コード例 #1
    def execute_ga(self, vlb, vub, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state):
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        bits : ndarray
            Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector.
        pop_size : int
            Number of points in the population.
        max_gen : int
            Number of generations to run the GA.
        random_state : np.random.RandomState, int
             Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws.

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
            Number of successful function evaluations.
        comm = self.comm
        xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
        fopt = np.inf
        self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits))

        if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
            pop_size += 1
        self.npop = int(pop_size)
        fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, ))

        Pc = 0.5
        Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits))
        elite = self.elite

        # TODO: from an user-supplied intial population
        # new_gen, lchrom = encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)
        new_gen = np.round(

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
            old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen)
            x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits)

            # Evaluate points in this generation.
            if comm is not None:
                # Parallel

                # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
                # and use it on all.
                x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0)

                cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)]

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun,

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        val, success, ii = returns
                        if success:
                            fitness[ii] = val
                            nfit += 1

                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    x = x_pop[ii]
                    fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0)

                    if success:
                        nfit += 1
                        fitness[ii] = np.inf

            # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from previous generation.
            if elite and generation > 0:
                max_index = np.argmax(fitness)
                old_gen[max_index] = min_gen
                x_pop[max_index] = min_x
                fitness[max_index] = min_fit

            # Find best performing point in this generation.
            min_fit = np.min(fitness)
            min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
            min_gen = old_gen[min_index]
            min_x = x_pop[min_index]

            if min_fit < fopt:
                fopt = min_fit
                xopt = min_x

            # Evolve new generation.
            new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness)
            new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc)
            new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm)

        return xopt, fopt, nfit
コード例 #2
    def execute_ga(self, x0, vlb, vub, vob, bits, pop_size, max_gen, random_state, Pm=None, Pc=0.5):
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array. This includes over-allocation so that every point falls on an
            integer value.
        vob : ndarray
            Outer bounds array. This is purely for bounds check.
        bits : ndarray
            Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector.
        pop_size : int
            Number of points in the population.
        max_gen : int
            Number of generations to run the GA.
        random_state : np.random.RandomState, int
            Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws.
        Pm : float or None
            Mutation rate
        Pc : float
            Crossover rate

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
            Number of successful function evaluations.
        comm = self.comm
        xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
        fopt = np.inf
        self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits))

        if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
            pop_size += 1
        self.npop = int(pop_size)
        fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, ))

        # If mutation rate is not provided as input
        if Pm is None:
            Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits))
        elite = self.elite

        new_gen = np.round(lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center',
        new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
            old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen)
            x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits)

            # Evaluate points in this generation.
            if comm is not None:
                # Parallel

                # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
                # and use it on all.
                x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0)

                cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)
                         if np.all(item - vob <= 0)]

                # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
                # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, comm, allgather=True,

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        val, success, ii = returns
                        if success:
                            fitness[ii] = val
                            nfit += 1

                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    x = x_pop[ii]

                    if np.any(x - vob > 0):
                        # Exceeded bounds for integer variables that are over-allocated.
                        success = False
                        fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0)

                    if success:
                        nfit += 1
                        fitness[ii] = np.inf

            # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from previous generation.
            if elite and generation > 0:
                max_index = np.argmax(fitness)
                old_gen[max_index] = min_gen
                x_pop[max_index] = min_x
                fitness[max_index] = min_fit

            # Find best performing point in this generation.
            min_fit = np.min(fitness)
            min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
            min_gen = old_gen[min_index]
            min_x = x_pop[min_index]

            if min_fit < fopt:
                fopt = min_fit
                xopt = min_x

            # Evolve new generation.
            new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness)
            new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc)
            new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm)

        return xopt, fopt, nfit
コード例 #3
    def execute_ga(self,
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values.
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array. This includes over-allocation so that every point falls on an
            integer value.
        vob : ndarray
            Outer bounds array. This is purely for bounds check.
        bits : ndarray
            Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector.
        pop_size : int
            Number of points in the population.
        max_gen : int
            Number of generations to run the GA.
        random_state : np.random.RandomState, int
            Random state (or seed-number) which controls the seed and random draws.
        Pm : float or None
            Mutation rate.
        Pc : float
            Crossover rate.

