コード例 #1
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
    def _get_flattened_sizes(self):
        Collect all flattened sizes of vars stored in our internal array.

        list of lists of (name, size) tuples
            Contains an entry for each process in this object's communicator.
        sizes = []
        for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat):
            if not acc.pbo:
                if acc.remote:
                    sizes.append((name, 0))
                    sizes.append((name, acc.meta['size']))

        # collect local var sizes from all of the processes that share the same comm
        # these sizes will be the same in all processes except in cases
        # where a variable belongs to a multiprocess component.  In that
        # case, the part of the component that runs in a given process will
        # only have a slice of each of the component's variables.
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': allgathering local unknown sizes: local=%s" %
                     (self._sysdata.pathname, sizes))
        return self.comm.allgather(sizes)
コード例 #2
    def _get_flattened_sizes(self):
        Collect all flattened sizes of vars stored in our internal array.

        list of lists of (name, size) tuples
            Contains an entry for each process in this object's communicator.
        sizes = []
        for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat):
            if not acc.pbo:
                if acc.remote:
                    sizes.append((name, 0))
                    sizes.append((name, acc.meta['size']))

        # collect local var sizes from all of the processes that share the same comm
        # these sizes will be the same in all processes except in cases
        # where a variable belongs to a multiprocess component.  In that
        # case, the part of the component that runs in a given process will
        # only have a slice of each of the component's variables.
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': allgathering local unknown sizes: local=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, sizes))
        return self.comm.allgather(sizes)
コード例 #3
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: Heathckliff/OpenMDAO
    def setup(self, unknowns_dict, relevance, var_of_interest=None,
              store_byobjs=False, shared_vec=None):
        Create internal data storage for variables in unknowns_dict.

        unknowns_dict : `OrderedDict`
            A dictionary of absolute variable names keyed to an associated
            metadata dictionary.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            Indicates that 'pass by object' vars should be stored.  This is only true
            for the unknowns vecwrapper.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.
        super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).setup(unknowns_dict, relevance=relevance,
        if trace:
            debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec: size(%d) %s vec=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec))
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
コード例 #4
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: Heathckliff/OpenMDAO
 def get_view(self, sys_pathname, comm, varmap):
     view = super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).get_view(sys_pathname, comm, varmap)
     if trace:
         debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec (view): (size %d )%s: vec=%s" %
               (sys_pathname, len(view.vec), view.keys(), view.vec))
     view.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.vec, comm=comm)
     return view
コード例 #5
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: Heathckliff/OpenMDAO
    def __init__(self, src_vec, tgt_vec,
                 src_idxs, tgt_idxs, vec_conns, byobj_conns, mode):

        self.byobj_conns = byobj_conns
        self.comm = comm = src_vec.comm

        uvec = src_vec.petsc_vec
        pvec = tgt_vec.petsc_vec
        name = src_vec._sysdata.pathname

        if trace:
            debug("'%s': creating index sets for '%s' DataTransfer: %s %s" %
                  (name, src_vec._sysdata.pathname, src_idxs, tgt_idxs))
        src_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(src_idxs, comm=comm)
        tgt_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(tgt_idxs, comm=comm)

            if trace:
                self.src_idxs = src_idxs
                self.tgt_idxs = tgt_idxs
                self.vec_conns = vec_conns
                arrow = '-->' if mode == 'fwd' else '<--'
                debug("'%s': new %s scatter (sizes: %d, %d)\n   %s %s %s %s %s %s" %
                      (name, mode, len(src_idx_set.indices), len(tgt_idx_set.indices),
                       [v for u, v in vec_conns], arrow, [u for u, v in vec_conns],
                       src_idx_set.indices, arrow, tgt_idx_set.indices))
            self.scatter = PETSc.Scatter().create(uvec, src_idx_set,
                                                  pvec, tgt_idx_set)
        except Exception as err:
            raise RuntimeError("ERROR in %s (src_idxs=%s, tgt_idxs=%s, usize=%d, psize=%d): %s" %
                               (name, src_idxs, tgt_idxs,
                                tgt_vec.vec.size, str(err)))
コード例 #6
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: cephdon/OpenMDAO
    def setup(self, unknowns_dict, relevance, var_of_interest=None,
              store_byobjs=False, shared_vec=None):
        Create internal data storage for variables in unknowns_dict.

        unknowns_dict : `OrderedDict`
            A dictionary of absolute variable names keyed to an associated
            metadata dictionary.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            Indicates that 'pass by object' vars should be stored.  This is only true
            for the unknowns vecwrapper.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.
        super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).setup(unknowns_dict, relevance=relevance,
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec: size(%d) %s vec=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec))
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
        if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
コード例 #7
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: fcapristan/OpenMDAO
 def get_view(self, sys_pathname, comm, varmap):
     view = super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).get_view(sys_pathname, comm, varmap)
     if trace:  # pragma: no cover
         debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec (view): (size %d )%s: vec=%s" %
               (sys_pathname, len(view.vec), view.keys(), view.vec))
     view.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.vec, comm=comm)
     return view
コード例 #8
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: relf/OpenMDAO
    def setup(
        Create internal data storage for variables in unknowns_dict.

        unknowns_dict : `OrderedDict`
            A dictionary of absolute variable names keyed to an associated
            metadata dictionary.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            Indicates that 'pass by object' vars should be stored.  This is only true
            for the unknowns vecwrapper.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.

        alloc_complex : bool, optional
            If True, allocate space for the imaginary part of the vector and
            configure all functions to support complex computation.

        vectype : str('u'), optional
            Type of vector, can be 'u' (unknown), 'r' (resids), 'du' dunknowns,
            or 'dr' dresids.
        super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).setup(
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                "'%s': creating src petsc_vec: size(%d) %s vec=%s"
                % (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec)
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
        if alloc_complex:
            self.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.imag_vec, comm=self.comm)
        if trace:
            debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
コード例 #9
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: theomission/OpenMDAO
    def _setup_variables(self, compute_indices=False):
        Returns copies of our params and unknowns dictionaries,
        re-keyed to use absolute variable names.


        compute_indices : bool, optional
            If True, call setup_distrib_idxs() to set values of
            'src_indices' metadata.

        self._to_abs_unames = self._sysdata._to_abs_unames = {}
        self._to_abs_pnames = self._sysdata._to_abs_pnames = {}

        if MPI and compute_indices and self.is_active():
            # now update our distrib_size metadata for any distributed
            # unknowns
            sizes = []
            names = []
            for name, meta in iteritems(self._unknowns_dict):
                if 'src_indices' in meta:
            if sizes:
                if trace:   # pragma: no cover
                    debug("allgathering src index sizes:")
                allsizes = np.zeros((self.comm.size, len(sizes)), dtype=int)
                self.comm.Allgather(np.array(sizes, dtype=int), allsizes)
                for i, name in enumerate(names):
                    self._unknowns_dict[name]['distrib_size'] = np.sum(allsizes[:, i])

        # rekey with absolute path names and add promoted names
        _new_params = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._params_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            _new_params[pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            meta['promoted_name'] = name
            self._params_dict[name]['promoted_name'] = name
            self._to_abs_pnames[name] = (pathname,)

        _new_unknowns = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._unknowns_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            _new_unknowns[pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            meta['promoted_name'] = name
            self._to_abs_unames[name] = (pathname,)

        self._post_setup_vars = True

        self._sysdata._params_dict = _new_params
        self._sysdata._unknowns_dict = _new_unknowns

        return _new_params, _new_unknowns
コード例 #10
    def setup(self, parent_params_vec, params_dict, srcvec, my_params,
              connections, relevance, var_of_interest=None, store_byobjs=False,
              shared_vec=None, alloc_complex=False):
        Configure this vector to store a flattened array of the variables
        in params_dict. Variable shape and value are retrieved from srcvec.

        parent_params_vec : `VecWrapper` or None
            `VecWrapper` of parameters from the parent `System`.

        params_dict : `OrderedDict`
            Dictionary of parameter absolute name mapped to metadata dict.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Source `VecWrapper` corresponding to the target `VecWrapper` we're building.

        my_params : list of str
            A list of absolute names of parameters that the `VecWrapper` we're building
            will 'own'.

        connections : dict of str : str
            A dict of absolute target names mapped to the absolute name of their
            source variable.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            If True, store 'pass by object' variables in the `VecWrapper` we're building.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.

        alloc_complex : bool, optional
            If True, allocate space for the imaginary part of the vector and
            configure all functions to support complex computation.
        super(PetscTgtVecWrapper, self).setup(parent_params_vec, params_dict,
                                              srcvec, my_params,
                                              connections, relevance=relevance,
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': creating tgt petsc_vec: (size %d) %s: vec=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec))
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
        if alloc_complex:
            self.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.imag_vec,
        if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
コード例 #11
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
    def setup(self, parent_params_vec, params_dict, srcvec, my_params,
              connections, relevance, var_of_interest=None, store_byobjs=False,
              shared_vec=None, alloc_complex=False):
        Configure this vector to store a flattened array of the variables
        in params_dict. Variable shape and value are retrieved from srcvec.

        parent_params_vec : `VecWrapper` or None
            `VecWrapper` of parameters from the parent `System`.

        params_dict : `OrderedDict`
            Dictionary of parameter absolute name mapped to metadata dict.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Source `VecWrapper` corresponding to the target `VecWrapper` we're building.

        my_params : list of str
            A list of absolute names of parameters that the `VecWrapper` we're building
            will 'own'.

        connections : dict of str : str
            A dict of absolute target names mapped to the absolute name of their
            source variable.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            If True, store 'pass by object' variables in the `VecWrapper` we're building.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.

        alloc_complex : bool, optional
            If True, allocate space for the imaginary part of the vector and
            configure all functions to support complex computation.
        super(PetscTgtVecWrapper, self).setup(parent_params_vec, params_dict,
                                              srcvec, my_params,
                                              connections, relevance=relevance,
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': creating tgt petsc_vec: (size %d) %s: vec=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec))
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
        if alloc_complex is True:
            self.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.imag_vec,
        if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
コード例 #12
    def _distrib_lb_build_runlist(self):
        Runs a load balanced version of the runlist, with the master
        rank (0) sending a new case to each worker rank as soon as it
        has finished its last case.
        comm = self._full_comm

        if self._full_comm.rank == 0:  # master rank
            runiter = self._build_runlist()
            received = 0
            sent = 0

