def menu(self, active=None, next=None): from openerp.widgets import tree_view try: id = int(active) except: id = False form.Form().reset_notebooks() ctx = rpc.session.context.copy() menus = rpc.RPCProxy("") domain = [('parent_id', '=', False)] user_menu_action_id = rpc.RPCProxy("res.users").read([rpc.session.uid], ['menu_id'], ctx)[0]['menu_id'] if user_menu_action_id: act = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.actions.act_window').read([user_menu_action_id[0]], ['res_model', 'domain'], ctx)[0] if act['res_model'] == '' and act['domain']: domain = literal_eval(act['domain']) ids =, 0, 0, 0, ctx) parents =, ['name', 'action', 'web_icon_data', 'web_icon_hover_data'], ctx) for parent in parents: if parent['id'] == id: parent['active'] = 'active' if parent.get('action') and not next: next = url('/openerp/custom_action', action=id) # If only the hover image exists, use it as regular image as well if parent['web_icon_hover_data'] and not parent['web_icon_data']: parent['web_icon_data'] = parent['web_icon_hover_data'] if next or active: if not id and ids: id = ids[0] ids =[('parent_id', '=', id)], 0, 0, 0, ctx) tools =, ['name', 'action'], ctx) #searching id for the hierarchycal tree view of view_id = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.ui.view').search([('model','=',''),('type','=','tree')],0,0,'id')[0] view = cache.fields_view_get('', view_id, 'tree', {}) fields = cache.fields_get(view['model'], False, ctx) for tool in tools: tid = tool['id'] tool['tree'] = tree = tree_view.ViewTree(view, '', tid, domain=[('parent_id', '=', tid)], context=ctx, action="/openerp/tree/action", fields=fields) tree._name = "tree_%s" %(tid) tree.tree.onselection = None tree.tree.onheaderclick = None tree.tree.showheaders = 0 else: # display home action tools = None return dict(parents=parents, tools=tools, load_content=(next and next or ''), welcome_messages=rpc.RPCProxy('publisher_warranty.contract').get_last_user_messages(_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_WELCOME_MESSAGES), show_close_btn=rpc.session.uid == 1, widgets=openobject.pooler.get_pool()\ .get_controller('/openerp/widgets')\ .user_home_widgets(ctx))
def create(self, params): view_id = (params.view_ids or False) and params.view_ids[0] domain = params.domain context = params.context ctx = dict(context, **rpc.session.context) res_id = params.ids or 0 model = params.model if view_id: view_base = rpc.session.execute('object', 'execute', 'ir.ui.view', 'read', [view_id], ['model', 'type'], context)[0] model = view_base['model'] view = cache.fields_view_get(model, view_id, view_base['type'], context) else: view = cache.fields_view_get(model, False, 'tree', context) fields = cache.fields_get(view['model'], False, context) tree = tree_view.ViewTree(view, model, res_id, domain=domain, context=context, action="/tree/action", fields=fields) if tree.toolbar: proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) for tool in tree.toolbar: if tool.get('icon'): tool['icon'] = icons.get_icon(tool['icon']) else: tool['icon'] = False id = tool['id'] ids =[id], [tree.field_parent], ctx)[0][tree.field_parent] tool['ids'] = ids can_shortcut = self.can_shortcut_create() shortcut_ids = [] for sc in cherrypy.session.get('terp_shortcuts') or []: if isinstance(sc['res_id'], tuple): shortcut_ids.append(sc['res_id'][0]) else: shortcut_ids.append(sc['res_id']) return { 'tree': tree, 'model': model, 'can_shortcut': can_shortcut, 'shortcut_ids': shortcut_ids }
def _get_field_attrs(node, parent_model): if node.localName != 'field': return {} model = _get_model(node, parent_model) name = node.getAttribute('name') field = cache.fields_get(model, [name], rpc.session.context) if field: field = field[name] return field
def gantt_reorder(self, **kw): params, data = TinyDict.split(kw) id = ids = params.ids or [] model = params.model level = params.level level_value = params.level_value fields = cache.fields_get(model, [], rpc.get_session().context) proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) if id and level and level_value: try: proxy.write([id], {level['link']: level_value}) except Exception, e: return dict(error=ustr(e))
def gantt_reorder(self, **kw): params, data = TinyDict.split(kw) id = ids = params.ids or [] model = params.model level = params.level level_value = params.level_value fields = cache.fields_get(model, [], rpc.session.context) proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) if id and level and level_value: try: proxy.write([id], {level['link']: level_value}) except Exception, e: return dict(error=ustr(e))