            Best design point.
            Objective value at best design point.
            Number of successful function evaluations.
        comm = self.comm
        nobj = self.nobj
        self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits))

        if nobj > 1:
            xopt = []
            fopt = []

            # Needs to be divisible by number of objectives because of tournament selection
            # strategy.
            if np.mod(pop_size, nobj) > 0:
                pop_size += nobj - np.mod(pop_size, nobj)
            xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
            fopt = np.inf

            # Needs to be divisible by two because tournament selection pits one half of the
            # population against the other half.
            if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
                pop_size += 1

        self.npop = int(pop_size)
        fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, nobj))

        # If mutation rate is not provided as input
        if Pm is None:
            Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits))
        elite = self.elite

        new_gen = np.round(
        new_gen[0] = self.encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
            old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen)
            x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits)

            # Evaluate fitness of points in this generation.
            if comm is not None:
                # Parallel

                # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
                # and use it on all.
                x_pop = comm.bcast(x_pop, root=0)

                cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)
                         if np.all(item - vob <= 0)]

                # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
                # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun,

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        val, success, ii = returns
                        if success:
                            fitness[ii, :] = val
                            nfit += 1

                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    x = x_pop[ii]

                    if np.any(x - vob > 0):
                        # Exceeded bounds for integer variables that are over-allocated.
                        success = False
                        fitness[ii, :], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0)

                    if success:
                        nfit += 1
                        fitness[ii, :] = np.inf

            # Find Pareto front.
            if nobj > 1:
                xopt, fopt = self.eval_pareto(x_pop, fitness, xopt, fopt)

            # Find best objective.
                # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from
                # previous generation.
                if elite and generation > 0:
                    max_index = np.argmax(fitness[:, 0])
                    old_gen[max_index] = min_gen
                    x_pop[max_index] = min_x
                    fitness[max_index, 0] = min_fit

                # Find best performing point in this generation.
                min_fit = np.min(fitness)
                min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
                min_gen = old_gen[min_index]
                min_x = x_pop[min_index]

                if min_fit < fopt:
                    fopt = min_fit
                    xopt = min_x

            # Evolve new generation.

            if nobj > 1:
                new_gen, new_obj = self.tournament_multi_obj(old_gen, fitness)
                new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness[:, 0])

            new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc)
            new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm)

        return xopt, fopt, nfit
コード例 #4
    def execute_ga(self, vlb, vub, bits, pop_size, max_gen):
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        bits : ndarray
            Number of bits to encode the design space for each element of the design vector.
        pop_size : int
            Number of points in the population.
        max_gen : int
            Number of generations to run the GA.

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
            Number of successful function evaluations.
        xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
        fopt = np.inf
        self.lchrom = int(np.sum(bits))

        if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
            pop_size += 1
        self.npop = int(pop_size)
        fitness = np.zeros((self.npop, ))

        Pc = 0.5
        Pm = (self.lchrom + 1.0) / (2.0 * pop_size * np.sum(bits))
        elite = self.elite

        # TODO: from an user-supplied intial population
        # new_gen, lchrom = encode(x0, vlb, vub, bits)
        new_gen = np.round(lhs(self.lchrom, self.npop, criterion='center'))

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
            old_gen = copy.deepcopy(new_gen)
            x_pop = self.decode(old_gen, vlb, vub, bits)

            # Evaluate points in this generation.
            if self.comm is not None:
                # Parallel
                cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(x_pop)]

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun, cases, self.comm, allgather=True)

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        val, success, ii = returns
                        if success:
                            fitness[ii] = val
                            nfit += 1

                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    x = x_pop[ii]

                    fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(x, 0)

                    if success:
                        nfit += 1
                        fitness[ii] = np.inf

            # Elitism means replace worst performing point with best from previous generation.
            if elite and generation > 0:
                max_index = np.argmax(fitness)
                old_gen[max_index] = min_gen
                x_pop[max_index] = min_x
                fitness[max_index] = min_fit

            # Find best performing point in this generation.
            min_fit = np.min(fitness)
            min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
            min_gen = old_gen[min_index]
            min_x = x_pop[min_index]

            if min_fit < fopt:
                fopt = min_fit
                xopt = min_x

            # Evolve new generation.
            new_gen = self.tournament(old_gen, fitness)
            new_gen = self.crossover(new_gen, Pc)
            new_gen = self.mutate(new_gen, Pm)

        return xopt, fopt, nfit
コード例 #5
    def execute(self, x0, vlb, vub, objfun, comm, model_mpi):
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        objfun : function
            Objective callback function.

