def setUp(self): with open('dummyInputFile.txt', 'w') as f: for i in range(10): f.write("%s\n" % i) config.initialize_ooni_home('ooni_home') config.read_config_file()
def setupGlobalOptions(logging, start_tor, check_incoherences): global_options = parseOptions() config.global_options = global_options config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() try: config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences) except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent: sys.exit(6) if not config.is_initialized(): initializeOoniprobe(global_options) if global_options['verbose']: config.advanced.debug = True if not start_tor: config.advanced.start_tor = False if logging: log.start(global_options['logfile']) if config.privacy.includepcap or global_options['pcapfile']: from import hasRawSocketPermission if hasRawSocketPermission(): from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface) else: log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets." " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap") sys.exit(2) global_options['check_incoherences'] = check_incoherences return global_options
def setupGlobalOptions(logging, start_tor, check_incoherences): global_options = parseOptions() config.global_options = global_options config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() try: config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences) except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent: sys.exit(6) if global_options['verbose']: config.advanced.debug = True if not start_tor: config.advanced.start_tor = False if logging: log.start(global_options['logfile']) if config.privacy.includepcap or global_options['pcapfile']: from import hasRawSocketPermission if hasRawSocketPermission(): from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface) else: log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets." " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap") sys.exit(2) global_options['check_incoherences'] = check_incoherences return global_options
def run(): options = Options() try: options.parseOptions() except usage.UsageError as error_message: print "%s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], error_message) print options sys.exit(1) if not options['output']: options['output'] = os.getcwd() if not options['country-code']: options['country-code'] = yield get_user_country_code() if len(options['country-code']) != 2: print "%s: --country-code must be 2 characters" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(2) if not os.path.isdir(options['output']): print "%s: %s is not a directory" % (sys.argv[0], options['output']) sys.exit(3) options['country-code'] = options['country-code'].lower() output_dir = os.path.abspath(options['output']) output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "deck-%s" % options['country-code']) options['output'] = output_dir config.initialize_ooni_home() config.read_config_file() try: os.makedirs(options['output']) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise generate_deck(options)
def start_agent(options=None): config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() config.read_config_file() os.chdir(config.running_path) # Since we are starting the logger below ourselves we make twistd log to # a null log observer twistd_args = ['--logger', 'ooni.utils.log.ooniloggerNull', '--umask', '022'] twistd_config = OoniprobeTwistdConfig() if options is not None: twistd_args.extend(options.twistd_args) twistd_args.append("StartOoniprobeAgent") try: twistd_config.parseOptions(twistd_args) except usage.error as ue: print("ooniprobe: usage error from twistd: {}\n".format(ue)) sys.exit(1) twistd_config.loadedPlugins = { "StartOoniprobeAgent": StartOoniprobeAgentPlugin() } try: get_running_pidfile() print("Stop ooniprobe-agent before attempting to start it") return 1 except NotRunning: pass print("Starting ooniprobe agent.") print("To view the GUI go to %s" % config.web_ui_url) log.start() twistd.runApp(twistd_config) return 0
def runWithDirector(logging=True, start_tor=True, check_incoherences=True): """ Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe test! """ global_options = parseOptions() config.global_options = global_options config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() try: config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences) except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent: sys.exit(6) if global_options['verbose']: config.advanced.debug = True if not start_tor: config.advanced.start_tor = False if logging: log.start(global_options['logfile']) if config.privacy.includepcap: try: checkForRoot() from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface) except errors.InsufficientPrivileges: log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets." " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap") sys.exit(2) director = Director() if global_options['list']: print "# Installed nettests" for net_test_id, net_test in director.getNetTests().items(): print "* %s (%s/%s)" % (net_test['name'], net_test['category'], net_test['id']) print " %s" % net_test['description'] sys.exit(0) elif global_options['printdeck']: del global_options['printdeck'] print "# Copy and paste the