def validate_and_parse_keystone_token(self, cms_token): """Validate Keystone CMS token. Partially taken from Keystone's common/ module.""" signing_cert_file_name = get_config().get('keystone', 'signing_cert_file_name') ca_file_name = get_config().get('keystone', 'ca_file_name') openssl_cmd = get_config().get('keystone', 'openssl_cmd') process = subprocess.Popen([openssl_cmd, "cms", "-verify", "-certfile", signing_cert_file_name, "-CAfile", ca_file_name, "-inform", "PEM", "-nosmimecap", "-nodetach", "-nocerts", "-noattr"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, err = process.communicate(cms_token) retcode = process.poll() if retcode: raise token_info = json.loads(output) #print json.dumps(token_info, sort_keys=True, # indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')) res = {'username': str(token_info['access']['user']['username']), 'groups': [str(role['name']) for role in token_info['access']['user']['roles']]} return res
def __init__(self, avatar=None): ## Twisted Resource is a not a new style class, so emulating a super-call resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.avatar = avatar self.use_security_proxy = get_config().getboolean('auth', 'security_proxy_rest') self.use_keystone_tokens = get_config().getboolean('auth', 'use_keystone', False)
def allocate_virtual_compute_from_hangar(model, event): if not IVirtualizationContainer.providedBy(model.__parent__): return if IDeployed.providedBy(model): return auto_allocate = get_config().getboolean('vms', 'auto_allocate', True) if not auto_allocate: return if IHangar.providedBy(model.__parent__.__parent__): action = AllocateAction msg = 'Allocated compute %s' elif ICompute.providedBy(model.__parent__.__parent__): action = DeployAction msg = 'Deployed compute %s' else: return try: path = canonical_path(model) owner = model.__owner__ ul = UserLogger(subject=model, owner=owner) log.msg('Attempting %s for %s (%s, %s)' % (action.__name__, model, path, owner), system='create-event') d = task.deferLater(reactor, 2.0, virtual_compute_action, action, path, event) d.addCallback(lambda r: ul.log(msg % path)) if not get_config().getboolean('stats', 'only_report_on_sync', True): d.addCallback(lambda r: defer.maybeDeferred(getUtility(IUserStatisticsProvider).update, owner)) d.addErrback(log.err) except Exception: log.err(system='create-event')
def execute(self, context, *args, **kw): @db.ro_transact def check_backend(context): return context.__parent__.backend != 'kvm' if (yield check_backend(context)): return cmd = ['undefined'] try: vm_parameters = args[1] secret = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_key', 'secret') server = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_server', 'localhost') server_port = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_server_port', '7911') hook_script = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'hook_script_deallocate', 'scripts/') mac_addr = getattr(context, 'mac_address') cmd = [hook_script, secret, server, server_port, mac_addr, str(vm_parameters['ip_address']), vm_parameters['uuid']] yield subprocess.async_check_output(cmd) except error.ProcessTerminated: log.msg('Executing hook script failed: %s' % (cmd)) log.err(system='deploy-hook-kvm') raise except Exception: log.err(system='undeploy') raise
def get_credit(self, uid):'Requesting credit update for %s', uid) try: agent = Agent(reactor) whmcs_api_uri = get_config().getstring('whmcs', 'api_uri', '') whmcs_user = get_config().getstring('whmcs', 'user', '') whmcs_password = get_config().getstring('whmcs', 'password', '') if not isinstance(whmcs_api_uri, str) or not whmcs_api_uri.startswith('http'): raise InvalidConfiguration('Invalid configuration: [whmcs]api_uri is %r, ' 'must be a valid URI' % whmcs_api_uri) if not isinstance(whmcs_user, str): raise InvalidConfiguration('Invalid configuration: [whmcs]user is %r", ' 'must be a non-empty string' % whmcs_user) if not isinstance(whmcs_password, str): raise InvalidConfiguration('Invalid configuration: [whmcs]user is %r, ' 'must be a non-empty string' % whmcs_password) pwmd5 = hashlib.md5() pwmd5.update(whmcs_password) reqbody = WHMCSRequestBody({'username': whmcs_user, 'password': pwmd5.hexdigest(), 'clientid': uid, 'action': 'getclientsdetails', 'responsetype': 'json'}) headers = Headers({'User-Agent': ['OMS-KNOT 2.0'], 'Content-Type': ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded']}) response = yield agent.request('POST', whmcs_api_uri, headers, reqbody) finished = defer.Deferred() rbody = ResponseProtocol(finished, 1024 * 10) response.deliverBody(rbody) data = yield finished except Exception as e: log.error(e, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) raise if response.code < 400: data = json.loads(data) if data.get('result') == 'error': raise WHMCSAPIError('%s' % (data.get('message'))) credit_balance_field = 'customfields%s' % get_config().getstring('whmcs', 'balance_limit', 2) credit_balance_value = (data.get(credit_balance_field) if credit_balance_field in data and data.get(credit_balance_field) != "" else 0) log.debug('Received \'%s\' as a credit_balance_value. Field checked: \' %s\'. Full response: %s' % (credit_balance_value, credit_balance_field, data)) try: credit_balance = float(credit_balance_value) except TypeError: log.error('Credit balance value error: %s cannot be converted to floating point value', credit_balance_value) credit_balance = .0 defer.returnValue((float(data.get('credit')), credit_balance)) raise WHMCSAPIError('%s: %s' % (response.code, data))
