def deserialize(self, turbine, directory): """ Method deserializes data in OpenRave format. Args: turbine: (@ref Turbine) is the turbine object. directory: (str) is the relative path to the folder where to load. Examples: >>> path.deserialize(turbine,'my_folder') """ ind = str() for i in range(turbine.robot.GetDOF()): ind += str(i) + ' ' cs = ConfigurationSpecification() _ = cs.AddGroup('joint_values ' + turbine.robot.GetName() + ' ' + ind, len(turbine.robot.GetActiveDOFIndices()), 'cubic') cs.AddDerivativeGroups(1, False) cs.AddDerivativeGroups(2, False) _ = cs.AddDeltaTimeGroup() directory = realpath(directory) TRAJ = [] onlyfiles = [ f for f in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory, f)) ] onlyfiles.sort(key=int) for afile in onlyfiles: traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(turbine.env, '') traj.Init(cs) xml = ET.parse(open(join(directory, afile))) traj.deserialize(ET.tostring(xml.getroot())) TRAJ.append(traj) = TRAJ return
def _deserialize_internal(env, data, data_type): from numpy import array, ndarray from openravepy import (Environment, KinBody, Robot, Trajectory, RaveCreateTrajectory) from prpy.tsr import TSR, TSRChain from .exceptions import UnsupportedTypeDeserializationException if data_type == dict.__name__: return { deserialize(env, k): deserialize(env, v) for k, v in data.iteritems() if k != TYPE_KEY } elif data_type == ndarray.__name__: return array(data['data']) elif data_type in [ KinBody.__name__, Robot.__name__ ]: body = env.GetKinBody(data['name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['name'])) return body elif data_type == KinBody.Link.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) link = body.GetLink(data['name']) if link is None: raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" has no link named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return link elif data_type == KinBody.Joint.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no body with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) joint = body.GetJoint(data['name']) if joint is None: raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" has no joint named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return joint elif data_type == Robot.Manipulator.__name__: body = env.GetKinBody(data['parent_name']) if body is None: raise ValueError('There is no robot with name "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'])) elif not body.IsRobot(): raise ValueError('Body "{:s}" is not a robot.'.format( data['parent_name'])) manip = body.GetJoint(data['name']) if manip is None: raise ValueError('Robot "{:s}" has no manipulator named "{:s}".'.format( data['parent_name'], data['name'])) return manip elif data_type == Trajectory.__name__: traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(env, '') traj.deserialize(data['data']) return traj elif data_type == TSR.__name__: return TSR.from_dict(data['data']) elif data_type == TSRChain.__name__: return TSRChain.from_dict(data['data']) else: raise UnsupportedTypeDeserializationException(data_type)