コード例 #1
ファイル: csvimport.py プロジェクト: esimorre/openplm
 def parse_row(self, line, row):
     Method called by :meth:`import_csv` for each row.
     from openPLM.plmapp.forms import get_creation_form
     type_, reference, revision = self.get_values(row, "type", "reference",
     cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[type_]
     group = models.GroupInfo.objects.get(name=self.get_value(row, "group"))
     lifecycle = models.Lifecycle.objects.get(name=self.get_value(row, "lifecycle"))
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, cls)
     data = {
             "type" : type_,
             "group" : str(group.id),
             "reference" : reference,
             "revision" : revision,
     for field in form.fields:
         if field not in data and field in self.headers_dict:
             data[field] = self.get_value(row, field)
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, cls, data)
     if not form.is_valid():
         items = (mark_safe(u"%s: %s" % item) for item 
                 in form.errors.iteritems())
         self.store_errors(line, *items)
         obj = PLMObjectController.create_from_form(form, self.user, True, True)
コード例 #2
 def parse_row(self, line, row):
     Method called by :meth:`import_csv` for each row.
     from openPLM.plmapp.forms import get_creation_form
     type_, reference, revision = self.get_values(row, "type", "reference",
     cls = models.get_all_plmobjects()[type_]
     group = models.GroupInfo.objects.get(name=self.get_value(row, "group"))
     lifecycle = models.Lifecycle.objects.get(name=self.get_value(row, "lifecycle"))
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, cls, inbulk_cache=self.inbulk_cache)
     data = {
             "type" : type_,
             "group" : str(group.id),
             "reference" : reference,
             "revision" : revision,
             "auto" : False,
     for field in form.fields:
         if field not in data and field in self.headers_dict:
             data[field] = self.get_value(row, field)
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, cls, data, inbulk_cache=self.inbulk_cache)
     if not form.is_valid():
         items = (mark_safe(u"%s: %s" % item) for item
                 in form.errors.iteritems())
         self.store_errors(line, *items)
         obj = PLMObjectController.create_from_form(form, self.user, True, True)
コード例 #3
def ajax_creation_form(request):
    Simple view which returns the html of a creation form with the data
    of :attr:`request.GET` as initial values.

    The request must contains a get parameter *type* with a valid type,
    otherwise, a :class:`.HttpResponseForbidden` is returned.
    tf = forms.TypeForm(request.GET)
    if tf.is_valid():
        type_ = tf.cleaned_data["type"]
        request.session["type"] = type_
        cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[type_]
        view = get_creation_view(cls)
        if view is not None:
            return {"reload" : True}
        initial = dict(request.GET.iteritems())
        if "pfiles" in request.GET:
            initial["pfiles"] = request.GET.getlist("pfiles")
        if "reference" in initial:
            # gets a new reference if the type switches from a part to a document
            # and vice versa, see ticket #99
            ref = initial["reference"]
            if (ref.startswith("DOC_") and type_ in models.get_all_parts()) or \
               (ref.startswith("PART_") and type_ in models.get_all_documents()):
                del initial["reference"]
        form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, initial=initial)
        return {"reload" : False, "form" : form.as_table(),
                "type" : type_, "form_media": form.media.render(), }
        return HttpResponseForbidden()
コード例 #4
ファイル: group.py プロジェクト: esimorre/openplm
 def test_create_from_form(self):
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, GroupInfo,
             {"name" : "grname", "description" :"desc" })
     gr = self.CONTROLLER.create_from_form(form, self.user)
     self.assertEqual(self.user.username, gr.owner.username)
     self.assertEqual("grname", gr.name)
コード例 #5
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: esimorre/openplm
def get_gdoc_creation_form(user, client, data=None, start=0):
    form = get_creation_form(user, GoogleDocument, data, start)
    gdocs = get_gdocs(client)
    form.gdocs = dict(gdocs)
    form.fields["resource_id"] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=gdocs,
    form.clean = lambda:clean_gdoc(form)
    return form
コード例 #6
ファイル: group.py プロジェクト: pcon-world/pcon_db
 def test_create_from_form(self):
     form = get_creation_form(self.user, GroupInfo, {
         "name": "grname",
         "description": "desc"
     gr = self.CONTROLLER.create_from_form(form, self.user)
     self.assertEqual(self.user.username, gr.owner.username)
     self.assertEqual("grname", gr.name)
コード例 #7
def get_gdoc_creation_form(user, client, data=None, start=0):
    form = get_creation_form(user, GoogleDocument, data, start)
    gdocs = get_gdocs(client)
    form.gdocs = dict(gdocs)
    form.fields["resource_id"] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=gdocs,
    del form.fields.keyOrder[-1]
    form.fields.keyOrder.insert(0, "resource_id")
    old_clean = form.clean
    form.clean = lambda: old_clean() and clean_gdoc(form)
    return form
コード例 #8
ファイル: forms.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def get_gdoc_creation_form(user, client, data=None, start=0):
    form = get_creation_form(user, GoogleDocument, data, start)
    gdocs = get_gdocs(client)
    form.gdocs = dict(gdocs)
    form.fields["resource_id"] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=gdocs,
    del form.fields.keyOrder[-1]
    form.fields.keyOrder.insert(0, "resource_id")
    old_clean = form.clean
    form.clean = lambda: old_clean() and clean_gdoc(form)
    return form
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def ajax_part_creation_form(request, prefix):
    It updates the form of an assembly determined by **prefix** without recharging the whole page and respecting the information introduced up to the moment