def checkers(): global _checkers if _checkers is None: pam_checker = PamAuthChecker() if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'use_pam', False) else None password_checker = FilePasswordDB(get_config().get('auth', 'passwd_file'), hash=ssha_hash) pubkey_checker = (InMemoryPublicKeyCheckerDontUse() if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'use_inmemory_pkcheck', False) else None) _checkers = filter(None, [pam_checker, password_checker, pubkey_checker]) return _checkers
def update_passwd(user, password=None, force_askpass=False, group=None, force=False): passwd_file = get_config().get('auth', 'passwd_file') restricted_users = get_config().getstring('auth', 'restricted_users', '').split(',') if user in map(string.strip, restricted_users) and not force: raise UserManagementError('User %s is restricted! Update permission denied!' % user) with open(passwd_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() found = False for line in lines: if line.startswith(user + ':'): found = True if not found: raise UserManagementError("User %s doesn't exist" % user) with open(passwd_file, 'w') as f: for line in lines: def parse_line(line): _user, pw, groups = line.split(':', 2) if ':' in groups: groups, uid = groups.split(':', 1) else: uid = None return _user, pw, groups, uid line = line.rstrip('\n') if line.startswith(user + ':'): try: newpw = hash_pw(ask_password() if password is None and (force_askpass or not group) else password) except UserManagementError: newpw = password _user, oldpw, groups, uid = parse_line(line) if group: groups = group if newpw is None: newpw = oldpw f.write('%s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (_user, newpw, groups, uid)) else: _user, old_pw, groups, uid = parse_line(line) f.write('%s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (_user, old_pw, groups, uid))
def add_user(user, password, group=None, uid=None, force=False): restricted_users = get_config().getstring('auth', 'restricted_users', '').split(',') if user in [ruser.strip() for ruser in restricted_users] and not force: raise UserManagementError('User "%s" is restricted! Adding permission denied!' % user) passwd_file = get_config().getstring('auth', 'passwd_file') with open(passwd_file) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(user + ':'): raise UserManagementError("User %s already exists" % user) with open(passwd_file, 'a') as f: f.write('%s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (user, hash_pw(password), group or 'users', uid))
def config_defaults(): logging.captureWarnings(True) log_filename = get_config().get('logging', 'file') log_level = get_config().getstring('logging', 'level', 'INFO') default_ignored_messages = ['.*[email protected]', '.*POST .*/webterm', '.*GET /favicon.ico', '.*POST /+stream', '.*OPTIONS /', '.*GET /plugins/onc/root/', 'got channel session request', 'channel open', 'remote close', 'sending close 0', 'disabling diffie-hellman-group-exchange because we cannot find moduli file'] if log_filename == 'stdout': root_handlers = ['stderr'] else: root_handlers = ['default'] logging.config.dictConfig({ 'formatters': { 'default': {'format': '%(asctime)s %(thread)x %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'}, 'twisted': {'format': '%(asctime)s %(thread)x %(name)s %(levelname)s %(system)s %(message)s'}}, 'handlers': {'default': {'class': 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler', 'filename': log_filename, 'formatter': 'default'}, 'twisted': {'class': 'logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler', 'filename': log_filename, 'formatter': 'twisted'}, 'stderr': {'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'default'}}, 'filters': { 'twisted-system': {'()': 'opennode.oms.log.TwistedSystemFilter', 'banlist': ['SSHServerTransport', 'SSHService']}, 'excluded-messages': {'()': 'opennode.oms.log.MessageRegexFilter', 'banlist': default_ignored_messages}}, 'root': {'handlers': root_handlers, 'level': log_level}, 'loggers': {'twisted': {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['twisted'], 'propagate': False, 'filters': ['twisted-system', 'excluded-messages']}, 'txn': {'level': 'WARNING'}, 'ZEO.zrpc': {'level': 'WARNING'}, 'ZEO.ClientStorage': {'level': 'WARNING'}, 'salt': {'level': 'WARNING'}}, 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False })
