def hook_receiver(): """ Process incoming GitHub webhook events. 1. Make sure the payload hashes to the proper signature. If not, reject the request with http status of 403. 2. Send a job to the queue with details of the event. 3. Respond with http status 202. Returns: Tuple[str, int]: Message payload and HTTP status code """ headers = GithubWebHookRequestHeader(request.headers) # TODO: Once we adopt payload signature validation for all web hooks, # add as decorator, or somehow into Blueprint secret = app.config.get('GITHUB_WEBHOOKS_SECRET') if not is_valid_payload(secret, headers.signature, msg = "Rejecting because signature doesn't match!" print(msg, file=sys.stderr) return msg, 403 q.enqueue('openedx_webhooks.github.dispatcher.dispatch', dict(request.headers), request.get_json()) return 'Thank you', 202
def test_mismatched_payload(secret1, signature): wrong_payload = json.dumps('x') assert is_valid_payload(secret1, signature, wrong_payload) is False
def test_bad_secret(secret2, signature, payload): assert is_valid_payload(secret2, signature, payload) is False
def test_mismatched_signature(secret1, secret2, payload): wrong_signature = _make_signature(secret2, payload) assert is_valid_payload(secret1, wrong_signature, payload) is False
def test_everything_matches(secret1, signature, payload): assert is_valid_payload(secret1, signature, payload) is True