class PrivacyEngine: r""" The main component of Opacus is the ``PrivacyEngine``. To train a model with differential privacy, all you need to do is to define a ``PrivacyEngine`` and later attach it to your optimizer before running. Example: This example shows how to define a ``PrivacyEngine`` and to attach it to your optimizer. >>> import torch >>> model = torch.nn.Linear(16, 32) # An example model >>> optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.05) >>> privacy_engine = PrivacyEngine(model, sample_rate=0.01, noise_multiplier=1.3, max_grad_norm=1.0) >>> privacy_engine.attach(optimizer) # That's it! Now it's business as usual. """ # flake8: noqa: C901 def __init__( self, module: nn.Module, *, # As per PEP 3102, this forces clients to specify kwargs explicitly, not positionally sample_rate: Optional[float] = None, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, sample_size: Optional[int] = None, max_grad_norm: Union[float, List[float]], noise_multiplier: Optional[float] = None, alphas: List[float] = DEFAULT_ALPHAS, secure_rng: bool = False, batch_first: bool = True, target_delta: float = 1e-6, target_epsilon: Optional[float] = None, epochs: Optional[float] = None, loss_reduction: str = "mean", poisson: bool = False, **misc_settings, ): r""" Args: module: The Pytorch module to which we are attaching the privacy engine alphas: A list of RDP orders noise_multiplier: The ratio of the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise to the L2-sensitivity of the function to which the noise is added max_grad_norm: The maximum norm of the per-sample gradients. Any gradient with norm higher than this will be clipped to this value. batch_size: Training batch size. Used in the privacy accountant. sample_size: The size of the sample (dataset). Used in the privacy accountant. sample_rate: Sample rate used to build batches. Used in the privacy accountant. secure_rng: If on, it will use ``torchcsprng`` for secure random number generation. Comes with a significant performance cost, therefore it's recommended that you turn it off when just experimenting. batch_first: Flag to indicate if the input tensor to the corresponding module has the first dimension representing the batch. If set to True, dimensions on input tensor will be ``[batch_size, ..., ...]``. target_delta: The target delta. If unset, we will set it for you. loss_reduction: Indicates if the loss reduction (for aggregating the gradients) is a sum or a mean operation. Can take values "sum" or "mean" **misc_settings: Other arguments to the init """ self.steps = 0 self.poisson = poisson self.loss_reduction = loss_reduction self.batch_size = batch_size self.sample_size = sample_size self.sample_rate = sample_rate self._set_sample_rate() if isinstance( module, DifferentiallyPrivateDistributedDataParallel) or isinstance( module, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): rank = torch.distributed.get_rank() n_replicas = torch.distributed.get_world_size() self.sample_rate *= n_replicas else: rank = 0 n_replicas = 1 self.module = GradSampleModule(module) if poisson: # TODO: Check directly if sampler is UniformSampler when sampler gets passed to the Engine (in the future) if sample_size is None: raise ValueError( "If using Poisson sampling, sample_size should get passed to the PrivacyEngine." ) # Number of empty batches follows a geometric distribution # Planck is the same distribution but its parameter is the (negative) log of the geometric's parameter self._poisson_empty_batches_distribution = planck( -math.log(1 - self.sample_rate) * self.sample_size) if noise_multiplier is None: if target_epsilon is None or target_delta is None or epochs is None: raise ValueError( "If noise_multiplier is not specified, (target_epsilon, target_delta, epochs) should be given to the engine." ) self.noise_multiplier = get_noise_multiplier( target_epsilon, target_delta, self.sample_rate, epochs, alphas) else: self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier self.max_grad_norm = max_grad_norm self.alphas = alphas self.target_delta = target_delta self.secure_rng = secure_rng self.batch_first = batch_first self.misc_settings = misc_settings self.n_replicas = n_replicas self.rank = rank self.device = next(module.parameters()).device self.steps = 0 if self.noise_multiplier < 