def _complete_stmts_vals(self, stmts_vals, journal, account_number): for st_vals in stmts_vals: st_vals['journal_id'] = for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']: unique_import_id = line_vals.get('unique_import_id') if unique_import_id: sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number(account_number) line_vals['unique_import_id'] = (sanitized_account_number and sanitized_account_number + '-' or '') + unique_import_id if not line_vals.get('bank_account_id'): # Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank account. The partner selected during the # reconciliation process will be linked to the bank when the statement is closed. partner_id = False bank_account_id = False identifying_string = line_vals.get('account_number') if identifying_string: partner_bank = self.env[''].search([('acc_number', '=', identifying_string)], limit=1) if partner_bank: bank_account_id = partner_id = else: bank_account_id = self.env[''].create({'acc_number': line_vals['account_number']}).id line_vals['partner_id'] = partner_id line_vals['bank_account_id'] = bank_account_id return stmts_vals
def _complete_stmts_vals(self, stmts_vals, journal, account_number): for st_vals in stmts_vals: st_vals['journal_id'] = if not st_vals.get('reference'): st_vals['reference'] = self.filename if st_vals.get('number'): #build the full name like BNK/2016/00135 by just giving the number '135' st_vals['name'] = journal.sequence_id.with_context(ir_sequence_date=st_vals.get('date')).get_next_char(st_vals['number']) del(st_vals['number']) for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']: unique_import_id = line_vals.get('unique_import_id') if unique_import_id: sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number(account_number) line_vals['unique_import_id'] = (sanitized_account_number and sanitized_account_number + '-' or '') + str( + '-' + unique_import_id if not line_vals.get('bank_account_id'): # Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank account. The partner selected during the # reconciliation process will be linked to the bank when the statement is closed. partner_id = False bank_account_id = False identifying_string = line_vals.get('account_number') if identifying_string: partner_bank = self.env[''].search([('acc_number', '=', identifying_string)], limit=1) if partner_bank: bank_account_id = partner_id = else: bank_account_id = self.env[''].create({'acc_number': line_vals['account_number']}).id line_vals['partner_id'] = partner_id line_vals['bank_account_id'] = bank_account_id return stmts_vals
def _find_additional_data(self, currency_code, account_number): """ Look for a res.currency and account.journal using values extracted from the statement and make sure it's consistent. """ company_currency = self.env.user.company_id.currency_id journal_obj = self.env['account.journal'] currency = None sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number(account_number) if currency_code: currency = self.env['res.currency'].search( [('name', '=ilike', currency_code)], limit=1) if not currency: raise UserError( _("No currency found matching '%s'.") % currency_code) if currency == company_currency: currency = False journal = journal_obj.browse(self.env.context.get('journal_id', [])) if account_number: # No bank account on the journal : create one from the account number of the statement if journal and not journal.bank_account_id: journal.set_bank_account(account_number) # No journal passed to the wizard : try to find one using the account number of the statement elif not journal: journal =[ ('bank_account_id.sanitized_acc_number', '=', sanitized_account_number) ]) # Already a bank account on the journal : check it's the same as on the statement else: if not self._check_journal_bank_account( journal, sanitized_account_number): raise UserError( _('The account of this statement (%s) is not the same as the journal (%s).' ) % (account_number, journal.bank_account_id.acc_number)) # If importing into an existing journal, its currency must be the same as the bank statement if journal: journal_currency = journal.currency_id if currency is None: currency = journal_currency if currency and currency != journal_currency: statement_cur_code = not currency and or journal_cur_code = not journal_currency and or raise UserError( _('The currency of the bank statement (%s) is not the same as the currency of the journal (%s) !' ) % (statement_cur_code, journal_cur_code)) # If we couldn't find / can't create a journal, everything is lost if not journal and not account_number: raise UserError( _('Cannot find in which journal import this statement. Please manually select a journal.' )) return currency, journal
