def setUp(self): super(TestReconcile, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.mass_rec_method_obj = (self.env['account.mass.reconcile.method']) self.mass_rec = self.mass_rec_obj.create({ 'name': 'AER2', 'account': self.ref('account.a_salary_expense'), }) self.mass_rec_method = self.mass_rec_method_obj.create({ 'name': '', 'sequence': '10', 'task_id':, }) self.mass_rec_no_history = self.mass_rec_obj.create({ 'name': 'AER3', 'account': self.ref('account.a_salary_expense'), }) self.rec_history = self.rec_history_obj.create({ 'mass_reconcile_id':, 'date':, })
def post_init(cr, registry): """Import CSV data as it is faster than xml and because we can't use noupdate anymore with csv""" from import convert_file filename = 'data/' convert_file(cr, 'l10n_ch_bank', filename, None, mode='init', noupdate=True, kind='init', report=None)
def setUp(self): super(TestScenarioReconcile, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.invoice_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] self.bk_stmt_obj = self.env[''] self.bk_stmt_line_obj = self.env[''] self.acc_move_line_obj = self.env['account.move.line'] self.mass_rec_method_obj = ( self.env['account.mass.reconcile.method'] ) self.account_fx_income_id = self.ref("account.income_fx_income") self.account_fx_expense_id = self.ref("account.income_fx_expense") self.acs_model = self.env['account.config.settings'] acs_ids = [('company_id', '=', self.ref("base.main_company"))] ) values = {'group_multi_currency': True, 'currency_id': self.ref('base.EUR')} if acs_ids: acs_ids.write(values) else: default_vals = self.acs_model.default_get([]) default_vals.update(values) acs_ids = self.acs_model.create(default_vals)
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ try: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = True for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"loading %s/%s", module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ('demo', 'demo_xml') or (filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml')): noupdate = True if tools.config.options.get('noupdate_if_unchanged'): cr.execute('select value from ir_values where name=%s and key=%s', (pathname, 'digest')) olddigest = (cr.fetchone() or (None,))[0] if olddigest is None: cr.execute('insert into ir_values (name, model, key, value) values (%s, %s, %s, NULL)', (pathname, 'ir_module_module', 'digest',)) digest = md5.md5( if digest == olddigest: noupdate = True else: cr.execute('update ir_values set value=%s where name=%s and key=%s', (digest, pathname, 'digest')) tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, report) finally: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = False
def setUp(self): super(TestScenarioReconcile, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.invoice_obj = self.env['account.invoice'] self.bk_stmt_obj = self.env[''] self.bk_stmt_line_obj = self.env[''] self.acc_move_line_obj = self.env['account.move.line'] self.mass_rec_method_obj = (self.env['account.mass.reconcile.method']) self.account_fx_income_id = self.ref("account.income_fx_income") self.account_fx_expense_id = self.ref("account.income_fx_expense") self.acs_model = self.env['account.config.settings'] acs_ids =[('company_id', '=', self.ref("base.main_company"))]) values = { 'group_multi_currency': True, 'currency_id': self.ref('base.EUR') } if acs_ids: acs_ids.write(values) else: default_vals = self.acs_model.default_get([]) default_vals.update(values) acs_ids = self.acs_model.create(default_vals)
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ try: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = True for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"loading %s/%s", module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ('demo', 'demo_xml') or (filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml')): noupdate = True tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, registry._assertion_report) finally: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = False
def import_module(self, cr, uid, module, path, force=False, context=None): known_mods = self.browse(cr, uid,, uid, [])) known_mods_names = dict([(, m) for m in known_mods]) installed_mods = [ for m in known_mods if m.state == 'installed'] terp = openerp.modules.load_information_from_description_file(module, mod_path=path) values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp) unmet_dependencies = set(terp['depends']).difference(installed_mods) if unmet_dependencies: msg = _("Unmet module dependencies: %s") raise osv.except_osv(_('Error !'), msg % ', '.join(unmet_dependencies)) mod = known_mods_names.get(module) if mod: self.write(cr, uid,, dict(state='installed', **values)) mode = 'update' if not force else 'init' else: assert terp.get('installable', True), "Module not installable" self.create(cr, uid, dict(name=module, state='installed', **values)) mode = 'init' for kind in ['data', 'init_xml', 'update_xml']: for filename in terp[kind]:"module %s: loading %s", module, filename) noupdate = False if filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml'): noupdate = True pathname = opj(path, filename) idref = {} convert_file(cr, module, filename, idref, mode=mode, noupdate=noupdate, kind=kind, pathname=pathname) path_static = opj(path, 