0: raise ValueError( f"noise_multiplier={self.noise_multiplier} is not a valid value. Please provide a float >= 0." ) if isinstance(self.max_grad_norm, float) and self.max_grad_norm <= 0: raise ValueError( f"max_grad_norm={self.max_grad_norm} is not a valid value. Please provide a float > 0." ) if not self.target_delta: if self.sample_size: warnings.warn( "target_delta unset. Setting it to an order of magnitude less than 1/sample_size." ) self.target_delta = 0.1 * (1 / self.sample_size) else: raise ValueError("Please provide a target_delta.") if self.secure_rng: self.seed = None try: import torchcsprng as csprng except ImportError as e: msg = ( "To use secure RNG, you must install the torchcsprng package! " "Check out the instructions here:" ) raise ImportError(msg) from e self.seed = None self.random_number_generator = csprng.create_random_device_generator( "/dev/urandom") else: warnings.warn( "Secure RNG turned off. This is perfectly fine for experimentation as it allows " "for much faster training performance, but remember to turn it on and retrain " "one last time before production with ``secure_rng`` turned on." ) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.seed = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(8), byteorder="big", signed=True) self.random_number_generator = self._set_seed(self.seed) self.validator = DPModelInspector() self.clipper = None # lazy initialization in attach def state_dict(self): return { "steps": self.steps, } def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): self.steps = state_dict["steps"] def detach(self): r""" Detaches the privacy engine from optimizer. To detach the ``PrivacyEngine`` from optimizer, this method returns the model and the optimizer to their original states (i.e. all added attributes/methods will be removed). """ # 1. Fix optimizer optim = self.optimizer optim.step = types.MethodType(optim.original_step, optim) delattr(optim, "privacy_engine") delattr(optim, "original_step") delattr(optim, "original_zero_grad") delattr(optim, "virtual_step") # 2. Fix module self.module._close() def attach(self, optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer): r""" Attaches the privacy engine to the optimizer. Attaches to the ``PrivacyEngine`` an optimizer object,and injects itself into the optimizer's step. To do that it, 1. Validates that the model does not have unsupported layers. 2. Adds a pointer to this object (the ``PrivacyEngine``) inside the optimizer. 3. Moves optimizer's original ``step()`` function to ``original_step()``. 4. Monkeypatches the optimizer's ``step()`` function to call ``step()`` on the query engine automatically whenever it would call ``step()`` for itself. Args: optimizer: The optimizer to which the privacy engine will attach """ if hasattr(optimizer, "privacy_engine"): if optimizer.privacy_engine != self: raise ValueError( f"Trying to attach to optimizer: {optimizer}, but that optimizer is " f"already attached to a different Privacy Engine: {optimizer.privacy_engine}." ) else: warnings.warn( "Trying to attach twice to the same optimizer. Nothing to do." ) return self.validator.validate(self.module) norm_clipper = (clipping.ConstantFlatClipper(self.max_grad_norm) if not isinstance(self.max_grad_norm, list) else clipping.ConstantPerLayerClipper(self.max_grad_norm)) if self.misc_settings.get("experimental", False): norm_clipper = clipping._Dynamic_Clipper_( [self.max_grad_norm], self.misc_settings.get("clip_per_layer", False), self.misc_settings.get("clipping_method", clipping.ClippingMethod.STATIC), self.misc_settings.get("clipping_ratio", 0.0), self.misc_settings.get("clipping_momentum", 0.0), ) self.clipper = PerSampleGradientClipper( self.module, norm_clipper, self.batch_first, self.loss_reduction, ) if isinstance(self.module._module, torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel): if isinstance(norm_clipper, clipping.ConstantPerLayerClipper): # The DDP hooks are stored in `self.privacy_engine.module.ddp_hooks` self._register_ddp_hooks() else: raise ValueError( """The Opacus DDP hook only supports constant per-layer clipping. If you need a different clipper for simple (not optimized) distributed training, you can use `opacus.layers.dp_ddp.DifferentiallyPrivateDistributedDataParallel`""" ) def