コード例 #1
def test_mask_crop():
    passing = True
    # read in an image with a black border present
    f_in = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c3574.png"
    f_in = str(f_in.resolve())
    img_np, _, _ = read_file(f_in)

    # test first crop_img method
    cropped_img, size_changes = crop_img_borders(img_np)
    if not cropped_img.shape == (1024, 984):
        print("crop_img_borders returned wrong shape", cropped_img.shape)
        passing = False

    # test second crop_img method
    cropped_img, size_changes = crop_img_borders_by_edginess(img_np)
    if not cropped_img.shape == (1022, 984):
        passing = False

    # test uncrop with params method
    img_np_uncropped, _ = reverse_size_changes_to_img(cropped_img, [1.0, 1.0],

    if not img_np_uncropped.shape == (1024, 1024):
        print("uncropped shape not as expected", img_np_uncropped.shape)
        passing = False

    # test set non-mask as constant
    mask_np = np.zeros(img_np.shape)
    mask_np[500:600, 500:600] = 1

    masked_img = set_non_mask_constant(img_np, mask_np)

    # verify masked image is correct size
    if not masked_img.shape == img_np.shape:
        print("masked image has wrong shape", masked_img.shape)
        passing = False
    # verify pixels we reset are zero now and were not in original
    test_patch_masked = masked_img[0:450, 0:450]
    test_patch_unmasked = img_np[0:450, 0:450]
    if not np.all(test_patch_masked == 0):
        print("mask not applied correctly")
        passing = False
    if np.all(test_patch_unmasked == 0):
        print("orig image was already zero in test patch")
        passing = False

    assert passing
コード例 #2
def test_cxrstandardization():
    # read in and standardize an image
    # first get the file path relative to current location
    f_in = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0002.mha"
    f_in = str(f_in.resolve())
    # read in the image
    img_np, spacing, pydata = read_file(f_in)
    # load the standardization algorithm
    cxrstandardize_algorithm = opencxr.load(opencxr.algorithms.cxr_standardize)

    # run the standardization algorithm on the test image
    # this will return the new image, the new spacing, and a dict of size changes carried out
    # these size changes can be easily applied to other images, see further code below
    final_norm_img, new_spacing, size_changes = cxrstandardize_algorithm.run(
        img_np, spacing)

    # set up an output location and write the output image there
    f_out = Path(
        __file__).parent / "resources" / "tmp_test_outputs" / "c0002_norm.mha"
    f_out = str(f_out.resolve())
    write_file(f_out, final_norm_img, new_spacing)

    # Next we test whether the size_changes information that was provided is correct
    # run apply_size_changes_to_img and verify that the output sizes are the same as the ones that came from standardization algorithm
    img_resized_to_test, new_spacing_to_test = apply_size_changes_to_img(
        img_np, spacing, size_changes)

    resized_img_worked = final_norm_img.shape == img_resized_to_test.shape
    resized_spacing_worked = new_spacing == new_spacing_to_test

    passed = (final_norm_img.shape == (1024, 1024)
              and not np.max(final_norm_img) == 0
              and (final_norm_img.shape == img_resized_to_test.shape)
              and (new_spacing == new_spacing_to_test))

    if passed:
        print("CXR Standardization test completed successfully")
        print("CXR Standardization test failed")

    assert passed
コード例 #3
def test_rotate_flip_invert():
    passing = True
    f_in = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0005.mha"
    f_in = str(f_in.resolve())
    img_np, spacing, _ = read_file(f_in)

    rot90 = rotate_img(img_np, 90)
    rot180 = rotate_img(img_np, 180)
    rot270 = rotate_img(img_np, 270)
    rot360 = rotate_img(img_np, 360)

    flipyx = flip_y(flip_x(img_np))

    flipxyrot90 = flip_x(flip_y(rot90))

