def view_delta_loss(token, dstore): """ Estimate the stocastic error on the loss curve by splitting the events in odd and even. Example: $ oq show delta_loss # consider the first loss type """ if ':' in token: _, li = token.split(':') li = int(li) else: li = 0 oq = dstore['oqparam'] efftime = oq.investigation_time * oq.ses_per_logic_tree_path * len( dstore['weights']) num_events = len(dstore['events']) num_events0 = num_events // 2 + (num_events % 2) num_events1 = num_events // 2 periods = return_periods(efftime, num_events)[1:-1] K = dstore['risk_by_event'].attrs.get('K', 0) df = dstore.read_df('risk_by_event', 'event_id', dict(agg_id=K, loss_id=li)) if len(df) == 0: # for instance no fatalities return {'delta': numpy.zeros(1)} mod2 = df.index % 2 losses0 = df['loss'][mod2 == 0] losses1 = df['loss'][mod2 == 1] c0 = losses_by_period(losses0, periods, num_events0, efftime / 2) c1 = losses_by_period(losses1, periods, num_events1, efftime / 2) dic = dict(loss=losses_by_period(df['loss'], periods, num_events, efftime), even=c0, odd=c1, delta=numpy.abs(c0 - c1) / (c0 + c1)) return pandas.DataFrame(dic, periods)
def post_execute(self, dummy): """ Compute and store average losses from the losses_by_event dataset, and then loss curves and maps. """ oq = self.oqparam if oq.avg_losses: self.datastore['avg_losses-stats'].attrs['stats'] = [b'mean']'Building loss tables') build_loss_tables(self.datastore) self.datastore.flush() # just to be sure shp = self.get_shape(self.L) # (L, T...) text = ' x '.join('%d(%s)' % (n, t) for t, n in zip(oq.aggregate_by, shp[1:]))'Producing %d(loss_types) x %s loss curves', self.L, text) builder = get_loss_builder(self.datastore) self.build_datasets(builder) self.datastore.swmr_on() args = [(self.datastore.filename, builder, oq.ses_ratio, rlzi) for rlzi in range(self.R)] acc = list(parallel.Starmap(postprocess, args, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)) for r, (curves, maps), agg_losses in acc: if len(curves): # some realization can give zero contribution self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][:, r] = curves if len(maps): # conditional_loss_poes can be empty self.datastore['agg_maps-rlzs'][:, r] = maps self.datastore['agg_losses-rlzs'][:, r] = agg_losses if self.R > 1:'Computing aggregate statistics') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_curves') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_losses') if oq.conditional_loss_poes: set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_maps') # sanity check with the asset_loss_table if oq.asset_loss_table and len(oq.aggregate_by) == 1: alt = self.datastore['asset_loss_table'][()] if alt.sum() == 0: # nothing was saved return'Checking the loss curves') tags = getattr(self.assetcol.tagcol, oq.aggregate_by[0])[1:] T = len(tags) P = len(builder.return_periods) # sanity check on the loss curves for simple tag aggregation arr = self.assetcol.aggregate_by(oq.aggregate_by, alt) # shape (T, E, L) rlzs = self.datastore['events']['rlz_id'] curves = numpy.zeros((P, self.R, self.L, T)) for t in range(T): for r in range(self.R): for l in range(self.L): curves[:, r, l, t] = losses_by_period(arr[t, rlzs == r, l], builder.return_periods, builder.num_events[r], builder.eff_time) numpy.testing.assert_allclose( curves, self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][()])
def test(self): # testing convergency of the mean curve periods = [10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250] eff_time = 500 losses = 10**numpy.random.default_rng(42).random(2000) losses0 = losses[:1000] losses1 = losses[1000:] curve0 = scientific.losses_by_period(losses0, periods, eff_time=eff_time) curve1 = scientific.losses_by_period(losses1, periods, eff_time=eff_time) mean = (curve0 + curve1) / 2 full = scientific.losses_by_period(losses, periods, eff_time=2 * eff_time) aae(mean, full, rtol=1E-2) # converges only at 1%
def post_execute(self, times): """ Compute and store average losses from the losses_by_event dataset, and then loss curves and maps. """ if len(times): self.datastore.set_attrs( 'task_info/start_ebrisk', times=times, events_per_sid=numpy.mean(self.events_per_sid)) oq = self.oqparam shp = self.get_shape(self.L) # (L, T...) text = ' x '.join( '%d(%s)' % (n, t) for t, n in zip(oq.aggregate_by, shp[1:]))'Producing %d(loss_types) x %s loss curves', self.L, text) builder = get_loss_builder(self.datastore) self.build_datasets(builder) self.datastore.close() if 'losses_by_event' in self.datastore.parent: dstore = self.datastore.parent else: dstore = self.datastore allargs = [(dstore.filename, builder, rlzi) for rlzi in range(self.R)] mon = performance.Monitor(hdf5=hdf5.File(self.datastore.hdf5cache())) acc = list(parallel.Starmap(compute_loss_curves_maps, allargs, mon)) # copy performance information from the cache to the datastore pd = mon.hdf5['performance_data'][()] hdf5.extend3(self.datastore.filename, 'performance_data', pd)'r+') # reopen self.datastore['task_info/compute_loss_curves_and_maps'] = ( mon.hdf5['task_info/compute_loss_curves_maps'][()])'r+') with self.monitor('saving loss_curves and maps', autoflush=True): for r, (curves, maps) in acc: if len(curves): # some realization can give zero contribution self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][:, r] = curves if len(maps): # conditional_loss_poes can be empty self.datastore['agg_maps-rlzs'][:, r] = maps if self.R > 1:'Computing aggregate loss curves statistics') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_curves') self.datastore.set_attrs( 'agg_curves-stats', return_periods=builder.return_periods, loss_types=' '.join(self.riskmodel.loss_types)) if oq.conditional_loss_poes:'Computing aggregate loss maps statistics') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_maps') # sanity check with the asset_loss_table if oq.asset_loss_table and len(oq.aggregate_by) == 1: alt = self.datastore['asset_loss_table'][()] if alt.sum() == 0: # nothing was saved return'Checking the loss curves') tags = getattr(self.assetcol.tagcol, oq.aggregate_by[0])[1:] T = len(tags) P = len(builder.return_periods) # sanity check on the loss curves for simple tag aggregation arr = self.assetcol.aggregate_by(oq.aggregate_by, alt) # shape (T, E, L) rlzs = self.datastore['events']['rlz'] curves = numpy.zeros((P, self.R, self.L, T)) for t in range(T): for r in range(self.R): for l in range(self.L): curves[:, r, l, t] = losses_by_period( arr[t, rlzs == r, l], builder.return_periods, builder.num_events[r], builder.eff_time) numpy.testing.assert_allclose( curves, self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][()])
def post_execute(self, times): """ Compute and store average losses from the losses_by_event dataset, and then loss curves and maps. """ if len(times): self.datastore.set_attrs('task_info/start_ebrisk', times=times, events_per_sid=numpy.mean( self.events_per_sid)) oq = self.oqparam shp = self.get_shape(self.L) # (L, T...) text = ' x '.join('%d(%s)' % (n, t) for t, n in zip(oq.aggregate_by, shp[1:]))'Producing %d(loss_types) x %s loss curves', self.L, text) builder = get_loss_builder(self.datastore) self.build_datasets(builder) self.datastore.close() if 'losses_by_event' in self.datastore.parent: dstore = self.datastore.parent else: dstore = self.datastore allargs = [(dstore.filename, builder, rlzi) for rlzi in range(self.R)] mon = performance.Monitor(hdf5=hdf5.File(self.datastore.hdf5cache())) acc = list(parallel.Starmap(compute_loss_curves_maps, allargs, mon)) # copy performance information from the cache to the datastore pd = mon.hdf5['performance_data'][()] hdf5.extend3(self.datastore.filename, 'performance_data', pd)'r+') # reopen self.datastore['task_info/compute_loss_curves_and_maps'] = ( mon.hdf5['task_info/compute_loss_curves_maps'][()])'r+') with self.monitor('saving loss_curves and maps', autoflush=True): for r, (curves, maps) in acc: if len(curves): # some realization can give zero contribution self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][:, r] = curves if len(maps): # conditional_loss_poes can be empty self.datastore['agg_maps-rlzs'][:, r] = maps if self.R > 1:'Computing aggregate loss curves statistics') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_curves') self.datastore.set_attrs('agg_curves-stats', return_periods=builder.return_periods, loss_types=' '.join( self.riskmodel.loss_types)) if oq.conditional_loss_poes:'Computing aggregate loss maps statistics') set_rlzs_stats(self.datastore, 'agg_maps') # sanity check with the asset_loss_table if oq.asset_loss_table and len(oq.aggregate_by) == 1: alt = self.datastore['asset_loss_table'][()] if alt.sum() == 0: # nothing was saved return'Checking the loss curves') tags = getattr(self.assetcol.tagcol, oq.aggregate_by[0])[1:] T = len(tags) P = len(builder.return_periods) # sanity check on the loss curves for simple tag aggregation arr = self.assetcol.aggregate_by(oq.aggregate_by, alt) # shape (T, E, L) rlzs = self.datastore['events']['rlz'] curves = numpy.zeros((P, self.R, self.L, T)) for t in range(T): for r in range(self.R): for l in range(self.L): curves[:, r, l, t] = losses_by_period(arr[t, rlzs == r, l], builder.return_periods, builder.num_events[r], builder.eff_time) numpy.testing.assert_allclose( curves, self.datastore['agg_curves-rlzs'][()])