def _validate_list(cell, data, _list, blank=True, _var=None, _sh=None): from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation cell.value = data dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"{}"'.format(_list), allow_blank=blank) _sh.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add(cell) return cell.value
def _set_validation_(data_sheet: openpyxl.workbook.workbook.Worksheet, idx: str, vsheet, is_global=False): """ Sets the validation for data_sheet, limiting values to those found in column A of vsheet :param data_sheet: The data sheet to which validation is to be applied :param idx: the column letter (if is_global=False) or row number (if is_global=True) of the cells to validate :param vsheet: The worksheet from which valid values are to be drawn (Drawn from column A) :param is_global: Whether data_sheet contains global data. Default False :return: """ validation_title = vsheet.title # This DataValidation object specifies that a list rule is to be used, # drawing its values from column A of vsheet, and allowing null values dv = DataValidation( type="list", formula1= f"{quote_sheetname(validation_title)}!$A$2:$A${vsheet.max_row}", allow_blank=True) # Cell address needs to be different for globals vs utterances # For globals, each row's B cell has it's own validation rule # For utterances, each column that has codes has its own validation rule. # Set cell address accordingly. column = idx if not is_global else "B" cell_address = f"B{idx}" if is_global else f"{column}2:{column}{data_sheet.max_row}" dv.add(cell_address) data_sheet.add_data_validation(dv)
def add_excel_choice(formula1, prompt, prompt_title, table, column, row): dv = DataValidation(type='list', formula1=formula1, allow_blank=False) dv.prompt = prompt dv.promptTitle = prompt_title table.add_data_validation(dv) for i in range(2, row + 1): dv.add(table[column + str(i)])
def add_data_validation(self, worksheet, field, row, col): if "enum" in field: dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"%s"' % ",".join(field["enum"]), allow_blank=True, errorStyle='warning') dv.error = "Your entry is not in the list, Change anyway?" dv.errorTitle = "Invalid Entry" dv.prompt = "Please select from the list" dv.promptTitle = "List Selection" elif "type" not in field: return elif field["type"] == "boolean": dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"true,false"', allow_blank=True, errorStyle='warning') dv.error = "Your entry is not true or false, change anyway?" dv.errorTitle = "Invalid Entry" dv.prompt = "Please select true or false" dv.promptTitle = "True or False Selection" elif field["type"] == "integer": dv = DataValidation(type="whole", allow_blank=True, errorStyle="warning") dv.error = "Your entry is not an integer, change anyway?" dv.errorTitle = "Invalid Entry" dv.prompt = "Please provide integer" dv.promptTitle = "Integer Selection" else: return worksheet.add_data_validation(dv) c = worksheet.cell(row=row, column=col) dv.add(c)
def _alter_attributes_sheet(ws): # Search for the 'value' column for col_idx in range(1, ws.max_column + 1): if ws.cell(1, col_idx).value.lower() == 'value': new_column = col_idx break else: return # Add new 'action' column before 'value' column fill = copy(ws.cell(1, 1).fill) font = copy(ws.cell(1, 1).font) insert_column_ws(ws, new_column, 20) header_cell = ws.cell(1, new_column) header_cell.value = 'action' header_cell.fill = fill header_cell.font = font # Setup 'action' column cells if ws.max_row > 1: action_validation = DataValidation(type='list', formula1='"-,update"', allow_blank=False) ws.add_data_validation(action_validation) for row_idx in range(2, ws.max_row + 1): cell = ws.cell(row_idx, new_column) cell.alignment = Alignment(vertical='top') cell.value = '-' action_validation.add(cell) # (re)set auto filter ws.auto_filter = AutoFilter(ref=f'A:{get_column_letter(ws.max_column)}') for col_idx in range(1, ws.max_column + 1): ws.auto_filter.add_filter_column(col_idx, [], blank=False)
def __set_value(self, cell, str): """ determine the number format of the value in str and add it to a cell :param cell: :param str: :return: None """ str = str.strip() if str.endswith('%'): value = float(str[:-1]) / 100 cell.value = value cell.number_format = '0.00%' return parts = str.split('-') if len(parts) == 3: value = v = datetime(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2])) cell.value = value cell.number_format = "YYYY-MM-DD" return if str.startswith('['): i0 = str.find('[') i1 = str.find(']') list_str = str[i0 + 1:i1] value = str[i1 + 1:] dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1=f'"{list_str}"', allow_blank=False) dv.add(cell) cell.value = value return cell.value = float(str) cell.number_format = "0.00"
def _add_validation(worksheet): operations = [""] + VALID_OPERATIONS + OPERATIONS_TO_IGNORE operation_data_validation = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"%s"' % (','.join(operations))) worksheet.add_data_validation(operation_data_validation) for header_cell in worksheet[1]: if header_cell.value == OPERATION_COLUMN: letter = header_cell.column_letter operation_data_validation.add(f"{letter}2:{letter}{worksheet.max_row}")
