コード例 #1
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def gen_rupture_getters(dstore, slc=slice(None),
                        concurrent_tasks=1, hdf5cache=None):
    :yields: RuptureGetters
    if dstore.parent:
        dstore = dstore.parent
    csm_info = dstore['csm_info']
    trt_by_grp = csm_info.grp_by("trt")
    samples = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
    rlzs_by_gsim = csm_info.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp()
    rup_array = dstore['ruptures'][slc]
    maxweight = numpy.ceil(len(rup_array) / (concurrent_tasks or 1))
    nr, ne, first_event = 0, 0, 0
    for grp_id, arr in general.group_array(rup_array, 'grp_id').items():
        if not rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]:
            # this may happen if a source model has no sources, like
            # in event_based_risk/case_3
        for block in general.block_splitter(arr, maxweight):
            rgetter = RuptureGetter(
                hdf5cache or dstore.filename, numpy.array(block), grp_id,
                trt_by_grp[grp_id], samples[grp_id], rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id],
            rgetter.weight = getattr(block, 'weight', len(block))
            first_event += rgetter.num_events
            yield rgetter
            nr += len(block)
            ne += rgetter.num_events
    logging.info('Read %d ruptures and %d events', nr, ne)
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
def save_gmf_data(dstore, sitecol, gmfs, imts, events=()):
    :param dstore: a :class:`openquake.baselib.datastore.DataStore` instance
    :param sitecol: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param gmfs: an array of shape (N, E, M)
    :param imts: a list of IMT strings
    :param events: E event IDs or the empty tuple
    if len(events) == 0:
        E = gmfs.shape[1]
        events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
        events['id'] = numpy.arange(E, dtype=U64)
    dstore['events'] = events
    offset = 0
    gmfa = get_gmv_data(sitecol.sids, gmfs, events)
    dstore['gmf_data/data'] = gmfa
    dic = general.group_array(gmfa, 'sid')
    lst = []
    all_sids = sitecol.complete.sids
    for sid in all_sids:
        rows = dic.get(sid, ())
        n = len(rows)
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        offset += n
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
コード例 #3
ファイル: event_based.py プロジェクト: tahirazeem/oq-engine
def compute_gmfs_and_curves(eb_ruptures, sitecol, imts, rlzs_assoc,
                            min_iml, monitor):
    :param eb_ruptures:
        a list of blocks of EBRuptures of the same SESCollection
    :param sitecol:
        a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param imts:
        a list of IMT string
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a RlzsAssoc instance
    :param monitor:
        a Monitor instance
        a dictionary (rlzi, imt) -> [gmfarray, haz_curves]
    oq = monitor.oqparam
    # NB: by construction each block is a non-empty list with
    # ruptures of the same src_group_id
    trunc_level = oq.truncation_level
    correl_model = readinput.get_correl_model(oq)
    gmfadict = create(
        calc.GmfColl, eb_ruptures, sitecol, imts, rlzs_assoc, trunc_level,
        correl_model, min_iml, monitor).by_rlzi()
    result = {rlzi: [gmfadict[rlzi], None]
              if oq.ground_motion_fields else [None, None]
              for rlzi in gmfadict}
    if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
        with monitor('bulding hazard curves', measuremem=False):
            duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
            for rlzi in gmfadict:
                gmvs_by_sid = group_array(gmfadict[rlzi], 'sid')
                result[rlzi][POEMAP] = calc.gmvs_to_poe_map(
                    gmvs_by_sid, oq.imtls, oq.investigation_time, duration)
    return result
コード例 #4
ファイル: hazard.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-risklib
def export_gmf(ekey, dstore):
    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    investigation_time = (None if oq.calculation_mode == 'scenario'
                          else oq.investigation_time)
    samples = oq.number_of_logic_tree_samples
    fmt = ekey[-1]
    etags = dstore['etags'].value
    gmf_data = dstore['gmf_data']
    nbytes = gmf_data.attrs['nbytes']
    logging.info('Internal size of the GMFs: %s', humansize(nbytes))
    if nbytes > GMF_MAX_SIZE:
        logging.warn(GMF_WARNING, dstore.hdf5path)
    fnames = []
    for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations:
        gmf_arr = gmf_data['%04d' % rlz.ordinal].value
        ruptures = []
        for eid, gmfa in group_array(gmf_arr, 'eid').items():
            rup = util.Rupture(etags[eid], sorted(set(gmfa['sid'])))
            rup.gmfa = gmfa
        fname = build_name(dstore, rlz, 'gmf', fmt, samples)
        globals()['export_gmf_%s' % fmt](
            ('gmf', fmt), fname, sitecol, oq.imtls, ruptures, rlz,
    return fnames
コード例 #5
ファイル: hazard.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
def export_gmf(ekey, dstore):
    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if not oq.calculation_mode.startswith('scenario'):
        return []
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    investigation_time = (None if oq.calculation_mode == 'scenario'
                          else oq.investigation_time)
    fmt = ekey[-1]
    gmf_data = dstore['gmf_data']
    nbytes = gmf_data.attrs['nbytes']
    logging.info('Internal size of the GMFs: %s', humansize(nbytes))
    if nbytes > GMF_MAX_SIZE:
        logging.warning(GMF_WARNING, dstore.filename)
    data = gmf_data['data'].value
    ses_idx = 1  # for scenario only
    events = []
    for eid, gmfa in group_array(data, 'eid').items():
        rup = Event(eid, ses_idx, sorted(set(gmfa['sid'])), gmfa)
    fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', 'scenario', fmt)
    writer = hazard_writers.EventBasedGMFXMLWriter(
        fname, sm_lt_path='', gsim_lt_path='')
        GmfCollection(sitecol, oq.imtls, events, investigation_time))
    return [fname]
コード例 #6
ファイル: multi_risk.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def get_dmg_csq(crm, assets_by_site, gmf):
    :param crm: a CompositeRiskModel object
    :param assets_by_site: a list of arrays per each site
    :param gmf: a ground motion field
        an array of shape (A, L, 1, D + 1) with the number of buildings
        in each damage state for each asset and loss type
    A = sum(len(assets) for assets in assets_by_site)
    L = len(crm.loss_types)
    D = len(crm.damage_states)
    out = numpy.zeros((A, L, 1, D + 1), F32)
    for assets, gmv in zip(assets_by_site, gmf):
        group = general.group_array(assets, 'taxonomy')
        for taxonomy, assets in group.items():
            for l, loss_type in enumerate(crm.loss_types):
                # NB: risk logic trees are not yet supported in multi_risk
                [rm], [w] = crm.get_rmodels_weights(taxonomy)
                fracs = rm.scenario_damage(loss_type, assets, [gmv])
                for asset, frac in zip(assets, fracs):
                    dmg = asset['number'] * frac[0, :D]
                    csq = asset['value-' + loss_type] * frac[0, D]
                    out[asset['ordinal'], l, 0, :D] = dmg
                    out[asset['ordinal'], l, 0, D] = csq
    return out
コード例 #7
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def view_dupl_sources(token, dstore):
    Show the sources with the same ID and the truly duplicated sources
    fields = ('source_id', 'code', 'gidx1', 'gidx2', 'num_ruptures')
    dic = group_array(dstore['source_info'][fields], 'source_id')
    sameid = []
    dupl = []
    for source_id, group in dic.items():
        if len(group) > 1:  # same ID sources
            sources = []
            for rec in group:
                geom = dstore['source_geom'][rec['gidx1']:rec['gidx2']]
                src = Source(source_id, rec['code'], geom, rec['num_ruptures'])