            # cases left for each par doe
            cases = {
                n: {
                    'count': 0,
                    'terminate': 0,
                    'p': {},
                    'u': {},
                    'r': {},
                    'meta': {
                        'success': 1,
                        'msg': ''
                for n in self._id_map

            # create a mapping of ranks to doe_ids, to handle those cases
            # where a single DOE is executed across multiple processes, i.e.,
            # for each process, we need to know which case it's working on.
            doe_ids = {}
            for doe_id, tup in self._id_map.items():
                size, offset = tup
                for i in range(size):
                    doe_ids[i + offset] = doe_id

            # seed the workers
            for i in range(1, self._num_par_doe):
                    # case is a generator, so must make a list to send
                    case = list(next(runiter))
                except StopIteration:
                size, offset = self._id_map[i]
                # send the case to all of the subprocs that will work on it
                for j in range(size):
                    if trace:
                        debug('Sending Seed case %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    comm.send(case, j + offset, tag=1)
                    if trace:
                        debug('Seed Case Sent %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    cases[i]['count'] += 1
                    sent += 1
コード例 #13
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: relf/OpenMDAO
    def __init__(self, src_vec, tgt_vec, src_idxs, tgt_idxs, vec_conns, byobj_conns, mode, sysdata):

        src_idxs = src_vec.merge_idxs(src_idxs)
        tgt_idxs = tgt_vec.merge_idxs(tgt_idxs)

        self.byobj_conns = byobj_conns
        self.comm = comm = src_vec.comm
        self.sysdata = sysdata

        uvec = src_vec.petsc_vec
        pvec = tgt_vec.petsc_vec
        name = src_vec._sysdata.pathname

        if trace:
                "'%s': creating index sets for '%s' DataTransfer: %s %s"
                % (name, src_vec._sysdata.pathname, src_idxs, tgt_idxs)

        src_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(src_idxs, comm=comm)
        if trace:
            debug("src_idx_set DONE")
        tgt_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(tgt_idxs, comm=comm)
        if trace:
            debug("tgt_idx_set DONE")

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                self.src_idxs = src_idxs
                self.tgt_idxs = tgt_idxs
                self.vec_conns = vec_conns
                arrow = "-->" if mode == "fwd" else "<--"
                    "'%s': new %s scatter (sizes: %d, %d)\n   %s %s %s %s %s %s"
                    % (
                        [v for u, v in vec_conns],
                        [u for u, v in vec_conns],
            self.scatter = PETSc.Scatter().create(uvec, src_idx_set, pvec, tgt_idx_set)
            if trace:
                debug("scatter creation DONE")
        except Exception as err:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ERROR in %s (src_idxs=%s, tgt_idxs=%s, usize=%d, psize=%d): %s"
                % (name, src_idxs, tgt_idxs, src_vec.vec.size, tgt_vec.vec.size, str(err))
コード例 #14
 def get_view(self, system, comm, varmap):
     view = super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).get_view(system, comm, varmap)
     if trace:  # pragma: no cover
         debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec (view): (size %d )%s: vec=%s" %
               (system.pathname, len(view.vec), view.keys(), view.vec))
     view.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.vec, comm=comm)
     if self.alloc_complex:
         view.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.imag_vec,
     if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
     return view
コード例 #15
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
 def norm(self):
         The norm of the distributed vector.
     if trace:  # pragma: no cover
         debug("%s: norm: petsc_vec.assemble" % self._sysdata.pathname)
     return self.petsc_vec.norm()
コード例 #16
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
 def get_view(self, sys_pathname, comm, varmap):
     view = super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).get_view(sys_pathname, comm, varmap)
     if trace:  # pragma: no cover
         debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec (view): (size %d )%s: vec=%s" %
               (sys_pathname, len(view.vec), view.keys(), view.vec))
     view.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.vec, comm=comm)
     if self.alloc_complex is True:
         view.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(view.imag_vec,
     if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
     return view
コード例 #17
 def norm(self):
         The norm of the distributed vector.
     if trace:  # pragma: no cover
         debug("%s: norm: petsc_vec.assemble" % self._sysdata.pathname)
     return self.petsc_vec.norm()
コード例 #18
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign a communicator to the root `System`.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the Problem.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        root = self.root
        if self._num_par_doe < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "'%s': _num_par_doe must be >= 1 but value is %s." %
                (self.pathname, self._num_par_doe))
        if not MPI:
            self._num_par_doe = 1

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel DOE we are associated with
        if self._num_par_doe > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = root.get_req_procs()
            if self._load_balance:
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe - 1,
                                                     comm.size - 1)
                sizes = [1] + list(sizes)
                offsets = [0] + [o + 1 for o in offsets]
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []
            self._id_map = {}
            for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                color.extend([i] * sizes[i])
                self._id_map[i] = (sizes[i], offsets[i])

            self._par_doe_id = color[comm.rank]

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace:
                debug('%s: splitting comm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join(
                    (root.pathname, 'driver')), self._par_doe_id))
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_doe_id)

        root._setup_communicators(comm, parent_dir)
コード例 #19
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign a communicator to the root `System`.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the Problem.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        root = self.root
        if self._num_par_doe < 1:
            raise ValueError("'%s': _num_par_doe must be >= 1 but value is %s." %
                              (self.pathname, self._num_par_doe))
        if not MPI:
            self._num_par_doe = 1

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel DOE we are associated with
        if self._num_par_doe > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = root.get_req_procs()
            if self._load_balance:
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe-1,
                sizes = [1]+list(sizes)
                offsets = [0]+[o+1 for o in offsets]
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []
            self._id_map = {}
            for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                self._id_map[i] = (sizes[i], offsets[i])

            self._par_doe_id = color[comm.rank]

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace:
                debug('%s: splitting comm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join((root.pathname,
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_doe_id)

        root._setup_communicators(comm, parent_dir)
コード例 #20
ファイル: parallel_fd_group.py プロジェクト: samtx/OpenMDAO1
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign communicator to this `Group` and all of its subsystems.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the parent system.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        if self._num_par_fds < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "'%s': num_par_fds must be >= 1 but value is %s." %
                (self.pathname, self._num_par_fds))
        if not MPI:
            self._num_par_fds = 1

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel FD we are associated with
        if self._num_par_fds > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = super(ParallelFDGroup, self).get_req_procs()
            sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_fds, comm.size)

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []
            for i in range(self._num_par_fds):
                color.extend([i] * sizes[i])

            self._par_fd_id = color[comm.rank]

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace:
                debug('%s: splitting comm, fd_id=%s' %
                      (self.pathname, self._par_fd_id))
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_fd_id)

        self._local_subsystems = []

        self.comm = comm


        for sub in itervalues(self._subsystems):
            sub._setup_communicators(comm, self._sysdata.absdir)
            if self.is_active() and sub.is_active():
コード例 #21
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign communicator to this `Group` and all of its subsystems.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the parent system.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        if self._num_par_fds < 1:
            raise ValueError("'%s': num_par_fds must be >= 1 but value is %s." %
                              (self.pathname, self._num_par_fds))
        if not MPI:
            self._num_par_fds = 1

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel FD we are associated with
        if self._num_par_fds > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = super(ParallelFDGroup, self).get_req_procs()
            sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_fds, comm.size)

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []
            for i in range(self._num_par_fds):

            self._par_fd_id = color[comm.rank]

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace:
                debug('%s: splitting comm, fd_id=%s' % (self.pathname,
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_fd_id)

        self._local_subsystems = []

        self.comm = comm


        for sub in itervalues(self._subsystems):
            sub._setup_communicators(comm, self._sysdata.absdir)
            if self.is_active() and sub.is_active():
コード例 #22
ファイル: petsc_ksp.py プロジェクト: theomission/OpenMDAO
    def setup(self, system):
        """ Setup petsc problem just once."""

        lsize = np.sum(system._local_unknown_sizes[None][system.comm.rank, :])
        size = np.sum(system._local_unknown_sizes[None])
        jac_mat = PETSc.Mat().createPython([(lsize, size), (lsize, size)],

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("creating KSP object for system",system.pathname)
        self.ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=system.comm)

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("rhs_buf, sol_buf size: %d" % lsize)
        pc_mat = self.ksp.getPC()
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("ksp setup done")

        self.rhs_buf = np.zeros((lsize, ))
        self.sol_buf = np.zeros((lsize, ))
コード例 #23
    def setup(self, system):
        """ Setup petsc problem just once."""

        lsize = np.sum(system._local_unknown_sizes[None][system.comm.rank, :])
        size = np.sum(system._local_unknown_sizes[None])
        jac_mat = PETSc.Mat().createPython([(lsize, size), (lsize, size)],

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("creating KSP object for system", system.pathname)
        self.ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=system.comm)

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("rhs_buf, sol_buf size: %d" % lsize)
        pc_mat = self.ksp.getPC()
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("ksp setup done")

        self.rhs_buf = np.zeros((lsize, ))
        self.sol_buf = np.zeros((lsize, ))
コード例 #24
    def record_iteration(self, root, metadata, dummy=False):
        """ Gathers variables for non-parallel case recorders and calls
        record for all recorders.

        root : `System`
           System containing variables.

        metadata : dict
            Metadata for iteration coordinate

        dummy : bool, optional
            If True, this is a dummy iteration, so no data will be colllected
            from the model, but collective gather call will still be made.
        if not self._recorders:

        metadata['timestamp'] = time.time()
        params = root.params
        unknowns = root.unknowns
        resids = root.resids

        cases = None

        if MPI:
            if dummy and self._casecomm is not None:
                case = (None, None, None, None)
                if trace: debug("DUMMY gathering cases")
                cases = self._casecomm.gather(case, root=0)
                if trace: debug("DUMMY done gathering cases:")

            pnames = self._vars_to_record['pnames']
            unames = self._vars_to_record['unames']
            rnames = self._vars_to_record['rnames']