dp_zero_grad(self): self.privacy_engine.zero_grad() self.original_zero_grad() def dp_step(self, closure=None, is_empty=False): # When the DDP hooks are activated, there is no need for ``PrivacyEngine.step()`` # because the clipping and noising are performed by the hooks at the end of the backward pass if hasattr(self.privacy_engine.module, "ddp_hooks"): # We just update the accountant self.privacy_engine.steps += 1 else: self.privacy_engine.step(is_empty) if isinstance( self.privacy_engine.module._module, DifferentiallyPrivateDistributedDataParallel, ): average_gradients(self.privacy_engine.module) self.original_step(closure) def poisson_dp_step(self, closure=None): # Perform one step as usual self.dp_step(closure) # Taking empty steps to simulate empty batches num_empty_batches = self.privacy_engine._sample_poisson_empty_batches( ) for _ in range(num_empty_batches): self.zero_grad() self.dp_step(closure, is_empty=True) optimizer.privacy_engine = self optimizer.dp_step = types.MethodType(dp_step, optimizer) optimizer.original_step = optimizer.step optimizer.step = types.MethodType( poisson_dp_step if self.poisson else dp_step, optimizer) optimizer.original_zero_grad = optimizer.zero_grad optimizer.zero_grad = types.MethodType(dp_zero_grad, optimizer) def virtual_step(self): if hasattr(self.module, "ddp_hooks"): raise NotImplementedError( "DDP hook does not support virtual steps.") self.privacy_engine.virtual_step() optimizer.virtual_step = types.MethodType(virtual_step, optimizer) # create a cross reference for detaching self.optimizer = optimizer if self.poisson: # Optional initial step on empty batch num_empty_batches = self._sample_poisson_empty_batches() for _ in range(num_empty_batches): self.optimizer.zero_grad() for p in self.module.parameters(): if p.requires_grad: p.grad = torch.zeros_like(p) self.optimizer.dp_step(closure=None, is_empty=True) def _sample_poisson_empty_batches(self): """ Samples an integer which is equal to the number of (consecutive) empty batches when doing Poisson sampling """ return self._poisson_empty_batches_distribution.rvs(size=1)[0] def get_renyi_divergence(self): rdp = torch.tensor( privacy_analysis.compute_rdp(self.sample_rate, self.noise_multiplier, 1, self.alphas)) return rdp def get_privacy_spent(self, target_delta: Optional[float] = None ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Computes the (epsilon, delta) privacy budget spent so far. This method converts from an (alpha, epsilon)-DP guarantee for all alphas that the ``PrivacyEngine`` was initialized with. It returns the optimal alpha together with the best epsilon. Args: target_delta: The Target delta. If None, it will default to the privacy engine's target delta. Returns: Pair of epsilon and optimal order alpha. """ if target_delta is None: if self.target_delta is None: raise ValueError( "If self.target_delta is not specified, target_delta should be set as argument to get_privacy_spent." ) target_delta = self.target_delta rdp = self.get_renyi_divergence() * self.steps eps, best_alpha = privacy_analysis.get_privacy_spent( self.alphas, rdp, target_delta) return float(eps), float(best_alpha) def zero_grad(self): """ Resets clippers status. Clipper keeps internal gradient per sample in the batch in each ``forward`` call of the module, they need to be cleaned before the next round. If these variables are not cleaned the per sample gradients keep being concatenated accross batches. If accumulating gradients is intented behavious, e.g. simulating a large batch, prefer using ``virtual_step()`` function. """ if self.clipper is not None: self.clipper.zero_grad() def step(self, is_empty: bool = False): """ Takes a step for the privacy engine. Args: is_empty: Whether the step is taken on an empty batch In this case, we do not call clip_and_accumulate since there are no per sample gradients. Notes: You should not call this method directly. Rather, by attaching your ``PrivacyEngine`` to the optimizer, the ``PrivacyEngine`` would have the optimizer call this method for you. Raises: ValueError: If the last batch of training epoch is greater than others. This ensures the clipper consumed the right amount of gradients. In the last batch of a training epoch, we might get a batch that is smaller than others but we should never get a batch that is too large """ self.steps += 1 