    The attributes can change depending on the type of part selected

    tf = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(request.GET, prefix=prefix)

    if tf.is_valid():
        cls = pmodels.get_all_parts()[tf.cleaned_data["type_part"]]
        cf = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, prefix=prefix+"-part",

        return r2r("extra_attributes.html", {"creation_form" : cf}, request)

    return HttpResponseForbidden()
コード例 #10
def create_object(request, from_registered_view=False, creation_form=None):
    View to create a :class:`.PLMObject` or a :class:`.GroupInfo`.

    :url: ``/object/create/``

    Requests (POST and GET) must contain a ``type`` variable that validates a

    POST requests must validate the creation form, fields depend on the
    given type. If the creation form is valid, an object is created and
    in case of success, this view redirects to the created object.

    Requests may contain a ``__next__`` variable. A successful creation will
    redirect to this URL. Some special strings are replaced:

        * ``##type##`` with the created object's type
        * ``##ref##`` with the created object's reference
        * ``##rev##`` with the created object's reference

    Requests may also contain other special variables (at most one of

            Id of a document. The created part will be attached to this
            document. Object's type is restricted to part types.
            Two context variables (``related_doc`` and ``related``)
            are set to the document controller.

            Id of a part. The created document will be attached to this
            part. Object's type is restricted to document types.
            Two context variables (``related_part`` and ``related``)
            are set to the part controller.

            Id of a part. Object's type is restricted to part types.
            Two context variables (``related_parent`` and ``related``)
            are set to the part controller.

    .. note::
        If *from_registered_view* is False, this view delegates its
        treatment to a registered view that handles creation of
        objects of the given type.
        (see :func:`.get_creation_view` and :func:`.register_creation_view`)

    :param from_registered_view: True if this function is called by another
         creation view
    :param creation_form: a creation form that will be used instead of the
         default one






        :class:`.TypeForm` to select the type of the created object

        type of the created object

        value of the ``__next__`` request variable if given

    obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request)
    Form = forms.TypeForm
    # it is possible that the created object must be attached to a part
    # or a document
    # related_doc and related_part should be a plmobject id
    # If the related_doc/part is not a doc/part, we let python raise
    # an AttributeError, since a user should not play with the URL
    # and openPLM must be smart enough to produce valid URLs
    attach = related = None
    if "related_doc" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.PartTypeForm
        doc = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_doc"]), request.user)
        attach = doc.attach_to_part
        ctx["related_doc"] = request.REQUEST["related_doc"]
        related = ctx["related"] = doc
    elif "related_part" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.DocumentTypeForm
        part = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_part"]),
        attach = part.attach_to_document
        ctx["related_part"] = request.REQUEST["related_part"]
        related = ctx["related"] = part
    elif "related_parent" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.PartTypeForm
        parent = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_parent"]),
        ctx["related_parent"] = request.REQUEST["related_parent"]
        related = ctx["related"] = parent
    if "pfiles" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.Document2TypeForm

