コード例 #1
def readFile(hostFile, portnames):
    #open switch list file for reading
    p0f = open(hostFile, "r")
    output = dict()
    #read each host and perform actions, sequentially
    lines = p0f.readlines()
    synAckSet = set()
    for i in range(0, len(lines)):
        osInfo = None
        line = re.findall(r'\|([\w\d\.\=\/?:\+\s]+)', lines[i])
        if (line != None):
            mod = re.search(r'mod=([\w\+]*)', lines[i]).group(1).strip()
            date = re.search(r'^\[(\d+\/\d+\/\d+)', lines[i]).group(1).strip()
            cli = line[0].strip('cli=').split('/')[0]
            srv = line[1].strip('srv=').split('/')[0]
            srvport = line[1].strip('cli=').split('/')[1]
            subj = line[2].partition('=')[2]
            portN = ''
            if ((srvport, 'tcp') in portnames):
                portN = portnames.get((srvport, 'tcp'))
            if (tools.isEqual(mod, 'syn') or tools.isEqual(mod, 'syn+ack')):
                os = line[3].partition('=')[2]
                if ('and' in os):
                    os = os.split('and')[0]
                elif ('or' in os):
                    os = os.split('or')[0]
                if ('Microsoft' in os or 'Windows' in os):
                    platform = 'Windows'
                    duplicatesL = paperRUN.winDuplicatesL
                    versionL = paperRUN.winVersionL
                    platform = 'Linux'
                    duplicatesL = paperRUN.linDuplicatesL
                    versionL = []
                if (os != None and os != '' and os != '???'):
                    osInfo = paperRUN.getStandardOpsysName(
                        os, platform, duplicatesL, versionL, paperRUN.coll,
                        paperRUN.collAssoc, paperRUN.con)
                    dist = line[4].partition('=')[2]
                    param = line[5].partition('=')[2]

                    if ('NMap' not in os and 'scan' not in os
                            and int(srvport) < 49152):
                            (cli, srv, subj, ' '.join(osInfo), dist, srvport))
    output['p0f'] = synAckSet
    return output
コード例 #2
def hosts(dataFile):
    tree = ET.parse(dataFile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    hostsDict = dict()

