def test_bcr_classical(self): vulnerability_function_rm = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) vulnerability_function_rf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) asset_value = 2. retrofitting_cost = .1 interest_rate = 0.05 asset_life_expectancy = 40 hazard = [ (0.001, 0.0398612669790014), (0.01, 0.0398612669790014), (0.05, 0.0397287574802989), (0.1, 0.0296134266256125), (0.15, 0.0198273287564916), (0.2, 0.0130622701614519), (0.25, 0.00865538795000043), (0.3, 0.00589852059368967), (0.35, 0.00406169858951178), (0.4, 0.00281172717952682), (0.45, 0.00199511741777669), (0.5, 0.00135870597284571), (0.55, 0.000989667841573727), (0.6, 0.000757544444296432), (0.7, 0.000272824002045979), (0.8, 0.0), (0.9, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0)] original_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rm, hazard, steps=5) retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rf, hazard, steps=5) eal_original = scientific.average_loss(*original_loss_ratio_curve) eal_retrofitted = scientific.average_loss( *retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve) bcr = scientific.bcr( eal_original, eal_retrofitted, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy, asset_value, retrofitting_cost) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.009379, eal_original * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.006586, eal_retrofitted * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.483091, bcr, delta=0.009)
def do_classical_bcr(loss_type, units, containers, params, profile): for unit_orig, unit_retro in utils.pairwise(units): with profile('getting hazard'): assets, hazard_curves = unit_orig.getter() _, hazard_curves_retrofitted = unit_retro.getter() with profile('computing bcr'): original_loss_curves = unit_orig.calc(hazard_curves) retrofitted_loss_curves = unit_retro.calc( hazard_curves_retrofitted) eal_original = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in original_loss_curves] eal_retrofitted = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in retrofitted_loss_curves] bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], params.interest_rate, params.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] with logs.tracing('writing results'): containers.write( assets, zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results), output_type="bcr_distribution", loss_type=loss_type,
def classical_risk(riskinput, riskmodel, param, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinput: a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` object :param riskmodel: a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance :param param: dictionary of extra parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ ins = param['insured_losses'] result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) all_outputs = list(riskmodel.gen_outputs(riskinput, monitor)) for outputs in all_outputs: r = outputs.r outputs.average_losses = AccumDict(accum=[]) # l -> array for l, (loss_curves, insured_curves) in enumerate(outputs): for i, asset in enumerate(outputs.assets): aid = asset.ordinal avg = scientific.average_loss(loss_curves[i]) outputs.average_losses[l].append(avg) lcurve = (loss_curves[i, 0], loss_curves[i, 1], avg) if ins: lcurve += ( insured_curves[i, 0], insured_curves[i, 1], scientific.average_loss(insured_curves[i])) else: lcurve += (None, None, None) result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics rlzs = riskinput.rlzs if len(rlzs) > 1 and param['stats']: w = param['weights'] statnames, stats = zip(*param['stats']) l_idxs = range(len(riskmodel.lti)) for assets, rows in groupby( all_outputs, lambda o: tuple(o.assets)).items(): weights = [w[row.r] for row in rows] row = rows[0] for l in l_idxs: for i, asset in enumerate(assets): avgs = numpy.array([r.average_losses[l][i] for r in rows]) avg_stats = compute_stats(avgs, stats, weights) # row is index by the loss type index l and row[l] # is a pair loss_curves, insured_loss_curves # loss_curves[i, 0] are the i-th losses, # loss_curves[i, 1] are the i-th poes losses = row[l][0][i, 0] poes_stats = compute_stats( numpy.array([row[l][0][i, 1] for row in rows]), stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (l, asset.ordinal, losses, poes_stats, avg_stats)) return result
def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, ground_motion_values, epsilons, event_ids): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: assets is an iterator over :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.Asset` instances :param ground_motion_values: a numpy array with ground_motion_values of shape N x R :param epsilons: a numpy array with stochastic values of shape N x R :param event_ids: a numpy array of R event ID (integer) :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased.Output` instance. """ loss_matrix = self.risk_functions[loss_type].apply_to( ground_motion_values, epsilons) curves = self.curves(loss_matrix) average_losses = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in curves]) stddev_losses = numpy.std(loss_matrix, axis=1) values = utils.numpy_map(lambda a: a.value(loss_type), assets) maps = self.maps(curves) elt = self.event_loss(loss_matrix.transpose() * values, event_ids) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'fatalities': deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_loss_matrix = utils.numpy_map( scientific.insured_losses, loss_matrix, deductibles, limits) insured_curves = self.curves(insured_loss_matrix) average_insured_losses = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in insured_curves] stddev_insured_losses = numpy.std(insured_loss_matrix, axis=1) else: insured_curves = None average_insured_losses = None stddev_insured_losses = None return self.Output( assets, loss_matrix if self.return_loss_matrix else None, curves, average_losses, stddev_losses, insured_curves, average_insured_losses, stddev_insured_losses, maps, elt)
def test_bcr_classical(self): vulnerability_function_rm = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RM', 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) vulnerability_function_rf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RF', 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) asset_value = 2. retrofitting_cost = .1 interest_rate = 0.05 asset_life_expectancy = 40 hazard_imls = [0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] poes = [0.039861266979, 0.039861266979, 0.0397287574803, 0.0296134266256, 0.0198273287565, 0.0130622701615, 0.00865538795, 0.00589852059369, 0.00406169858951, 0.00281172717953, 0.00199511741778, 0.00135870597285, 0.000989667841574, 0.000757544444296, 0.000272824002046, 0.0, 0.0, 0.] original_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rm, hazard_imls, poes, steps=5) retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rf, hazard_imls, poes, steps=5) eal_original = scientific.average_loss(original_loss_ratio_curve) eal_retrofitted = scientific.average_loss(retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve) bcr = scientific.bcr( eal_original, eal_retrofitted, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy, asset_value, retrofitting_cost) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.009379, eal_original * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.006586, eal_retrofitted * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.483091, bcr, delta=0.009)