    if "__next__" in request.REQUEST:
        redirect_to = request.REQUEST["__next__"]
        ctx["next"] = redirect_to
        # will redirect to the created object
        redirect_to = None

    type_form = Form(request.REQUEST)
    if type_form.is_valid():
        type_ = type_form.cleaned_data["type"]
        cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[type_]
        if not from_registered_view:
            view = get_creation_view(cls)
            if view is not None:
                # view has been registered to create an object of type 'cls'
                return view(request)
        ctx["creation_type_form"] = type_form
        return r2r('create.html', ctx, request)

    if request.method == 'GET' and creation_form is None:
        creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user,
                                                not in request.GET)
        if related is not None:
            creation_form.fields["group"].initial = related.group
            creation_form.initial["lifecycle"] = related.lifecycle
        if "pfiles" in request.GET:
            pfiles = request.GET.getlist("pfiles")
            creation_form.initial["pfiles"] = pfiles
                name = filename_to_name(
                creation_form.initial["name"] = name
            except Exception:
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if creation_form is None:
            creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls,
        if creation_form.is_valid():
            ctrl_cls = get_controller(type_)
            ctrl = ctrl_cls.create_from_form(creation_form, request.user)
            message = _(u"The %(Object_type)s has been created") % dict(
            messages.info(request, message)
            if attach is not None:
                    message = _(u"The %(Object_type)s has been attached"
                                ) % dict(Object_type=type_)
                    messages.info(request, message)
                except (ControllerError, ValueError) as e:
                    # crtl cannot be attached (maybe the state of the
                    # related object as changed)
                    # alerting the user using the messages framework since
                    # the response is redirected
                    message = _(u"Error: %(details)s") % dict(
                    messages.error(request, message)
                    # redirecting to the ctrl page that lists its attached
                    # objects
                    if ctrl.is_document:
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url +
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url +
            if redirect_to:
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##ref##", ctrl.reference)
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##rev##", ctrl.revision)
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##type##", ctrl.type)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to or ctrl.plmobject_url)
        'creation_form': creation_form,
        'object_type': type_,
        'creation_type_form': type_form,
    return r2r('create.html', ctx, request)
コード例 #11
ファイル: plmobject.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def clone(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi,creation_form=None):
    Manage html page to display the cloning form of the selected object
    (part or document) or clone it.

    :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/clone/`

    .. include:: views_params.txt



    :param creation_form: the creation form that will be used to clone the object

    If the object is a part :

    :post params:
        a valid :class:`.SelectDocumentFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.
        a valid :class:`.SelectChildFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.

    A cloned part may be attached to some documents.
    These documents are given by :meth:`.PartController.get_suggested_documents`.
    A cloned part may also have some children from the original revision.

    If the object is a document :

    :post params:
        a valid :class:`.SelectPartFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.

    A cloned document may be attached to some parts, given by :meth:`.DocumentController.get_suggested_parts`.



        True if the object is linked (attached) to other object , at least one.

        form to clone the object. Fields in this form are set according to the current object.

        a :class:`.SelectDocmentFormset` of documents that the new object, if it is a part,
        may be attached to. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

        a :class:`.SelectChildFormset` of parts that the new object, if it is a part,
        may be linked with. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

        a :class:`.SelectPartFormset` of parts that the new object, if it is a document,
        may be attached to. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

    obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi)

    cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[obj_type]
    is_linked = True
    if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
        children = [c.link for c in obj.get_children(1)]
        documents = obj.get_suggested_documents()
        is_linked = ctx['is_linked'] = bool(children or documents)
        parts = obj.get_suggested_parts()
        is_linked = ctx['is_linked'] = bool(parts)

    formsets ={}

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # generate and fill the creation form
        not_auto_cloned_fields = ['reference','revision', 'group','lifecycle',
                'auto', 'pfiles', 'template']
        creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, template=False)
        if bool(request.user.groups.filter(id=obj.group.id)):
            creation_form.fields["group"].initial = obj.group.id
        if not obj.is_cancelled:
            creation_form.initial["lifecycle"] = obj.lifecycle
        for f in creation_form.fields:
            if f not in not_auto_cloned_fields:
                creation_form.fields[f].initial = getattr(obj, f)