    #id_counter = count()
    for i in root.findall("nodes/node"):
        tempCVEL = []
        services = dict()
        opsys = dict()
        nodeName = i.find("names/name")
        if (nodeName is not None): nodeName = nodeName.text
        address = i.get("address")
        riskScore = i.get("risk-score")
        id_counter = count()
        for e in i.findall("endpoints/endpoint"):
            serviceProtocol = e.get("protocol").strip("?")
            servicePort = e.get("port")
            sn = e.find("services/service")
            serviceName = sn.get("name").strip("?")
            services[servicePort] = {
                # 'servicePort': servicePort,
                'protocol': serviceProtocol,
                "serviceName": serviceName
        collected = set()
        for o in i.findall("tests/test"):
            id = o.get("id")
            cveR = []
            cve = None
            cveR = re.findall(r'cve-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]*', id)
            if (len(cveR) == 1):
                cve = cveR[0]
            if (cve != None):
        for o in i.findall("fingerprints/os"):
            osVendor = o.get("vendor")
            osFamily = o.get("family")
            osProduct = o.get("product")
            osVersion = o.get("version")
            osArch = o.get("arch")
            osCertainty = o.get("certainty")
            if (osVersion == None):
                standardName = str(osVendor) + ' ' + str(osProduct)
            elif (osVersion != None):
                if (tools.isEqual(osVendor, osProduct)):
                    standardName = str(osProduct) + ' ' + str(osVersion)
                    standardName = str(osVendor) + ' ' + str(
                        osProduct) + ' ' + str(osVersion)
            # Add host
            if (standardName not in collected):
                if ('Microsoft' in standardName or 'Windows' in standardName):
                    platform = 'Windows'
                    duplicatesL = paperRUN.winDuplicatesL
                    versionL = paperRUN.winVersionL
                    platform = 'Linux'
                    duplicatesL = paperRUN.linDuplicatesL
                    versionL = []
                osInfo = paperRUN.getStandardOpsysName(standardName, platform,
                                                       duplicatesL, versionL,
                opsys[generate_id(id_counter)] = {
                    'standardName': osInfo[0],
                    "osVendor": osVendor,
                    "osFamily": osFamily,
                    "osProduct": osProduct,
                    "osVersion": osInfo[1],
                    "osArch": osArch,
                    "osCertainty": osCertainty
        hostsDict[address] = {
            'name': nodeName,
            "opsys": opsys,
            "services": services,
            'cve': tempCVEL
    return hostsDict
コード例 #3
ファイル: import_Nessus_onto.py プロジェクト: mvalja/autodata
def hosts(dataFile):
    tree = ET.parse(dataFile)
    root = tree.getroot()
    hostsDict = dict()
    report = root.find("Report")
    #id_counter = count()
    for i in report.findall("ReportHost"):
        collected = set()
        services = dict()
        opsys = dict()
        osName = None
        cpe = None
        nodeName = None
        id_counter = count()
        address = i.get('name')
        for r in i.findall("ReportItem"):
            if ((r.get("port")) != 0):
                servicePort = r.get("port")
                serviceName = r.get("svc_name").replace('?', '')
                serviceProtocol = r.get("protocol").replace('?', '')
                services[servicePort] = {
                    'protocol': serviceProtocol,
                    "serviceName": serviceName
        for t in i.findall("HostProperties/tag"):
            #if ((t.get("name")) == "operating-system"): osName = t.text.replace('\n','').strip()
            if ((t.get("name")) == "operating-system"):
                osName = t.text.split('(')[0].split('\n')[0].strip(
                )  #Actually there are multiple options which could be broken down
            if ((t.get("name")) == "cpe-0"):
                cpe = t.text.split('->')[0].strip()
            if ((t.get("name")) == "netbios-name"): nodeName = t.text
            # Add host
        addedName = re.findall(r"on (.*)", osName)
        if (len(addedName) != 0):
            standardName = addedName[0].replace('release ', '')
            standardName = osName
        if ('Microsoft' in osName or 'Windows' in osName):
            platform = 'Windows'
            duplicatesL = paperRUN.winDuplicatesL
            versionL = paperRUN.winVersionL
            cutOff = []
            platform = 'Linux'
            duplicatesL = paperRUN.linDuplicatesL
            versionL = []
            vercutOff = paperRUN.linVerCutoff
        if (standardName not in collected):
            #paperRUN.winBlckL, paperRUN.coll,paperRUN.collAssoc, paperRUN.con
            osInfo = paperRUN.getStandardOpsysName(standardName, platform,
                                                   duplicatesL, versionL,
            osName = osInfo[0]
            osVersion = osInfo[1]
            opsys[generate_id(id_counter)] = {
                "osCPE": cpe,
                "osProduct": osName,
                "osVersion": osVersion,
                "nodeName": nodeName,
                'standardName': standardName
        hostsDict[address] = {
            'name': nodeName,
            "opsys": opsys,
            "services": services
    return hostsDict
コード例 #4
ファイル: import_Nmap_onto.py プロジェクト: mvalja/autodata
def hosts(dataFile):
    nmapTree = ET.parse(dataFile)
    nmapRoot = nmapTree.getroot()
    hostsDict = dict()

    #id_counter = count()
    for i in nmapRoot.findall("host"):
        services = dict()
        opsys = dict()
        collected = set()
        state = i.find("status")
        if state.get("state") == "up":
            addrType = i.find("address")

            id_counter = count()

            if addrType.get("addrtype") == "ipv4":
                address = addrType.get('addr')
                if i.find('os/osmatch') != None:
                    osName = i.find('os/osmatch').get('name').split(
                    osData = i.find("os/osmatch/osclass")
                    osVendor = osData.get("vendor")
                    osFamily = osData.get('osfamily')
                    osGen = osData.get('osgen')
                    osCertainty = None
                    if osData.get('accuracy') != None:
                        osCertainty = float(osData.get('accuracy')) / 100
                    if (osName not in collected):
                        if ('Microsoft' in osName or 'Windows' in osName):
                            platform = 'Windows'
                            duplicatesL = paperRUN.winDuplicatesL
                            versionL = paperRUN.winVersionL
                            platform = 'Linux'
                            duplicatesL = paperRUN.linDuplicatesL
                            versionL = []
                        osInfo = paperRUN.getStandardOpsysName(
                            osName, platform, duplicatesL, versionL,
                            paperRUN.coll, paperRUN.collAssoc, paperRUN.con)
                        opsys[generate_id(id_counter)] = {
                            'osInfo': ' '.join(osInfo),
                            "osName": osName,  #.split('(')[0],
                            "osVendor": osVendor,
                            "osFamily": osFamily,
                            "osVersion": osGen,
                            "osCertainty": osCertainty
                for p in i.findall('ports/port'):
                    servicePort = p.get('portid')
                    serviceProtocol = p.get('protocol')
                    serviceName = p.find('service').get('name')
                    serviceSoftware = p.find('service').get('product')
                    serviceState = p.find('state').get('state')
                    services[servicePort] = {
                        # 'servicePort': servicePort,
                        'protocol': serviceProtocol,
                        "serviceName": serviceName,
                        "serviceSoftware": serviceSoftware,
                        "serviceState": serviceState
                hostsDict[address] = {"opsys": opsys, "services": services}
    return hostsDict