def export_rcurves_rlzs(ekey, dstore): assetcol = dstore['assetcol'] aref = dstore['asset_refs'].value rcurves = dstore[ekey[0]] [loss_ratios] = dstore['loss_ratios'] fnames = [] writercls = (risk_writers.LossCurveGeoJSONWriter if ekey[0] == 'geojson' else risk_writers.LossCurveXMLWriter) for writer, (ltype, poe, r, ins) in _gen_writers(dstore, writercls, ekey[0]): if ltype not in loss_ratios.dtype.names: continue # ignore loss type the_poes = rcurves[ltype][:, r, ins] curves = [] for aid, ass in enumerate(assetcol): loc = Location(*ass.location) losses = loss_ratios[ltype] * ass.value(ltype) poes = the_poes[aid] avg = scientific.average_loss([losses, poes]) curve = LossCurve(loc, aref[ass.idx], poes, losses, loss_ratios[ltype], avg, None) curves.append(curve) writer.serialize(curves) fnames.append(writer._dest) return sorted(fnames)
def test_mean_based_with_partial_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=0.5) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], .25, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48983614471, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False ) wf.riskmodel = mock.MagicMock() out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( out.average_losses, [0.01987912, 0.01929152])
def export_rcurves_rlzs(ekey, dstore): assetcol = dstore['assetcol/array'].value aref = dstore['asset_refs'].value rcurves = dstore[ekey[0]] [loss_ratios] = dstore['loss_ratios'] fnames = [] writercls = (risk_writers.LossCurveGeoJSONWriter if ekey[0] == 'geojson' else risk_writers.LossCurveXMLWriter) for writer, (ltype, poe, r, ins) in _gen_writers( dstore, writercls, ekey[0]): if ltype not in loss_ratios.dtype.names: continue # ignore loss type array = rcurves[ltype][:, r, ins] curves = [] for ass, poes in zip(assetcol, array): loc = Location(ass['lon'], ass['lat']) losses = loss_ratios[ltype] * ass[ltype] avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) curve = LossCurve(loc, aref[ass['idx']], poes, losses, loss_ratios[ltype], avg, None) curves.append(curve) writer.serialize(curves) fnames.append(writer._dest) return sorted(fnames)
def export_rcurves_rlzs(ekey, dstore): assetcol = dstore['assetcol'] sitemesh = dstore['sitemesh'] rcurves = dstore[ekey[0]] cbuilders = dstore['riskmodel'].curve_builders fnames = [] writercls = (risk_writers.LossCurveGeoJSONWriter if ekey[0] == 'geojson' else risk_writers.LossCurveXMLWriter) for writer, (ltype, r, ins) in _gen_writers(dstore, writercls, ekey[0]): for cb in cbuilders: if cb.user_provided and cb.loss_type == ltype: loss_ratios = cb.ratios break else: # no break, ignore loss type continue array = rcurves[ltype][:, r, ins] curves = [] for ass, poes in zip(assetcol, array): loc = Location(sitemesh[ass['site_id']]) losses = cb.ratios * ass[cb.loss_type] avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) curve = LossCurve(loc, ass['asset_ref'], poes, losses, loss_ratios, avg, None) curves.append(curve) writer.serialize(curves) fnames.append(writer._dest) return sorted(fnames)
def test_mean_based_with_partial_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=0.5) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses, poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48983614471, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, time_span=50, tses=10000, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False ) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, {1: 15.332714802464356, 2: 16.21582466071975, 3: 15.646630129345354, 4: 15.285164778325353, 5: 15.860930792931873, })
def loss_curve(loss_type, loss_curve_id, assets, curves): """ Stores and returns a :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.LossCurveData` where the data are got by `asset_output` and the :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.LossCurve` output container is identified by `loss_curve_id`. :param int loss_curve_id: The ID of the output container. :param asset: An instance of :class:`openquake.engine.db.models.ExposureData`. :param loss_ratios: A list of loss ratios. :param poes: A list of poes associated to `loss_ratios`. :param float average_loss_ratio: The average loss ratio of the curve. """ for asset, (losses, poes) in itertools.izip(assets, curves): models.LossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve_id=loss_curve_id, asset_ref=asset.asset_ref,, poes=poes, loss_ratios=losses, asset_value=asset.value(loss_type), average_loss_ratio=scientific.average_loss(losses, poes))
def build_agg_curve(lr_list, insured_losses, ses_ratio, curve_resolution, monitor): """ Build the aggregate loss curve in parallel for each loss type and realization pair. :param lr_list: a list of triples `(l, r, data)` where `l` is a loss type string, `r` as realization index and `data` is an array of pairs `(rupture_id, loss)` where loss is an array with two values :param insured_losses: job.ini configuration parameter :param ses_ratio: a ratio obtained from ses_per_logic_tree_path :param curve_resolution: the number of discretization steps for the loss curve :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary (r, l, i) -> (losses, poes, avg) """ result = {} for l, r, data in lr_list: if len(data) == 0: # realization with no losses continue for i in range(insured_losses + 1): # insured_losses the_losses = numpy.array( [loss[i] for _rupid, loss in data], F32) losses, poes = scientific.event_based( the_losses, ses_ratio, curve_resolution) avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) result[l, r, i] = (losses, poes, avg) return result
def test_mean_based_with_partial_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = (scientific.VulnerabilityFunction('SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=0.5) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48983614471, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, { 1: 15.332714802464356, 2: 16.21582466071975, 3: 15.646630129345354, 4: 15.285164778325353, 5: 15.860930792931873, })
