コード例 #1
# Regex to extract a course_id from a course URL.
# from openedx/core/constants.py:
COURSE_KEY_PATTERN = r'(?P<course_key_string>[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/?]+)'
COURSE_ID_PATTERN = COURSE_KEY_PATTERN.replace('course_key_string', 'course_id')
# from openedx/core/lib/request_utils.py:
COURSE_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(.*?/courses/)(?!v[0-9]+/[^/]+){}'.format(COURSE_ID_PATTERN))

# Regex to extract a course_id from a block URL/block ID.
BLOCK_ID_PATTERN = r'(?P<block_id>[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/+]+(/|\+)[^/?#]+)'
BLOCK_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(.*?/xblock/){}'.format(BLOCK_ID_PATTERN))

# Make sure that Opaque Keys' Stevedore extensions are loaded, this can sometimes fail to happen in EMR
# and it is vitally important that they be there, or jobs will succeed but produce incorrect data. See
# https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DE/pages/1934263829/RCA+Insights+data+issues+2020-10-14+-+2020-10-15
# This will raise an error early on in import if the plugins don't exist.

def normalize_course_id(course_id):
    """Make a best effort to rescue malformed course_ids"""
    if course_id:
        return course_id.strip()
        return course_id

def is_valid_course_id(course_id):
    Determines if a course_id from an event log is possibly legitimate.
    if course_id and course_id[-1] == '\n':