            if all_equal(sources):
    if not dupl:
        return ''
    msg = str(dupl) + '\n'
    msg += ('Found %d source(s) with the same ID and %d true duplicate(s)'
            % (len(sameid), len(dupl)))
    fakedupl = set(sameid) - set(dupl)
    if fakedupl:
        msg += '\nHere is a fake duplicate: %s' % fakedupl.pop()
    return msg
コード例 #8
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
 def get_hazard(self, data=None):
     :param data: if given, an iterator of records of dtype gmf_dt
     :returns: sid -> records
     if data is None:
         data = self.get_gmfdata()
     return general.group_array(data, 'sid')
コード例 #9
ファイル: asset.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
 def num_taxonomies_by_site(self):
     :returns: an array with the number of assets per each site
     dic = general.group_array(self.array, 'site_id')
     num_taxonomies = numpy.zeros(self.tot_sites, U32)
     for sid, arr in dic.items():
         num_taxonomies[sid] = len(numpy.unique(arr['taxonomy']))
     return num_taxonomies
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
 def assertEventsByRlz(self, events_by_rlz):
     Check the distribution of the events by realization index
     n_events = numpy.zeros(self.calc.R, int)
     dic = general.group_array(self.calc.datastore['events'].value, 'rlz')
     for rlzi, events in dic.items():
         n_events[rlzi] = len(events)
     numpy.testing.assert_equal(n_events, events_by_rlz)
コード例 #11
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
 def __getitem__(self, sid):
     dset = self.dstore['gmf_data/data']
     idxs = self.dstore['gmf_data/indices'][sid]
     if idxs.dtype.name == 'uint32':  # scenario
         idxs = [idxs]
     elif not idxs.dtype.names:  # engine >= 3.2
         idxs = zip(*idxs)
     data = [dset[start:stop] for start, stop in idxs]
     if len(data) == 0:  # site ID with no data
         return {}
     return general.group_array(numpy.concatenate(data), 'rlzi')
コード例 #12
ファイル: hazard.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def _build_csv_data(array, rlz, sitecol, imts, investigation_time):
    # lon, lat, gmv_imt1, ..., gmv_imtN
    smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
    gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
    comment = ('smlt_path=%s, gsimlt_path=%s, investigation_time=%s' %
               (smlt_path, gsimlt_path, investigation_time))
    rows = [['lon', 'lat'] + imts]
    for sid, data in group_array(array, 'sid').items():
        row = ['%.5f' % sitecol.lons[sid], '%.5f' % sitecol.lats[sid]] + list(
    return rows, comment
コード例 #13
def build_rcurves(cb_inputs, assets, monitor):
    :param cb_inputs: triples `(cb, rlzname, data)`
    :param assets: full list of assets
    :param monitor: Monitor instance
    result = {}
    for cb, rlzname, data in cb_inputs:
        aids, curves = cb(assets, group_array(data, 'aid'))
        if len(aids):
            # strip "rlz-" from rlzname below
            result[cb.index, int(rlzname[4:])] = aids, curves
    return result
コード例 #14
def get_gmfs(dstore, precalc=None):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :param precalc: a scenario calculator with attribute .gmfa
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, [gmfs_by_imt]

    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(str(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    etags = numpy.array(sorted(b'scenario-%010d~ses=1' % i for i in range(E)))
    gmfs = numpy.zeros((len(rlzs_assoc), N, E), imt_dt)
    if precalc:
        for i, gsim in enumerate(precalc.gsims):
            for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                gmfs[imt][i, sitecol.sids] = precalc.gmfa[gsim][imti]
        return etags, gmfs

    # else read from the datastore
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/sm-0000/%04d' % i], 'sid')
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gmfs[imt][i, sid, a['eid']] = a['gmv']
    return etags, gmfs
コード例 #15
def _build_csv_data(array, rlz, sitecol, imts, investigation_time):
    # lon, lat, gmv_imt1, ..., gmv_imtN
    smlt_path = '_'.join(rlz.sm_lt_path)
    gsimlt_path = rlz.gsim_rlz.uid
    comment = ('smlt_path=%s, gsimlt_path=%s, investigation_time=%s' %
               (smlt_path, gsimlt_path, investigation_time))
    rows = [['lon', 'lat'] + imts]
    irange = range(len(imts))
    for sid, data in group_array(array, 'sid').items():
        dic = dict(zip(data['imti'], data['gmv']))
        row = ['%.5f' % sitecol.lons[sid], '%.5f' % sitecol.lats[sid]] + [
            dic.get(imti, 0) for imti in irange]
    return rows, comment
コード例 #16
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'sid': U32, 'eid': U64, None: F32}).array
    imts = [name[4:] for name in array.dtype.names[2:]]
    n_imts = len(imts)
    gmf_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
        [('rlzi', U16), ('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (n_imts,)))])
    arr = numpy.zeros(len(array), gmf_data_dt)
    col = 0
    for name in array.dtype.names:
        if name.startswith('gmv_'):
            arr['gmv'][:, col] = array[name]
            col += 1
            arr[name] = array[name]
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['id'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(arr, 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
            gmvs['eid'] = get_idxs(gmvs, eid2idx)
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', gmvs)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    sig_eps = numpy.zeros(len(eids), getters.sig_eps_dt(imts))
    sig_eps['eid'] = eids
    dstore['gmf_data/sigma_epsilon'] = sig_eps
    dstore['weights'] = numpy.ones(1)
    return eids
コード例 #17
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def view_elt(token, dstore):
    Display the event loss table averaged by event
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    R = len(dstore['csm_info'].rlzs)
    dic = group_array(dstore['losses_by_event'][()], 'rlzi')
    header = oq.loss_dt().names
    tbl = []
    for rlzi in range(R):
        if rlzi in dic:
            tbl.append([0.] * len(header))
    return rst_table(tbl, header)
コード例 #18
ファイル: calc.py プロジェクト: abdolrezat/oq-engine
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary grp_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    if 'gmfs' in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info('Reading gmfs from file')
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info('Preparing the risk input')
        return etags, {(0, 'FromFile'): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from datastore
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent['sitecol']  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = dtype((imt, F32) for imt in oq.imtls)
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(grp_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt)
            for grp_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc}
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/%04d' % i], 'sid')
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gs = str(rlz.gsim_rlz)
                    gmfs[0, gs][imt][sid, a['eid']] = a['gmv']
    etags = numpy.array(
        sorted([b'scenario-%010d~ses=1' % i
                for i in range(oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields)]))
    return etags, gmfs
コード例 #19
def export_gmf(ekey, dstore):
    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    investigation_time = (None if oq.calculation_mode == 'scenario'
                          else oq.investigation_time)
    fmt = ekey[-1]
    n_gmfs = getattr(oq, 'number_of_ground_motion_fields', None)
    if n_gmfs:
        etags = numpy.array(
            sorted([b'scenario-%010d~ses=1' % i for i in range(n_gmfs)]))
    gmf_data = dstore['gmf_data']
    nbytes = gmf_data.attrs['nbytes']
    logging.info('Internal size of the GMFs: %s', humansize(nbytes))
    if nbytes > GMF_MAX_SIZE:
        logging.warn(GMF_WARNING, dstore.hdf5path)
    fnames = []
