def browse(self, pkg_path, uri_tail): """ Display pretty-printed XML contained in package item with URI ending with *uri_tail* in package at *pkg_path*. """ pkg = pkg_item = pkg.find_item_by_uri_tail(uri_tail) item_presenter = ItemPresenter(pkg_item) OpcView.pkg_item(item_presenter)
def diff_item(self, package_1_path, package_2_path, uri_tail): """ Display the meaningful differences between the item identified by *uri_tail* in the package at *package_1_path* and its counterpart in the package at *package_2_path*. Each path can be either a standard zip package (e.g. a .pptx file) or a directory containing an extracted package. """ package_1 = package_2 = diff = DiffPresenter.named_item_diff(package_1, package_2, uri_tail) OpcView.item_diff(diff)
def diff_pkg(self, package_1_path, package_2_path): """ Display the meaningful differences between the packages at *package_1_path* and *package_2_path*. Each path can be either a standard zip package (e.g. .pptx file) or a directory containing an extracted package. """ package_1 = package_2 = content_types_diff = DiffPresenter.named_item_diff( package_1, package_2, _CONTENT_TYPES_URI) rels_diffs = DiffPresenter.rels_diffs(package_1, package_2) xml_part_diffs = DiffPresenter.xml_part_diffs(package_1, package_2) OpcView.package_diff(content_types_diff, rels_diffs, xml_part_diffs)
def substitute(self, uri_tail, src_pkg_path, tgt_pkg_path, new_pkg_path): """ Substitute the package item identified by *uri_tail* from the package at *src_pkg_path* into the package at *tgt_pkg_path* and save the resulting package at *new_pkg_path*. This can be handy for identifying which package item(s) in the source package are causing a "repair needed" error when loading the target package in MS Office. """ package_1 = package_2 = pkg_item = package_1.find_item_by_uri_tail(uri_tail) package_2.substitute_item(pkg_item) OpcView.substitute(pkg_item.uri, src_pkg_path, tgt_pkg_path, new_pkg_path)