            # get names and values of all locally owned variables
            params = {p: params[p] for p in pnames}
            unknowns = {u: unknowns[u] for u in unames}
            resids = {r: resids[r] for r in rnames}

            if self._has_serial_recorders:
                params = self._gather_vars(root,
                                           params) if self._record_p else {}
                unknowns = self._gather_vars(
                    root, unknowns) if self._record_u else {}
                resids = self._gather_vars(root,
                                           resids) if self._record_r else {}

                if self._casecomm is not None:
                    # our parent driver is running a parallel DOE, so we need to
                    # gather all of the cases to this rank and loop over them
                    case = (params, unknowns, resids, metadata)
                    if trace: debug("gathering cases")
                    cases = self._casecomm.gather(case, root=0)
                    if trace: debug("done gathering cases")
                    if cases is None:
                        cases = []
コード例 #25
    def _distrib_build_runlist(self):
        Returns an iterator over only those cases meant to execute
        in the current rank as part of a parallel DOE. A latin hypercube,
        unlike some other DOE generators, is created in one rank and then
        the appropriate cases are scattered to the appropriate ranks.
        comm = self._full_comm
        job_list = None
        if comm.rank == 0:
            debug('Parallel DOE using %d procs' % self._num_par_doe)
            run_list = [list(case) for case in self._build_runlist()
                        ]  # need to run iterator

            run_sizes, run_offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(
コード例 #26
    def _gather_vars(self, root, local_vars):
        """Gathers and returns only variables listed in
        `local_vars` from the `root` System.

        if trace:
            debug("gathering vars for recording in %s" % root.pathname)
        all_vars = root.comm.gather(local_vars, root=0)
        if trace:
            debug("DONE gathering rec vars for %s" % root.pathname)

        if root.comm.rank == 0:
            dct = all_vars[-1]
            for d in all_vars[:-1]:
            return dct
コード例 #27
    def _get_distrib_var(self, name, meta, voi_type):
        uvec = self.root.unknowns
        comm = self.root.comm
        nproc = comm.size
        iproc = comm.rank

        if nproc > 1:
            owner = self.root._owning_ranks[name]
            if iproc == owner:
                flatval = uvec._dat[name].val
                flatval = None
            owner = 0
            flatval = uvec._dat[name].val

        if 'indices' in meta and not (nproc > 1 and owner != iproc):
            # Make sure our indices are valid
                flatval = flatval[meta['indices']]
            except IndexError:
                msg = "Index for {} '{}' is out of bounds. "
                msg += "Requested index: {}, "
                msg += "shape: {}."
                raise IndexError(
                    msg.format(voi_type, name, meta['indices'],

        if nproc > 1:
            # TODO: use Bcast for improved performance
            if trace:
                debug("%s.driver._get_distrib_var bcast: val=%s" %
                      (self.root.pathname, flatval))
            flatval = comm.bcast(flatval, root=owner)
            if trace:
                debug("%s.driver._get_distrib_var bcast DONE" %

        scaler = meta['scaler']
        adder = meta['adder']

        if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \
           or scaler != 1.0 or adder != 0.0:
            return (flatval + adder) * scaler
            return flatval
コード例 #28
    def setup(self, unknowns_dict, relevance, var_of_interest=None,
              store_byobjs=False, shared_vec=None, alloc_complex=False,
        Create internal data storage for variables in unknowns_dict.

        unknowns_dict : `OrderedDict`
            A dictionary of absolute variable names keyed to an associated
            metadata dictionary.

        relevance : `Relevance` object
            Object that knows what vars are relevant for each var_of_interest.

        var_of_interest : str or None
            Name of the current variable of interest.

        store_byobjs : bool, optional
            Indicates that 'pass by object' vars should be stored.  This is only true
            for the unknowns vecwrapper.

        shared_vec : ndarray, optional
            If not None, create vec as a subslice of this array.

        alloc_complex : bool, optional
            If True, allocate space for the imaginary part of the vector and
            configure all functions to support complex computation.

        vectype : str('u'), optional
            Type of vector, can be 'u' (unknown), 'r' (resids), 'du' dunknowns,
            or 'dr' dresids.
        super(PetscSrcVecWrapper, self).setup(unknowns_dict, relevance=relevance,
        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("'%s': creating src petsc_vec: size(%d) %s vec=%s" %
                  (self._sysdata.pathname, len(self.vec), self.keys(), self.vec))
        self.petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.vec, comm=self.comm)
        if alloc_complex:
            self.imag_petsc_vec = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(self.imag_vec, comm=self.comm)
        if trace: debug("petsc_vec creation DONE")
コード例 #29
ファイル: driver.py プロジェクト: colinxs/OpenMDAO
    def _get_distrib_var(self, name, meta, voi_type):
        uvec = self.root.unknowns
        comm = self.root.comm
        nproc = comm.size
        iproc = comm.rank

        if nproc > 1:
            owner = self.root._owning_ranks[name]
            if iproc == owner:
                flatval = uvec._dat[name].val
                flatval = None
            owner = 0
            flatval = uvec._dat[name].val

        if 'indices' in meta and not (nproc > 1 and owner != iproc):
            # Make sure our indices are valid
                flatval = flatval[meta['indices']]
            except IndexError:
                msg = "Index for {} '{}' is out of bounds. "
                msg += "Requested index: {}, "
                msg += "shape: {}."
                raise IndexError(msg.format(voi_type, name, meta['indices'],

        if nproc > 1:
            # TODO: use Bcast for improved performance
            if trace:
                debug("%s.driver._get_distrib_var bcast: val=%s" % (self.root.pathname, flatval))
            flatval = comm.bcast(flatval, root=owner)
            if trace:
                debug("%s.driver._get_distrib_var bcast DONE" % self.root.pathname)

        scaler = meta['scaler']
        adder = meta['adder']

        if isinstance(scaler, np.ndarray) or isinstance(adder, np.ndarray) \
           or scaler != 1.0 or adder != 0.0:
            return (flatval + adder)*scaler
            return flatval
コード例 #30
    def __init__(self, src_vec, tgt_vec, src_idxs, tgt_idxs, vec_conns,
                 byobj_conns, mode, sysdata):

        src_idxs = src_vec.merge_idxs(src_idxs)
        tgt_idxs = tgt_vec.merge_idxs(tgt_idxs)

        self.byobj_conns = byobj_conns
        self.comm = comm = src_vec.comm
        self.sysdata = sysdata

        uvec = src_vec.petsc_vec
        pvec = tgt_vec.petsc_vec
        name = src_vec._sysdata.pathname

        if trace:
            debug("'%s': creating index sets for '%s' DataTransfer: %s %s" %
                  (name, src_vec._sysdata.pathname, src_idxs, tgt_idxs))

        src_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(src_idxs, comm=comm)
        if trace: debug("src_idx_set DONE")
        tgt_idx_set = PETSc.IS().createGeneral(tgt_idxs, comm=comm)
        if trace: debug("tgt_idx_set DONE")

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                self.src_idxs = src_idxs
                self.tgt_idxs = tgt_idxs
                self.vec_conns = vec_conns
                arrow = '-->' if mode == 'fwd' else '<--'
                    "'%s': new %s scatter (sizes: %d, %d)\n   %s %s %s %s %s %s"
                    % (name, mode, len(src_idx_set.indices),
                       len(tgt_idx_set.indices), [v for u, v in vec_conns],
                       arrow, [u for u, v in vec_conns], src_idx_set.indices,
                       arrow, tgt_idx_set.indices))
            self.scatter = PETSc.Scatter().create(uvec, src_idx_set, pvec,
            if trace: debug("scatter creation DONE")
        except Exception as err:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ERROR in %s (src_idxs=%s, tgt_idxs=%s, usize=%d, psize=%d): %s"
                % (name, src_idxs, tgt_idxs, src_vec.vec.size,
                   tgt_vec.vec.size, str(err)))
コード例 #31
    def _distrib_build_runlist(self):
        Returns an iterator over only those cases meant to execute
        in the current rank as part of a parallel DOE. A latin hypercube,
        unlike some other DOE generators, is created in one rank and then
        the appropriate cases are scattered to the appropriate ranks.
        comm = self._full_comm

        # get the par_doe_id from every rank in the full comm so we know which
        # cases to scatter where
        doe_ids = comm.allgather(self._par_doe_id)

        job_list = None
        if comm.rank == 0:
            if trace:
                debug('Parallel DOE using %d procs' % self._num_par_doe)
            run_list = [list(case) for case in self._build_runlist()] # need to run iterator

            run_sizes, run_offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,
            jobs = [run_list[o:o+s] for o, s in zip(run_offsets, run_sizes)]

            job_list = [jobs[i] for i in doe_ids]

        if trace: debug("scattering job_list: %s" % job_list)
        run_list = comm.scatter(job_list, root=0)
        if trace: debug('Number of DOE jobs: %s (scatter DONE)' % len(run_list))

        for case in run_list:
            yield case
コード例 #32
    def _distrib_lb_build_runlist(self):
        Runs a load balanced version of the runlist, with the master
        rank (0) sending a new case to each worker rank as soon as it
        has finished its last case.
        comm = self._full_comm

        if self._full_comm.rank == 0:  # master rank
            runiter = self._build_runlist()
            received = 0
            sent = 0

            # cases left for each par doe
            cases = {n:{'count': 0, 'p':{}, 'u':{}, 'r':{}, 'meta':{}}
                                    for n in self._id_map}

            # create a mapping of ranks to doe_ids
            doe_ids = {}
            for doe_id, tup in self._id_map.items():
                size, offset = tup
                for i in range(size):
                    doe_ids[i+offset] = doe_id