def build_loss_curves(self, elass, loss_type, i): """ Build loss curves per asset from a set of losses with length given by the parameter loss_curve_resolution. :param elass: a dict (loss_type, asset_id) -> (tag, loss, ins_loss) :param loss_type: the loss_type :param i: 1 for loss curves or 2 for insured losses :returns: an array of loss curves, one for each asset """ oq = self.oqparam C = oq.loss_curve_resolution lcs = [] for asset in self.assets: all_losses = [loss[i] for loss in elass[loss_type,]] if all_losses: losses, poes = scientific.event_based( all_losses, tses=oq.tses, time_span=oq.risk_investigation_time or oq.investigation_time, curve_resolution=C) avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) else: losses, poes = numpy.zeros(C), numpy.zeros(C) avg = 0 lcs.append((losses, poes, avg)) return numpy.array(lcs, self.loss_curve_dt)
def test_insured_loss_mean_based(self): vf = scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "LN") loss_ratios = scientific.vulnerability_function_applier( vf, gmf[0:2]) values = [3000, 1000] insured_limits = [1250., 40.] deductibles = [40, 13] insured_average_losses = [ scientific.average_loss(*scientific.event_based( scientific.insured_losses( loss_ratios, deductibles[i] / values[i], insured_limits[i] / values[i]), 50, 50, 20)) for i, loss_ratios in enumerate(loss_ratios)] numpy.testing.assert_allclose( [207.86489132 / 3000, 38.07815797 / 1000], insured_average_losses)
def test_bcr_classical(self): vulnerability_function_rm = (scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RM', 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) vulnerability_function_rf = (scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RF', 'PGA', [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6], [0.035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1], "LN")) asset_value = 2. retrofitting_cost = .1 interest_rate = 0.05 asset_life_expectancy = 40 hazard_imls = [ 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0 ] poes = [ 0.039861266979, 0.039861266979, 0.0397287574803, 0.0296134266256, 0.0198273287565, 0.0130622701615, 0.00865538795, 0.00589852059369, 0.00406169858951, 0.00281172717953, 0.00199511741778, 0.00135870597285, 0.000989667841574, 0.000757544444296, 0.000272824002046, 0.0, 0.0, 0. ] original_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rm, hazard_imls, poes, steps=5) retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve = scientific.classical( vulnerability_function_rf, hazard_imls, poes, steps=5) eal_original = scientific.average_loss(original_loss_ratio_curve) eal_retrofitted = scientific.average_loss(retrofitted_loss_ratio_curve) bcr = scientific.bcr(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, interest_rate, asset_life_expectancy, asset_value, retrofitting_cost) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.009379, eal_original * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.006586, eal_retrofitted * asset_value, delta=0.0009) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.483091, bcr, delta=0.009)
def build_agg_curve(lr_data, insured_losses, ses_ratio, curve_resolution, L, monitor): """ Build the aggregate loss curve in parallel for each loss type and realization pair. :param lr_data: a list of triples `(l, r, data)` where `l` is the loss type index, `r` is the realization index and `data` is an array of kind `(rupture_id, loss)` or `(rupture_id, loss, loss_ins)` :param bool insured_losses: job.ini configuration parameter :param ses_ratio: a ratio obtained from ses_per_logic_tree_path :param curve_resolution: the number of discretization steps for the loss curve :param L: the number of loss types :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary (r, l, i) -> (losses, poes, avg) """ result = {} for l, r, data in lr_data: if len(data) == 0: # realization with no losses continue if insured_losses: gloss = data['loss'][:, 0] iloss = data['loss'][:, 1] else: gloss = data['loss'] losses, poes = scientific.event_based( gloss, ses_ratio, curve_resolution) avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) result[l, r, 'losses'] = losses result[l, r, 'poes'] = poes result[l, r, 'avg'] = avg if insured_losses: losses_ins, poes_ins = scientific.event_based( iloss, ses_ratio, curve_resolution) avg_ins = scientific.average_loss((losses_ins, poes_ins)) result[l, r, 'losses_ins'] = losses_ins result[l, r, 'poes_ins'] = poes_ins result[l, r, 'avg_ins'] = avg_ins return result
def build_agg_curve(lr_data, insured_losses, ses_ratio, curve_resolution, L, monitor): """ Build the aggregate loss curve in parallel for each loss type and realization pair. :param lr_data: a list of triples `(l, r, data)` where `l` is the loss type index, `r` is the realization index and `data` is an array of kind `(rupture_id, loss)` or `(rupture_id, loss, loss_ins)` :param bool insured_losses: job.ini configuration parameter :param ses_ratio: a ratio obtained from ses_per_logic_tree_path :param curve_resolution: the number of discretization steps for the loss curve :param L: the number of loss types :param monitor: a Monitor instance :returns: a dictionary (r, l, i) -> (losses, poes, avg) """ result = {} for l, r, data in lr_data: if len(data) == 0: # realization with no losses continue if insured_losses: gloss = data['loss'][:, 0] iloss = data['loss'][:, 1] else: gloss = data['loss'] losses, poes = scientific.event_based(gloss, ses_ratio, curve_resolution) avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) result[l, r, 'losses'] = losses result[l, r, 'poes'] = poes result[l, r, 'avg'] = avg if insured_losses: losses_ins, poes_ins = scientific.event_based( iloss, ses_ratio, curve_resolution) avg_ins = scientific.average_loss((losses_ins, poes_ins)) result[l, r, 'losses_ins'] = losses_ins result[l, r, 'poes_ins'] = poes_ins result[l, r, 'avg_ins'] = avg_ins return result
def test_mean_based(self): epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons([gmf[0]], seed=1, correlation=0) vulnerability_function_rm = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RM', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) vulnerability_function_rc = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RC', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.0035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) cr = 50 # curve resolution curve_rm_1 = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rm.apply_to( [gmf[0]], epsilons)[0], 50, 50, cr) curve_rm_2 = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rm.apply_to( [gmf[1]], epsilons)[0], 50, 50, cr) curve_rc = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rc.apply_to( [gmf[2]], epsilons)[0], 50, 50, cr) for i, curve_rm in enumerate([curve_rm_1, curve_rm_2]): conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rm[0], curve_rm[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual([0.0490311, 0.0428061][i], conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( [0.070219108, 0.04549904][i], scientific.average_loss(curve_rm)) conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rc[0], curve_rc[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0152273, conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( 0.0152393, scientific.average_loss(curve_rc))