        # generate the links form
        if issubclass(cls, models.Part) and is_linked:
            initial = [dict(link=link) for link in children]
            formsets["children_formset"] = forms.SelectChildFormset(prefix="children",
            initial = [dict(document=d) for d in documents]
            formsets["doc_formset"] = forms.SelectDocumentFormset(prefix="documents",
            if issubclass(cls, models.Document) and is_linked :
                formsets["part_formset"] = forms.SelectPartFormset(queryset=parts)

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if issubclass(cls, models.Part) and is_linked:
                "doc_formset": forms.SelectDocumentFormset(request.POST,
        elif is_linked:
        if creation_form is None:
            creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST)
        if creation_form.is_valid():
            if is_linked :
                valid_forms = False
                if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
                    valid_forms, selected_children, selected_documents = clone_part(request.user, request.POST, children, documents)
                    if valid_forms :
                        new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, selected_children, selected_documents)
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
                    else :
                            "doc_formset": forms.SelectDocumentFormset(request.POST,
                elif issubclass(cls, models.Document) and is_linked:
                    valid_forms, selected_parts = clone_document(request.user, request.POST, parts)
                    if valid_forms:
                        new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, selected_parts)
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
                    else :
                if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
                    new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, [], [])
                    new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, [])
                return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
    ctx['creation_form'] = creation_form
    return r2r('clone.html', ctx, request)
コード例 #12
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def generate_part_doc_links(request,product, parent_ctrl,instances,doc3D, inbulk_cache):
    :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense
    :param parent_ctrl: :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition
    :param instances: Use to trace the items to update

    Parses forms and generates:

    - The bom-child of Parts (in relation to the **product**)

    - For every :class:`.ParentChildLink` generated in the previous condition we attach all the :class:`.Location_link` relatives

    - To every generated :class:`.Part` a :class:`.Document3D` has been attached and Document3D has been set like the attribute PartDecompose of the Part

    - The attribute doc_id of every node of the arborescense(**product**) is now the relative id of :class:`.DocumentFile` generated in the previous condition

    - To every generated :class:`.Document3D` has been added a new empty(locked) :class:`.DocumentFile` STP ( :meth:`.generateGhostDocumentFile` )

    - The attribute doc_path of every node of the arborescense(**product**) is now the path of :class:`.DocumentFile` STP generated in the previous condition

    user = parent_ctrl._user
    company = pmodels.User.objects.get(username=settings.COMPANY)
    other_files = list(doc3D.files.exclude(models.is_stp))
    for link in product.links:


            if not link.product.part_to_decompose:

                options = part_ctype.cleaned_data
                cls = get_all_plmobjects()[options["type_part"]]
                part_form = pforms.get_creation_form(user, cls, request.POST,
                    inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(link.product.visited)+"-part")

                part_ctrl = parent_ctrl.create_from_form(part_form, user, True, True)

                    part_ctrl.object._meta.module_name, part_ctrl.object._get_pk_val()))

                c_link = parent_ctrl.add_child(part_ctrl.object,quantity,order,unit)

                models.generate_extra_location_links(link, c_link)

                doc_form = pforms.get_creation_form(user, models.Document3D, request.POST,
                    inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(link.product.visited)+"-document")
                doc_ctrl = models.Document3DController.create_from_form(doc_form,
                        user, True, True)

                to_delete.append(generateGhostDocumentFile(link.product, doc_ctrl.object, company))