'static') ir_attach = self.pool['ir.attachment'] if os.path.isdir(path_static): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_static): for static_file in files: full_path = opj(root, static_file) with open(full_path, 'r') as fp: data ='base64') url_path = '/%s%s' % (module, full_path.split(path)[1].replace(os.path.sep, '/')) url_path = url_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) filename = os.path.split(url_path)[1] values = dict( name=filename, datas_fname=filename, url=url_path, res_model='ir.ui.view', type='binary', datas=data, ) att_id =, uid, [('url', '=', url_path), ('type', '=', 'binary'), ('res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view')], context=context) if att_id: ir_attach.write(cr, uid, att_id, values, context=context) else: ir_attach.create(cr, uid, values, context=context) return True
def setUp(self): super(BaseCompletion, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.account_move_obj = self.env["account.move"] self.account_move_line_obj = \ self.env["account.move.line"] self.company_a = self.browse_ref('base.main_company') self.journal = self.browse_ref("account.bank_journal") self.partner = self.browse_ref("base.res_partner_12") self.account_id = self.ref("account.a_recv")
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"module %s: loading %s", module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ('demo', 'demo_xml') or (filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml')): noupdate = True tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, report)
def setUp(self): super(PermanentLock, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.account_move_obj = self.env["account.move"] self.account_move_line_obj = \ self.env["account.move.line"] self.company_id = self.ref('base.main_company') self.partner = self.browse_ref("base.res_partner_12") self.account_id = self.ref("account.a_recv") self.account_id2 = self.ref("account.a_expense") self.journal_id = self.ref("account.bank_journal") self.wizard_obj = self.env[""]
def setUp(self): super(TestOnChange, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') acc_setting = self.env['account.config.settings'] self.acc_setting_obj = acc_setting.create({}) self.company_obj = self.env[''] # analytic defaults account creation self.main_company = self.env.ref('base.main_company') self.sec_company = self.company_obj.create( { 'name': 'Second company', 'reconciliation_commit_every': 80 } )
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ try: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = True for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"loading %s/%s", module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ('demo', 'demo_xml') or (filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml')): noupdate = True if tools.config.options.get('noupdate_if_unchanged'): cr.execute( 'select value from ir_values where name=%s and key=%s', (pathname, 'digest')) olddigest = (cr.fetchone() or (None, ))[0] if olddigest is None: cr.execute( 'insert into ir_values (name, model, key, value) values (%s, %s, %s, NULL)', ( pathname, 'ir_module_module', 'digest', )) digest = md5.md5( if digest == olddigest: noupdate = True else: cr.execute( 'update ir_values set value=%s where name=%s and key=%s', (digest, pathname, 'digest')) tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, report) finally: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = False
def setUp(self): super(PermanentLock, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, "account", get_module_resource("account", "test", "account_minimal_test.xml"), {}, "init", False, "test", ) self.account_move_obj = self.env["account.move"] self.account_move_line_obj = self.env["account.move.line"] self.company_id = self.ref("base.main_company") self.partner = self.browse_ref("base.res_partner_12") self.account_id = self.ref("account.a_recv") self.account_id2 = self.ref("account.a_expense") self.journal_id = self.ref("account.bank_journal") self.wizard_obj = self.env[""]
def setUp(self): super(TestReconcileHistory, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.mass_rec = self.mass_rec_obj.create({ 'name': 'AER1', 'account': self.ref('account.a_expense'), }) self.rec_history = self.rec_history_obj.create({ 'mass_reconcile_id':, 'date':, })
def setUp(self): super(BankAccountCompletion, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.account_move_obj = self.env["account.move"] self.account_move_line_obj = \ self.env["account.move.line"].with_context( check_move_validity=False ) self.company_a = self.browse_ref('base.main_company') self.completion_rule_id = \ self.ref('account_move_bankaccount_import.' 'bank_statement_completion_rule_10') self.journal = self.browse_ref("account.bank_journal") self.partner = self.browse_ref('base.main_partner') self.account_id = self.ref("account.a_recv") # Create the profile self.journal.write({ 'used_for_completion': True, 'rule_ids': [(6, 0, [self.completion_rule_id])] }) # Create a bank statement self.move = self.account_move_obj.create({ "date":, "journal_id": }) # Add a bank account number to the partner self.res_partner_bank_obj = self.env[''] vals = { "state": "bank", "company_id":, "partner_id":, "acc_number": ACC_NUMBER, "footer": True, "bank_name": "Reserve", } self.partner_bank = self.res_partner_bank_obj.create(vals)