def _validate_list(cell, data, _list, blank=True, _var=None, _sh=None): cell.value = data dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"{}"'.format(_list), allow_blank=blank) _sh.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add(cell) return cell.value
def add_validation(self, validation_string): self.sheet.insert_rows(1) dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1=validation_string, allow_blank=True) self.sheet.add_data_validation(dv) cell = self.sheet["A1"] #cell.value = "Dog" dv.add(cell)
def generate_input_form(db: Db, path): # retrieve data db_d = dict() for table in db: table_d = dict() db_d[table.get_ref()] = table_d schema = table._dev_schema for k, v in schema.declared_fields.items(): field_d = dict() table_d[k] = field_d choices = None if getattr(v, "validate", None) is not None and isinstance( v.validate, validate.OneOf): choices = v.validate.choices field_d["choices"] = choices wb = Workbook() wb.remove_sheet( # remove default sheet # choices worksheet ws = wb.create_sheet("choices") ws.cell(1, 1).value = "Table ref" ws.cell(1, 2).value = "Var name" ws.cell(1, 3).value = "Choices" # initialize and loop i = 1 choices_d = dict() # (table_ref, field_name): range for table_ref, table_data in db_d.items(): for field_name, field_d in table_data.items(): if field_d["choices"] is not None: i += 1 ws.cell(i, 1).value = table_ref ws.cell(i, 2).value = field_name choices_nb = len(field_d["choices"]) for k in range(choices_nb): ws.cell(i, 3 + k).value = field_d["choices"][k] choices_d[( table_ref, field_name )] = f"choices!$C${i}:${get_column_letter(choices_nb + 3)}${i}" # table worksheets for table_ref, table_data in db_d.items(): ws = wb.create_sheet(table_ref) for i, (field_name, field_data) in enumerate(table_data.items()): ws.cell(i + 1, 1).value = field_name if field_data["choices"] is not None: dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1=choices_d[(table_ref, field_name)], allow_blank=True) ws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add(ws.cell(i + 1, 2)) ws.cell(i + 1, 2).fill = dropdown_fill # save
def create_excel(path, rows=1000, sheet_name="Sheet1"): if len(path) > 3: if path[-5:] == ".xlsx": excel_path = path else: log.error("文件格式不正确") return 0 else: log.error("文件不正确") return 0 wb = Workbook() # wb = load_workbook(path) sheet = wb.create_sheet(sheet_name, 0) sheet2 = wb.create_sheet("系统数据", 1) # sheet = wb["Sheet1"] titles = ["用例标题", "页面操作", "元素路径", "输入内容", "其他说明"] types = [ "get", "input_text", "assertElementisExist", "assertText", "assertElementText", "wait", "wait_elements", "refresh", "click", "slow_click" ] # sheet2=wb["Sheet2"] for k, t in enumerate(types): sheet2["A{}".format(k + 1)].value = t border = Border(left=Side(border_style="thin", color="00000000"), right=Side(border_style="thin", color="00000000"), top=Side(border_style="thin", color="00000000"), bottom=Side(border_style="thin", color="00000000")) fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="4472C4") font = Font(name="等线", size=11, bold=False, italic=False, color='00FFFFFF') for k, title in enumerate(titles): col = chr(ord("A") + k) + "1" cell = sheet[col] cell.border = border cell.fill = fill cell.font = font cell.value = title sheet.column_dimensions[chr(ord("A") + k)].width = 22 sheet.row_dimensions[1].height = 22 dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1="{0}!$A$1:$A${1}".format( quote_sheetname("系统数据"), len(types)), allow_blank=True) sheet.add_data_validation(dv) row = 2 for _ in range(rows): dv.add(sheet["B{}".format(row)]) row += 1
def format_phone_number(worksheet): """Formats phone number by removing extra spaces and unnecessary characters""" for col in worksheet.iter_rows(min_row=2, min_col=column_index_from_string('O'), max_col=column_index_from_string('O')): for cell in col: """Excel rounds integers longers than 15 digits hence the large value in if statement below""" if (type(cell.value) == float) or (type(cell.value) == int and cell.value > 100000000000000): cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') break elif cell.value is not None: phone = str(cell.value) cell.value = phone.replace('(', '').replace('-', '').replace(')', '').replace(' ', '').replace(' ', '').\ replace('#', '').replace('.', '').replace('+','').replace('=','') if len(cell.value) > 10: if cell.value.startswith('1') and ( cell.offset(row=0, column=-3).value == "Canada" or cell.offset(row=0, column=-3).value == "United States Of America"): cell.value = cell.value.replace('1', '') else: for key in country_codes: if cell.value.startswith(key): try: if country_codes[key] == cell.offset(row=0, column=-4).value: cell.value = cell.value.replace(key, '') break except: pass else: cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') break if len(str(cell.value)) > 10: cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') try: cell.value = int(cell.value) except: pass for cell in worksheet['P']: if (cell.offset(row=0, column=-1).value) is None: continue else: cell.value = 'H' (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 1 # Creates a data validation (drop down) object dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"H,B,C"', allow_blank=True) dv2 = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"0,1"', allow_blank=True) # Add the data-validation object to the worksheet worksheet.add_data_validation(dv) worksheet.add_data_validation(dv2) dv.add('P2:P1048576') dv2.add('Q2:Q1048576') return 0