def adjust_cpulimit(): """Set cpulimit to a configured percentage * cores""" cores = getattr(self.context, 'num_cores', 1) cpu_limit_factor = get_config().getfloat('vms', 'cpu_limit', 80) cpu_limit = cores * cpu_limit_factor / 100.0 log.msg("Updating cpulimit to %s" % cpu_limit, system='deploy') self.context.cpu_limit = cpu_limit
def execute(self, factory, config, permissions, **kw): if not permissions: return False if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'enforce_attribute_rights_definition'): perms = {} else: perms = AuditingPermissionDictionary() # mandatory, otherwise zope's default Checker impl will be used # which doesn't play well with Twisted. defineChecker(factory, Checker(perms, perms)) # TODO: supply the 'inherit' option to the class somehow # to facilitate optional inheritance of all permissions for class_inheritance_level in permissions: for name, permission in class_inheritance_level.items(): if isinstance(permission, tuple): read_perm, write_perm = permission config.action(discriminator=('protectNameSet', factory, name),, args=(factory, name, write_perm)) else: read_perm = permission config.action(discriminator=('protectName', factory, name),, args=(factory, name, read_perm)) return True
def content(self): config = get_config() return { section: EtcConfigSection(section, dict(config.items(section))) for section in config.sections() }
def execute(self, args): from opennode.oms.config import get_config logfilename = get_config().get('logging', 'file') if logfilename == 'stdout': log.msg('System is configured to log to stdout. Cannot cat to omsh terminal', system='catlog') return nr_of_lines = int(args.n) if args.n is not None else 10 if not args.u: outputCb = utils.getProcessOutput("tail", args=('-n %s' % nr_of_lines, logfilename), errortoo=True) outputCb.addCallback(lambda output: self.write(output)) yield outputCb return @db.ro_transact def get_user_log(): eventlog = db.get_root()['oms_root']['eventlog'] if not in eventlog.listnames(): return usereventlog = eventlog[] for event in sorted(usereventlog.listcontent(), key=lambda event: event.timestamp, reverse=True): self.write('%s %s %s\n' % (event.timestamp, event.levelname, event.message)) yield get_user_log()
def start_daemons(event): try: Proc().start_daemons() except Exception as e: log.msg("Got exception while starting daemons", system='proc') if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(e, system='proc')
def apply(self, principal): billable_group = get_config().getstring('auth', 'billable_group', 'users') if billable_group in map(str, principal.groups): profile, uid, need_update = yield self._get_profile_and_need_update( principal) log.debug('Need update %s uid=%s : %s', profile, uid, need_update) if need_update: try: check_call = getUtility(ICreditCheckCall) credit, balance_limit = yield defer.maybeDeferred( check_call.get_credit, uid) profile = yield self._update_credit( principal, credit, balance_limit) except Exception as e: log.error('Error updating credit: %s', e, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) @db.ro_transact() def check_credit(profile): log.debug('Checking if user %s has credit (%s): %s', profile,, profile.has_credit()) assert profile.has_credit( ), 'User %s does not have enough credit' % yield check_credit(profile) else: 'User "%s" is not a member of a billable group "%s": %s. Not updating credit',, billable_group, map(str, principal.groups))
def init(test=False): global _db, _testing if _db and not test: return"Initializing zodb") handle(BeforeDatabaseInitalizedEvent()) if not test: storage_type = get_config().get('db', 'storage_type') if storage_type == 'zeo': from ZODB import DB storage = ClientStorage('%s/socket' % get_db_dir()) _db = DB(storage) elif storage_type == 'embedded': from ZODB import DB storage = FileStorage('%s/data.fs' % get_db_dir()) _db = DB(storage) elif storage_type == 'memory': from ZODB.tests.util import DB _db = DB() else: raise Exception("Unknown storage type '%s'" % storage_type) else: from ZODB.tests.util import DB _db = DB() _testing = True init_schema()
def run(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args log.msg('Running action against "%s": %s args: %s timeout: %s' % (self.hostname, self.action, self.args, self.timeout), system='salt-simple', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) cmd = get_config().getstring('salt', 'remote_command', 'salt') killhook = kwargs.get('__killhook') if killhook: killhook.addCallback(lambda r: log.msg('"%s" to "%s" aborted' % (self.action, self.hostname))) timeout = ('--timeout=%s' % self.timeout) if self.timeout is not None else None args = (list(reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, map(lambda a: (dict_to_kwargs(a) if type(a) is dict else ['"%s"' % str(a)]), args))) if args else []) output = yield subprocess.async_check_output( filter(None, (cmd.split(' ') + ['--no-color', '--out=json', timeout, self.hostname, self.action] + args)), killhook=killhook) log.msg('Action "%s" to "%s" finished.' % (self.action, self.hostname), system='salt-simple', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) data = json.loads(output) if output else {} rdata = self._handle_errors(data) defer.returnValue(rdata)