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
        xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
        fopt = np.inf
        count = self.lchrom = len(x0)

        pop_size = self.pop_size
        if pop_size == 0:
            pop_size = 20 * len(x0)

        if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
            pop_size += 1
        self.npop = int(pop_size)

        # use different seeds in different MPI processes
        seed = self.random_state + comm.Get_rank() if comm else 0
        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

        # create random initial population, scaled to bounds
        population = rng.random([self.npop, self.lchrom
                                 ]) * (vub - vlb) + vlb  # scale to bounds
        fitness = np.ones(
            self.npop) * np.inf  # initialize fitness to infinitely bad

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(self.max_gen + 1):
            # Evaluate fitness of points in this generation
            if comm is not None:  # Parallel
                # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
                # and use it on all.
                population = comm.bcast(population, root=0)

                cases = [((item, ii), None)
                         for ii, item in enumerate(population)]

                # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
                # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                results = concurrent_eval(objfun,

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        # val, success = returns
                        # if success:
                        #     fitness[ii] = val
                        #     nfit += 1
                        fitness[ii] = returns
                        nfit += 1
                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')
            else:  # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    # fitness[ii], success = objfun(population[ii])
                    fitness[ii] = objfun(population[ii])
                    nfit += 1

            # Find best performing point in this generation.
            min_fit = np.min(fitness)
            min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
            min_gen = population[min_index]

            # Update overall best.
            if min_fit < fopt:
                fopt = min_fit
                xopt = min_gen

            if generation == self.max_gen:  # finished

            # Selection: new generation members replace parents, if better (implied elitism)
            if generation == 0:
                parentPop = copy.deepcopy(population)
                parentFitness = copy.deepcopy(fitness)
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    if fitness[ii] < parentFitness[
                            ii]:  # if child is better, else parent unchanged
                        parentPop[ii] = population[ii]
                        parentFitness[ii] = fitness[ii]

            # Evolve new generation.
            population = np.zeros(np.shape(parentPop))
            fitness = np.ones(self.npop) * np.inf

            for ii in range(self.npop):
                # randomly select 3 different population members other than the current choice
                a, b, c = ii, ii, ii
                while a == ii:
                    a = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
                while b == ii or b == a:
                    b = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
                while c == ii or c == a or c == b:
                    c = rng.integers(0, self.npop)

                # randomly select chromosome index for forced crossover
                r = rng.integers(0, self.lchrom)

                # crossover and mutation
                population[ii] = parentPop[ii]  # start the same as parent
                # clip mutant so that it cannot be outside the bounds
                mutant = np.clip(
                    parentPop[a] + self.F * (parentPop[b] - parentPop[c]), vlb,
                # sometimes replace parent's feature with mutant's
                rr = rng.random(self.lchrom)
                idx = np.where(rr < self.Pc)
                population[ii][idx] = mutant[idx]
                population[ii][r] = mutant[
                    r]  # always replace at least one with mutant's

        return xopt, fopt
コード例 #6
    def execute(self, x0, vlb, vub, objfun, comm=None, model_mpi=None):
        Execute the CMA Evolution Strategy.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        objfun : function
            Objective callback function.
        comm : MPI communicator or None
            The MPI communicator that will be used objective evaluation.
        model_mpi : None or tuple
            If the model in objfun is also parallel, then this will contain a tuple with the the
            total number of population points to evaluate concurrently, and the color of the point
            to evaluate on this rank.

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
        self.options['bounds'] = [vlb, vub]

        if comm is None:
            # Running non-parallel, use functional interface

            res = cma.fmin(objfun, x0, self.sigma0, options=self.options)

            return res[0], res[1]

            # Running parallel, use OO interface

            # make sure all procs have the same seed
            seed = self.options['seed']
            if comm.rank == 0 and (not isinstance(seed, int) or seed == 0):
                seed = int(time.time())
            self.options['seed'] = comm.bcast(seed, root=0)

            optim = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, self.sigma0, self.options)

            stop = False

            while not stop:  # optim.stop():
                # get candidate solutions
                X = optim.ask()

                # pad candidates to make them divisible into procs.
                cases = [((item, ), None) for ii, item in enumerate(X)]
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                # evaluate candidate solutions concurrently
                results = concurrent_eval(objfun,