lines below into a test deck to run the specified test with the specified arguments" print yaml.safe_dump([{'options': global_options}]).strip() sys.exit(0) if global_options.get('annotations') is not None: annotations = {} for annotation in global_options["annotations"].split(","): pair = annotation.split(":") if len(pair) == 2: key = pair[0].strip() value = pair[1].strip() annotations[key] = value else: log.err("Invalid annotation: %s" % annotation) sys.exit(1) global_options["annotations"] = annotations if global_options['no-collector']: log.msg("Not reporting using a collector") global_options['collector'] = None start_tor = False else: start_tor = True deck = Deck(no_collector=global_options['no-collector']) deck.bouncer = global_options['bouncer'] if global_options['collector']: start_tor |= True try: if global_options['testdeck']: deck.loadDeck(global_options['testdeck']) else: log.debug("No test deck detected") test_file = nettest_to_path(global_options['test_file'], True) net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(global_options['subargs'], test_file=test_file) if global_options['collector']: net_test_loader.collector = global_options['collector'] deck.insert(net_test_loader) except errors.MissingRequiredOption as option_name: log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name) incomplete_net_test_loader = option_name.net_test_loader print incomplete_net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage() sys.exit(2) except errors.NetTestNotFound as path: log.err('Requested NetTest file not found (%s)' % path) sys.exit(3) except errors.OONIUsageError as e: log.err(e) print e.net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage() sys.exit(4) except Exception as e: if config.advanced.debug: log.exception(e) log.err(e) sys.exit(5) start_tor |= deck.requiresTor d = director.start(start_tor=start_tor, check_incoherences=check_incoherences) def setup_nettest(_): try: return deck.setup() except errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput as error: return defer.failure.Failure(error) def director_startup_handled_failures(failure): log.err("Could not start the director") failure.trap(errors.TorNotRunning, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector, errors.ProbeIPUnknown, errors.InvalidInputFile, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent) if isinstance(failure.value, errors.TorNotRunning): log.err("Tor does not appear to be running") log.err("Reporting with the collector %s is not possible" % global_options['collector']) log.msg( "Try with a different collector or disable collector reporting with -n") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress): log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.") log.msg( "Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>") log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput): log.err("Unable to fetch the required inputs for the test deck.") log.msg( "Please file a ticket on our issue tracker:") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper): log.err("Unable to obtain the required test helpers.") log.msg( "Try with a different bouncer or check that Tor is running properly.") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector): log.err("Could not find a valid collector.") log.msg( "Try with a different bouncer, specify a collector with -c or disable reporting to a collector with -n.") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ProbeIPUnknown): log.err("Failed to lookup probe IP address.") log.msg("Check your internet connection.") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidInputFile): log.err("Invalid input file \"%s\"" % failure.value) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent): log.err("Incoherent config file") if config.advanced.debug: log.exception(failure) def director_startup_other_failures(failure): log.err("An unhandled exception occurred while starting the director!") log.exception(failure) # Wait until director has started up (including bootstrapping Tor) # before adding tests def post_director_start(_): for net_test_loader in deck.netTestLoaders: # Decks can specify different collectors # for each net test, so that each NetTest # may be paired with a test_helper and its collector # However, a user can override this behavior by # specifying a collector from the command-line (-c). # If a collector is not specified in the deck, or the # deck is a singleton, the default collector set in # ooniprobe.conf will be used collector = None if not global_options['no-collector']: if global_options['collector']: collector = global_options['collector'] elif 'collector' in config.reports \ and config.reports['collector']: collector = config.reports['collector'] elif net_test_loader.collector: collector = net_test_loader.collector if collector and collector.startswith('httpo:') \ and (not (config.tor_state or config.tor.socks_port)): raise errors.TorNotRunning test_details = net_test_loader.testDetails test_details['annotations'] = global_options['annotations'] director.startNetTest(net_test_loader, global_options['reportfile'], collector) return director.allTestsDone def start(): d.addCallback(setup_nettest) d.addCallback(post_director_start) d.addErrback(director_startup_handled_failures) d.addErrback(director_startup_other_failures) return d return start()