def _alter_general_sheet(ws): for row_idx in range(1, ws.max_row + 1): # pragma: no branch if ws.cell(row_idx, 1).value.lower() == 'auto-translation': disabled_enabled = DataValidation( type='list', formula1='"Disabled,Enabled"', allow_blank=False, ) ws.add_data_validation(disabled_enabled) disabled_enabled.add(ws.cell(row_idx, 2)) break
def makeDuplicateCheck(column_letter, sheet): # an excel function to check for duplicates # formula = f"=(COUNTIF(${column_letter}:${column_letter}, {column_letter}2) = 1)" # ensure ids are greater than zero formula += f"AND(=${column_letter} > 0)" _range = f"{column_letter}2:{column_letter}{max_rows}" rule = DataValidation(type="custom", formula1=formula) rule.add(_range) sheet.add_data_validation(rule)
def _set_global_validation_(data_sheet: openpyxl.workbook.workbook.Worksheet, row_number: int, vsheet): validation_title = vsheet.title dv = DataValidation( type="list", formula1= f"{quote_sheetname(validation_title)}!$A$2:$A${vsheet.max_row}", allow_blank=True) dv.add(f"B{row_number}") data_sheet.add_data_validation(dv)
def main(): cm.sheet.insert_rows(1) dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"alex,hannah,frog"', allow_blank=True) cm.sheet.add_data_validation(dv) c1 = cm.sheet["A1"] c1.value = "Dog" dv.add(c1) cm.save_doc(FILE_PATH)
def _fill_customer_row(ws, row_idx, customer): action_validation = DataValidation( type='list', formula1='"-,create,update"', allow_blank=False, ) action_validation.error = str('Action must be from list') action_validation.errorTitle = str('Invalid action') action_validation.prompt = str('Please choose action from list') action_validation.promptTitle = str('List of choices') search_criteria_validation = DataValidation( type='list', formula1='"-,id,external_id,external_uid"', allow_blank=False, ) search_criteria_validation.error = str('Search criteria must be one from list') search_criteria_validation.errorTitle = str('Invalid search criteria') search_criteria_validation.prompt = str('Please choose search criteria from list') search_criteria_validation.promptTitle = str('List of choices') ws.add_data_validation(action_validation) ws.add_data_validation(search_criteria_validation) ws.cell(row_idx, 1, value=customer.get('id', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 2, value=customer.get('external_id', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 3, value=customer.get('external_uid', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 4, value='-') ws.cell(row_idx, 5, value=customer['hub'].get('id', '-') if 'hub' in customer else '-') ws.cell(row_idx, 6, value='id' if 'parent' in customer else '-') ws.cell(row_idx, 7, value=customer['parent'].get('id', '-') if 'parent' in customer else '-') ws.cell(row_idx, 8, value=customer.get('type', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 9, value=customer.get('tax_id', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 10, value=customer.get('name', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 11, value=customer['contact_info'].get('address_line1', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 12, value=customer['contact_info'].get('address_line2', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 13, value=customer['contact_info'].get('city', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 14, value=customer['contact_info'].get('state', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 15, value=customer['contact_info'].get('zip', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 16, value=customer['contact_info'].get('country', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 17, value=customer['contact_info']['contact'].get('first_name', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 18, value=customer['contact_info']['contact'].get('last_name', '-')) ws.cell(row_idx, 19, value=customer['contact_info']['contact'].get('email', '-')) ws.cell( row_idx, 20, value=_get_phone_number( customer['contact_info']['contact'].get( 'phone_number', '-', ), ), ) action_validation.add(f'D{row_idx}') search_criteria_validation.add(f'F{row_idx}')