                # assemble solutions corresponding to X
                f = []
                for i in range(len(X)):
                    returns, traceback = results[i]
                    if returns:
                        # fval, success = returns
                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # do the "update", pass f-values and prepare for next iteration
                optim.tell(X, f)
                optim.disp(20)  # display info every 20th iteration
                optim.logger.add()  # log another "data line", non-standard

                # gather stop conditions, stop if any proc stops
                # (all procs should stop with same stop condition)
                stops = comm.allgather(optim.stop())
                for proc_stop in stops:
                    if len(proc_stop) > 0:
                        stop = True

            # final output
            # print('termination by', stops)
            # print('best f-value =', optim.result[1])
            # print('best solution =', optim.result[0])
            # optim.logger.plot()  # if matplotlib is available

            return optim.result[0], optim.result[1]
コード例 #7
    def execute(self, x0, sigma0, CMAOptions):
        Execute the CMA Evolution Strategy.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        sigma0 : float
            Initial standard deviation in each coordinate.
        CMAOptions : CMAOptions
            Options for CMAES execution.

            Best design point
            Objective value at best design point.
        comm = self.comm

        if comm is None:
            # Running non-parallel, use functional interface

            res = cma.fmin(self.objfun, x0, sigma0, options=CMAOptions)

            return res[0], res[1]

            # Running parallel, use OO interface

            # make sure all procs have the same seed
            seed = CMAOptions['seed']
            if comm.rank == 0 and (not isinstance(seed, int) or seed == 0):
                seed = int(time.time())
            CMAOptions['seed'] = comm.bcast(seed, root=0)

            optim = cma.CMAEvolutionStrategy(x0, sigma0, CMAOptions)

            stop = False

            while not stop:  # optim.stop():
                # get candidate solutions
                X = optim.ask()

                # pad candidates to make them divisible into procs.
                cases = [((item, ), None) for ii, item in enumerate(X)]
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                # evaluate candidate solutions concurrently
                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun,

                # assemble solutions corresponding to X
                f = []
                for i in range(len(X)):
                    returns, traceback = results[i]
                    if returns:
                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')

                # do the "update", pass f-values and prepare for next iteration
                optim.tell(X, f)
                optim.disp(20)  # display info every 20th iteration
                optim.logger.add()  # log another "data line", non-standard

                # gather stop conditions, stop if any proc stops
                # (all procs should stop with same stop condition)
                stops = comm.allgather(optim.stop())
                for proc_stop in stops:
                    if len(proc_stop) > 0:
                        stop = True

            # final output
            # print('termination by', stops)
            # print('best f-value =', optim.result[1])
            # print('best solution =', optim.result[0])
            # optim.logger.plot()  # if matplotlib is available

            return optim.result[0], optim.result[1]
コード例 #8
    def execute_ga(self,
        Perform the genetic algorithm.

        x0 : ndarray
            Initial design values.
        vlb : ndarray
            Lower bounds array.
        vub : ndarray
            Upper bounds array.
        pop_size : int
            Number of points in the population.
        max_gen : int
            Number of generations to run the GA.
        random_state : int
            Seed-number which controls the random draws.
        F : float
            Differential rate.
        Pc : float
            Crossover rate.

            Best design point.
            Objective value at best design point.
            Number of successful function evaluations.
        comm = self.comm
        xopt = copy.deepcopy(vlb)
        fopt = np.inf
        self.lchrom = len(x0)

        if np.mod(pop_size, 2) == 1:
            pop_size += 1
        self.npop = int(pop_size)

        if self.comm is not None and self.comm.size > 1:
            if random_state is None:
                # if no random_state is given, generate one on rank 0 and broadcast it to all
                # ranks.  Because we add the rank to the starting random state, no ranks will
                # have the same seed.
                rng = np.random.default_rng()
                random_state = rng.integers(1e15)
                if self.comm.rank == 0:
                    self.comm.bcast(random_state, root=0)
                    random_state = self.comm.bcast(None, root=0)

            # add rank to ensure different seed in each MPI process
            seed = random_state + self.comm.rank
            seed = random_state

        rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)

        # create random initial population, scaled to bounds
        population = rng.random([self.npop, self.lchrom
                                 ]) * (vub - vlb) + vlb  # scale to bounds
        fitness = np.ones(
            self.npop) * np.inf  # initialize fitness to infinitely bad

