コード例 #1
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
 def onIdle(self, event):
     Event to grab and display a frame from the camera. (internal use).
     if self.cap == None:  #Should be cvCameraCapture instance.
         #unbind the idle instance, change to click.
         highgui.cvReleaseCapture(self.cap)  #release the old instance and
         self.cap = highgui.cvCreateCameraCapture(
             self.camera)  #try new one.
         self.displayError(self.errorBitmap, (128, 128))
         raise CameraError('Unable to open camera, retrying....')
         img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap)
     except cv2.error as e:
         raise CameraError('Error when querying for frame: {0}'.format(e))
     self._error = 0  #worked successfully
     img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
     cv.cvCvtColor(img, img, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)
     if conf.as_bool(conf.config['webcam']['cropBars']):
         #Draw cropping region
         cv.cvRectangle(img, (80, -1), (560, 480), (205.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
コード例 #2
ファイル: camera_manager.py プロジェクト: rviscarra/pywebsec
	def get_frame(self, face_rec = False):
		image = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.device)
		face_matches = False
		if face_rec:
			grayscale = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(640, 480), 8, 1)
			cv.cvCvtColor(image, grayscale, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
			storage = cv.cvCreateMemStorage(0)
			cv.cvEqualizeHist(grayscale, grayscale)
			for cascade in self.haarfiles:
				matches = cv.cvHaarDetectObjects(grayscale, cascade, storage, 1.2, 2, 
										  cv.CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, cv.cvSize(100,100))
				if matches:
					face_matches = True
					for i in matches:
						cv.cvRectangle(image, cv.cvPoint( int(i.x), int(i.y)),
							cv.cvPoint(int(i.x+i.width), int(i.y+i.height)),
							cv.CV_RGB(0,0,255), 2, 5, 0)
			image = cv.cvGetMat(image)
		return (image, face_matches)
コード例 #3
ファイル: cam_working_test.py プロジェクト: AndyManly/Taxidi
 def save(self):
     print "Save"
     img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap)
     img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
     #No BGR => RGB conversion needed for PIL output.
     pil = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(img)  #convert to a PIL
コード例 #4
ファイル: LiveFourierTransform.py プロジェクト: STardif/pyXRT
def get_image(camera):
  Grabs a frame from the camera 
  and returns it as a PIL image
  im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
  im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
  return opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im)  #convert Ipl image to PIL image
コード例 #5
 def snapshot(arg):
   camera = highgui.cvCreateCameraCapture(0)
   im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
   # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
   im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
   #convert Ipl image to PIL image
   im = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im)
コード例 #6
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: ehsan108190/shinytouch
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    im = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im) 
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
    global speed
    draw.text((20,20), "FPS: " + str(speed.go()), fill=(255,255,255))
    return im
コード例 #7
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
    def save(self, record=-1):
        Captures, crops, and saves a webcam frame.  Pass an explicit record number
        otherwise writes to next in sequence.  Returns zero-padded photo reference ID.
        img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap)
        img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
        #No BGR => RGB conversion needed for PIL output.
        pil = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(img)  #convert to a PIL
        #~ pil = pil.crop((80, 0, 560, 480))
        #~ pil.show()

        return self.store.savePIL(pil, record)
コード例 #8
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
    def save(self, record=-1):
        Captures, crops, and saves a webcam frame.  Pass an explicit record number
        otherwise writes to next in sequence.  Returns zero-padded photo reference ID.
        img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap)
        img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
        #No BGR => RGB conversion needed for PIL output.
        pil = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(img)  #convert to a PIL
        #~ pil = pil.crop((80, 0, 560, 480))
        #~ pil.show()

        return self.store.savePIL(pil, record)
コード例 #9
ファイル: referpanel.py プロジェクト: hamalawy/telehealth
    def onCapture(self, event):

        self.buffer = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.camera)
        self.im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.camera)
        self.im = opencv.cvGetMat(self.im)
        self.im = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(self.im)
        filename = 'img' + str(self.image_counter) + '.jpg'
        raw = wx.Image('Photos/'+filename)
        # (308, 267) is the size of the picture after getting the
        # size of the panel
        bmp = raw.Rescale(308,267)
        bmp = bmp.ConvertToBitmap()
        wx.StaticBitmap(self.Photoshot_Panel, -1, bmp)
        self.image_counter += 1
コード例 #10
ファイル: qrnet.py プロジェクト: WindyCitySDR/ether2any
	def run(self):
			while not self.quit:
				frame = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.reader)
				self.frame += 1
				frame = opencv.cvGetMat(frame)
				img = adaptors.Ipl2PIL(frame)
				width, height = img.size
				zimg = zbar.Image(width, height, 'Y800', img.convert("L").tostring())
				data = None
				for symbol in zimg:
					data = symbol.data
					self.camlog.debug("Data is: %s" % data)
					self.success += 1
					# handle data
					if not self.lastPacket == data:
						self.lastPacket = data
							msg = base64.b64decode(data)
							(rawtime, packet) = (msg[0:8], msg[8:])
							ptime = struct.unpack("<d", rawtime)
							self.camlog.debug("Network packet! Heade (time) is %s" % (ptime,))
						except (base64.binascii.Error, TypeError):
							self.camlog.error("Base64 error - could not decode packet")
						except struct.error:
							self.camlog.error("Header error - could not extract header information")
						# packet is already known, discard