def handle_error(self, e, action, c, compute, status_name): e.trap(Exception) log.msg("Got exception on %s of '%s'" % (action, c), system='sync') if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(e, system='sync') self.delete_outstanding_request(compute) set_compute_status(compute.__name__, status_name, True)
def ensure_zeo_is_running(event): """We start zeo after the application has performed the basic initialization because we cannot import opennode.oms.zodb.db until all grokkers are run in the correct order. """ if get_config().get('db', 'storage_type') != 'zeo': return log.msg("Ensuring ZEO is running", system='db') # prevent zeo starting during unit tests etc global _daemon_started if not _daemon_started: return from opennode.oms.zodb.db import get_db_dir db_dir = get_db_dir() from zc.lockfile import LockFile, LockError try: with closing(LockFile(os.path.join(db_dir, 'data.fs.lock'))): log.msg("Starting ZEO server", system='db') run_zeo(db_dir) except LockError: log.msg("ZEO is already running", system='db')
def auto_tags(self): res = [u'state:' + self.context.state] if self.context.state else [] if self.context.architecture: for i in self.context.architecture: res.append(u'arch:' + i) from opennode.knot.model.virtualizationcontainer import IVirtualizationContainer p = sudo(self.context) if (IVirtualCompute.providedBy(p) and IVirtualizationContainer.providedBy(p.__parent__)): res.append(u'virt_type:' + p.__parent__.backend) res.append(u'virt:yes') else: res.append(u'virt:no') config = get_config() if config.has_section('netenv-tags'): for tag, nets in config.items('netenv-tags'): try: if (self.context.ipv4_address is not None and len(netaddr.all_matching_cidrs(self.context.ipv4_address.split('/')[0], nets.split(','))) > 0): res.append(u'env:' + tag) except ValueError: # graceful ignoring of incorrect ips pass return res
def execute(self, factory, config, permissions, **kw): if not permissions: return False if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'enforce_attribute_rights_definition'): perms = {} else: perms = AuditingPermissionDictionary() # mandatory, otherwise zope's default Checker impl will be used # which doesn't play well with Twisted. defineChecker(factory, Checker(perms, perms)) # TODO: supply the 'inherit' option to the class somehow # to facilitate optional inheritance of all permissions for class_inheritance_level in permissions: for name, permission in class_inheritance_level.items(): if isinstance(permission, tuple): read_perm, write_perm = permission config.action( discriminator=('protectNameSet', factory, name),, args=(factory, name, write_perm)) else: read_perm = permission config.action(discriminator=('protectName', factory, name),, args=(factory, name, read_perm)) return True
def gather_user_vm_stats(self): credit_check_cooldown = get_config().getstring('auth', 'billing_timeout', 60) @db.ro_transact def get_users_with_vms_to_update(): home = db.get_root()['oms_root']['home'] update_list = [] for profile in home.listcontent(): timeout = ((datetime(*map(int, re.split('[^\d]', profile.vm_stats_timestamp)[:-1])) + timedelta(seconds=credit_check_cooldown)) if profile.vm_stats_timestamp else datetime.min) if timeout < update_list.append( return update_list update_list = yield get_users_with_vms_to_update() for name in update_list: try: yield defer.maybeDeferred(getUtility(IUserStatisticsProvider).update, name) except Exception: log.msg('Non-fatal error during user stats syncing', system='sync') log.err(system='sync')
def gather_phy(self): name = yield db.get(self.context, 'hostname') try: data = yield IGetHostMetrics(self.context).run(__killhook=self._killhook) log.msg('%s: host metrics received: %s' % (name, len(data)), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) # db transact is needed only to traverse the zodb. @db.ro_transact def get_streams(): streams = [] host_metrics = self.context['metrics'] if host_metrics: for k in data: if host_metrics[k]: streams.append((IStream(host_metrics[k]), (timestamp, data[k]))) return streams for stream, data_point in (yield get_streams()): stream.add(data_point) except OperationRemoteError as e: log.msg('%s: remote error: %s' % (name, e), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.WARNING) except Exception: log.msg("%s: error gathering host metrics" % name, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.ERROR) if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(system='metrics')