            # seed the workers
            for i in range(1, self._num_par_doe):
                    # case is a generator, so must make a list to send
                    case = list(next(runiter))
                except StopIteration:
                size, offset = self._id_map[i]
                for j in range(size):
                    if trace:
                        debug('Sending Seed case %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    comm.send(case, j+offset, tag=1)
                    if trace:
                        debug('Seed Case Sent %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    cases[i]['count'] += 1
                    sent += 1
コード例 #33
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: Heathckliff/OpenMDAO
    def _get_flattened_sizes(self):
        list of lists of (name, size) tuples
            Contains an entry for each process in this object's communicator.
            Each entry is an `OrderedDict` mapping var name to local size for
            'pass by vector' params.
        psizes = []
        for name, m in self._get_vecvars():
            if m.get('owned'):
                if m.get('remote'):
                    psizes.append((name, 0))
                    psizes.append((name, m['size']))

        if trace:
            msg = "'%s': allgathering param sizes.  local param sizes = %s"
            debug(msg % (self._sysdata.pathname, psizes))

        return self.comm.allgather(psizes)
コード例 #34
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
    def _get_flattened_sizes(self):
        list of lists of (name, size) tuples
            Contains an entry for each process in this object's communicator.
            Each entry is an `OrderedDict` mapping var name to local size for
            'pass by vector' params.
        psizes = []
        for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat):
            if acc.owned and not acc.pbo:
                if acc.remote:
                    psizes.append((name, 0))
                    psizes.append((name, acc.meta['size']))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            msg = "'%s': allgathering param sizes.  local param sizes = %s"
            debug(msg % (self._sysdata.pathname, psizes))

        return self.comm.allgather(psizes)
コード例 #35
    def _get_flattened_sizes(self):
        list of lists of (name, size) tuples
            Contains an entry for each process in this object's communicator.
            Each entry is an `OrderedDict` mapping var name to local size for
            'pass by vector' params.
        psizes = []
        for name, acc in iteritems(self._dat):
            if acc.owned and not acc.pbo:
                if acc.remote:
                    psizes.append((name, 0))
                    psizes.append((name, acc.meta['size']))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            msg = "'%s': allgathering param sizes.  local param sizes = %s"
            debug(msg % (self._sysdata.pathname, psizes))

        return self.comm.allgather(psizes)
コード例 #36
    def _distrib_build_runlist(self):
        Returns an iterator over only those cases meant to execute
        in the current rank as part of a parallel DOE. A latin hypercube,
        unlike some other DOE generators, is created in one rank and then
        the appropriate cases are scattered to the appropriate ranks.
        comm = self._full_comm
        job_list = None
        if comm.rank == 0:
            debug('Parallel DOE using %d procs' % self._num_par_doe)
            run_list = [list(case) for case in self._build_runlist()] # need to run iterator

            run_sizes, run_offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,
            job_list = [run_list[o:o+s] for o, s in zip(run_offsets,

        run_list = comm.scatter(job_list, root=0)
        debug('Number of DOE jobs: %s' % len(run_list))

        for case in run_list:
            yield case
コード例 #37
        doe_ids = comm.allgather(self._par_doe_id)

        job_list = None
        if comm.rank == 0:
            if trace:
                debug('Parallel DOE using %d procs' % self._num_par_doe)
            run_list = [list(case) for case in self._build_runlist()
                        ]  # need to run iterator

            run_sizes, run_offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(
                self._num_par_doe, len(run_list))
            jobs = [run_list[o:o + s] for o, s in zip(run_offsets, run_sizes)]

            job_list = [jobs[i] for i in doe_ids]

        if trace: debug("scattering job_list: %s" % job_list)
        run_list = comm.scatter(job_list, root=0)
        if trace:
            debug('Number of DOE jobs: %s (scatter DONE)' % len(run_list))

        for case in run_list:
            yield case

    def _get_lhc(self):
        """Generates a Latin Hypercube based on the number of samples and the
        number of design variables.

        rand_lhc = _rand_latin_hypercube(self.num_samples,
        return rand_lhc.astype(int)
コード例 #38
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: imclab/OpenMDAO
    def fd_jacobian(self, params, unknowns, resids, total_derivs=False,
                    fd_params=None, fd_unknowns=None, pass_unknowns=(),
                    poi_indices=None, qoi_indices=None):
        """Finite difference across all unknowns in this system w.r.t. all
        incoming params.

        params : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p)

        unknowns : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u)

        resids : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r)

        total_derivs : bool, optional
            Set to true to calculate total derivatives. Otherwise, partial
            derivatives are returned.

        fd_params : list of strings, optional
            List of parameter name strings with respect to which derivatives
            are desired. This is used by problem to limit the derivatives that
            are taken.

        fd_unknowns : list of strings, optional
            List of output or state name strings for derivatives to be
            calculated. This is used by problem to limit the derivatives that
            are taken.

        pass_unknowns : list of strings, optional
            List of outputs that are also finite difference inputs. OpenMDAO
            supports specifying a design variable (or slice of one) as an objective,
            so gradients of these are also required.

        poi_indices: dict of list of integers, optional
            This is a dict that contains the index values for each parameter of
            interest, so that we only finite difference those indices.

        qoi_indices: dict of list of integers, optional
            This is a dict that contains the index values for each quantity of
            interest, so that the finite difference is returned only for those

            Dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param')
            and whose values are ndarrays containing the derivative for that
            tuple pair.

        # Params and Unknowns that we provide at this level.
        if fd_params is None:
            fd_params = self._get_fd_params()
        if fd_unknowns is None:
            fd_unknowns = self._get_fd_unknowns()

        abs_pnames = self._sysdata.to_abs_pnames

        # Use settings in the system dict unless variables override.
        step_size = self.fd_options.get('step_size', 1.0e-6)
        form = self.fd_options.get('form', 'forward')
        step_type = self.fd_options.get('step_type', 'relative')

        jac = {}
        cache2 = None

        # Prepare for calculating partial derivatives or total derivatives
        if total_derivs:
            run_model = self.solve_nonlinear
            resultvec = unknowns
            states = ()
            run_model = self.apply_nonlinear
            resultvec = resids
            states = self.states

        cache1 = resultvec.vec.copy()

        gather_jac = False

        fd_count = -1

        # if doing parallel FD, we need to save results during calculation
        # and then pass them around.  fd_cols stores the
        # column data keyed by (uname, pname, col_id).
        fd_cols = {}

        to_prom_name = self._sysdata.to_prom_name

        # Compute gradient for this param or state.
        for p_name in chain(fd_params, states):

            # If our input is connected to a IndepVarComp, then we need to twiddle
            # the unknowns vector instead of the params vector.
            src = self.connections.get(p_name)
            if src is not None:
                param_src = src[0]  # just the name

                # Have to convert to promoted name to key into unknowns
                if param_src not in self.unknowns:
                    param_src = to_prom_name[param_src]

                target_input = unknowns._dat[param_src].val
                # Cases where the IndepVarComp is somewhere above us.
                if p_name in states:
                    inputs = unknowns
                    inputs = params

                target_input = inputs._dat[p_name].val
                param_src = None

            mydict = {}
            # since p_name is a promoted name, it could refer to multiple
            # params.  We've checked earlier to make sure that step_size,
            # step_type, and form are not defined differently for each
            # matching param.  If they differ, a warning has already been issued.
            if p_name in abs_pnames:
                mydict = self._params_dict[abs_pnames[p_name][0]]

            # Local settings for this var trump all
            fdstep = mydict.get('step_size', step_size)
            fdtype = mydict.get('step_type', step_type)
            fdform = mydict.get('form', form)

            # Size our Inputs
            if poi_indices and param_src in poi_indices:
                p_idxs = poi_indices[param_src]
                p_size = len(p_idxs)
                p_size = np.size(target_input)
                p_idxs = range(p_size)

            # Size our Outputs
            for u_name in chain(fd_unknowns, pass_unknowns):
                if qoi_indices and u_name in qoi_indices:
                    u_size = len(qoi_indices[u_name])
                    u_size = np.size(unknowns[u_name])

                jac[u_name, p_name] = np.zeros((u_size, p_size))

            # if a given param isn't present in this process, we need
            # to still run the model once for each entry in that param
            # in order to stay in sync with the other processes.
            if p_size == 0:
                gather_jac = True
                p_idxs = range(self._params_dict[p_name]['size'])

            # Finite Difference each index in array
            for col, idx in enumerate(p_idxs):
                fd_count += 1

                # skip the current index if its done by some other
                # parallel fd proc
                if fd_count % self._num_par_fds == self._par_fd_id:
                    if p_size == 0:
                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                    # Relative or Absolute step size
                    if fdtype == 'relative':
                        step = target_input[idx] * fdstep
                        if step < fdstep:
                            step = fdstep
                        step = fdstep

                    if fdform == 'forward':

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        # delta resid is delta unknown
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache1
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (1.0/step)

                    elif fdform == 'backward':

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        # delta resid is delta unknown
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache1
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (-1.0/step)

                    elif fdform == 'central':

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)
                        cache2 = resultvec.vec.copy()

                        target_input[idx] -= step
                        resultvec.vec[:] = cache1

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        # central difference formula
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache2
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (-0.5/step)

                        target_input[idx] += step

                    for u_name in fd_unknowns:
                        if qoi_indices and u_name in qoi_indices:
                            result = resultvec._dat[u_name].val[qoi_indices[u_name]]
                            result = resultvec._dat[u_name].val
                        jac[u_name, p_name][:, col] = result
                        if self._num_par_fds > 1: # pragma: no cover
                            fd_cols[(u_name, p_name, col)] = \
                                                   jac[u_name, p_name][:, col]

                    # When an unknown is a parameter, it isn't calculated, so
                    # we manually fill in identity by placing a 1 wherever it
                    # is needed.
                    for u_name in pass_unknowns:
                        if u_name == param_src:
                            if qoi_indices and u_name in qoi_indices:
                                q_idxs = qoi_indices[u_name]
                                if idx in q_idxs:
                                    row = qoi_indices[u_name].index(idx)
                                    jac[u_name, p_name][row][col] = 1.0
                                jac[u_name, p_name] = np.array([[1.0]])

