コード例 #1
    def merge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if (start_row is None
                or start_column is None
                or end_row is None
                or end_column is None):
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                    "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column),
        elif ":" not in range_string:
            if COORD_RE.match(range_string):
                return # Single cell
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:

        cells = cells_from_range(range_string)
        # only the top-left cell is preserved
        for c in islice(chain.from_iterable(cells), 1, None):
            if c in self._cells:
                del self._cells[c]
コード例 #2
def write_rows(xf, worksheet, string_table, style_table=None):
    """Write worksheet data to xml."""

    # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):

    # create rows of cells
    cells_by_row = {}
    for cell in itervalues(worksheet._cells):
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)

    with xf.element("sheetData"):
        for row_idx in sorted(cells_by_row):
            # row meta data
            row_dimension = worksheet.row_dimensions[row_idx]
            row_dimension.style = worksheet._styles.get(row_idx)
            attrs = {
                'r': '%d' % row_idx,
                'spans': '1:%d' % worksheet.max_column

            with xf.element("row", attrs):

                row_cells = cells_by_row[row_idx]
                for cell in sorted(row_cells, key=row_sort):
                    write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, string_table)
コード例 #3
def get_rows_to_write(worksheet):
    """Return all rows, and any cells that they contain"""
    # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):

    # create rows of cells
    cells_by_row = {}
    for cell in itervalues(worksheet._cells):
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)

    # make sure rows that only have a height set are returned
    for row_idx in worksheet.row_dimensions:
        if row_idx not in cells_by_row:
            cells_by_row[row_idx] = []

    return cells_by_row
コード例 #4
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: reddynaga33/firstproject
    def merge_cells(self,
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if (start_row is None or start_column is None or end_row is None
                    or end_column is None):
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                    "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (
                    get_column_letter(start_column + 1), start_row + 1,
                    get_column_letter(end_column + 1), end_row + 1)
        elif ":" not in range_string:
            if COORD_RE.match(range_string):
                return  # Single cell
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        # Make sure top_left cell exists - is this necessary?
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
        # Blank out the rest of the cells in the range
        for col in range(min_col, max_col + 1):
            for row in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                    # PHPExcel adds cell and specifically blanks it out if it doesn't exist
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' %
                                   (get_column_letter(col), row)).value = None
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' %
                                   (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = True

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:
コード例 #5
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: LKI/PythonScripts
    def merge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None):
        """ Set merge on a cell range.  Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """
        if not range_string:
            if (start_row is None
                or start_column is None
                or end_row is None
                or end_column is None):
                msg = "You have to provide a value either for "\
                    "'coordinate' or for 'start_row', 'start_column', 'end_row' *and* 'end_column'"
                raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
                range_string = '%s%s:%s%s' % (get_column_letter(start_column + 1),
                                              start_row + 1,
                                              get_column_letter(end_column + 1),
                                              end_row + 1)
        elif ":" not in range_string:
            if COORD_RE.match(range_string):
                return # Single cell
            msg = "Range must be a cell range (e.g. A1:E1)"
            raise InsufficientCoordinatesException(msg)
            range_string = range_string.replace('$', '')

        # Make sure top_left cell exists - is this necessary?
        min_col, min_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[0])
        max_col, max_row = coordinate_from_string(range_string.split(':')[1])
        min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col)
        max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col)
        # Blank out the rest of the cells in the range
        for col in range(min_col, max_col + 1):
            for row in range(min_row, max_row + 1):
                if not (row == min_row and col == min_col):
                    # PHPExcel adds cell and specifically blanks it out if it doesn't exist
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).value = None
                    self._get_cell('%s%s' % (get_column_letter(col), row)).merged = True