				# status report to gui
				if self.frame % self.reportAfter == 0:
					self.frame = self.success = 0
				if self.squeue.qsize() > self.reportAfter/2:
					while not self.squeue.empty():
				# add new status code
				self.squeue.put((self.frame, self.success))
		except Exception, e:
			raise e
コード例 #11
ファイル: funnycam-costume.py プロジェクト: alfem/funnycam
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)

    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)

    # Resize image if needed
    resized_im = opencv.cvCreateImage(opencv.cvSize(XSCALE, YSCALE), 8, 3)
    opencv.cvResize(im, resized_im, opencv.CV_INTER_CUBIC)

    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    pil_img = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(resized_im)

    enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(pil_img)
    pil_img = enhancer.enhance(BRIGHTNESS)
    pil_img = ImageOps.mirror(pil_img)

    return pil_img
コード例 #12
ファイル: funnycam-costume.py プロジェクト: alfem/funnycam
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)

# Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)

# Resize image if needed
    opencv.cvResize( im, resized_im, opencv.CV_INTER_CUBIC);

#convert Ipl image to PIL image
    pil_img = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(resized_im)


    return pil_img
コード例 #13
ファイル: webcam.py プロジェクト: rechner/Taxidi
 def onIdle(self, event):
     Event to grab and display a frame from the camera. (internal use).
     if self.cap == None: #Should be cvCameraCapture instance.
         #unbind the idle instance, change to click.
         highgui.cvReleaseCapture(self.cap)  #release the old instance and
         self.cap = highgui.cvCreateCameraCapture(self.camera) #try new one.
         self.displayError(self.errorBitmap, (128, 128))
         raise CameraError('Unable to open camera, retrying....')
         img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap)
     except cv2.error as e:
         raise CameraError('Error when querying for frame: {0}'.format(e))
     self._error = 0  #worked successfully
     img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
     cv.cvCvtColor(img, img, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)
     if conf.as_bool(conf.config['webcam']['cropBars']):
         #Draw cropping region
         cv.cvRectangle(img, (80, -1), (560, 480), (205.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 2)
コード例 #14
ファイル: teresa.py プロジェクト: kinduff/TeresaPay
	def get_image(): #Creamos camara
	    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
	    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
	    return opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im) 
コード例 #15
ファイル: robot-camera.py プロジェクト: badescuga/NodeJsDemo
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    return opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im) 
コード例 #16
ファイル: cam_working_test.py プロジェクト: AndyManly/Taxidi
 def onIdle(self, event): 
     img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(self.cap) 
     img = opencv.cvGetMat(img)
     cv.cvCvtColor(img, img, cv.CV_BGR2RGB)
コード例 #17
ファイル: webcam2.py プロジェクト: antimatter15/mirrortouch
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    im = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im)

    pix = im.load()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    box = 10

    start = -1
    xlist = []
    for x in range(0, im.size[0]):
      color = pix[x, 0]
      if colorBandMatch(color) == False:
        pix[x, 0] = (255, 0, 0, 255)
        if start == -1:
          start = x
      elif start != -1:
        if x - start < 10:
          #print "X Axis Center Discarded; Start: ",start," End: ",x
          #print "X Axis Center Found; Start: ",start," End: ",x
          pix[(start+x)/2, 0] = (0,255,0,255)
        start = -1
    start = -1
    ylist = []
    for y in range(0, im.size[1]):
      color = pix[0, y]
      if colorBandMatch(color) == False:
        pix[0, y] = (255, 0, 0, 255)
        if start == -1:
          start = y
      elif start != -1:
        if y - start < 10:
          #print "Y Axis Center Discarded; Start: ",start," End: ",y
          #print "Y Axis Center Found; Start: ",start," End: ",y
          pix[0,(start+y)/2] = (0,255,0,255)
        start = -1