def test_mean_based(self): epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons([gmf[0]], seed=1, correlation=0) vulnerability_function_rm = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RM', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) vulnerability_function_rc = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'RC', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.0035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])) cr = 50 # curve resolution curve_rm_1 = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rm.apply_to( [gmf[0]], epsilons)[0], 1, cr) curve_rm_2 = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rm.apply_to( [gmf[1]], epsilons)[0], 1, cr) curve_rc = scientific.event_based( vulnerability_function_rc.apply_to( [gmf[2]], epsilons)[0], 1, cr) for i, curve_rm in enumerate([curve_rm_1, curve_rm_2]): conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rm[0], curve_rm[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual([0.0490311, 0.0428061][i], conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( [0.070219108, 0.04549904][i], scientific.average_loss(curve_rm)) conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rc[0], curve_rc[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0152273, conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( 0.0152393, scientific.average_loss(curve_rc))
def test_mean_curve_computation(self): loss_ratio_curve = Curve([(0, 0.3460), (0.06, 0.12), (0.12, 0.057), (0.18, 0.04), (0.24, 0.019), (0.3, 0.009), (0.45, 0)]) self.assertAlmostEqual( 0.023305, scientific.average_loss( loss_ratio_curve.abscissae, loss_ratio_curve.ordinates), 3)
def classical_bcr(self, loss_type, assets, hazard, eids=None, eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard: an hazard curve :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :param _eids: dummy parameter, unused :returns: a list of triples (eal_orig, eal_retro, bcr_result) """ if loss_type != 'structural': raise NotImplementedError('retrofitted is not defined for ' + loss_type) n = len(assets) self.assets = assets vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'vulnerability'] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] vf_retro = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'vulnerability_retrofitted'] curves_orig = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_orig[loss_type]) curves_retro = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf_retro, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_retro[loss_type]) original_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_orig(hazard)] * n) retrofitted_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_retro(hazard)] * n) eal_original = numpy.array( [scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in original_loss_curves]) eal_retrofitted = numpy.array( [scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in retrofitted_loss_curves]) bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr(eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset['value-' + loss_type], asset['retrofitted']) for i, asset in enumerate(assets) ] return list(zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results))
def do_event_based_bcr(loss_type, units, containers, params, profile): """ See `event_based_bcr` for docstring """ for unit_orig, unit_retro in utils.pairwise(units): with profile("getting hazard"): assets, (gmvs, _) = unit_orig.getter() if len(assets) == 0:"Exit from task as no asset could be processed") return _, (gmvs_retro, _) = unit_retro.getter() with profile("computing bcr"): _, original_loss_curves = unit_orig.calc(gmvs) _, retrofitted_loss_curves = unit_retro.calc(gmvs_retro) eal_original = [scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in original_loss_curves] eal_retrofitted = [scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in retrofitted_loss_curves] bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], params.interest_rate, params.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type), ) for i, asset in enumerate(assets) ] with profile("writing results"): containers.write( assets, zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results), output_type="bcr_distribution", loss_type=loss_type,, )
def classical_risk(riskinputs, riskmodel, param, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinputs: :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects :param riskmodel: a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance :param param: dictionary of extra parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) for ri in riskinputs: all_outputs = list(riskmodel.gen_outputs(ri, monitor)) for outputs in all_outputs: r = outputs.rlzi outputs.average_losses = AccumDict(accum=[]) # l -> array for l, loss_curves in enumerate(outputs): # loss_curves has shape (C, N, 2) for i, asset in enumerate(outputs.assets): aid = asset.ordinal avg = scientific.average_loss(loss_curves[:, i].T) outputs.average_losses[l].append(avg) lcurve = (loss_curves[:, i, 0], loss_curves[:, i, 1], avg) result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics R = ri.hazard_getter.num_rlzs w = param['weights'] statnames, stats = zip(*param['stats']) l_idxs = range(len(riskmodel.lti)) for assets, outs in groupby(all_outputs, lambda o: tuple(o.assets)).items(): weights = [w[out.rlzi] for out in outs] out = outs[0] for l in l_idxs: for i, asset in enumerate(assets): avgs = numpy.array([r.average_losses[l][i] for r in outs]) avg_stats = compute_stats(avgs, stats, weights) # is a pair loss_curves, insured_loss_curves # out[l][:, i, 0] are the i-th losses # out[l][:, i, 1] are the i-th poes losses = out[l][:, i, 0] poes_stats = compute_stats( numpy.array([out[l][:, i, 1] for out in outs]), stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (l, asset.ordinal, losses, poes_stats, avg_stats)) if R == 1: # the realization is the same as the mean del result['loss_curves'] return result
def test_mean_based(self): vulnerability_function_rm = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "LN")) vulnerability_function_rc = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.0035, 0.07, 0.14, 0.28, 0.56], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "LN")) curve_rm_1 = scientific.event_based( scientific.vulnerability_function_applier( vulnerability_function_rm, [gmf[0]])[0], 50, 50) curve_rm_2 = scientific.event_based( scientific.vulnerability_function_applier( vulnerability_function_rm, [gmf[1]])[0], 50, 50) curve_rc = scientific.event_based( scientific.vulnerability_function_applier( vulnerability_function_rc, [gmf[2]])[0], 50, 50) for i, curve_rm in enumerate([curve_rm_1, curve_rm_2]): conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rm[0], curve_rm[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual([0.0490311, 0.0428061][i], conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( [0.070219108, 0.04549904][i], scientific.average_loss(curve_rm[0], curve_rm[1])) conditional_loss = scientific.conditional_loss_ratio( curve_rc[0], curve_rc[1], 0.8) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0152273, conditional_loss) self.assertAlmostEqual( 0.0152393, scientific.average_loss(curve_rc[0], curve_rc[1]))
