コード例 #1
 def test_apply_maxweight(self):
     res = parallel.apply(
         get_length, ('aaabb',), maxweight=2,
         key=lambda char: char)
     # chunks ['aa', 'ab', 'b']
     partial_sums = sorted(dic['n'] for dic in res)
     self.assertEqual(partial_sums, [1, 2, 2])
コード例 #2
 def test_apply_no_tasks(self):
     res = parallel.apply(
         get_length, ('aaabb',), concurrent_tasks=0,
         key=lambda char: char)
     # chunks [['a', 'a', 'a'], ['b', 'b']]
     partial_sums = sorted(dic['n'] for dic in res)
     self.assertEqual(partial_sums, [2, 3])
コード例 #3
    def execute(self):
        A = len(self.assetcol)
        ltypes = self.riskmodel.loss_types
        I = self.oqparam.insured_losses + 1
        R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations)
        self.vals = self.assetcol.values()

        # loss curves
        multi_lr_dt = numpy.dtype(
            [(ltype, (F32, len(cbuilder.ratios)))
             for ltype, cbuilder in zip(
                ltypes, self.riskmodel.curve_builders)])
        rcurves = numpy.zeros((A, R, I), multi_lr_dt)

        # build rcurves-rlzs
        if self.oqparam.loss_ratios:
            assets = list(self.assetcol)
            cb_inputs = self.cb_inputs('all_loss_ratios')
            mon = self.monitor('build_rcurves')
            res = parallel.apply(
                build_rcurves, (cb_inputs, assets, mon)).reduce()
            for l, r in res:
                aids, curves = res[l, r]
                rcurves[ltypes[l]][aids, r] = curves
            self.datastore['rcurves-rlzs'] = rcurves

        # build rcurves-stats (sequentially)
        # this is a fundamental output, being used to compute loss_maps-stats
        if R > 1:
            weights = self.datastore['realizations']['weight']
            quantiles = self.oqparam.quantile_loss_curves
            with self.monitor('computing avg_losses-stats'):
                self.datastore['avg_losses-stats'] = compute_stats2(
                    self.datastore['avg_losses-rlzs'], quantiles, weights)
            with self.monitor('computing rcurves-stats'):
                self.datastore['rcurves-stats'] = compute_stats2(
                    rcurves, quantiles, weights)

        # build an aggregate loss curve per realization
        if 'agg_loss_table' in self.datastore:
            with self.monitor('building agg_curve'):
コード例 #4
    def build_agg_curve(self):
        Build a single loss curve per realization. It is NOT obtained
        by aggregating the loss curves; instead, it is obtained without
        generating the loss curves, directly from the the aggregate losses.
        oq = self.oqparam
        cr = {cb.loss_type: cb.curve_resolution
              for cb in self.riskmodel.curve_builders}
        loss_curve_dt, _ = scientific.build_loss_dtypes(
            cr, oq.conditional_loss_poes)
        lts = self.riskmodel.loss_types
        cb_inputs = self.cb_inputs('agg_loss_table')
        I = oq.insured_losses + 1
        R = len(self.rlzs_assoc.realizations)
        result = parallel.apply(
            build_agg_curve, (cb_inputs, self.monitor('')),
        agg_curve = numpy.zeros((I, R), loss_curve_dt)
        for l, r, i in result:
            agg_curve[lts[l]][i, r] = result[l, r, i]
        self.datastore['agg_curve-rlzs'] = agg_curve

        if R > 1:  # save stats too
            weights = self.datastore['realizations']['weight']
            Q1 = len(oq.quantile_loss_curves) + 1
            agg_curve_stats = numpy.zeros((I, Q1), agg_curve.dtype)
            for l, loss_type in enumerate(agg_curve.dtype.names):
                acs = agg_curve_stats[loss_type]
                data = agg_curve[loss_type]
                for i in range(I):
                    losses, all_poes = scientific.normalize_curves_eb(
                        [(c['losses'], c['poes']) for c in data[i]])
                    acs['losses'][i] = losses
                    acs['poes'][i] = compute_stats(
                        all_poes, oq.quantile_loss_curves, weights)
                    acs['avg'][i] = compute_stats(
                        data['avg'][i], oq.quantile_loss_curves, weights)

            self.datastore['agg_curve-stats'] = agg_curve_stats
コード例 #5
    def execute(self):
        Run in parallel `core_task(sources, sitecol, monitor)`, by
        parallelizing on the sources according to their weight and
        tectonic region type.
        monitor = self.monitor.new(self.core_task.__name__)
        monitor.oqparam = oq = self.oqparam
        ucerf_source = self.src_group.sources[0]
        self.src_filter = SourceFilter(self.sitecol, oq.maximum_distance)
        max_dist = oq.maximum_distance[DEFAULT_TRT]
        acc = AccumDict({
            grp_id: ProbabilityMap(len(oq.imtls.array), len(gsims))
            for grp_id, gsims in self.rlzs_assoc.gsims_by_grp_id.items()})
        acc.calc_times = []
        acc.eff_ruptures = AccumDict()  # grp_id -> eff_ruptures
        acc.bb_dict = {}

        if len(self.csm) > 1:
            # when multiple branches, parallelise by branch
            branches = [br.value for br in self.smlt.branches.values()]
            rup_res = parallel.starmap(
                self.gen_args(branches, ucerf_source, monitor)).submit_all()
            # single branch
            gsims = self.rlzs_assoc.gsims_by_grp_id[0]
            [(branch_id, branch)] = self.smlt.branches.items()
            branchname = branch.value
            ucerf_source.src_group_id = 0
            ucerf_source.weight = 1
            ucerf_source.nsites = len(self.sitecol)
            self.infos[0, ucerf_source.source_id] = source.SourceInfo(
            logging.info('Getting the background point sources')
            with self.monitor('getting background sources', autoflush=True):
                background_sids = ucerf_source.get_background_sids(
                    self.sitecol, max_dist)
                bckgnd_sources = ucerf_source.get_background_sources(

            # parallelize on the background sources, small tasks
            args = (bckgnd_sources, self.src_filter, oq.imtls,
                    gsims, self.oqparam.truncation_level, (), monitor)
            bg_res = parallel.apply(
                pmap_from_grp, args,

            # parallelize by rupture subsets
            tasks = self.oqparam.concurrent_tasks * 2  # they are big tasks
            rup_sets = ucerf_source.get_rupture_indices(branchname)
            rup_res = parallel.apply(
                (rup_sets, branchname, ucerf_source, self.src_group.id,
                 self.src_filter, gsims, monitor),

            # compose probabilities from background sources
            for pmap in bg_res:
                acc[0] |= pmap

        pmap_by_grp_id = functools.reduce(self.agg_dicts, rup_res, acc)
        with self.monitor('store source_info', autoflush=True):
        self.datastore['csm_info'] = self.csm.info
        self.rlzs_assoc = self.csm.info.get_rlzs_assoc(
            functools.partial(self.count_eff_ruptures, pmap_by_grp_id))
        self.datastore['csm_info'] = self.csm.info
        return pmap_by_grp_id
コード例 #6
 def test_received(self):
     with mock.patch('os.environ', OQ_DISTRIBUTE='celery'):
         res = parallel.apply(
             get_length, (numpy.arange(10),)).submit_all()
         list(res)  # iterate on the results
         self.assertGreater(len(res.received), 0)
コード例 #7
 def test_apply(self):
     res = parallel.apply(
         get_length, (numpy.arange(10),), concurrent_tasks=3).reduce()
     self.assertEqual(res, {'n': 10})  # chunks [4, 4, 2]