def _find_additional_data(self, currency_code, account_number): """ Look for a res.currency and account.journal using values extracted from the statement and make sure it's consistent. """ company_currency = self.env.user.company_id.currency_id journal_obj = self.env["account.journal"] currency = None sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number(account_number) if currency_code: currency = self.env["res.currency"].search([("name", "=ilike", currency_code)], limit=1) if not currency: raise UserError(_("No currency found matching '%s'.") % currency_code) if currency == company_currency: currency = False journal = journal_obj.browse(self.env.context.get("journal_id", [])) if account_number: # No bank account on the journal : create one from the account number of the statement if journal and not journal.bank_account_id: journal.set_bank_account(account_number) # Already a bank account on the journal : check it's the same as on the statement elif journal and journal.bank_account_id.sanitized_acc_number != sanitized_account_number: raise UserError( _("The account of this statement (%s) is not the same as the journal (%s).") % (account_number, journal.bank_account_id.acc_number) ) # No journal passed to the wizard : try to find one using the account number of the statement elif not journal: journal =[("bank_account_id.sanitized_acc_number", "=", sanitized_account_number)]) # If importing into an existing journal, its currency must be the same as the bank statement if journal: journal_currency = journal.currency_id if currency is None: currency = journal_currency # if currency and currency != journal_currency: # statement_cur_code = not currency and or # journal_cur_code = not journal_currency and or # raise UserError(_('The currency of the bank statement (%s) is not the same as the currency of the journal (%s) !') % (statement_cur_code, journal_cur_code)) # If we couldn't find / can't create a journal, everything is lost if not journal and not account_number: raise UserError(_("Cannot find in which journal import this statement. Please manually select a journal.")) return currency, journal
def bulk_import_statement(self): self.ensure_one() bin_data = self.zip_file and self.zip_file.decode('base64') or '' zippedFiles = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(bin_data)) statement_ids = [] notifications = [] for filename in zippedFiles.namelist(): try: data = base_import = self.env[''].create( { 'data_file': data.encode('base64'), }) currency_code, account_number, stmts_vals = base_import.with_context( active_id=self.ids[0])._parse_file(data) if account_number: sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number( account_number) journal_id = self.env['account.journal'].search([ ('bank_account_id.sanitized_acc_number', '=', sanitized_account_number) ]) if journal_id: ret = base_import.with_context({ 'journal_id': }).import_file() statement_ids.extend(ret['context']['statement_ids']) notifications.extend(ret['context']['notifications']) except UserError: pass if len(statement_ids) == 0: raise UserError(_('You have already imported all these files.')) # Finally dispatch to reconciliation interface action = self.env.ref('account.action_bank_reconcile_bank_statements') return { 'name':, 'tag': action.tag, 'context': { 'statement_ids': statement_ids, 'notifications': notifications }, 'type': 'ir.actions.client', }
def _complete_stmts_vals(self, stmts_vals, journal, account_number): for st_vals in stmts_vals: st_vals['journal_id'] = if not st_vals.get('reference'): st_vals['reference'] = self.filename if st_vals.get('number'): #build the full name like BNK/2016/00135 by just giving the number '135' st_vals['name'] = journal.sequence_id.with_context( ir_sequence_date=st_vals.get('date')).get_next_char( st_vals['number']) del (st_vals['number']) for line_vals in st_vals['transactions']: unique_import_id = line_vals.get('unique_import_id') if unique_import_id: sanitized_account_number = sanitize_account_number( account_number) line_vals['unique_import_id'] = ( sanitized_account_number and sanitized_account_number + '-' or '') + str( + '-' + unique_import_id if not line_vals.get('bank_account_id'): # Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank account. The partner selected during the # reconciliation process will be linked to the bank when the statement is closed. partner_id = False bank_account_id = False identifying_string = line_vals.get('account_number') if identifying_string: partner_bank = self.env[''].search( [('acc_number', '=', identifying_string)], limit=1) if partner_bank: bank_account_id = partner_id = else: bank_account_id = self.env[ ''].create({ 'acc_number': line_vals['account_number'] }).id line_vals['partner_id'] = partner_id line_vals['bank_account_id'] = bank_account_id return stmts_vals