    for sm_id, rlzs in sorted(rlzs_assoc.rlzs_by_smodel.items()):
        key = 'sm-%04d' % sm_id
        if not n_gmfs:  # event based
            events = dstore['events']
            if key not in events:  # source model producing zero ruptures
            etags = build_etags(events[key])
        for rlz in rlzs:
                gmf_arr = gmf_data['%s/%04d' % (key, rlz.ordinal)].value
            except KeyError:  # no GMFs for the given realization
            ruptures = []
            for eid, gmfa in group_array(gmf_arr, 'eid').items():
                rup = util.Rupture(sm_id, eid, etags[eid],
                rup.gmfa = gmfa
            fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', rlz, fmt)
            globals()['export_gmf_%s' % fmt](
                ('gmf', fmt), fname, sitecol, oq.imtls, ruptures, rlz,
    return fnames
コード例 #20
def make_eps(asset_array, num_samples, seed, correlation):
    :param asset_array: an array of assets
    :param int num_samples: the number of ruptures
    :param int seed: a random seed
    :param float correlation: the correlation coefficient
    :returns: epsilons matrix of shape (num_assets, num_samples)
    assets_by_taxo = group_array(asset_array, 'taxonomy')
    eps = numpy.zeros((len(asset_array), num_samples), numpy.float32)
    for taxonomy, assets in assets_by_taxo.items():
        shape = (len(assets), num_samples)
        logging.info('Building %s epsilons for taxonomy %s', shape, taxonomy)
        zeros = numpy.zeros(shape)
        epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(zeros, seed, correlation)
        for asset, epsrow in zip(assets, epsilons):
            eps[asset['ordinal']] = epsrow
    return eps
コード例 #21
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def view_assets_by_site(token, dstore):
    Display statistical information about the distribution of the assets
    taxonomies = dstore['assetcol/tagcol/taxonomy'][()]
    assets_by_site = dstore['assetcol'].assets_by_site()
    data = ['taxonomy mean stddev min max num_sites num_assets'.split()]
    num_assets = AccumDict()
    for assets in assets_by_site:
        num_assets += {k: [len(v)] for k, v in group_array(
            assets, 'taxonomy').items()}
    for taxo in sorted(num_assets):
        val = numpy.array(num_assets[taxo])
        data.append(stats(taxonomies[taxo], val, val.sum()))
    if len(num_assets) > 1:  # more than one taxonomy, add a summary
        n_assets = numpy.array([len(assets) for assets in assets_by_site])
        data.append(stats('*ALL*', n_assets, n_assets.sum()))
    return rst_table(data)
コード例 #22
def view_assets_by_site(token, dstore):
    Display statistical information about the distribution of the assets
    taxonomies = dstore['assetcol/tagcol/taxonomy'][()]
    assets_by_site = dstore['assetcol'].assets_by_site()
    data = ['taxonomy mean stddev min max num_sites num_assets'.split()]
    num_assets = AccumDict()
    for assets in assets_by_site:
        num_assets += {k: [len(v)] for k, v in group_array(
            assets, 'taxonomy').items()}
    for taxo in sorted(num_assets):
        val = numpy.array(num_assets[taxo])
        data.append(stats(taxonomies[taxo], val, val.sum()))
    if len(num_assets) > 1:  # more than one taxonomy, add a summary
        n_assets = numpy.array([len(assets) for assets in assets_by_site])
        data.append(stats('*ALL*', n_assets, n_assets.sum()))
    return rst_table(data)
コード例 #23
ファイル: readinput.py プロジェクト: j-gaspar/oq-engine
def get_amplification(oqparam):
    :returns: a composite array (amplification, param, imt0, imt1, ...)
    fname = oqparam.inputs['amplification']
    aw = hdf5.read_csv(fname, {'ampcode': site.ampcode_dt, None: F64})
    aw.fname = fname
    imls = ()
    if 'level' in aw.dtype.names:
        for records in group_array(aw, 'ampcode').values():
            if len(imls) == 0:
                imls = numpy.sort(records['level'])
            elif len(records['level']) != len(imls) or (records['level'] !=
                raise InvalidFile(
                    '%s: levels for %s %s instead of %s' %
                    (fname, records['ampcode'][0], records['level'], imls))
    return aw
コード例 #24
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: catarinaqmcosta/oq-engine
def view_portfolio_loss(token, dstore):
    The loss for the full portfolio, for each realization and loss type,
    extracted from the event loss table.
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    loss_dt = oq.loss_dt()
    R = dstore['csm_info'].get_num_rlzs()
    by_rlzi = group_array(dstore['losses_by_event'].value, 'rlzi')
    data = numpy.zeros(R, loss_dt)
    rlzids = [str(r) for r in range(R)]
    for r in range(R):
        loss = by_rlzi[r]['loss'].sum(axis=0)
        for l, lt in enumerate(loss_dt.names):
            data[r][lt] = loss[l]
    array = util.compose_arrays(numpy.array(rlzids), data, 'rlz')
    # this is very sensitive to rounding errors, so I am using a low precision
    return rst_table(array, fmt='%.5E')
コード例 #25
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     # TODO: this is called more times than needed, maybe we should cache it
     sg_data = group_array(dic['sg_data'], 'sm_id')
     sm_data = dic['sm_data']
     self.gsim_fname = decode(self.gsim_fname)
     if self.gsim_fname.endswith('.xml'):
         trts = sorted(self.trts)
         if 'gmpe_table' in self.gsim_lt_xml:
             # the canadian gsims depends on external files which are not
             # in the datastore; I am storing the path to the original
             # file so that the external files can be found; unfortunately,
             # this means that copying the datastore on a different machine
             # and exporting from there works only if the gsim_fname and all
             # the external files are copied in the exact same place
             self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(self.gsim_fname, trts)
             # regular case: read the logic tree from self.gsim_lt_xml,
             # so that you do not need to copy anything except the datastore
             tmp = writetmp(self.gsim_lt_xml, suffix='.xml')
             self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(tmp, trts)
     else:  # fake file with the name of the GSIM
         self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(self.gsim_fname)
     self.source_models = []
     for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data):
         tdata = sg_data[sm_id]
         srcgroups = [
             for grp_id, trti, effrup, sm_id in tdata if effrup
         path = tuple(str(decode(rec['path'])).split('_'))
         trts = set(sg.trt for sg in srcgroups)
         num_gsim_paths = self.gsim_lt.reduce(trts).get_num_paths()
         sm = logictree.SourceModel(rec['name'], rec['weight'], path,
                                    srcgroups, num_gsim_paths, sm_id,
         os.remove(tmp)  # gsim_lt file
     except NameError:  # tmp is defined only in the regular case, see above
コード例 #26
 def postproc(self):
     Build aggregate loss curves in process
     dstore = self.datastore
     self.before_export()  # set 'realizations'
     oq = self.oqparam
     stats = self.param['stats']
     # store avg_losses-stats
     if oq.avg_losses:
         set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'avg_losses')
         b = self.param['builder']
     except KeyError:  # don't build auxiliary tables
     if dstore.parent:
         dstore.parent.open('r')  # to read the ruptures
     logging.info('Building loss tables')
     logging.info('Building aggregate loss curves')
     with self.monitor('building agg_curves', measuremem=True):
         lbr = group_array(dstore['losses_by_event'][()], 'rlzi')
         dic = {r: arr['loss'] for r, arr in lbr.items()}
         array, arr_stats = b.build(dic, stats)
     loss_types = oq.loss_dt().names
     units = self.datastore['cost_calculator'].get_units(loss_types)
     if oq.individual_curves or self.R == 1:
         self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'] = array  # shape (P, R, L)