                    # Restore old residual
                    resultvec.vec[:] = cache1

        if self._num_par_fds > 1:
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s: allgathering parallel FD columns" % self.pathname)
            jacinfos = self._full_comm.allgather(fd_cols)
            for rank, jacinfo in enumerate(jacinfos):
                if rank == self._full_comm.rank:
                for key, val in iteritems(jacinfo):
                    if key not in fd_cols:
                        uname, pname, col = key
                        jac[uname, pname][:, col] = val
                        fd_cols[(uname, pname, col)] = val # to avoid setting dups
        elif MPI and gather_jac:
            jac = self.get_combined_jac(jac)

        return jac
コード例 #39
ファイル: system.py プロジェクト: imclab/OpenMDAO
    def get_combined_jac(self, J):
        Take a J dict that's distributed, i.e., has different values across
        different MPI processes, and return a dict that contains all of the
        values from all of the processes. If values are duplicated, use the
        value from the lowest rank process. Note that J has a nested dict

        J : `dict`
            Local Jacobian

            Local gathered Jacobian

        if not self.is_active():
            return J

        comm = self.comm
        iproc = comm.rank

        # TODO: calculate dist_need_tups and dist_has_tups once
        #       and cache it instead of doing every time.
        need_tups = []
        has_tups = []

        # Gather a list of local tuples for J.
        for (output, param), value in iteritems(J):
            if value.size == 0:
                need_tups.append((output, param))
                has_tups.append((output, param))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of needed tups" % self.pathname)
        dist_need_tups = comm.allgather(need_tups)

        needed_set = set()
        for need_tups in dist_need_tups:

        if not needed_set:
            return J  # nobody needs any J entries

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of has_tups" % self.pathname)
        dist_has_tups = comm.allgather(has_tups)

        found = set()
        owned_vals = []
        for rank, tups in enumerate(dist_has_tups):
            for tup in tups:
                if tup in needed_set and not tup in found:
                    if rank == iproc:
                        owned_vals.append((tup, J[tup]))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of owned vals" % self.pathname)
        dist_vals = comm.allgather(owned_vals)

        for rank, vals in enumerate(dist_vals):
            if rank != iproc:
                for (output, param), value in vals:
                    J[output, param] = value

        return J
コード例 #40
        comm = self._full_comm
        job_list = None
        if comm.rank == 0:
            debug('Parallel DOE using %d procs' % self._num_par_doe)
            run_list = [
                list(case) for case in self._deserialize_or_create_runlist()
            ]  # need to run iterator

            run_sizes, run_offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(
                self._num_par_doe, len(run_list))
            job_list = [
                run_list[o:o + s] for o, s in zip(run_offsets, run_sizes)

        run_list = comm.scatter(job_list, root=0)
        debug('Number of DOE jobs: %s' % len(run_list))

        for case in run_list:
            yield case

    def _deserialize_or_create_runlist(self):
        runlist = None
        if self.use_restart:
            runlist = RestartRecorder.deserialize_runlist(self.original_dir)
        if not runlist:
            runlist = [list(run) for run in self._build_runlist()]
        if self.use_restart:
            RestartRecorder.serialize_runlist(self.original_dir, runlist,
        return runlist
コード例 #41
    def fd_jacobian(self,
        """Finite difference across all unknowns in this system w.r.t. all
        incoming params.

        params : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing parameters. (p)

        unknowns : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing outputs and states. (u)

        resids : `VecWrapper`
            `VecWrapper` containing residuals. (r)

        total_derivs : bool, optional
            Set to true to calculate total derivatives. Otherwise, partial
            derivatives are returned.

        fd_params : list of strings, optional
            List of parameter name strings with respect to which derivatives
            are desired. This is used by problem to limit the derivatives that
            are taken.

        fd_unknowns : list of strings, optional
            List of output or state name strings for derivatives to be
            calculated. This is used by problem to limit the derivatives that
            are taken.

        poi_indices: dict of list of integers, optional
            This is a dict that contains the index values for each parameter of
            interest, so that we only finite difference those indices.

        qoi_indices: dict of list of integers, optional
            This is a dict that contains the index values for each quantity of
            interest, so that the finite difference is returned only for those

            Dictionary whose keys are tuples of the form ('unknown', 'param')
            and whose values are ndarrays containing the derivative for that
            tuple pair.

        # Params and Unknowns that we provide at this level.
        if fd_params is None:
            fd_params = self._get_fd_params()
        if fd_unknowns is None:
            fd_unknowns = self._get_fd_unknowns()

        abs_pnames = self._sysdata.to_abs_pnames

        # Use settings in the system dict unless variables override.
        step_size = self.fd_options.get('step_size', 1.0e-6)
        form = self.fd_options.get('form', 'forward')
        step_type = self.fd_options.get('step_type', 'relative')

        jac = {}
        cache2 = None

        # Prepare for calculating partial derivatives or total derivatives
        if total_derivs:
            run_model = self.solve_nonlinear
            resultvec = unknowns
            states = ()
            run_model = self.apply_nonlinear
            resultvec = resids
            states = self.states

        cache1 = resultvec.vec.copy()

        gather_jac = False

        fd_count = -1

        # if doing parallel FD, we need to save results during calculation
        # and then pass them around.  fd_cols stores the
        # column data keyed by (uname, pname, col_id).
        fd_cols = {}

        to_prom_name = self._sysdata.to_prom_name

        # Compute gradient for this param or state.
        for p_name in chain(fd_params, states):

            # If our input is connected to a IndepVarComp, then we need to twiddle
            # the unknowns vector instead of the params vector.
            src = self.connections.get(p_name)
            if src is not None:
                param_src = src[0]  # just the name

                # Have to convert to promoted name to key into unknowns
                if param_src not in self.unknowns:
                    param_src = to_prom_name[param_src]

                target_input = unknowns._dat[param_src].val
                # Cases where the IndepVarComp is somewhere above us.
                if p_name in states:
                    inputs = unknowns
                    inputs = params

                target_input = inputs._dat[p_name].val

            mydict = {}
            # since p_name is a promoted name, it could refer to multiple
            # params.  We've checked earlier to make sure that step_size,
            # step_type, and form are not defined differently for each
            # matching param.  If they differ, a warning has already been issued.
            if p_name in abs_pnames:
                mydict = self._params_dict[abs_pnames[p_name][0]]

            # Local settings for this var trump all
            fdstep = mydict.get('step_size', step_size)
            fdtype = mydict.get('step_type', step_type)
            fdform = mydict.get('form', form)

            # Size our Inputs
            if poi_indices and param_src in poi_indices:
                p_idxs = poi_indices[param_src]
                p_size = len(p_idxs)
                p_size = np.size(target_input)
                p_idxs = range(p_size)

            # Size our Outputs
            for u_name in fd_unknowns:
                if qoi_indices and u_name in qoi_indices:
                    u_size = len(qoi_indices[u_name])
                    u_size = np.size(unknowns[u_name])

                jac[u_name, p_name] = np.zeros((u_size, p_size))

            # if a given param isn't present in this process, we need
            # to still run the model once for each entry in that param
            # in order to stay in sync with the other processes.
            if p_size == 0:
                gather_jac = True
                p_idxs = range(self._params_dict[p_name]['size'])

            # Finite Difference each index in array
            for col, idx in enumerate(p_idxs):
                fd_count += 1

                # skip the current index if its done by some other
                # parallel fd proc
                if fd_count % self._num_par_fds == self._par_fd_id:
                    if p_size == 0:
                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                    # Relative or Absolute step size
                    if fdtype == 'relative':
                        step = target_input[idx] * fdstep
                        if step < fdstep:
                            step = fdstep
                        step = fdstep

                    if fdform == 'forward':

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        # delta resid is delta unknown
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache1
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (1.0 / step)

                    elif fdform == 'backward':

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        # delta resid is delta unknown
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache1
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (-1.0 / step)

                    elif fdform == 'central':

                        target_input[idx] += step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)
                        cache2 = resultvec.vec.copy()

                        target_input[idx] -= step
                        resultvec.vec[:] = cache1

                        target_input[idx] -= step

                        run_model(params, unknowns, resids)

                        # central difference formula
                        resultvec.vec[:] -= cache2
                        resultvec.vec[:] *= (-0.5 / step)

                        target_input[idx] += step

                    for u_name in fd_unknowns:
                        if qoi_indices and u_name in qoi_indices:
                            result = resultvec._dat[u_name].val[
                            result = resultvec._dat[u_name].val
                        jac[u_name, p_name][:, col] = result
                        if self._num_par_fds > 1:  # pragma: no cover
                            fd_cols[(u_name, p_name, col)] = \
                                                   jac[u_name, p_name][:, col]

                    # Restore old residual
                    resultvec.vec[:] = cache1

        if self._num_par_fds > 1:
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s: allgathering parallel FD columns" % self.pathname)
            jacinfos = self._full_comm.allgather(fd_cols)
            for rank, jacinfo in enumerate(jacinfos):
                if rank == self._full_comm.rank:
                for key, val in iteritems(jacinfo):
                    if key not in fd_cols:
                        uname, pname, col = key
                        jac[uname, pname][:, col] = val
                        fd_cols[(uname, pname,
                                 col)] = val  # to avoid setting dups
        elif MPI and gather_jac:
            jac = self.get_combined_jac(jac)

        return jac
コード例 #42
    def record_iteration(self, root, metadata, dummy=False):
        """ Gathers variables for non-parallel case recorders and calls
        record for all recorders.

        root : `System`
           System containing variables.

        metadata : dict
            Metadata for iteration coordinate

        dummy : bool, optional
            If True, this is a dummy iteration, so no data will be colllected
            from the model, but collective gather call will still be made.
        if not self._recorders:

        metadata['timestamp'] = time.time()
        params = root.params
        unknowns = root.unknowns
        resids = root.resids

        if MPI:
            if dummy and self._casecomm is not None:
                case = (None, None, None, None)
                if trace: debug("DUMMY gathering cases")
                cases = self._casecomm.gather(case, root=0)
                if trace: debug("DUMMY done gathering cases:")

            pnames = self._vars_to_record['pnames']
            unames = self._vars_to_record['unames']
            rnames = self._vars_to_record['rnames']

