def test(): """ Perform functionality tests for the filesystem abstraction interface. """ # create a clean test folder in /tmp root_dir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), "openage_fslike_test") root_path = Directory(root_dir, create_if_missing=True).root root_path.removerecursive() # test basic path functions test_path(root_path, root_dir) # test the union test_union(root_path, root_dir) # test the case ignoring dir test_case_ignoring(root_path, root_dir) # test appending content test_append(root_path) # and remove all the things we just created assert_value(root_path.is_dir(), True) root_path.removerecursive() assert_value(root_path.is_dir(), False)
def test_case_ignoring(root_path, root_dir): """ Test opening the root path with ignored case. create a file with known name then open it with wrong-case name then write it with wrong-case name check if changes went to known-name file create new file with CamelCase name check if the CamelCase file was actually created as `camelcase` """ with root_path["lemme_in"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"pwnt") ignorecase_dir = CaseIgnoringDirectory(root_dir).root with ignorecase_dir["LeMmE_In"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(, b"pwnt") with ignorecase_dir["LeMmE_In"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"changedit") with root_path["lemme_in"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(, b"changedit") ignorecase_dir["WeirdCase"].touch() assert_value(root_path["weirdcase"].is_file(), True) root_path["a"].touch() ignorecase_dir["A"].touch() assert_value(root_path["A"].is_file(), False)
def test_case_ignoring(root_path, root_dir): """ Test the case ignoring directory, which mimics the windows filename selection behavior. """ # create a file with known name with root_path["lemme_in"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"pwnt") ignorecase_dir = CaseIgnoringDirectory(root_dir).root # open it with wrong-case name with ignorecase_dir["LeMmE_In"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(, b"pwnt") # then write it with wrong-case name with ignorecase_dir["LeMmE_In"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"changedit") # check if changes went to known-name file with root_path["lemme_in"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(, b"changedit") # create new file with CamelCase name ignorecase_dir["WeirdCase"].touch() # check if the CamelCase file was actually created as `camelcase` assert_value(root_path["weirdcase"].is_file(), True) # touching the same file root_path["a"].touch() ignorecase_dir["A"].touch() if is_filesystem_case_sensitive(): # 'A' should not exist, 'a' should have been touched. assert_value(root_path["A"].is_file(), False) else: # The underlying fs should treat A as a. assert_value(root_path["A"].is_file(), True)
def test_union(root_path, root_dir): """ Union functionality testing. Procedure: create and write a file in r create union with w and r mount. r is readonly. read file, should be from r. write file, whould go to w. read file, should be from w. unmount w, file content should be from r again. unmount r, union should be empty now. """ test_dir_w = os.path.join(root_dir, "w") test_dir_r = os.path.join(root_dir, "r") # automated directory creation: path_w = DirectoryCreator( Directory(test_dir_w, create_if_missing=True).root ).root path_r = Directory(test_dir_r, create_if_missing=True).root assert_value(path_r["some_file"].is_file(), False) with path_r["some_file"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"some data") with path_r["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(b"some data", assert_value(path_r.exists(), True) assert_value(path_r.is_dir(), True) assert_value(path_r.is_file(), False) assert_value(path_r["some_file"].is_file(), True) assert_value(path_r.writable(), True) # protect the r-path path_protected = WriteBlocker(path_r).root assert_value(path_protected.writable(), False) with assert_raises(UnsupportedOperation): result('wb')) # mount the above into one virtual file system target = Union().root # first, mount the read-directory read-only target.mount(path_protected) # then, mount the writable folder target.mount(path_w) # read the data with target["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: test_data = # overwrite the data: with target["some_file"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"we changed it") # get back changed data with target["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: changed_test_data = assert_value(test_data != changed_test_data, True) assert_value(changed_test_data, b"we changed it") # ther should be nothing else here. assert_value(set(root_path.list()), {b"r", b"w"}) # unmount the change-overlay target.unmount(path_w) with (target / "some_file").open("rb") as fil: unchanged_test_data = assert_value(test_data, unchanged_test_data) # unmount the source-overlay: target.unmount() # now the target mount should be completely empty. assert_value(target["some_file"].exists(), False) assert_value(list(target.list()), []) assert_value(len(list(target.iterdir())), 0)
def test_append(root_path): """ Test the content append modes. """ # create initial content with root_path["appendfile"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"just") # append some data with root_path["appendfile"].open("ab") as fil: assert_value(fil.readable(), False) assert_value(fil.writable(), True) fil.write(b" some") # append some more data and then read it with root_path["appendfile"].open("arb") as fil: assert_value(fil.readable(), True) assert_value(fil.writable(), True) fil.write(b" test") # use the read-write mode to first read, then write, then read. with root_path["appendfile"].open("rwb") as fil: assert_value(fil.readable(), True) assert_value(fil.writable(), True) assert_value(, b"just some test") fil.write(b"overwritten") assert_value(, b"overwrittenest")
def test_path(root_path, root_dir): """ Test basic functionality of fslike.Path """ # multi dir creation deeper = (root_path / "let's go" / "deeper") assert_value(deeper.parent, root_path["let's go"]) deeper.mkdirs() assert_value(deeper.is_dir(), True) assert_value(deeper.resolve_native_path().decode(), os.path.join(root_dir, "let's go", "deeper")) insert = deeper["insertion.stuff.test"] insert.touch() assert_value(insert.filesize, 0) assert_value(insert.suffix, ".test") assert_value(insert.suffixes, [".stuff", ".test"]) assert_value(insert.stem, "insertion.stuff") assert_value(insert.with_name("insertion.stuff.test").exists(), True) assert_value(insert.with_suffix(".test").exists(), True) root_path["let's go"].removerecursive()
def test_union(root_path, root_dir): """ Union functionality testing. Procedure: create and write a file in r create union with w and r mount. r is readonly. read file, should be from r. write file, whould go to w. read file, should be from w. unmount w, file content should be from r again. unmount r, union should be empty now. """ test_dir_w = os.path.join(root_dir, "w") test_dir_r = os.path.join(root_dir, "r") # automated directory creation: path_w = DirectoryCreator( Directory(test_dir_w, create_if_missing=True).root).root path_r = Directory(test_dir_r, create_if_missing=True).root assert_value(path_r["some_file"].is_file(), False) with path_r["some_file"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"some data") with path_r["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: assert_value(b"some data", assert_value(path_r.exists(), True) assert_value(path_r.is_dir(), True) assert_value(path_r.is_file(), False) assert_value(path_r["some_file"].is_file(), True) assert_value(path_r.writable(), True) # protect the r-path path_protected = WriteBlocker(path_r).root assert_value(path_protected.writable(), False) with assert_raises(UnsupportedOperation): result('wb')) # mount the above into one virtual file system target = Union().root # first, mount the read-directory read-only target.mount(path_protected) # then, mount the writable folder target.mount(path_w) # read the data with target["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: test_data = # overwrite the data: with target["some_file"].open("wb") as fil: fil.write(b"we changed it") # get back changed data with target["some_file"].open("rb") as fil: changed_test_data = assert_value(test_data != changed_test_data, True) assert_value(changed_test_data, b"we changed it") # ther should be nothing else here. assert_value(set(root_path.list()), {b"r", b"w"}) # unmount the change-overlay target.unmount(path_w) with (target / "some_file").open("rb") as fil: unchanged_test_data = assert_value(test_data, unchanged_test_data) # unmount the source-overlay: target.unmount() # now the target mount should be completely empty. assert_value(target["some_file"].exists(), False) assert_value(list(target.list()), []) assert_value(len(list(target.iterdir())), 0)