    xm = im.size[0]/2.0
    ym = im.size[1]/2.0
    l = 1000.0

    for point in itertools.product(xlist, ylist):
      x = float(point[0]) #- 5# - (point[1]*0.05) - 5
      y = float(point[1]) #+ (x*0.1) - 15
      #print "Iterating: x: ",x," y: ", y
      if x-xm == 0 or y-ym == 0:
        print "DIVIDE BY ZERO ERROR"
      x = (y + (l/float(x-xm))*x)/((l/float(x-xm))-(float(y-ym)/l))
      y = (float(y-ym)/l)*x + y
      x = int(x)
      y = int(y)
      print "Adjusted: x: ",x," y: ",y
      if x-box < 0 or x+box > im.size[0] - 1 or y-box < 0 or y+box > im.size[1] - 1:
        print "Out of Range"
      color = pix[x, y]
      print color
      pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
      if colorTargetMatch(color) == True:
        pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 0, 255)
        count = 0.0
        for x1 in range(x-box, x+box):
          color = pix[x1, y-box]
          if colorTargetMatch(color) == True:
            count += 1
            pix[x1, y-box] = (50, 50, 255, 255)
        for x2 in range(x-box, x+box):
          color = pix[x2, y+box]
          if colorTargetMatch(color) == True:
            count += 1
            pix[x2, y+box] = (50, 50, 255, 255)
        for y1 in range(y-box, y+box):
          color = pix[x-box,y1]
          if colorTargetMatch(color) == True:
            count += 1
            pix[x-box,y1] = (50, 50, 255, 255)
        for y2 in range(y-box, y+box):
          color = pix[x+box,y2]
          if colorTargetMatch(color) == True:
            count += 1
            color = pix[x+box,y2] = (50, 50, 255, 255)
        ratio = count / (box*2*4)

        #draw.rectangle(((x-box, y-box),(x+box, y+box)), outline=(255,255,0))
        draw.text((x+1, y+1), str(ratio), fill=(0,0,0))
        #draw.rectangle(((x-box, y-box),(x+box, y+box)), outline=(0,0,0))
        if ratio > 0.09 and ratio < 0.8:
          pix[x, y] = (255, 0, 255, 255)
          draw.rectangle(((x-10, y-10),(x+10, y+10)), outline=(100,255,100))
          print ratio
          print point
        #yay, the point is actually on the blah
    return im
コード例 #18
def get_image(dolog = False, getpix = False):
    global im, pix, draw
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    im = opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im)

    pix = im.load()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)

    if getpix != False:
      global rmin, rmax, gmin, gmax, bmin, bmax
      cr = pix[getpix[0],getpix[1]]
      if cr[0] < rmin:
        rmin = cr[0]
      if cr[0] > rmax:
        rmax = cr[0]
      if cr[1] < gmin:
        gmin = cr[1]
      if cr[1] > gmax:
        gmax = cr[1]
      if cr[2] < bmin:
        bmin = cr[2]
      if cr[2] > bmax:
        bmax = cr[2]
      print "Pixel Color:",cr

    pix[xs, tl] = (100,100,255,255)
    pix[xs, bl] = (100,100,255,255)
    pix[xe, tr] = (100,100,255,255)
    pix[xe, br] = (100,100,255,255)
    xp = 0
    yp = 0
    wp = 0
    oy = 0

    for x in range(0, w):
      count = 0
      if x % 3 > 0:
      for y in range(tr + int(ytr*x), br + int(ybr * x)):
        if y % 4 > 0:
        if colorTargetMatch(pix[xe-x,y]):
          pix[xe-x,y] = (0,255,0,255)
          count += 1
          #pix[xe-x,y] = (0,0,0,255)
          if count >= 1:
            #print "x:",(xe-x),"y:",(y-(count/2))
            xp = xe-x
            yp = y-(count/2)
            oy = y-count
            wp = count
            count = -1
      if count == -1:

    if xp > 0 and yp - 10> 0 and xp + 10 < im.size[0]:
      touchcolor = pix[xp-5,yp]
      pix[xp,yp] = (255,255,255,255)
      #if colorShadowTest(draw, pix[xp+5, yp-10], pix[xp+5,yp-10], xp, yp):
      if colorTest(xp, yp, dolog):
        #if colorTest(pix[xp+5,yp],pix[xp+5,yp-10], touchcolor, xp, yp, dolog):
        #print "reflectoin: x:",(xe-x),"y:",(y-(count/2))
        draw.rectangle(((xp-10, yp-10),(xp+10, oy+10)), outline=(100,255,100))
        xd = ((xp - xs)/float(w))*640
        disttop = (((tr-tl)/w) * (xp-xs)) + tl
        vwid = (bl-tl) + (((br-tr)-(bl-tl)) * ((xp - xs)/float(w)))
        yd = ((yp - disttop)/vwid) * 480
        draw2.rectangle(((xd-5, yd-5),(xd+5, yd+5)), outline=(100,255,100), fill=(100,255,100))
        #print "fayle"
        pix[xp+5,oy-10] = (255,255,255,255)
        pix[xp+5,yp] = (255,0,255,255)
        pix[xp-5,yp] = (0,0,255,255)
    if mode == "draw":
      return canvas
    elif mode == "transform":
      return im.transform((640,480), Image.QUAD, (xs,tl,xs,bl,xe,br,xe,tr))
      return im
コード例 #19
 def toPIL(self):
   img = opencv.cvGetMat(self.image)
   return opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(img) 
コード例 #20
def get_image():
    im = highgui.cvQueryFrame(camera)
    # Add the line below if you need it (Ubuntu 8.04+)
    im = opencv.cvGetMat(im)
    #convert Ipl image to PIL image
    return opencv.adaptors.Ipl2PIL(im)