def create_size_configure_excel(conf_path, order, size): headers = ('order_no', 'size_label', 'num_id', 'name_index', 'fold', 'unit', 'check', 'std_val', 'tol_lower', 'tol_upper', 'offset') with open(conf_path, encoding='utf-8') as f: content = yaml.safe_load( result = [] steps = content.get('steps') for s in size: for i in steps: std_val_map = { k: v.get("val") for k, v in i.get("std_val").items() } if i.get("std_val") else {} std_val_list = list(std_val_map.keys()) measure_list = list( i.get('measure').keys()) if i.get('measure') else [] diff_list = list(i.get('diff').keys()) if i.get('diff') else [] num_id_list = set(std_val_list + measure_list + diff_list) dataset = [(order, s, i, '01', '', 'Inch', '', std_val_map.get(i), '', '', '') for i in num_id_list] result += dataset data = tablib.Dataset(*result, headers=headers, title="sheet1") open("2.xxxx.xlsx", "wb").write(data.xlsx) # 继续对表格进行处理 excel = load_workbook("2.xxxx.xlsx") table = excel.get_sheet_by_name("sheet1") row = table.max_row dv = DataValidation(type='list', formula1='"Inch", "cm"', allow_blank=False) dv.prompt = "选择单位" dv.promptTitle = 'List Selection' table.add_data_validation(dv) for i in range(2, row + 1): dv.add(table["F" + str(i)]) # 添加单元格颜色 title = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"] for i in range(2, row + 1): for t in title: table[t + "1"].fill = greyfill table[t + "1"].border = border if table["B" + str(i)].value in size and size.index( table["B" + str(i)].value) % 2 == 0: table[t + str(i)].fill = redfill elif table["B" + str(i)].value in size and size.index( table["B" + str(i)].value) % 2 == 1: table[t + str(i)].fill = bluefill table[t + str(i)].border = border"2.xxxx.xlsx")
def generate_spreadsheet(self, validated_params, template_name): spreadsheet_info = {} output_dir = os.path.join( self.scratch_dir, 'sample_spreadsheet_' + str(int(time.time() * 10000))) output_filename = validated_params['output_name'] + '.xlsx' output_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) os.makedirs(output_dir) _column = _COLUMNS[template_name] common_font = Font(name='Arial', size=9) highlight_font = Font(name='Arial', size=9, bold=True) header_fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="D1E5FE") wb = Workbook() ws = ws.title = "samples" ws.page_setup.fitToWidth = 1 ws['A1'] = 'Object Type:' ws['A1'].font = highlight_font ws['B1'] = validated_params['object_type'] ws['B1'].font = common_font ws['C1'] = 'User Code:' ws['C1'].font = highlight_font ws['D1'] = validated_params['user_code'] ws['D1'].font = common_font for c in range(1, len(_column) + 1): _col = _column[c - 1] cell = ws.cell(row=2, column=c, value=_col['header']) cell.fill = header_fill cell.font = highlight_font if 'type' in _col and _col['type']: cl = get_column_letter(c) dv = DataValidation(type=_col['type'], allow_blank=True) dv.error = 'Your entry is not ' + _col['type'] dv.errorTitle = 'Invalid Entry' ws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add(cl + '3:' + cl + '1048576') spreadsheet_info['output_dir'] = output_dir spreadsheet_info['output_file'] = [{ 'path': output_filepath, 'name': output_filename, 'label': output_filename, 'description': 'Sample spreadsheet' }] return spreadsheet_info
def create_source_column(first_file, destws): for cell in destws['V']: cell.value = "Ruffalo Cody" dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"Registrar: SIS Import, Ruffalo Cody"', allow_blank=True) # Add the data-validation object to the worksheet destws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add('V2:V1048576') return 0
def format_country(worksheet): """ Changes country format to a type that LINKS """ for cell in worksheet['L']: if cell.value == 'CANA': cell.value = 'Canada' elif cell.value == 'USA' or cell.value == 'United States': cell.value = 'United States of America' elif cell.value == 'CAMP' or cell.value == 'Camp': cell.value = 'Canada' (cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).value) = 'BC' (cell.offset(row=0, column=-3).value) = 'Vancouver' elif cell.value in countryDictionary.keys(): cell.value = countryDictionary.get(cell.value) if cell.value in popular_countries and cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).value is not None: try: (cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).value) = popular_countries[cell.value][cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).value] except: cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') cell.offset(row=0, column=-1).fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') continue """Removes state (unecessary) if the country is European, Singapore, or Taiwan""" if cell.value in european_countries_and_singapore and cell.offset(row=0,column=-3).value is not None: cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).value = '' elif cell.offset(row=0,column=-2).value is None: cell.offset(row=0, column=-2).fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') cell.offset(row=0, column=-3).fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FDAB9F', fill_type='solid') """Sets the address type and Address is Primary option""" for cell in worksheet['M']: cell.value = 'H' (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 0 # Creates a data validation (drop down) object dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"H,B,C"', allow_blank=True) dv2 = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"0,1"', allow_blank=True) # Add the data-validation object to the worksheet worksheet.add_data_validation(dv) worksheet.add_data_validation(dv2) dv.add('M2:M1048576') dv2.add('N2:N1048576') return 0