            # get names and values of all locally owned variables
            params = {p: params[p] for p in pnames}
            unknowns = {u: unknowns[u] for u in unames}
            resids = {r: resids[r] for r in rnames}

            if self._has_serial_recorders:

                params = self._gather_vars(root, params) if self._record_p else {}
                unknowns = self._gather_vars(root, unknowns) if self._record_u else {}
                resids = self._gather_vars(root, resids) if self._record_r else {}

            if self._casecomm is not None:
                # our parent driver is running a parallel DOE, so we need to
                # gather all of the cases to this rank and loop over them
                case = (params, unknowns, resids, metadata)
                if trace: debug("gathering cases")
                cases = self._casecomm.gather(case, root=0)
                if trace: debug("done gathering cases")
                if cases is None:
                    cases = []
                cases = [(params, unknowns, resids, metadata)]
            cases = [(params, unknowns, resids, metadata)]

        # If the recorder does not support parallel recording
        # we need to make sure we only record on rank 0.
        for params, unknowns, resids, meta in cases:
            if params is None: # dummy cases have None in place of params, etc.
            for recorder in self._recorders:
                if recorder._parallel or MPI is None or self.rank == 0:
                    recorder.record_iteration(params, unknowns, resids, meta)
コード例 #43
    def setup(self, system):
        """ Setup petsc problem just once.

        system : `System`
            Parent `System` object.

        if not system.is_active():

        # allocate and cache the ksp problem for each voi
        for voi in system.dumat:
            sizes = system._local_unknown_sizes[voi]
            lsize = np.sum(sizes[system.comm.rank, :])
            size = np.sum(sizes)

            if trace: debug("creating petsc matrix of size (%d,%d)" % (lsize, size))
            jac_mat = PETSc.Mat().createPython([(lsize, size), (lsize, size)],
            if trace: debug("petsc matrix creation DONE for %s" % voi)

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("creating KSP object for system", system.pathname)

            ksp = self.ksp[voi] = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=system.comm)
            if trace: debug("KSP creation DONE")


            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("rhs_buf, sol_buf size: %d" % lsize)
            pc_mat = ksp.getPC()

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("ksp setup done")

        if self.preconditioner:
コード例 #44
    def transfer(self, srcvec, tgtvec, mode='fwd', deriv=False):
        """Performs data transfer between a distributed source vector and
        a distributed target vector.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the source of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the destination of the transfer in rev mode.

        tgtvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the destination of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the source of the transfer in rev mode.

        mode : 'fwd' or 'rev', optional
            Direction of the data transfer, source to target ('fwd', the default)
            or target to source ('rev').

        deriv : bool, optional
            If True, this is a derivative data transfer, so no pass_by_obj
            variables will be transferred.
        if mode == 'rev':
            # in reverse mode, srcvec and tgtvec are switched. Note, we only
            # run in reverse for derivatives, and derivatives accumulate from
            # all targets. This does not involve pass_by_object.
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s <-- %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s rev scatter %s  %s <-- %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs,
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" %
                      (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname, tgtvec.petsc_vec.array))
            self.scatter.scatter(tgtvec.petsc_vec, srcvec.petsc_vec, True,
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s (DONE)" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, srcvec.petsc_vec.array))
            # forward mode, source to target including pass_by_object
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s --> %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s fwd scatter %s  %s --> %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs,
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, srcvec.petsc_vec.array))
            self.scatter.scatter(srcvec.petsc_vec, tgtvec.petsc_vec, False,
            if tgtvec._probdata.in_complex_step:
                                     tgtvec.imag_petsc_vec, False, False)

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s (DONE)" %
                      (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname, tgtvec.petsc_vec.array))

            if not deriv and self.byobj_conns:
                comm = self.sysdata.comm
                iproc = comm.rank
                mylocals = self.sysdata.all_locals[iproc]
                for itag, (tgt, src) in enumerate(self.byobj_conns):
                    # if we're the owning rank of the src, send it out to
                    # systems that don't have it locally.
                    if iproc == self.sysdata.owning_ranks[src]:
                        # grab local value
                        val = srcvec[src]
                        for i, localvars in enumerate(self.sysdata.all_locals):
                            if i != iproc and src not in localvars and tgt in localvars:
                                if trace: debug("sending %s" % val)
                                comm.send(val, dest=i, tag=itag)
                                if trace: debug("DONE sending %s" % val)

                # ensure that all src values have been sent before we receive
                # any in order to avoid possible race conditions
                if trace: debug("waiting on comm.barrier")
                if trace: debug("comm.barrier DONE")

                for itag, (tgt, src) in enumerate(self.byobj_conns):
                    # if we don't have the value locally, pull it across using MPI
                    if tgt in mylocals:
                        if src in mylocals:
                            if isinstance(tgtvec[tgt], FileRef):
                                tgtvec[tgt] = srcvec[src]
                            if trace: debug("receiving to %s" % tgtvec[tgt])
                            val = comm.recv(
                            if trace: debug("received %s" % val)
                            if isinstance(tgtvec[tgt], FileRef):
                                tgtvec[tgt] = val
コード例 #45
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
    def _setup_variables(self, compute_indices=False):
        Returns copies of our params and unknowns dictionaries,
        re-keyed to use absolute variable names.


        compute_indices : bool, optional
            If True, call setup_distrib() to set values of
            'src_indices' metadata.

        to_prom_name = self._sysdata.to_prom_name = {}
        to_abs_uname = self._sysdata.to_abs_uname = {}
        to_abs_pnames = self._sysdata.to_abs_pnames = OrderedDict()
        to_prom_uname = self._sysdata.to_prom_uname = OrderedDict()
        to_prom_pname = self._sysdata.to_prom_pname = OrderedDict()

        if MPI and compute_indices and self.is_active():
            if hasattr(self, 'setup_distrib_idxs'):
                warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
                    "setup_distrib_idxs is deprecated, use setup_distrib instead.",
                warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)

            # now update our distrib_size metadata for any distributed
            # unknowns
            sizes = []
            names = []
            for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_unknowns_dict):
                if 'src_indices' in meta:
            if sizes:
                if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                    debug("allgathering src index sizes:")
                allsizes = np.zeros((self.comm.size, len(sizes)), dtype=int)
                self.comm.Allgather(np.array(sizes, dtype=int), allsizes)
                for i, name in enumerate(names):
                    self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['distrib_size'] = np.sum(
                        allsizes[:, i])

        # key with absolute path names and add promoted names
        self._params_dict = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_params_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            self._params_dict[pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            to_prom_pname[pathname] = name
            to_abs_pnames[name] = (pathname, )

        self._unknowns_dict = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_unknowns_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            self._unknowns_dict[pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            to_prom_uname[pathname] = name
            to_abs_uname[name] = pathname


        self._post_setup_vars = True

        self._sysdata._params_dict = self._params_dict
        self._sysdata._unknowns_dict = self._unknowns_dict

        return self._params_dict, self._unknowns_dict
コード例 #46
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: fcapristan/OpenMDAO
    def transfer(self, srcvec, tgtvec, mode='fwd', deriv=False):
        """Performs data transfer between a distributed source vector and
        a distributed target vector.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the source of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the destination of the transfer in rev mode.

        tgtvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the destination of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the source of the transfer in rev mode.

        mode : 'fwd' or 'rev', optional
            Direction of the data transfer, source to target ('fwd', the default)
            or target to source ('rev').

        deriv : bool, optional
            If True, this is a derivative data transfer, so no pass_by_obj
            variables will be transferred.
        if mode == 'rev':
            # in reverse mode, srcvec and tgtvec are switched. Note, we only
            # run in reverse for derivatives, and derivatives accumulate from
            # all targets. This does not involve pass_by_object.
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s <-- %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s rev scatter %s  %s <-- %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(tgtvec.petsc_vec, srcvec.petsc_vec, True, True)
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            # forward mode, source to target including pass_by_object
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s --> %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s fwd scatter %s  %s --> %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(srcvec.petsc_vec, tgtvec.petsc_vec, False, False)

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,

            if not deriv:
                for tgt, src in self.byobj_conns:
                    raise NotImplementedError("can't transfer '%s' to '%s'" %
                                              (src, tgt))
コード例 #47
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: Heathckliff/OpenMDAO
    def transfer(self, srcvec, tgtvec, mode='fwd', deriv=False):
        """Performs data transfer between a distributed source vector and
        a distributed target vector.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the source of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the destination of the transfer in rev mode.

        tgtvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the destination of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the source of the transfer in rev mode.

        mode : 'fwd' or 'rev', optional
            Direction of the data transfer, source to target ('fwd', the default)
            or target to source ('rev').

        deriv : bool, optional
            If True, this is a derivative data transfer, so no pass_by_obj
            variables will be transferred.
        if mode == 'rev':
            # in reverse mode, srcvec and tgtvec are switched. Note, we only
            # run in reverse for derivatives, and derivatives accumulate from
            # all targets. This does not involve pass_by_object.
            if trace:
                conns = ['%s <-- %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s rev scatter %s  %s <-- %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(tgtvec.petsc_vec, srcvec.petsc_vec, True, True)
            if trace:
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            # forward mode, source to target including pass_by_object
            if trace:
                conns = ['%s --> %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s fwd scatter %s  %s --> %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(srcvec.petsc_vec, tgtvec.petsc_vec, False, False)

            if trace:
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,

            if not deriv:
                for tgt, src in self.byobj_conns:
                    raise NotImplementedError("can't transfer '%s' to '%s'" %
                                              (src, tgt))
コード例 #48
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign a communicator to the root `System`.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the Problem.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        root = self.root

        if not MPI or self._num_par_doe <= 1:
            self._num_par_doe = 1
            self._load_balance = False

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel DOE we are associated with
        if self._num_par_doe > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = root.get_req_procs()
            if self._load_balance:
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe - 1,
                                                     comm.size - 1)
                sizes = [1] + list(sizes)
                offsets = [0] + [o + 1 for o in offsets]
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []

            self._id_map = {}
            for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                color.extend([i] * sizes[i])
                self._id_map[i] = (sizes[i], offsets[i])

            self._par_doe_id = color[comm.rank]

            if self._load_balance:
                self._casecomm = None
                casecolor = []
                for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                    if sizes[i] > 0:
                        casecolor.extend([MPI.UNDEFINED] * (sizes[i] - 1))