    # compare images we expect to be the same
    diff_img = img_np.astype(float) - rot360.astype(float)
    avg_pixel_diff = np.sum(
        np.abs(diff_img)) / (img_np.shape[0] * img_np.shape[1])
    if not avg_pixel_diff < 20:
        print("rot360 not the same as orig", avg_pixel_diff)
        passing = False

    diff_img = flipyx.astype(float) - rot180.astype(float)
    avg_pixel_diff = np.sum(
        np.abs(diff_img)) / (img_np.shape[0] * img_np.shape[1])
    if not avg_pixel_diff < 20:
        print("flipyx not same as rot180", avg_pixel_diff)
        passing = False

    diff_img = flipxyrot90.astype(float) - rot270.astype(float)
    avg_pixel_diff = np.sum(
        np.abs(diff_img)) / (img_np.shape[0] * img_np.shape[1])
    if not avg_pixel_diff < 20:
        print("flipxyrot90 not same as rot270", avg_pixel_diff)
        passing = False

    assert passing
コード例 #4
def test_lung_seg():
    # Load the algorithm
    lungseg_algorithm = opencxr.load(opencxr.algorithms.lung_seg)
    # read an image from disk
    f_in = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0005.mha"
    f_in = str(f_in.resolve())
    img_np, spacing, pydata = read_file(f_in)
    # run the lung segmentation algorithm on the image (note: in the wild it may be best to perform cxr standardization first)
    # this will return the segmentation map image
    seg_map = lungseg_algorithm.run(img_np)
    # write the output segmentation to disk
    f_out = (Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "tmp_test_outputs" /
    f_out = str(f_out.resolve())
    write_file(f_out, seg_map, spacing)

    passed = seg_map.shape == img_np.shape and not np.max(seg_map) == 0

    if passed:
        print("Lung Segmentation test completed successfully")
        print("Lung Segmentation results not as expected")

    assert passed
コード例 #5
def test_file_io():
    # read files of type dicom, png (8 and 16 bit), mha
    f_in_dcm = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0004.dcm"
    f_in_dcm = str(f_in_dcm.resolve())
    img_np_dcm, spacing_dcm, tags = read_file(f_in_dcm)

    f_in_png_8 = Path(
        __file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0001_8bit.png"
    f_in_png_8 = str(f_in_png_8.resolve())
    img_np_png_8, _, _ = read_file(f_in_png_8)

    f_in_png_16 = Path(
        __file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0002_16bit.png"
    f_in_png_16 = str(f_in_png_16.resolve())
    img_np_png_16, _, _ = read_file(f_in_png_16)

    f_in_mha = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0003.mha"
    f_in_mha = str(f_in_mha.resolve())
    img_np_mha, spacing_mha, _ = read_file(f_in_mha)

    # verify the appropriate information is not empty
    passing = True
    if not img_np_dcm.shape == (2992, 2991):
        print("dcm wrong shape", img_np_dcm.shape)
        passing = False
    if not np.array_equal(spacing_dcm, np.asarray([0.143, 0.143, 1.0])):
        print("dcm wrong spacing", spacing_dcm)
        passing = False
    if (not tags["StudyInstanceUID"].value
            == "9999.324256108382831452380358921215687044879"):
        print("dcm tags wrong study UID", tags["StudyInstanceUID"].value)
        passing = False

    if not img_np_png_8.shape == (1024, 1024):
        print("png 8 bit wrong shape", img_np_png_8.shape)
        passing = False

    if not img_np_png_16.shape == (3000, 2967):
        print("png 16 bit wrong shape", img_np_png_16.shape)
        passing = False

    if not img_np_mha.shape == (2834, 2851):
        print("mha wrong shape", img_np_mha.shape)
        passing = False
    if not np.array_equal(spacing_mha, np.asarray([0.148, 0.148])):
        print("mha wrong spacing", spacing_mha)
        passing = False