             shape_descr=['return_periods', 'rlzs', 'loss_types'],
     if arr_stats is not None:
         self.datastore['agg_curves-stats'] = arr_stats  # shape (P, S, L)
             shape_descr=['return_periods', 'stats', 'loss_types'],
             stats=[encode(name) for (name, func) in stats],
コード例 #27
def export_gmf(ekey, dstore):
    :param ekey: export key, i.e. a pair (datastore key, fmt)
    :param dstore: datastore object
    sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    investigation_time = (None if oq.calculation_mode == 'scenario' else
    fmt = ekey[-1]
    gmf_data = dstore['gmf_data']
    nbytes = gmf_data.attrs['nbytes']
    logging.info('Internal size of the GMFs: %s', humansize(nbytes))
    if nbytes > GMF_MAX_SIZE:
        logging.warn(GMF_WARNING, dstore.hdf5path)
    fnames = []
    ruptures_by_rlz = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for grp_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc:
        key = 'grp-%02d' % grp_id
            events = dstore['events/' + key]
        except KeyError:  # source model producing zero ruptures
        eventdict = dict(zip(events['eid'], events))
            data = gmf_data['%s/%s' % (key, gsim)].value
        except KeyError:  # no GMFs for the given realization
        for rlzi, rlz in enumerate(rlzs_assoc[grp_id, gsim]):
            ruptures = ruptures_by_rlz[rlz]
            gmf_arr = get_array(data, rlzi=rlzi)
            for eid, gmfa in group_array(gmf_arr, 'eid').items():
                ses_idx = eventdict[eid]['ses']
                rup = Rup(eid, ses_idx, sorted(set(gmfa['sid'])), gmfa)
    for rlz in sorted(ruptures_by_rlz):
        fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', rlz, fmt)
        globals()['export_gmf_%s' % fmt](('gmf', fmt), fname, sitecol,
                                         oq.imtls, ruptures_by_rlz[rlz], rlz,
    return fnames
コード例 #28
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: ozkankale/oq-engine
def gen_rupture_getters(dstore, srcfilter, ct):
    :param dstore: a :class:`openquake.baselib.datastore.DataStore`
    :param srcfilter: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.calc.filters.SourceFilter`
    :param ct: number of concurrent tasks
    :yields: filtered RuptureGetters
    full_lt = dstore['full_lt']
    trt_by_grp = full_lt.trt_by_grp
    samples = full_lt.get_samples_by_grp()
    rlzs_by_gsim = full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp()
    rup_array = dstore['ruptures'][()]
    items = list(general.group_array(rup_array, 'grp_id').items())
    items.sort(key=lambda item: len(item[1]))  # other weights were much worse
    maxweight = None
    while items:
        grp_id, rups = items.pop()  # from the largest group
        if not rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]:
            # this may happen if a source model has no sources, like
            # in event_based_risk/case_3
        trt = trt_by_grp[grp_id]
        proxies = list(_gen(rups, srcfilter, trt, samples[grp_id]))
        if len(proxies) == 1:  # split by gsim
            offset = 0
            for gsim, rlzs in rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id].items():
                rgetter = RuptureGetter(
                    proxies, dstore.filename, grp_id,
                    trt, samples[grp_id], {gsim: rlzs})
                rgetter.offset = offset
                offset += rgetter.num_events
                yield rgetter
        else:  # split by block
            if not maxweight:
                maxweight = sum(p.weight for p in proxies) / (ct // 2 or 1)
            blocks = list(general.block_splitter(
                proxies, maxweight, operator.attrgetter('weight')))
            logging.info('Group %d: %d ruptures -> %d task(s)',
                         grp_id, len(rups), len(blocks))
            for block in blocks:
                rgetter = RuptureGetter(
                    block, dstore.filename, grp_id,
                    trt, samples[grp_id], rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id])
                yield rgetter
コード例 #29
 def postproc(self):
     Build aggregate loss curves in process
     dstore = self.datastore
     self.before_export()  # set 'realizations'
     oq = self.oqparam
     stats = self.param['stats']
     # store avg_losses-stats
     if oq.avg_losses:
         set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'avg_losses')
         b = self.param['builder']
     except KeyError:  # don't build auxiliary tables
     if dstore.parent:
         dstore.parent.open('r')  # to read the ruptures
     if 'ruptures' in self.datastore and len(self.datastore['ruptures']):
         logging.info('Building loss tables')
         with self.monitor('building loss tables', measuremem=True):
             rlt, lbr = build_loss_tables(dstore)
             dstore['rup_loss_table'] = rlt
             dstore['losses_by_rlzi'] = lbr
             ridx = [rlt[:, lti].argmax() for lti in range(self.L)]
             dstore.set_attrs('rup_loss_table', ridx=ridx)
     logging.info('Building aggregate loss curves')
     with self.monitor('building agg_curves', measuremem=True):
         lbr = group_array(dstore['losses_by_event'][()], 'rlzi')
         dic = {r: arr['loss'] for r, arr in lbr.items()}
         array, arr_stats = b.build(dic, stats)
     loss_types = ' '.join(oq.loss_dt().names)
     units = self.datastore['cost_calculator'].get_units(loss_types.split())
     if oq.individual_curves or self.R == 1:
         self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'] = array
             loss_types=loss_types, units=units)
     if arr_stats is not None:
         self.datastore['agg_curves-stats'] = arr_stats
             'agg_curves-stats', return_periods=b.return_periods,
             stats=[encode(name) for (name, func) in stats],
             loss_types=loss_types, units=units)
コード例 #30
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-risklib
def get_gmfs(dstore):
    :param dstore: a datastore
    :returns: a dictionary trt_id, gsid -> gmfa
    oq = dstore["oqparam"]
    if "gmfs" in oq.inputs:  # from file
        logging.info("Reading gmfs from file")
        sitecol, etags, gmfs_by_imt = readinput.get_gmfs(oq)

        # reduce the gmfs matrices to the filtered sites
        for imt in oq.imtls:
            gmfs_by_imt[imt] = gmfs_by_imt[imt][sitecol.indices]

        logging.info("Preparing the risk input")
        return etags, {(0, "FromFile"): gmfs_by_imt}

    # else from datastore
    rlzs_assoc = dstore["csm_info"].get_rlzs_assoc()
    rlzs = rlzs_assoc.realizations
    sitecol = dstore["sitecol"]
    # NB: if the hazard site collection has N sites, the hazard
    # filtered site collection for the nonzero GMFs has N' <= N sites
    # whereas the risk site collection associated to the assets
    # has N'' <= N' sites
    if dstore.parent:
        haz_sitecol = dstore.parent["sitecol"]  # N' values
        haz_sitecol = sitecol
    risk_indices = set(sitecol.indices)  # N'' values
    N = len(haz_sitecol.complete)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(bytes(imt), F32) for imt in oq.imtls])
    E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
    # build a matrix N x E for each GSIM realization
    gmfs = {(trt_id, gsim): numpy.zeros((N, E), imt_dt) for trt_id, gsim in rlzs_assoc}
    for i, rlz in enumerate(rlzs):
        data = general.group_array(dstore["gmf_data/%04d" % i], "sid")
        for sid, array in data.items():
            if sid in risk_indices:
                for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                    a = general.get_array(array, imti=imti)
                    gs = str(rlz.gsim_rlz)
                    gmfs[0, gs][imt][sid, a["eid"]] = a["gmv"]
    return dstore["etags"].value, gmfs
コード例 #31
ファイル: rupture.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-hazardlib
 def export(self, mesh, sm_by_grp):
     Yield :class:`Rupture` objects, with all the
     attributes set, suitable for export in XML format.