if not is_empty: self.clipper.clip_and_accumulate() clip_values, batch_size = self.clipper.pre_step() else: clip_values = (self.max_grad_norm if type(self.max_grad_norm) is list else [ self.max_grad_norm for p in self.module.parameters() if p.requires_grad ]) batch_size = self.avg_batch_size params = (p for p in self.module.parameters() if p.requires_grad) for p, clip_value in zip(params, clip_values): if self.rank == 0: # Noise only gets added on first worker # This is easy to reason about for loss_reduction=sum # For loss_reduction=mean, noise will get further divided by # world_size as gradients are averaged. noise = self._generate_noise(clip_value, p.grad) if self.loss_reduction == "mean": noise /= batch_size p.grad += noise # For poisson, we are not supposed to know the batch size # We have to divide by avg_batch_size instead of batch_size if self.poisson and self.loss_reduction == "mean": p.grad *= batch_size / self.avg_batch_size def to(self, device: Union[str, torch.device]): """ Moves the privacy engine to the target device. Args: device : The device on which Pytorch Tensors are allocated. See: Example: This example shows the usage of this method, on how to move the model after instantiating the ``PrivacyEngine``. >>> model = torch.nn.Linear(16, 32) # An example model. Default device is CPU >>> privacy_engine = PrivacyEngine(model, sample_rate=0.01, noise_multiplier=0.8, max_grad_norm=0.5) >>> device = "cuda:3" # GPU >>> # If we move the model to GPU, we should call the to() method of the privacy engine (next line) >>> Returns: The current ``PrivacyEngine`` """ self.device = device return self def virtual_step(self): r""" Takes a virtual step. Virtual batches enable training with arbitrary large batch sizes, while keeping the memory consumption constant. This is beneficial, when training models with larger batch sizes than standard models. Example: Imagine you want to train a model with batch size of 2048, but you can only fit batch size of 128 in your GPU. Then, you can do the following: >>> for i, (X, y) in enumerate(dataloader): >>> logits = model(X) >>> loss = criterion(logits, y) >>> loss.backward() >>> if i % 16 == 15: >>> optimizer.step() # this will call privacy engine's step() >>> optimizer.zero_grad() >>> else: >>> optimizer.virtual_step() # this will call privacy engine's virtual_step() The rough idea of virtual step is as follows: 1. Calling ``loss.backward()`` repeatedly stores the per-sample gradients for all mini-batches. If we call ``loss.backward()`` ``N`` times on mini-batches of size ``B``, then each weight's ``.grad_sample`` field will contain ``NxB`` gradients. Then, when calling ``step()``, the privacy engine clips all ``NxB`` gradients and computes the average gradient for an effective batch of size ``NxB``. A call to ``optimizer.zero_grad()`` erases the per-sample gradients. 2. By calling ``virtual_step()`` after ``loss.backward()``,the ``B`` per-sample gradients for this mini-batch are clipped and summed up into a gradient accumulator. The per-sample gradients can then be discarded. After ``N`` iterations (alternating calls to ``loss.backward()`` and ``virtual_step()``), a call to ``step()`` will compute the average gradient for an effective batch of size ``NxB``. The advantage here is that this is memory-efficient: it discards the per-sample gradients after every mini-batch. We can thus handle batches of arbitrary size. """ self.clipper.clip_and_accumulate() def _local_layer_ddp_hook(self, p: torch.Tensor, threshold: float, grad: torch.Tensor): """ Backward hook attached to parameter `p`. It replaces `grad` by `new_grad` using the per-sample gradients stored in p.grad_sample Args: # engine: the privacy engine (to get the DP options and clipping values) p: the layer to clip and noise threshold: the flat clipping value for that layer grad: the gradient (unused, but this argument required to be a valid hook) The hook operates like ``PrivacyEngine.step()``, but on a single layer: 1. clip_and_accumulate 2. get the clip_values to scale the noise 3. add the noise """ # Similar to `ConstantPerLayerClipper.pre_step()` batch_size = p.grad_sample.shape[0] clip_value = self.clipper.norm_clipper.thresholds.norm(2) # Similar to `ConstantPerLayerClipper.calc_clipping_factors`) norms = calc_sample_norms_one_layer(p.grad_sample) per_sample_clip_factor = (threshold / (norms + 1e-6)).clamp(max=1.0) # Do the clipping summed_grad = self.clipper._weighted_sum(per_sample_clip_factor, p.grad_sample) # Accumulate the summed gradient for this mini-batch if hasattr(p, "summed_grad"): p.summed_grad += summed_grad else: p.summed_grad = summed_grad del p.grad_sample # Average (or sum) across the batch new_grad = self.clipper._scale_summed_grad(p.summed_grad, batch_size) del p.summed_grad # Only one GPU adds noise if self.rank == 0: noise = self._generate_noise(clip_value, new_grad) if self.loss_reduction == "mean": noise /= batch_size new_grad += noise # Poisson uses avg_batch_size instead of batch_size if self.poisson and self.loss_reduction == "mean": new_grad *= batch_size / self.avg_batch_size return new_grad def _register_ddp_hooks(self): """ Adds hooks for DP training over DistributedDataParallel. Each layer has a hook that clips and noises the gradients as soon as they are ready. """ # `thresholds` is a tensor with `len(params)` thresholds (i.e. max layer norm) params = (p for p in self.module.parameters() if p.requires_grad) thresholds = self.clipper.norm_clipper.thresholds # Register and store the DDP hooks (one per layer). GradSampleModule knows how to remove them. self.module.ddp_hooks = [] for p, threshold in zip(params, thresholds): if not p.requires_grad: continue self.module.ddp_hooks.append( p.register_hook( partial(self._local_layer_ddp_hook, p, threshold))) def _generate_noise(engine, max_grad_norm: float, grad: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r""" Generates a tensor of Gaussian noise of the same shape as ``grad``. The generated tensor has zero mean and standard deviation sigma = ``noise_multiplier x max_grad_norm `` Args: max_grad_norm : The maximum norm of the per-sample gradients. grad : The gradient of the reference, based on which the dimension of the noise tensor will be determined Returns: the generated noise with noise zero and standard deviation of ``noise_multiplier x max_grad_norm `` """ if engine.noise_multiplier > 0 and max_grad_norm > 0: return torch.normal( 0, engine.noise_multiplier * max_grad_norm, grad.shape, device=engine.device, generator=engine.random_number_generator, ) return torch.zeros(grad.shape, device=engine.device) def _set_seed(self, seed: int): r""" Allows to manually set the seed allowing for a deterministic run. Useful if you want to debug. WARNING: MANUALLY SETTING THE SEED BREAKS THE GUARANTEE OF SECURE RNG. For this reason, this method will raise a ValueError if you had ``secure_rng`` turned on. Args: seed : The **unsecure** seed """ if self.secure_rng: raise ValueError( "Seed was manually set on a ``PrivacyEngine`` with ``secure_rng`` turned on." "This fundamentally breaks secure_rng, and cannot be allowed. " "If you do need reproducibility with a fixed seed, first instantiate the PrivacyEngine " "with ``secure_seed`` turned off.") self.seed = seed return (torch.random.manual_seed(self.seed) if self.device.type == "cpu" else torch.cuda.manual_seed(self.seed)) def _set_sample_rate(self): r""" Determine the ``sample_rate``. If a ``sample_rate`` is provided, it will be used. If no ``sample_rate``is provided, the used ``sample_rate`` will be equal to ``batch_size`` / ``sample_size``. """ if self.batch_size and not isinstance(self.batch_size, int): raise ValueError( f"batch_size={self.batch_size} is not a valid value. Please provide a positive integer." ) if self.sample_size and not isinstance(self.sample_size, int): raise ValueError( f"sample_size={self.sample_size} is not a valid value. Please provide a positive integer." ) if self.sample_rate is None: if self.batch_size is None or self.sample_size is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide (batch_size and sample_sizes) or sample_rate." ) else: self.sample_rate = self.batch_size / self.sample_size if self.batch_size is not None or self.sample_size is not None: warnings.warn( "The sample rate will be defined from ``batch_size`` and ``sample_size``." "The returned privacy budget will be incorrect.") self.avg_batch_size = self.sample_rate * self.sample_size else: warnings.warn( "A ``sample_rate`` has been provided." "Thus, the provided ``batch_size``and ``sample_size`` will be ignored." ) if self.poisson: if self.loss_reduction == "mean" and not self.sample_size: raise ValueError( "Sample size has to be provided if using Poisson and loss_reduction=mean." ) self.avg_batch_size = self.sample_rate * self.sample_size if self.sample_rate > 1.0: raise ValueError( f"sample_rate={self.sample_rate} is not a valid value. Please provide a float between 0 and 1." )