def classical_risk(riskinputs, param, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinputs: :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects :param param: dictionary of extra parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ crmodel ='crmodel') result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) weights = [w['default'] for w in param['weights']] statnames, stats = zip(*param['stats']) mon = monitor('getting hazard', measuremem=False) for ri in riskinputs: A = len(ri.asset_df) L = len(crmodel.lti) R = ri.hazard_getter.num_rlzs loss_curves = numpy.zeros((R, L, A), object) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((R, L, A)) with mon: haz = ri.hazard_getter.get_hazard() for taxo, asset_df in ri.asset_df.groupby('taxonomy'): for rlz in range(R): pcurve = haz.extract(rlz) out = crmodel.get_output(taxo, asset_df, pcurve, rlz=rlz) for li, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): # loss_curves has shape (A, C) for i, asset in enumerate(asset_df.to_records()): loss_curves[rlz, li, i] = lc = out[loss_type][i] aid = asset['ordinal'] avg = scientific.average_loss(lc) avg_losses[rlz, li, i] = avg lcurve = (lc['loss'], lc['poe'], avg) result['loss_curves'].append((li, rlz, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics for li, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): for i, asset in enumerate(ri.asset_df.to_records()): avg_stats = compute_stats( avg_losses[:, li, i], stats, weights) losses = loss_curves[0, li, i]['loss'] all_poes = numpy.array( [loss_curves[r, li, i]['poe'] for r in range(R)]) poes_stats = compute_stats(all_poes, stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (li, asset['ordinal'], losses, poes_stats, avg_stats)) if R == 1: # the realization is the same as the mean del result['loss_curves'] return result
def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard): self.assets = assets original_loss_curves = self.curves_orig[loss_type](hazard) retrofitted_loss_curves = self.curves_retro[loss_type](hazard) eal_original = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in original_loss_curves] eal_retrofitted = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in retrofitted_loss_curves] bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] return zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results)
def classical_bcr(self, loss_type, assets, hazard, eids=None, eps=None): """ :param loss_type: the loss type :param assets: a list of N assets of the same taxonomy :param hazard: an hazard curve :param _eps: dummy parameter, unused :param _eids: dummy parameter, unused :returns: a list of triples (eal_orig, eal_retro, bcr_result) """ if loss_type != 'structural': raise NotImplemented('retrofitted is not defined for ' + loss_type) n = len(assets) self.assets = assets vf = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'vulnerability'] imls = self.hazard_imtls[vf.imt] vf_retro = self.risk_functions[loss_type, 'vulnerability_retrofitted'] curves_orig = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_orig[loss_type]) curves_retro = functools.partial( scientific.classical, vf_retro, imls, loss_ratios=self.loss_ratios_retro[loss_type]) original_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_orig(hazard)] * n) retrofitted_loss_curves = numpy.array([curves_retro(hazard)] * n) eal_original = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in original_loss_curves]) eal_retrofitted = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(lc) for lc in retrofitted_loss_curves]) bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset['value-' + loss_type], asset['retrofitted']) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] return list(zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results))
def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, gmfs, epsilons, event_ids): self.assets = assets original_loss_curves = self.curves( self.vf_orig[loss_type].apply_to(gmfs, epsilons)) retrofitted_loss_curves = self.curves( self.vf_retro[loss_type].apply_to(gmfs, epsilons)) eal_original = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in original_loss_curves] eal_retrofitted = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in retrofitted_loss_curves] bcr_results = [ scientific.bcr( eal_original[i], eal_retrofitted[i], self.interest_rate, self.asset_life_expectancy, asset.value(loss_type), asset.retrofitted(loss_type)) for i, asset in enumerate(assets)] return zip(eal_original, eal_retrofitted, bcr_results)
def __call__(self, loss_type, assets, hazard_curves, _epsilons=None): """ :param str loss_type: the loss type considered :param assets: assets is an iterator over N :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.Asset` instances :param hazard_curves: curves is an iterator over hazard curves (numpy array shaped 2xR). :param _epsilons: ignored, here only for API compatibility with other calculators :returns: a :class:`openquake.risklib.workflows.Classical.Output` instance. """ curves = self.curves[loss_type](hazard_curves) average_losses = numpy.array([scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in curves]) maps = self.maps(curves) fractions = self.fractions(curves) if self.insured_losses and loss_type != 'fatalities': deductibles = [a.deductible(loss_type) for a in assets] limits = [a.insurance_limit(loss_type) for a in assets] insured_curves = utils.numpy_map( scientific.insured_loss_curve, curves, deductibles, limits) average_insured_losses = [ scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in insured_curves] else: insured_curves = None average_insured_losses = None return self.Output( assets, curves, average_losses, insured_curves, average_insured_losses, maps, fractions)
def test_mean_based_with_partial_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03], "LN")) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) loss_matrix = scientific.vulnerability_function_applier( vf, gmvs, seed=1, asset_correlation=0.5) losses, poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48983614471, first_curve_integral)