        # Main Loop
        nfit = 0
        for generation in range(max_gen + 1):
            # Evaluate fitness of points in this generation
            if comm is not None:  # Parallel
                # Since GA is random, ranks generate different new populations, so just take one
                # and use it on all.
                population = comm.bcast(population, root=0)

                cases = [((item, ii), None)
                         for ii, item in enumerate(population)]

                # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
                # TODO: Add a load balancing option to this driver.
                extra = len(cases) % comm.size
                if extra > 0:
                    for j in range(comm.size - extra):

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objfun,

                fitness[:] = np.inf
                for result in results:
                    returns, traceback = result

                    if returns:
                        val, success, ii = returns
                        if success:
                            fitness[ii] = val
                            nfit += 1
                        # Print the traceback if it fails
                        print('A case failed:')
            else:  # Serial
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    fitness[ii], success, _ = self.objfun(population[ii], 0)
                    nfit += 1

            # Find best performing point in this generation.
            min_fit = np.min(fitness)
            min_index = np.argmin(fitness)
            min_gen = population[min_index]

            # Update overall best.
            if min_fit < fopt:
                fopt = min_fit
                xopt = min_gen

            if generation == max_gen:  # finished

            # Selection: new generation members replace parents, if better (implied elitism)
            if generation == 0:
                parentPop = copy.deepcopy(population)
                parentFitness = copy.deepcopy(fitness)
                for ii in range(self.npop):
                    if fitness[ii] < parentFitness[
                            ii]:  # if child is better, else parent unchanged
                        parentPop[ii] = population[ii]
                        parentFitness[ii] = fitness[ii]

            # Evolve new generation.
            population = np.zeros(np.shape(parentPop))
            fitness = np.ones(self.npop) * np.inf

            for ii in range(self.npop):
                # randomly select 3 different population members other than the current choice
                a, b, c = ii, ii, ii
                while a == ii:
                    a = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
                while b == ii or b == a:
                    b = rng.integers(0, self.npop)
                while c == ii or c == a or c == b:
                    c = rng.integers(0, self.npop)

                # randomly select chromosome index for forced crossover
                r = rng.integers(0, self.lchrom)

                # crossover and mutation
                population[ii] = parentPop[ii]  # start the same as parent
                # clip mutant so that it cannot be outside the bounds
                mutant = np.clip(
                    parentPop[a] + F * (parentPop[b] - parentPop[c]), vlb, vub)
                # sometimes replace parent's feature with mutant's
                rr = rng.random(self.lchrom)
                idx = np.where(rr < Pc)
                population[ii][idx] = mutant[idx]
                population[ii][r] = mutant[
                    r]  # always replace at least one with mutant's

        return xopt, fopt, nfit
コード例 #9
    def run(self):
        Excute the genetic algorithm.

            Failure flag; True if failed to converge, False is successful.
        model = self._problem.model

        # Size design variables.
        desvars = self._designvars
        count = 0
        for name, meta in iteritems(desvars):
            size = meta['size']
            self._desvar_idx[name] = (count, count + size)
            count += size

        lower_bound = np.empty((count, ))
        upper_bound = np.empty((count, ))

        x0 = np.empty(count)
        desvar_vals = self.get_design_var_values()

        # Figure out bounds vectors and initial design vars
        for name, meta in iteritems(desvars):
            i, j = self._desvar_idx[name]
            lower_bound[i:j] = meta['lower']
            upper_bound[i:j] = meta['upper']
            x0[i:j] = desvar_vals[name]
        max_iter = self.options['max_iter'] or 1e20
        max_time = self.options['max_time'] or 1e20
        assert max_iter < 1e20 or max_time < 1e20, "max_iter or max_time must be set"

        disp = self.options['disp']

        abs2prom = model._var_abs2prom['output']

        # Initial Design Vars
        desvar_vals = self.get_design_var_values()
        i = 0
        for name, meta in iteritems(self._designvars):
            size = meta['size']
            x0[i:i + size] = desvar_vals[name]
            i += size

        obj_value_x0, success = self.objective_callback(x0, record=True)
        x1 = x0.copy()
        n_iter = 0

        desvar_info = [(abs2prom[name], *self._desvar_idx[name], lower_bound,
                        upper_bound) for name, meta in iteritems(desvars)]
        desvar_dict = {
            name: (x0[i:j].copy(), lbound[i:j], ubound[i:j])
            for (name, i, j, lbound, ubound) in desvar_info
        start = time.time()

        comm = self.comm

        while n_iter < max_iter and time.time() - start < max_time:

            for name, i, j, _, _ in desvar_info:
                desvar_dict[name][0][:] = x0[i:j].copy()

            if comm is not None:
                # We do it in parallel: One case per CPU available
                cases = []
                if comm.rank == 0:
                    for ii in range(comm.size):
                        desvar_dict = self.randomize_func(desvar_dict)
                        x1 = x0.copy()
                        for name, i, j, _, _ in desvar_info:
                            x1[i:j] = desvar_dict[name][0][:]
                        cases.append(((x1, ii), None))

