteUint16(v, buff)
    elif v <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
        buff = concat(buff, 0xFE)
        return WriteUint32(v, buff)
        buff = concat(buff, 0xFF)
        return WriteUint64(v, buff)
コード例 #12
def startGame(pokerHashList, playerList, gameId):
    admin send param to start game
    algorithm: pokeHash = abs(sha256(pokerNum) ^ sha256(salt))
    :param pokerHashList: [pokerHash1, pokerHash2, pokerHash3, ..., pokerHash52] send a list include 52 pokerHash
    :param playerList: [address1, address2, address3...] send all player address in this game
    :param gameId: game's id
    :return: bool
    assert (CheckWitness(Admin))
    playerNum = len(playerList)
    pokerNum = len(pokerHashList)
    helperRandom = abs(GetCurrentBlockHash()) % pokerNum
    # deal poker to player
    playerPokerList = []

    tmp = 0
    while tmp < playerNum:
        # deal first poker
        playerHandPokerList = []
        poker = pokerHashList[helperRandom]
        pokerNum = Sub(pokerNum, 1)

        # deal second poker
        helperRandom = abs(sha256(concat(helperRandom, poker))) % pokerNum
        poker = pokerHashList[helperRandom]
        pokerNum = Sub(pokerNum, 1)

        helperRandom = abs(sha256(concat(helperRandom, poker))) % pokerNum
        tmp += 1

    # deal common poker
    commonPokerList = []
    commonPokerNum = 0
    while commonPokerNum < 5:
        poker = pokerHashList[helperRandom]
        pokerNum = Sub(pokerNum, 1)
        helperRandom = abs(sha256(concat(helperRandom, poker))) % pokerNum
        commonPokerNum += 1

        ["startGame", pokerHashList, commonPokerList, playerPokerList, gameId])
    return True
コード例 #13
def approve(owner, spender, amount):
    owner allow spender to spend amount of token from owner account
    Note here, the amount should be less than the balance of owner right now.
    :param owner:
    :param spender:
    :param amount: amount>=0
    :return: True means success, False or raising exception means failure.
    assert (len(spender) == 20 and len(owner) == 20)
    assert (amount >= 0 and amount <= balanceOf((owner)))
    assert (CheckWitness(owner))
    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, owner), spender)
    Put(GetContext(), approveKey, amount)
    ApprovalEvent(owner, spender, amount)
    return True
コード例 #14
def unlock(params, fromContractAddr, fromChainId):
    the method should only be accessable for the ontology cross chain manager native contract.
    the 'params' will be deserialized just as it was serialized at the other side indicated by 'fromChainId'.
    make sure the fromContractAddr is we previously bound address through 'bindContractAddrWithChainId()' method.
    then update the balance and total supply
    :param params:
    :param fromContractAddr:
    :param fromChainId:
    # make sure this method is being invoked by the ontology native cross chain manager contract
    assert (CheckWitness(CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS))
    # deserialize the params, obtain the toAddress and value and check its legality
    res = _deserialzieArgs(params)
    toAddress = res[0]
    value = res[1]
    assert (value >= 0)
    assert (isAddress(toAddress))
    assert(len(fromContractAddr) != 0)
    assert(fromContractAddr == getContractAddrWithChainId(fromChainId))
    # update the balance of toAddress and total supply
    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_KEY, toAddress), Add(balanceOf(toAddress), value))
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, Add(totalSupply(), value))
    # emit the event
    UnlockEvent(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, toAddress, value)
    return True
コード例 #15
def getContractAddrWithChainId(toChainId):
    return the asset contract hash of btc in 'toChainId' blockchain
    :param toChainId: this parameter is in integer format
    :return: the asset contract hash of btc in 'toChainId' blockchain, returned value is in hex format
    return Get(GetContext(), concat(CONTRACT_HASH, toChainId))
コード例 #16
ファイル: oep4_example.py プロジェクト: zhiqiangxu/ontology
def balanceOf(account):
    :param account:
    :return: the token balance of account
    assert (len(account) == 20)
    return Get(ctx, concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, account)) + 0
コード例 #17
def lock(toChainId, fromAddress, toAddress, amount):
    Decrease token supply from deducter address.
    :param amount: decreased token amount.
    fee = 0
    assert (amount >= 0)
    assert (CheckWitness(fromAddress))
    assert (not isPaused())
    # eth address format:0x673dfa9caf9145fdbef98e9d9874f36e63d8a5b4,length is 42
    assert (len(toAddress) != 0)

    Put(ctx, concat(BALANCE_KEY, fromAddress), Sub(balanceOf(fromAddress), amount))
    Put(ctx, TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, Sub(totalSupply(), amount))

    # construct args for proxy contract in target chain
    toAssetHash = getAssetHash(toChainId)
    argsList = [toAddress, amount]

    input_bytes = _serialzieArgs(argsList)
    param = state(toChainId, toAssetHash, "unlock", input_bytes)
    assert (Invoke(0, CROSS_CHAIN_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, "createCrossChainTx", param))
    LockEvent(toChainId, fromAddress, toAddress, amount)
    return True
コード例 #18
ファイル: BLCT.py プロジェクト: blocery/BLCT_tokenContrract
def unfreezeAccount(account):
    require(len(account) == 20, "address length error")
    Put(ctx, concat(USER_FREEZE_PREFIX, account), False)
    UserFreezeEvent(account, False)
    return True
コード例 #19
ファイル: BLCT.py プロジェクト: blocery/BLCT_tokenContrract
def transferFrom(spender, from_acct, to_acct, amount):
    spender spends amount of tokens on the behalf of from_acct, spender makes a transaction of amount of tokens
    from from_acct to to_acct
    :param spender:
    :param from_acct:
    :param to_acct:
    :param amount:
        len(spender) == 20 and len(from_acct) == 20 and len(to_acct) == 20,
        "address length error")
    require(CheckWitness(spender) == True, "Invalid invoker")