def classical_risk(riskinputs, riskmodel, param, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinputs: :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects :param riskmodel: a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance :param param: dictionary of extra parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) weights = [w['default'] for w in param['weights']] statnames, stats = zip(*param['stats']) for ri in riskinputs: A = len(ri.assets) L = len(riskmodel.lti) R = ri.hazard_getter.num_rlzs loss_curves = numpy.zeros((R, L, A), object) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((R, L, A)) for out in riskmodel.gen_outputs(ri, monitor): r = out.rlzi for l, loss_type in enumerate(riskmodel.loss_types): # loss_curves has shape (A, C) for i, asset in enumerate(ri.assets): loss_curves[out.rlzi, l, i] = lc = out[loss_type][i] aid = asset['ordinal'] avg = scientific.average_loss(lc) avg_losses[r, l, i] = avg lcurve = (lc['loss'], lc['poe'], avg) result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics for l, loss_type in enumerate(riskmodel.loss_types): for i, asset in enumerate(ri.assets): avg_stats = compute_stats(avg_losses[:, l, i], stats, weights) losses = loss_curves[0, l, i]['loss'] all_poes = numpy.array( [loss_curves[r, l, i]['poe'] for r in range(R)]) poes_stats = compute_stats(all_poes, stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (l, asset['ordinal'], losses, poes_stats, avg_stats)) if R == 1: # the realization is the same as the mean del result['loss_curves'] return result
def classical_risk(riskinputs, crmodel, param, monitor): """ Compute and return the average losses for each asset. :param riskinputs: :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskInput` objects :param crmodel: a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance :param param: dictionary of extra parameters :param monitor: :class:`openquake.baselib.performance.Monitor` instance """ result = dict(loss_curves=[], stat_curves=[]) weights = [w['default'] for w in param['weights']] statnames, stats = zip(*param['stats']) for ri in riskinputs: A = len(ri.assets) L = len(crmodel.lti) R = ri.hazard_getter.num_rlzs loss_curves = numpy.zeros((R, L, A), object) avg_losses = numpy.zeros((R, L, A)) for out in ri.gen_outputs(crmodel, monitor): r = out.rlzi for l, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): # loss_curves has shape (A, C) for i, asset in enumerate(ri.assets): loss_curves[out.rlzi, l, i] = lc = out[loss_type][i] aid = asset['ordinal'] avg = scientific.average_loss(lc) avg_losses[r, l, i] = avg lcurve = (lc['loss'], lc['poe'], avg) result['loss_curves'].append((l, r, aid, lcurve)) # compute statistics for l, loss_type in enumerate(crmodel.loss_types): for i, asset in enumerate(ri.assets): avg_stats = compute_stats(avg_losses[:, l, i], stats, weights) losses = loss_curves[0, l, i]['loss'] all_poes = numpy.array( [loss_curves[r, l, i]['poe'] for r in range(R)]) poes_stats = compute_stats(all_poes, stats, weights) result['stat_curves'].append( (l, asset['ordinal'], losses, poes_stats, avg_stats)) if R == 1: # the realization is the same as the mean del result['loss_curves'] return result
def build_agg_loss_curve_and_map(self, losses): """ Build a loss curve from a set of losses with length given by the parameter loss_curve_resolution. :param losses: a sequence of losses :returns: a quartet (losses, poes, avg, loss_map) """ oq = self.oqparam clp = oq.conditional_loss_poes losses_poes = scientific.event_based( losses, tses=oq.tses, time_span=oq.risk_investigation_time or oq.investigation_time, curve_resolution=oq.loss_curve_resolution) loss_map = scientific.loss_map_matrix( clp, [losses_poes]).reshape(len(clp)) if clp else None return (losses_poes[0], losses_poes[1], scientific.average_loss(losses_poes), loss_map)
def test_insured_loss_mean_based(self): vf = scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'VF', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmf[0:2], seed=1, correlation=0) loss_ratios = vf.apply_to(gmf[0:2], epsilons) values = [3000, 1000] insured_limits = [1250., 40.] deductibles = [40, 13] insured_average_losses = [ scientific.average_loss(scientific.event_based( scientific.insured_losses( lrs, deductibles[i] / values[i], insured_limits[i] / values[i]), 50, 50, 20)) for i, lrs in enumerate(loss_ratios)] numpy.testing.assert_allclose( [207.86489132 / 3000, 38.07815797 / 1000], insured_average_losses) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, risk_investigation_time=50, hazard_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=True ) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmf[0:2], epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, {1: 0.20314761658291458, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, })
def test_insured_loss_mean_based(self): vf = scientific.VulnerabilityFunction('VF', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmf[0:2], seed=1, correlation=0) loss_ratios = vf.apply_to(gmf[0:2], epsilons) values = [3000., 1000.] insured_limits = [1250., 40.] deductibles = [40., 13.] insured_average_losses = [ scientific.average_loss( scientific.event_based( scientific.insured_losses(lrs, deductibles[i] / values[i], insured_limits[i] / values[i]), 50, 50, 20)) for i, lrs in enumerate(loss_ratios) ] numpy.testing.assert_allclose([0.05667045, 0.02542965], insured_average_losses) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=True) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmf[0:2], epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar(out.event_loss_table, { 1: 0.20314761658291458, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, })
def test_insured_loss_mean_based(self): vf = scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'VF', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmf[0:2], seed=1, correlation=0) loss_ratios = vf.apply_to(gmf[0:2], epsilons) values = [3000., 1000.] insured_limits = [1250., 40.] deductibles = [40., 13.] insured_average_losses = [ scientific.average_loss(scientific.event_based( scientific.insured_losses( lrs, deductibles[i] / values[i], insured_limits[i] / values[i]), 1, 20)) for i, lrs in enumerate(loss_ratios)] numpy.testing.assert_allclose([0.05667045, 0.02542965], insured_average_losses) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=True ) wf.riskmodel = mock.MagicMock() out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmf[0:2], epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( out.average_losses, [0.00473820568, 0.0047437959417]) numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( out.average_insured_losses, [0, 0])
