def test_landmask_contains(): delete_mask() l = Landmask() onland = (np.array([15.]), np.array([65.6])) assert l.contains(onland[0], onland[1]) onland = (np.array([10.]), np.array([60.0])) assert l.contains(onland[0], onland[1]) onocean = (np.array([5.]), np.array([65.6])) assert not l.contains(onocean[0], onocean[1]) l.contains([180], [90]) l.contains([-180], [90]) l.contains([180], [-90]) l.contains([-180], [-90])
def test_tromsoe(tmpdir): delete_mask() # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax extent = [18.64, 69.537, 19.37, 69.91] l = Landmask(extent) lon = np.arange(18.8, 18.969, .0003) lat = np.arange(69.59, 69.70, .0003) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) c = l.contains(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), True) c = c.reshape(xx.shape) print("c:", c) import cartopy import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os plt.figure(dpi=200) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # ax.contourf(lon, lat, c, transform = ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.imshow(c, extent=[np.min(lon), np.max(lon), np.min(lat), np.max(lat)], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) reader = cartopy.feature.GSHHSFeature('f') \ .intersecting_geometries([ extent[0], extent[2], extent[1], extent[3]]) ax.add_geometries(list(reader), ccrs.PlateCarree(), alpha=.5) ax.coastlines() # ax.set_global() plt.savefig(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'tromsoe.png'))
def test_norway(tmpdir): delete_mask() l = Landmask(extent=[-1, 44, 41, 68]) lon = np.arange(0, 40, .1) lat = np.arange(45, 67, .1) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) c = l.contains(xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()) c = c.reshape(xx.shape) print("c:", c) import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os plt.figure(dpi=200) ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # ax.contourf(lon, lat, c, transform = ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.imshow(c, extent=[0, 40, 45, 67], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.coastlines() ax.set_global() plt.savefig(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'norway.png'))
class Reader(BaseReader): """ The global landmask reader is based on the coastline data from GSHHG ( optimized for checking against landmasks. Args: :param extent: minx, miny, maxx, maxy bounding box in source CRS for which to include geometries. Default None (all geometries). :type extent: array of floats, optional :param llcrnrlon: minx. :type llcrnrlon: float, optional, deprecated in favor of extent. :param llcrnrlat: miny. :type llcrnrlat: float, optional, deprecated in favor of extent. :param urcrnrlon: maxx. :type urcrnrlon: float, optional, deprecated in favor of extent. :param urcrnrlat: maxy. :type urcrnrlat: float, optional, deprecated in favor of extent. :param skippoly: use only rasterized landmask to determine whether points are on land. :type skippoly: bool, optional, default False. """ name = 'global_landmask' return_block = False variables = ['land_binary_mask'] proj4 = None crs = None skippoly = False def __init__(self, extent = None, llcrnrlon = None, llcrnrlat = None, urcrnrlon = None, urcrnrlat = None, skippoly = False): self.proj4 = '+proj=lonlat +ellps=WGS84' = pyproj.CRS(self.proj4) self.skippoly = skippoly super (Reader, self).__init__ () # Depth self.z = None if extent and (llcrnrlat or llcrnrlon or urcrnrlat or urcrnrlon): raise Exception ("'extent' cannot be given togheter with any of 'llcrnrlon', ..'") elif extent is None and (llcrnrlat or llcrnrlon or urcrnrlat or urcrnrlon): warnings.warn("llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, et. al. is deprecated for the global landmask reader. Prefer 'extent' in stead.", DeprecationWarning) extent = [llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon, urcrnrlat] # Read and store min, max and step of x and y if extent is not None: self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax = extent else: self.xmin, self.ymin = -180, -90 self.xmax, self.ymax = 180, 90 self.xmin, self.ymin = self.lonlat2xy(self.xmin, self.ymin) self.xmax, self.ymax = self.lonlat2xy(self.xmax, self.ymax) # setup landmask self.mask = Landmask(extent, skippoly) def __on_land__(self, x, y): return self.mask.contains (x, y, skippoly = self.skippoly, checkextent = False) def get_variables(self, requestedVariables, time = None, x = None, y = None, z = None, block = False): """ Get binary mask of whether elements are on land or not. Args: x (deg[]): longitude (decimal degrees) y (deg[]): latitude (decimal degrees) ... x, y is given in reader local projection. Returns: Binary mask of point x, y on land. """ self.check_arguments(requestedVariables, time, x, y, z) return { 'land_binary_mask': self.__on_land__(x,y) }