def custom_action_type(self): """ [メソッド概要] アクション部のバリデーション アクション種別のセルに使用可能なアクション種別のリストを作成する。 <builtin_formats 参照> """ tables_ws = self.wb['Tables'] header_row = tables_ws[11] target_header_text = 'アクション種別\n(必須)' action_type_col = 0 for cell in header_row: if cell.col_idx == 1: # A列は無視 continue if cell.value == target_header_text: # hitしたら終了 action_type_col = cell.col_idx break if cell.value is None or cell.value == '': # 空白を終端とする break if action_type_col == 0: # hitできずに来たらエラー raise Exception('No match action type col.') dti = ActionType.objects.filter(disuse_flag='0').values_list( 'driver_type_id', flat=True) rs = DriverType.objects.filter(driver_type_id__in=dti).values( 'name', 'driver_major_version') ati = [] for r in rs: name_version = r['name'] + '(ver' + str( r['driver_major_version']) + ')' ati.append(name_version) acts = ','.join(ati) acts_type_dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"{}"'.format(acts)) for r in range(12, 19): acts_type_dv.add(tables_ws.cell(row=r, column=action_type_col)) for data_validation in tables_ws.data_validations.dataValidation: # TODO 1シート内に入力規則が複数来たらバグる tables_ws.data_validations.dataValidation.remove(data_validation) tables_ws.add_data_validation(acts_type_dv)
def main(): filename = 'MadSkillz.xlsx' role_pattern = '^## .+' role_description_pattern = '>.+' behaviour_pattern = '^- .+' behaviour_description_pattern = '^#### .+' row_number = 0 wb = Workbook() active_ws = data_validation = DataValidation( type="list", formula1= '"Cannot Assess,Need Coaching,Maturing,No Brainer,Outstanding"', allow_blank=False) f = import_file_from_readify_github()'Parsing...') for line in f: line = line.decode('unicode-escape') row_number += 1 role =, line) if role: active_ws = wb.create_sheet(0) row_number = 1 active_ws.add_data_validation(data_validation) active_ws.title = line.strip('#') line = line.strip('#') change_cell_value(row_number, 1, active_ws, line) change_cell_style_header(row_number, 1, active_ws) change_cell_style_header(row_number, 2, active_ws) change_cell_value(row_number, 2, active_ws, "Rating") behaviour =, line) if behaviour: change_cell_value(row_number, 1, active_ws, line) rating_cell = active_ws.cell(row=row_number, column=2) data_validation.add(rating_cell) role_description =, line) if role_description: line = line.strip('>') change_cell_value(row_number, 1, active_ws, line) change_cell_style_role_description(row_number, 1, active_ws) c = active_ws.cell(row=row_number, column=1) c.value = line'Parsing...Done!')'Saved "%s"', filename)
def addDataValidation(worksheet: Worksheet, cellFormulaDict: dict): """Adds data validation to the specified worksheet on the listed cells mapped to the formula. Arguments: worksheet {Worksheet} -- [description] cellFormulaDict {dict} -- Cell address is the key and the formula is the value """ if cellFormulaDict[CELL_IDENTIFIER["taskName"]] is not None: taskDataValidation = DataValidation( type="list", formula1=cellFormulaDict[CELL_IDENTIFIER["taskName"]], allow_blank=False) worksheet.add_data_validation(taskDataValidation) taskDataValidation.add(CELL_IDENTIFIER["taskName"])
def set_applicable_experiments_in_xls( applicable_experiments, spreadsheet, aggregate_ws_name): """Write drop-down list of applicable experiments into aggregate tabs.""" appl_exps_as_comma_delim_string = ", ".join(applicable_experiments) # Note this requires string enclosed in quotes internally cell_formula = '"{}"'.format(appl_exps_as_comma_delim_string) aggregate_ws = spreadsheet[aggregate_ws_name] # Clear the placeholder value in the answer cell aggregate_ws["B27"].value = None # Add the drop-down with the available options to that cell appl_exps_dropdown = DataValidation( type="list", formula1=cell_formula, allow_blank=True) aggregate_ws.add_data_validation(appl_exps_dropdown) appl_exps_dropdown.add("B27")
def add_validation(self, validation_string): ''' Inserts a new row then adds a data validation drop down list to cell 'A1'. 'validation_string' parameter contains list of values added to drop down list. ''' try: self.sheet.insert_rows(1) dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1=validation_string, allow_blank=True) self.sheet.add_data_validation(dv) cell = self.sheet["A1"] dv.add(cell) error_logger.logger('Drop down menu added') except Exception as traceback_error: statement = "Trouble with adding validation drop-down menu" error_logger.logger(statement, traceback_error)
def applyValidationToCell(self, ws, startingRow, nokiaAttr): #get Validation rule for this cell validationRule = self.validationRules[nokiaAttr] if "list:" in validationRule: validationString = self.getValidationAsString(validationRule) str = '"' + validationString + '"' dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1=str, allow_blank=False, showDropDown=False) dv.error = 'Your entry is not as per the validation rule' dv.errorTitle = 'Invalid Entry' ws.add_data_validation(dv) cell = ws.cell(column=self.cols[nokiaAttr] + 1, row=startingRow) dv.add(cell)