    # write files of type mha, png (uint8) and png (uint16)
    f_out = Path(
        __file__).parent / "resources" / "tmp_test_outputs" / "writing_mha.mha"
    f_out = str(f_out.resolve())
    write_file(f_out, img_np_mha, spacing_mha)
    if not os.path.isfile(f_out):
        print("Failed to write file at ", f_out)
        passing = False

    f_out = (Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "tmp_test_outputs" /
    f_out = str(f_out.resolve())
    write_file(f_out, img_np_png_8, [1.0, 1.0])
    if not os.path.isfile(f_out):
        print("Failed to write file at ", f_out)
        passing = False

    f_out = (Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "tmp_test_outputs" /
    f_out = str(f_out.resolve())
    write_file(f_out, img_np_png_16, [1.0, 1.0])
    if not os.path.isfile(f_out):
        print("Failed to write file at ", f_out)
        passing = False

    assert passing
コード例 #6
def test_imagesorter():
    # Load the algorithm
    img_sorter_algorithm = opencxr.load(opencxr.algorithms.image_sorter)
    # read in a test image
    # note that the image sorter is designed to run on raw data so it performs better without prior image normalization/standardization
    f_in = Path(__file__).parent / "resources" / "images" / "c0004.mha"
    f_in = str(f_in.resolve())
    img_np, spacing, pydata = read_file(f_in)
    # get the output from the image sorter
    # the output is a dict something like the one shown below.
    # The first four keys give classifications for Type, Rotation, Inversion, Lateral_Flip.
    # The second four keys provide probabilities of all possible classes for users that might need this
    # {'Type': 'PA',
    #  'Rotation': '0',
    #   'Inversion': 'No',
    #   'Lateral_Flip': 'No',
    #   'Type_Probs_PA_AP_lateral_notCXR': [0.99999976, 2.5101654e-08, 2.4382584e-07, 1.0590604e-08],
    #   'Rotation_Probs_0_90_180_270': [0.9999999, 2.7740466e-08, 2.2800064e-08, 3.7591672e-08],
    #   'Inversion_Probs_No_Yes': [0.9999968589511354, 3.1410489e-06],
    #   'Lateral_Flip_Probs_No_Yes': [0.9999986753330177, 1.324667e-06]}

    # Possible values for the first 4 keys listed here are as follows:
    #       Type:  ['PA', 'AP', 'lateral', 'notCXR']
    #       Rotation: ['0', '90', '180', '270']
    #       Inversion: ['No', 'Yes']
    #       Lateral_Flip: ['No', 'Yes']
    result = img_sorter_algorithm.run(img_np)

    expected_result = {
        "Type_Probs_PA_AP_lateral_notCXR": [
        "Rotation_Probs_0_90_180_270": [
        "Inversion_Probs_No_Yes": [0.9999968589511354, 3.1410489e-06],
        "Lateral_Flip_Probs_No_Yes": [0.9999986753330177, 1.324667e-06],

    first_four_keys_passed = False
    if (result["Type"] == expected_result["Type"]
            and result["Rotation"] == expected_result["Rotation"]
            and result["Inversion"] == expected_result["Inversion"]
            and result["Lateral_Flip"] == expected_result["Lateral_Flip"]):
        first_four_keys_passed = True
        print("Failed to match first four keys checked", result,

    last_four_keys_passed = False

    if (np.array_equal(
            np.round(np.asarray(result["Type_Probs_PA_AP_lateral_notCXR"]), 3),
    ) and np.array_equal(
            np.round(np.asarray(result["Rotation_Probs_0_90_180_270"]), 3),
                np.asarray(expected_result["Rotation_Probs_0_90_180_270"]), 3),
    ) and np.array_equal(
            np.round(np.asarray(result["Inversion_Probs_No_Yes"]), 3),
            np.round(np.asarray(expected_result["Inversion_Probs_No_Yes"]), 3),
    ) and np.array_equal(
            np.round(np.asarray(result["Lateral_Flip_Probs_No_Yes"]), 3),
        last_four_keys_passed = True
        print("Failed to match last four keys checked", result,

    passed = first_four_keys_passed and last_four_keys_passed

    if passed:
        print("Image Sorter test completed successfully")
        print("Image Sorter results not as expected")

    assert passed