     rupture = self.rupture
     events_by_ses = general.group_array(self.events, 'ses')
     new = ExportedRupture(self.serial, events_by_ses, self.sids)
     new.mesh = mesh[self.sids]
     new.multiplicity = self.multiplicity
     if isinstance(rupture.surface, geo.ComplexFaultSurface):
         new.typology = 'complexFaultsurface'
     elif isinstance(rupture.surface, geo.SimpleFaultSurface):
         new.typology = 'simpleFaultsurface'
     elif isinstance(rupture.surface, geo.GriddedSurface):
         new.typology = 'griddedRupture'
     elif isinstance(rupture.surface, geo.MultiSurface):
         new.typology = 'multiPlanesRupture'
         new.typology = 'singlePlaneRupture'
     new.is_from_fault_source = iffs = isinstance(
         rupture.surface, (geo.ComplexFaultSurface,
     new.is_multi_surface = ims = isinstance(
         rupture.surface, geo.MultiSurface)
     new.lons, new.lats, new.depths = get_geom(
         rupture.surface, iffs, ims)
     new.surface = rupture.surface
     new.strike = rupture.surface.get_strike()
     new.dip = rupture.surface.get_dip()
     new.rake = rupture.rake
     new.hypocenter = rupture.hypocenter
     new.tectonic_region_type = rupture.tectonic_region_type
     new.magnitude = new.mag = rupture.mag
     new.top_left_corner = None if iffs or ims else (
         new.lons[0], new.lats[0], new.depths[0])
     new.top_right_corner = None if iffs or ims else (
         new.lons[1], new.lats[1], new.depths[1])
     new.bottom_left_corner = None if iffs or ims else (
         new.lons[2], new.lats[2], new.depths[2])
     new.bottom_right_corner = None if iffs or ims else (
         new.lons[3], new.lats[3], new.depths[3])
     return new
コード例 #32
 def export_all(self):
     fnames = []
     imts = list(self.oq.imtls)
     for sm_id in self.dstore['gmf_data']:
         events = self.dstore['events/' + sm_id]
         etag = dict(zip(range(len(events)), build_etags(events)))
         for rlzno in self.dstore['gmf_data/' + sm_id]:
             rlz = self.rlzs[int(rlzno)]
             gmf = self.dstore['gmf_data/%s/%s' % (sm_id, rlzno)].value
             for eid, array in group_array(gmf, 'eid').items():
                 data, comment = _build_csv_data(
                     array, rlz, self.sitecol,
                     imts, self.oq.investigation_time)
                 fname = self.dstore.build_fname(
                     'gmf', '%s-rlz-%03d' % (etag[eid], rlz.ordinal), 'csv')
                 logging.info('Exporting %s', fname)
                 writers.write_csv(fname, data, comment=comment)
     return fnames
コード例 #33
ファイル: source.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-risklib
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     tm_data = group_array(dic['tm_data'], 'sm_id')
     sm_data = dic['sm_data']
     self.source_models = []
     for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data):
         tdata = tm_data[sm_id]
         trtmodels = [
             TrtModel(self.trts[trti], id=trt_id, eff_ruptures=effrup)
             for trt_id, trti, effrup, sm_id in tdata if effrup > 0]
         path = tuple(rec['path'].split('_'))
         trts = set(tm.trt for tm in trtmodels)
         if self.gsim_fname.endswith('.xml'):
             gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(self.gsim_fname, trts)
         else:  # fake file with the name of the GSIM
             gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(self.gsim_fname)
         sm = SourceModel(rec['name'], rec['weight'], path, trtmodels,
                          gsim_lt, sm_id, rec['samples'])
コード例 #34
def gen_rgetters(dstore, slc=slice(None), erf=False):
    :yields: unfiltered RuptureGetters
    full_lt = dstore['full_lt']
    trt_by_grp = full_lt.trt_by_grp
    samples = full_lt.get_samples_by_grp()
    rlzs_by_gsim = full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp()
    rup_array = dstore['rup'][slc] if erf else dstore['ruptures'][slc]
    nr = len(dstore['rup']) if erf else len(dstore['ruptures'])
    for grp_id, arr in general.group_array(rup_array, 'grp_id').items():
        if not rlzs_by_gsim.get(grp_id, []):  # the model has no sources
        for block in general.split_in_blocks(arr, len(arr) / nr):
            rgetter = RuptureGetter([RuptureProxy(rec)
                                     for rec in block], dstore.filename,
                                    grp_id, trt_by_grp[grp_id],
                                    samples[grp_id], rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id])
            yield rgetter
コード例 #35
def get_assets_by_taxo(assets, tempname=None):
    :param assets: an array of assets
    :param tempname: hdf5 file where the epsilons are (or None)
    :returns: assets_by_taxo with attributes eps and idxs
    assets_by_taxo = AccumDict(group_array(assets, 'taxonomy'))
    assets_by_taxo.idxs = numpy.argsort(
        numpy.concatenate([a['ordinal'] for a in assets_by_taxo.values()]))
    assets_by_taxo.eps = {}
    if tempname is None:  # no epsilons
        return assets_by_taxo
    # otherwise read the epsilons and group them by taxonomy
    with hdf5.File(tempname, 'r') as h5:
        dset = h5['epsilon_matrix']
        for taxo, assets in assets_by_taxo.items():
            lst = [dset[aid] for aid in assets['ordinal']]
            assets_by_taxo.eps[taxo] = numpy.array(lst)
    return assets_by_taxo
コード例 #36
 def __init__(self, imtls, ampl_funcs, amplevels=None):
     fname = getattr(ampl_funcs, 'fname', None)
     self.imtls = imtls
     self.periods, levels = check_same_levels(imtls)
     self.amplevels = levels if amplevels is None else amplevels
     self.midlevels = numpy.diff(levels) / 2 + levels[:-1]  # mid levels
     self.vs30_ref = ampl_funcs.vs30_ref
     has_levels = 'level' in ampl_funcs.dtype.names
     if has_levels:
         self.imls = imls = numpy.array(sorted(set(ampl_funcs['level'])))
         check_unique(ampl_funcs.array, ['ampcode', 'level'], fname)
         self.imls = imls = ()
         check_unique(ampl_funcs.array, ['ampcode'], fname)
     cols = (ampl_funcs.dtype.names[2:] if has_levels
             else ampl_funcs.dtype.names[1:])
     imts = [from_string(imt) for imt in cols
             if not imt.startswith('sigma_')]
     m_indices = digitize(
         'period', self.periods, [imt.period for imt in imts])
     if len(imls) <= 1:  # 1 level means same values for all levels
         l_indices = [0]
         l_indices = digitize('level', self.midlevels, imls)
     L = len(l_indices)
     self.imtdict = {imt: str(imts[m]) for m, imt in zip(m_indices, imtls)}
     self.alpha = {}  # code, imt -> alphas
     self.sigma = {}  # code, imt -> sigmas
     self.ampcodes = []
     for code, arr in group_array(ampl_funcs, 'ampcode').items():
         for m in set(m_indices):
             im = str(imts[m])
             self.alpha[code, im] = alpha = numpy.zeros(L)
             self.sigma[code, im] = sigma = numpy.zeros(L)
             idx = 0
             for rec in arr[l_indices]:
                 alpha[idx] = rec[im]
                     sigma[idx] = rec['sigma_' + im]
                 except ValueError:  # missing sigma
                 idx += 1
コード例 #37
def export_gmf_data_csv(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
    if 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode:
        imtls = dstore['oqparam'].imtls
        gsims = [str(rlz.gsim_rlz) for rlz in rlzs_assoc.realizations]
        n_gmfs = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
        fields = ['%03d' % i for i in range(n_gmfs)]
        dt = numpy.dtype([(f, F32) for f in fields])
        etags, gmfs_ = calc.get_gmfs(dstore)
        sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
        writer = writers.CsvWriter(fmt='%.5f')
        for gsim, gmfa in zip(gsims, gmfs_):  # gmfa of shape (N, I, E)
            for imti, imt in enumerate(imtls):
                gmfs = numpy.zeros(len(gmfa), dt)
                for e, event in enumerate(dt.names):
                    gmfs[event] = gmfa[:, imti, e]
                dest = dstore.build_fname('gmf', '%s-%s' % (gsim, imt), 'csv')
                data = util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, gmfs)
                writer.save(data, dest)
        return writer.getsaved()
    else:  # event based
        eid = int(ekey[0].split('/')[1]) if '/' in ekey[0] else None
        gmfa = numpy.fromiter(
            GmfDataGetter.gen_gmfs(dstore['gmf_data'], rlzs_assoc, eid),
        if eid is None:  # new format
            fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', 'data', 'csv')
            gmfa.sort(order=['rlzi', 'sid', 'eid', 'imti'])
            writers.write_csv(fname, gmfa)
            return [fname]
        # old format for single eid
        fnames = []
        imts = list(oq.imtls)
        for rlzi, array in group_array(gmfa, 'rlzi').items():
            rlz = rlzs_assoc.realizations[rlzi]
            data, comment = _build_csv_data(array, rlz, dstore['sitecol'],
                                            imts, oq.investigation_time)
            fname = dstore.build_fname('gmf', '%d-rlz-%03d' % (eid, rlzi),
            writers.write_csv(fname, data, comment=comment)
        return fnames
コード例 #38
ファイル: riskinput.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def get_assets_by_taxo(assets, epspath=None):
    :param assets: an array of assets
    :param epspath: hdf5 file where the epsilons are (or None)
    :returns: assets_by_taxo with attributes eps and idxs
    assets_by_taxo = AccumDict(group_array(assets, 'taxonomy'))
    assets_by_taxo.idxs = numpy.argsort(numpy.concatenate([
        a['ordinal'] for a in assets_by_taxo.values()]))
    assets_by_taxo.eps = {}
    if epspath is None:  # no epsilons
        return assets_by_taxo
    # otherwise read the epsilons and group them by taxonomy
    with hdf5.File(epspath, 'r') as h5:
        dset = h5['epsilon_matrix']
        for taxo, assets in assets_by_taxo.items():
            lst = [dset[aid] for aid in assets['ordinal']]
            assets_by_taxo.eps[taxo] = numpy.array(lst)
    return assets_by_taxo
コード例 #39
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: maswiet/oq-engine
 def compute_gmfs_curves(self, monitor):
     :returns: a dict with keys gmfdata, indices, hcurves
     oq = self.oqparam
     with monitor('GmfGetter.init', measuremem=True):
     hcurves = {}  # key -> poes
     if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
         hc_mon = monitor('building hazard curves', measuremem=False)
         duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
         with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
             gmfdata = self.get_gmfdata()  # returned later
             hazard = self.get_hazard(data=gmfdata)
         for sid, hazardr in hazard.items():
             dic = general.group_array(hazardr, 'rlzi')
             for rlzi, array in dic.items():
                 with hc_mon:
                     gmvs = array['gmv']
                     for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                         poes = _gmvs_to_haz_curve(gmvs[:, imti],
                         hcurves[rsi2str(rlzi, sid, imt)] = poes
     elif oq.ground_motion_fields:  # fast lane
         with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
             gmfdata = self.get_gmfdata()
         return {}
     indices = []
     gmfdata.sort(order=('sid', 'rlzi', 'eid'))
     start = stop = 0
     for sid, rows in itertools.groupby(gmfdata['sid']):
         for row in rows:
             stop += 1
         indices.append((sid, start, stop))
         start = stop
     res = dict(gmfdata=gmfdata,
                indices=numpy.array(indices, (U32, 3)))
     return res
コード例 #40
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = writers.read_composite_array(fname).array