                    doc_ctrl.object._meta.module_name, doc_ctrl.object._get_pk_val()))
                new_Doc3D = doc_ctrl.object
                new_Doc3D.PartDecompose = part_ctrl.object
                new_Doc3D.no_index = True

                for doc_file in other_files:
                    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(doc_file.filename)
                    # add files with the same name (for example a .sldXXX
                    # or.CATXXX file)
                    if filename == link.product.name:
                        f = File(doc_file.file)
                        f.name = doc_file.filename
                        f.size = doc_file.size
                        df = doc_ctrl.add_file(f, False, False)
                        if doc_file.thumbnail:
                            doc_ctrl.add_thumbnail(df, File(doc_file.thumbnail))
                        instances.append((df._meta.app_label, df._meta.module_name, df.pk))
                        instances.append((doc_file._meta.app_label, doc_file._meta.module_name, doc_file.pk))
                        doc_file.no_index = True
                        doc_file.deprecated = True

                generate_part_doc_links(request,link.product, part_ctrl,instances,doc3D, inbulk_cache)


                c_link = parent_ctrl.add_child(link.product.part_to_decompose,quantity,order,unit)
                models.generate_extra_location_links(link, c_link)

        except Exception:
            raise models.Document_Generate_Bom_Error(to_delete,link.product.name)
コード例 #13
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def initialize_assemblies(assemblies,product,group,user,index, obj_type, inbulk_cache):

    :param assemblies: will be refill whit the information necessary the generate the forms
    :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp contained in a :class:`.DocumentFile`
    :param index: Use  to mark and to identify the **product** s that already have been visited
    :param obj_type: Type of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition
    :param group: group by default from which we want to realize the decomposition

    Returns in assemblies a list initialized with the different assemblies of the file step

    For every Assembly we have the next information:

        - Name of assembly

        - Visited , If assembly is sub-assembly of more than an assembly, this attribute will be **False** for all less one of the occurrences

            If visited is **False**, we will be able to modify only the attributes **Order** , **Quantity** and **Unit** refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLinkin` in the form

            If visited is not **False** , it will be a new id acording to **index** (>=1) generated to identify the assembly

        - Depth  of assembly

        - **obj_type** , type of :class:`.Part` of Assembly

        - A list with the products that compose the assembly

          for each element in the list:

                - part_type contains the form to select the type of :class:`.Part`

                - ord_quantity contains the forms to select Order , Quantity and Unit refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink`

                - creation_formset contains the form for the creation of the part selected in part_type and of one :class:`.Document3D`

                - name_child_assemblies contains the name of the element

                - is_assembly determine if the element is a single product or another assembly

                - prefix contains the **index** of the assembly if he is visited for first time , else is False

                - ref contains the **index** of the assembly if he was visited previously, else False

    if product.links:
        part_docs = []
        for order, link in enumerate(product.links):
            prefix = index[0]
            oq.fields["order"].initial = (order + 1)*10
            oq.fields["quantity"].initial = link.quantity
            is_assembly = link.product.is_assembly
            name = link.product.name
            if not link.product.visited:
                link.product.visited = index[0]
                part_type = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(prefix=index[0])
                part_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(user, pmodels.Part, None, index[1], inbulk_cache) # index[0].initial=1 -> -1
                part_cform.prefix = str(index[0])+"-part"
                part_cform.fields["group"].initial = group
                part_cform.fields["name"].initial = link.product.name
                doc_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(user, models.Document3D, None, index[1], inbulk_cache)
                doc_cform.prefix = str(index[0])+"-document"
                doc_cform.fields["name"].initial = link.product.name
                doc_cform.fields["group"].initial = group
                prefix = index[0]

                part_docs.append(PartDoc(part_type, oq, (part_cform, doc_cform), name, is_assembly,
                    prefix, None))
                initialize_assemblies(assemblies,link.product,group,user,index, "Part", inbulk_cache)
                part_docs.append(PartDoc(False, oq, False, name, is_assembly, None, link.product.visited))

        assemblies.append(Assembly(part_docs, product.name, product.visited, product.deep, obj_type))
コード例 #14
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def clean_form(request, assemblies, product, index, obj_type, inbulk_cache):


    :param assemblies: will be refill whit the information necessary the generate the forms
    :param product: :class:`.Product` that represents the arborescense of the :class:`~django.core.files.File` .stp contained in a :class:`.DocumentFile`
    :param index: Use  to mark and to identify the **product** s that already have been visited
    :param obj_type: Type of the :class:`.Part` from which we want to realize the decomposition

    It checks the validity of the forms contained in **request**

    If the forms are not valid, it returns the information to refill the new forms contained in **assemblies**.

