def replace_sheet(src, dst): excel = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") excel.Visible = False # True if one wants to Excel app be opened excel.DisplayAlerts = False # True if one wants to display excel alerts wb1 = excel.Workbooks.Open(src) ws1 = wb1.Worksheets(1) if os.path.isfile(dst): wb2 = excel.Workbooks.Open(dst) wb2_sheet_list = [sheet.Name for sheet in wb2.Sheets] if "06_1_VT" in wb2_sheet_list: wb2.Worksheets(wb2_sheet_list.index("06_1_VT") + 1).Delete() if "07_Cleanlines" in wb2_sheet_list: ws1.Copy( Before=wb2.Worksheets(wb2_sheet_list.index("07_Cleanlines"))) else: ws1.Copy(Before=wb2.Worksheets(1)) else: wb2 = Workbook() wb2.close() wb2 = excel.Workbooks.Open(dst) ws1.Copy(Before=wb2.Worksheets(1)) wb2.Close(SaveChanges=True) excel.Quit()
def healthcheckreport(healthchecklist, exportlocation): wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'Health-Check-Report.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = # Continue on with work ws1.title = "Health Check" ws1.append(['Hostname', 'Error', 'Description']) startrow = 2 for row in healthchecklist: ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Error') ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Description') startrow = startrow + 1 wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save File try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('Health Check') ws.Range('A2:C50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:C1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created Health Check Report'
def networksummaryreport(fullinventorylist, poeinterfacelist, exportlocation): # Create combined data list combineddatalist = [] for row in fullinventorylist: if row.get('Description').lower().endswith( 'chassis') == True or 'k9' in row.get('Description').lower(): ## Full Inventory List ## age_manufactured = '' combineddatadict = {} combineddatadict['Hostname'] = row.get('Hostname') combineddatadict['Product ID'] = row.get('Product ID') combineddatadict['Serial Number'] = row.get('Serial Number') combineddatadict['Stack Number'] = row.get('Stack Number') combineddatadict['Version'] = row.get('Version') combineddatadict['License'] = row.get('License') combineddatadict['Description'] = row.get('Description') # Attempt to find the age of the device try: age_base = 1996 age_year = int(row.get('Serial Number')[3:5]) age_week = (row.get('Serial Number')[5:7]) age_year_manufactured = age_base + age_year age_manufactured = datetime.datetime.strptime( str(age_year_manufactured) + '-W' + age_week.encode('utf-8') + '-0', '%Y-W%W-%w') age_manufactured = '{:%B %d, %Y}'.format(age_manufactured) except: age_manufactured = '' combineddatadict['Manufacture Date'] = age_manufactured # Count number of PS in inventory hostinv = filter(lambda x: x['Hostname'] == row.get('Hostname'), fullinventorylist) pscount = 0 psstack = row.get('Stack Number') psstackreg = re.compile('Switch ' + str(psstack) + '.*Power Supply.*') for psrow in hostinv: psdesc = psrow.get('Description') if psstack != '': # Switch stacks if re.match(psstackreg, psdesc): pscount = pscount + 1 else: # Nexus Power Supply inventory if row.get('Description').endswith( 'chassis') == True and psdesc.endswith( 'chassis Power Supply') == True: pscount = pscount + 1 # Nexus Fabric Extenders if 'N2K' in row.get( 'Description' ) and 'Fabric Extender AC power supply' in psdesc: pscount = pscount + 1 # Single Switches if row.get('Description').startswith( 'Switch chassis' ) == True and 'Power Supply' in psdesc: pscount = pscount + 1 # IOS-XE Routers if row.get('Description').startswith( 'Chassis') == True and psdesc.startswith( 'Power Supply') == True: pscount = pscount + 1 if pscount == 0: pscount = 1 combineddatadict['PS Count'] = pscount ## POE Interface List ## poeinv = filter(lambda x: x['Hostname'] == row.get('Hostname'), poeinterfacelist) poeusage = 0.0 apcount = 0 phonecount = 0 othercount = 0 poestack = row.get('Stack Number') if poeinv != []: for poerow in poeinv: poeint = poerow.get('Interface') poename = poerow.get('Device Name') if poestack != '': poereg = re.compile('\S+' + str(poestack) + '\/\d\/\d') if re.match(poereg, poeint): powerusage = poerow.get('Power Usage') poeusage = poeusage + float(powerusage) if float(powerusage) != 0.0: if re.match('.*AIR.*', poename): apcount = apcount + 1 elif re.match('.*PHONE|phone.*', poename): phonecount = phonecount + 1 else: othercount = othercount + 1 else: powerusage = poerow.get('Power Usage') poeusage = poeusage + float(powerusage) if float(powerusage) != 0.0: if re.match('.