def get_state(g_df, t_rate, ipo_p, eps_data): # 获取备注信息 rate_len = len(t_rate) sum_cs, count_cs = g_df.columns[-2:] # 存贮位置信息 sum_dict, count_dict = dict(), dict() # 总述的中间变量 sum_tmp, count_tmp = list(), list() # 颜色字典 sum_color, count_color = dict(), dict() for idx, r in enumerate(t_rate): # 找出符合比例的第一个到达索引,并反查数据 s_idx = list(g_df[sum_cs] > r * 10000).index(True) sum_dict[r] = [s_idx, g_df[sum_cs].tolist()[s_idx]] flag_price = g_df[g_df.columns[1]].iloc[s_idx] # 锚点价格 c_idx = list(g_df[count_cs] > r * 10000).index(True) count_dict[r] = [c_idx, g_df[count_cs].tolist()[c_idx]] sum_tmp.append("前{:.1%}的公司展示至{:.2f}bp,与发行价差值{:.2f}".format( r, sum_dict[r][-1], flag_price - ipo_p)) count_tmp.append("前{:.1%}的公司展示至{:.2f}bp".format(r, sum_dict[r][-1])) sum_state = "按照申购股数占比" + ";".join(sum_tmp) count_state = "按照申购产品数占比" + ";".join(count_tmp) # print(sum_dict, count_dict) print(print_new_info(), end=" ") print(sum_state) print(print_new_info(), end=" ") print(count_state) sum_dk = list() for item in sum_dict.values(): sum_dk.append(item[0]) for sk_id in range(sum_dk[-1] + 1): color_ct = rate_len + 1 for r_idx in range(rate_len): if sk_id <= sum_dk[r_idx]: color_ct -= 1 # print(g_df[g_df.columns[1]].tolist()[sk_id], eps_data) color_key = "{} 报价:{}(20pe:{:.2f}),占比{:.2f}bp".format( g_df[g_df.columns[0]].tolist()[sk_id], g_df[g_df.columns[1]].tolist()[sk_id], g_df[g_df.columns[1]].tolist()[sk_id] / eps_data, g_df["sum_pct"].tolist()[sk_id]) sum_color[color_key] = color_ct # 查看颜色对应字典 # print(json.dumps(sum_color, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)) return sum_state, count_state, sum_color, count_color
def get_base_data(r_path, data_n, sheet_n, col_list, f_type="xlsx", h_no=0): # 获取同行报价数据,输出代码,询价日期,发行价,高剔价格等信息 file_list = os.listdir(r_path) data_list = [ file for file in file_list if data_n in file and "~$" not in file and f_type in file.split(".")[-1] ] print(print_info(), end=" ") print("Data List: {}".format(data_list)) if len(data_list) > 0: data_path = data_list[-1] try: base_data = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(r_path, data_path), sheet_name=sheet_n, header=h_no) base_data = base_data[col_list] base_data.set_index("证券名称", inplace=True) print(print_info(), end=" ") print("Base Data Get!") print(base_data) except: print(print_new_info("E", "R"), end=" ") print("Can not get the base data!") return False else: print(print_info(), end=" ") print("No column data found!") return False return base_data
def set_color(c_dict, excel_name, b_len, sheet_name="Sheet1"): left, right, top, bottom = [Side(style="thin", color="000000")] * 4 try: book = load_workbook(excel_name) sheet = book[sheet_name] c_len = len(list(c_dict.keys())) # 控制第一列颜色 for col_idx in range(b_len): cell = sheet.cell(col_idx + 1, 1) cell.font = Font(color="102B6A", bold=True) cell.fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor="7BBFEA") cell.border = Border(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom) cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="left", vertical="center", wrap_text=True) for s_idx, s_item in zip(range(1, c_len + 1), c_dict.keys()): # 循环每只股票 # 设置列宽 sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(s_idx + 1)].width = 30 # 控制表头 for col_idx in range(b_len): cell = sheet.cell(col_idx + 1, s_idx + 1) if col_idx == 0: cell.font = Font(color="102B6A", bold=True) else: cell.font = Font(color="102B6A") cell.fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor="7BBFEA") cell.border = Border(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom) cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="left", vertical="center", wrap_text=True) # 控制具体颜色 r_len = len(c_dict[s_item]) for r_idx, r_item in zip(range(1, r_len + 1), c_dict[s_item]): # 循环每行, 根据表头行数修改 cell = sheet.cell(r_idx + b_len, s_idx + 1) cell.font = Font(color=color_base[r_item][0]) cell.fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor=color_base[r_item][1]) cell.border = Border(left=left, right=right, top=top, bottom=bottom) cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="left", vertical="center", wrap_text=True) book.close() print(print_info(), end=" ") print("Font set!") except: print(print_new_info("E", "R"), end=" ") print("Can not set the font") return False return True