def gather_user_vm_stats(self): credit_check_cooldown = get_config().getstring('auth', 'billing_timeout', 60) @db.ro_transact def get_users_with_vms_to_update(): home = db.get_root()['oms_root']['home'] update_list = [] for profile in home.listcontent(): timeout = ((datetime( *map(int, re.split('[^\d]', profile.vm_stats_timestamp)[:-1])) + timedelta(seconds=credit_check_cooldown)) if profile.vm_stats_timestamp else datetime.min) if timeout < update_list.append( return update_list update_list = yield get_users_with_vms_to_update() for name in update_list: try: yield defer.maybeDeferred( getUtility(IUserStatisticsProvider).update, name) except Exception: log.msg('Non-fatal error during user stats syncing', system='sync') log.err(system='sync')
def handle_remote_error(self, ore, c, compute, status_name): ore.trap(OperationRemoteError) if ore.value.remote_tb and get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(ore, system='sync') else: log.msg(str(ore.value), system='sync', logLevel=ERROR) self.delete_outstanding_request(compute) set_compute_status(compute.__name__, status_name, True)
def pack(self): storage_type = get_config().get('db', 'storage_type') if storage_type == 'zeo': print "[db_pack] zeo pack not implemented yet, please setup cron to run bin/zeopack -u db/socket" elif storage_type == 'embedded': d = db.get_db() d.pack(time.time())
def add_user(user, password, group=None, uid=None, force=False): restricted_users = get_config().getstring('auth', 'restricted_users', '').split(',') if user in [ruser.strip() for ruser in restricted_users] and not force: raise UserManagementError( 'User "%s" is restricted! Adding permission denied!' % user) passwd_file = get_config().getstring('auth', 'passwd_file') with open(passwd_file) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith(user + ':'): raise UserManagementError("User %s already exists" % user) with open(passwd_file, 'a') as f: f.write('%s:%s:%s:%s\n' % (user, hash_pw(password), group or 'users', uid))
def __init__(self): super(MemoryProfilerDaemonProcess, self).__init__() config = get_config() self.enabled = config.getboolean('daemon', 'memory-profiler', False) self.interval = config.getint('debug', 'memory_profiler_interval', 60) self.track = config.getint('debug', 'memory_profiler_track_changes', 0) self.verbose = config.getint('debug', 'memory_profiler_verbose', 0) self.summary_tracker = tracker.SummaryTracker()
def execute(self, context, *args, **kw): @db.ro_transact def check_backend(context): return context.__parent__.backend != 'kvm' if (yield check_backend(context)): return cmd = ['undefined'] try: vm_parameters = args[1] secret = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_key', 'secret') server = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_server', 'localhost') server_port = get_config().getstring('deploy', 'dhcp_server_port', '7911') hook_script = get_config().getstring( 'deploy', 'hook_script_allocate', 'scripts/') @db.transact def ensure_compute_mac_address(context): mac_address = getattr(context, 'mac_address', None) if not mac_address: mac_address = mac_addr_kvm_generator() context.mac_address = unicode(mac_address) vm_parameters.update({'mac_address': mac_address}) return mac_address mac_address = yield ensure_compute_mac_address(context) cmd = [ hook_script, secret, server, server_port, mac_address, str(vm_parameters['ip_address']), vm_parameters['uuid'] ] yield subprocess.async_check_output(cmd) except error.ProcessTerminated: log.msg('Executing hook script failed: %s' % (cmd)) log.err(system='deploy-hook-kvm') raise except Exception: log.err(system='deploy-hook-kvm') raise
def _getKeyNames(self, ktype): remote_salt_key_cmd = get_config().getstring('salt', 'remote_key_command', None) output = subprocess.check_output( remote_salt_key_cmd.split(' ') + ['--no-color', '--out=raw']) data = eval(output) if output else {} return data.get(ktype)
def _render(self, request): origin = request.getHeader('Origin') if origin: request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin) request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true') else: request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS, HEAD') request.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, Content-Type, Cache-Control, X-Requested-With, Authorization') ret = None try: ret = yield self.handle_request(request) # allow views to take full control of output streaming if ret is not NOT_DONE_YET and ret is not EmptyResponse: request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') json_data = json.dumps(ret, indent=2, cls=JsonSetEncoder) request.setHeader('Content-Length', intToBytes(len(json_data))) request.write(json_data) except HttpStatus as exc: request.setResponseCode(exc.status_code, exc.status_description) for name, value in exc.headers.items(): request.responseHeaders.addRawHeader(name, value) # emit a header with location of the trusted keystone instance if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'use_keystone', False): keystone_uri = get_config().getstring('keystone', 'keystone_uri') request.setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Keystone uri=%s' % keystone_uri) if exc.body: request.write(json.dumps(exc.body)) else: request.write("%s %s\n" % (exc.status_code, exc.status_description)) if exc.message: request.write("%s\n" % exc.message) except Exception: request.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') request.setResponseCode(500, "Server Error") error_message = "%s %s\n\n" % (500, "Server Error") request.setHeader('Content-Length', intToBytes(len(error_message))) request.write(error_message) log.err(system='httprest') failure.Failure().printTraceback(request) finally: if ret is not NOT_DONE_YET: request.finish()