def edit(self, view_id, xpath_expr): view_id = int(view_id) proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.ui.view') res =[view_id], ['model', 'arch'])[0] doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(res['arch'].encode('utf-8')) field = utils.xml_locate(xpath_expr, doc)[0] attrs = utils.node_attributes(field) editors = [] properties = _PROPERTIES.get(field.localName, []) if field.localName == 'field': kind = 'char' try: model = _get_model(field, parent_model=res['model']) attrs2 = cache.fields_get(model, [attrs['name']], rpc.session.context)[attrs['name']] attrs2.update(attrs) if attrs2.get('widget', False): if attrs2['widget'] == 'one2many_list': attrs2['widget'] = 'one2many' attrs2['type'] = attrs2['widget'] kind = attrs2.get('type', kind) except: pass properties = _PROPERTIES_FIELDS.get(kind) or properties properties = properties[:] properties.extend(list(set(attrs.keys()) - set(properties))) for prop in properties: if field.localName == 'action' and prop == 'name': ed = ActionProperty(prop, attrs.get(prop)) elif field.localName == 'button' and prop in _PROPERTY_WIDGETS_BUTTON: ed = _PROPERTY_WIDGETS_BUTTON[prop](prop, attrs.get(prop)) else: ed = get_property_widget(prop, attrs.get(prop)) ed.label = prop editors.append(ed) return dict(view_id=view_id, xpath_expr=xpath_expr, editors=editors)
def edit(self, view_id, xpath_expr): view_id = int(view_id) proxy = rpc.RPCProxy('ir.ui.view') res =[view_id], ['model', 'arch'])[0] doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(res['arch'].encode('utf-8')) field = utils.xml_locate(xpath_expr, doc)[0] attrs = utils.node_attributes(field) editors = [] properties = _PROPERTIES.get(field.localName, []) if field.localName == 'field': kind = 'char' try: model = _get_model(field, parent_model=res['model']) attrs2 = cache.fields_get(model, [attrs['name']], rpc.session.context)[attrs['name']] attrs2.update(attrs) if attrs2.get('widget', False): if attrs2['widget']=='one2many_list': attrs2['widget']='one2many' attrs2['type'] = attrs2['widget'] kind = attrs2.get('type', kind) except: pass properties = _PROPERTIES_FIELDS.get(kind) or properties properties = properties[:] properties.extend(list(set(attrs.keys()) - set(properties))) for prop in properties: if field.localName == 'action' and prop == 'name': ed = ActionProperty(prop, attrs.get(prop)) elif field.localName == 'button' and prop in _PROPERTY_WIDGETS_BUTTON: ed = _PROPERTY_WIDGETS_BUTTON[prop](prop, attrs.get(prop)) else: ed = get_property_widget(prop, attrs.get(prop)) ed.label = prop editors.append(ed) return dict(view_id=view_id, xpath_expr=xpath_expr, editors=editors)
def create(self, params): view_id = (params.view_ids or False) and params.view_ids[0] domain = params.domain context = params.context ctx = dict(context, **rpc.session.context) res_id = params.ids or 0 model = params.model if view_id: view_base = rpc.session.execute( 'object', 'execute', 'ir.ui.view', 'read', [view_id], ['model', 'type'], context)[0] model = view_base['model'] view = cache.fields_view_get(model, view_id, view_base['type'], context) else: view = cache.fields_view_get(model, False, 'tree', context) fields = cache.fields_get(view['model'], False, context) tree = tree_view.ViewTree(view, model, res_id, domain=domain, context=context, action="/tree/action", fields=fields) if tree.toolbar: proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) for tool in tree.toolbar: if tool.get('icon'): tool['icon'] = icons.get_icon(tool['icon']) else: tool['icon'] = False id = tool['id'] ids =[id], [tree.field_parent], ctx)[0][tree.field_parent] tool['ids'] = ids can_shortcut = self.can_shortcut_create() shortcut_ids = [] for sc in cherrypy.session.get('terp_shortcuts') or []: if isinstance(sc['res_id'], tuple): shortcut_ids.append(sc['res_id'][0]) else: shortcut_ids.append(sc['res_id']) return {'tree': tree, 'model': model, 'can_shortcut': can_shortcut, 'shortcut_ids': shortcut_ids}
