def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the editing form 1. Build opening_hours, a lookup dictionary to populate the form slots: keys are day numbers, values are lists of opening hours for that day. 2. Build days, a list of days with 2 slot forms each. 3. Build form initials for the 2 slots padding/trimming opening_hours to end up with exactly 2 slots even if it's just None values. """ self.object = self.get_object() context = super(OpeningHoursEditView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) two_sets = False closed = None opening_hours = {} for o in OpeningHours.objects.filter(company=self.object): opening_hours.setdefault(o.weekday, []).append(o) days = [] for day_no, day_name in WEEKDAYS: if day_no not in opening_hours.keys(): closed = True ini1, ini2 = [None, None] else: closed = False ini = [{'opens': time_to_str(oh.from_hour), 'shuts': time_to_str(oh.to_hour)} for oh in opening_hours[day_no]] ini += [None] * (2 - len(ini[:2])) # pad ini1, ini2 = ini[:2] # trim if ini2: two_sets = True days.append({ 'name': day_name, 'number': day_no, 'slot1': Slot(prefix=self.form_prefix(day_no, 1), initial=ini1), 'slot2': Slot(prefix=self.form_prefix(day_no, 2), initial=ini2), 'closed': closed }) context['days'] = days context['two_sets'] = two_sets context['location'] = self.object context['include_form_actions'] = self.include_form_actions closing_rules_queryset = ClosingRules.objects.filter( extra = 2 if closing_rules_queryset.count() == 0: extra = 3 formset = modelformset_factory(ClosingRules, ClosingRulesForm, extra=extra) context['formset'] = formset(queryset=closing_rules_queryset) return context
def get(self, request, pk): """ Initialize the editing form 1. Build opening_hours, a lookup dictionary to populate the form slots: keys are day numbers, values are lists of opening hours for that day. 2. Build days, a list of days with 2 slot forms each. 3. Build form initials for the 2 slots padding/trimming opening_hours to end up with exactly 2 slots even if it's just None values. """ location = self.get_object() two_sets = False closed = None opening_hours = {} for o in OpeningHours.objects.filter(company=location): opening_hours.setdefault(o.weekday, []).append(o) days = [] for day_no, day_name in WEEKDAYS: if day_no not in opening_hours.keys(): if opening_hours: closed = True ini1, ini2 = [None, None] else: closed = False ini = [{ 'opens': time_to_str(oh.from_hour), 'shuts': time_to_str(oh.to_hour) } for oh in opening_hours[day_no]] ini += [None] * (2 - len(ini[:2])) # pad ini1, ini2 = ini[:2] # trim if ini2: two_sets = True days.append({ 'name': day_name, 'number': day_no, 'slot1': Slot(prefix=self.form_prefix(day_no, 1), initial=ini1), 'slot2': Slot(prefix=self.form_prefix(day_no, 2), initial=ini2), 'closed': closed }) return render(request, self.template_name, { 'days': days, 'two_sets': two_sets, 'location': location, })
def post(self, request, pk): """ Clean the data and save opening hours in the database. Old opening hours are purged before new ones are saved. """ location = self.get_object() # open days, disabled widget data won't make it into request.POST present_prefixes = [x.split('-')[0] for x in request.POST.keys()] day_forms = OrderedDict() for day_no, day_name in WEEKDAYS: for slot_no in (1, 2): prefix = self.form_prefix(day_no, slot_no) # skip closed day as it would be invalid form due to no data if prefix not in present_prefixes: continue day_forms[prefix] = (day_no, Slot(request.POST, prefix=prefix)) if all([day_form[1].is_valid() for pre, day_form in day_forms.items()]): OpeningHours.objects.filter(company=location).delete() for prefix, day_form in day_forms.items(): day, form = day_form opens, shuts = [ str_to_time(form.cleaned_data[x]) for x in ('opens', 'shuts') ] if opens != shuts: OpeningHours(from_hour=opens, to_hour=shuts, company=location, weekday=day).save() return redirect(request.path_info)
def process_post(self, request): """ Clean the data and save opening hours in the database. Old opening hours are purged before new ones are saved. """ location = self.get_object() # open days, disabled widget data won't make it into request.POST present_prefixes = [x.split('-')[0] for x in request.POST.keys()] day_forms = OrderedDict() for day_no, day_name in WEEKDAYS: for slot_no in (1, 2): prefix = self.form_prefix(day_no, slot_no) # skip closed day as it would be invalid form due to no data if prefix not in present_prefixes: continue day_forms[prefix] = (day_no, Slot(request.POST, prefix=prefix)) if all([day_form[1].is_valid() for pre, day_form in day_forms.items()]): OpeningHours.objects.filter(company=location).delete() for prefix, day_form in day_forms.items(): day, form = day_form opens, shuts = [str_to_time(form.cleaned_data[x]) for x in ('opens', 'shuts')] if opens != shuts: OpeningHours(from_hour=opens, to_hour=shuts, company=location, weekday=day).save() # assume that forms are validated ClosingRulesFormSet = modelformset_factory(ClosingRules, ClosingRulesForm) formset = ClosingRulesFormSet(request.POST) for form in formset.forms: if form.is_valid(): closing_rule = closing_rule.start = construct_tz_aware_time(form.cleaned_data['start_date'], form.cleaned_data['start_time'], location.timezone) closing_rule.end = construct_tz_aware_time(form.cleaned_data['end_date'], form.cleaned_data['end_time'], location.timezone) = location elif form.is_bound: ClosingRules.objects.filter(