def categorize_emails(worksheet, chosen_column, datavalidation_location1, datavalidation_location2): """Looking through the email column R, determines email category and marks column next to it accordingly""" """A is Alumni, H Home, and B Business. Anything not categorized is highlighted yellow in the target worksheet""" for cell in worksheet[chosen_column]: cell.offset(row=0, column=2).value = 0 if cell.value is None: cell.offset(row=0, column=2).value = None continue elif cell.value.endswith(''): (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'A' elif cell.value.lower().endswith(hometuple): (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'H' elif cell.value.lower().endswith(businesstuple): (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'B' elif "@alumni" in cell.value: (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'H' else: try: last_name_email = worksheet.cell(row=cell.row, column=column_index_from_string('D')).value.lower() + ".ca" last_name_email_USA = worksheet.cell(row=cell.row, column=column_index_from_string('D')).value.lower() + ".com" last_name_email_USA2 = worksheet.cell(row=cell.row, column=column_index_from_string('D')).value.lower() + ".us" # print(last_name_email) if cell.value.endswith(last_name_email) or cell.value.endswith(last_name_email_USA) or cell.value.endswith(last_name_email_USA2) : (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'H' else: cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FFFF33', fill_type = 'solid') (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'B' except: cell.fill = PatternFill(fgColor='FFFF33', fill_type = 'solid') (cell.offset(row=0, column=1).value) = 'B' # Creates a data validation (drop down) object dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"H,B,O,A"', allow_blank=True) dv2 = DataValidation(type="list", formula1='"0,1"', allow_blank=True) # Add the data-validation object to the worksheet worksheet.add_data_validation(dv) worksheet.add_data_validation(dv2) dv.add(datavalidation_location1) dv2.add(datavalidation_location2) return 0
def create_dropdown_cols(self): from openpyxl import utils from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation idx = 1 for x in self.columns: if x.dropdown != None: dv = DataValidation(type="list", + '!$A:$A', allow_blank=True) data_len = list( address_col = utils.get_column_letter( idx) + "2:" + utils.get_column_letter(idx) + "1048576" print address_col dv.add(address_col) idx = idx + 1 return self
def exportar_planilha_importacao_usuarios_perfil_codae(request, **kwargs): response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=planilha_importacao_usuarios_perfil_CODAE.xlsx' workbook: Workbook = Workbook() ws = ws.title = 'CODAE' headers = [ 'Nome do Usuário', 'Cargo', 'Email', 'CPF', 'Telefone', 'RF', 'Perfil', 'Número CRN' ] _font = styles.Font(name='Calibri', sz=10) {k: setattr(styles.DEFAULT_FONT, k, v) for k, v in _font.__dict__.items()} for i in range(0, len(headers)): cabecalho = ws.cell(row=1, column=1 + i, value=headers[i]) cabecalho.fill = styles.PatternFill('solid', fgColor='ffff99') cabecalho.font = styles.Font(name='Calibri', size=10, bold=True) cabecalho.border = styles.Border( left=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), right=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), top=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000'), bottom=styles.Side(border_style='thin', color='000000') ) dv = DataValidation( type='list', formula1='"COORDENADOR_GESTAO_ALIMENTACAO_TERCEIRIZADA,' 'COORDENADOR_DIETA_ESPECIAL,' 'COORDENADOR_SUPERVISAO_NUTRICAO,' 'COORDENADOR_GESTAO_PRODUTO"', allow_blank=True ) dv.error = 'Perfil Inválido' dv.errorTitle = 'Perfil não permitido' ws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add('G2:G1048576') return response
def call(request): token_key = request._get_get().get("tk") token_data = manager.get_parameter(request, token_key) if token_data.get('data', None) is None: return HttpResponse(content= "<h3>" + token_data["error"] + "</h3>", mimetype='text/html') collection_name = token_data["data"]["collection_name"] wb = Workbook() ws = #ws["A1"].value = "TEST" ws.title = KEY.WS_PREFIX_NAME + "1"; #add sheet mapping wb.create_sheet(KEY.WS_MAPPING_SHEET); ws_mapping = wb[KEY.WS_MAPPING_SHEET]; #add sheet init data wb.create_sheet(KEY.WS_INIT_DATA); ws_init = wb[KEY.WS_INIT_DATA]; #Get column config ret_columns = db.get_collection("HCSSYS_CollectionInfo").aggregate([ { '$match': { '$and' : [ {'parent_field' : None}, {'field_path': {'$regex': '^,' + collection_name + ','}}, {'is_parent' : False}, ] } }, {'$project': {'_id': 0}} ]); columns = list(ret_columns) #Get export data ret_data = db.get_collection(collection_name).find({}) data_items = list(ret_data); if(len(data_items) == 0): raise "Collection '" + collection_name + "' has not been declared in the database" return null; ref_accessmode = [{ 'value':1, 'caption': u'Toàn quyền' },{ 'value': 2, 'caption': u'Từ vùng được chọn đến các cấp con' },{ 'value': 3, 'caption': u'Chỉ trên vùng được chọn' }] #create reference sheet ref_columns = [a for a in columns if a["field_name"] == "access_mode"] for col in ref_columns: wb.create_sheet(KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"]) ws_ref = wb[KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"]] for iData, vData in enumerate(ref_accessmode): ws_ref.cell(row=iData+1, column=1).value = vData["value"] ws_ref.cell(row=iData+1, column=2).value = vData["caption"] ws_ref.cell(row=iData+1, column=3).value = vData["value"] #create header title header_fields = [] for c in columns: if(c["field_name"] == 'access_mode'): header_fields.append({ 'field_name': c["field_name"], 'key' : KEY.PREFIX_INIT, 'display_name': c["description"], 'is_ref' : True, 'is_data_field' : False, 'is_hidden' : True }) header_fields.append({ 'field_name': c["field_name"], 'key' : KEY.PREFIX_REF, 'display_name': c["description"], 'is_ref' : True,#List of reference data 'is_data_field' : False, 'is_hidden' : False }) header_fields.append({ 'field_name': c["field_name"], 'key' : c["field_name"], 'display_name': c["description"], 'is_ref' : True, 'is_data_field' : True, #data_field in database 'is_hidden' : True }) else: header_fields.append({ 'field_name': c["field_name"], 'key' : c["field_name"], 'display_name': c["description"], 'is_ref' : False, 'is_data_field' : True, 'is_hidden' : False }) #Create header worksheet (row 1) idx_mapping_row_column = 1 ws_mapping.cell(row=1, column=1).value = KEY.BEGIN_MAPPING ws_mapping.cell(row=1, column=2).value = collection_name ws_mapping.cell(row=1, column=3).value = ws.title idx_mapping_row_column += 1 idx_init_column = 0 for iCol, vCol in enumerate(header_fields): if not (vCol["key"] == KEY.PREFIX_INIT): cell = ws.cell(row=1, column=iCol + 1 - idx_init_column) cell.value = vCol["display_name"] ws.column_dimensions[cell.column].width = len(vCol["display_name"]) if len(vCol["display_name"]) > 20 else 20 #20 characters if(vCol["is_hidden"]): ws.column_dimensions[cell.column].hidden = True if(vCol["is_data_field"] == True): #create mapping data ws_mapping.cell(row=idx_mapping_row_column, column=1).value = cell.column ws_mapping.cell(row=idx_mapping_row_column, column=2).value = vCol["field_name"] idx_mapping_row_column += 1 else: cell = ws_init.cell(row=1, column=idx_init_column + 1) cell.value = vCol["field_name"] idx_init_column += 1 ws_mapping.cell(row=idx_mapping_row_column, column=1).value = KEY.END_MAPPING #Render content to worksheet #if (len(data_items) > 0): for iItem, vItem in enumerate(data_items): num_init_column = 0 for iCol, vCol in enumerate(header_fields): idx_col = iCol - num_init_column curr_cell = ws.cell(row = iItem + 2, column = idx_col + 1) if (vCol["is_data_field"] and not vCol["is_ref"]) : curr_cell.value = vItem[vCol["field_name"]] elif (vCol["is_ref"] and vCol["key"] == KEY.PREFIX_INIT): init_cell = ws_init.cell(row = iItem + 2, column = num_init_column + 1) init_cell.value = vItem[vCol["field_name"]] num_init_column +=1 elif (vCol["is_ref"] and vCol["key"] == KEY.PREFIX_REF): #curr_cell: value list #vlookup column 1-2 in reference data ws_ref = wb[KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"]] #ref_beg_cell = ws_ref.cell(row=1, column=1) ref_end_cell = ws_ref.cell(row = ws_ref.max_row, column = 2) ref_address = KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"] + "!" + \ '$A$1:$B$' + str(ws_ref.max_row) # "$" + ref_beg_cell.column + "$" + str(ref_beg_cell.col_idx) + ":" + \ # "$" + ref_end_cell.column + "$" + str(ref_end_cell.col_idx) init_cell = ws_init.cell(row = iItem + 2, column = num_init_column) curr_cell.value = "=VLOOKUP(" + KEY.WS_INIT_DATA + "!" + init_cell.coordinate + "," + ref_address+ ",2, FALSE)" ref_address_title = KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"] + "!" + \ "$B$1:" + "$B$" + str(ws_ref.max_row) # Create a data-validation object with list validation dv = DataValidation(type="list", formula1="=" + ref_address_title, allow_blank=True) # Optionally set a custom error message dv.error ='Your entry is not in the list' dv.errorTitle = 'Invalid Entry' # Optionally set a custom prompt message dv.prompt = 'Please select from the list' dv.promptTitle = 'List Selection' ws.add_data_validation(dv) dv.add(curr_cell) elif (vCol["is_data_field"] and vCol["is_ref"]): pre_cell = ws.cell(row = iItem + 2, column = idx_col) #vlookup column 2-3 in reference data ws_ref = wb[KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"]] #ref_beg_cell = ws_ref.cell(row=1, column=2) ref_end_cell = ws_ref.cell(row = ws_ref.max_row, column = ws_ref.max_column) ref_address = KEY.WS_PREFIX_REFERENCE + col["field_name"] + "!" + \ '$B$1:$C$' + str(ws_ref.max_row) #"$" + ref_beg_cell.column + "$" + str(ref_beg_cell.col_idx) + ":" + \ #"$" + ref_end_cell.column + "$" + str(ref_end_cell.col_idx) curr_cell.value = "=VLOOKUP(" + pre_cell.coordinate + "," + ref_address+ ",2, FALSE)" #format worksheet ws = format_style(worksheet_style["NORMAL"]).format(ws) #wb.defined_names.append(defined_name.DefinedName(attr_text="HCSSYS_DataDomain!A$1", name="TEST_NAME_0000000")) response = HttpResponse(content=save_virtual_workbook(wb), mimetype='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') time_export ="%Y.%m.%dT%H.%M.%S"); response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + 'export-' + time_export + '.xlsx' return response
