コード例 #1
ファイル: chain.py プロジェクト: NavalNuclearLab/openmc
def replace_missing_fpy(actinide, fpy_data, decay_data):
    """Replace missing fission product yields

    actinide : str
        Name of actinide missing FPY data
    fpy_data : dict
        Dictionary of FPY data
    decay_data : dict
        Dictionary of decay data

        Actinide that can be used as replacement for FPY purposes


    # Check if metastable state has data (e.g., Am242m)
    Z, A, m = zam(actinide)
    if m == 0:
        metastable = gnd_name(Z, A, 1)
        if metastable in fpy_data:
            return metastable

    # Try increasing Z, holding N constant
    isotone = actinide
    while isotone in decay_data:
        Z += 1
        A += 1
        isotone = gnd_name(Z, A, 0)
        if isotone in fpy_data:
            return isotone

    # Try decreasing Z, holding N constant
    isotone = actinide
    while isotone in decay_data:
        Z -= 1
        A -= 1
        isotone = gnd_name(Z, A, 0)
        if isotone in fpy_data:
            return isotone

    # If all else fails, use U235 yields
    return 'U235'
コード例 #2
    def set_branch_ratios(self,
        """Set the branching ratios for a given reactions

        branch_ratios : dict of {str: {str: float}}
            Capture branching ratios to be inserted.
            First layer keys are names of parent nuclides, e.g.
            ``"Am241"``. The branching ratios for these
            parents will be modified. Corresponding values are
            dictionaries of ``{target: branching_ratio}``
        reaction : str, optional
            Reaction name like ``"(n,gamma)"`` [default], or
            ``"(n, alpha)"``.
        strict : bool, optional
            Error control. If this evalutes to ``True``, then errors will
            be raised if inconsistencies are found. Otherwise, warnings
            will be raised for most issues.
        tolerance : float, optional
            Tolerance on the sum of all branching ratios for a
            single parent. Will be checked with::

                1 - tol < sum_br < 1 + tol

            If no isotopes were found on the chain that have the requested
            If ``strict`` evaluates to ``False`` and a parent isotope in
            ``branch_ratios`` does not exist on the chain
            If ``strict`` evaluates to ``False`` and a parent isotope in
            ``branch_ratios`` does not have the requested reaction
            If ``strict`` evalutes to ``False`` and the sum of one parents
            branch ratios is outside  1 +/- ``tolerance``

        See Also

        # Store some useful information through the validation stage

        sums = {}
        rxn_ix_map = {}
        grounds = {}

        tolerance = abs(tolerance)

        missing_parents = set()
        missing_products = {}
        missing_reaction = set()
        bad_sums = {}

        # Secondary products, like alpha particles, should not be modified
        secondary = _SECONDARY_PARTICLES.get(reaction, [])

        # Check for validity before manipulation

        for parent, sub in branch_ratios.items():
            if parent not in self:
                if strict:
                    raise KeyError(parent)

            # Make sure all products are present in the chain

            prod_flag = False

            for product in sub:
                if product not in self:
                    if strict:
                        raise KeyError(product)
                    missing_products[parent] = product
                    prod_flag = True

            if prod_flag:

            # Make sure this nuclide has the reaction

            indexes = []
            for ix, rx in enumerate(self[parent].reactions):
                if rx.type == reaction and rx.target not in secondary:
                    if "_m" not in rx.target:
                        grounds[parent] = rx.target

            if len(indexes) == 0:
                if strict:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Nuclide {} does not have {} reactions".format(
                            parent, reaction))

            this_sum = sum(sub.values())
            # sum of branching ratios can be lower than 1 if no ground
            # target is given, but never greater
            if (this_sum >= 1 + tolerance
                    or (grounds[parent] in sub and this_sum <= 1 - tolerance)):
                if strict:
                    msg = ("Sum of {} branching ratios for {} "
                           "({:7.3f}) outside tolerance of 1 +/- "
                           "{:5.3e}".format(reaction, parent, this_sum,
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                bad_sums[parent] = this_sum
                rxn_ix_map[parent] = indexes
                sums[parent] = this_sum

        if len(rxn_ix_map) == 0:
            raise IndexError("No {} reactions found in this {}".format(
                reaction, self.__class__.__name__))

        if len(missing_parents) > 0:
            warn("The following nuclides were not found in {}: {}".format(
                self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(sorted(missing_parents))))

        if len(missing_reaction) > 0:
            warn("The following nuclides did not have {} reactions: "
                 "{}".format(reaction, ", ".join(sorted(missing_reaction))))

        if len(missing_products) > 0:
            tail = ("{} -> {}".format(k, v)
                    for k, v in sorted(missing_products.items()))
            warn("The following products were not found in the {} and "
                 "parents were unmodified: \n{}".format(
                     self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(tail)))

        if len(bad_sums) > 0:
            tail = ("{}: {:5.3f}".format(k, s)
                    for k, s in sorted(bad_sums.items()))
            warn("The following parent nuclides were given {} branch ratios "
                 "with a sum outside tolerance of 1 +/- {:5.3e}:\n{}".format(
                     reaction, tolerance, "\n".join(tail)))

        # Insert new ReactionTuples with updated branch ratios

        for parent_name, rxn_index in rxn_ix_map.items():

            parent = self[parent_name]
            new_ratios = branch_ratios[parent_name]
            rxn_index = rxn_ix_map[parent_name]

            # Assume Q value is independent of target state
            rxn_Q = parent.reactions[rxn_index[0]].Q

            # Remove existing reactions

            for ix in reversed(rxn_index):

            all_meta = True

            for tgt, br in new_ratios.items():
                all_meta = all_meta and ("_m" in tgt)
                parent.reactions.append(ReactionTuple(reaction, tgt, rxn_Q,

            if all_meta and sums[parent_name] != 1.0:
                ground_br = 1.0 - sums[parent_name]
                ground_tgt = grounds.get(parent_name)
                if ground_tgt is None:
                    pz, pa, pm = zam(parent_name)
                    ground_tgt = gnd_name(pz, pa + 1, 0)
                new_ratios[ground_tgt] = ground_br
                    ReactionTuple(reaction, ground_tgt, rxn_Q, ground_br))