class PerSampleGradientClipper_test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.DATA_SIZE = 64 self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.setUp_data() self.setUp_original_model() self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=0.003, run_clipper_step=True) def setUp_data(self): self.ds = FakeData( size=self.DATA_SIZE, image_size=(1, 35, 35), num_classes=10, transform=transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.1307, ), (0.3081, )) ]), ) self.dl = DataLoader(self.ds, batch_size=self.DATA_SIZE) def setUp_original_model(self): self.original_model = SampleConvNet() for x, y in self.dl: logits = self.original_model(x) loss = self.criterion(logits, y) loss.backward() # puts grad in self.original_model.parameters() self.original_grads_norms = torch.stack( [ p.grad.norm() for p in self.original_model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ], dim=-1, ) def setUp_clipped_model(self, clip_value=0.003, run_clipper_step=True): # Deep copy self.clipped_model = SampleConvNet() # create the structure self.clipped_model.load_state_dict( self.original_model.state_dict()) # fill it self.clipped_model = GradSampleModule( self.clipped_model) # TODO change this as we refactor clipper # Intentionally clipping to a very small value norm_clipper = (ConstantFlatClipper(clip_value) if not isinstance(clip_value, list) else ConstantPerLayerClipper(clip_value)) self.clipper = PerSampleGradientClipper(self.clipped_model, norm_clipper) for x, y in self.dl: logits = self.clipped_model(x) loss = self.criterion(logits, y) loss.backward() # puts grad in self.clipped_model.parameters() if run_clipper_step: self.clipper.clip_and_accumulate() self.clipper.pre_step() self.clipped_grads_norms = torch.stack( [ p.grad.norm() for p in self.clipped_model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ], dim=-1, ) def test_clipped_grad_norm_is_smaller(self): """ Test that grad are clipped and their value changes """ for original_layer_norm, clipped_layer_norm in zip( self.original_grads_norms, self.clipped_grads_norms): self.assertLess(float(clipped_layer_norm), float(original_layer_norm)) def test_clipped_grad_norm_is_smaller_perlayer(self): """ Test that grad are clipped and their value changes """ # there are 8 parameter sets [bias, weight] * [conv1, conv2, fc1, fc2] self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=[0.001] * 8) for original_layer_norm, clipped_layer_norm in zip( self.original_grads_norms, self.clipped_grads_norms): self.assertLess(float(clipped_layer_norm), float(original_layer_norm)) def test_clipped_grad_norms_not_zero(self): """ Test that grads aren't killed by clipping """ allzeros = torch.zeros_like(self.clipped_grads_norms) self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(self.clipped_grads_norms, allzeros)) def test_clipped_grad_norms_not_zero_per_layer(self): """ Test that grads aren't killed by clipping """ # there are 8 parameter sets [bias, weight] * [conv1, conv2, fc1, fc2] self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=[0.001] * 8) allzeros = torch.zeros_like(self.clipped_grads_norms) self.assertFalse(torch.allclose(self.clipped_grads_norms, allzeros)) def test_clipping_to_high_value_does_nothing(self): self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=9999, run_clipper_step=True) # should be a no-op self.assertTrue( torch.allclose(self.original_grads_norms, self.clipped_grads_norms)) def test_clipping_to_high_value_does_nothing_per_layer(self): self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=[9999] * 8, run_clipper_step=True) # should be a no-op self.assertTrue( torch.allclose(self.original_grads_norms, self.clipped_grads_norms)) def test_grad_norms_untouched_without_clip_step(self): """ Test that grad are not clipped until clipper.step() is called """ self.setUp_clipped_model(clip_value=0.003, run_clipper_step=False) self.assertTrue( torch.allclose(self.original_grads_norms, self.clipped_grads_norms))