    Refill **assemblies** with the different assemblies of the file step , we use **index** to mark and to identify the **products** that already have been visited

    For every Assembly we have the next information:

        - Name of assembly

        - Visited , If assembly is sub-assembly of more than one assembly, this attribute will be **False** for all less one of the occurrences

            If visited is **False**, we will be able to modify only the attributes **Order** , **Quantity** and **Unit** refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink` in the form

            If visited is not **False** , it will be a new id acording to **index** (>=1) generated to identify the assembly

        - Depth  of assembly

        - **obj_type** , type of :class:`.Part` of Assembly

        - A list with the products that compose the assembly

          for each element in the list:

                - part_type contains the form to select the type of :class:`.Part`

                - ord_quantity contains the forms to select Order , Quantity and Unit refered to the :class:`.ParentChildLink`

                - creation_formset contains the form for the creation of the part selected in part_type and of one :class:`.Document3D`

                - name_child_assemblies contains the name of the element

                - is_assembly determine if the element is a single product or another assembly

                - prefix contains the **index** of the assembly  if he is visited for first time , else is False

                - ref contains the **index** of the assembly if he was visited previously, else False


    if product.links:
        part_docs = []
        for link in product.links:
            oq = forms.Order_Quantity_Form(request.POST,prefix=index[0])
            if not oq.is_valid():

            is_assembly = link.product.is_assembly
            name = link.product.name
            if not link.product.visited:
                link.product.visited = index[0]

                part_type = forms.Doc_Part_type_Form(request.POST, prefix=index[0])
                if not part_type.is_valid():
                    valid = False
                part = part_type.cleaned_data["type_part"]
                cls = get_all_plmobjects()[part]
                part_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST,
                        inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(index[0])+"-part")
                doc_cform = pforms.get_creation_form(request.user, models.Document3D, request.POST,
                        inbulk_cache=inbulk_cache, prefix=str(index[0])+"-document")
                if not part_cform.is_valid():
                    valid = False
                if not doc_cform.is_valid():
                    valid = False
                prefix = index[0]
                part_docs.append(PartDoc(part_type, oq, (part_cform, doc_cform), name, is_assembly,
                    prefix, None))
                if not clean_form(request, assemblies, link.product,index, part, inbulk_cache):
                    valid = False
                part_docs.append(PartDoc(False, oq, False, name, is_assembly, None, link.product.visited))

        assemblies.append(Assembly(part_docs, product.name , product.visited , product.deep, obj_type))
    return valid
コード例 #15
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: amarh/openPLM
def create_object(request, from_registered_view=False, creation_form=None):
    View to create a :class:`.PLMObject` or a :class:`.GroupInfo`.

    :url: ``/object/create/``

    Requests (POST and GET) must contain a ``type`` variable that validates a

    POST requests must validate the creation form, fields depend on the
    given type. If the creation form is valid, an object is created and
    in case of success, this view redirects to the created object.

    Requests may contain a ``__next__`` variable. A successful creation will
    redirect to this URL. Some special strings are replaced:

        * ``##type##`` with the created object's type
        * ``##ref##`` with the created object's reference
        * ``##rev##`` with the created object's reference

    Requests may also contain other special variables (at most one of

            Id of a document. The created part will be attached to this
            document. Object's type is restricted to part types.
            Two context variables (``related_doc`` and ``related``)
            are set to the document controller.

            Id of a part. The created document will be attached to this
            part. Object's type is restricted to document types.
            Two context variables (``related_part`` and ``related``)
            are set to the part controller.