    # has header rlzi, sid, eid, gmv_PGA, ...
    imts = [name[4:] for name in array.dtype.names[3:]]
    n_imts = len(imts)
    gmf_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
        [('rlzi', U16), ('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (n_imts,)))])
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['id'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(array.view(gmf_data_dt), 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
            gmvs['eid'] = get_idxs(gmvs, eid2idx)
            gmvs['rlzi'] = 0   # effectively there is only 1 realization
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', gmvs)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
    sig_eps_dt = [('eid', U64), ('sig', (F32, n_imts)), ('eps', (F32, n_imts))]
    dstore['gmf_data/sigma_epsilon'] = numpy.zeros(0, sig_eps_dt)
    dstore['weights'] = numpy.ones(1)
    return eids
コード例 #41
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: gem/oq-engine
 def compute_gmfs_curves(self, monitor):
     :returns: a dict with keys gmfdata, indices, hcurves
     oq = self.oqparam
     with monitor('GmfGetter.init', measuremem=True):
     hcurves = {}  # key -> poes
     if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
         hc_mon = monitor('building hazard curves', measuremem=False)
         with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
             gmfdata = self.get_gmfdata()  # returned later
             hazard = self.get_hazard(data=gmfdata)
         for sid, hazardr in hazard.items():
             dic = general.group_array(hazardr, 'rlzi')
             for rlzi, array in dic.items():
                 with hc_mon:
                     gmvs = array['gmv']
                     for imti, imt in enumerate(oq.imtls):
                         poes = _gmvs_to_haz_curve(
                             gmvs[:, imti], oq.imtls[imt],
                         hcurves[rsi2str(rlzi, sid, imt)] = poes
     elif oq.ground_motion_fields:  # fast lane
         with monitor('building hazard', measuremem=True):
             gmfdata = self.get_gmfdata()
         return {}
     if len(gmfdata) == 0:
         return dict(gmfdata=[])
     indices = []
     gmfdata.sort(order=('sid', 'rlzi', 'eid'))
     start = stop = 0
     for sid, rows in itertools.groupby(gmfdata['sid']):
         for row in rows:
             stop += 1
         indices.append((sid, start, stop))
         start = stop
     res = dict(gmfdata=gmfdata, hcurves=hcurves,
                sig_eps=numpy.array(self.sig_eps, self.sig_eps_dt),
                indices=numpy.array(indices, (U32, 3)))
     return res
コード例 #42
def gen_rgetters(dstore, slc=slice(None)):
    :yields: unfiltered RuptureGetters
    csm_info = dstore['csm_info']
    trt_by_grp = csm_info.grp_by("trt")
    samples = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
    rlzs_by_gsim = csm_info.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp()
    rup_array = dstore['ruptures'][slc]
    ct = dstore['oqparam'].concurrent_tasks or 1
    nr = len(dstore['ruptures'])
    for grp_id, arr in general.group_array(rup_array, 'grp_id').items():
        if not rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]:  # the model has no sources
        for block in general.split_in_blocks(arr, len(arr) / nr * ct):
            rgetter = RuptureGetter([RuptureProxy(rec)
                                     for rec in block], dstore.filename,
                                    grp_id, trt_by_grp[grp_id],
                                    samples[grp_id], rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id])
            yield rgetter
コード例 #43
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     tm_data = group_array(dic['tm_data'], 'sm_id')
     sm_data = dic['sm_data']
     self.source_models = []
     for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data):
         tdata = tm_data[sm_id]
         trtmodels = [
             TrtModel(self.trts[trti], id=trt_id, eff_ruptures=effrup)
             for trt_id, trti, effrup, sm_id in tdata if effrup > 0
         path = tuple(rec['path'].split('_'))
         trts = set(tm.trt for tm in trtmodels)
         if self.gsim_fname.endswith('.xml'):
             gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(self.gsim_fname, trts)
         else:  # fake file with the name of the GSIM
             gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(self.gsim_fname)
         sm = SourceModel(rec['name'], rec['weight'], path, trtmodels,
                          gsim_lt, sm_id, rec['samples'])
コード例 #44
def export_gmf_scenario_npz(ekey, dstore):
    oq = dstore['oqparam']
    dic = {}
    fname = dstore.export_path('%s.%s' % ekey)
    if 'scenario' in oq.calculation_mode:
        # compute the GMFs on the fly from the stored rupture
        # NB: for visualization purposes we want to export the full mesh
        # of points, including the ones outside the maximum distance
        # NB2: in the future, I want to add a sitecol output, then the
        # visualization of the mesh will be possibile even without the GMFs;
        # in the future, here we will change
        # sitemesh = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'], complete=False)
        sitecol = dstore['sitecol'].complete
        sitemesh = get_mesh(sitecol)
        rlzs_assoc = dstore['csm_info'].get_rlzs_assoc()
        gsims = rlzs_assoc.gsims_by_grp_id[0]  # there is a single grp_id
        E = oq.number_of_ground_motion_fields
        correl_model = oq.get_correl_model()
        [ebrupture] = calc.get_ruptures(dstore, 0)
        computer = gmf.GmfComputer(
            ebrupture, sitecol, oq.imtls,
            gsims, oq.truncation_level, correl_model)
        gmf_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, (F32, (E,))) for imt in oq.imtls])
        imts = list(oq.imtls)
        for gsim in gsims:
            arr = computer.compute(gsim, E, oq.random_seed)
            I, S, E = arr.shape  # #IMTs, #sites, #events
            gmfa = numpy.zeros(S, gmf_dt)
            for imti, imt in enumerate(imts):
                gmfa[imt] = arr[imti]
            dic[str(gsim)] = util.compose_arrays(sitemesh, gmfa)
    elif 'event_based' in oq.calculation_mode:
        dic['sitemesh'] = get_mesh(dstore['sitecol'])
        for grp in sorted(dstore['gmf_data']):
            data_by_rlzi = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/' + grp].value, 'rlzi')
            for rlzi in data_by_rlzi:
                dic['rlz-%03d' % rlzi] = data_by_rlzi[rlzi]
    else:  # nothing to export
        return []
    savez(fname, **dic)
    return [fname]
コード例 #45
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: digitalsatori/oq-engine
def view_dupl_sources_time(token, dstore):
    Display the time spent computing duplicated sources
    info = dstore['source_info']
    items = sorted(group_array(info[()], 'source_id').items())
    tbl = []
    tot_time = 0
    for source_id, records in items:
        if len(records) > 1:  # dupl
            calc_time = records['calc_time'].sum()
            tot_time += calc_time + records['split_time'].sum()
            tbl.append((source_id, calc_time, len(records)))
    if tbl and info.attrs.get('has_dupl_sources'):
        tot = info['calc_time'].sum() + info['split_time'].sum()
        percent = tot_time / tot * 100
        m = '\nTotal time in duplicated sources: %d/%d (%d%%)' % (
            tot_time, tot, percent)
        return rst_table(tbl, ['source_id', 'calc_time', 'num_dupl']) + m