def handle_remote_error(self, ore, c, compute, status_name): ore.trap(OperationRemoteError) if ore.value.remote_tb and get_config().getboolean( 'debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(ore, system='sync') else: log.msg(str(ore.value), system='sync', logLevel=ERROR) self.delete_outstanding_request(compute) set_compute_status(compute.__name__, status_name, True)
def gather_vms(self): @db.ro_transact def get_vms_if_not_empty(): vms = follow_symlinks(self.context['vms']) or [] for vm in vms: if IVirtualCompute.providedBy(vm): return vms log.msg('%s: no VMs' % (self.context.hostname), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) vms = yield get_vms_if_not_empty() # get the metrics for all running VMS if not vms or self.context.state != u'active': return name = yield db.get(self.context, 'hostname') try: log.msg('%s: gather VM metrics' % (name), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) submitter = IVirtualizationContainerSubmitter(vms) metrics = yield submitter.submit(IGetGuestMetrics, __killhook=self._killhook) except OperationRemoteError as e: log.msg('%s: remote error: %s' % (name, e), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) if e.remote_tb: log.msg(e.remote_tb, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) return except Exception: log.msg("%s: error gathering VM metrics" % name, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.ERROR) if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(system='metrics') return if not metrics: log.msg('%s: no VM metrics received!' % name, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.WARNING) return log.msg('%s: VM metrics received: %s' % (name, len(metrics)), system='metrics') timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) # db transact is needed only to traverse the zodb. @db.ro_transact def get_streams(): streams = [] for uuid, data in metrics.items(): if vms[uuid] and vms[uuid]['metrics']: vm_metrics = vms[uuid]['metrics'] for k in data: if vm_metrics[k]: streams.append((IStream(vm_metrics[k]), (timestamp, data[k]))) return streams # streams could defer the data appending but we don't care for stream, data_point in (yield get_streams()): stream.add(data_point)
def update(self, username): auth = getUtility(IAuthentication) p = auth.getPrincipal(username) if p is None: log.warning( 'User not found in authentication: %s. Possibly a stale profile record.', username) return if username is None: username = billable_group = get_config().getstring('auth', 'billable_group', 'users') if billable_group not in p.groups: log.debug('User %s is not part of billable group: %s', username, billable_group) return if type(username) not in (str, unicode): username = user_computes = self.get_computes(username) user_stats = { 'num_cores_total': 0, 'diskspace_total': 0, 'memory_total': 0, 'vm_count': len(user_computes) } for compute in user_computes: try: # only account for cores and RAM of the running VMs if compute.state == u'active': user_stats['num_cores_total'] += compute.num_cores user_stats['memory_total'] += compute.memory or 0 user_stats['diskspace_total'] += compute.diskspace.get( u'total') or 0 except Exception: log.error('Error collecting stats from %s', compute, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) user_stats['timestamp'] = user_stats['credit'] = self.get_credit(username) self.save_vm_stats(username, user_stats) loggers = getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(IUserStatisticsLogger) for logger in loggers: logger.log(username, user_stats) log.debug('Statistics update logged for %s', username) return user_stats
def _select_checker(value, interaction): checker = getCheckerForInstancesOf(type(value)) if not checker: if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'enforce_attribute_rights_definition'): perms = {} else: if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'audit_all_missing_attribute_rights_definitions'): perms = AuditingPermissionDictionary() else: perms = strong_defaultdict(lambda: CheckerPublic) return Checker(perms, perms, interaction=interaction) # handle checkers for "primitive" types like str if type(checker) is object: return checker return Checker(checker.get_permissions, checker.set_permissions, interaction=interaction)