def op_top_comp(d_dir, t_rate, f_type): sub_dir = "history" drop_name = "基础数据" file_list = get_file_list(d_dir, sub_dir, f_type, drop_name) print(print_new_info(), end=" ") print("Get the file list:\n {}".format(file_list)) base_name = "同行报价" sheet_name = "全部" base_col = ["证券名称", "证券代码", "询价日期", "发行价", "高剔价格"] base_data = get_base_data(root_path, base_name, sheet_name, base_col, file_type) if type(base_data) is bool and not base_data: return False # 构建数据框 state_left = base_col.copy() state_left.insert(3, "2020EPS") state_left.append("备注") df_data = pd.DataFrame(data=state_left[1:], columns=["证券名称"]) base_len = df_data.shape[0] + 1 color_dict = dict() eps_name = "注册制发行价预测" eps_sheet_name = "Sheet1" eps_col = ["证券名称", "证券代码", "2020EPS", "2021EPS"] eps_data = get_base_data(root_path, eps_name, eps_sheet_name, eps_col, file_type, 1) if type(eps_data) is bool and not eps_data: return False # 去除重复项 eps_data.drop_duplicates(subset="证券代码", inplace=True) # 获取处理字典路径 file:path op_stock_dict = dict() for file_item in file_list: # 获取标的名称 k_tmp = file_item.split("\\")[-1].split(".")[0].split("_")[0] op_stock_dict[k_tmp] = file_item # 根据同行报价的股票顺序依次检索 for stock_item in base_data.index: if stock_item not in op_stock_dict: # 如果找不到原始数据,暂时不处理 # print(stock_item) continue # 发行价, 高剔价格 ipo_price = base_data["发行价"].loc[stock_item] high_drop_price = base_data["高剔价格"].loc[stock_item] # 处理数据 file_path = os.path.join(d_dir, op_stock_dict[stock_item]) df_raw = get_ns_info_data(file_path) print(print_new_info(), end=" ") print("Get the raw dataframe:\n{}".format(df_raw.head())) # 计算 eps eps = eps_data["2020EPS"].loc[stock_item] # 获取分类数据 df_group = get_sort_df(df_raw) sum_state, count_state, sum_color, count_color = get_state( df_group, t_rate, ipo_price, eps) head_list = [ base_data["证券代码"].loc[stock_item], # 证券代码 base_data["询价日期"].loc[stock_item], # 询价日期 eps, "{:.2f}({}pe:{:.2f})".format(ipo_price, 20, ipo_price / eps), # 发行价 "{:.2f}({}pe:{:.2f})".format(high_drop_price, 20, high_drop_price / eps), # 高剔价格 sum_state # 备注信息 ] # axis=1 表示行对齐 df_data = pd.concat([ df_data, pd.DataFrame(data=head_list + list(sum_color.keys()), columns=[stock_item]) ], axis=1) color_dict[stock_item] = list(sum_color.values()) op_date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(time.time())) output_name = "同行报价投资者Top榜单_{}.{}".format(op_date, f_type) output_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath("."), "output", output_name) df_data.to_excel(output_path, index=None) print(print_new_info(), end=" ") print("Successfully Saved to: {}".format(output_path)) set_color(color_dict, output_path, base_len) return True
def op_all_tzz(file_name): root_path = os.path.abspath(".") data_dir = os.path.join(root_path, "raw_data") file_type = ".xlsx" data_name = "同行报价" sheet_name = "全部" col_list = get_col_list(root_path, data_name, sheet_name, file_type) if not col_list: return False file_path = find_file_path(data_dir, file_name, file_type) if not file_path: return False long_name = os.path.split(file_path)[-1].split(".")[0] ipo_name, ipo_code = get_name_and_code(long_name) if ipo_code != "": data = w.wsd(ipo_code, "sec_name,ipo_inq_enddate", "ED-1TD","%Y-%m-%d")) if ipo_name != data.Data[0][0]: print(print_new_info("E", "R"), end=" ") print("Name: {} and Code: {} not match!".format( ipo_name, ipo_code)) return False raw_df = get_ns_info_data(file_path) if type(raw_df) is bool: return raw_df # 替换 raw_df.replace("招商基金管理有限公司", "招商基金", inplace=True) if not judge_df(raw_df): return False raw_df_key = raw_df.keys().tolist() for item in raw_df_key: if "价格" in item: sg_jg = item elif "投资者" in item: tzz_mc = item for idx, item in zip(range(len(raw_df[tzz_mc])), raw_df[tzz_mc]): raw_df[tzz_mc][idx] = item.replace("(", "(").replace(")", ")") raw_df_col = raw_df[tzz_mc].tolist() union_col = get_all_col(col_list, raw_df_col) df_group = get_df_group(raw_df, tzz_mc, sg_jg) if type(df_group) is bool: return df_group tzz_list = df_group.index.tolist() print(union_col) df_note = output_all_df(file_path, tzz_mc, raw_df, df_group, tzz_list, union_col, col_temp, ipo_name, ipo_code) try: save_df(df_note, root_path, file_path, sheet_name, op_file_type=".xlsx") return True except: return False