コード例 #1
def test_generateResidueTemplate():
    Test GAFF residue template generation from OEMol molecules.
    from openeye import oechem, oeiupac

    from pkg_resources import resource_filename

    gaff_xml_filename = utils.get_data_filename("parameters/gaff.xml")

    # Test independent ForceField instances.
    for molecule_name in IUPAC_molecule_names:
        mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        # Generate an ffxml residue template.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate

        [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(mol)
        # Create a ForceField object.
        forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)
        # Add the additional parameters and template to the forcefield.
        # Create a Topology from the molecule.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol

        topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(mol)
        # Parameterize system.
        system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=NoCutoff)
        # Check potential is finite.
        positions = extractPositionsFromOEMOL(mol)
        check_potential_is_finite(system, positions)

    # Test adding multiple molecules to a single ForceField instance.
    forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)
    for molecule_name in IUPAC_molecule_names:
        mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        # Generate an ffxml residue template.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate

        [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(mol)
        # Add the additional parameters and template to the forcefield.
        # Create a Topology from the molecule.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol

        topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(mol)
        # Parameterize system.
        system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=NoCutoff)
        # Check potential is finite.
        positions = extractPositionsFromOEMOL(mol)
        check_potential_is_finite(system, positions)
コード例 #2
def test_generateResidueTemplate():
    Test GAFF residue template generation from OEMol molecules.
    from openeye import oechem, oeiupac

    from pkg_resources import resource_filename
    gaff_xml_filename = utils.get_data_filename("parameters/gaff.xml")

    # Test independent ForceField instances.
    for molecule_name in IUPAC_molecule_names:
        mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        # Generate an ffxml residue template.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate
        [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(mol)
        # Create a ForceField object.
        forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)
        # Add the additional parameters and template to the forcefield.
        # Create a Topology from the molecule.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol
        topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(mol)
        # Parameterize system.
        system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=NoCutoff)
        # Check potential is finite.
        positions = extractPositionsFromOEMOL(mol)
        check_potential_is_finite(system, positions)

    # Test adding multiple molecules to a single ForceField instance.
    forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)
    for molecule_name in IUPAC_molecule_names:
        mol = createOEMolFromIUPAC(molecule_name)
        # Generate an ffxml residue template.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate
        [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(mol)
        # Add the additional parameters and template to the forcefield.
        # Create a Topology from the molecule.
        from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol
        topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(mol)
        # Parameterize system.
        system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, nonbondedMethod=NoCutoff)
        # Check potential is finite.
        positions = extractPositionsFromOEMOL(mol)
        check_potential_is_finite(system, positions)
コード例 #3
ファイル: run_rj_neq.py プロジェクト: robbason/perses
def createSystemFromIUPAC(iupac_name):
    Create an openmm system out of an oemol

    iupac_name : str
        IUPAC name

    molecule : openeye.OEMol
        OEMol molecule
    system : openmm.System object
        OpenMM system
    positions : [n,3] np.array of floats
    topology : openmm.app.Topology object
    from perses.utils.data import get_data_filename
    from perses.utils.openeye import extractPositionsFromOEMol
    # Create OEMol
    molecule = iupac_to_oemol(iupac_name)

    # Generate a topology.
    from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol
    topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(molecule)

    # Initialize a forcefield with GAFF.
    # TODO: Fix path for `gaff.xml` since it is not yet distributed with OpenMM
    from simtk.openmm.app import ForceField
    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)

    # Generate template and parameters.
    from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate
    [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(molecule)

    # Register the template.

    # Add the parameters.

    # Create the system.
    system = forcefield.createSystem(topology, removeCMMotion=False)

    # Extract positions
    positions = extractPositionsFromOEMol(molecule)

    return (molecule, system, positions, topology)
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: steven-albanese/perses
def createSystemFromIUPAC(iupac_name):
    Create an openmm system out of an oemol

    iupac_name : str
        IUPAC name

    molecule : openeye.OEMol
        OEMol molecule
    system : openmm.System object
        OpenMM system
    positions : [n,3] np.array of floats
    topology : openmm.app.Topology object

    # Create OEMol
    molecule = createOEMolFromIUPAC(iupac_name)

    # Generate a topology.
    from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateTopologyFromOEMol
    topology = generateTopologyFromOEMol(molecule)

    # Initialize a forcefield with GAFF.
    # TODO: Fix path for `gaff.xml` since it is not yet distributed with OpenMM
    from simtk.openmm.app import ForceField
    gaff_xml_filename = get_data_filename('data/gaff.xml')
    forcefield = ForceField(gaff_xml_filename)

    # Generate template and parameters.
    from openmoltools.forcefield_generators import generateResidueTemplate
    [template, ffxml] = generateResidueTemplate(molecule)

    # Register the template.

    # Add the parameters.

    # Create the system.
    system = forcefield.createSystem(topology)

    # Extract positions
    positions = extractPositionsFromOEMOL(molecule)

    return (molecule, system, positions, topology)