class DummyModelRelated(GeoModel): _name = 'test.dummy.related' dummy_test_id = fields.Many2one(String='dummy_test', comodel_name='test.dummy') the_geom_related = geo_fields.GeoMultiPolygon( 'related', related='dummy_test_id.the_geom')
class NPA(geo_model.GeoModel): """GEO OSV SAMPLE""" _name = "" priority = fields.Integer('Priority', default=100) name = fields.Char('ZIP', size=64, index=True, required=True) city = fields.Char('City', size=64, index=True, required=True) the_geom = geo_fields.GeoMultiPolygon('NPA Shape') total_sales = fields.Float( compute='_get_ZIP_total_sales', string='Spatial! Total Sales', ) @api.multi def _get_ZIP_total_sales(self): """Return the total of the invoiced sales for this npa""" mach_obj = self.env['geoengine.demo.automatic.retailing.machine'] for rec in self: res = mach_obj.geo_search( domain=[], geo_domain=[ ('the_point', 'geo_intersect', {'': [('id', '=',]})]) cursor = if res: cursor.execute("SELECT sum(total_sales) from" " geoengine_demo_automatic_retailing_machine " "where id in %s;", (tuple(res),)) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: rec.total_sales = res[0] or 0.0 else: rec.total_sales = 0.0 else: rec.total_sales = 0.0 def name_get(self, cursor, uid, ids, context=None): res = [] for r in self.browse(cursor, uid, ids): res.append((, u"%s %s" % (, return res
class res_city_district(geo_model.GeoModel): _name = '' _inherit = '' geo_polygon = geo_fields.GeoMultiPolygon('Shape')
class res_city_neighborhood(geo_model.GeoModel): _name = '' _inherit = '' geo_polygon = geo_fields.GeoMultiPolygon('Shape')