*AIR.*', poename): apcount = apcount + 1 elif re.match('.*PHONE|phone.*', poename): phonecount = phonecount + 1 else: othercount = othercount + 1 combineddatadict['APs'] = apcount combineddatadict['Phones'] = phonecount combineddatadict['Other POE'] = othercount combineddatadict['POE Used'] = poeusage else: combineddatadict['POE Used'] = 0 combineddatadict['APs'] = 0 combineddatadict['Phones'] = 0 combineddatadict['Other POE'] = 0 ## Count the number of optics on the switch ## opttypetemp = [] opticcount = 0 optstack = row.get('Stack Number') opttypelist = [ '-SR', '-LR', '-ER', '-ZR', '-LRM', 'GE T', '1000base', 'GLC-', 'SFP-', 'sfp', 'X2-', 'x2' ] for opt in hostinv: optname = opt.get('Description') optint = opt.get('Name') if optstack != '': optreg = re.compile('\S+' + str(optstack) + '\/\d\/\d') if any(ext in optname for ext in opttypelist) and re.match( optreg, optint): opticcount = opticcount + 1 opttypetemp.append(optname) else: if any(ext in optname for ext in opttypelist): opticcount = opticcount + 1 opttypetemp.append(optname) # Reset fabric extender count as not valid, might add this in later if the need shows up if 'N2K' in row.get('Product ID'): opticcount = '' combineddatadict['Optic Count'] = opticcount ## Get optic type if optic count is 1 optictype = '' if all(x == opttypetemp[0] for x in opttypetemp) and opttypetemp != []: optdesc = opttypetemp[0] # 10GB optics if 'SR' in optdesc or 'LX4' in optdesc: optictype = 'Multimode 10GB' if 'LR' in optdesc or 'ER' in optdesc or 'ZR' in optdesc or 'BX' in optdesc: optictype = 'Singlemode 10GB' if 'LRM' in optdesc: optictype = 'LRM 10GB' if 'CU' in optdesc or 'AOC' in optdesc or 'CX4' in optdesc: optictype = 'Direct Attach Copper 10GB' # 1GB optics if 'SX' in optdesc: optictype = 'Multimode 1GB' if 'LX' in optdesc or 'EX' in optdesc or 'ZX' in optdesc: optictype = 'Singlemode 1GB' if '-T' or 'GE' in optdesc: optictype = 'Copper' if optictype == '': optictype = 'Unknown' elif opticcount == 0: optictype = 'Copper' else: optictype = 'Multiple' combineddatadict['Optic Type'] = optictype # End of report, add to list combineddatalist.append(combineddatadict) # Start Report wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'Network-Summary.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = ws1.title = "Network Summary" ws1.append([ 'Hostname', 'Product ID', 'Serial Number', 'Stack Number', 'POE Used', 'POE AP', 'POE Phone', 'POE Misc', 'PS Count', 'Optic Count', 'Optic Type', 'License', 'Manufacture Date', 'Version', 'Description' ]) # Continue on with work startrow = 2 for row in combineddatalist: # Add to workbook ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Product ID') ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Serial Number') ws1['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Stack Number') ws1['E' + str(startrow)] = row.get('POE Used') ws1['F' + str(startrow)] = row.get('APs') ws1['G' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Phones') ws1['H' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Other POE') ws1['I' + str(startrow)] = row.get('PS Count') ws1['J' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Optic Count') ws1['K' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Optic Type') ws1['L' + str(startrow)] = row.get('License') ws1['M' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Manufacture Date') ws1['N' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Version') ws1['O' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Description') startrow = startrow + 1 wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save File try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: # Tab 1 excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('Device Inventory') ws.Range('A2:M50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:M1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created Network Summary Report'
def poereport(poeinterfacelist, exportlocation): wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'POE-Report.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = # Continue on with work ws1.title = "POE Interfaces" ws1.append([ 'Hostname', 'Interface', 'Admin Status', 'Operational Status', 'Power Usage', 'Device Name', 'Device Class', 'Max POE Capability' ]) startrow = 2 for row in poeinterfacelist: if not row.get('Power Usage') == '0.0': # Add to workbook ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Interface') ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Admin Status') ws1['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Up/Down') ws1['E' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Power Usage') ws1['F' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Device Name') ws1['G' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Device Class') ws1['H' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Max POE Capability') startrow = startrow + 1 wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save File try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('POE Interfaces') ws.Range('A2:H50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:H1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created POE Report'