def test_mean_based_with_perfect_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = [[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]] epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=1) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.483041416, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, risk_investigation_time=50, hazard_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False ) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, {1: 15.232320555463319, 2: 16.248173683693864, 3: 15.583030510462981, 4: 15.177382760499968, 5: 15.840499250058254, })
def test_mean_based_with_no_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = ( scientific.VulnerabilityFunction( 'SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=0) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based( loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, curve_resolution=4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.500993631, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, risk_investigation_time=50, hazard_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False ) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, {1: 16.246646231503398, 2: 15.613885199116158, 3: 15.669704465134854, 4: 16.241922530992454, 5: 16.010104452203464, })
def test_mean_based_with_no_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = (scientific.VulnerabilityFunction('SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = numpy.array([[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]]) epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=0) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, curve_resolution=4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.500993631, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, { 1: 16.246646231503398, 2: 15.613885199116158, 3: 15.669704465134854, 4: 16.241922530992454, 5: 16.010104452203464, })
def test_mean_based_with_perfect_correlation(self): # This is a regression test. Data has not been checked vf = (scientific.VulnerabilityFunction('SOME-TAXONOMY', 'PGA', [0.001, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7], [0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8], [0.01, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.03])) gmvs = [[10., 20., 30., 40., 50.], [1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]] epsilons = scientific.make_epsilons(gmvs, seed=1, correlation=1) loss_matrix = vf.apply_to(gmvs, epsilons) losses_poes = scientific.event_based(loss_matrix[0], 120, 30, 4) first_curve_integral = scientific.average_loss(losses_poes) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.483041416, first_curve_integral) wf = workflows.ProbabilisticEventBased( 'PGA', 'SOME-TAXONOMY', vulnerability_functions={self.loss_type: vf}, investigation_time=50, risk_investigation_time=50, ses_per_logic_tree_path=200, number_of_logic_tree_samples=0, loss_curve_resolution=4, conditional_loss_poes=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9], insured_losses=False) out = wf(self.loss_type, assets, gmvs, epsilons, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) self.assert_similar( out.event_loss_table, { 1: 15.232320555463319, 2: 16.248173683693864, 3: 15.583030510462981, 4: 15.177382760499968, 5: 15.840499250058254, })
def export_rcurves_rlzs(ekey, dstore): assetcol = dstore['assetcol/array'].value aref = dstore['asset_refs'].value rcurves = dstore[ekey[0]] [loss_ratios] = dstore['loss_ratios'] fnames = [] writercls = (risk_writers.LossCurveGeoJSONWriter if ekey[0] == 'geojson' else risk_writers.LossCurveXMLWriter) for writer, (ltype, poe, r, ins) in _gen_writers(dstore, writercls, ekey[0]): if ltype not in loss_ratios.dtype.names: continue # ignore loss type array = rcurves[ltype][:, r, ins] curves = [] for ass, poes in zip(assetcol, array): loc = Location(ass['lon'], ass['lat']) losses = loss_ratios[ltype] * ass[ltype] avg = scientific.average_loss((losses, poes)) curve = LossCurve(loc, aref[ass['idx']], poes, losses, loss_ratios[ltype], avg, None) curves.append(curve) writer.serialize(curves) fnames.append(writer._dest) return sorted(fnames)
def post_process(self): """ Compute aggregate loss curves and event loss tables """ with EnginePerformanceMonitor('post processing', time_span, tses = self.hazard_times() for loss_type, event_loss_table in self.event_loss_tables.items(): for hazard_output in self.rc.hazard_outputs(): event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Event Loss Table. type=%s, hazard=%s" % ( loss_type,, "event_loss"), loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.EventLossData, 9999) ruptures = models.SESRupture.objects.filter( ses__ses_collection__lt_realization= hazard_output.output_container.lt_realization) for rupture in ruptures: if in event_loss_table: inserter.add( models.EventLossData(,, aggregate_loss=event_loss_table[])) inserter.flush() aggregate_losses = [ event_loss_table[] for rupture in ruptures if in event_loss_table] if aggregate_losses: aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes = ( scientific.event_based( aggregate_losses, tses=tses, time_span=time_span, curve_resolution=self.rc.loss_curve_resolution )) models.AggregateLossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve=models.LossCurve.objects.create( aggregate=True, insured=False, hazard_output=hazard_output, loss_type=loss_type, output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "aggregate loss curves. " "loss_type=%s hazard=%s" % ( loss_type, hazard_output), "agg_loss_curve")), losses=aggregate_loss_losses, poes=aggregate_loss_poes, average_loss=scientific.average_loss( aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes), stddev_loss=numpy.std(aggregate_losses))
def post_process(self): """ Compute aggregate loss curves and event loss tables """ with self.monitor('post processing'): inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.EventLossData, max_cache_size=10000) time_span, tses = self.hazard_times() for (loss_type, out_id), event_loss_table in self.acc.items(): if out_id: # values for individual realizations hazard_output = models.Output.objects.get(pk=out_id) event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.get( output__oq_job=self.job, output__output_type='event_loss', loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) if isinstance(hazard_output.output_container, models.SESCollection): ses_coll = hazard_output.output_container rupture_ids = ses_coll.get_ruptures().values_list( 'id', flat=True) else: # extract the SES collection from the Gmf rupture_ids = models.SESRupture.objects.filter( rupture__ses_collection__trt_model__lt_model= hazard_output.output_container. lt_realization.lt_model).values_list( 'id', flat=True) for rupture_id in rupture_ids: if rupture_id in event_loss_table: inserter.add( models.EventLossData(, rupture_id=rupture_id, aggregate_loss=event_loss_table[ rupture_id])) inserter.flush() aggregate_losses = [ event_loss_table[rupture_id] for rupture_id in rupture_ids if rupture_id in event_loss_table] if aggregate_losses: aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes = ( scientific.event_based( aggregate_losses, tses=tses, time_span=time_span, curve_resolution=self.rc.loss_curve_resolution )) models.AggregateLossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve=models.LossCurve.objects.create( aggregate=True, insured=False, hazard_output=hazard_output, loss_type=loss_type, output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "aggregate loss curves. " "loss_type=%s hazard=%s" % ( loss_type, hazard_output), "agg_loss_curve")), losses=aggregate_loss_losses, poes=aggregate_loss_poes, average_loss=scientific.average_loss( aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes), stddev_loss=numpy.std(aggregate_losses))