    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, from_acct)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    require(amount <= fromBalance and amount > 0, "Invalid amount")

    approveKey = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, from_acct), spender)
    approvedAmount = Get(ctx, approveKey)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, to_acct)

    require(amount <= approvedAmount, "Invalid amount")

    if amount == approvedAmount:
        Delete(ctx, approveKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)
        Put(ctx, approveKey, approvedAmount - amount)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - amount)

    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(from_acct, to_acct, amount)

    return True
コード例 #20
def getXZeroes(n):
    if n == 0:
        return b''
        tmp = b'\x00'
        for i in range(0, n - 1):
            tmp = concat(tmp, b'\x00')
        return tmp
コード例 #21
ファイル: oep4.py プロジェクト: punicasuite/punica-python
def approve(owner, spender, amount):
    owner allow spender to spend amount of token from owner account
    Note here, the amount should be less than the balance of owner right now.
    if len(spender) != 20 or len(owner) != 20:
        raise Exception("address length error")
    if CheckWitness(owner) == False:
        return False
    if amount > balanceOf(owner) or amount < 0:
        return False

    key = concat(concat(APPROVE_PREFIX, owner), spender)
    Put(ctx, key, amount)
    ApprovalEvent(owner, spender, amount)

    return True
コード例 #22
def _convertNumToBytes(_val, bytesLen):
    l = len(_val)
    if l < bytesLen:
        for i in range(bytesLen - l):
            _val = concat(_val, b'\x00')
    if l > bytesLen:
        _val = _val[:bytesLen]
    return _val
コード例 #23
ファイル: MBL.py プロジェクト: PandoraTV/mblcontract
def balanceOf(account):
    :param account:
    :return: the token balance of account
    require(len(account) == 20, "address length error")
    return Get(ctx,concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,account))
コード例 #24
ファイル: ZeroCopySource.py プロジェクト: siovanus/chainlink
def _convertBytesToNum(_bs):
    firstNonZeroPostFromR2L = _getFirstNonZeroPosFromR2L(_bs)
    assert (firstNonZeroPostFromR2L >= 0)
    Notify(["111", _bs, firstNonZeroPostFromR2L])
    if firstNonZeroPostFromR2L > len(_bs):
        return concat(_bs, b'\x00')
        return _bs[:firstNonZeroPostFromR2L]
コード例 #25
def get_bucket(ont_id):
    get owner address with ont id
    :param ont_id:

    return Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id))
コード例 #26
def checkIn(address, userId):
    assert (CheckWitness(address))
    checkInDays = canCheckIn(address)
    assert (checkInDays > 0)
    Put(GetContext(), concat(PLAYER_LAST_CHECK_IN_DAY, address), checkInDays)

    Notify(["checkIn", address, userId, GetTime()])
    return True
コード例 #27
def balanceOf(account):
    :param account:
    :return: the token balance of account
    if len(account) != 20:
        raise Exception("Address length error")
    return Get(ctx,concat(BALANCE_PREFIX,account))
コード例 #28
ファイル: oep4_example.py プロジェクト: zhiqiangxu/ontology
def init():
    supply = Get(GetContext(), TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY)
    assert (supply == 0)
    total = TotalSupply * FACTOR
    Put(GetContext(), TOTAL_SUPPLY_KEY, total)
    Put(GetContext(), concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, Admin), total)
    TransferEvent(ZERO_ADDRESS, Admin, total)
    return True
コード例 #29
def bind(ont_id, bucket):
    bind ontID with address
    :param ont_id:
    :param bucket: storage server bucket id or url

    assert CheckWitness(ADMIN)

    bound_bucket = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id))
    if bound_bucket == bucket:
        raise Exception("ont id bind to the same bucket")

    if not bound_bucket:
        bind_map = get_bind_map(bucket)
        bind_map[ont_id] = True
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id), bucket)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))
        bound_data = Get(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bound_bucket))
        bound_map = Deserialize(bound_data)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bound_bucket), Serialize(bound_map))

        bind_map = get_bind_map(bucket)
        bind_map[ont_id] = True
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_ONT, ont_id), bucket)
        Put(ctx, concat(KEY_BUCKET, bucket), Serialize(bind_map))

    Notify(["bind", ont_id, bucket])

    return True
コード例 #30
def _transfer(_from, _to, _amount):
    fromKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _from)
    fromBalance = Get(ctx, fromKey)
    if _amount > fromBalance:
        return False
    if _amount == fromBalance:
        Delete(ctx, fromKey)
        Put(ctx, fromKey, fromBalance - _amount)
    toKey = concat(BALANCE_PREFIX, _to)
    toBalance = Get(ctx, toKey)
    Put(ctx, toKey, toBalance + _amount)

    # Notify(["transfer", AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount])
    # TransferEvent(AddressToBase58(from_acct), AddressToBase58(to_acct), amount)
    TransferEvent(_from, _to, _amount)

    return True