def setUp(self): config.initialize_ooni_home("ooni_home") config.read_config_file()
from ooni.settings import config from ooni.utils import unzip, gunzip from ooni.deckgen.processors import citizenlab_test_lists from ooni.deckgen.processors import namebench_dns_servers config.initialize_ooni_home() config.read_config_file() __version__ = "0.0.1" inputs = { "namebench-dns-servers.csv": { "url": "", "action": None, "action_args": [], "processor": namebench_dns_servers, }, "": { "url": "", "action": unzip, "action_args": [config.resources_directory], "processor": citizenlab_test_lists } } geoip = { "GeoLiteCity.dat.gz": { "url": "" "geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz", "action": gunzip,
def runWithDirector(logging=True, start_tor=True): """ Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe test! """ global_options = parseOptions() config.global_options = global_options config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() config.read_config_file() if global_options['verbose']: config.advanced.debug = True if not start_tor: config.advanced.start_tor = False if logging: log.start(global_options['logfile']) if config.privacy.includepcap: try: checkForRoot() except errors.InsufficientPrivileges: log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets." " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap") sys.exit(2) director = Director() if global_options['list']: print "# Installed nettests" for net_test_id, net_test in director.getNetTests().items(): print "* %s (%s/%s)" % (net_test['name'], net_test['category'], net_test['id']) print " %s" % net_test['description'] sys.exit(0) elif global_options['printdeck']: del global_options['printdeck'] print "# Copy and paste the lines below into a test deck to run the specified test with the specified arguments" print yaml.safe_dump([{'options': global_options}]).strip() sys.exit(0) if global_options.get('annotations') is not None: annotations = {} for annotation in global_options["annotations"].split(","): pair = annotation.split(":") if len(pair) == 2: key = pair[0].strip() value = pair[1].strip() annotations[key] = value else: log.err("Invalid annotation: %s" % annotation) sys.exit(1) global_options["annotations"] = annotations #XXX: This should mean no bouncer either! if global_options['no-collector']: log.msg("Not reporting using a collector") collector = global_options['collector'] = None global_options['bouncer'] = None deck = Deck() deck.bouncer = global_options['bouncer'] start_tor = deck.requiresTor if global_options['bouncer']: start_tor = True if global_options['collector']: start_tor = True try: if global_options['testdeck']: deck.loadDeck(global_options['testdeck']) else: log.debug("No test deck detected") test_file = nettest_to_path(global_options['test_file'], True) net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(global_options['subargs'], test_file=test_file) deck.insert(net_test_loader) except errors.MissingRequiredOption, option_name: log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name) print net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage() sys.exit(2)
def runWithDirector(logging=True, start_tor=True, check_incoherences=True): """ Instance the director, parse command line options and start an ooniprobe test! """ global_options = parseOptions() config.global_options = global_options config.set_paths() config.initialize_ooni_home() try: config.read_config_file(check_incoherences=check_incoherences) except errors.ConfigFileIncoherent: sys.exit(6) if global_options['verbose']: config.advanced.debug = True if not start_tor: config.advanced.start_tor = False if logging: log.start(global_options['logfile']) if config.privacy.includepcap: if hasRawSocketPermission(): from ooni.utils.txscapy import ScapyFactory config.scapyFactory = ScapyFactory(config.advanced.interface) else: log.err("Insufficient Privileges to capture packets." " See ooniprobe.conf privacy.includepcap") sys.exit(2) director = Director() if global_options['list']: print "# Installed nettests" for net_test_id, net_test in director.getNetTests().items(): print "* %s (%s/%s)" % (net_test['name'], net_test['category'], net_test['id']) print " %s" % net_test['description'] sys.exit(0) elif global_options['printdeck']: del global_options['printdeck'] print "# Copy and paste the lines below into a test deck to run the specified test with the specified arguments" print yaml.safe_dump([{'options': global_options}]).strip() sys.exit(0) if global_options.get('annotations') is not None: annotations = {} for annotation in global_options["annotations"].split(","): pair = annotation.split(":") if len(pair) == 2: key = pair[0].strip() value = pair[1].strip() annotations[key] = value else: log.err("Invalid annotation: %s" % annotation) sys.exit(1) global_options["annotations"] = annotations if global_options['no-collector']: log.msg("Not reporting using a collector") global_options['collector'] = None start_tor = False else: start_tor = True deck = Deck(no_collector=global_options['no-collector']) deck.bouncer = global_options['bouncer'] if global_options['collector']: start_tor |= True try: if global_options['testdeck']: deck.loadDeck(global_options['testdeck']) else: log.debug("No test deck detected") test_file = nettest_to_path(global_options['test_file'], True) net_test_loader = NetTestLoader(global_options['subargs'], test_file=test_file) if global_options['collector']: net_test_loader.collector = global_options['collector'] deck.insert(net_test_loader) except errors.MissingRequiredOption as option_name: log.err('Missing required option: "%s"' % option_name) incomplete_net_test_loader = option_name.net_test_loader print incomplete_net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage() sys.exit(2) except errors.NetTestNotFound as path: log.err('Requested NetTest file not found (%s)' % path) sys.exit(3) except errors.OONIUsageError as e: log.err(e) print e.net_test_loader.usageOptions().getUsage() sys.exit(4) except Exception as e: if config.advanced.debug: log.exception(e) log.err(e) sys.exit(5) start_tor |= deck.requiresTor d = director.start(start_tor=start_tor, check_incoherences=check_incoherences) def setup_nettest(_): try: return deck.setup() except errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput as error: return defer.failure.Failure(error) def director_startup_handled_failures(failure): log.err("Could not start the director") failure.trap(errors.TorNotRunning, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector, errors.ProbeIPUnknown, errors.InvalidInputFile, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent) if isinstance(failure.value, errors.TorNotRunning): log.err("Tor does not appear to be running") log.err("Reporting with the collector %s is not possible" % global_options['collector']) log.msg( "Try with a different collector or disable collector reporting with -n" ) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidOONIBCollectorAddress): log.err("Invalid format for oonib collector address.") log.msg( "Should be in the format http://<collector_address>:<port>") log.msg("for example: ooniprobe -c httpo://nkvphnp3p6agi5qq.onion") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.UnableToLoadDeckInput): log.err("Unable to fetch the required inputs for the test deck.") log.msg( "Please file a ticket on our issue tracker:" ) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestHelper): log.err("Unable to obtain the required test helpers.") log.msg( "Try with a different bouncer or check that Tor is running properly." ) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.CouldNotFindTestCollector): log.err("Could not find a valid collector.") log.msg( "Try with a different bouncer, specify a collector with -c or disable reporting to a collector with -n." ) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ProbeIPUnknown): log.err("Failed to lookup probe IP address.") log.msg("Check your internet connection.") elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.InvalidInputFile): log.err("Invalid input file \"%s\"" % failure.value) elif isinstance(failure.value, errors.ConfigFileIncoherent): log.err("Incoherent config file") if config.advanced.debug: log.exception(failure) def director_startup_other_failures(failure): log.err("An unhandled exception occurred while starting the director!") log.exception(failure) # Wait until director has started up (including bootstrapping Tor) # before adding tests def post_director_start(_): for net_test_loader in deck.netTestLoaders: # Decks can specify different collectors # for each net test, so that each NetTest # may be paired with a test_helper and its collector # However, a user can override this behavior by # specifying a collector from the command-line (-c). # If a collector is not specified in the deck, or the # deck is a singleton, the default collector set in # ooniprobe.conf will be used collector = None if not global_options['no-collector']: if global_options['collector']: collector = global_options['collector'] elif 'collector' in config.reports \ and config.reports['collector']: collector = config.reports['collector'] elif net_test_loader.collector: collector = net_test_loader.collector if collector and collector.startswith('httpo:') \ and (not (config.tor_state or config.tor.socks_port)): raise errors.TorNotRunning test_details = net_test_loader.testDetails test_details['annotations'] = global_options['annotations'] director.startNetTest(net_test_loader, global_options['reportfile'], collector) return director.allTestsDone def start(): d.addCallback(setup_nettest) d.addCallback(post_director_start) d.addErrback(director_startup_handled_failures) d.addErrback(director_startup_other_failures) return d return start()
def setUp(self): config.initialize_ooni_home("ooni_home")
import socket from ooni.settings import config config.initialize_ooni_home('ooni_home') config.read_config_file() config.logging = False config.advanced.debug = False def is_internet_connected(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect(('', 80)) s.shutdown(2) return True except Exception: return False
import socket from ooni.settings import config config.initialize_ooni_home("ooni_home") config.logging = False config.advanced.debug = False def is_internet_connected(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect(("", 80)) s.shutdown(2) return True except Exception: return False