def __init__(self, source, model, domain=None, context=None, values={}, filter_domain=None, search_view=None, group_by_ctx=[], **kw): super(Search, self).__init__(model=model) self.domain = copy.deepcopy(domain) or [] self.listof_domain = domain or [] self.filter_domain = filter_domain or [] self.custom_filter_domain = [] self.context = context or {} self.search_view = search_view or "{}" self.model = model self.groupby = [] self.source = source if kw.get('clear'): self.source = None if group_by_ctx and isinstance(group_by_ctx, basestring): self.groupby += group_by_ctx.split(',') else: self.groupby = group_by_ctx if values == "undefined": values = {} ctx = dict(rpc.session.context, **self.context) if not self.groupby and (values and values.get('group_by_ctx')): self.groupby = values['group_by_ctx'] if isinstance (self.search_view, basestring): self.search_view = eval(self.search_view) if not self.search_view: view_id = kw.get('search_view_id')\ or ctx.get('search_view') self.search_view = cache.fields_view_get( self.model, view_id or False, 'search', ctx, True) fields = self.search_view['fields'] self.domain = convert_date_format_in_domain(domain, fields, self.context) self.listof_domain = self.domain try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.search_view['arch']) except: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.search_view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) self.view_type = dom.firstChild.localName self.string = dom.documentElement.getAttribute('string') self.fields_type = {} all_fields = cache.fields_get(model, [], rpc.session.context) self.fields = dict(all_fields, **fields) self.fields_list = [ (field_name, ustr(field['string']), field['type']) for field_name, field in self.fields.iteritems() if field['type'] != 'binary' if field.get('selectable') ] if self.fields_list: self.fields_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) self.frame = self.parse(model, dom, self.fields, values) if self.frame: self.frame = self.frame[0] my_acts = rpc.session.execute('object', 'execute', 'ir.filters', 'get_filters', model) sorted_filters = [] for act in my_acts: action = [act['domain'], act['name']] act_ctx = eval(act['context']) if act_ctx and act_ctx.get('group_by'): action.append(ustr(act_ctx['group_by'])) else: action.append("[]") action.append(act['id']) sorted_filters.append(action) sorted_filters.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) self.filters_list = sorted_filters self.operators_map = [ ('ilike', _('contains')), ('not ilike', _('doesn\'t contain')), ('=', _('is equal to')), ('<>', _('is not equal to')), ('>', _('greater than')), ('<', _('less than')), ('in', _('in')), ('not in', _('not in'))] self.flt_domain = str(self.filter_domain).replace("(", "[").replace(')', ']') self.custom_filter_domain = self.filter_domain
def __init__(self, model, view=False, view_id=False, ids=[], domain=[], view_mode=[], context={}, group_by=[]): ctx = {} ctx = rpc.get_session().context.copy() ctx.update(context) view = view or cache.fields_view_get(model, view_id, 'graph', ctx) fields = view['fields'] dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = node_attributes(root) self.view_mode = view_mode self.model = model self.string = attrs.get('string', 'Unknown') self.kind = attrs.get('type', '') self.orientation = attrs.get('orientation', 'vertical') self.values = [] self.group_by = group_by add_grp_field = '' if self.group_by and not fields.has_key(self.group_by[0]): add_grp_field = cache.fields_get(self.model, [self.group_by[0]], rpc.get_session().context) fields.update(add_grp_field) axis, axis_data, axis_group = self.parse(root, fields) if self.group_by: axis[0] = self.group_by[0] axis_data.update(add_grp_field) proxy = rpc.RPCProxy(model) ctx = rpc.get_session().context.copy() ctx.update(context) if ids is None: ids =, 0, 0, 0, ctx) rec_ids = [] values =, fields.keys(), ctx) for value in values: res = {} rec_ids.append(value.get('id')) res['temp_id'] = value.get('id') for x in axis_data.keys(): if fields[x]['type'] in ('many2one', 'char','time','text'): res[x] = value[x] if isinstance(res[x], (list, tuple)): res[x] = res[x][-1] res[x] = ustr(res[x]) elif fields[x]['type'] in 'selection': selection_mapping = dict(fields[x]['selection']) res[x] = selection_mapping.get(value[x], False) elif fields[x]['type'] == 'date': if value[x]: date = time.strptime(value[x], DT_SERVER_FORMATS['date']) date = tz_convert(date, 'parse') res[x] = time.strftime(locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_FMT).replace('%y', '%Y'), date) else: res[x] = '' elif fields[x]['type'] == 'datetime': if value[x]: date = time.strptime(value[x], DT_SERVER_FORMATS['datetime']) date = tz_convert(date, 'parse') res[x] = time.strftime(locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_FMT).replace('%y', '%Y')+' %H:%M:%S', date) else: res[x] = '' else: res[x] = value[x] and float(value[x]) or 0.0 if axis and isinstance(value[axis[0]], (tuple, list)): res['id'] = value[axis[0]][0] elif axis: res['id'] = value[axis[0]] else: res['id'] = False res['rec_id'] = rec_ids self.values.append(res) self.axis = axis self.axis_data = axis_data self.axis_group_field = axis_group