def post_process(self): """ Compute aggregate loss curves and event loss tables """ with EnginePerformanceMonitor('post processing', time_span, tses = self.hazard_times() for loss_type, event_loss_table in self.event_loss_tables.items(): for hazard_output in self.rc.hazard_outputs(): event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.create( output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "Event Loss Table. type=%s, hazard=%s" % (loss_type,, "event_loss"), loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.EventLossData, 9999) rupture_ids = models.SESRupture.objects.filter( ses__ses_collection__lt_realization=hazard_output. output_container.lt_realization).values_list('id', flat=True) for rupture_id in rupture_ids: if rupture_id in event_loss_table: inserter.add( models.EventLossData(, rupture_id=rupture_id, aggregate_loss=event_loss_table[rupture_id] )) inserter.flush() aggregate_losses = [ event_loss_table[rupture_id] for rupture_id in rupture_ids if rupture_id in event_loss_table ] if aggregate_losses: aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes = ( scientific.event_based( aggregate_losses, tses=tses, time_span=time_span, curve_resolution=self.rc.loss_curve_resolution) ) models.AggregateLossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve=models.LossCurve.objects.create( aggregate=True, insured=False, hazard_output=hazard_output, loss_type=loss_type, output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "aggregate loss curves. " "loss_type=%s hazard=%s" % (loss_type, hazard_output), "agg_loss_curve")), losses=aggregate_loss_losses, poes=aggregate_loss_poes, average_loss=scientific.average_loss( aggregate_loss_losses, aggregate_loss_poes), stddev_loss=numpy.std(aggregate_losses))
def exposure_statistics( loss_curves, map_poes, weights, quantiles, post_processing): """ Compute exposure statistics for N assets and R realizations. :param loss_curves: a list with N loss curves data. Each item holds a 2-tuple with 1) the loss ratios on which the curves have been defined on 2) the poes of the R curves :param map_poes: a numpy array with P poes used to compute loss maps :param weights: a list of N weights used to compute mean/quantile weighted statistics :param quantiles: the quantile levels used to compute quantile results :param post_processing: a module providing #weighted_quantile_curve, #quantile_curve, #mean_curve :returns: a tuple with six elements: *) a numpy array with N mean loss curves *) a numpy array with N mean average losses *) a numpy array with P x N mean map values *) a numpy array with Q x N quantile loss curves *) a numpy array with Q x N quantile average loss values *) a numpy array with Q x P quantile map values """ curve_resolution = len(loss_curves[0][0]) map_nr = len(map_poes) # Collect per-asset statistic along the last dimension of the # following arrays mean_curves = numpy.zeros((0, 2, curve_resolution)) mean_average_losses = numpy.array([]) mean_maps = numpy.zeros((map_nr, 0)) quantile_curves = numpy.zeros((len(quantiles), 0, 2, curve_resolution)) quantile_average_losses = numpy.zeros((len(quantiles), 0,)) quantile_maps = numpy.zeros((len(quantiles), map_nr, 0)) for loss_ratios, curves_poes in loss_curves: _mean_curve, _mean_maps, _quantile_curves, _quantile_maps = ( asset_statistics( loss_ratios, curves_poes, quantiles, weights, map_poes, post_processing)) mean_curves = numpy.vstack( (mean_curves, _mean_curve[numpy.newaxis, :])) mean_average_losses = numpy.append( mean_average_losses, scientific.average_loss(*_mean_curve)) mean_maps = numpy.hstack((mean_maps, _mean_maps[:, numpy.newaxis])) quantile_curves = numpy.hstack( (quantile_curves, _quantile_curves[:, numpy.newaxis])) _quantile_average_losses = numpy.array( [scientific.average_loss(losses, poes) for losses, poes in _quantile_curves]) quantile_average_losses = numpy.hstack( (quantile_average_losses, _quantile_average_losses[:, numpy.newaxis])) quantile_maps = numpy.dstack( (quantile_maps, _quantile_maps[:, :, numpy.newaxis])) return (mean_curves, mean_average_losses, mean_maps, quantile_curves, quantile_average_losses, quantile_maps)
def post_process(self): """ Compute aggregate loss curves and event loss tables """ oq = self.oqparam tses = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path with self.monitor('post processing', autoflush=True): inserter = writer.CacheInserter(models.EventLossData, max_cache_size=10000) for (loss_type, out_id), event_loss_table in self.acc.items(): if out_id: # values for individual realizations hazard_output = models.Output.objects.get(pk=out_id) event_loss = models.EventLoss.objects.get( output__oq_job=self.job, output__output_type='event_loss', loss_type=loss_type, hazard_output=hazard_output) if isinstance(hazard_output.output_container, models.SESCollection): ses_coll = hazard_output.output_container rupture_ids = ses_coll.get_ruptures().values_list( 'id', flat=True) else: # extract the SES collection from the Gmf rupture_ids = models.SESRupture.objects.filter( rupture__ses_collection__trt_model__lt_model= hazard_output.output_container. lt_realization.lt_model).values_list( 'id', flat=True) for rupture_id in rupture_ids: if rupture_id in event_loss_table: inserter.add( models.EventLossData(, rupture_id=rupture_id, aggregate_loss=event_loss_table[ rupture_id])) inserter.flush() aggregate_losses = [ event_loss_table[rupture_id] for rupture_id in rupture_ids if rupture_id in event_loss_table] if aggregate_losses: aggregate_loss = scientific.event_based( aggregate_losses, tses=tses, time_span=oq.investigation_time, curve_resolution=oq.loss_curve_resolution) models.AggregateLossCurveData.objects.create( loss_curve=models.LossCurve.objects.create( aggregate=True, insured=False, hazard_output=hazard_output, loss_type=loss_type, output=models.Output.objects.create_output( self.job, "aggregate loss curves. " "loss_type=%s hazard=%s" % ( loss_type, hazard_output), "agg_loss_curve")), losses=aggregate_loss[0], poes=aggregate_loss[1], average_loss=scientific.average_loss( aggregate_loss), stddev_loss=numpy.std(aggregate_losses))