def interfacereport(l2interfacelist, l3interfacelist, poeinterfacelist, exportlocation): wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'Interface-Report.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = # Continue on with work ws1.title = "Interface Overview" ws1.append(['Hostname', '100Mb', '1Gb', '10gb', '40gb', '100gb', 'POE']) startrow = 2 # Populate Device Names l2devicenames = [] for row in l2interfacelist: dupdetect = 0 for device in l2devicenames: if row.get('Hostname') == device: dupdetect = 1 if dupdetect == 0: l2devicenames.append(row.get('Hostname')) # Count Interfaces for row in l2devicenames: int_hostname = row faint = 0 geint = 0 tengeint = 0 fortygeint = 0 hundredgeint = 0 poeint = 0 for subrow in l2interfacelist: if '100BaseTX' in subrow.get( 'Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get('Hostname'): faint = faint + 1 if '1000BaseTX' in subrow.get( 'Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get('Hostname'): geint = geint + 1 if '10000BaseTX' in subrow.get( 'Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get('Hostname'): tengeint = tengeint + 1 if '10/40GB' in subrow.get('Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get( 'Hostname'): fortygeint = fortygeint + 1 if '10/25/50/100' in subrow.get( 'Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get('Hostname'): hundredgeint = hundredgeint + 1 if '10G' in subrow.get('Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get( 'Hostname'): tengeint = tengeint + 1 if '10/40/100' in subrow.get( 'Type') and int_hostname == subrow.get('Hostname'): hundredgeint = hundredgeint + 1 for subrow1 in poeinterfacelist: if subrow1.get('Hostname') == int_hostname and subrow.get( 'Hostname') == int_hostname: if subrow.get('Interface') == subrow1.get( 'Interface') and Decimal( subrow1.get('Power Usage')) > 0: poeint = poeint + 1 # Get Hostname and populate ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = int_hostname ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = faint ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = geint ws1['D' + str(startrow)] = tengeint ws1['E' + str(startrow)] = fortygeint ws1['F' + str(startrow)] = hundredgeint ws1['G' + str(startrow)] = poeint startrow = startrow + 1 try: ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title="L2 Interfaces") # Continue on with work ws2.append([ 'Hostname', 'Interface', 'Type', 'Status', 'Speed', 'Duplex', 'VLAN', 'POE' ]) startrow = 2 for row in l2interfacelist: # Get POE interfaces and combine for subrow in poeinterfacelist: if row.get('Interface') == subrow.get('Interface') and Decimal( subrow.get('Power Usage')) > 0 and row.get( 'Hostname') == subrow.get('Hostname'): poeint = 'Yes' else: poeint = 'No' ws2['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws2['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Interface') ws2['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Type') ws2['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Status') ws2['E' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Speed') ws2['F' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Duplex') ws2['G' + str(startrow)] = row.get('VLAN').encode('utf-8') ws2['H' + str(startrow)] = poeint startrow = startrow + 1 except Exception as e: print 'Error creating L2 Interface Report. Error is ' + str(e) try: ws3 = wb.create_sheet(title="L3 Interfaces") # Continue on with work ws3.append(['Hostname', 'Interface', 'IP Address']) startrow = 2 for row in l3interfacelist: if not 'unassigned' in row.get('IP Address').lower(): ws3['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws3['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Interface') ws3['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('IP Address') startrow = startrow + 1 except Exception as e: print 'Error creating L3 Interface Report. Error is ' + str(e) wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' for cell in ws2["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' for cell in ws3["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width for col in ws2.