file_content = app.Domain().main( args.keywords, args.confidence,, args.period, args.method, args.dns, args.doppelganger_only, ) end_time_squatting = round(time.time() - start_time_squatting, 2) if (args.phishing != ""): start_time_phishing = time.time() file_phishing = phishing.Phishing().main(args.keywords) end_time_phishing = round(time.time() - start_time_phishing, 2) # Print summary output for domain squatting print("\n") print("+---------- Summary Squatting ----------+") output.SaveFile().main(args.output, args.type, file_content) print("[*] Domains flagged:", len(file_content)) print("[*] Running time: %s seconds" % end_time_squatting) print("") # Print summary output for domain squatting - if argument is set if (args.phishing != ""): print("+---------- Summary Phishing ----------+") output.SaveFile().main(args.phishing, "txt", file_phishing) print("[*] Sites flagged:", len(file_phishing))
) list_aux.append(domain) elif malicious < 0: print( Style.BRIGHT + Fore.YELLOW + "[*] VT is throttling the response:", domain + Style.RESET_ALL, ) list_aux.append(domain) file_content = list_aux print("[*] Total found:", len(file_content)) # Check for phishing if (args.phishing != ""): file_phishing = phishing.Phishing().main(args.keywords, args.httpproxy, args.httpsproxy, args.verifyssl) output.SaveFile().main(args.phishing, "txt", file_phishing) # Check if domain has webserver port opened if (args.portcheck): list_aux = [] print("\n+---------- Domains with open webserver ports ----------+") time.sleep(1) for domain in file_content: ports = port_check.PortCheck().main(domain) if ports: list_aux.append(domain) print(