def gather_vms(self): @db.ro_transact def get_vms_if_not_empty(): vms = follow_symlinks(self.context['vms']) or [] for vm in vms: if IVirtualCompute.providedBy(vm): return vms log.msg('%s: no VMs' % (self.context.hostname), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) vms = yield get_vms_if_not_empty() # get the metrics for all running VMS if not vms or self.context.state != u'active': return name = yield db.get(self.context, 'hostname') try: log.msg('%s: gather VM metrics' % (name), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) submitter = IVirtualizationContainerSubmitter(vms) metrics = yield submitter.submit(IGetGuestMetrics, __killhook=self._killhook) except OperationRemoteError as e: log.msg('%s: remote error: %s' % (name, e), system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) if e.remote_tb: log.msg(e.remote_tb, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.DEBUG) return except Exception: log.msg("%s: error gathering VM metrics" % name, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.ERROR) if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(system='metrics') if not metrics: log.msg('%s: no VM metrics received!' % name, system='metrics', logLevel=logging.WARNING) return log.msg('%s: VM metrics received: %s' % (name, len(metrics)), system='metrics') timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000) # db transact is needed only to traverse the zodb. @db.ro_transact def get_streams(): streams = [] for uuid, data in metrics.items(): if vms[uuid] and vms[uuid]['metrics']: vm_metrics = vms[uuid]['metrics'] for k in data: if vm_metrics[k]: streams.append((IStream(vm_metrics[k]), (timestamp, data[k]))) return streams # streams could defer the data appending but we don't care for stream, data_point in (yield get_streams()): stream.add(data_point)
def handle_virtual_compute_config_change_request(compute, event): c = sudo(compute) compute_p = yield db.get(c, '__parent__') compute_type = yield db.get(compute_p, 'backend') # At the moment we only handle openvz backend updates (OMS-568) if compute_type != 'openvz': return update_param_whitelist = ['diskspace', 'memory', 'num_cores', 'swap_size'] param_modifier = {'diskspace': lambda d: d['total']} unit_corrections_coeff = {'memory': 1 / 1024.0, 'swap_size': 1 / 1024.0, 'diskspace': 1 / 1024.0} params_to_update = filter(lambda (k, v): k in update_param_whitelist, event.modified.iteritems()) if len(params_to_update) == 0: return # correct unit coefficients (usually MB -> GB) params_to_update = map(lambda (k, v): (k, param_modifier.get(k, lambda x: x)(v)), params_to_update) params_to_update = map(lambda (k, v): (k, unit_corrections_coeff.get(k) * v if k in unit_corrections_coeff else v), params_to_update) @db.transact def update_vm_limits(cpu_limit): logger.debug("Setting cpu_limit to %s, previous value %s" % (cpu_limit / 100.0, c.cpu_limit)) c.cpu_limit = cpu_limit / 100.0 cores_setting = filter(lambda(k, v): k == 'num_cores', params_to_update) if len(cores_setting) == 1: # adjust cpu_limit to follow the number of cores as well cpu_limit = int(cores_setting[0][1] * get_config().getfloat('vms', 'cpu_limit', 80)) log.msg("Updating cpulimit to %s" % cpu_limit, system='vm-configuration-update') params_to_update.append(('cpu_limit', cpu_limit)) yield update_vm_limits(cpu_limit) submitter = IVirtualizationContainerSubmitter((yield db.get(compute, '__parent__'))) try: yield submitter.submit(IUpdateVM, (yield db.get(compute, '__name__')), dict(params_to_update)) except Exception as e: @db.transact def reset_to_original_values(): for mk, mv in event.modified.iteritems(): setattr(compute, mk, event.original[mk]) yield reset_to_original_values() raise e # must re-throw, because sys.exc_info seems to get erased with the yield else: owner = (yield db.get(compute, '__owner__')) UserLogger(subject=compute, owner=owner).log('Compute "%s" configuration changed' % compute)
def run(self): while True: try: if not self.paused: yield self.sync() except Exception: if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(system='sync') yield async_sleep(self.interval)
def run(self): while True: try: if not self.paused: yield self.ping_check() except Exception: if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.err(system='ping-check') yield async_sleep(self.interval)
def _generate_classes(): # Dynamically generate an adapter class for each supported Salt salt Action: for interface, action in ACTIONS.items(): cls_name = 'Salt%s' % interface.__name__[1:] cls = type(cls_name, (SaltBase, ), dict(action=action)) classImplements(cls, interface) executor = get_config().getstring('salt', 'executor_class', 'simple') cls.__executor__ = OVERRIDE_EXECUTORS.get(interface, SaltBase.executor_classes[executor]) cls.timeout = TIMEOUTS.get(interface) globals()[cls_name] = cls
def delete_user(user): passwd_file = get_config().get('auth', 'passwd_file') with open(passwd_file) as f: lines = f.readlines() with open(passwd_file, 'w') as f: for line in lines: if line.startswith(user + ':'): continue f.write(line)