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws2.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width for col in ws3.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws3.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save File try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: # Tab 1 excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('Interface Overview') ws.Range('A2:G50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:G1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() # Tab 2 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('L2 Interfaces') ws.Range('A2:H50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:H1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() # Tab 3 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('L3 Interfaces') ws.Range('A2:C50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:C1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created Interface Report'
def arpmacreport(iparptablelist, ipmactablelist, mactablelist, exportlocation): tempfilelist = [] maclookupdburl = "" wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'ARP-MAC-Report.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = # Continue on with work ws1.title = "ARP Report" ws1.append([ 'IP Address', 'MAC', 'Manufacturer', 'Source Device', 'Interface', 'MAC Count on Interface' ]) # Create ARP report by looking for closest hop interface skiparpreport = 0 # Preload MAC DB try: maclookupdb = [] maclookupfilename = 'oui.txt' maclookupdbo = os.path.join(macdbpath, maclookupfilename) with open(maclookupdbo, 'r') as maclookupdbop: maclookupdb_unfiltered = maclookupdbop.readlines() for line in maclookupdb_unfiltered: if 'hex' in line: maclookupdb_dict = {} maclookupreg ='(\S+)\s+\S+\s+(.*)', line) macwithouthiphens ='-', '') maclookupdb_dict['mac'] = macwithouthiphens maclookupdb_dict['company'] = maclookupdb.append(maclookupdb_dict) skipmac = 0 except Exception as e: skipmac = 1 print 'Could not load MAC database. Error is ' + str(e) # Start processing data for row in ipmactablelist: tempdict = {} if row.get('IP Address') == 'Incomplete': continue tempdict['IP Address'] = row.get('IP Address') tempdict['MAC'] = row.get('MAC') maccompany = '' mac_company_mac = str(row.get('MAC')[0:7].replace('.', '')).upper() # Get a vendor mac address and add to the table try: macsearch = filter(lambda x: x['mac'] == mac_company_mac, maclookupdb) if macsearch == []: maccompany = 'Unknown' else: for dict in macsearch: maccompany = dict['company'] except: maccompany = 'Unknown' tempdict['MAC Manufacturer'] = maccompany if '-' in row.get('Age'): tempdict['Source Device'] = row.get('Hostname') tempdict['Interface'] = row.get('Interface') tempdict['MAC Count on Interface'] = 1 else: macint = '' machost = '' # Find the lowest count interface in the list that matches the mac address maccount = 100000 for temprow in mactablelist: if temprow.get('Count') <= maccount and temprow.get( 'MAC') == row.get('MAC'): maccount = temprow.get('Count') macint = temprow.get('Interface') machost = temprow.get('Hostname') # Bug Fix - If it could not calculate, give the number a non-integer unknown if maccount == 100000: maccount = 'Unknown' tempdict['Source Device'] = machost tempdict['Interface'] = macint tempdict['MAC Count on Interface'] = maccount iparptablelist.append(tempdict) # Create the actual ARP report startrow = 2 for row in iparptablelist: ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('IP Address') ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('MAC') ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('MAC Manufacturer') ws1['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Source Device') ws1['E' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Interface') ws1['F' + str(startrow)] = row.get('MAC Count on Interface') startrow = startrow + 1 # Change worksheet ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title="MAC Report") # Continue on with work ws2.append(['Hostname', 'MAC', 'Manufacturer', 'VLAN', 'Interface']) startrow = 2 for row in mactablelist: # Get Manufacturer of MAC maccompany = '' mac_company_mac = str(row.get('MAC')[0:7].replace('.', '')).upper() # Get a vendor mac address and add to the table try: macsearch = filter(lambda x: x['mac'] == mac_company_mac, maclookupdb) if macsearch == []: maccompany = 'Unknown' else: for dict in macsearch: maccompany = dict['company'] except: maccompany = 'Unknown' # Append to Workbook ws2['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws2['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('MAC') ws2['C' + str(startrow)] = maccompany ws2['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('VLAN') ws2['E' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Interface') startrow = startrow + 1 wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' for cell in ws2["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width for col in ws2.