def test_mutually_exclusive_ruptures(self): # Test the calculation of hazard curves using mutually exclusive # ruptures for a single source gsim_by_trt = [SadighEtAl1997()] rupture = _create_rupture(10., 6.) data = [(rupture, PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.3, 1)])), (rupture, PMF([(0.6, 0), (0.4, 1)]))] print(data[0][0]) data[0][0].weight = 0.5 data[1][0].weight = 0.5 print(data[0][0].weight) src = NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST, data) src.src_group_id = 0 src.mutex_weight = 1 group = SourceGroup(src.tectonic_region_type, [src], 'test', 'mutex', 'mutex') param = dict(imtls=self.imtls, filter_distance='rjb', src_interdep=group.src_interdep, rup_interdep=group.rup_interdep, grp_probability=group.grp_probability) crv = classical(group, self.sites, gsim_by_trt, param)['pmap'][0] npt.assert_almost_equal(numpy.array([0.35000, 0.32497, 0.10398]), crv[0].array[:, 0], decimal=4)
def _create_non_param_sourceA(rjb, magnitude, pmf, tectonic_region_type=TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST): # Create a non-parametric source rupture = _create_rupture(rjb, magnitude) pmf = pmf data = [(rupture, pmf)] return NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', tectonic_region_type, data)
def test_mutually_exclusive_ruptures(self): # Test the calculation of hazard curves using mutually exclusive # ruptures for a single source gsim_by_trt = [SadighEtAl1997()] rupture = _create_rupture(10., 6.) data = [(rupture, PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.3, 1)])), (rupture, PMF([(0.6, 0), (0.4, 1)]))] src = NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST, data) src.src_group_id = [0] group = SourceGroup( src.tectonic_region_type, [src], 'test', 'mutex', 'mutex') param = dict(imtls=self.imtls) crv = classical(group, self.sites, gsim_by_trt, param)[0] npt.assert_almost_equal(numpy.array([0.35000, 0.32497, 0.10398]), crv[0].array[:, 0], decimal=4)
def _create_non_param_sourceA(rjb, magnitude, pmf, tectonic_region_type="Active Shallow Crust"): # Create a non-parametric source rupture = _create_rupture(rjb, magnitude) pmf = pmf data = [(rupture, pmf)] return NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', tectonic_region_type, data)
def test_mutually_exclusive_ruptures(self): # Test the calculation of hazard curves using mutually exclusive # ruptures for a single source gsim_by_trt = [SadighEtAl1997()] rupture = _create_rupture(10., 6.) data = [(rupture, PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.3, 1)])), (rupture, PMF([(0.6, 0), (0.4, 1)]))] data[0][0].weight = 0.5 data[1][0].weight = 0.5 src = NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', "Active Shallow Crust", data) = 0 src.grp_id = 0 src.trt_smr = 0 src.mutex_weight = 1 group = SourceGroup(src.tectonic_region_type, [src], 'test', 'mutex', 'mutex') param = dict(imtls=self.imtls, src_interdep=group.src_interdep, rup_interdep=group.rup_interdep, grp_probability=group.grp_probability) cmaker = ContextMaker(src.tectonic_region_type, gsim_by_trt, param) crv = classical(group, self.sites, cmaker)['pmap'][0] npt.assert_almost_equal(numpy.array([0.35000, 0.32497, 0.10398]), crv.array[:, 0], decimal=4)
def test_non_parametric_source(self): # non-parametric source equivalent to case 2 simple fault source data = test_data.SET1_CASE2_SOURCE_DATA ruptures = [] for i in range(data['num_rups_dip']): for j in range(data['num_rups_strike']): lons = data['lons'] lats = data['lats'][j] depths = data['depths'][i] mesh = RectangularMesh(lons, lats, depths) surf = SimpleFaultSurface(mesh) hypo = Point( data['hypo_lons'][i, j], data['hypo_lats'][i, j], data['hypo_depths'][i, j] ) rup = BaseRupture(data['mag'], data['rake'], data['tectonic_region_type'], hypo, surf, data['source_typology']) ruptures.append((rup, data['pmf'])) npss = NonParametricSeismicSource( 'id', 'name', data['tectonic_region_type'], ruptures ) sites = SiteCollection([ test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE1, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE2, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE3, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE4, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE5, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE6, test_data.SET1_CASE1TO9_SITE7 ]) gsims = {const.TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST: