コード例 #1
def split_to_comparable_groups(dicts, key_to_compare_over, key_filter=None):
    """Given a list of dicts, split into groups whose arguments (as determined
    by is_arg_key(), outdir is excluded) only differ by

    Warning: O(N^2) where N is the number of arguments in the dicts.

    # Default: interested in arguments other than -outdir which always
    # changes
    if key_filter is None:
        key_filter = lambda k: (is_arg_key(k) and k != "-outdir")

    # List of keys of interest (from the first dict), assumes that all
    # dicts have the same keys.
    argument_dict_keys = [k for k, _ in dicts[0].items()
                          if (key_filter(k) and k != key_to_compare_over)]

    # List of arg keys which are not constant accross dicts. n^2 in number
    # of entries in argument_dict_keys, should be fine.
    keys_which_differ = set([])
    for k in argument_dict_keys:
        for d in dicts:
            for d2 in dicts:

                # If value differs or if key is not in one of the dicts
                # then it differs.
                    if d[k] != d2[k]:
                except KeyError:


    comparable_groups = utils.split_up_stuff(dicts, keys_to_split_on=keys_which_differ)

    return comparable_groups