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ try: if kind in ("demo", "test"): threading.currentThread().testing = True for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"loading %s/%s", module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ("demo", "demo_xml") or (filename.endswith(".csv") and kind in ("init", "init_xml")): noupdate = True tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, report) finally: if kind in ("demo", "test"): threading.currentThread().testing = False
def _reload(self, mod_name, model_name, ex_name, res_id): """ Private reload method which contains the real behavior to load each one of the views. """ self._log(1, 'UPD', mod_name, ex_name) try: # STEP 1: Find XML file with given external ID xml_files = self._get_xml_files(mod_name, demo=False) xml_file = self._search_in_files(mod_name, xml_files, ex_name) # STEP 2: Call the update method convert_file(, mod_name, xml_file, {model_name: res_id}, mode='update', noupdate=False, kind='data') except Exception as ex: self._log(3, 'UPDFAIL', mod_name, ex_name, ex)
def setUp(self): super(TestReconcileHistory, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.mass_rec = self.mass_rec_obj.create( { 'name': 'AER1', 'account': self.ref('account.a_expense'), } ) self.rec_history = self.rec_history_obj.create( { 'mass_reconcile_id':, 'date':, } )
def setUp(self): super(TestCodaImport, self).setUp() self.company_a = self.browse_ref('base.main_company') tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.account_move_obj = self.env["account.move"] self.account_move_line_obj = self.env["account.move.line"] self.account_id = self.ref("account.a_recv") self.journal = self.browse_ref("account.bank_journal") self.import_wizard_obj = self.env['credit.statement.import'] self.partner = self.browse_ref("base.res_partner_12") self.journal.write({ 'used_for_import': True, "import_type": "generic_csvxls_so", 'partner_id':, 'commission_account_id': self.account_id, 'receivable_account_id': self.account_id, 'create_counterpart': True, })
def setUp(self): super(TestReconcile, self).setUp() tools.convert_file(, 'account', get_module_resource('account', 'test', 'account_minimal_test.xml'), {}, 'init', False, 'test') self.rec_history_obj = self.env['mass.reconcile.history'] self.mass_rec_obj = self.env['account.mass.reconcile'] self.mass_rec_method_obj = ( self.env['account.mass.reconcile.method'] ) self.mass_rec = self.mass_rec_obj.create( { 'name': 'AER2', 'account': self.ref('account.a_salary_expense'), } ) self.mass_rec_method = self.mass_rec_method_obj.create( { 'name': '', 'sequence': '10', 'task_id':, } ) self.mass_rec_no_history = self.mass_rec_obj.create( { 'name': 'AER3', 'account': self.ref('account.a_salary_expense'), } ) self.rec_history = self.rec_history_obj.create( { 'mass_reconcile_id':, 'date':, } )
def _reload(self, mod_name, model_name, ex_name, res_id): """ Private reload method which contains the real behavior to load each one of the views. """ self._log(1, 'UPD', mod_name, ex_name) try: # STEP 1: Find XML file with given external ID xml_files = self._get_xml_files(mod_name, demo=False) xml_file = self._search_in_files(mod_name, xml_files, ex_name) # STEP 2: Call the update method convert_file(, mod_name, xml_file, {model_name: res_id}, mode='update', noupdate=False, kind='data' ) except Exception as ex: self._log(3, 'UPDFAIL', mod_name, ex_name, ex)
def import_module(self, cr, uid, module, path, force=False, context=None): known_mods = self.browse(cr, uid,, uid, [])) known_mods_names = dict([(, m) for m in known_mods]) installed_mods = [ for m in known_mods if m.state == 'installed'] terp = openerp.modules.load_information_from_description_file( module, mod_path=path) values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp) unmet_dependencies = set(terp['depends']).difference(installed_mods) if unmet_dependencies: msg = _("Unmet module dependencies: %s") raise UserError(msg % ', '.join(unmet_dependencies)) mod = known_mods_names.get(module) if mod: self.write(cr, uid,, dict(state='installed', **values)) mode = 'update' if not force else 'init' else: assert terp.get('installable', True), "Module not installable" self.create( cr, uid, dict(name=module, state='installed', imported=True, **values)) mode = 'init' for kind in ['data', 'init_xml', 'update_xml']: for filename in terp[kind]: ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() if ext not in ('.xml', '.csv', '.sql'):"module %s: skip unsupported file %s", module, filename) continue"module %s: loading %s", module, filename) noupdate = False if filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml'): noupdate = True pathname = opj(path, filename) idref = {} convert_file(cr, module, filename, idref, mode=mode, noupdate=noupdate, kind=kind, pathname=pathname) path_static = opj(path, 'static') ir_attach = self.pool['ir.attachment'] if os.path.isdir(path_static): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_static): for static_file in files: full_path = opj(root, static_file) with open(full_path, 'r') as fp: data ='base64') url_path = '/%s%s' % (module, full_path.split(path)[1].replace( os.path.sep, '/')) url_path = url_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) filename = os.path.split(url_path)[1] values = dict( name=filename, datas_fname=filename, url=url_path, res_model='ir.ui.view', type='binary', datas=data, ) att_id = cr, uid, [('url', '=', url_path), ('type', '=', 'binary'), ('res_model', '=', 'ir.ui.view')], context=context) if att_id: ir_attach.write(cr, uid, att_id, values, context=context) else: ir_attach.create(cr, uid, values, context=context) return True