                # Let's make sure we have the same cases everywhere
                cases = comm.bcast(cases, root=0)

                results = concurrent_eval(self.objective_callback,
                one_success = False
                for i, result in enumerate(results):
                    returns, traceback = result
                    obj_value_x1, success = returns
                    if success and obj_value_x1 < obj_value_x0:
                        one_success = True
                        x0 = cases[i][0][0].copy()
                        obj_value_x0 = obj_value_x1
                        # n_iter += 1
                    elif obj_value_x1 < 1e10:
                        one_success = True
                    # n_iter += 1
                if one_success:
                    n_iter += 1
                    obj_value_x0, success = self.objective_callback(
                        x0, record=True)
                    if disp and comm.rank == 0:
                        # obj_value_x0, success = self.objective_callback(x0, record=False)
                        print('rank:', comm.rank, n_iter, obj_value_x0)
                # We only use one CPU

                desvar_dict = self.randomize_func(desvar_dict)
                for name, i, j, _, _ in desvar_info:
                    x1[i:j] = desvar_dict[name][0][:]

                obj_value_x1, success = self.objective_callback(x1,
                if success and obj_value_x1 < obj_value_x0:
                    obj_value_x1, success = self.objective_callback(
                        x1, record=True)
                    x0 = x1.copy()
                    obj_value_x0 = obj_value_x1
                    n_iter += 1
                    if disp:
                        print(n_iter, obj_value_x1)
                    if obj_value_x1 < 1e10:
                        n_iter += 1

                if not success or obj_value_x1 > obj_value_x0:
                    obj_value_x1, success = self.objective_callback(
                        x0, record=True)
        return False
コード例 #10
ファイル: nsde.py プロジェクト: DARcorporation/nsde
    def __call__(self, pop):
        Evaluate the fitness of the given population.

        pop : array_like
            List of chromosomes of the individuals in the population

        fit : np.array
            Fitness of the individuals in the given population
        con : np.array or None
            Constraint violations of the individuals in the given population if present. None otherwise.

        If this class has an MPI communicator the individuals will be evaluated in parallel.
        Otherwise function evaluation will be serial.
        if self.is_initialized:
            fit = np.empty((self.n_pop, self.n_obj))
            con = None if self.n_con is None else np.empty(
                (self.n_pop, self.n_con))
            fit = pop.shape[0] * [None]
            con = None

        def handle_result(_v, _i, _fit, _con):
            if isinstance(_v, tuple):
                _fit[_i] = np.asarray(_v[0])
                c = np.asarray(_v[1])
                if _con is None:
                    _con = np.empty((pop.shape[0], c.size))
                _con[_i] = c
                _fit[_i] = _v
            return _fit, _con

        # Evaluate generation
        if self._running_under_mpi:
            # Construct run cases
            cases = [((item, ii), None) for ii, item in enumerate(pop)]

            # Pad the cases with some dummy cases to make the cases divisible amongst the procs.
            extra = len(cases) % self.comm.size
            if extra > 0:
                for j in range(self.comm.size - extra):

            # Compute the fitness of all individuals in parallel using MPI
            results = concurrent_eval(self.fobj,

            # Gather the results
            for result in results:
                retval, err = result
                if err is not None or retval is None:
                    raise Exception(err)
                    fit, con = handle_result(*retval, fit, con)
            # Evaluate the population in serial
            for idx, ind in enumerate(pop):
                val = self.fobj(ind)
                fit, con = handle_result(val, idx, fit, con)

        # Turn all NaNs in the fitnesses into infs
        fit = np.reshape(np.where(np.isnan(fit), np.inf, fit),
                         (pop.shape[0], -1))
        if con is not None:
            con = np.reshape(np.where(np.isnan(con), np.inf, con),
                             (pop.shape[0], -1))
        return fit, con