def execute(self, cmd, args): hostname = yield db.get(self.context, 'hostname') remote_salt_key_cmd = get_config().getstring('salt', 'remote_key_command', None) if remote_salt_key_cmd: try: output = subprocess.check_output([remote_salt_key_cmd, self._remote_option, hostname, '--no-color', '--out=raw']) log.msg('Salt output: %s' % output, system='action-accept') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: cmd.write("%s\n" % format_error(e)) else: try: import salt.config from salt.key import Key c_path = get_config().getstring('salt', 'master_config_path', '/etc/salt/master') opts = salt.config.client_config(c_path) yield getattr(Key(opts), self._action)(hostname) except Exception as e: cmd.write("%s\n" % format_error(e))
def initialize(self): print "[OncPlugin] initializing plugin" try: symlink_target = get_config().get('onc', 'symlink_target') relative_path = os.path.join(*(['../..'])) symlink_source = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, relative_path) if os.path.islink(symlink_target): os.unlink(symlink_target) os.symlink(symlink_source, symlink_target) except ConfigKeyError: pass
def _generate_classes(): # Dynamically generate an adapter class for each supported Salt salt Action: for interface, action in ACTIONS.items(): cls_name = 'Salt%s' % interface.__name__[1:] cls = type(cls_name, (SaltBase, ), dict(action=action)) classImplements(cls, interface) executor = get_config().getstring('salt', 'executor_class', 'simple') cls.__executor__ = OVERRIDE_EXECUTORS.get( interface, SaltBase.executor_classes[executor]) cls.timeout = TIMEOUTS.get(interface) globals()[cls_name] = cls
def setup_acl(event): if event.test: acl.preload_acl_file('') return acl_file = get_config().getstring('auth', 'acl_file', 'oms_acl') if not os.path.exists(acl_file): log.warning("ACL file doesn't exist") return yield acl.preload_acl_file(file(acl_file), filename=acl_file)
def get_db_dir(): db_dir = 'db' try: # useful during development db_dir = subprocess.check_output('scripts/').strip() except: pass if db_dir == 'db': db_dir = get_config().get('db', 'path') return db_dir
def events(self, after, limit=None): # XXX: if nobody fills the data (func issues) then we return fake data if not and get_config().getboolean('metrics', 'fake_metrics', False): return self._fake_events(after, limit) res = [] for idx, (ts, value) in enumerate( if ts <= after or (limit and idx >= limit): break res.append((ts, value)) return res
def setup_roles(event): perm_file = get_config().get('auth', 'permissions_file') if os.path.exists(perm_file): setup_conf_reload_watch(perm_file, reload_roles) perm_file_factory = file else: # read the content from the egg perm_file = os.path.join('../../../', 'oms_permissions') perm_file_factory = lambda f: pkg_resources.resource_stream( __name__, f) reload_roles(perm_file_factory(perm_file))
def _select_checker(value, interaction): checker = getCheckerForInstancesOf(type(value)) if not checker: if get_config().getboolean('auth', 'enforce_attribute_rights_definition'): perms = {} else: if get_config().getboolean( 'auth', 'audit_all_missing_attribute_rights_definitions'): perms = AuditingPermissionDictionary() else: perms = strong_defaultdict(lambda: CheckerPublic) return Checker(perms, perms, interaction=interaction) # handle checkers for "primitive" types like str if type(checker) is object: return checker return Checker(checker.get_permissions, checker.set_permissions, interaction=interaction)
def _get_profile_and_need_update(self, principal): credit_check_cooldown = get_config().getstring('auth', 'billing_timeout', 60) try: profile = traverse1('/home/%s' % timeout = (datetime.strptime(profile.credit_timestamp, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') + timedelta(seconds=credit_check_cooldown)) log.debug('Next update for "%s": %s',, timeout) return (profile, profile.uid, timeout < except Exception as e: log.error('%s', e) raise
def run(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage OMS passwords') parser.add_argument('user', help="user name") parser.add_argument('-g', help="group(s): comma separated list of " "groups the user belongs to", required=False, default=None) parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true', help="force password " "prompt even if setting group(s) via -g", required=False, default=None) group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('-a', action='store_true', help="add user") group.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', help="delete user") group.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help="check password, useful " "to troubleshoot login issues") args = parser.parse_args() ensure_base_dir() passwd_file = get_config().get('auth', 'passwd_file') if not os.path.exists(passwd_file): with open(passwd_file, 'w'): pass try: if args.d: delete_user(args.user) elif args.a: add_user(args.user, ask_password(), group=args.g) elif args.c: password_checker = FilePasswordDB(passwd_file, hash=ssha_hash) credentials = UsernamePassword(args.user, getpass("Password: "******"Wrong credentials") print "ok" else: update_passwd(args.user, args.s, force=True) except UserManagementError as e: print e sys.exit(1)