def _format_sheet(self, Sheet): # Background Color CyanFill = PatternFill( start_color='E0FFFF', end_color='E0FFFF', fill_type='solid', ) SkyBlueFill = PatternFill( start_color='71acd6', end_color='71acd6', fill_type='solid', ) # Border Style thin = Side( border_style="thin", color="000000" ) border = Border( top=thin, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=thin ) # Font Style TahomaFont = Font( bold=False, name='Tahoma', size=10 ) TahomaRedFont = Font( bold=False, name='Tahoma', size=10, color='FF0000' ) TahomaBoldFont = Font( bold=True, name='Tahoma', size=10 ) # Cell Type DecimalNumber = DataValidation( type="decimal", operator="greaterThanOrEqual", formula1=0 ) num_format = '#,##0.00' ChargeTypeFormula = SHEET_FORMULAS.get('charge_type', False) ExpenseAGFormula = SHEET_FORMULAS.get('expense_ag_list', False) RevenueAGFormula = SHEET_FORMULAS.get('revenue_ag_list', False) JobOrderFormula = SHEET_FORMULAS.get('job_order_formula', False) # Adding drop-down formula to sheet Sheet.add_data_validation(ChargeTypeFormula) Sheet.add_data_validation(ExpenseAGFormula) Sheet.add_data_validation(RevenueAGFormula) Sheet.add_data_validation(JobOrderFormula) Sheet.add_data_validation(DecimalNumber) protection = Protection(locked=False) startrow = 10 lastrow = self.editable_lines + startrow # Formating Lines for row in range(startrow, lastrow): for col in range(1, 26): Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).fill = CyanFill Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).border = border Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).font = TahomaFont if col == 1: # Charge Type Column ChargeTypeFormula.add(Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).protection = protection elif col == 2: # Activity Group Column if Sheet.title == 'Expense': ExpenseAGFormula.add(Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)) else: RevenueAGFormula.add(Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).protection = protection elif col == 3: JobOrderFormula.add(Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).protection = protection elif col == 9: # Total Budget Column col_F = get_column_letter(6) col_G = get_column_letter(7) col_H = get_column_letter(8) value = "=%s%s*$%s$%s*$%s$%s" % (col_F, row, col_G, row, col_H, row) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).value = value Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).number_format = num_format elif col == 23: # Total of phased entries Column col_K = get_column_letter(11) col_V = get_column_letter(22) value = "=SUM(%s%s:$%s$%s)" % (col_K, row, col_V, row) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).value = value Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).number_format = num_format elif col == 24: # Total minus phased total Column col_I = get_column_letter(9) col_W = get_column_letter(23) value = "=IF(%s%s-%s%s<>0,%s%s-%s%s,0)" % (col_I, row, col_W, row, col_I, row, col_W, row) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).value = value Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).number_format = num_format elif col == 25: # Error Column col_X = get_column_letter(24) value = '=IF(ABS(%s%s)>0,"Error","")' % (col_X, row) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).value = value Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).font = TahomaRedFont elif col not in (4, 5): Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).protection = protection DecimalNumber.add(Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)) Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).number_format = num_format else: Sheet.cell(row=row, column=col).protection = protection # Formating TOTAL line for col in range(1, 25): Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).fill = SkyBlueFill Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).border = border Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).font = TahomaFont if col == 1: Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).value = 'TOTAL' Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).font = TahomaBoldFont if col > 7: col_letter = get_column_letter(col) value = "=SUM(%s%s:$%s$%s)" % (col_letter, startrow, col_letter, row) Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).value = value Sheet.cell(row=lastrow, column=col).number_format = num_format