def main(): book = Workbook() sheet = rows = [("USA", 46), ("UK", 27), ("China", 26), ("Russia", 19), ("Germany", 17), ("Japan", 12)] for row in rows: sheet.append(row) data = Reference(sheet, min_row=1, min_col=2, max_row=6, max_col=2) categs = Reference(sheet, min_row=1, min_col=1, max_row=6) chart = BarChart() chart.add_data(data=data) chart.set_categories(categs) chart.legend = None chart.y_axis.majorGridlines = None chart.varyColors = True chart.title = 'Olympic Gold medals in Rio 2016' sheet.add_chart(chart, 'A8')'bar_chart.xlsx')
def sample_output_excel_chart(): # Sample from book = Workbook() sheet = rows = [ ("USA", 46), ("China", 38), ("UK", 29), ("Russia", 22), ("South Korea", 13), ("Germany", 11) ] for row in rows: sheet.append(row) data = Reference(sheet, min_col=2, min_row=1, max_col=2, max_row=6) categs = Reference(sheet, min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=6) chart = BarChart() chart.add_data(data=data) chart.set_categories(categs) chart.legend = None chart.y_axis.majorGridlines = None chart.varyColors = True chart.title = "Olympic Gold medals in London" sheet.add_chart(chart, "A8")"bar_chart.xlsx")
sheet.title = "Chart" sheet3 = book.worksheets[2] rows = [ ['김일수', 55], ['김이수', 11], ['김삼수', 33], ['김사수', 15], ['김오수', 11], ] for row in rows: sheet.append(row) # y축 data = Reference(sheet, min_col=2, min_row=1, max_col=2, max_row=5) # x축 categs = Reference(sheet, min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=5) chart = BarChart() chart.add_data(data=data) chart.set_categories(categs) chart.legend = None # 범례 chart.varyColors = True chart.title = "Sample Chart" sheet.add_chart(chart, "A1")"./melon_top_xls.xlsx")"./data/meltop100.xlsx") # Trythis 3-1번 book = openpyxl.load_workbook("./data/meltop100.xlsx") sheet3 = book.create_sheet() sheet3.title = "차트출력" datax = Reference(sheet1, min_col=4, min_row=2, max_col=4, max_row=11) categs = Reference(sheet1, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=11) chart1 = BarChart() chart1.add_data(datax) chart1.set_categories(categs) chart1.legend = None # 범례 chart1.varyColors = True chart1.title = "상위 10위 좋아요수" sheet3.add_chart(chart1, "A8") # Trythis 3-2번 chart2 = ScatterChart() = 13 datax = Reference(sheet1, min_col=1, min_row=2, max_row=11) value = Reference(sheet1, min_col=5, min_row=1, max_row=11) series = Series(value, datax, title_from_data=True) chart2.series.append(series) categs = Reference(sheet1, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=11) # chart1.add_data(datax) chart2.set_categories(categs)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from openpyxl import Workbook from openpyxl.chart import Reference, Series, BarChart book = Workbook() sheet = rows = [("USA", 46), ("China", 38), ("UK", 29), ("Russia", 22), ("South Korea", 13), ("Germany", 11)] for row in rows: sheet.append(row) data = Reference(sheet, min_col=2, min_row=1, max_col=2, max_row=6) categs = Reference(sheet, min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=6) chart = BarChart() chart.add_data(data=data) chart.set_categories(categs) chart.legend = None chart.y_axis.majorGridlines = None chart.varyColors = True # Setting varyColors to True, each bar has a different colour. chart.title = "Olympic Gold medals in London" sheet.add_chart(chart, "A8")'barChart.xlsx') print('Done.')
def enregistre_resultat_resume(recap, ligne, colonne, feuille, nb_postes): styleFond, styleTeteTab, styleVal, styleTableau, styleEntree, styleTitre = p.STYLES_EXCEL feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne).value ="Regroupement de résultats, les postes principaux" feuille.merge_cells('B'+str(ligne)+':L'+str(ligne)) feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne).style = styleEntree feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne).font = Font(bold=True) ligne += 2 for li in range(len(recap)): for co in range(len(recap[0])): feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).value = recap[li][co] if li == 0: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleTeteTab elif co<1: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleEntree else: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleVal feuille.cell(row = ligne, column = 1+colonne+co).number_format = '0.0' ligne+=1 feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=2).value = "EGES tot dues à la tourbe" for c in range(3, 11): feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=c).style = styleVal feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=8).number_format = '#.0' feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=2).style = styleEntree feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=3).value = p.COMPARAISON_TOURBE[0] feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=3).number_format = '#.0' feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=6).value = p.COMPARAISON_TOURBE[1] feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=6).number_format = '#.0' feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=8).value = p.COMPARAISON_TOURBE[2] feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=8).number_format = '#.0' feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=10).value = "=SUM(C"+str(ligne)+":I"+str(ligne)+")" feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=10).number_format = '#.0' ligne +=1 for li in range(1,len(recap)-1): for co in range(len(recap[0])): if co<1: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).value = recap[li][co]+ " (%)" feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleEntree elif co <=len(recap[0])-1 and li ==1: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).value = recap[li][co]/recap[1][-1] feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleVal feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).number_format = '0.0%' elif co <=len(recap[0])-1 and li ==2: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).value = recap[li][co]/recap[2][-1] feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).style = styleVal feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=1+colonne+co).number_format = '0.0%' ligne+=1 offset3 = 20+(2*nb_postes) sites = Reference(feuille, min_row = offset3, min_col = 2+colonne, max_col = len(recap[0])+colonne-1) graphique3 = BarChart() graphique3.title = "Emissions totales des sites par poste" graphique3.type = "col"; 10;graphique3.grouping='standard';graphique3.overlap = 25 graphique3.height = 12;graphique3.width = 25 graphique3.x_axis.scaling.orientation = "maxMin" cp = CharacterProperties(sz=1000) #Taille du label entre 100 et 400 000 graphique3.x_axis.txPr = RichText(p=[Paragraph(pPr=ParagraphProperties(defRPr=cp), endParaRPr=cp)]) graphique3.varyColors=True valeurs3 = Reference(feuille, min_row=1+offset3, min_col=1+colonne, max_col=len(recap[0])+colonne-1, max_row =1+offset3 ) graphique3.y_axis.crosses = "max" graphique3.add_data(valeurs3, titles_from_data=True, from_rows=True) graphique3.set_categories(sites) graphique3.y_axis.title = 'Emissions Carbones globales (tCO2e)' # graphique3.layout=Layout(manualLayout=ManualLayout(x=0.1, y=0.050,h=0.80, w=0.90,)) graphique3.legend.layout = Layout(manualLayout=ManualLayout(yMode='edge',xMode='edge',x=0, y=0.9,h=0.1, w=0.5)) feuille.add_chart(graphique3, "B"+str(offset3+7)) tarte = PieChart() labels = Reference(feuille, min_row = offset3, min_col = 2+colonne, max_col = len(recap[0])+colonne-1) for i in [0]: data = Reference(feuille, min_row=offset3+1+i, min_col=1+colonne, max_col=len(recap[0])+colonne-1) tarte.add_data(data, titles_from_data=True, from_rows=True) tarte.set_categories(labels) tarte.dataLabels = DataLabelList() tarte.dataLabels.position ='bestFit' tarte.dataLabels.showCat = True tarte.dataLabels.showPercent = True tarte.dataLabels.separator = ":" tarte.height = 8.15;tarte.width = 9 tarte.title = "Part des postes dans les émissions totales" set_chart_title_size(tarte, size=1200) feuille.add_chart(tarte, "M"+str(offset3+16)) return ligne
elif head<1: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=head+1+colonne).style = styleEntree else: feuille.cell(row=ligne, column=head+1+colonne).style = styleVal feuille.cell(row = ligne, column = head+1+colonne).number_format = '0.0' ligne +=1 ligne += 2 sites = Reference(feuille, min_row = 11, min_col = 2+colonne, max_col = nb_sites+1+colonne) graphique1 = BarChart() graphique1.title = "Emissions totales des sites par poste" graphique1.type = "bar"; 10;graphique1.grouping = "stacked";graphique1.overlap = 100 graphique1.height = 15;graphique1.width = 25 graphique1.x_axis.scaling.orientation = "maxMin" cp = CharacterProperties(sz=1000) #Taille du label entre 100 et 400 000 graphique1.x_axis.txPr = RichText(p=[Paragraph(pPr=ParagraphProperties(defRPr=cp), endParaRPr=cp)]) graphique1.varyColors=True valeurs1 = Reference(feuille, min_row=12, min_col=1+colonne, max_col=nb_sites+1+colonne, max_row = nb_postes+11) graphique1.add_data(valeurs1, titles_from_data=True, from_rows=True) graphique1.set_categories(sites) graphique1.y_axis.title = 'Emissions Carbones (tCO2e)' feuille.add_chart(graphique1, "O7") offsetg2 = nb_postes+4 graphique2 = BarChart() graphique2.title = "Emissions totales des sites par poste" graphique2.type = "bar"; 10;graphique2.grouping = "stacked";graphique2.overlap = 100 graphique2.height = 15;graphique2.width = 25 graphique2.x_axis.scaling.orientation = "maxMin" cp = CharacterProperties(sz=1000) #Taille du label entre 100 et 400 000
col = ((i + 9) // 10) * 2 - 1 row = (7 * i - 6) % 70 + 1 tmpCell = ws2.cell(row=row - 1, column=col) tmpCell.value = "Top{} Image".format(i) ws2.add_image(img, '{}{}'.format(chr(col + 64), row)) print("OK === >> {}".format(i)) dat = Reference(ws, min_col=4, min_row=2, max_col=4, max_row=11) cat = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_col=2, max_row=11) barChart = BarChart() barChart.add_data(data=dat) barChart.set_categories(cat) barChart.legend = None # 범례 barChart.varyColors = True barChart.title = "Top10 Likes" ws3.add_chart(barChart, "D1") scatChart = ScatterChart() = 13 scatChart.x_axis.title = 'SongName' scatChart.y_axis.title = 'DiffLikes' xvalues = Reference(ws, min_col=1, min_row=2, max_row=11) values = Reference(ws, min_col=5, min_row=1, max_row=11) series = Series(values, xvalues, title_from_data=True) scatChart.series.append(series) ws3.add_chart(scatChart, "D20")