            Id of a part. Object's type is restricted to part types.
            Two context variables (``related_parent`` and ``related``)
            are set to the part controller.

    .. note::
        If *from_registered_view* is False, this view delegates its
        treatment to a registered view that handles creation of
        objects of the given type.
        (see :func:`.get_creation_view` and :func:`.register_creation_view`)

    :param from_registered_view: True if this function is called by another
         creation view
    :param creation_form: a creation form that will be used instead of the
         default one






        :class:`.TypeForm` to select the type of the created object

        type of the created object

        value of the ``__next__`` request variable if given

    obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request)
    Form = forms.TypeForm
    # it is possible that the created object must be attached to a part
    # or a document
    # related_doc and related_part should be a plmobject id
    # If the related_doc/part is not a doc/part, we let python raise
    # an AttributeError, since a user should not play with the URL
    # and openPLM must be smart enough to produce valid URLs
    attach = related = None
    if "related_doc" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.PartTypeForm
        doc = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_doc"]), request.user)
        attach = doc.attach_to_part
        ctx["related_doc"] = request.REQUEST["related_doc"]
        related = ctx["related"] = doc
    elif "related_part" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.DocumentTypeForm
        part = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_part"]), request.user)
        attach = part.attach_to_document
        ctx["related_part"] = request.REQUEST["related_part"]
        related = ctx["related"] = part
    elif "related_parent" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.PartTypeForm
        parent = get_obj_by_id(int(request.REQUEST["related_parent"]), request.user)
        ctx["related_parent"] = request.REQUEST["related_parent"]
        related = ctx["related"] = parent
    if "pfiles" in request.REQUEST:
        Form = forms.Document2TypeForm

    if "__next__" in request.REQUEST:
        redirect_to = request.REQUEST["__next__"]
        ctx["next"] = redirect_to
        # will redirect to the created object
        redirect_to = None

    type_form = Form(request.REQUEST)
    if type_form.is_valid():
        type_ = type_form.cleaned_data["type"]
        cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[type_]
        if not from_registered_view:
            view = get_creation_view(cls)
            if view is not None:
                # view has been registered to create an object of type 'cls'
                return view(request)
        ctx["creation_type_form"] = type_form
        return r2r('create.html', ctx, request)

    if request.method == 'GET' and creation_form is None:
        creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls,
             template="pfiles" not in request.GET)
        if related is not None:
            creation_form.fields["group"].initial = related.group
            creation_form.initial["lifecycle"] = related.lifecycle
        if "pfiles" in request.GET:
            pfiles = request.GET.getlist("pfiles")
            creation_form.initial["pfiles"] = pfiles
                name = filename_to_name(obj.files.get(id=int(pfiles[0])).filename)
                creation_form.initial["name"] = name
            except Exception:
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if creation_form is None:
            creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST)
        if creation_form.is_valid():
            ctrl_cls = get_controller(type_)
            ctrl = ctrl_cls.create_from_form(creation_form, request.user)
            message = _(u"The %(Object_type)s has been created") % dict(Object_type = type_)
            messages.info(request, message)
            if attach is not None:
                    message = _(u"The %(Object_type)s has been attached") % dict(Object_type = type_)
                    messages.info(request, message)
                except (ControllerError, ValueError) as e:
                    # crtl cannot be attached (maybe the state of the
                    # related object as changed)
                    # alerting the user using the messages framework since
                    # the response is redirected
                    message = _(u"Error: %(details)s") % dict(details=unicode(e))
                    messages.error(request, message)
                    # redirecting to the ctrl page that lists its attached
                    # objects
                    if ctrl.is_document:
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url + "parts/")
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(ctrl.plmobject_url + "doc-cad/")
            if redirect_to:
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##ref##", ctrl.reference)
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##rev##", ctrl.revision)
                redirect_to = redirect_to.replace("##type##", ctrl.type)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirect_to or ctrl.plmobject_url)
        'creation_form' : creation_form,
        'object_type' : type_,
        'creation_type_form' : type_form,
    return r2r('create.html', ctx, request)
コード例 #16
ファイル: plmobject.py プロジェクト: snegovick/openplm
def clone(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi,creation_form=None):
    Manage html page to display the cloning form of the selected object
    (part or document) or clone it.

