コード例 #1
def run(method_dict, n):
    method_dict = {}
    keys of method_dict:
        'method' = 'dakota', 'rect' or 'chaospy'  # 'chaospy needs updating
        'wake_model = 'floris', 'jensen', 'gauss', 'larsen' # larsen is not working
        'coeff_method' = 'quadrature', 'sparse_grid' or 'regression'
        'uncertain_var' = 'speed', 'direction' or 'direction_and_speed'
        'layout' = 'amalia', 'optimized', 'grid', 'random', 'test'
        'distribution' = a distribution object
        'dakota_filename' = 'dakotaInput.in', applicable for dakota method
        'offset' = [0, 1, 2, Noffset-1]
        'Noffset' = 'number of starting directions to consider'

        Writes a json file 'record.json' with the run information.

    ### For visualization purposes. Set up the file that specifies the points for the polynomial approximation ###
    if method_dict['method'] == 'dakota':

    ### Set up the wind speeds and wind directions for the problem ###

    points = windfarm_setup.getPoints(method_dict, n)
    winddirections = points['winddirections']
    windspeeds = points['windspeeds']
    weights = points['weights']  # This might be None depending on the method.
    N = winddirections.size  # actual number of samples

    print 'Locations at which power is evaluated'
    print '\twindspeed \t winddirection'
    for i in range(N):
        print i+1, '\t', '%.2f' % windspeeds[i], '\t', '%.2f' % winddirections[i]

    # Turbines layout
    turbineX, turbineY = windfarm_setup.getLayout(method_dict['layout'])

    # turbine size and operating conditions

    rotor_diameter = 126.4  # (m)
    air_density = 1.1716    # kg/m^3

    # initialize arrays for each turbine properties
    nTurbs = turbineX.size
    rotorDiameter = np.zeros(nTurbs)
    axialInduction = np.zeros(nTurbs)
    Ct = np.zeros(nTurbs)
    Cp = np.zeros(nTurbs)
    generator_efficiency = np.zeros(nTurbs)
    yaw = np.zeros(nTurbs)

    # define initial values
    for turbI in range(nTurbs):
        rotorDiameter[turbI] = rotor_diameter
        axialInduction[turbI] = 1.0/3.0
        Ct[turbI] = 4.0*axialInduction[turbI]*(1.0-axialInduction[turbI])
        Cp[turbI] = 0.7737/0.944 * 4.0 * 1.0/3.0 * np.power((1 - 1.0/3.0), 2)
        generator_efficiency[turbI] = 0.944
        yaw[turbI] = 0.     # deg.

    # define wake model inputs
    if method_dict['wake_model'] is 'floris':
        wake_model = floris_wrapper
        IndepVarFunc = add_floris_params_IndepVarComps
    elif method_dict['wake_model'] is 'jensen':
        wake_model = jensen_wrapper
        IndepVarFunc = add_jensen_params_IndepVarComps
    elif method_dict['wake_model'] is 'gauss':
        wake_model = gauss_wrapper
        IndepVarFunc = add_gauss_params_IndepVarComps
        raise KeyError('Invalid wake model selection. Must be one of [floris, jensen, gauss]')

    # initialize problem
    prob = Problem(AEPGroup(nTurbines=nTurbs, nDirections=N,
                            method_dict=method_dict, wake_model=wake_model,


    # assign initial values to variables
    prob['windSpeeds'] = windspeeds
    prob['windDirections'] = winddirections
    prob['windWeights'] = weights
    prob['rotorDiameter'] = rotorDiameter
    prob['axialInduction'] = axialInduction
    prob['generatorEfficiency'] = generator_efficiency
    prob['air_density'] = air_density
    prob['Ct_in'] = Ct
    prob['Cp_in'] = Cp

    prob['turbineX'] = turbineX
    prob['turbineY'] = turbineY
    for direction_id in range(0, N):
        prob['yaw%i' % direction_id] = yaw

    # Run the problem

    # For visualization purposes. Get the PC approximation
    if method_dict['method'] == 'dakota':
        winddirections_approx, windspeeds_approx, power_approx = approximate.get_approximation(method_dict)
        winddirections_approx = np.array([None])
        windspeeds_approx = np.array([None])
        power_approx = np.array([None])

    # print the results
    mean_data = prob['mean']
    std_data = prob['std']
    factor = 1e6
    print 'mean = ', mean_data/factor, ' GWhrs'
    print 'std = ', std_data/factor, ' GWhrs'
    power = prob['dirPowers']

    return mean_data/factor, std_data/factor, N, winddirections, windspeeds, power,\
           winddirections_approx, windspeeds_approx, power_approx