class ChatMessageSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for chat.models.ChatMessage objects. """ chatgroup = IdPrimaryKeyRelatedField(required=False, queryset=ChatGroup.objects.all()) read_groups_id = SerializerMethodField() write_groups_id = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = ChatMessage fields = ( "id", "text", "chatgroup", "timestamp", "username", "user_id", "read_groups_id", "write_groups_id", ) read_only_fields = ( "username", "user_id", ) def validate(self, data): if "text" in data: data["text"] = validate_html_strict(data["text"]) return data def get_read_groups_id(self, chatmessage): return [ for group in chatmessage.chatgroup.read_groups.all()] def get_write_groups_id(self, chatmessage): return [ for group in chatmessage.chatgroup.write_groups.all()]
class MotionLogSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionLog objects. """ message = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = MotionLog fields = ('message_list', 'person', 'time', 'message',) def get_message(self, obj): """ Concats the message parts to one string. Useful for smart template code. """ return str(obj)
class AssignmentOptionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentOption objects. """ votes = AssignmentVoteSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) is_elected = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = AssignmentOption fields = ('id', 'candidate', 'is_elected', 'votes', 'poll', 'weight') def get_is_elected(self, obj): """ Returns the election status of the candidate of this option. """ return obj.poll.assignment.is_elected(obj.candidate)
class AssignmentOptionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentOption objects. """ votes = AssignmentVoteSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) is_elected = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = AssignmentOption fields = ("id", "candidate", "is_elected", "votes", "poll", "weight") def get_is_elected(self, obj): """ Returns the election status of the candidate of this option. If the candidate is None (e.g. deleted) the result is False. """ if not obj.candidate: return False return obj.poll.assignment.is_elected(obj.candidate)
class SeatSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for openslides_votecollector.model.Seat object. """ keypad_id = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = Seat fields = ( 'id', 'number', 'seating_plan_x_axis', 'seating_plan_y_axis', 'keypad_id', ) # Returns the database id of corresponding keypad as read only field def get_keypad_id(self, obj): try: id = except Keypad.DoesNotExist: pass else: return id
class AssignmentAllPollSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for assignment.models.AssignmentPoll objects. Serializes all polls. """ options = AssignmentOptionSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) votes = ListField(child=DictField( child=DecimalField(max_digits=15, decimal_places=6, min_value=-2)), write_only=True, required=False) has_votes = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = AssignmentPoll fields = ( 'id', 'pollmethod', 'description', 'published', 'options', 'votesabstain', 'votesno', 'votesvalid', 'votesinvalid', 'votescast', 'votes', 'has_votes', 'assignment' ) # js-data needs the assignment-id in the nested object to define relations. read_only_fields = ('pollmethod', ) validators = (default_votes_validator, ) def get_has_votes(self, obj): """ Returns True if this poll has some votes. """ return obj.has_votes() @transaction.atomic def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Customized update method for polls. To update votes use the write only field 'votes'. Example data for a 'pollmethod'='yna' poll with two candidates: "votes": [{"Yes": 10, "No": 4, "Abstain": -2}, {"Yes": -1, "No": 0, "Abstain": -2}] Example data for a 'pollmethod' ='yn' poll with two candidates: "votes": [{"Votes": 10}, {"Votes": 0}] """ # Update votes. votes = validated_data.get('votes') if votes: options = list(instance.get_options()) if len(votes) != len(options): raise ValidationError({ 'detail': _('You have to submit data for %d candidates.') % len(options) }) for index, option in enumerate(options): if len(votes[index]) != len(instance.get_vote_values()): raise ValidationError({ 'detail': _('You have to submit data for %d vote values.') % len(instance.get_vote_values()) }) for vote_value, vote_weight in votes[index].items(): if vote_value not in instance.get_vote_values(): raise ValidationError({ 'detail': _('Vote value %s is invalid.') % vote_value }) instance.set_vote_objects_with_values(option, votes[index], skip_autoupdate=True) # Update remaining writeable fields. instance.description = validated_data.get('description', instance.description) instance.published = validated_data.get('published', instance.published) instance.votesabstain = validated_data.get('votesabstain', instance.votesabstain) instance.votesno = validated_data.get('votesno', instance.votesno) instance.votesvalid = validated_data.get('votesvalid', instance.votesvalid) instance.votesinvalid = validated_data.get('votesinvalid', instance.votesinvalid) instance.votescast = validated_data.get('votescast', instance.votescast) return instance
class MotionPollSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.MotionPoll objects. """ yes = SerializerMethodField() no = SerializerMethodField() abstain = SerializerMethodField() votes = DictField(child=IntegerField(min_value=-2, allow_null=True), write_only=True) has_votes = SerializerMethodField() class Meta: model = MotionPoll fields = ('id', 'motion', 'yes', 'no', 'abstain', 'votesvalid', 'votesinvalid', 'votescast', 'votes', 'has_votes') validators = (default_votes_validator, ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The following dictionary is just a cache for several votes. self._votes_dicts = {} return super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_yes(self, obj): try: result = self.get_votes_dict(obj)['Yes'] except KeyError: result = None return result def get_no(self, obj): try: result = self.get_votes_dict(obj)['No'] except KeyError: result = None return result def get_abstain(self, obj): try: result = self.get_votes_dict(obj)['Abstain'] except KeyError: result = None return result def get_votes_dict(self, obj): try: votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[] except KeyError: votes_dict = self._votes_dicts[] = {} for vote in obj.get_votes(): votes_dict[vote.value] = vote.weight return votes_dict def get_has_votes(self, obj): """ Returns True if this poll has some votes. """ return obj.has_votes() @transaction.atomic def update(self, instance, validated_data): """ Customized update method for polls. To update votes use the write only field 'votes'. Example data: "votes": {"Yes": 10, "No": 4, "Abstain": -2} """ # Update votes. votes = validated_data.get('votes') if votes: if len(votes) != len(instance.get_vote_values()): raise ValidationError({ 'detail': _('You have to submit data for %d vote values.') % len(instance.get_vote_values()) }) for vote_value, vote_weight in votes.items(): if vote_value not in instance.get_vote_values(): raise ValidationError({ 'detail': _('Vote value %s is invalid.') % vote_value }) instance.set_vote_objects_with_values(instance.get_options().get(), votes) # Update remaining writeable fields. instance.votesvalid = validated_data.get('votesvalid', instance.votesvalid) instance.votesinvalid = validated_data.get('votesinvalid', instance.votesinvalid) instance.votescast = validated_data.get('votescast', instance.votescast) return instance
class MotionSerializer(ModelSerializer): """ Serializer for motion.models.Motion objects. """ active_version = PrimaryKeyRelatedField(read_only=True) comments = MotionCommentsJSONSerializerField(required=False) log_messages = MotionLogSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) polls = MotionPollSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) reason = CharField(allow_blank=True, required=False, write_only=True) state_required_permission_to_see = SerializerMethodField() text = CharField(write_only=True) title = CharField(max_length=255, write_only=True) versions = MotionVersionSerializer(many=True, read_only=True) workflow_id = IntegerField(min_value=1, required=False, validators=[validate_workflow_field], write_only=True) class Meta: model = Motion fields = ( 'id', 'identifier', 'title', 'text', 'reason', 'versions', 'active_version', 'parent', 'category', 'motion_block', 'origin', 'submitters', 'supporters', 'comments', 'state', 'state_required_permission_to_see', 'workflow_id', 'recommendation', 'tags', 'attachments', 'polls', 'agenda_item_id', 'log_messages', ) read_only_fields = ( 'state', 'recommendation', ) # Some other fields are also read_only. See definitions above. def validate(self, data): if 'text' in data: data['text'] = validate_html(data['text']) if 'reason' in data: data['reason'] = validate_html(data['reason']) validated_comments = [] for comment in data.get('comments', []): validated_comments.append(validate_html(comment)) data['comments'] = validated_comments return data @transaction.atomic def create(self, validated_data): """ Customized method to create a new motion from some data. """ motion = Motion() motion.title = validated_data['title'] motion.text = validated_data['text'] motion.reason = validated_data.get('reason', '') motion.identifier = validated_data.get('identifier') motion.category = validated_data.get('category') motion.motion_block = validated_data.get('motion_block') motion.origin = validated_data.get('origin', '') motion.comments = validated_data.get('comments') motion.parent = validated_data.get('parent') motion.reset_state(validated_data.get('workflow_id')) if validated_data.get('submitters'): motion.submitters.add(*validated_data['submitters']) elif validated_data['request_user'].is_authenticated(): motion.submitters.add(validated_data['request_user']) motion.supporters.add(*validated_data.get('supporters', [])) motion.attachments.add(*validated_data.get('attachments', [])) motion.tags.add(*validated_data.get('tags', [])) return motion @transaction.atomic def update(self, motion, validated_data): """ Customized method to update a motion. """ # Identifier, category, motion_block, origin and comments. for key in ('identifier', 'category', 'motion_block', 'origin', 'comments'): if key in validated_data.keys(): setattr(motion, key, validated_data[key]) # Workflow. workflow_id = validated_data.get('workflow_id') if workflow_id is not None and workflow_id != motion.workflow: motion.reset_state(workflow_id) # Decide if a new version is saved to the database. if (motion.state.versioning and not validated_data.get('disable_versioning', False)): # TODO version = motion.get_new_version() else: version = motion.get_last_version() # Title, text, reason. for key in ('title', 'text', 'reason'): if key in validated_data.keys(): setattr(version, key, validated_data[key]) # Submitters, supporters, attachments and tags for key in ('submitters', 'supporters', 'attachments', 'tags'): if key in validated_data.keys(): attr = getattr(motion, key) attr.clear() attr.add(*validated_data[key]) return motion def get_state_required_permission_to_see(self, motion): """ Returns the permission (as string) that is required for non managers that are not submitters to see this motion in this state. Hint: Most states have and empty string here so this restriction is disabled. """ return motion.state.required_permission_to_see