                # we need a comm that has all the 0 ranks of the subcomms so
                # we can gather multiple cases run as part of parallel DOE.
                if trace:
                    debug('%s: splitting casecomm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join(
                        (root.pathname, 'driver')), self._par_doe_id))
                self._casecomm = comm.Split(casecolor[comm.rank])
                if trace:
                    debug('%s: casecomm split done' % '.'.join(
                        (root.pathname, 'driver')))

                if self._casecomm == MPI.COMM_NULL:
                    self._casecomm = None

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace:
                debug('%s: splitting comm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join(
                    (root.pathname, 'driver')), self._par_doe_id))
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_doe_id)
            if trace:
                debug('%s: comm split done' % '.'.join(
                    (root.pathname, 'driver')))
            self._casecomm = None

        # tell RecordingManager it needs to do a multicase gather
        self.recorders._casecomm = self._casecomm

        root._setup_communicators(comm, parent_dir)
コード例 #49
    def solve(self, rhs_mat, system, mode):
        """ Solves the linear system for the problem in self.system. The
        full solution vector is returned.

        rhs_mat : dict of ndarray
            Dictionary containing one ndarry per top level quantity of
            interest. Each array contains the right-hand side for the linear

        system : `System`
            Parent `System` object.

        mode : string
            Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'.

        dict of ndarray : Solution vectors
        options = self.options
        self.mode = mode


        unknowns_mat = OrderedDict()
        for voi, rhs in iteritems(rhs_mat):

            sol_vec = np.zeros(rhs.shape)
            # Set these in the system
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("creating sol_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.sol_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(sol_vec,
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("sol_buf creation DONE")
                debug("creating rhs_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.rhs_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(rhs,
            if trace: debug("rhs_buf creation DONE")

            # Petsc can only handle one right-hand-side at a time for now
            self.voi = voi
            self.system = system
            self.iter_count = 0
            self.ksp.solve(self.rhs_buf_petsc, self.sol_buf_petsc)
            self.system = None

            if self.options['iprint'] > 0:
                if self.iter_count == self.options['maxiter']:
                    msg = 'FAILED to converge after hitting max iterations'
                    msg = 'Converged'

            unknowns_mat[voi] = sol_vec

            #print system.name, 'Linear solution vec', d_unknowns

        self.system = None
        return unknowns_mat
コード例 #50
ファイル: petsc_impl.py プロジェクト: eshendricks/OpenMDAO
    def transfer(self, srcvec, tgtvec, mode='fwd', deriv=False):
        """Performs data transfer between a distributed source vector and
        a distributed target vector.

        srcvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the source of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the destination of the transfer in rev mode.

        tgtvec : `VecWrapper`
            Variables that are the destination of the transfer in fwd mode and
            the source of the transfer in rev mode.

        mode : 'fwd' or 'rev', optional
            Direction of the data transfer, source to target ('fwd', the default)
            or target to source ('rev').

        deriv : bool, optional
            If True, this is a derivative data transfer, so no pass_by_obj
            variables will be transferred.
        if mode == 'rev':
            # in reverse mode, srcvec and tgtvec are switched. Note, we only
            # run in reverse for derivatives, and derivatives accumulate from
            # all targets. This does not involve pass_by_object.
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s <-- %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s rev scatter %s  %s <-- %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(tgtvec.petsc_vec, srcvec.petsc_vec, True, True)
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s (DONE)" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            # forward mode, source to target including pass_by_object
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                conns = ['%s --> %s' % (u, v) for v, u in self.vec_conns]
                debug("%s fwd scatter %s  %s --> %s" %
                      (srcvec._sysdata.pathname, conns, self.src_idxs, self.tgt_idxs))
                debug("%s:    srcvec = %s" % (srcvec._sysdata.pathname,
            self.scatter.scatter(srcvec.petsc_vec, tgtvec.petsc_vec, False, False)
            if tgtvec._probdata.in_complex_step is True:
                self.scatter.scatter(srcvec.imag_petsc_vec, tgtvec.imag_petsc_vec,
                                     False, False)

            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("%s:    tgtvec = %s (DONE)" % (tgtvec._sysdata.pathname,

            if not deriv:
                comm = self.sysdata.comm
                iproc = comm.rank
                mylocals = self.sysdata.all_locals[iproc]
                for itag, (tgt, src) in enumerate(self.byobj_conns):
                    # if we're the owning rank of the src, send it out to
                    # systems that don't have it locally.
                    if iproc == self.sysdata.owning_ranks[src]:
                        # grab local value
                        val = srcvec[src]
                        for i, localvars in enumerate(self.sysdata.all_locals):
                            if i != iproc and src not in localvars and tgt in localvars:
                                if trace: debug("sending %s" % val)
                                comm.send(val, dest=i, tag=itag)
                                if trace: debug("DONE sending %s" % val)

                # ensure that all src values have been sent before we receive
                # any in order to avoid possible race conditions

                for itag, (tgt, src) in enumerate(self.byobj_conns):
                    # if we don't have the value locally, pull it across using MPI
                    if tgt in mylocals:
                        if src in mylocals:
                            if isinstance(tgtvec[tgt], FileRef):
                                tgtvec[tgt] = srcvec[src]
                            if trace: debug("receiving to %s" % tgtvec[tgt])
                            val = comm.recv(source=self.sysdata.owning_ranks[src],
                            if trace: debug("received %s" % val)
                            if isinstance(tgtvec[tgt], FileRef):
                                tgtvec[tgt] = val
コード例 #51
ファイル: petsc_ksp.py プロジェクト: theomission/OpenMDAO
    def solve(self, rhs_mat, system, mode):
        """ Solves the linear system for the problem in self.system. The
        full solution vector is returned.

        rhs_mat : dict of ndarray
            Dictionary containing one ndarry per top level quantity of
            interest. Each array contains the right-hand side for the linear

        system : `System`
            Parent `System` object.

        mode : string
            Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'.

        dict of ndarray : Solution vectors
        options = self.options
        self.mode = mode


        unknowns_mat = {}
        for voi, rhs in iteritems(rhs_mat):

            sol_vec = np.zeros(rhs.shape)
            # Set these in the system
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("creating sol_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.sol_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(sol_vec,
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("creating rhs_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.rhs_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(rhs,

            # Petsc can only handle one right-hand-side at a time for now
            self.voi = voi
            self.system = system
            self.iter_count = 0
            self.ksp.solve(self.rhs_buf_petsc, self.sol_buf_petsc)
            self.system = None

            if self.options['iprint'] > 0:
                if self.iter_count == self.options['maxiter']:
                    msg = 'FAILED to converge after hitting max iterations'
                    msg = 'Converged'
                    self.print_norm('KSP', system.pathname, self.iter_count,
                                    0, 0, msg=msg, solver='LN')

            unknowns_mat[voi] = sol_vec

            #print system.name, 'Linear solution vec', d_unknowns

        self.system = None
        return unknowns_mat
コード例 #52
    def solve(self, rhs_mat, system, mode):
        """ Solves the linear system for the problem in self.system. The
        full solution vector is returned.

        rhs_mat : dict of ndarray
            Dictionary containing one ndarry per top level quantity of
            interest. Each array contains the right-hand side for the linear

        system : `System`
            Parent `System` object.

        mode : string
            Derivative mode, can be 'fwd' or 'rev'.

        dict of ndarray : Solution vectors
        options = self.options
        self.mode = mode

        unknowns_mat = OrderedDict()
        maxiter = options['maxiter']
        atol = options['atol']
        rtol = options['rtol']
        iprint = self.options['iprint']

        for voi, rhs in iteritems(rhs_mat):

            ksp = self.ksp[voi]

            ksp.setTolerances(max_it=maxiter, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)

            sol_vec = np.zeros(rhs.shape)
            # Set these in the system
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("creating sol_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.sol_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(sol_vec,
            if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                debug("sol_buf creation DONE")
                debug("creating rhs_buf petsc vec for voi", voi)
            self.rhs_buf_petsc = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(rhs,
            if trace: debug("rhs_buf creation DONE")

            # Petsc can only handle one right-hand-side at a time for now
            self.voi = voi
            self.system = system
            self.iter_count = 0
            ksp.solve(self.rhs_buf_petsc, self.sol_buf_petsc)
            self.system = None

            # Final residual print if you only want the last one
            if iprint == 1:
                mon = ksp.getMonitor()[0][0]
                self.print_norm(self.print_name, system, self.iter_count,
                                mon._norm, mon._norm0, indent=1, solver='LN')

            if self.iter_count >= maxiter:
                msg = 'FAILED to converge in %d iterations' % self.iter_count
                fail = True
                msg = 'Converged in %d iterations' % self.iter_count
                fail = False

            if iprint > 0 or (fail and iprint > -1 ):
                self.print_norm(self.print_name, system,self.iter_count, 0, 0,
                                msg=msg, indent=1, solver='LN')

            unknowns_mat[voi] = sol_vec

            if fail and self.options['err_on_maxiter']:
                raise AnalysisError("Solve in '%s': PetscKSP %s" %
                                    (system.pathname, msg))

            #print system.name, 'Linear solution vec', d_unknowns

        self.system = None
        return unknowns_mat
コード例 #53
    def _distrib_lb_build_runlist(self):
        Runs a load balanced version of the runlist, with the master
        rank (0) sending a new case to each worker rank as soon as it
        has finished its last case.
        comm = self._full_comm

        if self._full_comm.rank == 0:  # master rank
            runiter = self._build_runlist()
            received = 0
            sent = 0

            # cases left for each par doe
            cases = {n:{'count': 0, 'terminate': 0, 'p':{}, 'u':{}, 'r':{},
                        'meta':{'success': 1, 'msg': ''}}
                                    for n in self._id_map}

            # create a mapping of ranks to doe_ids, to handle those cases
            # where a single DOE is executed across multiple processes, i.e.,
            # for each process, we need to know which case it's working on.
            doe_ids = {}
            for doe_id, tup in self._id_map.items():
                size, offset = tup
                for i in range(size):
                    doe_ids[i+offset] = doe_id

            # seed the workers
            for i in range(1, self._num_par_doe):
                    # case is a generator, so must make a list to send
                    case = list(next(runiter))
                except StopIteration:
                size, offset = self._id_map[i]
                # send the case to all of the subprocs that will work on it
                for j in range(size):
                    if trace: # pragma: no cover
                        debug('Sending Seed case %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    comm.send(case, j+offset, tag=1)
                    if trace: # pragma: no cover
                        debug('Seed Case Sent %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    cases[i]['count'] += 1
                    sent += 1

            # send the rest of the cases
            if sent > 0:
                more_cases = True
                while True:
                    if trace: # pragma: no cover
                        debug("Waiting on case")
                    worker, p, u, r, meta = comm.recv(tag=2)
                    if trace:  # pragma: no cover
                        debug("Case Recieved from Worker %d" % worker )

                    received += 1

                    caseinfo = cases[doe_ids[worker]]
                    caseinfo['count'] -= 1

                    # save certain parts of existing metadata so we don't hide failures
                    oldmeta = caseinfo['meta']
                    success = oldmeta['success']
                    if not success:
                        msg = oldmeta['msg']
                        oldmeta['success'] = success
                        oldmeta['msg'] = msg

                    caseinfo['terminate'] += meta.get('terminate', 0)

                    if caseinfo['count'] == 0:
                        # we've received case from all procs with that doe_id
                        # so the case is complete.

