コード例 #1
ファイル: livedemo.py プロジェクト: uncledickHe/speechAD
def startup(args):
    global outfile
    global on, off, dp
    global start, stop
    global processor
    from functools import partial
    from onyx.audio.liveaudio import inputs, default_input, LiveAudioSource
    from onyx.signalprocessing.htkmfcc import make_fft_abs_processor
    from onyx.util.debugprint import DebugPrint, dcheck, dprint
    #from onyx.util.streamprocess import ChainProcessor

    if '-o' in args:
        outfile = open(args[args.index('-o')+1], 'wb', 0)
        outfile = sys.stdout

    if '-l' in args:
        logfile = open(args[args.index('-l')+1], 'wb', 0)
        logfile = sys.stdout

##     if '-m' in args:
##         mic_name = args[args.index('-m')+1]
##     else:
##         mic_name = 'blue'

    debug = DebugPrint(logfile, 'saddemo')

##     on = doer(debug.on)
##     off = doer(debug.off)
    dp = partial(dprint, 'saddemo', DebugPrint.NO_PREFIX, ' ')

    plot_points = 255
    line = [' '] * plot_points

##     # select a live input
##     mic_id = default_input()
##     for id, chan, name, manu in inputs():
##         if name.lower().find(mic_name.lower()) != -1:
##             mic_id = id
##             break
##     mic = LiveAudioSource(mic_id, verbose=False)    
##     start = doer(mic.start)
##     stop = doer(mic.stop)


    # use the module's mic
    mic = audio.mic
    # XXX LiveAudioSource (and thus audiomodule.cpp) need to be able to provide
    # the sample frequency....
    sample_nsec =    22676  # 44100 Hz
    #frame_nsec =  10000000  # 10 msec
    #window_nsec = 25600000  # 25.6 msec
    frame_nsec =   8000000  #  8 msec
    window_nsec = 24000000  # 24 msec
    dither = 1 / (1 << 10)
    preemcoef = 0.96875
    samples_per_sec, fft_size, fftmag = make_fft_abs_processor(sample_nsec, frame_nsec, window_nsec,
                                                                dither=dither, preemcoef=preemcoef,
                                                                zmeansource=True, usehamming=True,

    print 'samples_per_sec', samples_per_sec, ' fft_size', fft_size

    # figure out range of fft bins to work with
    lowfreq = 300
    highfreq = 4000
    import math
    low_index = int(math.ceil(lowfreq * fft_size / samples_per_sec))
    high_index = int(math.floor(highfreq * fft_size / samples_per_sec))
    # the bin selector
    select = slice(low_index, high_index)
    def display(data):
        band = data[select]
        band *= band
        sum = float(band.sum())
        dB = int(dB_scale * (10 * math.log10(sum) + dB_offset))
        dp('%11.6f ' % sum, '%3d' % dB)
        dB = max(1, dB)
        #outfile.write('\n' + ' ' * dB + '|')
        outfile.write( pen * dB + 'O' + '\n')

コード例 #2
ファイル: livedemo.py プロジェクト: uncledickHe/speechAD
audio = audio()
# default input
audio.mic = None

# XXX LiveAudioSource (and thus audiomodule.cpp) need to be able to provide
# the sample frequency....
sample_nsec =    22676  # 44100 Hz
#frame_nsec =  10000000  # 10 msec
#window_nsec = 25600000  # 25.6 msec
frame_nsec =   8000000  #  8 msec
window_nsec = 24000000  # 24 msec
dither = 1 / (1 << 10)
preemcoef = 0.96875
samples_per_sec, fft_size, fftmag = make_fft_abs_processor(sample_nsec, frame_nsec, window_nsec,
                                                            dither=dither, preemcoef=preemcoef,
                                                            zmeansource=True, usehamming=True,

class DpToggle(object):
    An object with two attributes, on and off, that toggle debug printing
    of the DebugPrint object created from the constructor args.
    # XXX DebugPrint needs work to develop semantics to support multiple
    # instances of DpToggle....
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.dp_control = DebugPrint(*args)
        self._on = False
    def __del__(self):