        return 'There are no duplicated sources'
コード例 #46
def export_gmf_txt(key, dest, sitecol, imts, ruptures, rlz,
    :param key: output_type and export_type
    :param dest: name of the exported file
    :param sitecol: the full site collection
    :param imts: the list of intensity measure types
    :param ruptures: an ordered list of ruptures
    :param rlz: a realization object
    :param investigation_time: investigation time (None for scenario)
    # the csv file has the form
    # etag,indices,gmvs_imt_1,...,gmvs_imt_N
    rows = []
    for rupture in ruptures:
        indices = rupture.indices
        gmvs = [a['gmv'] for a in group_array(rupture.gmfa, 'imti').values()]
        row = [rupture.etag, ' '.join(map(str, indices))] + gmvs
    write_csv(dest, rows)
    return {key: [dest]}
コード例 #47
def view_dupl_sources_time(token, dstore):
    Display the time spent computing duplicated sources
    info = dstore['source_info']
    items = sorted(group_array(info[()], 'source_id').items())
    tbl = []
    tot_time = 0
    for source_id, records in items:
        if len(records) > 1:  # dupl
            calc_time = records['calc_time'].sum()
            tot_time += calc_time + records['split_time'].sum()
            tbl.append((source_id, calc_time, len(records)))
    if tbl and info.attrs.get('has_dupl_sources'):
        tot = info['calc_time'].sum() + info['split_time'].sum()
        percent = tot_time / tot * 100
        m = '\nTotal time in duplicated sources: %d/%d (%d%%)' % (tot_time,
                                                                  tot, percent)
        return rst_table(tbl, ['source_id', 'calc_time', 'num_dupl']) + m
        return 'There are no duplicated sources'
コード例 #48
    def test_spatial_correlation(self):
        expected = {sc1: [0.99, 0.41], sc2: [0.99, 0.64], sc3: [0.99, 0.22]}

        for case in expected:
            self.run_calc(case.__file__, 'job.ini')
            oq = self.calc.oqparam
            self.assertEqual(list(oq.imtls), ['PGA'])
            dstore = read(self.calc.datastore.calc_id)
            gmf = group_array(dstore['gmf_data/data'], 'sid')
            gmvs_site_0 = gmf[0]['gmv']
            gmvs_site_1 = gmf[1]['gmv']
            joint_prob_0_5 = joint_prob_of_occurrence(
                gmvs_site_0, gmvs_site_1, 0.5, oq.investigation_time,
            joint_prob_1_0 = joint_prob_of_occurrence(
                gmvs_site_0, gmvs_site_1, 1.0, oq.investigation_time,

            p05, p10 = expected[case]
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(joint_prob_0_5, p05, decimal=1)
            numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(joint_prob_1_0, p10, decimal=1)
コード例 #49
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = writers.read_composite_array(fname).array
    # has header rlzi, sid, eid, gmv_PGA, ...
    imts = [name[4:] for name in array.dtype.names[3:]]
    n_imts = len(imts)
    gmf_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
        [('rlzi', U16), ('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (n_imts,)))])
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    E = len(eids)
    eid2idx = dict(zip(eids, range(E)))
    events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
    events['eid'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(array.view(gmf_data_dt), 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            gmvs = dic[sid]
            gmvs['eid'] = get_idxs(gmvs, eid2idx)
            gmvs['rlzi'] = 0   # effectively there is only 1 realization
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', gmvs)
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)

    return eids
コード例 #50
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: mehmousavi61/oq-engine
def view_dupl_sources(token, dstore):
    Display the duplicated sources from source_info
    info = dstore['source_info']
    items = sorted(group_array(info.value, 'source_id').items())
    tbl = []
    tot_calc_time = 0
    for source_id, records in items:
        if len(records) > 1:  # dupl
            calc_time = records['calc_time'].sum()
            tot_calc_time += calc_time
            grp_ids = sorted(rec['grp_id'] for rec in records)
            tbl.append((source_id, calc_time, grp_ids))
    if tbl and info.attrs['has_dupl_sources']:
        tot = info['calc_time'].sum()
        percent = tot_calc_time / tot * 100
        m = '\nTotal calc_time in duplicated sources: %d/%d (%d%%)' % (
            tot_calc_time, tot, percent)
        return rst_table(tbl, ['source_id', 'calc_time', 'src_group_ids']) + m
        return 'There are no duplicated sources'
コード例 #51
 def build(self, losses_by_event, stats=()):
     :param losses_by_event:
         the aggregate loss table as an array
     :param stats:
         list of pairs [(statname, statfunc), ...]
         two arrays of dtype loss_dt values with shape (P, R) and (P, S)
     P, R = len(self.return_periods), len(self.weights)
     array = numpy.zeros((P, R), self.loss_dt)
     dic = group_array(losses_by_event, 'rlzi')
     for r in dic:
         num_events = self.num_events[r]
         losses = dic[r]['loss']
         for lti, lt in enumerate(self.loss_dt.names):
             ls = losses[:, lti].flatten()  # flatten only in ucerf
             # NB: do not use squeeze or the gmf_ebrisk tests will break
             lbp = losses_by_period(ls, self.return_periods, num_events,
             array[:, r][lt] = lbp
     return self.pair(array, stats)
コード例 #52
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: nackerley/oq-engine
def save_gmf_data(dstore, sitecol, gmfs, eids=()):
    :param dstore: a :class:`openquake.baselib.datastore.DataStore` instance
    :param sitecol: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param gmfs: an array of shape (R, N, E, M)
    :param eids: E event IDs or the empty tuple
    offset = 0
    dstore['gmf_data/data'] = gmfa = get_gmv_data(sitecol.sids, gmfs)
    dic = general.group_array(gmfa, 'sid')
    lst = []
    for sid in sitecol.complete.sids:
        rows = dic.get(sid, ())
        n = len(rows)
        lst.append(numpy.array([(offset, offset + n)], riskinput.indices_dt))
        offset += n
    dstore.save_vlen('gmf_data/indices', lst)
    dstore.set_attrs('gmf_data', num_gmfs=len(gmfs))
    if len(eids):  # store the events
        events = numpy.zeros(len(eids), readinput.stored_event_dt)
        events['eid'] = eids
        dstore['events'] = events
コード例 #53
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     # TODO: this is called more times than needed, maybe we should cache it
     sg_data = group_array(dic['sg_data'], 'sm_id')
     sm_data = dic['sm_data']
     self.gsim_lt = dic['gsim_lt']
     self.source_models = []
     for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data):
         tdata = sg_data[sm_id]
         srcgroups = [
                 self.trts[data['trti']], id=data['grp_id'],
                 name=get_field(data, 'name', ''),
                 tot_ruptures=get_field(data, 'totrup', 0))
             for data in tdata]
         path = tuple(str(decode(rec['path'])).split('_'))
         sm = logictree.LtSourceModel(
             rec['name'], rec['weight'], path, srcgroups,
             rec['num_rlzs'], sm_id, rec['samples'])
コード例 #54
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: acortesz/oq-engine
def import_gmfs(dstore, fname, sids):
    Import in the datastore a ground motion field CSV file.

