def _setup(self): self.row_dimensions = BoundDictionary("index", self._add_row) self.column_dimensions = DimensionHolder( worksheet=self, default_factory=self._add_column) self.page_breaks = PageBreak() self._charts = [] self._images = [] self._rels = RelationshipList() self._drawing = None self._comments = [] self._merged_cells = [] self._tables = [] self.data_validations = DataValidationList() self._hyperlinks = [] self.sheet_state = 'visible' self.page_setup = PrintPageSetup(worksheet=self) self.print_options = PrintOptions() self._print_rows = None self._print_cols = None self._print_area = None self.page_margins = PageMargins() self.views = SheetViewList() = SheetProtection() self._current_row = 0 self.auto_filter = AutoFilter() self.sort_state = SortState() self.paper_size = None self.formula_attributes = {} self.orientation = None self.conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormattingList() self.legacy_drawing = None self.sheet_properties = WorksheetProperties() self.sheet_format = SheetFormatProperties()
def adjust_cond_formats(self, n: int = 1, name: str = 'ActLog'): """Extend conditional formatting by one row - have to delete then re-add cond formats""" ws = self.wb[name] orig_format = cp(ws.conditional_formatting) ws.conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormattingList( ) # clear formats for cond in orig_format: ws.conditional_formatting.add(inc_rng(cond.sqref, n=n), cond.cfRule[0])
def test_write_conditional_formatting(self): ws = cf = ConditionalFormattingList() ws.conditional_formatting = cf fill = PatternFill(start_color=Color('FFEE1111'), end_color=Color('FFEE1111'), patternType=fills.FILL_SOLID) font = Font(name='Arial', size=12, bold=True, underline=Font.UNDERLINE_SINGLE) border = Border(top=Side(border_style=borders.BORDER_THIN, color=Color(colors.DARKYELLOW)), bottom=Side(border_style=borders.BORDER_THIN, color=Color(colors.BLACK))) cf.add( 'C1:C10', FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(C1)'], font=font, border=border, fill=fill)) cf.add('D1:D10', FormulaRule(formula=['ISBLANK(D1)'], fill=fill)) from openpyxl.writer.worksheet import write_conditional_formatting for _ in write_conditional_formatting(ws): pass # exhaust generator wb = ws.parent assert len(wb._differential_styles.styles) == 2 ft1, ft2 = wb._differential_styles.styles assert ft1.font == font assert ft1.border == border assert ft1.fill == fill assert ft2.fill == fill
def test_conditional_font(self): """Test to verify font style written correctly.""" ws = cf = ConditionalFormattingList() ws.conditional_formatting = cf # Create cf rule redFill = PatternFill(start_color=Color('FFEE1111'), end_color=Color('FFEE1111'), patternType=fills.FILL_SOLID) whiteFont = Font(color=Color("FFFFFFFF")) ws.conditional_formatting.add( 'A1:A3', CellIsRule(operator='equal', formula=['"Fail"'], stopIfTrue=False, font=whiteFont, fill=redFill)) from openpyxl.writer.worksheet import write_conditional_formatting # First, verify conditional formatting xml cfs = write_conditional_formatting(ws) xml = b"" for cf in cfs: xml += tostring(cf) diff = compare_xml( xml, """ <conditionalFormatting sqref="A1:A3"> <cfRule dxfId="0" operator="equal" priority="1" type="cellIs" stopIfTrue="0"> <formula>"Fail"</formula> </cfRule> </conditionalFormatting> """) assert diff is None, diff
def __init__(self): self.conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormattingList() self.parent = DummyWorkbook()
def write_report(computed_indicators, ident, type_ident, exs, libsiret, model_name, dps=None, aggregate=False, perimeter=None): """ Writes an open_anafi report into an excel file. :param perimeter: :param computed_indicators: A list of all the indicators and their values for each year to evaluate :type computed_indicators: class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param ident: The identifier(s) the report was evaluated on (A concatenation if multiple SIRETS) :type ident: str :param type_ident: The type of the identifier (SIRET, SIREN, FINESS) :type type_ident: str :param exs: The list of years the repport was calculated on :type exs: list :param libsiret: The establishment's label (#TODO check this, not sure) :type libsiret: str :param model_name: The name of the reference excel file (The model to fill) :type model_name: str :param dps: dictionary with the state of the account (Definitive or Provisoire) :type dps: dict :param aggregate: If the report was an aggreggation of multiple identifiers or not :type aggregate: bool :return: The name of the created Excel file :rtype: str """ # put data in excel global patterns, siret wb = load_workbook('./open_anafi/templates/' + model_name) double = Side(border_style="thin", color="000000") border = Border(top=double, left=double, right=double, bottom=double) font_header = Font(italic=True, color="000000", name='Arial', size=7) al_header = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center") al_dps = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="bottom") al_indic = Alignment(horizontal="right", vertical="center") sheets = wb.worksheets for sheet in sheets: col5 = { r: sheet['{}{}'.format(get_column_letter(5), r)].value for r in range(1, sheet.max_row) } # Garder le formattage conditionnel de la colonne des totaux. rules = copy(sheet.conditional_formatting) cond_format_dict = {} for r in list(rules._cf_rules.items()): space = str(r[0]).split(" ")[1][:-1] rule = r[1] cond_format_dict[space] = rule sheet.conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormattingList() for key, rule in cond_format_dict.items(): if key[0] == 'D': k2 = copy(key) for rul in rule: for i in range(len(exs)): sheet.conditional_formatting.add( k2.replace('D', get_column_letter(4 + i)), rul) max_row = sheet.max_row c = get_column_letter(2) r = 1 total_type = None while r < max_row + 1: while sheet['{}{}'.format( c, r)].value is None and r < max_row + 1: r += 1 total_type = None if total_type is None: type_cell = sheet['{}{}'.format(get_column_letter(5), r - 1)] type_cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center') total_type = type_cell.value if type_cell.value is not None else "unknown" indicator_name = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value c = get_column_letter(4) cell = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)] style = copy(cell._style) hyperlink = copy(cell.hyperlink) number_format = copy(cell.number_format) try: for i in range( computed_indicators[indicator_name].shape[0]): cell = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)] cell.value = computed_indicators[indicator_name][i] cell._style = style cell.hyperlink = hyperlink cell.number_format = number_format c = get_column_letter(5 + i) current_indicator = computed_indicators[indicator_name] if total_type == "$totalV": n = len(current_indicator) m = exs[-1] - exs[0] if n == 1 or n == 0: tvam = 0 else: # solution de secour: SI rapport negatif on calcul pas sinon on calcul ratio = current_indicator[-1] / current_indicator[0] tvam = math.copysign(1.0, ratio) * math.pow( abs(ratio), 1 / (m - 1)) - 1 all_same_sign = (-1 * numpy.sign(current_indicator[0]) not in [ numpy.sign(current_indicator[0]), numpy.sign(current_indicator[n - 1]) ]) copied_font = copy(sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].font) copied_font.italic = True if col5[r] != 'N' and all_same_sign: sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value = tvam sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = copied_font sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].number_format = '0.0%' sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].fill = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].fill) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_indic elif total_type == "$totalM": mean = current_indicator.mean() copied_font = copy(sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].font) copied_format = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].number_format) copied_font.italic = True sheet['{}{}'.format( c, r )].value = mean if not else 0 sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = copied_font sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].number_format = copied_format sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].fill = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].fill) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_indic elif total_type == "$totalC": copied_font = copy(sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].font) copied_font.italic = True sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value = numpy.sum( numpy.nan_to_num(current_indicator)) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = copied_font sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].number_format = '#,##0_-' sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].fill = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].fill) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_indic else: pass except KeyError: pass finally: r += 1 c = get_column_letter(2) c = get_column_letter(4) r = 1 while r < max_row + 1: while sheet['{}{}'.format( c, r)].value != '$exges' and r < max_row + 1: r += 1 c = get_column_letter(5) total_type = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value c = get_column_letter(4) if r < max_row + 1: cell = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)] border = copy(cell.border) fill = copy(cell.fill) font = copy(cell.font) for i in range(len(exs)): cell = sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)] cell.value = exs[i] cell.border = border cell.fill = fill cell.font = font cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center') c = get_column_letter(5 + i) if total_type == "$totalV": sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value = "Var. annuelle moyenne" sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = font_header sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_header sheet.column_dimensions[f'{c}'].width = 17 elif total_type == "$totalM": sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = font_header sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_header sheet.column_dimensions[f'{c}'].width = 17 sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value = "Moyenne" elif total_type == "$totalC": sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].value = "Cumul sur les années" sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].font = font_header sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].border = copy( sheet[f'{chr(ord(c) - 1)}{r}'].border) sheet['{}{}'.format(c, r)].alignment = al_header sheet.column_dimensions[f'{c}'].width = 17 c = get_column_letter(4) # if the value is a string siret = ident['ident'].tolist() if len(siret) == 1: patterns = { '$libsiret': f'{libsiret}'.replace('[', '').replace(']', '')[1:-1], '$siret': f'{siret}'.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace( "'", "").replace(" ", "") } # .replace(" ", "") else: patterns = { '$libsiret': 'Etablissements multiples', '$siret': 'Etablissements multiples' } # if the value is a list patterns_list = {'$dp': dps} for pattern in patterns: coordinates = ExcelWriterTools._look_for_pattern( sheet, pattern) for coordinate in coordinates: sheet[coordinate[0]].value = sheet[ coordinate[0]].value.replace(pattern, patterns[pattern]) sheet[coordinate[0]].border = border for pattern_list in patterns_list: coordinates = ExcelWriterTools._look_for_pattern( sheet, pattern_list) for coordinate in coordinates: col = coordinate[1]['col'] row = coordinate[1]['row'] for el in patterns_list[pattern_list]: sheet[f'{get_column_letter(col)}{row}'].value = el sheet[f'{get_column_letter(col)}{row}'].border = border sheet[ f'{get_column_letter(col)}{row}'].alignment = al_dps sheet[f'{get_column_letter(col)}{row}'].font = copy( sheet[f'{get_column_letter(col - 1)}{row}'].font) col += 1 coordinates = ExcelWriterTools._look_for_pattern( sheet, '$perimeter') if coordinates: i = 2 sheet.delete_rows(coordinates[0][1]['row']) ExcelWriterTools.write_perimeter_headers(sheet) for r in dataframe_to_rows(ident, index=False, header=False): sheet.cell(row=i, column=1).value = r[0] sheet.cell(row=i, column=2).value = r[1] sheet.cell(row=i, column=3).value = r[2] sheet.cell(row=i, column=4).value = r[3] sheet.cell(row=i, column=5).value = r[4] sheet.cell(row=i, column=6).value = r[5] sheet.cell(row=i, column=7).value = r[6] i += 1 count = len(list(dataframe_to_rows(ident))) - 1 tab = Table(displayName="Table1", ref=f"A1:G{count}") # Add a default style with striped rows and banded columns style = TableStyleInfo(name="TableStyleMedium9", showFirstColumn=False, showLastColumn=False, showRowStripes=True, showColumnStripes=False) tab.tableStyleInfo = style sheet.add_table(tab) sheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 23 sheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 23 sheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 23 sheet.column_dimensions['D'].width = 23 sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 28 sheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 28 sheet.column_dimensions['G'].width = 23 # for sheet in sheets: # for merged_cell in sheet.merged_cells.ranges: # ExcelWriterTools.border_maker(sheet, str(merged_cell), border=border) if not aggregate: siret_name = patterns['$siret'].replace(',', 'et') else: siret_name = str(randrange(1000, 9999)) if len(siret_name) > 20: siret_name = siret_name[:20] ExcelWriterTools.write_perimeter(wb, siret, exs, perimeter) report_name = 'FRAME_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.xlsx'.format( siret_name, type_ident, exs[0], exs[-1],"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"))'{}/reports/{}'.format( dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))), report_name)) return report_name
def worksheet_with_cf(worksheet): from openpyxl.formatting.formatting import ConditionalFormattingList worksheet.conditional_formating = ConditionalFormattingList() return worksheet