def _load(self, module, *args): tools.convert_file(, 'account_deferred_revenue', get_module_resource(module, *args), {}, 'init', False, 'test', self.registry._assertion_report)
def _load_data(cr, module_name, idref, mode, kind): """ kind: data, demo, test, init_xml, update_xml, demo_xml. noupdate is False, unless it is demo data or it is csv data in init mode. """ module_files = [] module_modified = True if mode == 'update' and kind == 'data': cr.execute("select id from ir_module_module where name=%s", (module_name, )) module_id = cr.fetchone()[0] for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind): cr.execute( "select id,checksum from ir_module_module_file" " where module_id=%s and filename=%s", (module_id, filename)) checksum = cr.fetchone() module_file_id = checksum and checksum[0] or False checksum = checksum and checksum[1] or '' sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update( misc.file_open(os.path.join(module_name, filename)).read()) module_files += [{ 'checksum': checksum, 'checksum_new': sha256.hexdigest(), 'module_file_id': module_file_id, 'module_id': module_id, 'filename': filename }] if len(module_files) == len([ 1 for f in module_files if f['checksum'] == f['checksum_new'] ]): module_modified = bool( tools.config.options.get('force_update', False)) try: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = True for filename in _get_files_of_kind(kind):"%s %s/%s", module_modified and 'loading' or 'no changes', module_name, filename) noupdate = False if kind in ('demo', 'demo_xml') or (filename.endswith('.csv') and kind in ('init', 'init_xml')): noupdate = True if module_modified: tools.convert_file(cr, module_name, filename, idref, mode, noupdate, kind, report) finally: if kind in ('demo', 'test'): threading.currentThread().testing = False if module_modified and mode == 'update' and kind == 'data': for module_file in [ f for f in module_files if f['checksum'] != f['checksum_new'] ]: if module_file['module_file_id']: cr.execute( "update ir_module_module_file set checksum=%s, write_date=now() where id=%s", (module_file['checksum_new'], module_file['module_file_id'])) else: cr.execute( "insert into ir_module_module_file(filename,module_id,checksum,create_date,create_uid,write_date,write_uid)" " values(%s,%s,%s,now(),1,now(),1)", (module_file['filename'], module_file['module_id'], module_file['checksum_new'])) return module_modified
def _load(self, module, *args): tools.convert_file(, 'account_asset', get_module_resource(module, *args), {}, 'init', False, 'test', self.registry._assertion_report)
def import_module(self, cr, uid, module, path, force=False, context=None): known_mods = self.browse(cr, uid,, uid, [])) known_mods_names = dict([(, m) for m in known_mods]) installed_mods = [ for m in known_mods if m.state == "installed"] terp = openerp.modules.load_information_from_description_file(module, mod_path=path) values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp) unmet_dependencies = set(terp["depends"]).difference(installed_mods) if unmet_dependencies: msg = _("Unmet module dependencies: %s") raise UserError(msg % ", ".join(unmet_dependencies)) mod = known_mods_names.get(module) if mod: self.write(cr, uid,, dict(state="installed", **values)) mode = "update" if not force else "init" else: assert terp.get("installable", True), "Module not installable" self.create(cr, uid, dict(name=module, state="installed", **values)) mode = "init" for kind in ["data", "init_xml", "update_xml"]: for filename in terp[kind]:"module %s: loading %s", module, filename) noupdate = False if filename.endswith(".csv") and kind in ("init", "init_xml"): noupdate = True pathname = opj(path, filename) idref = {} convert_file(cr, module, filename, idref, mode=mode, noupdate=noupdate, kind=kind, pathname=pathname) path_static = opj(path, "static") ir_attach = self.pool["ir.attachment"] if os.path.isdir(path_static): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_static): for static_file in files: full_path = opj(root, static_file) with open(full_path, "r") as fp: data ="base64") url_path = "/%s%s" % (module, full_path.split(path)[1].replace(os.path.sep, "/")) url_path = url_path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) filename = os.path.split(url_path)[1] values = dict( name=filename, datas_fname=filename, url=url_path, res_model="ir.ui.view", type="binary", datas=data, ) att_id = cr, uid, [("url", "=", url_path), ("type", "=", "binary"), ("res_model", "=", "ir.ui.view")], context=context, ) if att_id: ir_attach.write(cr, uid, att_id, values, context=context) else: ir_attach.create(cr, uid, values, context=context) return True
def post_init(cr, registry): # Import CSV data as it is faster than xml from import convert_file convert_file(cr, 'systolicathemes_worldstates', 'data/', None, mode='init', noupdate=True, kind='init', report=None)