    :param dstore: the datastore
    :param fname: the CSV file
    :param sids: the site IDs (complete)
    :returns: event_ids, num_rlzs
    array = writers.read_composite_array(fname).array
    # has header rlzi, sid, eid, gmv_PGA, ...
    imts = [name[4:] for name in array.dtype.names[3:]]
    n_imts = len(imts)
    gmf_data_dt = numpy.dtype(
        [('rlzi', U16), ('sid', U32), ('eid', U64), ('gmv', (F32, (n_imts,)))])
    # store the events
    eids = numpy.unique(array['eid'])
    events = numpy.zeros(len(eids), rupture.events_dt)
    events['eid'] = eids
    dstore['events'] = events
    # store the GMFs
    dic = general.group_array(array.view(gmf_data_dt), 'sid')
    lst = []
    offset = 0
    for sid in sids:
        n = len(dic.get(sid, []))
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        if n:
            offset += n
            dstore.extend('gmf_data/data', dic[sid])
    dstore['gmf_data/indices'] = numpy.array(lst, U32)
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)

    # FIXME: if there is no data for the maximum realization
    # the inferred number of realizations will be wrong
    num_rlzs = array['rlzi'].max() + 1
    return eids, num_rlzs
コード例 #55
def view_dupl_sources(token, dstore):
    Show the sources with the same ID and the truly duplicated sources
    array = dstore['source_info']['source_id', 'checksum', 'num_ruptures']
    dic = group_array(array, 'source_id', 'checksum')
    dupl = []
    uniq = []
    muls = []
    nr = 0
    for (source_id, checksum), group in dic.items():
        mul = len(group)
        nr += group[0]['num_ruptures']
        if mul > 1:  # duplicate
    if not dupl:
        return String('', nr)
    u, d, m = len(uniq), len(dupl), sum(muls) / len(dupl)
    return String('Found %d unique sources and %d duplicate sources with'
                  ' multiplicity %.1f: %s' % (u, d, m, numpy.array(dupl)), nr)
コード例 #56
ファイル: getters.py プロジェクト: ToddInstitute/oq-engine
def gen_rupture_getters(dstore,
    :yields: RuptureGetters
        e0s = dstore['eslices'][:, 0]
    except KeyError:
        e0s = None
    if dstore.parent:
        dstore = dstore.parent
    csm_info = dstore['csm_info']
    trt_by_grp = csm_info.grp_by("trt")
    samples = csm_info.get_samples_by_grp()
    rlzs_by_gsim = csm_info.get_rlzs_by_gsim_grp()
    rup_array = dstore['ruptures'][slc]
    maxweight = numpy.ceil(len(rup_array) / (concurrent_tasks or 1))
    nr, ne = 0, 0
    for grp_id, arr in general.group_array(rup_array, 'grp_id').items():
        if not rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id]:
            # this may happen if a source model has no sources, like
            # in event_based_risk/case_3
        for block in general.block_splitter(arr, maxweight):
            if e0s is None:
                e0 = numpy.zeros(len(block), U32)
                e0 = e0s[nr:nr + len(block)]
            rgetter = RuptureGetter(numpy.array(block), filename
                                    or dstore.filename, grp_id,
                                    trt_by_grp[grp_id], samples[grp_id],
                                    rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], e0)
            yield rgetter
            nr += len(block)
            ne += rgetter.num_events
コード例 #57
ファイル: source.py プロジェクト: vikasjena/oq-engine
 def __fromh5__(self, dic, attrs):
     # TODO: this is called more times than needed, maybe we should cache it
     sg_data = group_array(dic['sg_data'], 'sm_id')
     sm_data = dic['sm_data']
     self.gsim_fname = decode(self.gsim_fname)
     if self.gsim_fname.endswith('.xml'):
         # otherwise it would look in the current directory
         GMPETable.GMPE_DIR = os.path.dirname(self.gsim_fname)
         trts = sorted(self.trts)
         tmp = gettemp(self.gsim_lt_xml, suffix='.xml')
         self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree(tmp, trts)
     else:  # fake file with the name of the GSIM
         self.gsim_lt = logictree.GsimLogicTree.from_(self.gsim_fname)
     self.source_models = []
     for sm_id, rec in enumerate(sm_data):
         tdata = sg_data[sm_id]
         srcgroups = [
                                         name=get_field(data, 'name', ''),
                                             data, 'totrup', 0))
             for data in tdata if data['effrup']
         path = tuple(str(decode(rec['path'])).split('_'))
         trts = set(sg.trt for sg in srcgroups)
         sm = logictree.LtSourceModel(rec['name'], rec['weight'], path,
                                      srcgroups, rec['num_rlzs'], sm_id,
         os.remove(tmp)  # gsim_lt file
     except NameError:  # tmp is defined only in the regular case, see above
コード例 #58
def save_gmf_data(dstore, sitecol, gmfs, imts, events=()):
    :param dstore: a :class:`openquake.baselib.datastore.DataStore` instance
    :param sitecol: a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param gmfs: an array of shape (N, E, M)
    :param imts: a list of IMT strings
    :param events: E event IDs or the empty tuple
    if len(events) == 0:
        E = gmfs.shape[1]
        events = numpy.zeros(E, rupture.events_dt)
        events['id'] = numpy.arange(E, dtype=U32)
    dstore['events'] = events
    offset = 0
    # convert an array of shape (N, E, M) into an array of type gmv_data_dt
    N, E, M = gmfs.shape
    lst = [(sitecol.sids[s], ei, gmfs[s, ei])
           for s in numpy.arange(N, dtype=U32)
           for ei, event in enumerate(events)]
    gmfa = numpy.array(lst, dstore['oqparam'].gmf_data_dt())
    dstore['gmf_data/sid'] = gmfa['sid']
    dstore['gmf_data/eid'] = gmfa['eid']
    cols = ['sid', 'eid']
    for m in range(M):
        col = f'gmv_{m}'
        dstore['gmf_data/' + col] = gmfa['gmv'][:, m]
    dstore.getitem('gmf_data').attrs['__pdcolumns__'] = ' '.join(cols)
    dic = general.group_array(gmfa, 'sid')
    lst = []
    all_sids = sitecol.complete.sids
    for sid in all_sids:
        rows = dic.get(sid, ())
        n = len(rows)
        lst.append((offset, offset + n))
        offset += n
    dstore['gmf_data/imts'] = ' '.join(imts)
コード例 #59
def compute_gmfs_and_curves(eb_ruptures, sitecol, imts, rlzs_assoc, min_iml,
    :param eb_ruptures:
        a list of blocks of EBRuptures of the same SESCollection
    :param sitecol:
        a :class:`openquake.hazardlib.site.SiteCollection` instance
    :param imts:
        a list of IMT string
    :param rlzs_assoc:
        a RlzsAssoc instance
    :param monitor:
        a Monitor instance
        a dictionary (rlzi, imt) -> [gmfarray, haz_curves]
    oq = monitor.oqparam
    # NB: by construction each block is a non-empty list with
    # ruptures of the same trt_model_id
    trunc_level = oq.truncation_level
    correl_model = readinput.get_correl_model(oq)
    gmfadict = create(GmfColl, eb_ruptures, sitecol, imts, rlzs_assoc,
                      trunc_level, correl_model, min_iml, monitor).by_rlzi()
    result = {
        [gmfadict[rlzi], None] if oq.ground_motion_fields else [None, None]
        for rlzi in gmfadict
    if oq.hazard_curves_from_gmfs:
        with monitor('bulding hazard curves', measuremem=False):
            duration = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path
            for rlzi in gmfadict:
                gmvs_by_sid = group_array(gmfadict[rlzi], 'sid')
                result[rlzi][POEMAP] = gmvs_to_poe_map(gmvs_by_sid, oq.imtls,
    return result