def __init__(self, source, model, domain=None, context=None, values={}, filter_domain=None, search_view=None, group_by_ctx=[], **kw): super(Search, self).__init__(model=model) self.domain = copy.deepcopy(domain) or [] self.listof_domain = domain or [] self.filter_domain = filter_domain or [] self.filter_status = {} self.custom_filter_domain = [] self.context = context or {} self.search_view = search_view or "{}" self.model = model self.groupby = [] self.source = source if kw.get('clear'): self.source = None if group_by_ctx and isinstance(group_by_ctx, basestring): self.groupby += group_by_ctx.split(',') else: self.groupby = group_by_ctx if values == "undefined": values = {} ctx = dict(rpc.session.context, **self.context) if not self.groupby and (values and values.get('group_by_ctx')): self.groupby = values['group_by_ctx'] if not self.filter_status and (values and values.get('filter_status')): self.filter_status = values['filter_status'] if isinstance(self.search_view, basestring): self.search_view = eval(self.search_view) if not self.search_view: view_id = kw.get('search_view_id')\ or ctx.get('search_view') self.search_view = cache.fields_view_get(self.model, view_id or False, 'search', ctx, True) fields = self.search_view['fields'] self.domain = convert_date_format_in_domain(domain, fields, self.context) self.listof_domain = self.domain try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.search_view['arch']) except: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( self.search_view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) self.view_type = dom.firstChild.localName self.string = dom.documentElement.getAttribute('string') self.fields_type = {} all_fields = cache.fields_get(model, [], rpc.session.context) self.fields = dict(all_fields, **fields) self.fields_list = [(field_name, ustr(field['string']), field['type']) for field_name, field in self.fields.iteritems() if field['type'] != 'binary' if field.get('selectable')] if self.fields_list: self.fields_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) self.frame = self.parse(model, dom, self.fields, values) if self.frame: self.frame = self.frame[0] my_acts = rpc.session.execute('object', 'execute', 'ir.filters', 'get_filters', model) sorted_filters = [] for act in my_acts: action = [act['domain'], act['name']] act_ctx = eval(act['context']) if act_ctx and act_ctx.get('group_by'): action.append(ustr(act_ctx['group_by'])) else: action.append("[]") action.append(act['id']) sorted_filters.append(action) sorted_filters.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1])) self.filters_list = sorted_filters self.operators_map = [('ilike', _('contains')), ('not ilike', _('doesn\'t contain')), ('=', _('is equal to')), ('<>', _('is not equal to')), ('>', _('greater than')), ('<', _('less than')), ('in', _('in')), ('not in', _('not in'))] self.flt_domain = str(self.filter_domain).replace("(", "[").replace( ')', ']') self.custom_filter_domain = self.filter_domain
def __init__(self, model, ids, view, domain=[], context={}, options=None): super(ICalendar, self).__init__() self.info_fields = [] self.fields = {} = [] self.colors = {} self.color_values = [] self.calendar_fields = {} self.concurrency_info = None self.ids = ids self.model = model self.domain = domain or [] self.context = context or {} self.options = options self.date_format = format.get_datetime_format('date') self.use_search = (options or None) and options.use_search try: dt = parse_datetime(options.selected_day) self.selected_day = Day(dt.year, dt.month, except: pass view_id = view.get('view_id', False) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = node_attributes(root) self.string = attrs.get('string', '') self.date_start = attrs.get('date_start') self.date_delay = attrs.get('date_delay') self.date_stop = attrs.get('date_stop') self.color_field = attrs.get('color') self.day_length = int(attrs.get('day_length', 24)) if options and options.mode: self.mode = options.mode else: self.mode = attrs.get('mode') or self.mode or 'month' self.info_fields = self.parse(root, view['fields']) fields = view['fields'] fields = fields.keys() + [ self.date_start, self.date_stop, self.date_delay, self.color_field, 'state' ] fields = list(set([x for x in fields if x])) self.fields = cache.fields_get(model, fields, rpc.session.context) if self.color_field and options and options.colors: self.colors = options.colors if self.color_field and options and options.color_values: self.color_values = options.color_values self.calendar_fields['date_start'] = dict( name=self.date_start, kind=self.fields[self.date_start]['type']) if self.date_delay: self.calendar_fields['date_delay'] = dict( name=self.date_delay, kind=self.fields[self.date_delay]['type']) if self.date_stop: self.calendar_fields['date_stop'] = dict( name=self.date_stop, kind=self.fields[self.date_stop]['type']) self.calendar_fields['day_length'] = self.day_length