    :url: :samp:`/object/{obj_type}/{obj_ref}/{obj_revi}/clone/`

    .. include:: views_params.txt



    :param creation_form: the creation form that will be used to clone the object

    If the object is a part :

    :post params:
        a valid :class:`.SelectDocumentFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.
        a valid :class:`.SelectChildFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.

    A cloned part may be attached to some documents.
    These documents are given by :meth:`.PartController.get_suggested_documents`.
    A cloned part may also have some children from the original revision.

    If the object is a document :

    :post params:
        a valid :class:`.SelectPartFormset`
            Only required if *is_linked* is True, see below.

    A cloned document may be attached to some parts, given by :meth:`.DocumentController.get_suggested_parts`.



        True if the object is linked (attached) to other object , at least one.

        form to clone the object. Fields in this form are set according to the current object.

        a :class:`.SelectDocmentFormset` of documents that the new object, if it is a part,
        may be attached to. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

        a :class:`.SelectChildFormset` of parts that the new object, if it is a part,
        may be linked with. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

        a :class:`.SelectPartFormset` of parts that the new object, if it is a document,
        may be attached to. Only set if *is_linked* is True.

    obj, ctx = get_generic_data(request, obj_type, obj_ref, obj_revi)

    cls = models.get_all_users_and_plmobjects()[obj_type]
    is_linked = True
    if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
        children = [c.link for c in obj.get_children(1)]
        documents = obj.get_suggested_documents()
        is_linked = ctx['is_linked'] = bool(children or documents)
        parts = obj.get_suggested_parts()
        is_linked = ctx['is_linked'] = bool(parts)

    formsets ={}

    if request.method == 'GET':
        # generate and fill the creation form
        not_auto_cloned_fields = ['reference','revision', 'group','lifecycle',
                'auto', 'pfiles']
        creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls)
        if bool(request.user.groups.filter(id=obj.group.id)):
            creation_form.fields["group"].initial = obj.group.id
        if not obj.is_cancelled:
            creation_form.initial["lifecycle"] = obj.lifecycle
        for f in creation_form.fields:
            if f not in not_auto_cloned_fields:
                creation_form.fields[f].initial = getattr(obj, f)

        # generate the links form
        if issubclass(cls, models.Part) and is_linked:
            initial = [dict(link=link) for link in children]
            formsets["children_formset"] = forms.SelectChildFormset(prefix="children",
            initial = [dict(document=d) for d in documents]
            formsets["doc_formset"] = forms.SelectDocumentFormset(prefix="documents",
            if issubclass(cls, models.Document) and is_linked :
                formsets["part_formset"] = forms.SelectPartFormset(queryset=parts)

    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if issubclass(cls, models.Part) and is_linked:
                "doc_formset": forms.SelectDocumentFormset(request.POST,
        elif is_linked:
        if creation_form is None:
            creation_form = forms.get_creation_form(request.user, cls, request.POST)
        if creation_form.is_valid():
            if is_linked :
                valid_forms = False
                if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
                    valid_forms, selected_children, selected_documents = clone_part(request.user, request.POST, children, documents)
                    if valid_forms :
                        new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, selected_children, selected_documents)
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
                    else :
                            "doc_formset": forms.SelectDocumentFormset(request.POST,
                elif issubclass(cls, models.Document) and is_linked:
                    valid_forms, selected_parts = clone_document(request.user, request.POST, parts)
                    if valid_forms:
                        new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, selected_parts)
                        return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
                    else :
                if issubclass(cls, models.Part):
                    new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, [], [])
                    new_ctrl = obj.clone(creation_form, request.user, [])
                return HttpResponseRedirect(new_ctrl.plmobject_url)
    ctx['creation_form'] = creation_form
    return r2r('clone.html', ctx, request)