        if range_string not in self._merged_cells:
コード例 #6
ファイル: worksheet.py プロジェクト: ericgazoni/openpyxl
def write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write worksheet data to xml."""
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
    max_column = worksheet.get_highest_column()
    style_id_by_hash = style_table
    cells_by_row = {}
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)
    for row_idx in sorted(cells_by_row):
        row_dimension = worksheet.row_dimensions[row_idx]
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx,
                 'spans': '1:%d' % max_column}
        if not row_dimension.visible:
            attrs['hidden'] = '1'
        if row_dimension.height > 0:
            attrs['ht'] = str(row_dimension.height)
            attrs['customHeight'] = '1'
        if row_idx in worksheet._styles:
            attrs['s'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(row_idx))])
            attrs['customFormat'] = '1'
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)
        row_cells = cells_by_row[row_idx]
        sorted_cells = sorted(row_cells, key=row_sort)
        for cell in sorted_cells:
            value = cell._value
            coordinate = cell.coordinate
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}
            if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                attributes['t'] = cell.data_type
            if coordinate in worksheet._styles:
                attributes['s'] = '%d' % style_id_by_hash[

            if value in ('', None):
                tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table[value])
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                    if coordinate in worksheet.formula_attributes:
                        attr = worksheet.formula_attributes[coordinate]
                        if 't' in attr and attr['t'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                            # Don't write body for shared formula
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body='%s' % value[1:])
                        tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % value[1:])
                    tag(doc, 'v')
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    if isinstance(value, (long, decimal.Decimal)):
                        func = str
                        func = repr
                    tag(doc, 'v', body=func(value))
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % value)
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % value)
                end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
コード例 #7
def write_worksheet_data(doc, worksheet, string_table, style_table):
    """Write worksheet data to xml."""
    start_tag(doc, 'sheetData')
    max_column = worksheet.get_highest_column()
    style_id_by_hash = style_table
    cells_by_row = {}
    for styleCoord in iterkeys(worksheet._styles):
        # Ensure a blank cell exists if it has a style
        if isinstance(styleCoord, str) and COORD_RE.search(styleCoord):
    for cell in worksheet.get_cell_collection():
        cells_by_row.setdefault(cell.row, []).append(cell)
    for row_idx in sorted(cells_by_row):
        row_dimension = worksheet.row_dimensions[row_idx]
        attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx, 'spans': '1:%d' % max_column}
        if not row_dimension.visible:
            attrs['hidden'] = '1'
        if row_dimension.height > 0:
            attrs['ht'] = str(row_dimension.height)
            attrs['customHeight'] = '1'
        if row_idx in worksheet._styles:
            attrs['s'] = str(style_table[hash(worksheet.get_style(row_idx))])
            attrs['customFormat'] = '1'
        start_tag(doc, 'row', attrs)
        row_cells = cells_by_row[row_idx]
        sorted_cells = sorted(row_cells, key=row_sort)
        for cell in sorted_cells:
            value = cell._value
            coordinate = cell.coordinate
            attributes = {'r': coordinate}
            if cell.data_type != cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                attributes['t'] = cell.data_type
            if coordinate in worksheet._styles:
                attributes['s'] = '%d' % style_id_by_hash[hash(

            if value in ('', None):
                tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                start_tag(doc, 'c', attributes)
                if cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_STRING:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % string_table[value])
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_FORMULA:
                    if coordinate in worksheet.formula_attributes:
                        attr = worksheet.formula_attributes[coordinate]
                        if 't' in attr and attr[
                                't'] == 'shared' and 'ref' not in attr:
                            # Don't write body for shared formula
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr)
                            tag(doc, 'f', attr=attr, body='%s' % value[1:])
                        tag(doc, 'f', body='%s' % value[1:])
                    tag(doc, 'v')
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_NUMERIC:
                    if isinstance(value, (long, decimal.Decimal)):
                        func = str
                        func = repr
                    tag(doc, 'v', body=func(value))
                elif cell.data_type == cell.TYPE_BOOL:
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%d' % value)
                    tag(doc, 'v', body='%s' % value)
                end_tag(doc, 'c')
        end_tag(doc, 'row')
    end_tag(doc, 'sheetData')