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws2.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save workbook try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: # Tab 1 excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('ARP Report') ws.Range('A2:F50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:F1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() # Tab 2 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('MAC Report') ws.Range('A2:E50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:E1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created ARP/MAC Report' # Cleanup for file in tempfilelist: try: os.remove(file) except: pass
def fullinventoryreport(fullinventorylist, exportlocation): # Start Report wb = Workbook() dest_filename = 'Full-Inventory.xlsx' dest_path = exportlocation + '\\' + dest_filename ws1 = ws1.title = "Device Inventory" ws1.append([ 'Hostname', 'Product ID', 'Serial Number', 'Stack Number', 'Manufacture Date', 'Version', 'Description' ]) # Continue on with work startrow = 2 for row in fullinventorylist: if row.get('Description').lower().endswith( 'chassis') == True or 'k9' in row.get('Description').lower(): # Attempt to find the age of the device try: age_base = 1996 age_year = int(row.get('Serial Number')[3:5]) age_week = (row.get('Serial Number')[5:7]) age_year_manufactured = age_base + age_year age_manufactured = datetime.datetime.strptime( str(age_year_manufactured) + '-W' + age_week.encode('utf-8') + '-0', '%Y-W%W-%w') age_manufactured = '{:%B %d, %Y}'.format(age_manufactured) except: age_manufactured = '' # Add to workbook ws1['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws1['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Product ID') ws1['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Serial Number') ws1['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Stack Number') ws1['E' + str(startrow)] = age_manufactured ws1['F' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Version') ws1['G' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Description') startrow = startrow + 1 # Start Secondary Tab ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title="Module Inventory") # Continue on with work ws2.append(['Hostname', 'Product ID', 'Serial Number', 'Description']) startrow = 2 for row in fullinventorylist: ws2['A' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Hostname') ws2['B' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Product ID') ws2['C' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Serial Number') ws2['D' + str(startrow)] = row.get('Description') startrow = startrow + 1 wb.add_named_style(HeaderStyle) # Set styles on header row for cell in ws1["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' for cell in ws2["1:1"]: = 'BoldHeader' # Set Column Width for col in ws1.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws1.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width for col in ws2.columns: max_length = 0 column = col[0].column # Get the column name for cell in col: try: # Necessary to avoid error on empty cells if len(str(cell.value)) > max_length: max_length = len(cell.value) except: pass adjusted_width = (max_length + 2) * 1.2 ws2.column_dimensions[column].width = adjusted_width # Save File try: except: print 'Error creating the report: ' + dest_path + '. File might be currently in use.' return # Sorting try: # Tab 1 excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application") wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('Device Inventory') ws.Range('A2:G50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:G1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() # Tab 2 wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(dest_path) ws = wb.Worksheets('Module Inventory') ws.Range('A2:D50000').Sort(Key1=ws.Range('A1'), Order1=1, Orientation=1) ws.Range('A1:D1').AutoFilter(1) wb.Save() excel.Application.Quit() except: # Throw no error pass print 'Successfully created Full Inventory Report'