def __init__(self, model, ids, view, domain=[], context={}, options=None): super(ICalendar, self).__init__() self.info_fields = [] self.fields = {} = [] self.colors = {} self.color_values = [] self.calendar_fields = {} self.concurrency_info = None self.ids = ids self.model = model self.domain = domain or [] self.context = context or {} self.options = options self.date_format = format.get_datetime_format("date") self.use_search = (options or None) and options.use_search try: dt = parse_datetime(options.selected_day) self.selected_day = Day(dt.year, dt.month, except: pass view_id = view.get("view_id", False) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view["arch"].encode("utf-8")) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = node_attributes(root) self.string = attrs.get("string", "") self.date_start = attrs.get("date_start") self.date_delay = attrs.get("date_delay") self.date_stop = attrs.get("date_stop") self.color_field = attrs.get("color") self.day_length = int(attrs.get("day_length", 8)) if options and options.mode: self.mode = options.mode else: self.mode = attrs.get("mode") or self.mode or "month" self.info_fields = self.parse(root, view["fields"]) fields = view["fields"] fields = fields.keys() + [self.date_start, self.date_stop, self.date_delay, self.color_field, "state"] fields = list(set([x for x in fields if x])) self.fields = cache.fields_get(model, fields, rpc.get_session().context) if self.color_field and options and options.colors: self.colors = options.colors if self.color_field and options and options.color_values: self.color_values = options.color_values self.calendar_fields["date_start"] = dict(name=self.date_start, kind=self.fields[self.date_start]["type"]) if self.date_delay: self.calendar_fields["date_delay"] = dict(name=self.date_delay, kind=self.fields[self.date_delay]["type"]) if self.date_stop: self.calendar_fields["date_stop"] = dict(name=self.date_stop, kind=self.fields[self.date_stop]["type"]) self.calendar_fields["day_length"] = self.day_length
def __init__(self, model, ids, view, domain=[], context={}, options=None): super(ICalendar, self).__init__() self.info_fields = [] self.fields = {} = [] self.colors = {} self.color_values = [] self.calendar_fields = {} self.concurrency_info = None self.ids = ids self.model = model self.domain = domain or [] self.context = context or {} self.options = options self.date_format = format.get_datetime_format('date') self.use_search = (options or None) and options.use_search try: dt = parse_datetime(options.selected_day) self.selected_day = Day(dt.year, dt.month, except: pass view_id = view.get('view_id', False) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(view['arch'].encode('utf-8')) root = dom.childNodes[0] attrs = node_attributes(root) self.string = attrs.get('string', '') self.date_start = attrs.get('date_start') self.date_delay = attrs.get('date_delay') self.date_stop = attrs.get('date_stop') self.color_field = attrs.get('color') self.day_length = int(attrs.get('day_length', 24)) if options and options.mode: self.mode = options.mode else: self.mode = attrs.get('mode') or self.mode or 'month' self.info_fields = self.parse(root, view['fields']) fields = view['fields'] fields = fields.keys() + [self.date_start, self.date_stop, self.date_delay, self.color_field, 'state'] fields = list(set([x for x in fields if x])) self.fields = cache.fields_get(model, fields, rpc.session.context) if self.color_field and options and options.colors: self.colors = options.colors if self.color_field and options and options.color_values: self.color_values = options.color_values self.calendar_fields['date_start'] = dict(name=self.date_start, kind=self.fields[self.date_start]['type']) if self.date_delay: self.calendar_fields['date_delay'] = dict(name=self.date_delay, kind=self.fields[self.date_delay]['type']) if self.date_stop: self.calendar_fields['date_stop'] = dict(name=self.date_stop, kind=self.fields[self.date_stop]['type']) self.calendar_fields['day_length'] = self.day_length