SadighEtAl1997()} truncation_level = 0 imts = {str(test_data.IMT): test_data.SET1_CASE2_IMLS} curves = calc_hazard_curves( [npss], sites, imts, gsims, truncation_level) s1hc, s2hc, s3hc, s4hc, s5hc, s6hc, s7hc = curves[str(test_data.IMT)] assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s1hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE1_POES, atol=3e-3, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s2hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE2_POES, atol=2e-5, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s3hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE3_POES, atol=2e-5, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s4hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE4_POES, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s5hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE5_POES, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s6hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE6_POES, atol=1e-3, rtol=1e-5) assert_hazard_curve_is(self, s7hc, test_data.SET1_CASE2_SITE7_POES, atol=2e-5, rtol=1e-5)
def create_nrml_source(rup, mag, sid, name, tectonic_region_type): """ :param rup: :param mag: :param sid: :param name: :param tectonic_region_type: """ data = [] for key in rup.keys(): d = rup[key][:] # # creating the surface llo = np.squeeze(d['lons']) lla = np.squeeze(d['lats']) lde = np.squeeze(d['deps']) # # find a node in the middle of the rupture if len(llo.shape): ihyp = (int(np.round(llo.shape[0] / 2))) if len(llo.shape) > 1: ihyp = (ihyp, int(np.round(llo.shape[1] / 2))) hlo = llo[ihyp] hla = lla[ihyp] hde = lde[ihyp] # # ppp = np.squeeze(d['prbs']) i = np.isfinite(llo) points = [ Point(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(llo[i], lla[i], lde[i]) ] srf = GriddedSurface.from_points_list(points) """ br = BaseRupture(mag=mag, rake=-90., tectonic_region_type=tectonic_region_type, hypocenter=Point(hlo, hla, hde), surface=srf, source_typology=NonParametricSeismicSource) """ br = BaseRupture(mag=mag, rake=-90., tectonic_region_type=tectonic_region_type, hypocenter=Point(hlo, hla, hde), surface=srf) xxx = Decimal('{:.8f}'.format(ppp[1])) pmf = PMF(data=[((Decimal('1') - xxx), 0), (xxx, 1)]) data.append((br, pmf)) src = NonParametricSeismicSource(sid, name, tectonic_region_type, data) return src
def test_mutually_exclusive_ruptures(self): # Test the calculation of hazard curves using mutually exclusive # ruptures for a single source gsim_by_trt = [SadighEtAl1997()] rupture = _create_rupture(10., 6.) data = [(rupture, PMF([(0.7, 0), (0.3, 1)])), (rupture, PMF([(0.6, 0), (0.4, 1)]))] print(data[0][0]) data[0][0].weight = 0.5 data[1][0].weight = 0.5 print(data[0][0].weight) src = NonParametricSeismicSource('0', 'test', TRT.ACTIVE_SHALLOW_CRUST, data) src.src_group_id = 0 src.mutex_weight = 1 group = SourceGroup( src.tectonic_region_type, [src], 'test', 'mutex', 'mutex') param = dict(imtls=self.imtls, filter_distance='rjb', src_interdep=group.src_interdep, rup_interdep=group.rup_interdep, grp_probability=group.grp_probability) crv = classical(group, self.sites, gsim_by_trt, param)['pmap'][0] npt.assert_almost_equal(numpy.array([0.35000, 0.32497, 0.10398]), crv[0].array[:, 0], decimal=4)
def create_source(rup, mag, sid, name, tectonic_region_type): """ :param rup: A h5py dataset with the rupture information :param mag: The magnitude of the ruptures :param sid: Source ID :param name: Name of the source :param tectonic_region_type: Tectonic region type """ data = [] for key in rup.keys(): d = rup[key][:] # Creating the surface llo = np.squeeze(d['lons']) lla = np.squeeze(d['lats']) lde = np.squeeze(d['deps']) # Create the gridded surface if len(llo.shape) > 0: # Hypocenter computed in the '' module hypo = np.squeeze(d['hypo'][:]) hlo = hypo[0] hla = hypo[1] hde = hypo[2] # Probabilities of occurrence ppp = np.squeeze(d['prbs']) i = np.isfinite(llo) points = [Point(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(llo[i], lla[i], lde[i])] # Create the surface and the rupture srf = GriddedSurface.from_points_list(points) brup = BaseRupture(mag=mag, rake=-90., tectonic_region_type=tectonic_region_type, hypocenter=Point(hlo, hla, hde), surface=srf) xxx = Decimal('{:.8f}'.format(ppp[1])) pmf = PMF(data=[((Decimal('1')-xxx), 0), (xxx, 1)]) data.append((brup, pmf)) src = NonParametricSeismicSource(sid, name, tectonic_region_type, data) return src