                        # worker has experienced some critical error, so we'll
                        # stop sending new cases and start to wrap things up
                        if caseinfo['terminate'] > 0:
                            more_cases = False
                            print("Worker %d has requested termination. No more new "
                                  "cases will be distributed. Worker traceback was:\n%s" %
                                  (worker, meta['msg']))

                            # Send case to recorders
                            yield caseinfo

                            if more_cases:
                                    case = list(next(runiter))
                                except StopIteration:
                                    more_cases = False
                                    # send a new case to every proc that works on
                                    # cases with the current worker
                                    doe = doe_ids[worker]
                                    size, offset = self._id_map[doe]
                                    cases[doe]['terminate'] = 0
                                    cases[doe]['meta'] = {'success': 1, 'msg': ''}
                                    for j in range(size):
                                        if trace: # pragma: no cover
                                            debug("Sending New Case to Worker %d" % worker )
                                        comm.send(case, j+offset, tag=1)
                                        if trace: # pragma: no cover
                                            debug("Case Sent to Worker %d" % worker )
                                        cases[doe]['count'] += 1
                                        sent += 1

                    # don't stop until we hear back from every worker process
                    # we sent a case to
                    if received == sent:

            # tell all workers to stop
            for rank in range(1, self._full_comm.size):
                if trace: # pragma: no cover
                    debug("Make Worker Stop on Rank %d" % rank )
                comm.send(None, rank, tag=1)
                if trace: # pragma: no cover
                    debug("Worker has Stopped on Rank %d" % rank )

        else:   # worker
            while True:
                # wait on a case from the master
                if trace: debug("Receiving Case from Master") # pragma: no cover

                case = comm.recv(source=0, tag=1)

                if trace: debug("Case Received from Master") # pragma: no cover
                if case is None: # we're done

                # yield the case so it can be executed
                yield case

                # get local vars from RecordingManager
                params, unknowns, resids = self.recorders._get_local_case_data(self.root)

                # tell the master we're done with that case and send local vars
                if trace: debug("Send Master Local Vars") # pragma: no cover

                comm.send((comm.rank, params, unknowns, resids, self._last_meta), 0, tag=2)

                if trace: debug("Local Vars Sent to Master") # pragma: no cover
コード例 #54
    def get_combined_jac(self, J):
        Take a J dict that's distributed, i.e., has different values across
        different MPI processes, and return a dict that contains all of the
        values from all of the processes. If values are duplicated, use the
        value from the lowest rank process. Note that J has a nested dict

        J : `dict`
            Local Jacobian

            Local gathered Jacobian

        if not self.is_active():
            return J

        comm = self.comm
        iproc = comm.rank

        # TODO: calculate dist_need_tups and dist_has_tups once
        #       and cache it instead of doing every time.
        need_tups = []
        has_tups = []

        # Gather a list of local tuples for J.
        for (output, param), value in iteritems(J):
            if value.size == 0:
                need_tups.append((output, param))
                has_tups.append((output, param))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of needed tups" % self.pathname)
        dist_need_tups = comm.allgather(need_tups)

        needed_set = set()
        for need_tups in dist_need_tups:

        if not needed_set:
            return J  # nobody needs any J entries

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of has_tups" % self.pathname)
        dist_has_tups = comm.allgather(has_tups)

        found = set()
        owned_vals = []
        for rank, tups in enumerate(dist_has_tups):
            for tup in tups:
                if tup in needed_set and not tup in found:
                    if rank == iproc:
                        owned_vals.append((tup, J[tup]))

        if trace:  # pragma: no cover
            debug("%s: allgather of owned vals" % self.pathname)
        dist_vals = comm.allgather(owned_vals)

        for rank, vals in enumerate(dist_vals):
            if rank != iproc:
                for (output, param), value in vals:
                    J[output, param] = value

        return J
コード例 #55
    def _setup_communicators(self, comm, parent_dir):
        Assign a communicator to the root `System`.

        comm : an MPI communicator (real or fake)
            The communicator being offered by the Problem.

        parent_dir : str
            Absolute dir of parent `System`.
        root = self.root

        if self._num_par_doe <= 1:
            self._num_par_doe = 1
            self._load_balance = False

        self._full_comm = comm

        # figure out which parallel DOE we are associated with
        if MPI and self._num_par_doe > 1:
            minprocs, maxprocs = root.get_req_procs()
            if self._load_balance:
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe-1,
                sizes = [1]+list(sizes)
                offsets = [0]+[o+1 for o in offsets]
                sizes, offsets = evenly_distrib_idxs(self._num_par_doe,

            # a 'color' is assigned to each subsystem, with
            # an entry for each processor it will be given
            # e.g. [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]
            color = []

            self._id_map = {}
            for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                self._id_map[i] = (sizes[i], offsets[i])

            self._par_doe_id = color[comm.rank]

            if self._load_balance:
                self._casecomm = None
                casecolor = []
                for i in range(self._num_par_doe):
                    if sizes[i] > 0:

                # we need a comm that has all the 0 ranks of the subcomms so
                # we can gather multiple cases run as part of parallel DOE.
                if trace: # pragma: no cover
                    debug('%s: splitting casecomm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join((root.pathname,
                self._casecomm = comm.Split(casecolor[comm.rank])
                if trace: # pragma: no cover
                    debug('%s: casecomm split done' % '.'.join((root.pathname,

                if self._casecomm == MPI.COMM_NULL:
                    self._casecomm = None

            # create a sub-communicator for each color and
            # get the one assigned to our color/process
            if trace: # pragma: no cover
                debug('%s: splitting comm, doe_id=%s' % ('.'.join((root.pathname,
            comm = comm.Split(self._par_doe_id)
            if trace: # pragma: no cover
                debug('%s: comm split done' % '.'.join((root.pathname,
            self._casecomm = None

        # tell RecordingManager it needs to do a multicase gather
        self.recorders._casecomm = self._casecomm

        root._setup_communicators(comm, parent_dir)
コード例 #56
ファイル: component.py プロジェクト: kiranhegde/OpenMDAO
    def _setup_variables(self, compute_indices=False):
        Returns copies of our params and unknowns dictionaries,
        re-keyed to use absolute variable names.


        compute_indices : bool, optional
            If True, call setup_distrib() to set values of
            'src_indices' metadata.

        to_prom_name = self._sysdata.to_prom_name = {}
        to_abs_uname = self._sysdata.to_abs_uname = {}
        to_abs_pnames = self._sysdata.to_abs_pnames = OrderedDict()
        to_prom_uname = self._sysdata.to_prom_uname = OrderedDict()
        to_prom_pname = self._sysdata.to_prom_pname = OrderedDict()

        if MPI and compute_indices and self.is_active():
            if hasattr(self, 'setup_distrib_idxs'):
                warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
                warnings.warn("setup_distrib_idxs is deprecated, use setup_distrib instead.",
                warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DeprecationWarning)

            # now update our distrib_size metadata for any distributed
            # unknowns
            sizes = []
            names = []
            for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_unknowns_dict):
                if 'src_indices' in meta:
            if sizes:
                if trace:   # pragma: no cover
                    debug("allgathering src index sizes:")
                allsizes = np.zeros((self.comm.size, len(sizes)), dtype=int)
                self.comm.Allgather(np.array(sizes, dtype=int), allsizes)
                for i, name in enumerate(names):
                    self._init_unknowns_dict[name]['distrib_size'] = np.sum(allsizes[:, i])

        # key with absolute path names and add promoted names
        self._params_dict = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_params_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            self._params_dict [pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            to_prom_pname[pathname] = name
            to_abs_pnames[name] = (pathname,)

        self._unknowns_dict = OrderedDict()
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._init_unknowns_dict):
            pathname = self._get_var_pathname(name)
            self._unknowns_dict[pathname] = meta
            meta['pathname'] = pathname
            to_prom_uname[pathname] = name
            to_abs_uname[name] = pathname


        self._post_setup_vars = True

        self._sysdata._params_dict = self._params_dict
        self._sysdata._unknowns_dict = self._unknowns_dict

        return self._params_dict, self._unknowns_dict
コード例 #57
                size, offset = self._id_map[i]
                # send the case to all of the subprocs that will work on it
                for j in range(size):
                    if trace:
                        debug('Sending Seed case %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    comm.send(case, j + offset, tag=1)
                    if trace:
                        debug('Seed Case Sent %d, %d' % (i, j))
                    cases[i]['count'] += 1
                    sent += 1

            # send the rest of the cases
            if sent > 0:
                more_cases = True
                while True:
                    if trace: debug("Waiting on case")
                    worker, p, u, r, meta = comm.recv(tag=2)
                    if trace: debug("Case Recieved from Worker %d" % worker)

                    received += 1

                    caseinfo = cases[doe_ids[worker]]
                    caseinfo['count'] -= 1

                    # save certain parts of existing metadata so we don't hide failures
                    oldmeta = caseinfo['meta']
                    success = oldmeta['success']
                    if not success: